Fuck the Tea Party

UPDATED: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 13:16
VIEWED: 4559
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Sunday, July 24, 2011 8:24 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I mean it. They have done more damage to this country, and are poised to do even more, than anyone who has come before.

If the Tea Party is coronating its own third-party candidate next summer, the moment of schism will likely be traced back to this week of debate on raising the debt ceiling.

The fissures are already evident. House Speaker John Boehner and his No.2, majority leader Eric Cantor, split on a grand bargain for deficit reduction. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s plan of last resort was met with outright hostility by the House Republican conference. And the House Republicans’ preferred plan — Cut, Cap and Balance – is less than popular with the Republican pundit class who openly acknowledge it’s a PR stunt that has zero chance of becoming law.

To hear Democrats tell it, House Republicans are “isolationist,” “extreme” and “spend more time listening to each other than their leaders.” Of course, it behooves Democrats to push the idea of a Republican Party in disarray. But Republicans have given them plenty of fodder.

As two roads diverge before the GOP on the debt ceiling, it’s increasingly hard to see a path that leads to party unity. Go right and the GOP risks default and, as McConnell has warned, being blamed by the center for an economic disaster. Take the center path – there is no left turn here – and Republicans risk an angry Tea Party base and potential primary threats. From the advent of the Tea Party to purity tests and the 2010 primary challenges, the split has been a long time coming.

As Karl Rove noted, the debate is now between a package that is mostly spending cuts versus 100% spending cuts and polls have consistently shown Obama has public opinion on his side in that debate. Five recent polls have shown overwhelming support for a “balanced approach” that includes a mix of tax increases and spending cuts. As David Brooks wrote two weeks ago, Republicans would be crazy to walk away from what will likely be the best offer for deficit reduction on their terms in a generation. But Republicans seem intent on not only walking away from a deal, but handing Democrats electoral gifts as they go.

Even if a grand bargain doesn’t happen now, Obama can claim he put everything on the table and Republicans walked away. And on a congressional level, Democrats were delighted with the GOP’s vote on Cut, Cap and Balance, which cuts half a trillion dollars more than Paul Ryan’s budget. “After polling and town hall meetings where voters rejected this plan to end Medicare, House Republicans doubled down on it — cutting, capping and ending it again,” says Jesse Ferguson, a spokesman for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which works to elect Democrats to Congress. “That’s just wrong and an example of House Republican’s misguided priorities: ending Medicare instead of creating jobs.”

Even Grover Norquist on Thursday told the Washington Post he didn’t consider allowing George W. Bush’s tax cuts to lapse a tax increase. When the anti-tax guy is encouraging a compromise that would allow the Bush tax cuts to expire, you know the GOP’s reached the precipice.


But at some point – whether it’s next week or in six months – the GOP will face a hard decision on revenue increases. And when that road splits, the Republican party might just do the same.


As word broke that President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner may be nearing a deal that would raise the debt limit while cutting $3.5 trillion over the next decade, a large group of Republicans were serving notice that the pact likely won’t be enough to mollify the party’s conservative wing. A bicameral cadre of some 20 GOP lawmakers streamed into a studio on the third floor of the Senate, spilling into the periphery of the audience, to tout the Cut, Cap and Balance proposal that Democratic leader Harry Reid says doesn’t have “one chance in a million” of passing the Senate on Saturday. And many of them seemed prepared to go down along with it.

“This is not just the best plan. This is the only plan,” said Senator Mike Lee of Utah, a Tea Party favorite. But it is not a viable one. Nor is the only plan, even if it’s the only legislation that’s been formally drafted. The faint outlines of the pact Obama and Boehner are reportedly working toward — aides to both men dispute the characterization that a deal is close — look favorable to Republicans: no revenue increases in the deal’s first tranche, no end to the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy, and cuts to beneficiaries of entitlement programs, which will enrage progressive Democrats. And yet, judging from the stridency of the rhetoric on display, Boehner will struggle to coax his Hell No Caucus into backing even a plum deal.

Illinois Tea Partyer Joe Walsh, who has been circulating a letter inveighing against the McConnell fallback plan, stood on stage, a white “Cut, Cap and Balance” button pinned to his lapel, as Senate Republicans like Jim DeMint and Lindsey Graham praised their House counterparts. When it was his turn to speak, Walsh invoked the “tide of history.” He and his fellow freshmen seem certain they are on the right side. Their leader may be ready to abandon them there.

The GOP is kowtowing to these people out of fear for their re-election. So they're holding ANY attempt at reasonable compromise hostage, just as they're holding the rest of us hostage by not allowing their leaders to do the only thing that makes any progress: compromise.

Ron Paul had some good ideas. This is not Ron Paul's Tea Party. This is a bunch of power-hungry chilrdren throwing a temper tantrum.


Sunday, July 24, 2011 8:51 AM


America loves a winner!

The GOP ain't towing no cows, ma'am.

( assuming you mean kowtow ? )

The TEA party is just doing its job to SAVE this country, and keep it from going the way of Greece and the former Soviet Union - imploding on itself from obscene, pointless govt spending.

