Stupid voters enable broken government

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Thursday, September 29, 2011 5:14 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Hoo, boy, is HE ever right!

Whenever I visit Washington, I can't help but think this is the town that elected a crackhead as its mayor.

I know, I know it's not PC to say, but just because it's insensitive doesn't mean it isn't true.

But think about this: There is footage of Marion Barry in a room of crack smoke saying, "Bitch set me up." And yet that image, that video did not disqualify him from being seen as a viable political option in the mind of voters. In fact, not only was he re-elected mayor after serving time in a federal prison, today he sits on the City Council, all because he managed to convince enough black people that the video of him with the crack pipe in his mouth was white people's fault.

When analyzing what is wrong with our government, allow me to present this example as Exhibit A.

Exhibit B would be Newt Gingrich, who cheated on two wives and is the only speaker of the House to have been disciplined for ethics violations. And yet somehow he is running for president of the United States as a religious conservative and managed to get 8% of the votes during last week's straw poll in Florida.

Are you freaking kidding me?

The fact that he is even on camera discussing the country's sense of morality during the GOP debates should be offensive to any thinking person regardless of party affiliation. And yet someone, right now, is thinking about sending his campaign a check.

And who can forget Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, who last year, in trying to push a controversial immigration law, said law enforcement officials found headless bodies in the desert, the work of a Mexican cartel. But she was forced to admit that wasn't true, that she had "misspoke." What she didn't speak about was her close ties to the private prisons that were set to profit because of the new law. Ties like her campaign manager and her spokesman being former lobbyists for private prison companies. And despite the obvious conflict of interest, she won easily, saying on election Tuesday, "Tonight, the people have redeemed and renewed America."

Nice work, people.

I could go on but I think you see what I'm getting at: The biggest reason government is broken is because of voters.

Let's face it. A lot of us are just plain stupid.

Or at the very least lazy.

We want our candidates to use easy-to-digest buzz words such as "family values" or "clean energy" so we don't have to actually invest too much time thinking. We can just slip our brains into auto-pilot and cruise on into November.

Do I believe our politicians need to be perfect? No.

But damn, you would think people would draw the line at crack.

Or blatant hypocrisy.

Or just making stuff up as a candidate goes along.

Each time Rep. Michele Bachmann insinuates falsehoods into her arguments, as she did earlier this month on the "Today Show" by suggesting HPV vaccinations cause mental retardation, I think: A group of people on auto-pilot in Minnesota did this to us.

When you know important debates are influenced by people who don't like being bothered with facts, you question just how many of the country's problems over the years have been caused by people who should not have been involved in the process in the first place.

But they are because of us. So can we genuinely complain about government without accepting a lot of the blame? I don't think so. After all, they didn't elect themselves. So if we want government to work, we have to be smarter about our choices. It's one thing to have a population with a variety of political sensibilities; it's another to be a country full of idiots. Too many times we vote and consequently govern like the latter.

We have to move away from easy-to-repeat campaign slogans and promises of easy solutions, because we're a country with more than 300 million people, a complicated racial and religious history and the world's largest GDP. There are no easy solutions.

So if you're the kind of person who likes to say "I don't follow politics," let me remind you that no one lives in a vacuum and that sentiment epitomizes what is wrong with our government. I don't blame Sarah Palin for thinking she can still toss her hat in the ring. I blame us voters for creating an environment in which a Palin or a Gingrich or even a reality TV star like Donald Trump can feel as if they can run and even be taken seriously.

Last week I was bombarded with e-mails from readers who said Social Security should be protected because they paid into it, but they didn't care about Medicaid or Medicare because the government pays for those. And in 13 months some of these people will be voting for president.

You want to know what's wrong with government?

I just presented you with Exhibit C.

All it takes is gullible people like Raptor, et al., and voila! Michelle Bachmann, who should be standing on a street corner with a "The World Is Ending" sign or something, is in Congress instead. Or a George Bush, who is touted as someone you'd like to have a beer with but who couldn't pt together a sentence with both hands, ends up Head of the Free World! Makes you shake your head in wonder, don't it?


Thursday, September 29, 2011 5:17 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


The 'thinking' voter hasn't done much better.

Stupid government enables broken voters.



"In every war, the state enacts a tax of freedom upon the citizenry. The unspoken promise is that the tax shall be revoked at war's end. Endless war holds no such promise. Hence, Eternal War is Eternal Slavery." --Admiral Robert J. Henner


Thursday, September 29, 2011 5:21 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I dunno, Anthony. I think it depends on your definition of "thinking" voters...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Thursday, September 29, 2011 5:22 AM


Niki, I've gotten into this argument with Sig as well, and frankly, I don't think you can blame voters for politicians being ambitious and powerhungry in the first place, for becoming inevitably corrupted by the power their position grants them, for the way the game changes them because that's the only way to play, or people for expecting their leaders to act with a little bit of decency.

So no, I don't put it on the voters. I don't buy the arguments of the power-elite that we're all dumb animals and it's our own fault for putting them in charge. I don't believe that if the voters were to just vote for the right person, EVERYTHING could be fixed and "America could be put back on course"/"We could create a modern day utopia"/ etc.

I even think that ends up perpetuating the problem, some kind of bizarre blame the victim mentality that all the politicians are laughing up their sleeves at us falling for, because if we continue to believe it's our fault, if we continue to not hold them accountable, nothing ever has to change. And that feeds in directly to the question of "what's the right choice," and what they want us to conclude is "well, it's certain political party, and everything that goes wrong is the fault of other political party." Even though they end up 'compromising' on everything and those compromises are generally good for them and their corporate buddies and bad for everyone else.


Thursday, September 29, 2011 5:26 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Originally posted by Niki2:
I dunno, Anthony. I think it depends on your definition of "thinking" voters...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


You thought long and hard. You voted for the right politician. You maybe even got the man you wanted sitting in the chair.

And now, don't you occasionally find yourself wishing that the chair had a switch on it?

Sometimes the only thing that keeps a man in power is the vast quantity of worse candidates. So what is the 'thinking' voter to do? What did you do? What will you do next?

Nothing new, I wager. There is no correct answer to this multiple choice test.



"In every war, the state enacts a tax of freedom upon the citizenry. The unspoken promise is that the tax shall be revoked at war's end. Endless war holds no such promise. Hence, Eternal War is Eternal Slavery." --Admiral Robert J. Henner


Thursday, September 29, 2011 5:31 AM


This may be true, but freedom = eternal vigilance.

I don't believe government is stupid at all, at the core.

"Stupid Government", whether from the right or from the left is nothing more than an episode of American Idol. Mindless entertainment and persuasion.

It's what 99% of what the RW forums here are based on.

Keep fighting, "Righties" and "Lefties".....

Divided we fall.... :(


Originally posted by AnthonyT:

The 'thinking' voter hasn't done much better.

Stupid government enables broken voters.



"In every war, the state enacts a tax of freedom upon the citizenry. The unspoken promise is that the tax shall be revoked at war's end. Endless war holds no such promise. Hence, Eternal War is Eternal Slavery." --Admiral Robert J. Henner

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Thursday, September 29, 2011 5:34 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Unfortunately, Anthony, you're right insofar as your argument goes. But people who pay attention have no chance of making their vote heard as long as there are enough stupid voters out there who buy into the buzz words and propaganda. If there were ENOUGH thinking voters to have power, I believe things WOULD be different.

I vote for the "lesser of two evils" and I will again, because I'm only GIVEN two viable choices; if thinking people did the nominating (or even got active in getting someone sensible NOMINATED), it would be different. JMHO.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Thursday, September 29, 2011 5:35 AM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:
And now, don't you occasionally find yourself wishing that the chair had a switch on it?

