MY real-world event, a wedding!

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011 4:54 PM


No, not mine - ain't no one that damn crazy, cept maybe Yuriko...
My Ex is gettin her happy day.
Well, in about five or so minutes it will be.

My ex is in the process of marrying her imported canadian fiance - and in order to obtain both a speedy wedding (in part to appease the INS, who are dicks) and discourage guests and their pesky cameras, since both of em are almost as camera shy as I am, they ran off to Vegas, of course.

I chided him for some FAIL here, in that he's supposed to knock up the bride BEFORE heading off to Vegas, to which he began sneering at my ridiculous hillbilly ideas, till I reminded him that HER family is from Kentucky(1), which shut him up quick, and then offered to loan a shotgun for the proceedings, but they declined.
Pfft, she'll prolly wear shoes down the aisle too - no respect for tradition, I tellya..

She did get a pimped-out dress, in fact she made it herself, every piece, and of course he rented a tux, but it's a nice one, looks damn sharp, as I got to see him try it on when we picked it up.

And yeah, though it strikes some folk as odd, I'm quite, quite happy for em - I wasn't capable of making her happy, meeting her needs, and he is, plus he's a kinder, more emotionally capable person than I am and a damn good influence on her, which I was not - we're still the best of friends, and that's a better relationship than we ever had when we were together, and he's a pretty good guy, someone I'd like even if he had no affiliation with her, so it's all good.

In lieu of photos of their camera-shy selves, we offer this all too appropriate picture instead.

Oh, and speakin OF that... despite said shyness, and since I had to work, couldn't be bothered to put up with the damn TSA fondling me, and thus could not make it, in a minor misuse of resources I had some contacts out there wire the chapel in question for sound and video, complete with live feed to my filedump server, which is chained to my PC - prolly qualifies as voyeurism but I wanna see their happy moment, well, that and in the extremely unlikely case of him balking at the altar, making sure he doesn't get out of there so easily.
(Cause evil-overlord ex's are FUN, really!)

So heres to the happy couple, peace, prosperity, and happy honeymoon, yadda yadda.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011 5:38 PM


Ha. You would not believe the WTF boggle I had when I clicked and saw your avatar. XD I was expecting Happy or someone.

Oh sure, even the mad sparky types have their moments of well-wishing. Just be sure to have a laser guided security ferret in their bedroom when they get back.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011 6:09 PM


Aw hell, they're onto me - they spotted the camera, and made faces at me, laughing.
Dear oh dear me, she looks radiant - that dress so works for her, awesome, I simply MUST have a vanity shot, gettin decent pictures of her is sooo not easy, plus she actually *gasp* smiled, an event which must be documented!, lol.

Uh oh, letting HER play with fire ?
(mutual candle lighting thing)
That might not end well...

Considerable fumbling and giggling going on here, as they both look a little lost and confused, but that's par for the course, innit ?

Hee, asking them to think about how they met, first time they held hands, yadda ?
More like the first time she rezzed his ass after he got smacked down in Dynamis!
(They're both FFXI fanatics)

And the rings, which they managed to not drop this time, fumbling and having to switch cause they took each others aside...

D'awww, they're so sweet, I think I need an airsick bag..

Wow, musta been payin by the minute there, twelve minutes from the very short aisle walk to out the door of what looked to me like a large walk-in closet, not that THEY noticed, being all agog with her happy moment and whatnot.

I suppose imma have to learn to remember his last name now, since it's also hers, but I give even odds on that one.

And of course, GUESS who hasta be at the airport at friggin midnight thursday/friday to collect em, and OF COURSE she forgot to give me the flight information.. *eyeroll*.

I guess imma have to bake em a cake, oh, and get a present - no toaster though, they already got one which'll do everything but tuck you in, her and her gadgets, I swear... OH! I know!, works both ways too, since he DOES cook pastry.
They are sooo getting a Rolling Pin, tee hee hee.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011 8:08 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

That's nice news Frem. Ins't Yuriko a lil' young for you? I guess it isn't my business anyways, ... but still ...
I hope they are having fun. Have you seen that movie the Proposal with Sandra Bullock? In it she has to marry someone or else she gets deported. Its really predictable and all, but fun if you like those kinds of movies. I know that your friend and her new husband aren't like that movie, just the Canada thing made me think of it. I wish them lots of happiness, you're a good friend and I think they appreciate you.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Tuesday, July 12, 2011 11:39 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Aw hell, they're onto me - they spotted the camera, and made faces at me, laughing.
Dear oh dear me, she looks radiant - that dress so works for her, awesome, I simply MUST have a vanity shot, gettin decent pictures of her is sooo not easy, plus she actually *gasp* smiled, an event which must be documented!, lol.