Props to them, and keep up the good work.

Hating the TEA party is essentially hating America, hating freedom, and pretty much all that's worth while with this great country.

The childish temper tantrum being thrown is from the inexperienced, clueless community activist, who is in W A Y over his head here, and it shows.

Glad you've chosen your side.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Sunday, July 24, 2011 9:00 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Gawd, you're pathetic. If you mean by "side", the "side" of the vast majority of Americans, and anyone with half a brain, you betcha I've chosen that side!

Hating the TEA party is essentially hating America, hating freedom, and pretty much all that's worth while with this great country

Do you write these things, I wonder, out of sheer stupidity, or is it all a game? Either way, it's pathetic.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Sunday, July 24, 2011 9:17 AM


Niki, dear, while I understand your strong feeling, and even agree with you, please watch your language. You're a lady, and it isn't nice to use words like that.

( Wait for it-- )

( wait for it -- )

I'll save you the trouble of replying: the instant I thought that, I also thought of this oldie, one of my wife's favorites:

I'm sure you remember it.


Sunday, July 24, 2011 9:18 AM


America loves a winner!

You hating America is what's pathetic.

Look at your own disaster of a state. Over taxed and far too much govt , not to mention an actual invasion of illegals, and you want to attack those of us who want to make things right ?

I have no idea from where your self loathing comes, but keeping that mind set isolated in as small a corner of the nation as possible is the best chance we have.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Sunday, July 24, 2011 9:32 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Gawd, you're pathetic. If you mean by "side", the "side" of the vast majority of Americans, and anyone with half a brain, you betcha I've chosen that side!

Hating the TEA party is essentially hating America, hating freedom, and pretty much all that's worth while with this great country

Do you write these things, I wonder, out of sheer stupidity, or is it all a game? Either way, it's pathetic.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off

Bullshit...I'll go back to my corner and are dumb...really fucking dumb.


Sunday, July 24, 2011 10:10 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

NewOld: I'm no lady, never have been. I try to keep some semblance of civility, here and elswhere. But what I'm seeing happening to my country is worse than anything I've seen in my lifetime, so I'm speaking my mind.

It appears I'm not alone, either. The Tea Party is losing public appeal (not that it had much to the VAST majority of Americans):

GOP turns on Tea Party

Conservatives have spent the past year or so gleefully citing the Tea Party phenomenon as evidence of the president's unpopularity. This was always a fantastical claim: the arrival of a new political movement doesn't tell us more about public opinion than, you know, actual measures of public opinion. But it was an easy weapon to hand, so there it was.

But in wielding the Tea Party as a rhetorical cudgel against the president and his party, Republicans made a crucial miscalculation. By making the approval of the Tea Partiers the measure of legitimacy, they entrusted their own fate to this new group of activists. And now the establishment of the GOP is stuck trying to wrest control of the party back from these ruffians, whom they wanted to exploit without actually empowering.
The state Republican Party has been publicizing D'Annunzio's past run-ins with the law and his questionable sanity. Apparently, the guy went through a phase in the 1990s in which he claimed to be the messiah and had a lot of theories about the Ark of the Covenant, 1,000-mile-high pyramids, the New Jerusalem -- you get the picture.

"Mr. D'Annunzio has disqualified himself by his background, his record and his behavior," says the GOP state chairman, which is a pretty strong line for a party chief to take on an ongoing primary. Still, given D'Annunzio's, shall we say, colorful past, it's little wonder that the party is eager to be rid of him.

Whether this guy is a nutcase, there's obviously something happening here. North Carolina isn't the only place where the GOP is trying to put a lid on the Tea Party.
] Republican Tim D'Annunzio, who is running for congress in North Carolina's eighth district, is being attacked as "unfit for public office at any level" by his own political party.

Tom Fetzer, who chairs the North Carolina GOP, came out swinging at D'Annunzio over the weekend as the congressional hopeful battles Harold Johnson for the Republican nomination ahead of a June 22 runoff election.

"By my personal observation of his behavior, and by acquaintance with his record and background, I consider Mr. D'Annunzio unfit for public office at any level," Fetzer explained to the Charlotte Observer. "What he could do to the party as our nominee is secondary in my view to what he could do to the country if he got elected. If he got elected, for crying out loud, that would be a disaster."


So it turns out that one after another of the Tea Party candidates is in one way or another mooching off the government. The latest series of hilarious disclosures center around Alaska's GI-Joe-bearded windbag Senatorial candidate, Joe Miller, who appears to have run virtually the entire gamut of government aid en route to becoming a staunch, fist-shaking opponent of the welfare state.

Miller's pomposity and piety with regard to government aid programs has all along been in line with the usual screechingly hysterical self-righteousness Tea Party candidates bring to such matters, railing against Obamacare and other "entitlement" programs and promising to end the "welfare state." That makes it all the more delicious now that he and his family have been exposed for taking state medical aid, unemployment insurance, farm subsidies, hell, even for using state equipment to run a private political campaign.