Occasionally ?

I still like my exploding collars idea.



Thursday, September 29, 2011 5:37 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


"Stupid Government", whether from the right or from the left is nothing more than an episode of American Idol. Mindless entertainment and persuasion.
Well said, 6ix. We elect "handsome" candidates, actors, people who say what we want to hear...that's pretty "stupid".

But I'm not sure what you mean by

It's what 99% of what the RW forums here are based on.
What do you mean by "RW"? My first thought is "right wing", but I don't think the forums HERE are right wing, so you must mean something else...?

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Thursday, September 29, 2011 5:39 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Unfortunately, Anthony, you're right insofar as your argument goes. But people who pay attention have no chance of making their vote heard as long as there are enough stupid voters out there who buy into the buzz words and propaganda. If there were ENOUGH thinking voters to have power, I believe things WOULD be different.

I vote for the "lesser of two evils" and I will again, because I'm only GIVEN two viable choices; if thinking people did the nominating (or even got active in getting someone sensible NOMINATED), it would be different. JMHO.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off

While also realizing and appreciating that the "lesser of two evils" is completely subjective, right?


"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."

EDIT TO ADD: RW forums meant our RW forums here. :)


Thursday, September 29, 2011 6:01 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Real World.



"In every war, the state enacts a tax of freedom upon the citizenry. The unspoken promise is that the tax shall be revoked at war's end. Endless war holds no such promise. Hence, Eternal War is Eternal Slavery." --Admiral Robert J. Henner


Thursday, September 29, 2011 6:34 AM



I think it is the voters’ faults, including those who choose not to vote. People are unwilling to pay attention and debate the issues, but willing to vote based on single stances and rhetoric.

...and that is on both sides.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Thursday, September 29, 2011 6:46 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh. Thanx, Anthony...I didn't think there was more than one, so the plural confused me...

"Yup" to everything you said, Nick.

And yes, 6ix, it's subjective, but which of the Republican candidates do you figure is the lesser of two evils? I shouldn't ask, because you already expressed a preference for Ron Paul, but in my subjective opinion, they are ALL far.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Thursday, September 29, 2011 11:28 AM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Speaking of people who elect trashy folk to office. My city's current mayor was kissing his 17 year old intern during his stint as Commissioner, keep in mind that he was in his 40s, and as soon as the intern turned 18 they rutted. And then he lied about it on top of that, while he was running he said he didn't do that stuff and then after he was elected it slipped out that he was lying. And my stupid city mates didn't even recall him, there were a few efforts but my city is so morally screwed up that it didn't work and he's still the mayor. Talk about embarassing, :8 Yucky.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Friday, September 30, 2011 3:48 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Yep. Time for a return to literacy tests, poll taxes, property ownership requirements, loyalty oaths, etc. so only the right people get to vote.

Sorry, but if you want a democracy, you gotta put up with people voting however they will. If you can't sell your vision, it may be the wrong product, or you may be telling the wrong story.

BTW, Marion Barry being returned to the D.C. Council by the voters in his (mostly African-American) ward, after his crack arrest and more recent troubles with the IRS, might be looked upon as supportive of Herman Cain's contention that Blacks are brainwashed.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, September 30, 2011 4:50 AM




Originally posted by Geezer:
Yep. Time for a return to literacy tests, poll taxes, property ownership requirements, loyalty oaths, etc. so only the right people get to vote.

Sorry, but if you want a democracy, you gotta put up with people voting however they will. If you can't sell your vision, it may be the wrong product, or you may be telling the wrong story.

BTW, Marion Barry being returned to the D.C. Council by the voters in his (mostly African-American) ward, after his crack arrest and more recent troubles with the IRS, might be looked upon as supportive of Herman Cain's contention that Blacks are brainwashed.

See, no one is arguing which side is right, or that voters are stupid because they don't vote for a particular side.

The issue is that people vote but take no responsibilty for the flaws of government.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Friday, September 30, 2011 5:02 AM




Well, I still don't think FAULT or ENABLE are the right words here, but if we're arguing about how money can buy someone out of anything, even crime, criminally negligent leadership, or really stupid policy and decision, and therefore how the voters are powerless to make their representatives behave, then okay. I can get behind that point.


Friday, September 30, 2011 5:26 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

BYTE: part of "holding politicians accountable" is to vote them out. Fire them, as it were.

BUT... you all seem to accept the idea that the only entity with an interest in a stupid populace is gubmint.

Well, government does not control the media. It doesn't air daytime soaps and reality shows and endless (ENDLESS!) commercials. It doesn't push the idea that the only goals in life are to be sexy and popular, to buy lots of shit, that everyone lives fulfilling lives, and that YOUR happy ending will come in 30 minutes (or an hour, less commercial breaks). It doesn't encourage hero-worship. It doesn't create loan documents with such obscure legalese and fine print that it would take a dual-PhD in accounting and law to parse them. It doesn't preach nonsense from the pulpit, or blather nonsense over the airwaves.

Any entity that wants to control what you do... and that includes business and religion... wants to make you stupid. God forbid you should think for yourself.


Friday, September 30, 2011 7:16 AM


Yeah, like firing them really stops them. They usually just end up in some non-elected position, either government or corporate, and the corruption goes on.

Really, you'd have to hold the possibility of jail time or punishment over their heads, but unfortunately with how things currently work they can get out of that.

...But, okay, yes, the government relies on a stupid - or rather, partisan indoctrinated - public to function. But that's not to say the public is to blame for a guy being bribed by big oil with hookers, or convinced to start a war because Lockheed Martin has some shiny new tech they want to test out. Public stupidity doesn't even really ping on the "criminal action" scale, whereas politicians and corporate entities dominate it.

It still seems like blaming the victims to me. If someone is dumb enough to get conned, they're still a victim, aren't they? And aren't the con-artists the ones to blame?


Friday, September 30, 2011 7:19 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by m52nickerson:
See, no one is arguing which side is right, or that voters are stupid because they don't vote for a particular side.

I'm not arguing that any particular side is right, either.

But the argument is being made by the article Niki cited, and apparently by Niki herself, that "Stupid voters enable broken government".

This leads to the question "What are we to do with those stupid voters?"

Unfortunately, "stupid voters" usually ends up being defined as "People who don't vote as I would". And the result of anyone controlling who can vote, by poll tax, literacy test, etc. is that the folks who don't vote the 'right' way - in the opinion of those controlling - don't get to vote.

The only answer I can see is to let folks vote for Barry or Bachmann if they wish, but try to convince them it's not the best idea.

If you have any other suggestions, I'd be glad to hear them.


The issue is that people vote but take no responsibilty for the flaws of government.

Or support the government they elected. This has been pointed out here as one of the problems with Pres. Obama's term so far. Many of his supporters, once he was elected, said "Our job here is done." and left him to try to deal with Healthcare and other issues without grassroots pressure and support.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, September 30, 2011 8:01 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Originally posted by AnthonyT:
And now, don't you occasionally find yourself wishing that the chair had a switch on it?

Occasionally ?

I still like my exploding collars idea.


Or at least a shock collar, like some people put on recalcitrant dogs...


Friday, September 30, 2011 8:20 AM




Originally posted by Geezer:
I'm not arguing that any particular side is right, either.

Then I appologize, it seemed as you were.


Originally posted by Geezer:
But the argument is being made by the article Niki cited, and apparently by Niki herself, that "Stupid voters enable broken government".