Uh oh, letting HER play with fire ?
(mutual candle lighting thing)
That might not end well...

Considerable fumbling and giggling going on here, as they both look a little lost and confused, but that's par for the course, innit ?

Hee, asking them to think about how they met, first time they held hands, yadda ?
More like the first time she rezzed his ass after he got smacked down in Dynamis!
(They're both FFXI fanatics)

And the rings, which they managed to not drop this time, fumbling and having to switch cause they took each others aside...

D'awww, they're so sweet, I think I need an airsick bag..

Wow, musta been payin by the minute there, twelve minutes from the very short aisle walk to out the door of what looked to me like a large walk-in closet, not that THEY noticed, being all agog with her happy moment and whatnot.

I suppose imma have to learn to remember his last name now, since it's also hers, but I give even odds on that one.

And of course, GUESS who hasta be at the airport at friggin midnight thursday/friday to collect em, and OF COURSE she forgot to give me the flight information.. *eyeroll*.

I guess imma have to bake em a cake, oh, and get a present - no toaster though, they already got one which'll do everything but tuck you in, her and her gadgets, I swear... OH! I know!, works both ways too, since he DOES cook pastry.
They are sooo getting a Rolling Pin, tee hee hee.


I do not serve the Blind God.

WALK AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER FREM...and go and enjoy yourselves.

Have a toast from me downunder.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011 1:01 AM


I had the same reaction, Byte.

This was the last avatar I expected to see. Actually, My first guess was going to be Kaneman. After that, I was at a loss. I pondered a couple of outliers possibly from the big apple planning a gay marriage.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011 1:15 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Sounds like a good time was had by all. Congrats to the newlyweds, and props to you for dealing with it so well.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011 3:58 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

You dodged a bullet. Congrats.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011 4:52 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
I had the same reaction, Byte.

This was the last avatar I expected to see. Actually, My first guess was going to be Kaneman. After that, I was at a loss. I pondered a couple of outliers possibly from the big apple planning a gay marriage.

Ooh, kaneman could get married in his girl's jail cell, the magistrate would be right there. She could wear a black midriff-baring dress that shows off the tattoos, he could be in a jumpsuit. They could put up crepe paper decorations, and instead of a ring, he'd have the keys to her handcuffs. The guards could provide the shotguns, and a couple of beers for the reception refreshments. Then, a mosh-pit-slash-riot set to hard rock.

Guyyyys, we have to make this happen. Let's help kaneman. It's a jail cell wedding. Never in my life would I have thought I'd have the chance to participate in something so awesome.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011 4:56 AM


Oh, sorry Frem. I'll keep the planning volume down.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011 7:45 AM


Yeah, right Byte, as if that didn't provoke ME to giggle and rub my hands while pondering ideas of my own about it - it's a Sparky thing, you know it is...

The beautiful bride sent me an email asking me to cut them a copy to DVD for their posterity album, which I will - along with a heaping helping of "I KNEW you were going to do that", cause we WERE together for several years, and she knows how I work, sure.

And yes, Riona - Yuriko is like half my damn age, something which I make no END of pointing out to her, but again she's friggin bonkers...
Out of my hair for the moment though, since by virtue of being the only one with the force of will to get stuff done she's more or less in charge of putting a whole town back together from the ground up - which bothers me in that it consolidates the power base of a girl I consider four-plus crazy, but she's over THERE, and I am over HERE, and I mean to keep it that way!

Oh, yeah, she asked me if I bugged their hotel room too, just to be snarky cause she knows I didn't and she prolly swept it anyway - but that ain't something I'd do.
Speakin of which, I gotta go feed their cats in a while - we kind of have a shared-custody-visitation thing with this, six cats, of which I have two and she has four, cause in a way they're our children, you could say.
Little, furry, spoiled rotten, BAD children, that


I do not serve the Blind God.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011 7:55 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:

Originally posted by dreamtrove:
I had the same reaction, Byte.

