Someone asked about Scott...

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 7, 2012 15:03
VIEWED: 2293
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Saturday, February 4, 2012 12:00 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Scott Olsen, the vet who was injured over in Oakland a while back. Asked a couple of people at today's regular Saturday demonstration. One woman (a nurse) just got out of jail from over in Oakland and said she sees Scott at every demonstration (meaning SF, Oakland and Berserkeley I assume), that he never misses one. He's still mending, there were a couple of others who said they've run into him and given him hugs, and the general consensus is that he walks and talks kinda slow still and tends to repeat himself, but is in good spirits and determined not to let it get him down. The nurse (I'm LOUSEY with names, I demonstrate with her every damned Saturday, but I still can't name more than four or five if they were DOGS, I'd have their names down COLD!) said her two EMTs are still in jail over in Oakland--both Iraqi vets, by the way--and that Scott is "adorable". Two other women agreed, and one guy said he's a real gentle person and very sweet.

That's as much of an answer as I've got, and as usual, after Saturdy I'm pooped. I've got to whack up a couple of anti-foreclosure signs; we'll be picketing the courthouse every morning while they have their foreclosure auctions. Mostly, I'd like to take a nap. Onward...

Just as an aside, the humans among us might understand why I get head up about all the bad-mouthing of OWS. I KNOW these people (tho' not their names ;o)...)--hell, I'm ONE of them--and know they're/we're not what's portrayed, so it makes me kind of sick to see how joyously some here piss all over us every chance they get...


Saturday, February 4, 2012 12:13 PM


It's an odd world. An Iraq veteran, and he doesn't get hit by terrorists until he's on American soil.

Shame, sounds like he has some brain damage.


Saturday, February 4, 2012 2:48 PM


Heh, I am no good with names either - of course, I make sure to not know em anyways out of respect for privacy, but I'd have serious trouble remembering them anyhows...
But yes, I know every pet in here by name, odd innit ?



Saturday, February 4, 2012 2:54 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Bytemite:
It's an odd world. An Iraq veteran, and he doesn't get hit by terrorists until he's on American soil.

Shame, sounds like he has some brain damage.

So, you're calling the cops terrorists, for doing their job ?

Meh, that figures.

That he shouldn't have been there in the 1st place is besides the point, but fact is, it was an accident. Tragic, yes, but still done w/ out intent. Not so for those who actually ARE terrorists.

Unfortunately, more than a few Vets have come home, only to be killed by petty thugs, low lifes and criminals.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Saturday, February 4, 2012 3:22 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by Bytemite:
It's an odd world. An Iraq veteran, and he doesn't get hit by terrorists until he's on American soil.

Shame, sounds like he has some brain damage.

So, you're calling the cops terrorists, for doing their job ?

Meh, that figures.

That he shouldn't have been there in the 1st place is besides the point, but fact is, it was an accident. Tragic, yes, but still done w/ out intent. Not so for those who actually ARE terrorists.

Unfortunately, more than a few Vets have come home, only to be killed by petty thugs, low lifes and criminals.

So, you're calling the cops petty thugs, low lifes and criminals, then?

Meh, that figures. After all, most cops ARE in a union. No wonder you hate them!

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Saturday, February 4, 2012 4:50 PM


I'll call anyone in America a terrorist if they don't uphold the constitution. So yes.


Saturday, February 4, 2012 7:02 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
It's an odd world. An Iraq veteran, and he doesn't get hit by terrorists until he's on American soil.

Shame, sounds like he has some brain damage.

This is why the word "terrorist" has been diluted. Makes me long for the good ol' days when terrorists were primarily affiliated with the PLO and wore a keffiyah draped around their face. It was practically a uniform.

The police aren't terrorists. They're jack booted thugs. Brush up on your enemy identification.


Sunday, February 5, 2012 3:27 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Kwicko:

So, you're calling the cops petty thugs, low lifes and criminals, then?

Meh, that figures. After all, most cops ARE in a union. No wonder you hate them!

Wow memory boy, you really failed on that one. I never said any such thing. YOU said that.

Seems you're doing that projecting thing again, where you try to lay your views and feelings about something / someone, onto another person.

What a maroon!

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Sunday, February 5, 2012 3:30 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Bytemite:
I'll call anyone in America a terrorist if they don't uphold the constitution. So yes.

Will you call anyone who runs a red light a rapist ?

What about anyone who jay walks ? Are they a serial killer ?

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Sunday, February 5, 2012 7:24 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

So sick that an update on a soldier who served his country and was severely injured by protesting the ills in his country can turn this fast into "yeah, well he deserved it!"


Sunday, February 5, 2012 7:34 AM


America loves a winner!

I missed where anyone said that, Niki.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Sunday, February 5, 2012 9:22 AM



Will you call anyone who runs a red light a rapist ?

What about anyone who jay walks ? Are they a serial killer ?

Terrorist: someone who commits violent crimes that create terror in a civilian population, for some political/ideological cause, usually in an attempt to subvert an established social construct or to have demands fulfilled.

