UPDATED: Saturday, January 7, 2012 18:17
VIEWED: 3835
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 6:07 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I am also waiting for evil to go away
,I'm not just "waiting" for evil to go away. I have spent and will continue to spend my personal and professional life trying to make things better for the future. Are YOU waiting?


Please don't assume I am comfortable or blind.
It's not an assumption, it's an observation.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012 2:39 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
I have spent and will continue to spend my personal and professional life trying to make things better for the future. Are YOU waiting?

Just like you, I have spent and will continue to spend my personal and professional life trying to make things better for the future.

Just like you, I am hanging onto my evil wealth that creates poverty while "making things better for the future" because I don't want to be poor.

Just like you, I'll give up my evil wealth when we have a system where I don't need my evil wealth anymore.


It's not an assumption, it's an observation.
I have observed wars fought with spaceships and aliens. Doesn't make it true.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012 4:02 AM



yeah, i know, but with a govt. so consistently left wing i can't just reject someone calling them socialist. The last election came down to a runoff between one socialist party and another. The winner had a plan "Let's destroy the entire Amazon within 20 years" which beat out her opponent's plan "Let's destroy the entire Amazon within 5 years."

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012 4:29 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I have observed wars fought with spaceships and aliens.
Oh dear. I wouldn't say that out loud too much, if I were you.

Just like you, I have spent and will continue to spend my personal and professional life trying to make things better for the future.
Just like you, I am hanging onto my evil wealth that creates poverty while "making things better for the future" because I don't want to be poor.
Just like you, I'll give up my evil wealth when we have a system where I don't need my evil wealth anymore.

Two things (1) At least you admit that you're evil and (2) You have encapsulated the situation quite nicely. Except that I'm not worried abut personal poverty, I AM worried about my child being out on the street. Aside from that caveat, I think we understand each other. We disagree on what we define as a "better" society and... more importantly... how to get there.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012 4:38 AM


I've figured it was capitalist because I know people who go down to Rio for business meetings. I wasn't aware they had central planning for their economy yet, though I guess they could be nationalizing their logging industry. Could be they have a socialist government managing all the raping the land and exploitative business, at the behest of foreign imperialists.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012 4:51 AM


Sig: Most everyone on the board hallucinates from what I can tell. I mean, I've lost my arm in a freak door accident before, blood was everywhere, but it was really perfectly fine. For some of us it's just the sheer amount of crazy we're bringing to the table, for others they may be on drugs, which could also create such a scenario.

Anyway, I don't see someone saying they've observed military versus aliens battle before as any serious mental problem to worry about so long as they also know it didn't really happen.


I think we understand each other. We disagree on what we define as a "better" society and... more importantly... how to get there.

I can sign onto this. I figure we can find a way to beat the current system, and afterwards, there's no reason why everyone has to agree on what next, we can go off and create or join communities with a model that suit us. I doubt anyone here really wants to force their ideal lifestyle/system on someone completely unwilling. I think once people aren't in fear that someone else is going to do that, we'll have a good coexistence thing going.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012 6:00 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by SignyM:
One of the differences between the more leftward-leaning nations of S Amer is not just the static GINI but the trend.

While our GINI has been going up dramatically

1968- 38.6
1970- 39.4
1980- 40.3
1990- 42.8
2000- 46.2
2010- 46.8

Brazil's (for example) has been going down
1981- 57.4
1989*- 62.5
1997- 59.3
2004- 56.4

*This was the highest recorded index, which occurred just after the military (supported by the USA) finally gave up control of the economy after driving it off a cliff.

In any case, there are some more left-leaning nations south of the border and others not so much.

46.2 in 2000 to 46.8 in 2010 is dramatic? Looks like most of the gain (3.4 in the 1990 - 2000 decade) was during the Clinton administration.

Cute, BTW, comparing a 42 year period for the U.S. with a 23 year period for Brazil. Some folk might consider that not quite honest.

Brazil looks to have stabilized at a higher GINI index than the U.S., hence more income inequality. Pretty much every nation in South and Central America, Socialist or not, still has a GINI index higher than the U.S., and has has such income inequality for some time. Can't see how your figures disprove my assertion that South and Central America have more income inequality than the U.S.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012 7:03 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Except that I'm not worried abut personal poverty, I AM worried about my child being out on the street.

You, your child, same diff. It is still personal.

We ALL have children. Including the 90% of the world who are poor. THEIR children are out on the street. But you and I don't want OUR children to be poor.

