Zimmerman video

UPDATED: Wednesday, April 4, 2012 17:54
VIEWED: 3465
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Friday, March 30, 2012 1:43 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by 1kiki:
And yet people keep making the point he's Hispanic.

His own father refers to him as such. His mother is from Peru, yes?

He's as Hispanic as Obama is Black.

Just sayin'.



Zimmerman told police he acted in self-defense. Police found blood on his face and the back of his head as well as grass on the back of his shirt.

That jibes with what Cheryl Brown's teenage son witnessed while walking his dog that night. Thirteen-year-old Austin stepped out his front door and heard people fighting, he told the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday.

"I heard screaming and crying for help," he said. "I heard, 'Help me.' "

It was dark, and the boy did not see how the fight started, in fact, he only saw one person, a man in a red shirt — Zimmerman — who was on the ground.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall

"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein


Friday, March 30, 2012 1:57 AM




Originally posted by AURaptor:
Actually, there was an impartial witness, who claims he saw TM on top of GZ,and that it was GZ who was calling or help.

So , at the very least, we have conflicting stories, and 2 stories which line up, are told by 2 individuals who were actually there.

Here is what you have to remmember, Martin being on top of Zimmerman does not mean Zimmerman was within the law when shooting Martin. If Zimmerman attacked or even grabbed Martin first Martin had the right to defend himself and no matter what happened after the law would not cover Zimmerman.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Friday, March 30, 2012 2:11 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by m52nickerson:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
Actually, there was an impartial witness, who claims he saw TM on top of GZ,and that it was GZ who was calling or help.

So , at the very least, we have conflicting stories, and 2 stories which line up, are told by 2 individuals who were actually there.

Here is what you have to remmember, Martin being on top of Zimmerman does not mean Zimmerman was within the law when shooting Martin. If Zimmerman attacked or even grabbed Martin first Martin had the right to defend himself and no matter what happened after the law would not cover Zimmerman.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.

GZ's state of mind , prior to the encounter, might be what does him in. Prior to the shooting,before any confrontation, there's a point where both are aware of each other, and there's suspicion all around. GZ isn't a cop, and had no business confronting the suspect. Due to the recent break ins in the area, my guess is that GZ figured this was one of , if not the prime suspect in those crimes. He may have wanted to make sure he didn't get away. Maybe this was, in GZ's mind, the 'bust' which would get him notoriety. Maybe GZ knew one of the victims, and wanted to GET someone, who knows ?

TM is doing nothing wrong.

He's not trespassing, he's not vandalizing anything, hasn't broken any laws... and as far as I can tell, he's not even acting suspiciously. His crime, as far as it's been revealed, was WWB - walking while black.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall

"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein


Friday, March 30, 2012 5:08 AM



Zimmerman's state of mind and actions may very well be what does him in. For the most part I think you are spot on.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Friday, March 30, 2012 8:34 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Yes, Kiki, if the girlfriend spoke the truth, which we don't know, all we know is that she WAS on the phone with him, words were exchanged before anything happened, which rules out a "jump-from-behind" scenario. Also, Zimmerman claimed Trayvon hit him in the face, breaking his nose, which kind of disputes the idea he was hit from behind. As to witnesses, there are numerous, none of whom saw the actual scene in detail, and one of whom was pressured by the police. Raptor, that first witness who supposedly saw Trayvon on top of Zimmerman? Here's a bit more on that:

A 13-year-old who is one of two key witnesses in the Trayvon Martin shooting felt “pressured” by cops to tailor what he saw, his mom told the Daily News Thursday.

Police in Sanford, Fla., have said that Austin Brown, who went out to walk his dog on Feb. 26 near where Trayvon was shot, saw Zimmerman lying in the grass crying for help just before the slaying.

But Austin’s mom, Cheryl Brown, told the News that when cops interviewed her son eight days after Trayvon’s death, he told them he saw only one person lying in the grass and he couldn’t tell who it was.

“He kept telling them he couldn't see anything because it was too dark,” she said. “He said he couldn't see the race or anything. He never saw a second person. ”
his account is questionable, at best.

Earlier there were the original three witnesses:

Three witnesses contacted by The Miami Herald say they saw or heard the moments before and after the Miami Gardens teenager’s killing. All three said they heard the last howl for help from a despondent boy, and believe the sequence of sounds shatters the notion that Trayvon was killed in self-defense.

“I heard someone crying — not boo-hoo crying, but scared or terrified or hurt maybe,” said Mary Cutcher, 31, who lives in the Retreat at Twin Lakes townhome community where the shooting occurred. “To me, it was a child.”