The GOP Establishment Turns on Bachmann

She must be making some people nervous...A Hit Piece from a GOP Establishment Funded Media Outlet.

Stress-related condition ‘incapacitates’ Bachmann; heavy pill use alleged. Story at (Story is all about her migraines; pertinent point is the piece was on a GOP-funded media outlet)


With recall elections in Wisconsin on the immediate horizon, Greg Sargent of The Washington Post looks ahead to January, when Gov. Scott Walker will likely face a recall fight of his own
That both sides are already plotting their strategies over Walker is a sign that both recognize that a recall election against him is a near certainty and that it will be intensely fought, with an immense amount riding on the outcome.

Dan Balz of The Washington Post writes: “Wisconsin remains in political turmoil. Recall elections are pending for nine state senators, six Republicans and three Democrats. Republicans could lose their Senate majority as a result. The governor could face a recall next year. Lawmakers, the political parties and their coalitions are now consumed with elections and recriminations, rather than being able to concentrate on finding ways to create jobs and fix the economy — the major promises of Walker’s campaign. ‘It’s tough,’ Walker said about the GOP’s prospects for holding onto the Senate.


Arizona's right wing governor goes against Tea Party wishes

Governor vetoed new laws dealing with two of the great obsessions of the Tea Party movement: the right to bear arms, and the question of whether Barack Obama was actually born in the US.

Jan Brewer, who until now had been a darling of the conservative media, first threw out new legislation that would have allowed citizens to carry firearms through university campuses. Then she scrapped a "birther bill" which would have required future presidential candidates to present their birth certificates to electoral authorities.

Her move is significant because it provides evidence that leading Republicans are starting to become concerned that the party's dramatic shift rightwards during President Obama's reign might end up damaging its chances of winning support among mainstream voters at the next election, in 2012.

They don't get much more right wing than Brewer, so why is she not following the Tea Party?

Ohio State Representative Armond Budish (D) [discussed] the unpopularity of the Republican’s union-busting law, Senate Bill 5.

“As people learn more and more about what this union stripping bill does, they get more and more angry,” he said. “Senate Bill 5 is about not letting people come together and bargain for fair wages, or for safe places to work. When people find out what this bill really does, they hate it.”

Nearly 1.3 million people in Ohio signed a recall of the union-busting bill, which was delivered to Secretary of State’s office at the end of June.

I think, as time goes on and increasing numbers of the public learn more about the Tea Party, it's fate, like all those of extremist elements of both parties, will be sealed.

Hopefully it's a beginning of a return to some semblance of sanity.

The other responders don't deserve a reply.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Sunday, July 24, 2011 10:50 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

You hating America is what's pathetic.

Look at your own disaster of a state. Over taxed and far too much govt , not to mention an actual invasion of illegals, and you want to attack those of us who want to make things right ?

I have no idea from where your self loathing comes, but keeping that mind set isolated in as small a corner of the nation as possible is the best chance we have.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "

AMEN....dude you nailed it...close thread.


Sunday, July 24, 2011 11:31 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

The REAL Tea Party

Ron Paul’s Shocking Message To The Tea Party


Originally posted by kaneman:


Originally posted by AURaptor:

You hating America is what's pathetic.

Look at your own disaster of a state. Over taxed and far too much govt , not to mention an actual invasion of illegals, and you want to attack those of us who want to make things right ?

I have no idea from where your self loathing comes, but keeping that mind set isolated in as small a corner of the nation as possible is the best chance we have.

AMEN....dude you nailed it...close thread.

Paid Operative. It's just doing its job. But it's Jedi mind tricks won't work here...or anywhere.


Sunday, July 24, 2011 1:06 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

The Tea Party is a protest movement. If it ever got into power it would screw up things so apocalyptically it would discredit itself forever. Indeed it might be about to just that with the debt ceiling. A third, Tea Party candidate sounds like good news to me, splitting the conservative vote. In general I'm interested to see how the movement plays out. My concern is that the movement implodes too soon, and that a decent moderate Republican runs against Obama in 2012.

It's not personal. It's just war.


Sunday, July 24, 2011 1:57 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


If you asked Rap what he's doing with HIS investments, one of two things would be true:

1) He believes this crap and will take an economic bath when the market crashes under the weight of TP

2) He's a cowardly lying hypocrite shorting the market.

My money is on #2. Either way, he's a pointless piece of go se. Pay him no mind.


Sunday, July 24, 2011 3:12 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

I'm still laughing my ass off at the idea of Rappy giving spelling lessons to... well, to ANYONE, really.

Dude is so fucking dumb he couldn't spell "Cat" if you spotted him the "C" and the "T"! I mean, honestly - he has to look at his I.D. just to spell his name correctly. And it still takes him three tries!

Meanwhile, he wants to lecture Niki on the financial woes of California, while he lives in GEORGIA, of all places. How much federal money does Georgia pay in, Rappy? And how much do they suck back out of the federal tit?

Georgia, where they decided to get serious about illegals - and then got to watch their crops rotting in the fields because they didn't think about who was going to pick those crops... And then went begging the big bad federal gummint for yet MORE money...