This was the last avatar I expected to see. Actually, My first guess was going to be Kaneman. After that, I was at a loss. I pondered a couple of outliers possibly from the big apple planning a gay marriage.

Ooh, kaneman could get married in his girl's jail cell, the magistrate would be right there. She could wear a black midriff-baring dress that shows off the tattoos, he could be in a jumpsuit. They could put up crepe paper decorations, and instead of a ring, he'd have the keys to her handcuffs. The guards could provide the shotguns, and a couple of beers for the reception refreshments. Then, a mosh-pit-slash-riot set to hard rock.

Guyyyys, we have to make this happen. Let's help kaneman. It's a jail cell wedding. Never in my life would I have thought I'd have the chance to participate in something so awesome.

And make sure to put itup on youtube, it's like MTV's pimp your bride (I'll bet they'd wish they thought of it) my mind is scrambling up ways to put jail bail nail and trailer into a rhyme.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011 8:31 AM


You're right, it would also make an amazing song.

Frem: Aw, kitties. Are they territorial about the new guy?


Wednesday, July 13, 2011 2:24 PM


Not so much, since my ex isn't so affectionate with em and has low tolerance for annoyance/frustration of attention-seeking kitties...

So mostly they're kinda happy to have someone else to pay a mind to em, except for Lexi, who, once she realizes he is not leaving, and taking attention away from HER, will no doubt pee on him in his sleep - she tried that stunt with me, but only once, as her attempt to do so resulted in an impromtu flight lesson.

The Kids: In case ya wanted to know.
Kallista-Ree Sjare Khallinenda - black shorthair, the "princess" of the lot, spoiled abysmally rotten and my familiar or right-hand-cat, a'la Blofeld, has a weapons-grade vocabulary and will offer multi-syllable snark or insult upon affront to her precious dignity.

Ghoster - white medium-short hair, lardass, clumsy as hell in a sweet, oafy kind of way, has a thing for shoes, a mechanical sounding purr, and capable of emitting the most heart wrenchingly piteous mews when she wants your food, also apparently part polar bear, as she loves to play in snow and will beg and cry to be let out on the porch to do it, also sheds explosively.

Puppy Critter - black/white tuxedo, seems to think she's half dog, licks/chews on everything, will become mentally aberrated without a human male to adore, and has a pathological fear of laundry for reasons unknown, also sings feline "opera" in a surprisingly deep bass, ususally in the bathroom at the wee hours of the night.

Miss Molly Meerkat - tortiseshell calico, was on deaths doorstep when aquired, has the idea she landed in feline heaven, sings for no real reason at all, destructively curious, and has the bizarre habit of using meerkat sentry stance for greater visual range.

Squirmy Worm - calico, missing back-right leg, absolutely adorable, and adoring, combined with the stamina of the energizer bunny, loves to play fetch with milk rings, somewhat nearsighted and most vocal of the bunch despite limited vocabulary.

Lexington Demonica Voltaire - black shorthair, parent bonded to my ex and locked forever in kitten-cling mode due to mental/neuro damage, jealous and snarky, accompanies purring with copious amounts of drool, fairly antisocial and starting to really show her age, alas.
(She's second oldest, but Kallista still looks in her prime, while Lexi is getting thin and shaky.)

I have Kallista and Puppy, since Kallista is my familiar, and Puppy will become mentally aberrated without a human male to adore - she's not fond of other cats, not fond of human females either, so she's essentially boy-crazy, out of species.

Lexi of course cannot be seperated from my ex, and without each other to play with, Squirmy or Ghoster would become despondent - Molly doesn't much care as she's in her own little perpetual happy place...

Since I have capacity for two cats here, and my leasing agreement doesn't allow for more, I brought the two that *had* to be with me, although I'm always happy to visit and play with the others... her fiancee hasn't *quite* adjusted to the notion of cats as children, since they intend to have human children - but he's getting there, Squirmy already has her hooks into him a bit... of course, it's gonna get interesting indeed when the four she has start considering the potential-eventual baby to be a large funky lookin cat, and vice versa - I can just see the potty chair winding up next to the litterbox for solidarity's sake.

Also, there's an old legend about babies raised in a household with a tortiseshell calico cat having a strong chance of aquiring second sight talents that way, or empathic ones - which appears to have some basis in fact, however tenous, which'd make things even more interesting.

