Why Newt can't win

UPDATED: Saturday, November 12, 2011 13:30
VIEWED: 1776
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Saturday, October 29, 2011 6:56 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Then there's Fig Newton:

Newt Gingrich will never be the President of the United States.

I sound pretty sure of that, don’t I? Do I know something the other pundits don’t? Do I have some nugget of inside information that’s tipped me off to a secret Gingrich ruse?

Sort of. The secret is this — Newt Gingrich is Newt Gingrich.

Infamous as an ethics violating Speaker of the House, notorious for the way he conducts himself in marriage and hypocritical in trying to bring down Bill Clinton for marital indiscretions even as he was in the middle of his own affair with the woman who is now his third wife.

Not to mention that I don’t think Newt realizes even today that it’s bad form to dump your first wife while she’s in the hospital recuperating from cancer. So where does Newt get the chutzpah to say, I know I’ve behaved badly, but I should still be the leader of the free world? According to the New York Times, he owes it to the woman who is wife number three:

Clearly, Gingrich is a man who doesn’t worry about inconsistent visuals because the 1990s political bad boy is now all about religion and redemption, at least when it’s his own. While we’re a country that loves a good comeback story where the fallen hero triumphs in the end, not all protagonists are created equal. Sure, we loved us some Bill Clinton trying to keep his family together after the truth about Monica Lewinsky finally came out. We Democrats are a forgiving bunch. But when you’re a candidate trying to sell yourself to the extreme religious right, a history that’s as peppered as Gingrich’s with affairs and unaccounted for blocks of time while traveling with your wife isn’t the stuff that successful presidential campaigns are made of.

Bad personal behavior may not disqualify someone from a presidential run, but a candidate who woos the far right can’t expect to be supported when there’s a big question mark when it comes to integrity. If he can’t count on the religious right, and he knows he’s not getting any Democratic support, the political math says don’t bother packing for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

At 68, Gingrich is more about rebranding himself for history. A Gingrich for all seasons, perhaps. He’s a man who can’t stand irrelevance and so much of what we know about Newt happened in a decade that’s now passe. Think Titanic and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Think grunge music and Super Mario. The last time Newt held elective office the pop culture phenomenon was Seinfeld.

Clearly, he hopes that the interest of his 1.3 million Twitter followers will help restore his cultural importance, but those who Tweet aren’t always those who vote. And while Barack Obama proved the necessity of social media and online outreach when it comes to national campaigns, everyone — including Obama — is going to have to step it up a notch when it comes to engaging social media users for 2012. Some random tweets here and there just aren’t going to cut it. And that’s the sad thing about Gingrich’s announcement of his presidential campaign — he’s stuck in irrelevance even when he thinks he’s finally figured out how to be the cool kid. The whole announcing a candidacy on Facebook or Twitter is so 2007 and he’s got no clue how to catch up to 2011, even with a wife who’s part of a generation that should understand all that.

So I’ll be sleeping easy tonight because I know we don’t have to worry about Newt in 2012.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011 2:24 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I don't know anyone who likes Newt for president. He's not even going to make it to the primaries.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Tuesday, November 1, 2011 6:17 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

There's not a serious candidate among the GOP crowd, bar the possible exception of Mittens Romney.

Huntsman isn't taken seriously by his own party, because he actually has these dangerous things called "ideas", and believes in working with Democrats, which is anathema to the Teatards.

Bachmann is a joke even to those same tea-baggers. When you're too batshit for the batshit wing of the party, you've really got problems.

Gingrich is damaged goods. There aren't three people on this planet who believe any two things he says - and that's INCLUDING all three people who've been married to the schmuck!

Perry is said to be suffering from "exhaustion"; I'm guessing it's that same kind of "exhaustion" that Lindsay Lohan was suffering from. Or Amy Winehouse. Or Michael Jackson. What I'm saying is, Perry seems to be exhausted from all the booze and drugs he's been using.

Cain? Please. That crazy bastard has decided to set the controls for the heart of the sun and firewall the goddam throttles. His crazy train makes Ozzy Osbourne look like the dad from "Father Knows Best"!

Ron Paul? If the Tea Party ever decides to actually form a party and declare themselves a political party, Ron Paul just might be their candidate. As it stands, he seems to have a solid 5% support base in the GOP, which indicates that less than half of the tea-baggers even have any use for him.

Santorum? He's subconsciously and/or inadvertently embraced Dan Savage's reaming of him so deeply that really the only way he could seem more gay at this point is if he started blowing the other male candidates at the next debate, lining 'em up and going down the line like a seal with a horn. Rick is the only person at this point who seems to think he's still keeping his secret by hiding in the closet.

So who's left? Romney. No matter who's on top, Romney is the perennial Number Two. Hey, sometimes life hands you a shit sandwich. My bologna has a first name, it's M-I-T-T; my bologna has a second name, it's R-O-M-N-E-Y. Flip, flop, flippy to the flippy and you don't stop floppin'!

Hey, if you don't like Romney's stance on the issues, just ask him again tomorrow - he'll have changed his mind by then!

Of course, none of this will dissuade the GOP faithful, those feckless twelve percenters. After all, while Bristol Palin said her mom had already made up her mind, and while SarahPAC then sent out e-mail blasts begging people for more money in order for Sarah to make up her mind whether to run or not ("Clap louder or Tinkerbell will die!"), these are the same folks who gladly sent her more money, and then DIDN'T rise up with pitchforks when they found they'd been duped yet again, and she never had any intention of running, but just wanted another lame excuse to once again play Elmer Gantry and swiftly part the faithful fools from their money.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Tuesday, November 1, 2011 7:08 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

That was my point in putting up those threads, Mike, to kind of see all the reasons none of them COULD win, leaving Romney...what was Jon Stewart's joke about that the other night? Romney is everyone's favorite second choice. Hee, hee, hee.


Saturday, November 12, 2011 1:30 PM


I was gonna post on this subject, but I couldn't find a source story to link to.

Seems that with Perry stumbling and Cain having his troubles, The Newt is surging in the polls as the "not-Romney". Appears that Ol' Mitt might be some kind of dangerous 'moderate", or might have "liberal" ideas. There's also the Mormon/cultist thing, which must not be spoken about, lest the Fundies might not look "tolerant". But, obviously, it is buried not too deeply in a lot of Republican minds. Which leaves The Newt as the last man standing, before even the first primary.

Either scenario is a gift to the Dems-- a lotta R's don't like Romney, as either a Mormon or as a moderate, so they might just stay home; and a lotta Dems HATE The Newt. Running against him will energize the base, bring out bunches of the "lesser of two evils" voters, and up voter turnout.






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