Rappy, you are funny as hell.


Sunday, July 24, 2011 3:13 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Paid Operative. It's just doing its job. But it's Jedi mind tricks won't work here...or anywhere.

Y'know, PN, I outed you years ago, yet you still keep coming back. What's funny is that you actually think you DO have "Jedi mind tricks".


Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:42 PM


America loves a winner!

1kiki -

That you think that you have ANY clue of what you're talking about - I find hi-larious.

I really do.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Sunday, July 24, 2011 6:12 PM


I think Niki is really upset over whats going on with so-called "entitlements".

If we start cutting back, and we really need to, people like her would actually...*GASP*.. have to get a JOB!.

Oh the humanity!! Won't someone think of the leeches?!!

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"


Sunday, July 24, 2011 7:52 PM


You mean those leeches in uniform down at the pentagon and their fucking entitlement called the "defense" budget ?

The one "entitlement" sick brownshirt fucks like you cheer on because it causes the carnage, hatred and bloodshed you intolerant gits get off on ?

Yeah, lets talk about that one, ya brownshirted bitch - cause I got NO problem with feeding the hungry, treating the sick, or sheltering the homeless, for damn sure it costs less...

But no, by preference you'd put that money into murder.

And that tells us all we need to know about YOU, don't it ?


I do not serve the Blind God.


Sunday, July 24, 2011 8:49 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Tea-bagger/ Ron Paul supporters: Kaneman, Rappy, and Wulf.

Really, think about it. It would be hard to dream up a more clueless bunch of morons (and that's an insult to morons) anywhere. Wulf is so language-challenged he can only post music and movie video clips. Rappy can only quote Limbaugh, or some equally fatuous right-winger. And Kaneman? His dick is smarter than he is, his GF is a cunt, and he brags about it.

Given that the followers are so mentally challenged, what does that say about the philosophy?

But, be of good cheer. THIS IS NOT A CRISIS. The USA has more than enough money to pay the interest on its debts. So... NO DEFAULT. Don't be railroaded into thinking that the world is going to fall apart if the debt ceiling isn't raised, and don't give away Social Security and Medicare to keep that horrible "nightmare" from happening. That's a sucker's game. It's called "crisis capitalism" (read Naomi Klein)

Oh, and BTW Rappy... I already went over this USA versus Greece situation. Remember the "debt as a percentage of GDP" figures I quoted and linked? (Of course not. Too much reality there for your fragile mind.) Greece's debt/GDP was about 100%. The USA's is roughly 55%, well below Greece's and well below a lot of other nations that WE would consider economic successes, like Germany and Singapore. You're just a much an idiot about the debt and the economy as you are about terrorism, WMD .... and pretty much everything else. And I hope you lose your shirt.


Sunday, July 24, 2011 9:59 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Yes, fuck the Tea Partiers. Fuck em hard!


Monday, July 25, 2011 1:17 AM


1. Cut the defense budget.

2. Cut Medicare/Medicaid.

3. Get rid of ObamaCare.

4. Cut most "social/welfare" programs.

5. Cut the DEA/BATFE.

6. Localize the Dept. of Ed.

7. Crack and cut unions.

8. Cap all spending at 50% of taxes taken in. The rest must go to pay off our debt.

9. Balance the budget so that these things may happen.

10. Make it law that government may never spend beyond its means. Also, that in order to raise taxes, they must have a majority approval, wait 2 years, and can never be more than 0.25%.

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"


Monday, July 25, 2011 5:06 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Wulf, why would you want to break unions? They're not gummint.

Please answer in your own words. No video clips.


Monday, July 25, 2011 5:10 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh yeah... more Tea-bagger/ Ron Paul supporters: PN, a certified paranoid John-Birch-style right-wing schizo, and Dreamtrove, who isn't far behind.


Monday, July 25, 2011 5:32 AM


"Wulf, why would you want to break unions? They're not gummint."

Let me ask you, what good do teachers unions do?

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"


Monday, July 25, 2011 6:26 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Me, I just find it funny that their initials are TP and they gave themselves the name Tea-Baggers. I couldn't make up anything stupider or more ridiculous.

As for their economic antics, I really, really hope they get everything they want. Yep. That should do them (in) just fine.

And I noticed Rap never really DID say what he's doing with his investments. 'Cause he really, really doesn't want us to know. (hint: shorting the market)


Monday, July 25, 2011 6:27 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Let me ask you, what good do teachers unions do?
Let me ask you a question: what good does ANY union do?


Monday, July 25, 2011 6:45 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by 1kiki:

And I noticed Rap never really DID say what he's doing with his investments. 'Cause he really, really doesn't want us to know. (hint: shorting the market)

Umm, nor WILL I say, least of all, to you.