The difference between you and me is that you want OTHER rich people to be destroyed. You want THEM and THEIR children to be poor. Just not you or your child.

I don't want anyone to be poor or to be destroyed. Even the rich evil people.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012 7:05 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:

I have observed wars fought with spaceships and aliens.
Oh dear. I wouldn't say that out loud too much, if I were you.


I am of course alluding to the movie you like to watch so much: CTS The Monster in 3D.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012 10:15 AM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:

* You cannot bring about prosperity by thrift alone. You can be a really thrifty housecleaner and never be a millionaire. Get some reality.
* You cannot strengthen the weak by strengthening the strong. The strong are, by and large, only interested in strengthening themselves and actually rely upon the weak to maintain their position of power.
* You cannot help little men by tearing down big men. Well at least that is what the big men would have you believe. Actually in a capitalist society, 'tearing each other down' 'bringing down the opposition' 'reaping the rewards from others failures' are mantras for succuss.
* You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. [Translation - do not make the wage payer pay decent wages, it will eat into his bottom line and that will make him cranky]
* You can help the poor by ensuring that not all opportunities to succeed are the sole domain of the rich.
* You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money, except if you are a bank or a financial insitution and that is how you make sqillions.
* You cannot further the brotherhood of man in a society where huge economic divisions exist and create class hatred
* You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn, but you can spend other peoples money quite easily.
* You cannot build character and courage by destroying men's chance to succeed because of a system that is stacked in favour of the wealthy and against the poor.
* And you cannot help men permanently by exploiting their labour and their resources.

He also had a list of Seven National Crimes

* Corporate greed
* Sucking up to the rich and powerful
* Blaming the most disadvantaged in society for society's ills
* Putting wealth creation ahead of personal well being
* Believing opinion and infotainment to be the same thing as news
* Being obsessed with being 'Number 1 in the world'
* Hubris


Happy New Year.

Damned straight. QFT.

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Wednesday, January 4, 2012 3:40 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:

I have observed wars fought with spaceships and aliens.
Oh dear. I wouldn't say that out loud too much, if I were you.

Did you watch this show?

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012 5:17 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


The difference between you and me is that you want OTHER rich people to be destroyed. You want THEM and THEIR children to be poor. Just not you or your child.
OMFG, have you not read what I wrote? I don't want ANYONE to be poor. Not my child, or your child, or anyone's child. I don't want to "destroy" the rich by making them particularly "pay". Vengeance is not my goal. I just don't want them to exist. (Speaking of the 3D monster.)

Oh, and yes... I have seen SHOWS of cowboys on alien worlds. Can't say that I have seen the reality of it, though, which is why I wouldn't claim very often or out loud to have "observed" it.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012 5:32 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Byte, I think CTS meant that she watches scifi and so thus she has "observed" these things, as in watched them on TV, or in her head while reading a novel, or in comicbooks.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Wednesday, January 4, 2012 5:37 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Apparently nobody got the joke.


Thursday, January 5, 2012 3:16 AM


Bah, payin your taxes cause there's a gun to your head even if you wince at where the moneys goin ain't no kinda evil in my book.
Now the question of if they took that gun away comes around - would you still then finance some of this shit ?
I think not - ergo that's no more "evil" than a slave refusing to revolt cause he knows damn well it'd get him and anyone with him curbstomped without accomplishing anything more than reinforcing the notion that trying to change their lot is futile - you don't meet an overpowering force head-on, you come at it sideways, which some of us ARE trying to do, sure.

But it ain't "evil" by no means, to play along for the sake of your life, any harm of it is massively indirect and yea verily I know by distributing blame you weaken the will to stand against it, but past a certain point you can't blame individuals I don't think - elsewise you'd have to blame everyone who ever bought a single thing from Dow/Union Carbide and it's subsidaries for Bhopal and that's just ridiculous.

The buck does eventually stop SOMEWHERE, elsewise we're all guilty, just for being born.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Thursday, January 5, 2012 7:35 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Geezer, once again weasel-wording facts instead of looking for truth.

