Iran threatens Europe

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Saturday, February 18, 2012 1:44 PM


Global nuclear power =>

lists power plants by county.
    Iran: 1
    Pakistan: 3

Not much nuclear power in Moslem countries.

O -- but wait!

The Egyptian Gazette =>
"The UAE will soon celebrate the completion of the first nuclear plants on the Arab peninsula, which floats
in the world’s largest oil lake. Apparently still haunted by the Fukushima accident, the perplexed readers
also inquired why Arab countries, including Egypt, were still planning to go ahead in this regard."

The Syrian Wedge Between the U.S. and Russia
"Russia also plans to construct a nuclear-power plant in Syria. This is despite Israel's destruction of a
suspected covert nuclear reactor in the middle of the Syrian desert in September 2007."

An Arabic arms race? Real or propaganda? =>
"LONDON: Saudi Arabia could acquire nuclear warheads from Pakistan within weeks of Iran developing atomic weapons
as the threat from Tehran triggers an arms race across the Middle East, The Times reported.

"Western officials told the paper that Pakistan is the most likely vendor of warheads to Riyadh if the Saudi Kingdom
actively seeks the nukes to counter Iran."

I don't know about Israel's policies. But could it be true that
1) the Arabs still fear one another a great deal, and
2) Western powers and Russia treat each of the Arabic countries differently. Due to genuine trust or the forever
"divide & conquer" principle?

Does Iran have any allies?

Does Iran have any allies?

"All I suggest is a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest" ~Paul Simon


Monday, February 20, 2012 2:45 PM


An OT post that gets to Iran at the end.

23 Oct 2002, An account of Saddam Hussein's rise to power =>
"... In 1979, President Bakr resigned under pressure from Hussein, who then became president.
Immediately after his succession, Hussein called a Baath Party meeting and had all of his opposition
systematically murdered. ... " =>
James Woolsey, LLB, MA, former Director of the CIA, on Apr. 2, 2003:
"Yes, it’s true. We did. We certainly didn’t put in Saddam, the Ba’athists did that on their own.
But we did back him in some limited ways in the 1980s in the war against Iran. He represented himself
to be, and the Reagan administration at the time felt that he was, essentially, the lesser of two evils. ...

"But, yes, we backed Saddam in limited ways, mainly with intelligence information against Iran during
the ’80s war between the two. But that shouldn’t mean that when we come to our senses we can’t take a
different tact. Whether it was wise or unwise to back him, I think it was unwise, that doesn’t mean
that we are forever locked into the proposition that we have to back Saddam Hussein."

Said K. Aburish, a former Iraqi government official, Jan. 25, 2000: "The U.S. involvement in the coup
against Kassem [General Abdel Karim Kassem] in Iraq in 1963 was substantial. ... The relationship
between the Americans and the Ba'ath Party at that moment in time was very close indeed. And that
continued for some time after the coup. ... I have documented over 700 people who were eliminated,
mostly on an individual basis, after the 1963 coup."

Noam Chomsky, Apr. 4, 1991: "Prior to August 2, 1990, the U.S. and its allies found Saddam Hussein an
attractive partner. In 1980, they helped prevent U.N. reaction to Iraq's attack on Iran, which they
supported throughout. At the time, Iraq was a soviet client, but Reagan, Thatcher and Bush recognized
Saddam Hussein as 'our kind of guy' and induced him to switch sides. In 1982, Reagan removed Iraq from
the list of states that sponsor terror, permitting it to receive enormous credits for the purchase of
U.S. exports while the U.S. became a major market for its oil."

I bring this up, 'cause someone once told me that We/USA are the ones who assassinated an existing Iraqi
leader and put Saddam Hussein into power. According to my quick scan above, that's not precisely true.

Related notes, questions:
Is it true that in the Middle East, we're always there, secretly or in the background usually, working our influence?
And all people in power-politics in the Middle East are well aware of it?
And we've never supported Iran because their Ayatollahs are not influenced by us?
As with Iraq, Iran has a deep rivalry with Saudi Arabia.
Syria has serious internal problems ATM. For this, Iran blames and threatens Turkey?
How long has it been so? The Middle East "is always in turmoil" I have read. Did this happen
since 1950, 1900, or always was?
Foreign policy could be: Arm both sides; let'em kill each other; take the oil wells.

Iran's border, starting from 12:00: Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Gulf of Oman, Persian Gulf,
Iraq, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Caspian Sea.

Armenia was part of the USSR, and Russia has helped resolve recent conflicts with Azerbaijan & Turkey.
Azerbaijan is essentially a province of Iran.
Turkmenistan seceded from the USSR in 1991. Not well known for human rights. She gets along well enough
with Iran eventho they are different types of dictatorships.
Afghanistan. Iran gets along well with Afghanistan. Didn't like the Taliban, doesn't like the US there.

Pakistan & Iran's Dysfunctional Relationship =>

(Commentary from the Middle East Quarterly) Long article, random excerpt: "Unfortunately, so long as
the Iranian and Pakistani governments remain concerned with the defense of Shi'i and Sunni sectarian
interests respectively, U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan may not be able to bring stability but at
best may remain referees in a struggle that extends far beyond that country's borders."

Arab League est 1945, 22 members, but Not Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan.

Those of you who know, I don't ask for long historical explanations of my queries.
Relevant clarifications appreciated tho.

"All I suggest is a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest" ~Paul Simon


Monday, February 20, 2012 4:58 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Monday, February 20, 2012 6:11 PM


Bigger picture.

2007, it was estimated that the US has 700-800 bases worldwide.
2008, the Pentagon reported having 1,174 stateside bases. That's 23.48 bases per state.

Please make a list of the countries we are Not threatening. It's shorter.

Remember: these bases provide jobs for the local civilians.

"All I suggest is a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest" ~Paul Simon


Thursday, February 24, 2022 8:54 PM







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