And you KNOW who's getting tapped as default babysitter, don't you ?
Worse, is that I have explicit instructions to eventually teach the kid proper villainry and tricksterism as survival skills.
Not so sure about this, myself - as I'd prefer a world where they weren't NEEDED, but it's still kinda of a moral dilemma for me, in that I don't wanna nudge them down a road they might not have otherwise taken, you know ?


I do not serve the Blind God.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011 2:49 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Not so much, since my ex isn't so affectionate with em and has low tolerance for annoyance/frustration of attention-seeking kitties...

So mostly they're kinda happy to have someone else to pay a mind to em, except for Lexi, who, once she realizes he is not leaving, and taking attention away from HER, will no doubt pee on him in his sleep - she tried that stunt with me, but only once, as her attempt to do so resulted in an impromtu flight lesson.

The Kids: In case ya wanted to know.
Kallista-Ree Sjare Khallinenda - black shorthair, the "princess" of the lot, spoiled abysmally rotten and my familiar or right-hand-cat, a'la Blofeld, has a weapons-grade vocabulary and will offer multi-syllable snark or insult upon affront to her precious dignity.

Ghoster - white medium-short hair, lardass, clumsy as hell in a sweet, oafy kind of way, has a thing for shoes, a mechanical sounding purr, and capable of emitting the most heart wrenchingly piteous mews when she wants your food, also apparently part polar bear, as she loves to play in snow and will beg and cry to be let out on the porch to do it, also sheds explosively.

Puppy Critter - black/white tuxedo, seems to think she's half dog, licks/chews on everything, will become mentally aberrated without a human male to adore, and has a pathological fear of laundry for reasons unknown, also sings feline "opera" in a surprisingly deep bass, ususally in the bathroom at the wee hours of the night.

Miss Molly Meerkat - tortiseshell calico, was on deaths doorstep when aquired, has the idea she landed in feline heaven, sings for no real reason at all, destructively curious, and has the bizarre habit of using meerkat sentry stance for greater visual range.

Squirmy Worm - calico, missing back-right leg, absolutely adorable, and adoring, combined with the stamina of the energizer bunny, loves to play fetch with milk rings, somewhat nearsighted and most vocal of the bunch despite limited vocabulary.

Lexington Demonica Voltaire - black shorthair, parent bonded to my ex and locked forever in kitten-cling mode due to mental/neuro damage, jealous and snarky, accompanies purring with copious amounts of drool, fairly antisocial and starting to really show her age, alas.
(She's second oldest, but Kallista still looks in her prime, while Lexi is getting thin and shaky.)

I have Kallista and Puppy, since Kallista is my familiar, and Puppy will become mentally aberrated without a human male to adore - she's not fond of other cats, not fond of human females either, so she's essentially boy-crazy, out of species.

Lexi of course cannot be seperated from my ex, and without each other to play with, Squirmy or Ghoster would become despondent - Molly doesn't much care as she's in her own little perpetual happy place...

Since I have capacity for two cats here, and my leasing agreement doesn't allow for more, I brought the two that *had* to be with me, although I'm always happy to visit and play with the others... her fiancee hasn't *quite* adjusted to the notion of cats as children, since they intend to have human children - but he's getting there, Squirmy already has her hooks into him a bit... of course, it's gonna get interesting indeed when the four she has start considering the potential-eventual baby to be a large funky lookin cat, and vice versa - I can just see the potty chair winding up next to the litterbox for solidarity's sake.

Also, there's an old legend about babies raised in a household with a tortiseshell calico cat having a strong chance of aquiring second sight talents that way, or empathic ones - which appears to have some basis in fact, however tenous, which'd make things even more interesting.

And you KNOW who's getting tapped as default babysitter, don't you ?
Worse, is that I have explicit instructions to eventually teach the kid proper villainry and tricksterism as survival skills.
Not so sure about this, myself - as I'd prefer a world where they weren't NEEDED, but it's still kinda of a moral dilemma for me, in that I don't wanna nudge them down a road they might not have otherwise taken, you know ?


I do not serve the Blind God.

Good thing you were talking about cats, frem, I thought you'd gone all A list on us by naming your kids Sweety Pooh Bear Rhino Strawberry Jam etc

My son was born into a household with a tortiseshell - I never knew she was a calico until I looked it up. Haven't heard that term before. She's gotten old and cranky as he grows, losing her sense of sight and smell so that he has to carry her to her food otherwise she doesn't know its there. Not sure about the second sight...