The two nations in S and Central America which have the lowest GINI are also the most "socialist"- Venezuela

and Cuba

Just six years before Fidel Castro and one thousand “Fidelistas” took control in 1959, Cuba’s Gini coefficient* was slightly above .57. Only four years after the revolution, private capital had disappeared, and the Gini coefficient, now almost entirely dependent on wage income, had dropped to a bit above .28.6

I don't have time to examine ALL of the nations for trends. As I recall, I did pretty exhaustive research on ALL of our "interventions" since the 1900s, which you pretty much dismissed, so well-researched comprehensive data is not to your liking anyway, especially if it goes against what you would like to believe about the so-called free market and the American military. But I think data would show that the GINI indexes rise under American-dominated governments and fall under governments which the USA opposes. As cases in point, I would look specifically at Brazil, Chile, Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela... but hey, if you want to prove me wrong, knock yourself out and look at the GINI histories of ALL nations south of our border. Maybe you will learn something. Or maybe you will teach me something... but I doubt it.


Thursday, January 5, 2012 8:37 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by SignyM:
Geezer, once again weasel-wording facts instead of looking for truth.

The two nations in S and Central America which have the lowest GINI are also the most "socialist"- Venezuela and Cuba...

So we started with all of Central and South America, and now you're down to two countries, one of which is actually in the Carribean. Seems like we might want to consider exactly who is weasel-wording with the facts here.

Besides, Cuba's reduction in the GINI index post-Batista is, as your quote notes, pretty much due to the confiscation of private capital, and much private property. So if everyone is poor, the GINI goes down. Also, I can't find a GINI index for Cuba since the mid-1960s, so who knows what it is now?

As for Venezuela, your brag is that the most Socialist country in South America has a GINI index that's within a couple of points either way of the evil Capitalist USA (depending on who's tables you use)? Seems like damning with faint praise to me.


As I recall, I did pretty exhaustive research on ALL of our "interventions" since the 1900s, which you pretty much dismissed, so well-researched comprehensive data is not to your liking anyway, especially if it goes against what you would like to believe about the so-called free market and the American military.

And as I recall it, most of your 'exhaustive research' was quoting from one long screed against the U.S., and I provided refutation of most of your claims from a wide range of objective sources, whcih you ignored because they didn't fit in with your 'America is evil" worldview.


...but hey, if you want to prove me wrong, knock yourself out and look at the GINI histories of ALL nations south of our border. Maybe you will learn something. Or maybe you will teach me something... but I doubt it.

I don't have to look again. Venezuela has the closest GINI to the USA - pretty much tied depending on who's figures you use. Every other country that's reported in the last 10 years has a GINI higher than the U.S. Some have gone up over time. Some have gone down. Most have gone up and down. All are still higher then the U.S.


Thursday, January 5, 2012 8:54 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

* You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
* You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
* You cannot help little men by tearing down big men.
* You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
* You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
* You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money.
* You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
* You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.
* You cannot build character and courage by destroying men's initiative and independence.
* And you cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they can and should do for themselves.

The essential ugliness of this list is that it frames the debate as some species of zero sum war. Which only serves the interests of the one's who frame these debates thisaway.

* Encouraging folk to go out and contribute to the economy does not, in itself, discourage thrift, it simply complicates the matter beyond stupid black and white thinking.

* It does not weaken the strong when we hold them accountable for their corruption or to contribute their fair share of upkeep.

* It's the guilty conscience of the big man that keeps him awake at night fantasizing that little men will tear him down.

* No one is demanding that the wage payer be "torn down" only that he stop destroying the economy and live within society's actual means.

* Again, it's just paranoid fantasy that imagines the rich being "destroyed." Pfft!

* Well, duh.

* Again, "class hatred" is just a way to demonize poor folk who can see how effing corrupt their corporate masters are. It's not hatred, it's indignation.

* Who among the fortune 500 do not spend more than they earn??? Criminy, how bloody naive.

* Rah, rah, freedom, Yang worship-words, blah.

* You cannot help men permanently, period. Humility: look into it.

What a bunch of crap.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Thursday, January 5, 2012 5:42 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


And as I recall it, most of your 'exhaustive research' was quoting from one long screed against the U.S., and I provided refutation of most of your claims from a wide range of objective sources, whcih you ignored because they didn't fit in with your 'America is evil" worldview.
Nope, you found one... ONE... factual error in a list of over 25 interventions and one questionable interpretation as to whether a President (of Uruguay IIRC) was actually elected.. You did not refute all, most, or even some of the posts. You found one error. One.

And as I posted at the time... yes, I got my list from one source. But I cross-checked it against a bunch of other sources, including Wikipedia, Third World Traveler, the CIA Factbook, and other sources... a point you have conveniently forgotten. And the one event I didn't cross-check was the one with the error in it. But if you really feel that you have made significant points, tell us all which points you feel were in error. Please, educate us. In detail. Back up your opinion with evidence. It's been in really short supply lately.