Obviously, you're not a 'dude'. 2 things you never concern yourself with, is another guy's $ and his swinging cod.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Monday, July 25, 2011 7:09 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Well, I should have known this would turn personal (not to me, I don't care, but few are actually talking about the Tea Party). C'est la vie. Okay, by the numbers:

PN, Kane can't be anybody's operative. NOBODY is stupid enough to pay him to do anything, and if someone is paying him, boy, did they get a rotten deal. He's totally ineffective, as is Raptor. And neither has any "jedi mind tricks", they're so transparent it's obvious mind tricks work on THEM!

If it ever got into power it would screw up things so apocalyptically it would discredit itself forever
KPO, MY concern is they'll screw the rest of us so apocalyptically we won't recover before they do.

My concern is that the movement implodes too soon, and that a decent moderate Republican runs against Obama in 2012
No worries. They're on a roll right now (even if some are waking up); they don't HAVE a moderate, nor are they likely to get one until they're trounced.

Kiki, I don't give a damn what he does with his investments. He'll be screwed right along with the rest of us if things continue as they are, especially if we don't get this debt-ceiling thing sorted. There are so many ways it can/will impact us ALL, he'll get his.

Yes, Mike, I get a giggle every time he goes after California. It's just jealousy; he WISHES he lived somewhere decent like out here; we're tickled pink he DOESN'T.

Wulf, no, I'm not upset about entitlements. I'm willing to compromise; there are myriad things we could fix and save money. I'm pissed off that their idea of "compromise" is "everything we want", and the idiocy of cutting social programs while the "job creators" (which they aren't) are rolling in their millions, laughing their heads off at the rest of us. Best government money can buy indeed!

Sig, thank you. I hadn't thought about how the sheer stupidity represented here by the right-wing extremists is representative of the rest of the right-wing idiots. I should have; there's certainly enough of them out there! That's a valid perspective, and an indication of just how long the Tea Party will last.

I don't think the world is going to fall apart. But I do think the repercussions (especially if our credit rating is downgraded) would be pretty awful, and it WOULD impact all of us in one way or another. Just thinking about all the ways we'd all suffer (the right-wingers right along with us) makes me ill.

While I fear the debt ceiling not being raised, in some alternate universe I would ADORE for it not to be; they've wheedled the best deal they've EVER gotten right now, if they don't take it, the GOP will be kicking themselves for years. Now THAT I would like to see!

Rage on, folks, we'll all know soon enough. And the Tea Party is doomed; every single extremist outgrowth of every party has caused its own demise with its stupidity and unwillingness to compromise. They're no different. I just worry about how much damage they'll do to American before they DO.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Monday, July 25, 2011 7:21 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


If the TP brings the economy down and all the rest of us with it, there's not much we're going to be able to do - except make damn sure the blame gets pinned where it belongs and that the lessons are learned for a good, long time.


Monday, July 25, 2011 1:04 PM


thinking about the tea party gives me a boehner...wakka wakka wakka


Monday, July 25, 2011 3:19 PM


Niki you seem to be painting with rather broad strokes lately. If you mean to run off reasonable conservatives and enrage those more stubborn or gullible into an unbalanced 'blamestorming' session, I think it is working.


Monday, July 25, 2011 4:23 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by TheHappyTrader:
Niki you seem to be painting with rather broad strokes lately. If you mean to run off reasonable conservatives and enrage those more stubborn or gullible into an unbalanced 'blamestorming' session, I think it is working.

There seems to be quite a shortage of "reasonable" conservatives around these days. It's a bit of an oxymoron, especially among the tea parties.

Maybe you should try speaking to your conservative cohorts. If you can get them to stop hurling invective for a moment or two, that is. Good luck with that.


Monday, July 25, 2011 4:24 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by mincingbeast:
thinking about the tea party gives me a boehner...wakka wakka wakka

Careful. Anderson Cooper says "it's hard to talk when you're tea-bagging".

That would go a long way towards explaining why Rappy and Wulfie can't type out a coherent sentence, though...


Monday, July 25, 2011 6:40 PM


-_- Where oh where is the one Richard Nixon when you need him? All this stuff were going through, goes back to one President Carter, the idiot who "Turned the country around" so many times, we dug ourselves deeper. Frankly, what we got going on NOW is a culmination of idiocy in presidents since Nixon. So what if the dude didnt tell everyone everything, you wanna see what happenes when everyone kniows everything? *Spreads hands* Look, look at the frut of everything that's been done by, and too BOTH parties the last 40-50 years. And the tea party? *scoffs* this aint the colonies, and most deff not Soviet China, cus if it were, 90% of everyone with half a brain would be killed. I'm listed as a Rep, yes, but guess what i vote on the PERSON, NOT THE PARY. I been saying it, "Political parties will lead to the death of the Union." - George Washington's "Farewell address" I vote person, not party, cus in the end, the U.S. has been around over 200 years, and history shows, all so called "Great Democracy's" die at around 200 years. The Greatest military might in HISTORY, The Romans, were a democracy, they fell, then the invaders moved in. But according to some nut in some random states, the worlds gonna end in like sept or oct or something. *rolls eyes, coughs "bull shit"*

"Mom, he has her chip. He has her."
John Connor,"Born To Run", TSCC EP 2x22

"We mustn't over stimulate young minds. Das ist verboten!" - Rappy


Tuesday, July 26, 2011 4:11 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


WULF: Let me ask you a question: what good does ANY union do?