Wednesday, July 13, 2011 3:02 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Bytemite:

Originally posted by dreamtrove:
I had the same reaction, Byte.

This was the last avatar I expected to see. Actually, My first guess was going to be Kaneman. After that, I was at a loss. I pondered a couple of outliers possibly from the big apple planning a gay marriage.

Ooh, kaneman could get married in his girl's jail cell, the magistrate would be right there. She could wear a black midriff-baring dress that shows off the tattoos, he could be in a jumpsuit. They could put up crepe paper decorations, and instead of a ring, he'd have the keys to her handcuffs. The guards could provide the shotguns, and a couple of beers for the reception refreshments. Then, a mosh-pit-slash-riot set to hard rock.

Guyyyys, we have to make this happen. Let's help kaneman. It's a jail cell wedding. Never in my life would I have thought I'd have the chance to participate in something so awesome.

That actually sounds more than a little awesome. And it's just crazy enough to work!


Wednesday, July 13, 2011 4:07 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by Bytemite:

Originally posted by dreamtrove:
I had the same reaction, Byte.

This was the last avatar I expected to see. Actually, My first guess was going to be Kaneman. After that, I was at a loss. I pondered a couple of outliers possibly from the big apple planning a gay marriage.

Ooh, kaneman could get married in his girl's jail cell, the magistrate would be right there. She could wear a black midriff-baring dress that shows off the tattoos, he could be in a jumpsuit. They could put up crepe paper decorations, and instead of a ring, he'd have the keys to her handcuffs. The guards could provide the shotguns, and a couple of beers for the reception refreshments. Then, a mosh-pit-slash-riot set to hard rock.

Guyyyys, we have to make this happen. Let's help kaneman. It's a jail cell wedding. Never in my life would I have thought I'd have the chance to participate in something so awesome.

That actually sounds more than a little awesome. And it's just crazy enough to work!

Perhaps it deserves its own thread

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011 5:36 PM


I want to talk more about cats, but mine is sick right now. So maybe more about the wedding couple? When are they getting back in?


Wednesday, July 13, 2011 5:41 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Byte, I hope your kitty feels better soon. Frem, I hope things are going as well as possible for Yuriko at helping everyone get the town back in order, they're fortunate to have her.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Friday, July 15, 2011 4:54 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:

Originally posted by dreamtrove:
I had the same reaction, Byte.

This was the last avatar I expected to see. Actually, My first guess was going to be Kaneman. After that, I was at a loss. I pondered a couple of outliers possibly from the big apple planning a gay marriage.

Ooh, kaneman could get married in his girl's jail cell, the magistrate would be right there. She could wear a black midriff-baring dress that shows off the tattoos, he could be in a jumpsuit. They could put up crepe paper decorations, and instead of a ring, he'd have the keys to her handcuffs. The guards could provide the shotguns, and a couple of beers for the reception refreshments. Then, a mosh-pit-slash-riot set to hard rock.

Guyyyys, we have to make this happen. Let's help kaneman. It's a jail cell wedding. Never in my life would I have thought I'd have the chance to participate in something so awesome.

Byte...Hilarious man....fucking hilarious...but what is "hard rock"....our song is not so hard


Friday, July 15, 2011 8:01 PM


Feel free to use or modify any of those plans you want, to any music that you like. Good luck to you and her.


Saturday, July 16, 2011 7:45 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I wish them all good things. They obviously gave YOU some fun, and that's a good beginning, eh?

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Saturday, July 16, 2011 10:03 AM


Very, s'funny though, how that went - I had to move the schedule on rounds a bit in order to collect them from the airport, and as a result caught out and seriously intimidated/harrassed some scumbag fly-by-night would-be-repo jerk who was apparently acting in collusion with local law enforcement, who had TOLD him what our original schedule was, and was operating on the notion that he'd get away with it.