This leads to the question "What are we to do with those stupid voters?"

Unfortunately, "stupid voters" usually ends up being defined as "People who don't vote as I would". And the result of anyone controlling who can vote, by poll tax, literacy test, etc. is that the folks who don't vote the 'right' way - in the opinion of those controlling - don't get to vote.

The only answer I can see is to let folks vote for Barry or Bachmann if they wish, but try to convince them it's not the best idea.

If you have any other suggestions, I'd be glad to hear them.

That is all you can do is try and get people to pay attention. That and convince them they (as a whole) are responcible for the outcomes.


Originally posted by Geezer:
Or support the government they elected. This has been pointed out here as one of the problems with Pres. Obama's term so far. Many of his supporters, once he was elected, said "Our job here is done." and left him to try to deal with Healthcare and other issues without grassroots pressure and support.

I agree!

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Friday, September 30, 2011 8:22 AM




Originally posted by Bytemite:
It still seems like blaming the victims to me. If someone is dumb enough to get conned, they're still a victim, aren't they?

Not once they realize what is going on, but choose not to do anything about it.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Friday, September 30, 2011 9:28 AM


Pretty sure they're still victims. Do you know how often a victim of a regular con ever gets compensation? Ultimately, if you can't bring the con-artist to justice for whatever reasons, there really isn't much you can do. And these politicians, they seem like con-artists to me. They ask for your support, take your money, and there's no guarantee they'll use it for what they said they'd use it for.

We have to make there be consequences, and no, them resigning from office or not being reelected is not a consequence that has any impact on them.


Friday, September 30, 2011 1:33 PM



The problem is we see that, and keep voting them in. I'm sorry but that old saying rings true in this respect, Fool me once, sham on you. Fool me twice, sham on me.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Saturday, October 1, 2011 3:51 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The problem is that we do not agitate for a less corruptable system.

For example: the reason WHY money is so important to candidates is because broadcast advertising is so expensive. The FCC grants licenses to the bandwidth (which is owned by the people) for "the common good". Why can't it just require that airwave media provide a free set amount of advert time to credible candidates. (BTW- I would go for a 2-week moratorium on either paid or free political advert just b4 an election. That would reduce the amount of broadcast hysteria.)

Another thing: We should try to set in place more direct democracy.

Still, although government tends to rely on stupid voters, it's really not government that makes ppl stupid on a day-to-day basis. I really place blame for that on (corporate) media and religion. So, how do we stop corporate and religious brainwashing?


Saturday, October 1, 2011 7:46 AM


Oh man, where to even start...

Well, by choice I'd start with reforms of the public education system, of course.
And I would terminate "faith-based" funding which is just cover for shelling out tax money to officially approved religions, in violation of the first amendment.

As far as media goes, I'd say nationalize broadcast but historically that's a bad idea, so I figure best way to do that is do away with the bullshit which ensures only corporations wind up with broadcast rights - MI has a kind of look the other way thing goin on with "pirate" radio, and some of it is pretty good, but of course with freedom of speech you get haters, racists and nutters too...
But without corporate backing they can't really dominate the airwaves like they do now.

Of course, if you'd rather solve it at a stroke than nitpick it to death - eliminate corporate personhood, OR, as has been mentioned, hold them "personally" accountable for criminal activity.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Saturday, October 1, 2011 8:55 AM




Originally posted by Fremdfirma: I'd say nationalize broadcast but historically that's a bad idea,

I don't know, the BBC works pretty well.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Saturday, October 1, 2011 9:48 AM


This makes me think of two things:

1. When Princess Diana died, all of England and much of the world bitched and moaned about the evil paparazzi. I felt I was the only one thinking: stop buying every rag that prints a picture of Di, you morons. Then the photographers would stop chasing her. But the idiots just went out and bought more.

Yes, stupid people. Incapable of connecting cause and effect. Incapable of deciding NOT to be a part of the cause.

2. I was just reading about Perry and his "skepticism" of climate change, which reminded me of old threads on RWED. Otherwise intelligent-seeming posters stated their belief that scientists make all this up so they can get funding.

Ok, wait... Must get this off my chest...

Scientists falsify their research for money, but Big Oil and its politician leeches (Perry) would never do such a thing?

Scientists who have tenured jobs falsify their research for money, but Big Oil, with employment and income that depends solely on profit, would never do such a thing?

Scientists who work for educational institutions falsify their research for money, but Big Oil which exists purely to make a profit would never do such a thing?

Scientists who might make 100K or so a year falsify their research for money, but Big Oil controlled by managers/stock holders with million dollar bonuses/incomes funded by company profit would never do such a thing?

Scientists who must submit their work to peer-reviewed journals falsify their research for money, but Big Oil that only needs to stand up to the rigorous standards of Faux news would never do such a thing?

BTW, which science classes did Perry take in college? How were his grades?

Talk about stupid.

I really wish Perry would hold a town hall meeting in my town, and give me the mic.

Yes, I blame voters for being stupid and getting us into this mess. Reagan I can excuse, but Bush? In 2004 no less? Stupid stupid stupid.

It gives me an odd and dark sort of comfort, actually. If America crashes and burns, it's because we've earned it. Any society that puts Bachmann or Palin or Perry or Cain in charge is only a danger to the world and should clean the slate and start over. I only hope the crash and burn, if we don't wise up and avoid it, isn't too ugly. The fall of Rome was followed by 1000 years of darkness...

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Saturday, October 1, 2011 10:28 AM


Like woman, I am a mystery.


Originally posted by mal4prez:
This makes me think of two things:

1. When Princess Diana died, all of England and much of the world bitched and moaned about the evil paparazzi. I felt I was the only one thinking: stop buying every rag that prints a picture of Di, you morons. Then the photographers would stop chasing her. But the idiots just went out and bought more.

Yes, stupid people. Incapable of connecting cause and effect. Incapable of deciding NOT to be a part of the cause.

2. I was just reading about Perry and his "skepticism" of climate change, which reminded me of old threads on RWED. Otherwise intelligent-seeming posters stated their belief that scientists make all this up so they can get funding.

Ok, wait... Must get this off my chest...

Scientists falsify their research for money, but Big Oil and its politician leeches (Perry) would never do such a thing?

Scientists who have tenured jobs falsify their research for money, but Big Oil, with employment and income that depends solely on profit, would never do such a thing?

Scientists who work for educational institutions falsify their research for money, but Big Oil which exists purely to make a profit would never do such a thing?

Scientists who might make 100K or so a year falsify their research for money, but Big Oil controlled by managers/stock holders with million dollar bonuses/incomes funded by company profit would never do such a thing?

Scientists who must submit their work to peer-reviewed journals falsify their research for money, but Big Oil that only needs to stand up to the rigorous standards of Faux news would never do such a thing?

BTW, which science classes did Perry take in college? How were his grades?

Talk about stupid.

I really wish Perry would hold a town hall meeting in my town, and give me the mic.

Yes, I blame voters for being stupid and getting us into this mess. Reagan I can excuse, but Bush? In 2004 no less? Stupid stupid stupid.

It gives me an odd and dark sort of comfort, actually. If America crashes and burns, it's because we've earned it. Any society that puts Bachmann or Palin or Perry or Cain in charge is only a danger to the world and should clean the slate and start over. I only hope the crash and burn, if we don't wise up and avoid it, isn't too ugly. The fall of Rome was followed by 1000 years of darkness...

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left

Socialist and unashamed about it.


Saturday, October 1, 2011 10:41 AM



Originally posted by Cuda77:

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Saturday, October 1, 2011 10:49 AM



A psycho stands in front of you, and offers you a choice. "You can be killed by the awl in my left hand or the axe in my right hand." I guess that's a democratic choice.

