100 years ago...

UPDATED: Thursday, August 4, 2011 14:21
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Monday, August 1, 2011 4:32 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

..a breakaway group of Republicans, tired of the GOP's direction, created a new party. Their platform, in part:


The Old Parties

Political parties exist to secure responsible government and to execute the will of the people.

From these great tasks both of the old parties have turned aside. Instead of instruments to promote the general welfare, they have become the tools of corrupt interests which use them impartially to serve their selfish purposes. Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government, owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.

To destroy this invisible government, to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.

The deliberate betrayal of its trust by the Republican Party, and the fatal incapacity of the Democratic Party to deal with the new issues of the new time, have compelled the people to forge a new instrument of government through which to give effect to their will in laws and institutions.


The Rule of the People

The Progressive Party, committed to the principle of government by a self-controlled democracy expressing its will through representatives of the people, pledges itself to secure such alterations in the fundamental law of the several States and of the United States as shall insure the representative character of the Government.

In particular, the party declares for direct primaries for nomination of State and National officers, for Nation-wide preferential primaries for candidates for the Presidency, for the direct election of United States Senators by the people; and we urge on the States the policy of the short ballot, with responsibility to the people secured by the initiative, referendum and recall.


The fixing of minimum safety and health standards for the various occupations, and the exercise of the public authority of State and Nation, including the Federal control over inter-State commerce and the taxing power, to maintain such standards;


Minimum wage standards for working women, to provide a living scale in all industrial occupations;


Publicity as to wages, hours and conditions and labor; full reports upon industrial accidents and diseases, and the opening to public inspection of all tallies, weights, measures and check systems on labor products;

Standards of compensation for death by industrial accident and injury and trade diseases which will transfer the burden of lost earnings from the families of working people to the industry, and thus to the community;

The protection of home life against the hazards of sickness, irregular employment and old age through the adoption of a system of social insurance adapted to American use;


We favor the organization of the workers, men and women as a means of protecting their interests and of promoting their progress.



We believe that true popular government, justice and prosperity go hand in hand, and so believing, it is our purpose to secure that large measure of general prosperity which is the fruit of legitimate and honest business, fostered by equal justice and by sound progressive laws.

We demand that the test of true prosperity shall be the benefits conferred thereby on all the citizens not confined to individuals or classes and that the test of corporate efficiency shall be the ability better to serve the public; that those who profit by control of business affairs shall justify that profit and that control by sharing with the public the fruits thereof.

We therefore demand a strong National regulation of inter-State corporations. The corporation is an essential part of modern business. The concentration of modern business, in some degree, is both inevitable and necessary for National and international business efficiency. but the existing concentration of vast wealth under a corporate system, unguarded and uncontrolled by the Nation, has placed in the hands of a few men enormous, secret, irresponsible power over the daily life of the citizen--a power insufferable in a free government and certain of abuse.

This power has been abused, in monopoly of National resources, in stock watering, in unfair competition and unfair privileges, and finally in sinister influences on the public agencies of State and Nation. We do not fear commercial power, but we insist that it shall be exercised openly, under publicity, supervision and regulation of the most efficient sort, which will preserver its good while eradicating and preventing its evils.

To that end we urge the establishment of a strong Federal administrative commission of high standing, which shall maintain permanent active supervision over industrial corporations engaged in inter-State commerce, or such of them as are of public importance, doing for them what the Government now does for the National banks, and what is now done for the railroads by the Inter-State Commerce Commission.


Equal Suffrage

The Progressive Party, believing that no people can justly claim to be a true democracy which denies political rights on account of sex, pledges itself to the task of securing equal suffrage to men and women alike.


The Courts

The Progressive Party demands such restriction of the power of the courts as shall leave to the people the ultimate authority to determine fundamental questions of social welfare and public policy. To secure this end it pledges itself to provide:

1. That when an act, passed under the police power of the State, is held unconstitutional under the State Constitution, by the courts, the people, after an ample interval for deliberation, shall have opportunity to vote on the question whether they desire the act to become a law, notwithstanding such decision.

2. That every decision of the highest appellate court of a State declaring an act of the Legislature unconstitutional on the ground of its violation of the Federal Constitution shall be subject to the same review by the Supreme Court of the United States as is now accorded to decisions sustaining such legislation.



We favor the union of all the existing agencies of the Federal Government dealing with the public health into a single National health service without discrimination against or for any one set of therapeutic methods, school of medicine, or school of healing with such additional powers as may be necessary to enable it to perform efficiently such duties in the protection of the public from preventable diseases as may be properly undertaken by the Federal authorities; including the executing of existing laws regarding pure food; quarantine and cognate subjects; the promotion of appropriate action for the improvement of vital statistics and the extension of the registration area of such statistics and co-operation with the health activities of the various States and cities of the Nation.