Imagine his surprise when I spooked him by showing up a foot behind him and confronting him pretty hard about it, especially as he LOOKED like a damn crook, with his shoddy modified pickup, no flashers (Safety/Legal issue), no radio, no paperwork, and come to find out later, a ficticious company name (violation of public law 399 of 1980, subsection N, other prohibited behavior) - and this resulted in a fracas over "breach of the peace", third-party tresspassing (they're allowed to violate the DEBTORS private property, not that of a third party, and we're NOT a public parking lot), and all manner of "interesting" happenings, not to mention regulatory commission involvement.
And some hard, bitter accusations winged back and forth between me and the sheriffs dept night shift, but that'll come to naught, important to *ME* is the maintanence of the concept that coming HERE for nefarious business after dark is a BAD BAD IDEA - even if I am supposedly off-duty.

Had dinner with the happy couple last night, there are photos and they turned out surprisingly well, which is cool - of course now she has to change all her official paperwork for a different last name, but most of the chaos and wackiness is overwith... she's a very structure-oriented sort of girl so she doesn't deal well with that sorta thing.

I still gotta get em their wedding present, but am up to my arse in legal paperwork over several issues and they'll just have to freakin wait.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Friday, July 22, 2011 6:57 AM


Congrats to your ex! May everyone find happiness in moving on. :)


Friday, July 22, 2011 8:33 AM


Moving on... uh, yeeaahhh right... *laughs*
This the day after taking her new husband on a 100 some mile road trip in 100F heat in a truck with broken air conditioning to collect and shake down a chipper/shredder...

I've become sort of a halfsie brother in law, in practice, since I live just down the way and actually like the both of em, I'd like the guy even if he wasn't involved with my ex, so the continuation of food and other bribery for skills is not unexpected - and it's really obvious I'm also going to be that crafty, crack brained uncle most kids wish they had, especially since I've been admonished not to spoil the impending(1) twerp rotten, and teach them proper villainry.

(1) I told him he needs to get busy on that, and I am damn shameless about it, since one of the primary reasons for the demise of our relationship was my inability to produce the horde of brats she seems bent on having.

So instead of "moving on", this is more an adjustment of things to a more familial kind of relationship, is all - which is pretty cool given how so many relationships explode in a fireball of lingering bitterness and hostility, mostly cause folk try to cling desperately even when they know it's over and wind up clawing at each other instead - knowing when to walk away is important, and having the chops to do so is tough, but well worth it.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, July 25, 2011 2:09 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Uncle Frem. :)

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Wednesday, July 27, 2011 2:46 PM


Oh, and regarding Kitties, I had to swap out the scratching post today...

I am so tempted to put the old one on the doorstep with a note: Beware of Cat!

Seriously, don't annoy Pupper Critter, or your ankles are just gone...


I do not serve the Blind God.


Wednesday, October 5, 2016 12:05 AM


And this, while alas Kallista, Puppy, Ghoster and Molly have in time crossed the rainbow bridge, and I have adopted former feral Francesca (Squirmy and Lexi still hanging in there, Lexi by a mere thread), my ex has indeed spawned progeny.

While in the hospital for another medical problem, the surgeon in question discovered why she was not fertile and in a "what the hell" moment, given he was 'in the neighborhood' anyways, chose to correct that issue for her gratis.

And so, fast forward to the three year old Rin, who all but worships the ground her kooky uncle walks on, and who doesn't have a hateful or fearful bone in her entire body.

Us plotting world domination, naturally.

Rin with pure honey lollipop, on visiting a local beekeeper.

For the moment, my ex has forbidden me to gift her a John Deere power wheels, despite her epic fascination with my mobility scooter, but some day I will introduce the youngling to the wonders of motorization, oh yes...

Funny, at some recent point of medical disaster I was prepared to refuse all further care and let matters take their course, but the ex invoked some really complicated religious obligations, along with a heaping helping of straight up guilt for leaving Rin without a mentor, and so I am obligated to not freakin die until she is fully prepared for this awful world... somehow I think I got the bad end of that deal but ain't sure exactly how.

Damn smart for three, she is, knowing full and well that unless it's very important simply asking uncle will get anything she wants.

I Do Not Serve The Blind God


Wednesday, October 5, 2016 1:03 AM



You are supposed to come in and say "The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated....."

Glad to see you are not dead. I think we were all wondering. I actually figured out a few things on my end, healthwise, but not before I almost got dead, ironically. I have a dead toe to show for it, too. Musta been walking around with micro blood clots for the last couple years or so.
Did you get anywhere with your pain issues?

Also, you are far prettier than I had you pegged. Your descriptions of yourself sounded more grizzled. I was thinking Prospector Pete from Toy Story, I think..