She and her friend say they heard the sounds from a few steps away, where they were inside beside an open window. Seconds later, they dashed out to find a boy face down on the ground and a man standing over him, a foot on each side of the body on the ground, with his hands pinning the shooting victim down.

“I asked him, ‘What’s happening here? What’s going on?’?” said Cutcher’s friend, Selma Mora Lamilla. “The third time, I was indignant, and he said, ‘just call the police.’ Then I saw him with his hands over his head in the universal sign of: ‘Oh man, I messed up.’?”

The women, who were the first on the scene, said they saw Zimmerman pacing back and forth. “I know what I heard. I heard a cry and a shot,” Mora said.
there was this witness, from march 24:

On Friday it was revealed that an anonymous witness told police that he saw slain Florida teen Trayvon Martin on top of his killer, George Zimmerman, prior to the neighborhood watch volunteer shooting the young man in the chest, reports Fox 35 News.
The witness, only known as 'John,' told the local Orlando news outlet he saw Zimmerman – wearing a red sweater – and Trayvon – wearing a gray hoodie – fighting.

The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me, 'Help, help...' and I told him to stop and I was calling 911,” John stated.

He added, “When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point.”
newest witness:

The witness reported hearing through a closed window voices from an area where residents typically walk their dogs. "I thought it was rather loud, but I had just shut my window because it had just started pouring out rain," the witness said. "And then I thought, 'Oh, my gosh, who's out there walking their dog in the rain?' "
But the witness did not immediately look outside to see what the commotion was about, according to the account. "I went and did something else, and then I heard the loud voices again," said the witness, who reported opening the window. "It definitely was a very loud, predominant voice," the witness said. "I couldn't hear the words but it was like, OK, this is not a regular conversation. This is someone aggressively, you know, yelling at someone."
The witness recounted seeing two men on the grass, one on top of the other. "And at that point, not looking out the window, I heard the yell for help, one yell for help, and then I heard another ... excruciating type of yell. It didn't almost sound like 'help.' It just sounded so painful. But I wasn't watching out the window during that. And then the next time I looked out the window, there's the same thing: two men on the grass, one on top of each other. I couldn't see a lot of movement. It was very dark, but I felt like they were scuffling. And then I heard the gunshots, which, to me, were more like pops than they were like a bang."
The witness recalled hearing more than one shot. "It definitely was more than one pop noise, so I don't know if it was an echo or anything else. But it definitely made more than one pop."
The witness said the shots were audible as one man was on top of the other. But the witness recalled not having been able to see clearly which man was on top because it was dark.
you've got a number of witnesses telling different stories of what they saw, which from what I've seen is pretty normal in such cases. How anyone can determine what is an "impartial" witness is beyond me, unless they just decide to see them that way.

Thank you, Kiki; I hadn't heard that the police had questioned her earlier. That gives more credence to what she said transpired on the phone. Pushes me more to the side of believing her, since all these witnesses have been coming forward quite some time after the incident, and I didn't know wherther she'd been questioned before she came forward publicly.

Wow, Raptor, I'm impressed. Several times now you haven't rushed to prejudge the incident, and have recognized Zimmerman might have had a bit of vigilante going on:

GZ's state of mind , prior to the encounter, might be what does him in. Prior to the shooting,before any confrontation, there's a point where both are aware of each other, and there's suspicion all around. GZ isn't a cop, and had no business confronting the suspect. Due to the recent break ins in the area, my guess is that GZ figured this was one of , if not the prime suspect in those crimes. He may have wanted to make sure he didn't get away. Maybe this was, in GZ's mind, the 'bust' which would get him notoriety. Maybe GZ knew one of the victims, and wanted to GET someone, who knows ?
That sounds reasonable to me too, but here's mine. It agrees with yours up to the notoriety part--tho' I don't deny that MIGHT have played into it. Essentially, I think Zimmerman thought he was in the right, for whatever reason. How about, if the girlfriend is right, Zimmerman did accost Martin, with the two sentences she's said she heard. Generally "Why are you following me?" "what are you doing here?"

Maybe Martin mouthed off to Zimmerman, something like "I have a right to be here", "Leave me alone", something along those lines, then turned to walk away. Zimmerman, feeling he's in the right and may have come across a bad guy, might have gotten pissed at being dismissed, hollered at him something like "don't you walk away from me!" or something--there's witness statements that some loud words went on, so there was apparently SOME kind of vocal argument that went on for several sentences.

Maybe Martin hit Zimmerman, out of fear or anger at being followed and accosted. Maybe Zimmerman jumped him, believing he had caught someone bad; either way, they end up on the ground wrestling. However they got there, from the length of time the voices went on, maybe they were still shouting at one another, tempers flaring, Zimmerman pulls a gun.