So when people are screaming and running in fear and pain from tear gas, cannisters, buckshots, and etc., and the people attacking them are committing a crime in not upholding the constitution (the law of the land) in the interests of subverting the existing social system for a police state and demanding protesters leave a constitutionally sanctioned assembly, I gotta call it like I see it.

You might also want to work on your definition of rape and serial killer, you seem to have them confused with traffic violations.


Sunday, February 5, 2012 9:38 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


he shouldn't have been there in the 1st place
translates into "he shouldn't have been protesting the ills in this country so if he got injured, it's his own fault", etc. Clear connection. And it was only an "accident" in that he got hit, the stuff they were doing was BOUND to hurt do you shoot tear gas canisters and all the other things the police were doing and call someone being injured by them an "accident"?? They're not; they're deliberate attempts to TERRORIZE protesters with fear of injury.

The protesters were exercising their right to civil disobedience peacefully. They were attacked violently.

What Byte said. It was no accident; the police were terrorizing, someone got badly hurt. Cause and result; beyond that, it's not worthy of discussion. In other cities, RESPONSIBLE police and government have found ways of dealing with OWN, but again, Oakland is Oakland, and OPD is OPD. They don't worry about who they hurt. Nor, apparently, do you, if the person injured is doing something you think they shouldn't be doing. That is the unmistakeable inference.


Sunday, February 5, 2012 10:11 AM


America loves a winner!

Yeah, I love it when folks phony up things I never said, and ignore the actual words I DID use ...

Like how it was an accident, and a tragic one at that.

Again, regardless of your views, calling this 'terrorism' is a complete watering down of the definition of the word.

I'm sure , beneath the dense partisan rhetoric, there are still human brains who can understand this basic concept, and me having to spell it out for you won't be necessary.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Sunday, February 5, 2012 7:58 PM


You're calling me partisan?

I don't CARE if they were police men, they did something wrong - I think we ALL know that being an authority figure does not prohibit immoral acts. People were injured, some people nearly died. I see no difference between them, and someone setting off a suicide bomb in Kabul. Same end result.


Sunday, February 5, 2012 8:13 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Rappy has a problem seeing that when one group kills or terrorizes innocent civilians for political ends and another group kills or terrorizes innocent civilians for political ends, they are both terrorists.

"Shock and awe"- terrorism made explicit.


Sunday, February 5, 2012 8:26 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Hi Niki. I was the one who asked about how he was doing lately. It sounds like he's getting better slowly but surely and I hope that his brain continues to improve. Its good that he's busy and persuing things he cares about. Here's to him being fully recovered with a bit more time and work. But even if he isn't I wish him a happy good life with lots of good things and empowerment. Again its great that he's involved in something he cares about and I'm hopeful for continued improvement.

BTW I'm horrible about repeating myself about stuff. Sometimes my dad teases me about being worse than my grandmother. :)

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Sunday, February 5, 2012 11:09 PM


I take issue with the notion that it was an accident - when the police DELIBERATELY aim at head level munitions which are supposed to be bounced off the ground or arced, it's NOT an accident, it's attempted homicide.

And lets not forget at least one of em loaded double-ought instead of rubber ball shot, which I also doubt was any kind of accident.

This is not uncommon, whatever.

When you intentionally and deliberately mis-aim a less lethal munition with intent to harm, that is not by any means, an "accident".


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, February 6, 2012 12:52 AM


America loves a winner!

Sig, pretty sure the police didn't wander into some peaceful neighborhood and randomly start lobbing tear gas canisters.

THAT would be terrorism

Here? I'm sure the crowds had ample warning to disperse, and failed to do so.

( do you KNOW they were warned ? )

Oh please... put a sock in it. Tear gas isn't the 1st step in crowd control. Not unless there's a full blown riot. Which I'm guessing this wasn't.

Could this be a case of reckless conduct ? Possibly. Still doesn't show that it was anything more than an accident. Which is a far cry from terrorism.

But some of you who think you have me figured out... that since I'm all for the gestapo, and against the commie lovin' OWS gang, I'll have to side w/ the cops. But wait, the cops are unionized too, right ? So how can I be for unions goons ?

A real brain teaser, huh? Kinda like how when PETA and Aids Activists got at it over animal research to help cure aids...

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Monday, February 6, 2012 4:52 AM


MOST terrorists don't warn people when they're about to attack (though some do, see also: "bomb threat"). That doesn't necessarily mean that this event wasn't simply an exception to the rule, didn't have the exact same end result, and therefore wasn't functionally the same thing.

I'll also agree that the civilians probably weren't innocent, because WHO IS? They refused to leave after being ejected from public property, which is a law I think is nonsense and against the constitution, but they were breaking the law and by rough definitions therefore "not innocent." But that doesn't make them not civilians, nor does it make right attacking them for exercising constitutionally given rights.

Also, no one in this thread but you has yet said that you are "for the gestapo" or "for union gangs" and I'd attempt to defend you from such claims.

Because, if it were the tea party the police were hassling, because the tea party is ostensibly anti-government and anti-enforcement, right, you'd resist too. I guarantee it.