The way our democracy works, if there are ten hostages, and 6 vote for the axe, we all get axed.

However, in our democracy, if 3 vote to be axed and two vote to have out eyes gouged out with an awl and five refuse to be killed, we all get axed again.

Then we have voter fraud. The pro-awl crowd proves that really it wasn't 3 people saying axe, but one person jumping around the room saying axe three times, and two people saying awl, and 7 people who wanted to live, then they have a huge uphill battle to fight to show that we have in fact decided for the left hand, and we each get an awl in our brain, regardless of how each of us individually voted.

Then, some political commentator will come in and say "The system isn't perfect, but it's better than having no psycho in the room with weapons trying to kill us."

8 other people in the remove remain silent, and one agrees, and so among those who commented, support for that notion was unanimous.

I guess if we were to upgrade our political system and get rid of all the fraud and corruption, the above is what we would have.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Saturday, October 1, 2011 3:35 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Then we have voter fraud. The pro-awl crowd proves that really it wasn't 3 people saying axe, but one person jumping around the room saying axe three times, and two people saying awl, and 7 people who wanted to live, then they have a huge uphill battle to fight to show that we have in fact decided for the left hand, and we each get an awl in our brain, regardless of how each of us individually voted.

You know there really haven't been any substantiated cases of any kind of systematic widespread voter fraud in the last 50 or more years, right? I think what you mean is "election fraud", where one person reporting the results says "axe" three million times, when in fact the real results would have been five million votes for "freedom".

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Saturday, October 1, 2011 3:36 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:
And yes, 6ix, it's subjective, but which of the Republican candidates do you figure is the lesser of two evils? I shouldn't ask, because you already expressed a preference for Ron Paul, but in my subjective opinion, they are ALL far.

Who isn't crazier? That mindless left-wingnut we have in the seat today?
I know Ron Paul will never win, but I continue to vote for him because (just like MySpace gives you badges for being "old school" today, i could say I told you so when everyone else comes around someday.

Seriously..... is this "Change" working for you?

Ask anyone who was here 5 years ago....



I didn't vote for O'Bammy, but I hate him even more for tripiling GWB's largest deficit in his first year and then starting another illegal war with Libya later in his "career", after selling his votes on ending war and bringing our children home...

F'ing Liar.

Just like the Rethugs....

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Saturday, October 1, 2011 3:43 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by mal4prez:
This makes me think of two things:

1. When Princess Diana died, all of England and much of the world bitched and moaned about the evil paparazzi. I felt I was the only one thinking: stop buying every rag that prints a picture of Di, you morons. Then the photographers would stop chasing her. But the idiots just went out and bought more.

Yes, stupid people. Incapable of connecting cause and effect. Incapable of deciding NOT to be a part of the cause.

2. I was just reading about Perry and his "skepticism" of climate change, which reminded me of old threads on RWED. Otherwise intelligent-seeming posters stated their belief that scientists make all this up so they can get funding.

Ok, wait... Must get this off my chest...

Scientists falsify their research for money, but Big Oil and its politician leeches (Perry) would never do such a thing?

Scientists who have tenured jobs falsify their research for money, but Big Oil, with employment and income that depends solely on profit, would never do such a thing?

Scientists who work for educational institutions falsify their research for money, but Big Oil which exists purely to make a profit would never do such a thing?

Scientists who might make 100K or so a year falsify their research for money, but Big Oil controlled by managers/stock holders with million dollar bonuses/incomes funded by company profit would never do such a thing?

Scientists who must submit their work to peer-reviewed journals falsify their research for money, but Big Oil that only needs to stand up to the rigorous standards of Faux news would never do such a thing?

BTW, which science classes did Perry take in college? How were his grades?

Talk about stupid.

I really wish Perry would hold a town hall meeting in my town, and give me the mic.

Hell, he won't even hold such town hall meetings in Texas, for fear someone will ask him such uncomfortable questions.


Yes, I blame voters for being stupid and getting us into this mess. Reagan I can excuse, but Bush? In 2004 no less? Stupid stupid stupid.

What I said back around 2005 or so was that I could forgive someone for voting for Bush once, as a youthful indiscretion or a mistake, but to vote for him TWICE? That took not just ignorance, but aggressively stupid malice.


It gives me an odd and dark sort of comfort, actually. If America crashes and burns, it's because we've earned it. Any society that puts Bachmann or Palin or Perry or Cain in charge is only a danger to the world and should clean the slate and start over.

Okay, I don't mean to harp on it, but THAT was pretty much the point Gino was trying to make way back when. And honestly, if you think that a "clean slate" is going to happen without several million deaths at a minimum, you're dreaming. His solution was political assassination, if I recall, or targeted bombing. Seems horrific, but it's "cleaner" than utter chaos, I have to say.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Saturday, October 1, 2011 4:42 PM




Originally posted by mal4prez:
This makes me think of two things:

1. When Princess Diana died, all of England and much of the world bitched and moaned about the evil paparazzi. I felt I was the only one thinking: stop buying every rag that prints a picture of Di, you morons. Then the photographers would stop chasing her. But the idiots just went out and bought more.

Yes, stupid people. Incapable of connecting cause and effect. Incapable of deciding NOT to be a part of the cause.

2. I was just reading about Perry and his "skepticism" of climate change, which reminded me of old threads on RWED. Otherwise intelligent-seeming posters stated their belief that scientists make all this up so they can get funding.

Ok, wait... Must get this off my chest...

Scientists falsify their research for money, but Big Oil and its politician leeches (Perry) would never do such a thing?

Scientists who have tenured jobs falsify their research for money, but Big Oil, with employment and income that depends solely on profit, would never do such a thing?

Scientists who work for educational institutions falsify their research for money, but Big Oil which exists purely to make a profit would never do such a thing?

Scientists who might make 100K or so a year falsify their research for money, but Big Oil controlled by managers/stock holders with million dollar bonuses/incomes funded by company profit would never do such a thing?

Scientists who must submit their work to peer-reviewed journals falsify their research for money, but Big Oil that only needs to stand up to the rigorous standards of Faux news would never do such a thing?

BTW, which science classes did Perry take in college? How were his grades?

Talk about stupid.

I really wish Perry would hold a town hall meeting in my town, and give me the mic.

Yes, I blame voters for being stupid and getting us into this mess. Reagan I can excuse, but Bush? In 2004 no less? Stupid stupid stupid.

It gives me an odd and dark sort of comfort, actually. If America crashes and burns, it's because we've earned it. Any society that puts Bachmann or Palin or Perry or Cain in charge is only a danger to the world and should clean the slate and start over. I only hope the crash and burn, if we don't wise up and avoid it, isn't too ugly. The fall of Rome was followed by 1000 years of darkness...

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left

I will third that....

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Saturday, October 1, 2011 4:48 PM




Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Seriously..... is this "Change" working for you?

Unfortunately its has not gotten here yet. It was blocked by a bunch of people clinging to guns, bibles and teabags.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Sunday, October 2, 2011 1:56 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by SignyM:
Why can't it just require that airwave media provide a free set amount of advert time to credible candidates.

The fun here starts when you have to decide who can impartially pick the "credible" candidates.


So, how do we stop corporate and religious brainwashing?

You don't, or you're just as bad as they are. You offer alternatives.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Sunday, October 2, 2011 2:14 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Yes, I blame voters for being stupid and getting us into this mess. Reagan I can excuse, but Bush? In 2004 no less? Stupid stupid stupid.