Given the length of time the cries for help went on and how frantic they were, what about Zimmerman having gotten his gun out and Martin crying out at the sight of the gun, scared to death he was going to be shot, while Zimmerman's trying to get him to shut up, quiet down, 'cuz he's not fanatic enough to WANT to kill the kid, but frantic that people will come out and find him holding a gun on him. Reactively, Zimmerman fires to shut him up (how many times have people reactively choked someone to death when they were just trying to shut them up?).

Just a suggested scenario...I can't put together the cries for help being so frantic and going on for so long with what Zimmerman said was happening. The "pounding his head into the sidewalk" doesn't fit for me because people saw them BOTH on the GRASS, and if his head was being pounded, seems logical his voice would have reflected that somehow. Also doesn't seem like it could have been Zimmerman crying, "whimpering" as some have said, since he's more trim and muscular in the video than that pudgy photo we saw before, and he was willing to tackle a policeman years ago...but faced with a gun, I'd sure have screamed in terror. The CRIES went on for a while, you can hear them on the 911 call. I've heard Zimmerman's father said something like Martin saw the gun and tried to wrestle it away, saying something like "You're gonna die now", but while I have no experience with it, I can't see it being easy to get someone's gun out of their holster backwards, and again, why would that cause cries of terror or whimpering from Zimmerman?

When you come right down to it, NOTHING fits any scenario perfectly, all we can do is play detective and try to figure it out from what we're being told. I just can't put cries of terror and whimpering together with a guy who plays neighborhood watch captain and has pursued others and helped arrest others. That both the angry voices and the cries went on for so long is very confusing.

I'm a big Law and Order fan; if two lives weren't involved so horribly, I'd adore to have all the available evidence and try to figure it out. It's fascinating, but very scary. If Zimmerman can't be prosecuted because of that law, heaven knows what the result will be; if Zimmerman was guilty and gets off, same. If Zimmerman was just a dunce who got into a bad situation, I don't want him to be put in jail. There is just no GOOD outcome, it seems to me.

Yes, bottom line I blame Zimmerman, he's "responsible" for the whole thing from the beginning. But figuring out who did what to whom, will we ever be able to? Sad all the way around; even if not arrested, Zimmerman's life has changed dramatically, and Martin's life is over.


Friday, March 30, 2012 9:12 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Dead crook had just been kicked out of school for smokin dope...just like mass-murdering dictator Hussein Obama Soetoro.


Friday, March 30, 2012 9:18 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Jezus, PN; get a life. Or a brain. Or at LEAST two brain cells to rub together. He wasn't kicked out for smoking dope, although it might do YOU some good to smoke some. At least mellow you out maybe, or make it harder for you to slather forum boards with ludicrous, bizarre, contemptible insanity. Can't see it would hurt you, you're already stoned off your gourd naturally in a bad way...


Friday, March 30, 2012 5:41 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Jezus, PN; get a life. Or a brain. Or at LEAST two brain cells to rub together. He wasn't kicked out for smoking dope, although it might do YOU some good to smoke some. At least mellow you out maybe, or make it harder for you to slather forum boards with ludicrous, bizarre, contemptible insanity. Can't see it would hurt you, you're already stoned off your gourd naturally in a bad way...

Wow, something we can agree on. I think we can use our mutual hate of PN to build a lasting foundation of peace and prosperity for the entire world.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I agree with Hero." Niki2, 2011.


Friday, March 30, 2012 5:59 PM


I been sayin', PN IS a troll, but he refuses to stay in Troll Country.
"It's very rude of him," she said, "to come and spoil the fun!"


Friday, March 30, 2012 7:34 PM


Without protests, justice for Trayvon Martin can't be served =>

(CNN) -- "For everyone who has condemned the numerous protests,
rallies and vigils demanding justice for Trayvon Benjamin Martin,
the 17-year-old gunned down in Sanford, Florida, a month ago,
please listen to these two words: Shut up!"


Sunday, April 1, 2012 5:24 PM


Screams on 911 call not Zimmerman’s, forensic expert says =>

"An expert in the field of forensic voice identification sought to
answer that question by analyzing the recordings for the Orlando

"His result: It was not George Zimmerman who called for help."

. . . . .The worst and most frequent consequence of paranoia is that it's self-fulfilling.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012 5:54 PM


George Zimmerman’s Lawyers In Intense Exchange With Piers Morgan: ‘The Media Has Destroyed Him’

Sonner: “we’re not going to litigate this case in the public media.”






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