So really, the only question I have for you is:

Why weren't you at the OWS Atlanta crackdown? You tea partiers want to fight against what you see as a corrupt police state and government overreach. Some of you have carried guns to town meetings in a perfectly acceptable way to demonstrate that you're willing to FIGHT for your freedoms, against any tyranny that would attempt to take them away. Your countrymen are being beaten in the street and their rights are being taken from them, and whether or not you agree with them politically they're still your COUNTRYMEN. If you won't act then, when WILL you act?


Monday, February 6, 2012 5:34 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
It's an odd world. An Iraq veteran, and he doesn't get hit by terrorists until he's on American soil.

Shame, sounds like he has some brain damage.

People need to be careful who they associate with. We had a local decorated vet get executed by drug dealers because he was hanging out with drug dealers.

If you hang out with the Occupy crowd you need to expect the violence that they bring. Rape, murder, drugs, violence, theft, riots and so on all happening at these events and that's before police are forced to get involved. You want peaceful nonviolent protest...join the TEA Party.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I agree with Hero." Niki2, 2011.


Monday, February 6, 2012 5:43 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:

Why weren't you at the OWS Atlanta crackdown? You tea partiers want to fight against what you see as a corrupt police state and government overreach. Some of you have carried guns to town meetings in a perfectly acceptable way to demonstrate that you're willing to FIGHT for your freedoms, against any tyranny that would attempt to take them away. Your countrymen are being beaten in the street and their rights are being taken from them, and whether or not you agree with them politically they're still your COUNTRYMEN. If you won't act then, when WILL you act?

We wont act because the Occupy movement is as wrong on behaivor as they are on policy.

The goals of the Occupy movement are to destroy the economic system of this country. So already we are on opposite sides. However, this is America and everybody gets a voice...but you can't riot, block streets, occupy Private and Public Property, disrupt businesses, commerce, or transportation, or create a lawless climate.

You want to speak, speak. You want to march, march. You want to camp, camp. But you do it within the bounds of the Constitution and with respect for everyone else's right to peaceful enjoyment of their freedoms, especially those who do not share your call to action. That is where you went wrong and that is what has doomed your movement to failure (noting for the record that even if you succeed you fail).


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I agree with Hero." Niki2, 2011.


Monday, February 6, 2012 6:10 AM



We wont act because the Occupy movement is as wrong on behaivor as they are on policy.

This is the problem with divisiveness in political systems. You don't have a functional society if it acts like a bunch of bulls standing around pawing the ground with their horns lowered.

I mean, even if you don't LIKE OWS, to not USE them to further your own agenda is short-sighted. Most of them don't even know WHAT they want. This would be really easy. Honestly, this is demagogy 101 here.

You guys want to stop government overreach, these guys are targets of it, to not take advantage of it because you have too much pride to associate with that kind of person is just a really wasted opportunity.

Frankly, if the people who are at fault behind government over reach have any weaknesses, it's that their first impulse on encountering a new idea is to crush it instead of nudge an agenda to parallel their own interests. Very few of them bother trying to use or convert a new idea because it goes against their conventional ideas.


Monday, February 6, 2012 6:25 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
I mean, even if you don't LIKE OWS, to not USE them to further your own agenda is short-sighted.

Don't worry, the Occupy movement is doing more to get the Republicans in office this year then even the TEA Party did in 2010 and it'll be even more as the election gets closer and they get crazier and more violent.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I agree with Hero." Niki2, 2011.


Monday, February 6, 2012 7:15 AM



Originally posted by Hero:
Don't worry, the Occupy movement is doing more to get the Republicans in office this year then even the TEA Party did in 2010


Now that's funny.

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Monday, February 6, 2012 11:23 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Hi Riona. I THOUGHT it might have been you (especially as you're usually the one who shows compassion and care about others), but I've mixed people up often enough not to want to make a flat statement. Thank you for your good wishes, on behalf of Scott...he wasn't actually a regular OWSer before being injured, by the way, his brother was more involved and he was in Oakland because of him. What happened changed him in THAT way too; now he's committed because he understands (as few of us can) what's at stake.

Gee, I didn't know OWS was commie-lovin'. I'll have to go buy a book or something and bone up...I guess I should buy THOUSANDS of books for all the thousands of OWSers in every big and little town who are out there, like me, protesting what's happening in this country. Better get to work...

Tear gas isn't the 1st step in crowd control. Not unless there's a full blown riot. Which I'm guessing this wasn't.
This wasn't anything, it was a peaceful protest. And tear gas WAS the 1st step they used, along with everything else.

Rape, murder, drugs, violence, theft, riots and so on all happening at these events and that's before police are forced to get involved.
That is a lie, period. NONE of that has happened in numerous places where the police have started right out with violence. Remember the pepper-spraying of protesters sitting on the ground? Remember the Berserkeley police jabbing peaceful protesters in the stomach with billy clubs? Until you can PROVE an OWS protester has been responsible for any of the things you described, you're just doing what every other hard-core rightie here is doing: Using any news story of anything negative that's happened at any OWS protest to pretend OWS is responsible for it.