No answer???


Tuesday, July 26, 2011 4:17 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Tea-bagger/ Ron Paul supporters: Kaneman, Rappy, and Wulf.

Really, think about it. It would be hard to dream up a more clueless bunch of morons (and that's an insult to morons) anywhere. Wulf is so language-challenged he can only post music and movie video clips. Rappy can only quote Limbaugh, or some equally fatuous right-winger. And Kaneman? His dick is smarter than he is, his GF is a cunt, and he brags about it.

Given that the followers are so mentally challenged, what does that say about the philosophy?

Fuck YEAH.

Can I just make this entire passage my signature?

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Tuesday, July 26, 2011 7:28 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Happy, I hear little from "reasonable" conservatives here, and the others here are only worthy of mocking, they aren't capable of reasoning or being reasonable. Blamestorming happens no matter how reasonable I am or anyone else is. Facts are ignored in favor of partisan name hurling. It seems as if you want me to be civil and pleasant to people who have no intention of being civil or pleasant to anyone they disagree with, so why should I bother? I still remain more civil than them, despite how you see things.

I address individual posts reasonably when reasonableness is offered. That's where I stand. As to generalizing, my gawd, who generalizes more about liberals than our most vocal "conservatives"?? If you want to talk about enraging " those more stubborn or gullible into an unbalanced 'blamestorming' session", you should address your remarks to Mike or Sig, both of whom respond to even the few reasonable posts put up by our right-wingers; I've address their posts reasonably when they've made good points, and even agreed with them from time to time.

To address your remark about "broad strokes": Raptor and Kane ARE transparent, are you saying they're not? The GOP DOESN'T have a moderate candidate, and they're not likely to; nobody is willing to go up against the Tea Party, which in reality IS a small minority of the electorate.

The right DOES absolutely refuse to consider anything that might cost them or those they actually work for a penny, and their refusal makes compromise impossible

Raptor DOES go after California, every chance he gets and often when he has nothing of substance to say.

I responded to Wulf's post by telling him I and other liberals HAVE agreed to cuts in entitlements.

I believe the stupidity of the extremists here DOES reflect people like them in the Tea Party. That in no way means I believe everyone in the Tea Party, or every Republican is as stupid as the extremists, but there certainly are those among them who think like ours here.

I WOULD enjoy watching what would happen if the Tea Party and right-wing extreme conservatives allowed the debt ceiling not to be raised--in another universe. I don't want it to happen to ANYONE, because I think they'd be dismayed by the result when they discovered how it affected them personally and what it did to the country...but I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy in reality.

And I DO believe the Tea Party is doomed. Every single extremist movement has died when people realized just how extreme they were, it's a pendulum swing.

That addresses my remarks in my last post, if it's to that you are referring. I stand by what I said and say, again, it's nothing compared to the broad brush with which liberals are painted here.

You want examples of "broad brush strokes" along WITH personal attacks?

Hating the TEA party is essentially hating America, hating freedom, and pretty much all that's worth while with this great country.

The childish temper tantrum being thrown is from the inexperienced, clueless community activist, who is in W A Y over his head here, and it shows.

Glad you've chosen your side.


You hating America is what's pathetic. ... I have no idea from where your self loathing comes

you are dumb...really fucking dumb

I think Niki is really upset over whats going on with so-called "entitlements".

If we start cutting back, and we really need to, people like her would actually...*GASP*.. have to get a JOB!.

Oh the humanity!! Won't someone think of the leeches?!!


2 things you never concern yourself with, is another guy's $ and his swinging cod.
Now, Sig calls them a clueless bunch of morons, language challenged, and says

Given that the followers are so mentally challenged, what does that say about the philosophy?
(talk about broad brush strokes!), and calls PN a "certified schizoid John-Birch-style right-wing schizo"

Frem calls them brownshirted murderers and leeches

Kiki calls them cowardly lying hypocrites and their calling themselves Tea Baggers stupid and ridiculous

Mike says he's so dumb he can't spell "CAT".

And you go after ME for painting in broad strokes and enraging people into blamestorming?

If you're talking about my initial thread, it's how I feel, straight up. I DO believe they're harming this country, I do believe the GOP is kowtowing to these people out of fear for their re-election. and holding ANY attempt at reasonable compromise hostage, just as they're holding the rest of us hostage by not allowing their leaders to do the only thing that makes any progress: compromise. And they DO appear to me to be a bunch of power-hungry children throwing a temper tantrum, with all their "2nd Amendment solutions if we don't get our way", talk of secession, saying theirs is the "only plan", refusing to compromise at all, and demands that the debt ceiling not be raised, period, which would damage this country horribly.

The article isn't my words, but I agree with it in many ways.