What I said back around 2005 or so was that I could forgive someone for voting for Bush once, as a youthful indiscretion or a mistake, but to vote for him TWICE? That took not just ignorance, but aggressively stupid malice.

Fool us once, shame on Bush, fool us twice... um... OK, we did get fooled again.



It gives me an odd and dark sort of comfort, actually. If America crashes and burns, it's because we've earned it. Any society that puts Bachmann or Palin or Perry or Cain in charge is only a danger to the world and should clean the slate and start over.

Okay, I don't mean to harp on it, but THAT was pretty much the point Gino was trying to make way back when. And honestly, if you think that a "clean slate" is going to happen without several million deaths at a minimum, you're dreaming. His solution was political assassination, if I recall, or targeted bombing. Seems horrific, but it's "cleaner" than utter chaos, I have to say.

No no no. Not at all.

First, there's a difference between someone IN THE SYSTEM, feeling powerless, grasping for any silver lining, and a person outside the system saying that everyone in the system needs to die because of the actions of a few.

Gino, who's not American, said that Americans should pay with our lives for what what our leaders did. We weren't willing to get our sniper rifles out and kill W, so we're at fault. (Recall that I asked him - But Gino, you never brought your rifle over the border and killed Bush, so aren't you at fault as well? According to your rules, don't you deserve to die too? Never got a response to that.)

My feelings are more like someone in a bad relationship who's been trying for years to convince herself it'll work. At some point I have to realize that it can actually end. And maybe it should. Maybe there's something better out there.

This doesn't mean I've decided to grab the meat cleaver and partake in bloody murder of my boyfriend! I don't want things messy, and I said as much though you didn't quote that part of my post.

If you (and Gino) inevitably tie change with violence, that's your issue.

And no, I'm not dreaming. What did MLK and Ghandi accomplish? How about the Middle East lately? Go Wisconsin! Go Verizon strikers! Go Occupy Wall Street! This is the stuff that needs to happen.

Now, what Gino could not see, but I know you can Kwicko, is that this attitude of his was right in line with the ideas of Bin Laden. Killed innocent citizens? Targeted bombing? How'd that work for OBL in 2001? How is it going for us in Afghanistan and Iraq?

And using this approach on ourselves, inside on our country? Is that what you mean? Are you insane? Bullshit it'd be cleaner! All it would do is destroy us, destroy our remaining character and cohesion. America may have an active Upsurge of Idiots to deal with, and a high-powered elite oligarchy buying up the govt, but there are ways to fight this without turning ourselves into Al Quaeda.

Again - go Occupy Wall Street! I'm going to visit them today. Looking into buying them some pizza or something.

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Sunday, October 2, 2011 4:10 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

As far as "How'd it work for Bin Laden?", I'd have to say he pretty much won. He got everything he wanted. He said he'd be a martyr to his cause, so we killed him, fulfilling his wish. He said he'd embroil the U.S. in wars it couldn't afford or sustain, and we promptly attacked and invaded numerous countries, again fulfilling his wish. His actions have pretty much spelled the end of the American Empire, according to the conservatives around these parts at least.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Tuesday, October 26, 2021 4:05 PM


No other form of government really works that well, saying, Democracy is the best system of government; well soemtimes it can be kinda crap it does not mean it is perfect, just that it is better than all others.

Biden administration interfering in Hungary’s 2022 general elections, says Hungarian deputy state secretary

McConnell Sends Trump a Very Clear Message About 2022

What Democrats’ House retirements mean for 2022 election


Wednesday, October 27, 2021 10:15 AM


A terrible thing to even dream or ask but Will there ever be an Acceleration, maybe something like A.I could add the spark, a crossing the Rubicon to restore the Republic and Constitution, Neoreactionaries. Maybe it is worst thing yet to happen worse than a Third party far more dangerous than a Third position the neoreaction, focuses on the fundamentally flawed tenets of modern western culture. A cultural reconquista to defend against invaders they say the final Inquisition against the infiltration invaders and they say only morality is civilization. Any toxic anti-American belief or hateful Anti-America ideology that works against civilization is evil no matter how well-intentioned. The Overton window shifting back and forth and suddenly a process is shifting of phenomenon from unthinkable to a radical degree and suddenly we have other fringe break away speed up movements?

Secession, Brexit, Texit?
The Secret of My Secession
Polish withdrawal from the European Union?
Cal-exit? Meet the movement for Californian secession
Yes California is a Californian political action committee that promotes the Independence of the state of California from the United States. Advocates for secession are called disunionists by their contemporaries in various historical documents.

Americans are among the most dissatisfied with their government, according to a new survey of advanced countries by the Pew Research Centre.
Eighty-five per cent of adults in US who were surveyed wanted significant changes in their political system, while 76 per cent wanted changes to the healthcare system and 66 per cent wanted major changes in the economy.
...maybe the Doomsday will not come, there won't be an apocalypse. Just more crime, more drugs, more shipping problems and maybe just a slow decent into technotyranny...when shit hitting the fan actually happens, there will be no forewarning.

Maybe it was Neo-Con Bush jnr that got the whole thing rolling with the Patriot Act or maybe it begis some other time it was the Dixie Chicks getting death threats for not fully supporting invading Iraq? A crazy Feminist Black screams at Jews then another Black man scream at a Jewish woman 'I wish Hitler were still here murdering your children!'
Shocking anti-Semitic rant is captured on doorbell camera in Brooklyn as man berates woman in street...the identity politics transexual Left is now confused over which side it should be supporting? a confused position indeed to support a tranny shape shifting NYC Negroid-Nazi???
Curtis Yarvin, NRx’s chief ideologue, describes himself as a ‘formalist’
Unqualified Reservations by Mencius Moldbug

Does the French have too much islamo-apologist homosexual open borders faggotry on the tv?
Don't worry they say
France: Eric Zemmour Now Pulls Ahead of Marine Le Pen

Patrick J. Buchanan: Can Poland Be Poland—and Stay in the EU?

The wiki

The Dark Enlightenment, also called neo-reactionary movement (sometimes abbreviated to NRx), is an anti-democratic, anti-egalitarian, reactionary philosophy. In 2007 and 2008, Curtis Yarvin, writing under the pen name Mencius Moldbug, articulated what would develop into Dark Enlightenment thinking. Yarvin's theories were elaborated and expanded by Nick Land, who first coined the term Dark Enlightenment in his essay of the same name. The term "Dark Enlightenment" refers to the Age of Enlightenment, in a pejorative sense.

The ideology generally rejects Whig historiography—the concept that history shows an inevitable progression towards greater liberty and enlightenment, culminating in liberal democracy and constitutional monarchy—in favor of a return to traditional societal constructs and forms of government, including absolute monarchism and other archaic forms of leadership such as cameralism.

In July 2010, Arnold Kling, an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute, coined the term "neo-reactionaries" to describe Yarvin and his followers.