The baby is a cutie one too.

Now we just need Chrisisall amd Kwicko to stop by and we can get the band back together, heh.


Wednesday, October 5, 2016 1:30 AM


Well, part of the creepy aspect is that I rather deliberately reference an old "hero" most folk know little about, who wasn't all that heroic...

In the middle of the night, with my dentures in, that can be damn creepy.

Which is hilarious given the nature of how rumors spread, and the amount of fodder I feed em on purpose to wig bad guys out - you can just imagine, yah ?

I do not serve The Blind God


Wednesday, October 5, 2016 1:37 AM


Much like this - one item of note is that my retinas are set too far forward, which means although I can't see a damn thing in bright sunlight, I have permanent nightvision, yadda yadda, which leads to epic fun in messing with people who don't.



Wednesday, October 5, 2016 3:30 AM


Damn good to hear from you Frem!

Indeed, like Wish said, rumors of your demise were greatly exaggerated.

To quote Victor McLaglen from the movie "The Quiet Man" -
"I knew it was a dirty lie the moment I heard it."

Dude, welcome back! You were missed. I'm raising my bottled water (it's all I got right now, I'm at work). Of course, you may want to think about it a bit, being back that is.......;-)

Again Victor McLaglen as "Red Will" Danaher - "He'll regret it till his dying day, if ever he lives that long."

Hope you're doing better these days.......okay, enough with the mushy stuff



Wednesday, October 5, 2016 11:29 AM



Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:
Much like this - one item of note is that my retinas are set too far forward, which means although I can't see a damn thing in bright sunlight, I have permanent nightvision, yadda yadda, which leads to epic fun in messing with people who don't.



Russia trolls get contract extension


Wednesday, October 5, 2016 11:33 AM


FREM, remove the S at the end of https when you post a video.


Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:
Much like this - one item of note is that my retinas are set too far forward, which means although I can't see a damn thing in bright sunlight, I have permanent nightvision, yadda yadda, which leads to epic fun in messing with people who don't.



Russia trolls get contract extension


Wednesday, October 5, 2016 5:53 PM



For the moment, my ex has forbidden me to gift her a John Deere power wheels, despite her epic fascination with my mobility scooter, but some day I will introduce the youngling to the wonders of motorization, oh yes...

Ah, that takes me back. When I was five someone made the mistake of giving me a birthday plush toy in a box for a chainsaw. People were disturbed by my enthusiasm over seemingly getting a chainsaw, and why I'd want one.

Somehow it doesn't surprise me the C.A.T. office has sent for agents to demand tribute.


Thursday, October 6, 2016 11:51 PM


HOLY F**** F***** F***** F******!!!!!!!!! FREM!!!!!!

Dude. I know you and I had our problems back in the day, and maybe we still do, but you don't know how happy I am to see that you're here. I mean that from the bottom of my heart man!

Rin is beautiful man. I've got a 2 year old niece named Elise who I adore myself. I never drink around her, and I only show her the best of me. I know if I don't clean up soon she'll figure out what a mess her Uncle is, but for right now there's just that unconditional love that I've never felt before. It's the closest thing I've ever had and probably ever will have to raising one of my own, but just seeing her smile can brighten the worst of days.

I gotta say, I'm surprised about the pic you sent, having never seen one of you before. I always imagined a wisend old grey haired man with a ton of facial hair whenever we spoke. Hell, from that angle at least, I wouldn't think you were a day older than me, and truth be told, I think I got you beat on "worry lines".

I'm just really glad you're still hanging in there Frem. I can't help but think this world is slipping more down the shit-tubes year over year, and even if you still don't want to talk to me I'm just glad that you're still there to do great things like mentor Rin.

I wish Elise's Uncle was half the man that Rin's Uncle is. Until I can get my shit together at least I can take solace in the fact that she has two wonderfully caring parents, and she always has a smile on her face. Her mother, a very successful and competent pharmacist who recently left the retail hell of the pharmacy world to work in an actual hospital, and a full-time stay at home dad who puts her ahead of everything else.

I haven't read the premature obituary thread I made for you yet. I saw this one first and thought somebody was just bringing up old posts of you again but I had to post how happy I was to see you.

Honestly, I'm a little afraid to read what you might have had to say to me there. I wanted to post my genuine feelings here first.

I don't know how to end this, so I'll just say Thanks.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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