By the way, yeah, if you "hang out" (as in join a protest or demonstration) with people who are willing to stand up for what they believe in, you'd better be prepared to be jailed or injured. So everyone should have stayed in their homes during the Revolution, nobody should have protested the Vietnam War or Civil Rights or ANYTHING, because, you know, stuff happens any time people stand up for what's wrong. So go back to your home, watch your TV and bitch about how things are, come here and trash OWS, and all will be well. Meanwhile, I'll be out there (like I just got home from) putting my life on the line to say there are things wrong with the country I love, and I'm going to stand up and say so.


But you do it within the bounds of the Constitution and with respect for everyone else's right to peaceful enjoyment of their freedoms, especially those who do not share your call to action. That is where you went wrong and that is what has doomed your movement to failure (noting for the record that even if you succeed you fail).
See Civil Rights, Vietnam War, American Revolution.

The goals of the Occupy movement are to destroy the economic system of this country

Don't worry, the Occupy movement is doing more to get the Republicans in office this year then even the TEA Party did in 2010 and it'll be even more as the election gets closer and they get crazier and more violent.
Yes, it IS amusing. Obviously he hasn't been listening to anything but FauxNews, or he'd be hearing about the backlash against the 2010 election and how many of the things they've put in place are being removed. OWS has brought things into the public discussion, and the result has been pressure on politicians to deal with things. Wait and see--no, on the other hand, go on spouting your BS, it means absolutely nothing to those of us here, or in the real world. Even FauxNews won't keep you safe from finding out what's really happening in the end.


Monday, February 6, 2012 2:19 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by Bytemite:

Why weren't you at the OWS Atlanta crackdown? You tea partiers want to fight against what you see as a corrupt police state and government overreach. Some of you have carried guns to town meetings in a perfectly acceptable way to demonstrate that you're willing to FIGHT for your freedoms, against any tyranny that would attempt to take them away. Your countrymen are being beaten in the street and their rights are being taken from them, and whether or not you agree with them politically they're still your COUNTRYMEN. If you won't act then, when WILL you act?

We wont act because the Occupy movement is as wrong on behaivor as they are on policy.

The goals of the Occupy movement are to destroy the economic system of this country. So already we are on opposite sides. However, this is America and everybody gets a voice...but you can't riot, block streets, occupy Private and Public Property, disrupt businesses, commerce, or transportation, or create a lawless climate.

You want to speak, speak. You want to march, march. You want to camp, camp. But you do it within the bounds of the Constitution and with respect for everyone else's right to peaceful enjoyment of their freedoms, especially those who do not share your call to action. That is where you went wrong and that is what has doomed your movement to failure (noting for the record that even if you succeed you fail).

Huh. Odd that you hold OWS folks to a higher standard than you hold your own government or your country's military, which is *supposed to be* a place where those with honor serve.

Wait... that's not odd at all. It's exactly what I expect from the fascists who support Republicans

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Monday, February 6, 2012 2:45 PM


Instead of evicting the occupy movement as a whole, wrongdoing and arrest in this case maybe could be based on existing definitions of crime, and I'm talking about actual crime, not trumped up charges. And we could also for now toss out trespassing or camping violations as arrestable offenses, because ultimately it only really hinders a person or business if another crime is committed along with that charge.

If there are really rapists, murderers, theft, vandals, and unlawful detainment (like stopping emergency vehicles or other examples), then everyone benefits from that arrest, but only IF the actual criminals are targeted by the practice.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012 4:34 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
Instead of evicting the occupy movement as a whole, wrongdoing and arrest in this case maybe could be based on existing definitions of crime...And we could also for now toss out trespassing or camping violations as arrestable offenses

You are right. Certain laws should not apply to everyone. The Occupy movement has your political support so they should not be held to the same standards as say...a homeless man moving into your daughter's bedroom.

After all, nobody is really hurt when people you like break the law...

I really like hunters, so maybe they should be allowed to hunt year round, in any location including urban habbitats close to schools, they can kill any animal they want, if they accidently hit someone while killing an animal that's an accident not a crime, etc...

Please post your home address so I can arrange people to move in without your permission. Don't worry about the police, I'll let them know that while you don't want the people there it is your moral choice that they neither be arrested nor forcibly removed unless they rape or kill someone assuming it actually happened (which regardless of witnesses or evidence will never be proven to the people living in your house and they decide if it "actually" happened, not the police).

We'll put your place on Craiglist, "Free House, come stay." I'm sure humdreds of nice people will come and respectfully enjoy your home. It will be clean, well cared for, your personal property respected....

You as a liberal have it so much easier with this outlook. Me, as a conservative, will simply shoot anybody trespassing on my property and refusing to leave...or I'll call the police to remove them (or shoot them, I'm good with however the police want to handle it). That's lots of effort and can get messy (blood is hard to get out of carpet), but I'm sure your way will work best for you.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I agree with Hero." Niki2, 2011.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012 4:58 AM



The Occupy movement has your political support so they should not be held to the same standards as say...

They don't, actually, I don't trust them, as I have said to Niki numerous times. But she gets upset, so I don't tend to talk about it much.

But just because they don't have my political support doesn't mean I think they should be beaten in the streets, sat down in a line, and maced in the face.


a homeless man moving into your daughter's bedroom.