That's a long response, but in my opinion valid; I responded as clearly as I could because often I DO respect you, so you deserved a complete response. If you offered a reasonable position, I would respond equally...and the other two extreme factions would be right there offering blamestorms even when I did.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, July 26, 2011 11:01 AM


America loves a winner!


I do believe the GOP is kowtowing to these people out of fear for their re-election.

Well, one can only hope they're kowtowing and scared. It was the RINOs, the country club GOP crowd, who sat idly by while Dodd and Frank and company from the Dems cause the demise of our economy, w/the Fannie / Freddie debacle. Those go along- get along types on the Right should be held partially accountable was well.


and holding ANY attempt at reasonable compromise hostage, just as they're holding the rest of us hostage by not allowing their leaders to do the only thing that makes any progress: compromise.

The only ones BEING reasonable ARE the GOP ! That's what is so head explodingly frustrating, is hearing you spout these lies and asinine comments.

Obama spent us into this mess, he needs to grow a pair and face the music. ObamaCare needs to be immediately repealed. We need to dissolve the Dept. of Education, Dept. of Agriculture, and do away with DHS, for a start.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, July 26, 2011 11:50 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Frem calls them brownshirted murderers and leeches

Economy of effort, however if they would PREFER an individual response, they'll get it, but fair warning that it's ever so likely to be even less gentle than those words.

Personal ? sure - when a faction bases its entire philosophy on the destruction of all I hold dear, you bet your ass it's personal, and make no mistake, they're so-called-leadership, if you can call the pack of nutters in charge of it such, makes no bones about it, thus anyone who cheeringly supports it, regardless of their pathetic denials, supports those actions, ergo...

Hell yes, it's fuckin personal.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011 1:57 PM



Happy, I hear little from "reasonable" conservatives here, and the others here are only worthy of mocking, they aren't capable of reasoning or being reasonable. Blamestorming happens no matter how reasonable I am or anyone else is. Facts are ignored in favor of partisan name hurling. It seems as if you want me to be civil and pleasant to people who have no intention of being civil or pleasant to anyone they disagree with, so why should I bother? I still remain more civil than them, despite how you see things.

My comment was a bit impulsive and affected by tiredness and frustration, but sometimes (and more often lately) that is how I feel. It certainly doesn't apply to you exclusively. In general I'd consider you a 'lessor offender' (for lack of a better term) in that respect, but it's more disappointing because I consider you to be fairly reasonable.

Ever wonder why there aren't many active 'reasonable' conservative posters? RWED isn't especially friendly to them. Not that it's especially friendly to anyone. All my post in this thread are pointless anyway and I never should have posted that first comment. You can consider it all a rant.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011 2:00 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:

I do believe the GOP is kowtowing to these people out of fear for their re-election.

Well, one can only hope they're kowtowing and scared. It was the RINOs, the country club GOP crowd, who sat idly by while Dodd and Frank and company from the Dems cause the demise of our economy, w/the Fannie / Freddie debacle. Those go along- get along types on the Right should be held partially accountable was well.

"Partially accountable" - yes, only *partially*, right? Despite the fact that your beloved GOP had control of the White House and BOTH houses of Congress from 2000-2006, and despite the fact that Dodd and Frank had zero to do with any collapse, since they chaired no committees at the time (those were all chaired and headed by REPUBLICAN members of Congress, since they were in control of both houses!)...

"Partially accountable" - despite the fact that Bush's profligate spending was more than triple what Obama has spent, and Bush's was piled on top of more spending by more Republicans over the generations, going back to Reagan and before.

But yeah, you're willing to assign them "partial" responsibility.

I'm sure you only consider al-Qaeda "partially accountable" for 9/11, too.



and holding ANY attempt at reasonable compromise hostage, just as they're holding the rest of us hostage by not allowing their leaders to do the only thing that makes any progress: compromise.

The only ones BEING reasonable ARE the GOP ! That's what is so head explodingly frustrating, is hearing you spout these lies and asinine comments.

You guys spent us into a deep, deep hole with your idiotic wars and tax cuts for the richest of the rich, and now your idea of "compromise" is to let the poor pay the costs of your stupidity. And you call that "reasonable".

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Tuesday, July 26, 2011 2:04 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by TheHappyTrader:

Ever wonder why there aren't many active 'reasonable' conservative posters? RWED isn't especially friendly to them. Not that it's especially friendly to anyone. All my post in this thread are pointless anyway and I never should have posted that first comment. You can consider it all a rant.

How "reasonable" are the so-called conservatives around here to the progressives? I've dealt with the name-calling and worse, up to and including outright death threats. So really, where are the "reasonable" conservatives?

And how come you never chide those so-called conservatives about the width of their brushes?


Tuesday, July 26, 2011 2:55 PM


Kwicko, I like you, but I'm not sure if I consider you 'reasonable' Then again, often enough after things calm down and political labels and angry wording are removed I find we are more or less on the same page.

My posts were colored in frustration and tiredness and were directed at niki because I considered her reasonable and the blanket branding of tea partiers, pro-lifers and fundamentalists bothers me.