So we started with all of Central and South America
Who is this "we" kimosabe? Nobody claimed they were all "socialist"... except maybe... YOU!

But the U.S. is gone from South and Central America now, the Socialists have taken over... Nevertheless, a lot of the more Socialist countries in South and Central America have at least as high or higher (sometimes much higher) GINI index than the U.S.

I will say that based on checking five nations, the ones that the USA opposes have more equal income distributions than the ones the USA supports, and income inequality rises when the USA supports and government and falls when it does not. Again, feel free to refute me, but do so in detail.


46.2 in 2000 to 46.8 in 2010 is dramatic?
No but 38 to 46 is. Duh. Again, did anyone say that the income gap was ALL due to Bush? Or are you just responding to the voices in your head?


Friday, January 6, 2012 4:46 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by SignyM:
But if you really feel that you have made significant points, tell us all which points you feel were in error. Please, educate us. In detail. Back up your opinion with evidence. It's been in really short supply lately.

Let the people decide. Since you apparently have access to the original posts, to verify in such specificity as above, you could put up the links and let folks make up their own minds.


I will say that based on checking five nations, the ones that the USA opposes have more equal income distributions than the ones the USA supports, and income inequality rises when the USA supports and government and falls when it does not. Again, feel free to refute me, but do so in detail.

Why? My statement was that most nations in Central and South America have higher GINI indexes than the U.S. They do.


Again, did anyone say that the income gap was ALL due to Bush?

No. You're the only one who has mentioned Bush.


Saturday, January 7, 2012 8:46 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

here is one of the threads... I will try ot find the other later


Why? My statement was that "most nations in Central and South America have higher GINI" indexes than the U.S. They do
Oh, puleez, Geezer. You said... and may I quote you here?

But the U.S. is gone from South and Central America now, the Socialists have taken over, and South and Central America are adapting the Bolivarian System, so or course their income distribution is much better than the evil ole USA ... Nevertheless, a lot of the more Socialist countries in South and Central America have at least as high or higher (sometimes much higher) GINI index than the U.S. .that socialism had taken over C and S America
Anyone with half a brain would understand that you meant to compare the GINIs of "socialist" countries to the good ole evil USA. Intent being clear, best to not try to backtrack now.


No. You're the only one who has mentioned Bush.
And, again quoting you, it is of course entirely an accident that you would focus on the GINI trend from 2000 to 2010... covering roughly the Bush years (2000-2009) to compare to other years? You didn't have to mention any names, son. It was clear from your post what you meant

46.2 in 2000 to 46.8 in 2010 is dramatic? Looks like most of the gain (3.4 in the 1990 - 2000 decade) was during the Clinton administration.
, so if you mean somehting, stick with it. Don't try to weasel-word your way out of your previously very clear statements, it just looks cowardly.


Saturday, January 7, 2012 6:17 PM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by SignyM:
here is one of the threads... I will try ot find the other later

Thanks. And I'm still waiting for those democratic elections in Vietnam, or Laos, or Cuba, or North Korea, or China.


Why? My statement was that "most nations in Central and South America have higher GINI" indexes than the U.S. They do
Oh, puleez, Geezer. You said... and may I quote you here?

But the U.S. is gone from South and Central America now, the Socialists have taken over, and South and Central America are adapting the Bolivarian System, so or course their income distribution is much better than the evil ole USA ... Nevertheless, a lot of the more Socialist countries in South and Central America have at least as high or higher (sometimes much higher) GINI index than the U.S. .that socialism had taken over C and S America
Anyone with half a brain would understand that you meant to compare the GINIs of "socialist" countries to the good ole evil USA. Intent being clear, best to not try to backtrack now.

But dear Signym, a lot of the more Socialist countries in Central and South America do have higher GINI indexes than the U.S. Try as you might to obsfuscate, that's still the truth.

We also might consider how the GINI index based on individual income might be skewed in Socialist countries. Since the government owns a lot of the means of production, there are obviously not that many capitalists piling up profits, but I'd suspect that the income reporting doesn't cover the perks that a Socialist government provides to the folks who run the government - the commisars, apparatchiks, functionaries, etc. who get the better housing, cars, shops, perks, and graft. So I'd guess that the real income inequality between the workers and the government bosses is probably higher than the GINI shows.


And, again quoting you, it is of course entirely an accident that you would focus on the GINI trend from 2000 to 2010...

Nope. It's just the last decade, when everyone (meaning you and other superliberals) has been whining about the great (0.6%) growth in income inequality in the U.S.






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