I don't have a daughter. But, I fail to see what the harm is if one were to move in with me, and you know what, I'm female. Just by moving in, they have not yet done anything to hurt me. The main problem here is that I don't own the place, otherwise I'd be putting up fliers myself. I actually intend to build a safe house the moment I can afford the property for it.

I believe that something should only be a crime if it causes harm and has measurable damages associated with it.

You may believe differently, and of course, the existing law does not agree with me. Under current laws, a person can do nothing to harm anyone, and still be arrested and have their freedoms stripped from them by society.

That does not mean I can't question whether the law or society is correct to do so in certain cases.

So, we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. You're lawful, I'm chaotic, there will be no seeing eye to eye on this, and it's pointless to even attempt to continue.

Also, I'm not liberal. I'm an anarchist. I thought I'd been pretty clear on that. I'm pretty much looking to undermine everyone else's agendas.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012 5:04 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Wait... that's not odd at all. It's exactly what I expect from the fascists who support Republicans

Is it really so odd?

Occupy tried to shut down ports by holding mass demonstrations and blocking roads. People have a right to work at those ports, businesses have a right to opperate those ports, other local busineses have a right to operate but were disrupted, the workers at those businesses were interferred with.

So how do we accomodate Occupy's right to scream and yell with a person's right to work or a business's right to operate? Reasonable rules. You can't block the streets (without a permit so we can regulate traffic). You can't block access. You can't block, threaten, or interfere with workers.

You want the freedom to act as you see fit and force everyone else to accomodate you yet are unwilling to make any concession to accomodate anyone else.

Oh, you call me a facist because I advocate the rule of law. First of all, you don't even know what facism is. Second, you don't get to make the laws. Third, you can't pick and choose the laws you want to obey.

By actual definition the Occupy movement is a facist movement. Its a populist movement that seeks to eliminate social and individual class distinctions. It seeks to have strict govt regulation of the economy for the benefit of the masses. It seeks to subvert private property and private enterprise to the benefit of the masses. This fascist form of democracy advocates the rule of the most qualified, rather than rule by a majority of numbers. Fascists reject majoritarian democracies as being based on quantitative and egalitarian evaluation of individuals and their opinions. Seems you want to eliminate opinions you disagree with...

Facists also like to demonize easily identifiable ethnic groups. Tell us how much you hate the Jews? If you wont, I'm sure just about every other Occupy person can spout this or that about the evil Zionist bankers.

Violence and lawlessness? You can check that one off.

They practice uniformity of thought. Come on People's Assembly, everybody repeat after me and show me those Jazz Hands:

"Mirror Mirror on the wall"

"Who are the biggest facists of all?"

Why...its your face in the mirror Mr. Occupy. Your face...


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I agree with Hero." Niki2, 2011.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012 5:14 AM


Fascism is not lawlessness, but rather an overabundance of laws. Both can be very violent.

However... While I'm not convinced the OWS has any idea what they're doing, some of the demands some of them have released, which I'm not sure are representative of the group as a whole, would probably increase the size of the federal government. I don't particularly like that myself, it's true.


By actual definition the Occupy movement is a facist movement. Its a populist movement that seeks to eliminate social and individual class distinctions. It seeks to have strict govt regulation of the economy for the benefit of the masses.

You're confusing fascist for socialist and/or communist. While the Nazi party had elements of both, and they are therefore not mutually exclusive, they are actually two different things.

I'm assuming the Nazis are where you're drawing this equivalence from, because it's a common occurrence.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012 5:16 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
But, I fail to see what the harm is if one were to move in with me, and you know what, I'm female. Just by moving in, they have not yet done anything to hurt me.

Again, please post your home address so we can get started.

Your add will go something like this:

"Single, naive, liberal female with no form of home protection and who will NOT call the police seeks to open her doors to any man who wants to come stay with me."

Please leave your door unlocked...I'm sure nothing bad will happen, but WHEN it does I will personally prosecute the men responible for your gang rape, the theft of your property, and...assuming you survive...I will buy you your very own gun and teach you to use it. I'll even get it engaved, "Welcome to the real word."


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I agree with Hero." Niki2, 2011.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012 5:21 AM



Again, please post your home address so we can get started.

I just told you, I don't HAVE a home. 9_9

But when I do, I'll oblige you. Because 1) I plan to help out the community by offering shelter to people who need it, 2) I don't have anything worth stealing, and 3) I really don't give a damn what happens to me, and I'd welcome being strangled in my sleep anyway. So whatever.

Again, I'm not liberal. I'm an anarchist.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012 5:24 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:

You're confusing fascist for socialist and/or communist. While the Nazi party had elements of both, they are actually two different things.

Actually I'm not. I took the definition from what facism is.

Facism and Socialism are very similar in form and substance. They diverge on the role of the state and the role of the collective. True socialism eventually replaces the state with collective goodiness, but never explains how the trash gets collected. Facism gives the state strict control over all aspects of daily life so that those who know best can make the best decisions for the greater good of all...and the trash will always get picked up.