The intellectual dark web (IDW) is a loosely-defined informal group of commentators who oppose what they regard as the dominance of identity politics, political correctness, and cancel culture in higher education and the news media within Western countries. Those who have been linked to the IDW have come from both the left and right of the political spectrum. Sources differ on the nature of the IDW, with some describing it as left, and others as ideologically diverse, but nonetheless united against primary adversaries hailing predominantly from progressives, including postmodernism, post-structuralism, Marxism, and political correctness.
In philosophy, the natural order is the moral source from which natural law seeks to derive its authority. Natural order encompasses the natural relations of beings to one another in the absence of law, which natural law attempts to reinforce. This is related to karma. In contrast, divine law seeks authority from God, and positive law seeks authority from government.
The term is used by Hans-Hermann Hoppe in his book, Democracy: The God That Failed: The Economics and Politics of Monarchy, Democracy, and Natural Order, to defend anarcho-capitalism. The term is used by Friedrich Hayek in his writings. Social Darwinism refers to various societal practices around the world and defined by scholars in Western Europe and North America in the 1870s that applied biological concepts of natural selection and survival of the fittest to sociology, economics and politics
Neo-nationalism, or new nationalism, is an ideology and political movement built on the basic characteristics of classical nationalism. It developed to its final form by applying elements with reactionary character generated as a reaction to the political, economic and socio-cultural changes that came with globalization during the second wave of globalization in the 1980s.Particularly notable expressions of new nationalism include the vote for Brexit in the 2016 United Kingdom European Union membership referendum and the 2016 election of Donald Trump as the President of the United States.
Paleoconservatism is a political philosophy and variety of conservatism in the United States stressing American nationalism, Christian ethics, regionalism, and traditionalist conservatism. Paleolibertarianism was a libertarian political activism strategy. It was developed by American anarcho-capitalist theorists Murray Rothbard and Lew Rockwell in the American political context after the end of Cold War. From 1989 to 1995, they sought to communicate libertarian notions of opposition to government intervention using messages accessible to working and middle-class people of the time.

So now the topic of the fear virus. The Bill Gates shot and him while he hung out at Epsteuin island? At one political time in history you can be for something without wanting it to be mandatory. You can be against something, voice against it without wanting it to be banned....there was even a song...Bond, Tonton Macoute, Papa Doc and Baby Doc the Haiti Vodou Dynasty

and now Americans are back again getting kidnapped .... This used to be called "live and let live".
How did that song go?
When you were young
G Major add 7
and your heart was an open book ..G Major ?
You used to say live and let live
B minor with a minor 7th?
you know you did,
D 7 chord with a flat 9th note... you know you did you know you did) ... maybe then G or C or some meolidic inversion of something?
But if this ever changing world in which we're living
Makes you give in and cry

Say live and let DIE !
A7 with a G chord and G over C Live and let die
Live and let die ... Live and let die ...then guitar
but what was on the news propaganda tv?

The USSR or Russia seems to be back to or the media Russia! Russia! and Pissgate... You are FakeNews Trump said ... Pissgate (a.k.a. refers to Mainstream Media claims that Donald Trump hired prostitutes to perform a Golden Showers urination show) pissgate on a hotel bed in the Moscow Ritz Carlton Hotel where Barack and Michelle Obama had slept or were going to sleep or once slept during an official trip to Russia. The crazy cartoonish horror movie style claims arise from a 35-page intelligence dossier produced by ex-British Intelligence officer Christopher Steele alleging that Russia was actively engaged in collecting 'Pissagte' compromising information on Trump during his numerous trips to Russia, then McCain gets this crap passes it on to other peopole and a rumor goes around that Russia was doing 'Pissgate' and "regularly exchanging information with Trump's campaign team through indirect channels"
Trump responded -
but his twitter has since been banned
Now Biden and Kamala have a Tranny in the military position, Rachel Levine he / she / it becomes first openly transgender 4-star Admiral? while Loudon County backed by the FBI and Secret ThoughtPolice now Wants Parents To Sign Non Disclosure Just To See CRT Cirriculum...should we ask who pulls the strings of these political puppets or ask why do people blame Biden for all while he sleeps, why blame Joe for Federal Reserve policies and other agendas by other puppet masters? and now a new Cultural Replacement the Migrant neo Invasion of USA, while Texas Troopers now claim they won't hand-over invader Illegals to FedGov

Mosques in Cologne Germany go Full Islamo-Retarded Sharia Law they will begin broadcasting call to prayer and Calling for the Death of Western Civilisation

In the USA a line ios draw for freedoms on the Covid Lockdowns and the Corona vaccine thing, Canada? Liberal vaccine mandates are all about political gain
The federal Justice department has cautioned the Trudeau government that zero-tolerance vax mandates are unconstitutional; tests must be offered as Plan B.

the Ex-MSNBC crazy insane host brands Condoleezza Rice a 'soldier for white supremacy' because she condemned Critical Race Theory

It happaned before?
They just need a someone or something to blame?

An old fight against the old order?

ANTI-MASONIC MOVEMENTS. Widespread anti-Masonry first developed in the 1790s with unsubstantiated charges that Masonic lodges in the United States imported and encouraged radical European revolutionary ideas. Nonetheless, after 1800 Freemasonry—a fraternal order originally brought to the colonies from Britain—flourished and included such distinguished members as George Washington, Andrew Jackson, and Henry Clay. Freemasonic lodges, offering mutual support and fellowship primarily to mobile, middle-class men who had time to participate and could afford to pay substantial dues, multiplied North and South. Masons uniformly swore oaths never to reveal the content of their elaborate, secret rituals and promised to defend fellow Masons. By the 1820s, most states had chartered grand lodges to over-see the many local lodges. Handsome new Masonic temples, together with Masonic participation in public parades and ceremonies, attracted attention in the North, particularly in western New York, sections of Ohio and Pennsylvania, and portions of the six New England states.
In March 1826 a disgruntled Mason, William Morgan of Batavia, New York, engaged a newspaper editor to help him publish a book exposing the content of Masonic rituals. On 12 September 1826 a group of outraged Masons from western New York kidnapped Morgan. Morgan's subsequent disappearance and suspected murder by Masons first ignited a series of New York trials, then fueled a concerted campaign by opponents of Masonry who wished to identify individual Masons, eliminate local lodges, outlaw Masonic oaths, and revoke the charters of Masonic state organizations. Between 1826 and 1836 anti-Masons from Vermont to the Michigan Territory forcefully argued that Freemasonry was inherently aristocratic, secular, and immoral—a danger to young men, families, Christianity, and the republic.

An uncontrolled mob sent into crazed insanity?
More Riots or Protests?
Minneapolis Oddfellows Lodge back in 1905 now burning to the ground after Antifa BLM George Floyd riots

The Dark Enlightenment?
Enlightenment is not only a state, but an event, and a process. As the designation for an historical episode, concentrated in northern Europe during the 18th century, it is a leading candidate for the ‘true name’ of modernity, capturing its origin and essence (‘Renaissance’ and ‘Industrial Revolution’ are others). Between ‘enlightenment’ and ‘progressive enlightenment’ there is only an elusive difference, because illumination takes time – and feeds on itself, because enlightenment is self-confirming, its revelations ‘self-evident’, and because a retrograde, or reactionary, ‘dark enlightenment’ amounts almost to intrinsic contradiction. To become enlightened, in this historical sense, is to recognize, and then to pursue, a guiding light.
There were ages of darkness, and then enlightenment came. Clearly, advance has demonstrated itself, offering not only improvement, but also a model. Furthermore, unlike a renaissance, there is no need for an enlightenment to recall what was lost, or to emphasize the attractions of return. The elementary acknowledgement of enlightenment is already Whig history in miniature.
Once certain enlightened truths have been found self-evident, there can be no turning back, and conservatism is pre-emptively condemned – predestined — to paradox. F. A. Hayek, who refused to describe himself as a conservative, famously settled instead upon the term ‘Old Whig’, which – like ‘classical liberal’ (or the still more melancholy ‘remnant’) – accepts that progress isn’t what it used to be. What could an Old Whig be, if not a reactionary progressive? And what on earth is that?