Peace and National Defense

Progressive Party deplores the survival in our civilization of the barbaric system of warfare among nations with its enormous waste of resources even in time of peace, and the consequent impoverishment of the life of the toiling masses. We pledge the party to use its best endeavors to substitutes judicial an other peaceful means of settling international differences.

We favor an international agreement for the limitation of naval forces. Pending such an agreement, and as the best means of preserving peace, we pledge ourselves to maintain for the present the policy of building two battleships a year.

Full platform here:

I can get behind most of this platform. If you can too, vote for Teddy Roosevelt and the Bull Moose Party in '12.

Remember, just two battleships a year is enough.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Monday, August 1, 2011 5:50 AM


I might just write that in ;)

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Monday, August 1, 2011 6:03 AM


It's a start, I guess, though we have to be careful of some of the inter-State regulation of trade, because the regulations of the TSA could fall under that and I'd really like to put an end to the TSA in general.


Monday, August 1, 2011 6:20 AM


OMG, I've never seen that before! Even though I have heard of the Bull Moose party, and read , a little , about TR.

I wish I had time to go thru it line by line , commenting on what each party would love and hate.
I see parts that would piss off Repubs, TPers, Democrats, and liberals. I also see a lot that liberals, Socialists, Democrats, and Obamaites would love, some that the TP still advocates, and more than a little that has already become the American standard of Democracy.

Sadly, I see one item, recall, referendum,
and initiative, that was adopted, especially here in California, but has become corrupted and is one of the problems here.

Thank you for posting this clever, thought provoking item.


Monday, August 1, 2011 11:37 AM


Hell, even I would consider that an acceptable minimum standard, although I really don't think we need battleships anymore, and I would restrict our carrier fleet to three, one for each coast and one for the gulf, as national defense and civic emergency response.

But again comes the question what exactly to do about it when the powers that be refuse to place them on ballots and/or refuse to seat them, and so on and so forth - till you've an answer for that, till you've thought it all the way through to what it might take....

I'd be skittish about supporting it.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, August 1, 2011 1:30 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

How'd that work out for 'em?


Tuesday, August 2, 2011 2:38 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Kwicko:
How'd that work out for 'em?

The Progressive Party wasn't formed until after the Republican convention prior to the 1912 election, and managed to poll more votes for Roosevelt than the Republicans did for the incumbent, Taft. Woodrow Wilson won for the Democrats by about 2 million votes out of 15 million total cast. Pretty good for running against both the Democrat and Republican machines.

Eugene Debs, the Socialist candidate polled nearly a million votes.

One of the first things Wilson did after taking office was to fire all the Black Federal employees who'd been hired during the Roosevelt administration of 1900-08.

I wonder what would have happened if Roosevelt had decided not to honor the then-unwritten rule of not having more terms than Washington, and run again in 1908, instead of supporting Taft.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Tuesday, August 2, 2011 1:22 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

If Teddy R. were to try that stunt today, he'd be branded by the GOP and the tea parties as a "socialist" and run out of town on a rail.

He was more progressive than the GOP then and now, and more progressive than the Democrats were at the time. Hell, I *wish* we had a progressive wing of the Republican party, but such a thing is considered blasphemy in the party of today.

But for that matter, I wish we had a progressive wing of the Democratic party, too.

Reagan himself could never be elected as a Republican today.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Thursday, August 4, 2011 2:02 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Interesting post.

About military spending. I don't have a problem with spending on keeping our equipment good and state of the art, paying our warriors and giving good benefits and care to those who have finished their service. I think its good to spend on the military (not a popular opinion here but I don't really care) but I think that what that money is spent on specifically could use some altering.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Thursday, August 4, 2011 2:21 PM



Originally posted by Geezer:

Originally posted by Kwicko:
How'd that work out for 'em?

The Progressive Party wasn't formed until after the Republican convention prior to the 1912 election, and managed to poll more votes for Roosevelt than the Republicans did for the incumbent, Taft. Woodrow Wilson won for the Democrats by about 2 million votes out of 15 million total cast. Pretty good for running against both the Democrat and Republican machines.

Eugene Debs, the Socialist candidate polled nearly a million votes.

One of the first things Wilson did after taking office was to fire all the Black Federal employees who'd been hired during the Roosevelt administration of 1900-08.

I wonder what would have happened if Roosevelt had decided not to honor the then-unwritten rule of not having more terms than Washington, and run again in 1908, instead of supporting Taft.

"Keep the Shiny side up"

Wilson also segregated all govt. Offices etc. But that's not really what we remember him for .(nor prohibition) and the war, but the income tax, and of course, the federal reserve act.

League of nations.

What a total disaster. It should have been a supreme court case based on 1824. Taft should have been able to throw his support behind TR

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.






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