While Occupy has elements of many different "isms" many of these movements already share traits. I orginally thought it was socialist, its only in recent months that the facism has become clear. Pretty much since the start of the real violence.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I agree with Hero." Niki2, 2011.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012 5:27 AM



They diverge on the role of the state and the role of the collective.

If they diverge, they are not the same thing.

However... I might be willing to concede that they can have the same end result. Which is one of the reasons I don't like either.


Pretty much since the start of the real violence.

That's not really the best measure. Socialists can be violent too. What else makes you think they're fascist?


Tuesday, February 7, 2012 5:45 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
I just told you, I don't HAVE a home. 9_9

But when I do, I'll oblige you. Because 1) I plan to help out the community by offering shelter to people who need it, 2) I don't have anything worth stealing, and 3) I really don't give a damn what happens to me, and I'd welcome being strangled in my sleep anyway. So whatever.

Again, I'm not liberal. I'm an anarchist.

You are not an anarchist, if anything you are a slave. There were members of the slave Rome, even in America when it existed who expressed views very similar to yours.

You have value. That you can't see it is tragic.

This is no longer a political disagreement. You are not espousing a political philosophy, you are expressing a degree of self loathing and contempt.

You see yourself as valueless. You see yourself as not worthy of protection. You express a forlorn hope "when I own a home" and a desire to be of service but render it meaningless by saying nothing you own, not even your life has any value to you. What happened?

I'm sure your willing to serve and you see yourself as no value so putting on that slave collar will be easy, even offer relief. Let others decide your fate, you'll eat when fed, do what you are told, and even die should your master (which by your own admission is anybody other then yourself) choose.

Ultimately you will either find the strength to make your way in the world or you will be at its mercy. There are many forms of strength, I'm sure we can find one for you.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I agree with Hero." Niki2, 2011.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012 5:50 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
That's not really the best measure. Socialists can be violent too. What else makes you think they're fascist?

Its not the violence because just about every movement is violent to some degree...even Ghandi nonviolent movement relied on violence against itself which as Ghandi noted caused as much harm to the person with the club as the person being beaten.

It was not the violence that showed Occupy's true colors...its how their message changed. Strict regulation, make the rich, the banks, anyone with private property subject to the masses, hate for the jews, uniformity of thought, etc. They just need little armbands, brown shirts, and some fella with a funny mustache and they are ready to go.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I agree with Hero." Niki2, 2011.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012 6:10 AM



Strict regulation, make the rich, the banks, anyone with private property subject to the masses,

That's socialist.


hate for the jews, uniformity of thought,

Hatred for jews and uniformity of thought would be nationalist and/or authoritarian.

It would really come down to what exactly they're proposing about regulating the banks, whether they're socialist or fascist. Spreading the wealth is a Mixed Economy. Spreading the wealth with a centrally planned economy and rations on what people can own and what they're distributed is Socialist. Saying you're going to spread the wealth with a centrally planned economy that uses labor camps but the ruling party gets a lot more than the workers is Communist. Having centrally planned labor camps composed of dissidents and keeping the wealth they generate in the ruling party and using a meritocracy to determine how much of the wealth a party member gets is Fascist.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012 6:27 AM



Let others decide your fate, you'll eat when fed, do what you are told, and even die should your master

I think you don't fully understand my plans. I plan to grow food to eat on the property. I will then eat the food when I want to, because I'll grow enough that it doesn't matter if some amount of it is eaten by other people as well. I also hardly think that a criminal who comes to murder me is my "master," they're just a criminal. Should they try to push dominance on me, I'll die before I let them. And dying doesn't matter to me.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012 6:34 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
Saying you're going to spread the wealth with a centrally planned economy that uses labor camps but the ruling party gets a lot more than the workers is Communist. Keeping the wealth from a centrally planned economy that uses labor camps composed of dissidents in the ruling party and using a meritocracy to determine how much of the wealth someone gets is Fascist.

The two are very similar...why do you think the Nazi's were the National Socialist Party? WW2 Italy was the Italiam Social Republic (after WW2 the Italian Socialist Movement was a Neo-facist movement.)

Facism links the employers, employees, and State in a collabrative movement that eliminates class struggle by putting everyone in service to the collective good. The State is central to the process. True socialism is similar but the State's role diminishes as the workers would have control of the means of production and there would be little or no private property. Facism retains private property but places both the workers and the employers on equal footing but under the ultimate control of the state.

So, in facist worlds, labor unions are not allowed to strike, because it would be counter to the common good...but is also unnecessary because the State is forcing employers to meet the needs of the workers.

I note for the record that many people consider facism (National Socialism) to be an offshoot of socialism, which explains many of the common characteristics. Clearly socialism came first. I suspect facism was meant to be a fusion of socialism, nationalism, existing political structures, and economic reality.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I agree with Hero." Niki2, 2011.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012 6:44 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
I think you don't fully understand my plans. I plan to grow food to eat on the property. I will then eat the food when I want to, because I'll grow enough that it doesn't matter if some amount of it is eaten by other people as well. I also hardly think that a criminal who comes to murder me is my "master," they're just a criminal. Should they try to push dominance on me, I'll die before I let them. And dying doesn't matter to me.'ll obey and serve your master or you will die...and either way its mostly someone else's decision. In fact, the only choice your willing to make with regards to how you live your life is to die...and I suspect that's a harder choice then you think. They wont have to dominate've already chosen to put the collar on yourself. They might kill you, but your ok with that, after all...they own you.