Far as chiding conservatives go, the hateful unreasonable few are rather obvious and when someone like DT says something outragous y'all usually beat me to it. I don't generally like to repeat has already been said, so there's a fair amount of time I won't post because someone has already written something I agree with. I really wish there was a "like" button for things like that.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011 4:11 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SignyM:

WULF: Let me ask you a question: what good does ANY union do?

No answer???

Well, WULF? Did you just run out of words, having mindlessly quoted everything that the tea-baggers stuffed into your arsenal? (Given what little room there is in there?)

C'mon, man. Stop bringing your knife to a gun-fight. Given that the currency here is words and ideas... let's see what ya got.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011 4:16 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

HappyTrader, there are only a few "reasonable" conservatives around these parts, far as I can tell: Jongsstraw, Anthony. Maybe Hardware, altho HW seems to come off more as an aspiring technocrat. I'm beginning to wonder whether there ARE many reasonable conservatives anymore. Seems like a breed being killed off by the Tea-baggers. Sorry to say.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011 4:24 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

So while there are very few reasonable conservatives to be found, there are at least twenty-four different kinds of "libertarians"...

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Tuesday, July 26, 2011 4:27 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Well, one can only hope they're kowtowing and scared.
See, if this was a democrats you were talking about, the first thing you would say is Can't they make a move without consulting an opinion poll? Not that you have a wildly obvious double standard or anything!

AFA being afraid... if anyone should be afraid, it's you. Because you're a mean-spirited, greedy bastard that nearly everyone would recognize as a mortal enemy. So don't get too comfortable on your imaginary throne there, buddy-boy.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011 4:29 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Kwicko, too true!


Wednesday, July 27, 2011 5:07 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Well, WULF? Did you just run out of words, having mindlessly quoted everything that the tea-baggers stuffed into your arsenal? (Given what little room there is in there?)

C'mon, man. Stop bringing your knife to a gun-fight. Given that the currency here is words and ideas... let's see what ya got.

Yep, that's our Woofie-boy. No answers of his own. depends on others to do his thinking for him.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011 5:39 AM



I can't really say what good unions do. The last time I worked in a job which had a union, I was in my teens.

I will say that unions do have some good points. Worker safety, for example.

Yet, when unions gain TOO much power, they screw everyone and everything. The company, the consumer, even the workers themselves.

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"


Wednesday, July 27, 2011 8:08 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wulfenstar:

I can't really say what good unions do. The last time I worked in a job which had a union, I was in my teens.

I will say that unions do have some good points. Worker safety, for example.

Which is ironic, given the actions of the Republicans in the House regarding the FAA at the moment, and their efforts to bar air traffic controllers from joining unions in order to fight for better working conditions in order to improve the safety of every air traveler...


Yet, when unions gain TOO much power, they screw everyone and everything. The company, the consumer, even the workers themselves.

The same can be said of corporations and industry in general, can't it?

I'm actually not even trying to argue with you on this, Wulfie; I'm semi-agreeing with you, believe it or not, but pointing out some of the finer points that you may be overlooking. I look to unions as a check on the power of corporations, the same way I look at regulations as another kind of check on that power.

Without unions and regulation, we know for a fact, a 100% certainty, that the corporations absolutely WILL abuse the workers, abuse the customers, pollute the environment, and more. How do we know this? Because they have a proven track record of doing exactly these things every time they are given free rein to do them.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Wednesday, July 27, 2011 9:07 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Happy, I will admit shamefacedly that I suspected your comment was because I DO try to be one of the "lesser offenders" so you expected better of me. I should have just said that and let it go, but I also admit my self-control slips when someone calls me on that stuff, considering how much less I do it than some others.

On the other hand, when I came here and up until recently, it was LIBERALS who were treated the worst here on RWED. One of the reasons I came here was because of the really, REALLY ugly treatment they get on the other Firefly forum, which truly rocked me back on my heels. This place was better, and survivable. Recently the right-wing voices seem to have disappeared except for Raptor, Wulf, Kane and a few others who pop in now and again, so yes, it seems like it's not very kind to them. But I guarantee it was the other way around for a long, long time.

And I don't consider Mike "reasonable" either, he and Sig are the two worst offenders on the liberal side (I don't count Frem only because he's not a "liberal" per se), and every effort I've made to try to get Mike to mellow out has been for naught. For me, it's a bummer to see those on the liberal side behave almost as badly as our righties; they/I never approach the kind of gutter trash as that from the right, but come awfully close at times.

At any rate, dinna fash yerself, laddie; thanx for calling me out. I have to keep going back again and again to remind myself that I don't want to be like them...over time I start responding more and more like them, and I don't want to, so the reminder is much appreciated. And boy oh boy oh boy, do I understand your frustration! I get equally frustrated with the ones on BOTH sides who seem unable to communicate, only to hurl nastiness at one another.

Nonetheless, when it comes to "Fuck the Tea Party", it IS how I feel. All they have brought to our politics and government truly sickens me, and the Republicans not standing up to them is immensely frustrating.

Please don't ever get so frustrated you leave; I treasure your voice, along with some others.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off






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