Far far away from battle the perverts and soddomites are rewarded worshiped inside this mystical hopium Orb called a tv, they no longer honor and reward the brave woman who died in birth or the brave warrior on the battle field. Only the brave Spartan women who had died in childbirth and Strong men who had died in battle were given a headstone or marked grave.
But what of the USA's allies, the so-called allies in Pakistan, in South America, the old Royal Banker elite of Europe, the Saudi who funded the attacks on Americans, the Azerbaijan types using Kamikaze Drones from Chosen People Israel to kill Christian Amrmenians?

Even in this firefly forum there was a brief discussion about 'Stop Spending' and Going Off The Grid?
American Shitshow: Debates, Chaos, and Battlefield Preparation

What Use are the Moslim Brotherhood types, Rashida Tlaib, the British Islamist 'Death to America' preachers?

Obama the ex-President referred to anger over a coverup of sexual assault rape in Loudoun County as "phony right-wing outrage."
He also in his own odd way supported the people sending threats to Rushdie or Hebdo or South Park toonists

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. The quote comes from a speech that President Obama delivered to the United Nations General Assembly about the terrorist attacks in Libya Benghazi and the running of guns and bombs and missiles after which helped create ISIS in Syria.

The corrupted superficial democracy, a non-functioning democratic system invaded by special interests, foreign alien powers buying political leaders, the Deepstate bureaucratic, small group Oligarchy and owned by a Neo Media Technocracy?

A failure of rhetoric
The AI gap, because real facts and science are offensive to the left like Stem-Cells offended the right, its now politically incorrect?

Greg Johnson is once again joined by Millennial Woes to discuss the Capitol occupation, censorship, and your questions
All was free and fine but then one day Marxists arrive in the Schools and University? Georgetown Student Government Votes to Condemn Peer's 'I Love America' Column
A Nation Cannot Live on Basketball & Rape Alone.
Masculinity amongst madness
Yes, We Are Headed For Violent Civil War

Skidmore Panel on Afghanistan: What Can We Learn?

Afghanistan war veteran speaks out on situtation there today


Wednesday, October 27, 2021 12:50 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Ah, the good old days!

Sometimes we used to have really interesting discussions!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Wednesday, October 27, 2021 1:22 PM


Quitting California, the Commiefornia Collpase and Leaving for for Texas...the new Texit
Why are some tech companies leaving for Texas?
EU pushes Poland towards POLEXIT: Nation is ordered to pay € 1 million a day

Hegelian Dialectic: A Tool To Enslave Humanity
Paradigm Shift: Instead of Jailing People, New York Drops Thousands of Arrest Warrants for Marijuana

Hopium Leaders
"Paper just came out of King's College at the University of London. Titled "America's Political Paradigm Shift," this paper focuses a good deal on QAnon. "
Paradigm Shift: After Arresting Thousands for It, Police Dept. Claims Officers Can Now Smoke Weed
Paradigm Shift: 'Migrant Rights' Activists Who Led Caravans Charged With Human Trafficking
What Is The Hegelian Dialectic?

Those that hope the system is breaking?

Will post a bitchute clip, a guy talking about 'the Redpill'

I wasn't sure about this 'Curtis' Guy he seemed to be banned off the interwebs... they wanted him shutdown and censored simply for talking, for dangerous wrong think ....or maybe he truly is offensive. Yarvin also known by the pen name Mencius Moldbug ...unfortunately he believes in some sort of Theocracy or Monarchism rule of State which typically become terrible period of Rule

He even mnetions some of the new religion, the New KickBall Religion, the new Stadium and Religiously Follow Sportsball Temples?

English Soccer Topic... ' they kneel to george floyd at the start of every premier league game now '
'If you assume everything woke is good and true then you can understand why people are doing this...'
'but that's not what actually is going on...and its actually kinda weird and creepy'

True or false? ...maybe true

There is no intellectual on “The Right” that has anything interesting to say other than Curtis Yarvin. Virtually all of the “Dissident Right” merely paraphrases Yarvin, his ideology has completely crushed anything else on the Right.
Which is, of course, why Yarvin was stood up in the first place. Yarvin is merely a repackaging of Neo-Conservatism, which was itself merely a repackaging of Zionist Imperialism using the rhetoric of “democracy.”
I’m the only person that has ever pointed this out and I’ve been pointing and sputtering for years but no one cares. Irving Kristol, the “Godfather of Neo-Conservatism” discovered Peter Thiel
Curtis Yarvin the Unqualified Reservations (UR) was written in a fundamentally different intellectual period, he chats and writes and a sort of American Hundred Flowers period — a period when everyone thought the Internet had made the thought-control state a thing of the past.
As a medieval studies professor, I try to free my students from the myth of “the Dark Ages.” Popular histories would have you believe that once the Renaissance came along—to steal a line from historian Judith Bennett— humanity “woke up, bathed, and stopped grievously oppressing women.” I remind students about the Renaissance witch trials, bloodshed between Catholics and Protestants, and the international slave trade.


Sunday, October 31, 2021 3:47 PM


Are there plans to destroy democracy like something from a 'Bond' villain movie? The theocratic powers Vs the socialism powers?

If democracy were to collpase what system would replace it, perhaps it would be even more insane. Bangladesh, Thailand, and Turkey have seen democracies completely collapse and others use the military to restore their original government or constitution?

So one would think that perhaps in America with 'Freedom of Speech' it would be impossible for a Tyrant, a Religious mad man, an Atheist Communist type to take power, ins't America a place for the religiously free, is it not impossible to be a Hindu Radical, an Atheist Bomber, a Shinto Kamikaze because of that Freedom inside the constitution and what of times of War and Terrorism when a Constitution is suspended? The new progressive left and sometimes called a regressive Neo-Liberal tends to emphasize freedom from religion, especially freedom from the influence of traditional religious sexual morality but they sometimes ally with the Perverts and they also want islamists coming in through open borders, homosexuals who support the islamics who throw gays from how does that confusion work? Social conservatives, by contrast, can emphasize the Bible passages or the 'God' it is their the right to be religious, especially the freedom to live and act in the public square according to one’s religious convictions, but what of the islamists again these people who claim to have the final say over the Jewish and Christian faith, claiming to be the same religion continuity, is islam nothing more than an invasive cult, could it be re-classed as a political system giving an ability to 'Ban-Islam'? So the shift now is the morally religion type President Joe Biden’s recent transexual support and identity politik, an idea that transgender equality is the “civil rights issue of our time,” the conflict between these competing views of religious liberty will only be amplified. If religion would collapse in America tomorrow perhaps the believer would find something else to believe in, they would take something else from the Middle East or North American hippie Paganism, or new age Asian culture or European, perhaps 'belief' and religion custom is part of human nature itself.

Want to hear something really scary? We're living through the death of democracy, but thankfully there's a solution.

business insider claims?

Democrats are democracy

Stalin, Atheism And Communism ...people ask for Socialism but wont talk about the Mass killings under communist regimes?
A mass murder and holocaust you never hear of?

It is estimated that Stalin is responsible for the deaths of 43 million people and the Soviet Union as a whole for 63 million

While Communism attacks faith
perhaps people will still believe in some kind of cult or religion?

The belief or religion apolcapyse version?

Learning from History and when
Folklore and Myth and Religion becoming a Historical reality

Archaeologists stunned as Tower of Babel story questioned: 'Way to rewrite history'


Researchers have since suggested that the story may have been an attempt to explain the existence of various human languages; others claim the tower is pure myth, a metaphor.
There is evidence, however, which suggests that the tower was was constructed under the watch of the great King Nebuchadnezzar II
In 586 BC, in a bid for world supremacy, he laid siege to Jerusalem, which was 500 miles to the west.
His army sacked the city and captured the most highly-skilled and highly-educated citizens.