I'm not asking you to die...I'm asking you to live and if you insist on the life you described then my choice is likely the only one you'll ever get. People can help you, but its about you...not them.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I agree with Hero." Niki2, 2011.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012 6:48 AM


Quote:'ll obey and serve your master or you will die...and either way its mostly someone else's decision. In fact, the only choice your willing to make with regards to how you live your life is to die...and I suspect that's a harder choice then you think. They wont have to dominate've already chosen to put the collar on yourself. They might kill you, but your ok with that, after all...they own you.

What are you talking about, own? Does human flesh have a value? Have they BOUGHT me? Can they make me do something I don't want them to do when I already want to die? They can't even threaten me!


Tuesday, February 7, 2012 7:12 AM



The two are very similar...

There can be overlaps, but sometimes there aren't. They're not the same thing.


why do you think the Nazi's were the National Socialist Party?

Right. They combined the two ideas. The entire german empire was a fascist machine run by dissidents and conquered peoples in their labor camps, while members of the Nazi party itself enjoyed merit-based welfare.

The Nazis were quite a bit more Socialist in their early years, and Hitler added the fascist parts.


During the 1920s and 1930s, Nazism was ideologically heterogeneous, comprising two sub-ideologies, those of Otto Strasser and of Hitler. As leftists, the Strasserites fell afoul of Hitler, who expelled Otto Strasser from the Nazi Party when he failed to establish the Black Front, an oppositional, anti-capitalist bloc, in 1930. Though Hitler for "tactical" reasons had rhetorically declared a 1920 party platform with socialist platitudes "unshakable," actually "many paragraphs of the party program were obviously merely a demagogic appeal to the mood of the lower classes at a time when they were in bad straits and were sympathetic to radical and even socialist slogans...Point 11, for example...Point 12...nationalization...Point 16...communalization.... put in at the insistence of Drexler and Feder, who apparently really believed in the 'socialism' of National Socialism."[89] In actual practice, such points were mere slogans, "most of them forgotten by the time the party came to power.... the Nazi leader himself was later to be embarrassed when reminded of some of them."[89] Historian Conan Fischer argues that the Nazis were sincere in their use of the adjective socialist, which the saw as inseparable from the adjective national, and meant it as a socialism of the master race, rather than the socialism of the "underprivileged and oppressed seeking justice and equal rights."[90]

The conflicting philosophies of leading Nazis of the early years were visible at times: in 1930 "Strasser, Feder and Frick introduced a bill in the Reichstag on behalf of the Nazi Party calling for (interest rate limits, expropriation of large bank-holdings)... and the nationalization of the big banks.... Hitler was horrified; this was not only Bolshevism, it was financial suicide for the party."[91] Many Strasserites who remained in the Nazi Party, mostly in the Sturmabteilung (SA), were assassinated in the Night of the Long Knives purge.

But other fascist systems worked rather differently compared to the Nazis.


Italian Fascism promotes a corporatist economic system whereby employer and employee syndicates are linked together in a corporative associations to collectively represent the nation's economic producers and work alongside the state to set national economic policy.[9] Italian Fascists claim that this economic system resolves and ends class conflict by creating class collaboration.[10] It supports criminalization of strikes by employees and lockouts by employers as illegal acts it deems these acts as prejudicial to the national community as a whole.


The Spanish Phalanx of the Assemblies of the National Syndicalist Offensive

National Syndicalism (nacionalsindicalismo) was to be the official ideology of the State.


Corporate state in which class struggle would be superseded by the Vertical Trade Union, forcing workers and owners into one organization. (see class collaboration)

Roman Catholicism

Attention to the Castilian farmers

Nationalist pride in the history of the Spanish Empire


Anti-communism, anti-anarchism and anti-capitalism

Anti-democratic, anti-liberal, anti-parliamentarian ideology


Source: wikipedia


Clearly socialism came first. I suspect facism was meant to be a fusion of socialism, nationalism, existing political structures, and economic reality.

Socialism came first, but fascism was intended to be opposed to it. The Italians were the first to try fascism:


Italian Fascism was declared by its leadership figures to be opposed to scientific socialism, identifying scientific socialism as originating with utopian socialism and existing in a modern form as Marxism.

The Spanish version was an offshoot from the Italian version. The Nazis were twenty years later, and started out socialist, but eventually picked up some fascist ideology through Hitler's tendencies.

The centrally planned economy thing that all of them use IS a bad idea though. It's the backbone of all three of the systems (socialist, communist, and fascist), and it's what allows people to pick and choose what features they want from each.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012 7:43 AM


Wow, I got as far into that as Hero calling the Occupy group fascists before I had to give up from laughing too hard.

Yeah, the liberal, andti-corportate group is aligned with an idealogy that is pro-corporate and anti-liberal....riiiiiiight.

Hilarity, distilled.

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Tuesday, February 7, 2012 8:01 AM


Collective Punishment is always an act of tyranny.

Of course, some blinkered philistine idiots who worship at the foot of The Law, seem to think it's all okay morally when some Law says so.. it ain't.

Poor little Zero, so deluded he prolly thinks Judge Dredd was a homage, instead of a parody.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012 8:12 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:
Wow, I got as far into that as Hero calling the Occupy group fascists before I had to give up from laughing too hard.

Yeah, the liberal, andti-corportate group is aligned with an idealogy that is pro-corporate and anti-liberal....riiiiiiight.

The Nazis were anti-conservative, pro liberals who demonized the wealthy and conservative aristocracy for their greed and betrayal of the German people.

Remember, Hitler was not a wealthy aristocrat, he did not come from a political dynasty, nor did he have a skilled trade, he was a draftee in a war he did not want to fight and an artist by trade. Little money, poor job prospects. He had much in common with many in the Occupy movement as far as his early life experiance.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I agree with Hero." Niki2, 2011.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012 8:40 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by Bytemite:
Saying you're going to spread the wealth with a centrally planned economy that uses labor camps but the ruling party gets a lot more than the workers is Communist. Keeping the wealth from a centrally planned economy that uses labor camps composed of dissidents in the ruling party and using a meritocracy to determine how much of the wealth someone gets is Fascist.

The two are very similar...why do you think the Nazi's were the National Socialist Party? WW2 Italy was the Italiam Social Republic (after WW2 the Italian Socialist Movement was a Neo-facist movement.)

Facism links the employers, employees, and State in a collabrative movement that eliminates class struggle by putting everyone in service to the collective good. The State is central to the process. True socialism is similar but the State's role diminishes as the workers would have control of the means of production and there would be little or no private property. Facism retains private property but places both the workers and the employers on equal footing but under the ultimate control of the state.

So, in facist worlds, labor unions are not allowed to strike, because it would be counter to the common good...but is also unnecessary because the State is forcing employers to meet the needs of the workers.

I note for the record that many people consider facism (National Socialism) to be an offshoot of socialism, which explains many of the common characteristics. Clearly socialism came first. I suspect facism was meant to be a fusion of socialism, nationalism, existing political structures, and economic reality.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I agree with Hero." Niki2, 2011.

Don't you love it when "Hero" tries to use big words?

"Hero", do yourself - and all of us - a favor, and don't try to lecture us on something you don't even know how to spell, okay?

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Tuesday, February 7, 2012 9:10 AM



The Nazis were anti-conservative, pro liberals who demonized the wealthy and conservative aristocracy for their greed and betrayal of the German people.

Actually, a number of the inner party and Hitler's closest friends were actually pretty rich due to family wealth and industries. Many of them were in fact the head of some Nazi industry, or nobility. That was how the system was centrally planned, because all the business owners were friends of or answered to Hitler. However, there were some Nazi leaders from modest means, like Hitler himself, due to the meritocracy organization of the thing.

A few examples:

Hermann Göring (connections to pharmaceutical Merck, aviations, swiss bankers)
Charles Edward (Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha)
Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski - Polish (!) Nobility

Hitler himself hated socialism.


Initially Nazi political strategy focused on anti-big business, anti-bourgeois, and anti-capitalist rhetoric, though such aspects were later downplayed in the 1930s to gain the support from industrial owners for the Nazis; focus was shifted to anti-Semitic and anti-Marxist themes.

Nazism advocated the supremacy of the supposed Aryan master race over all other races. Nazis viewed the progress of humanity as depending on the Aryans and believed that it could maintain its dominance only if it retained its purity and instinct for self-preservation. They claimed that Jews were the greatest threat to the Aryan race. They considered Jews a parasitic race that attached itself to various ideologies and movements to secure its self-preservation, such as capitalism, democracy, the Enlightenment, industrialisation, liberalism, Marxism, parliamentary politics, and trade unionism. To maintain the purity and strength of the Aryan race, the Nazis sought to exterminate or impose exclusionary segregation upon "degenerate" and "asocial" groups that included: Jews, homosexuals, Romani, blacks, the physically and mentally disabled, Jehovah's Witnesses and political opponents.

While the usury was part of the dislike all over Europe for Jews, Nazis more blamed the "taint" of "inferior blood" on their WW2 losses than anything particularly with the banks. They also believed that the Jews were part of an ancient conspiracy to keep the "master race" from conquering the world. The Jews supposedly "stabbed the Germans in the back" along with the civilians that supported the republic over the old nobility, which Germans believed traced its roots back to Rome.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012 11:14 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
"Hero", do yourself - and all of us - a favor, and don't try to lecture us on something you don't even know how to spell, okay?

Your complete inability to make a substantive argument would be staggering if not typical of the left.

I saw some effort today, but at some point your side always ends up arguing form when you can't argue substance.

Perhaps you'd like to use some bad language, perhaps make a comment about how I look.

To put it another way you've conceded the intellectual argument. Thanks.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I agree with Hero." Niki2, 2011.






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