These people were then brought to Babylon as prisoners of war, and forced to work for Nebuchadnezzar — the start of what is now known as the Babylonian captivity.
Crucially, however, as the Smithsonian Channel's documentary, 'Secrets Unlocked: Tower of Babel', noted: "While in Babylon, the captives became known as the Jewish people — the very authors of the Bible."
It was from this that another theory about the tower's later destruction was floated: that the captives went on to write of its destruction in a bid to "rewrite their history".
Experts believe that the Jews held captive in Babylon after the siege saw the huge tower being built and were at first mesmerised.

Biblical traditions identified Nimrod as the ruler who commissioned the construction of the Tower of Babel, which led to his reputation as a king who was rebellious against God

Nebuchadrezzar II, was the second king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, ruling from the death of his father Nabopolassar in 605 BC to his own death in 562 BC. Historically known as Nebuchadnezzar the Great, he is typically regarded as the empire's greatest king. Nebuchadnezzar remains famous for his military campaigns in the Levant, for his construction projects in his capital, Babylon, and for the important part he played in Jewish history. Ruling for 43 years, Nebuchadnezzar was the longest-reigning king of the Chaldean dynasty.

Nero’s Persecutions Begin,

Tower of Babel principle: Unity but for diversity

the new modern media issue and tech

Is the technocracy also not an attack on Democracy?

but maybe its not a religion thing,
perhaps the democratic system has attacked itself?

Global democracy under attack despite Biden push


Among three nations whose democratic transitions had inspired the most hope, Myanmar and Sudan have seen generals roar back, sacking civilian leaders and suppressing street protests, while in Tunisia, the birthplace of the Arab Spring a decade ago, the president seized wide-ranging powers.

Military juntas have also grabbed power in the West African nations of Guinea, Mali and Chad, while in Afghanistan, Taliban insurgents seized power after a US troop withdrawal brought the quick collapse of the Western-backed government.

Some Conservatives say America was founded under God while the Neo Progressives say the Founders gave us a secular constitution that does not acknowledge God or the Bible. The First Amendment, moreover, prohibits they say the establishment of religion, which Thomas Jefferson said erects a “wall of separation” between church and state. Church-state issues remain a front in political and culture wars, pehraps because it is easy to see the kink in the armor, it is pushed and the exploitation of political unfairness, perhaps there will never be a perfect system. Maybe the US Founders did see into the future, the new the power but also the weakness of a government and understood these limitations on governmental authority against their own people?


Monday, November 1, 2021 4:40 PM


and now some France news

Macron slammed for 'fooling voters' with 'cheap gimmicks' ahead of French elections

France’s Macron Leads Le Pen and Zemmour in Ifop Election Poll

Emmanuel Macron is a spineless frog, says François Hollande !


Saturday, November 6, 2021 7:04 AM


So I watched a few clips of Biden on this climate change thing, Biden and Boris Johnson falling asleep in Glasgow.

I agree with stopping pollution, its wise not to mess up your own backyard and smart not to pollute the planet.
There is no doubt mankind can change the enviornment and humanity has polluted the seas, the air and the land and rovers.

However there is something weird about the whoe thing its controlled and processed and other part of the group, its like a cult Q-Anon thing with these 'Extinction Agenda' people blocking up trade and traffice and there's that Greta kid she's on all the magazines looks like some sort of Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, always on media, I can't stand to listen to her for more than 60 seconds, way to immature... She made the Time Magazine cover and Forbes whenever they wanted to walk of new Taxes, she usually has an angry face...I don't know where they got her from, some place in Sweden her mother did musicals and 'Eurovision', she has a grandfatehr in media, another 'Lena Granhagen', Swedish actor and director and other banks and products and media linked family I believe.
Greta Thunberg calls Cop26 a ‘greenwash festival of empty promises’

I do agree with the critics of the 'corruption' trading carbon credits with poorer nations so the big industrial richer ones can pollute more does seem like a scam.

Meanwhile China invests in Thorium, Dam for hydroelectric and Fusion, beaming free energy down from space and other technology, while the Western Luddite can only consider a trading credits scam and taxing us more?


Sunday, November 21, 2021 3:05 PM


More than 2,100 children separated at border 'have not yet been reunified,' Biden task force says Only seven children have rejoined their families since Biden took office.

Our military didn’t lose the war in Afghanistan, our politicians did


Sunday, November 21, 2021 5:37 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

Our military didn’t lose the war in Afghanistan, our politicians did

The original sin of the war, he says, was its shift to nation building shortly after the Taliban were driven from power in December 2001 and Osama bin Laden evaded capture at Tora Bora and found refuge in Pakistan.

Bing’s a no-nonsense kind of guy, so I get straight to it: “You’ve long been critical of nation building in Afghanistan and elsewhere. Your nonfiction books The Wrong War and One Million Steps: A Marine Platoon at War (2014), and most recently a novel, The Last Platoon (2020), all center around this. How did you decide to move away from nonfiction and write a novel?”

“I said, I can write a story that is a metaphor for the entire war, but centers around a captain on the battlefield with an ambitious colonel who represents the ambition of the military, and then link that back to the perceptions in the White House, which were crazy, just totally disconnected.”

Crazy? I ask him to describe what he means. “Afghanistan was a crazy military operation,” he says, “because anyone on patrol on the ground out there wandering around, trying to talk to these tribesmen who were hurling headlong into the Ninth Century would know that the tribal culture of Afghanistan had nothing to do with what we considered democracy. Therefore, for generals to be saying they could do this was crazy. The generals did not go out on patrol. And that’s what I was trying to point out in my novel. The people on the ground knew this couldn’t be done. And the generals kept insisting it could be done.”

“I’ve been on battlefields for 20 years — four or five years in Vietnam, four or five years in Iraq, four or five years in Afghanistan — and of the three of them, Afghanistan was the most absurd. It’s not a country. It is a pathology. It’s a deeply Islamic tribal culture. And we conceded to the terrorists a sanctuary called Pakistan. It made no sense what we were doing militarily.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, November 26, 2021 8:05 AM


California’s Future of Pan-Enclavism?


California is a multicultural patchwork with countless examples of existing enclaves such as Chinatowns?, Tehrangeles and Koreatown in Los Angeles?, as well as the many Chicano and Mexican neighborhoods?. Beyond existing designated enclaves, there are broader de-facto pan-enclaves with examples including Asian American areas in the San Gabriel Valley and parts of Northern Orange County, both South and East Asian areas throughout the Silicon Valley, African American areas in Historic South LA and parts of Oakland and Richmond in the Bay Area, and the heavily Jewish parts of LA’s Westside and San Fernando Valley.
You could even make the case that many European American areas in California are beginning to function as enclaves. Examples include the Sacramento Suburbs in Placer County, Clovis in the Fresno metro, parts of Marin County and Central Contra Costa County in the San Francisco Bay Area, San Luis Obispo on the Central Coast, South Eastern Ventura County, South Orange County, and North San Diego County.

The rise of the neoclassical reactionaries

Island of Broken Toys - Gray Mirror

Curtis Yarvin, the “libertarian” far-right blogger, who’s famed for calling for a military coup in USA and for his campaign RAGE (Retirement of All Government Employees), is a genius to some and a crypto-fascist to others.

Palo Alto legislator warns California's redistricting plans will dilute Asian American voting power

Proposed initiative would mandate government-issued identification To vote, Social Security Number to register






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