ALEC and the NRA

UPDATED: Saturday, April 7, 2012 09:23
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Saturday, April 7, 2012 3:52 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Tickled PINK to see that ALEC has finally been noticed and is becoming part of the national discussion. It's about time! Also tickled to see Coke, Kraft (they forgot Pepsi) have pulled out, and hopefully this is only the beginning. A "think tank" is one thing; ALEC is something else altogether and is bad for the country, in my opinion. And no, it's NOT like liberal think tanks; they provide INFORMATION, ALEC WRITES the bills for private corporations and hands them to legislators to be passed. Not that any righties will do other than come barrelling in to defend them and snark at something liberal in exchange.

This week, Coca-Cola and Kraft announced they are pulling their corporate memberships from a conservative group that was behind the spread of "stand your ground" laws like the one highlighted in Florida by the Trayvon Martin case.

The American Legislative Executive Council, also known as ALEC, is getting attention lately for its behind the scenes work pushing conservative legislation in the states.

The group has gotten even more attention since a neighborhood watch volunteer shot and killed unarmed teenager Martin last month.

The man who shot Martin, George Zimmerman, said he acted in self-defense. Police haven't charged him and legal experts say Florida's "stand your ground" law may shield Zimmerman from prosecution.

The National Rifle Association worked with ALEC to spread similar laws that are on the books in at least 25 states.

Those laws grow directly out of the Second Amendment ethos the NRA has championed: "the ethos of individualism, of having a gun, of individuals taking the initiative," said Robert Spitzer, a political scientist at the State University of New York at Cortland and at Cornell University who has studied and written about the NRA for decades.

Less well known is that the NRA has also helped ALEC spread other conservative laws that have nothing to do with gun rights.

ALEC drafts and shares model bills with state legislators to promote corporation-friendly and conservative social policy.

A watchdog group called the Center for Media and Democracy first documented the NRA's role in these bills with ALEC.

An NRA lobbyist, Tara Mica, helped shepherd a model bill that requires voters to show a photo ID at the polls. Many conservatives have pushed voter ID laws to prevent election fraud. Many liberals say these laws inhibit voting by minorities.

Mica also helped preside over ALEC's passage of the model bill that became the basis of Arizona's immigration law. That's the law that requires police to arrest anyone who cannot prove when asked that they entered the United States legally.

The NRA and Mica wouldn't talk with CNN, so it's not known whether Mica consulted with other NRA officials about the bills on voter ID and immigration.

ALEC also declined to answer questions.

Lisa Graves with the Center for Media and Democracy said the way ALEC works, "We know a bill cannot be approved as a model bill if the private sector members, like the NRA or Walmart, don't want it to become a model bill."

Josh Horwitz heads an advocacy group called the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. He said the NRA's role with ALEC cements his view that the NRA is really a base for the conservative movement.

"People think the NRA is just a gun group. It's really not." Horwitz said.

Horwitz's group has created a cheeky website, "Meet the" It lists the NRA's board of directors, and it has a rolling information bar that features some of their more colorful statements.

The NRA's board includes Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, and David Keene, former chairman of the American Conservative Union. The board also includes Robert Brown, creator of Soldier of Fortune magazine, and rock guitarist Ted Nugent.

Spitzer said the NRA has gotten involved in some other non-gun issues.

For instance, he said, the NRA fought hard against campaign finance reform in the days of McCain-Feingold. "They were taking a very much free-enterprise, government-hands-off-the-campaign-process (approach)," he said.

But Spitzer said the NRA will always be primarily about guns and what they stand for in the individualist American mythology.

He said the NRA's work is cut out for it, because gun ownership is on the decline in America.


Saturday, April 7, 2012 5:15 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


An NRA lobbyist, Tara Mica, helped shepherd a model bill that requires voters to show a photo ID at the polls.


The NRA has no business getting involved in non-gun-related issues. This is rediculous. Some gun purchases come with a membership to the NRA included in the purchase price. This information will make me loathe to purchase such firearms in the future, if I will be supporting an organization that tries to tinker with voting rights!


Note to self: Mr. Raptor believes that women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.
Reference thread:
Never forget what this man is. If you respond to this man again, you are being foolish.

“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.”
--Thomas S. Szasz


Saturday, April 7, 2012 7:55 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Niki2:
Tickled PINK to see that ALEC has finally been noticed and is becoming part of the national discussion. It's about time! Also tickled to see Coke, Kraft (they forgot Pepsi) have pulled out, and hopefully this is only the beginning. A "think tank" is one thing; ALEC is something else altogether and is bad for the country, in my opinion. And no, it's NOT like liberal think tanks; they provide INFORMATION, ALEC WRITES the bills for private corporations and hands them to legislators to be passed.

I'm wondering when they'll change their name? They're easy to watch as ALEC. How it ever got to be OK for outsiders to actually write the bills while being funded by private interests... we've been too soft. Maybe this "US is declining, China is rising," is just the kind of kick in the pants we need?

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Saturday, April 7, 2012 9:12 AM


I dislike the NRA, always have - isn't just a matter of focus, and exploitation, which yeah verily they got serious problems with, it's that past a certain point large organizations tend to take on a life of their own in a meta-gestalt sense and fail their intended purpose, just as Corporations inevitably fall to sociopathy, because of monkeysphere breach.

See, once it's tipped over, getting the money out of you BECOMES the point, and the only bit of it they'll think of parting with is to run bigger ad campaigns and whip up more fear factor to get more money out of you, and GOTO LINE 10, right ?

Plus you got base panderers, race baiters and all manner of political hacks pulling strings cause no one seems able or willing to clean house, and when you got your so-called advocacy org WRITING anti-gun laws (the excuse was "it was either this or something worse") then they're friggin collaborators anyways - and as you mentioned, have more or less subverted themselves to a darker political agenda, which is downright stupid cause for all the LIP SERVICE about respecting the 2nd Amendment, Republicans have been persistently engaged in trying to crush it for quite a while now, while many if not most of the Democrats have been treating the whole matter (outside of Holder, who's a punk, but really, you think Ashcroft and his ilk weren't ?) with quiet neglect, which I found quite appropriate.
But of course that would impinge the NRA's continued income and so they tried to whip up hysteria which just about always ends up defeating their own cause.

Ain't just them, neither - I've had a massive bone to pick on behalf of some of our older allies with the AARP after they more or less sold their base down the river to the medical establishment and then all but told them to their faces they didn't care about representing them no more, the word for that, is Yurusenai.

So I try to stand with orgs that actually hold to their principles, and on the matter of firearms, while the JFPO isn't perfect by any means (I've torn many a strip off them for acts of dishonesty and distortion) they're at least willing to stand to while the NRA is too busy counting your money and planning to grind more out of you while bombing you with massive amounts of spam for all eternity via your inbox and mailbox.



Saturday, April 7, 2012 9:23 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Yeah Anthony, I didn't know they were involved in that one. I knew it came from ALEC, but I'm not sure why the NRA would have an interest...? The stand-your-ground law makes SOME sense for them, but not this. In essence, the NRA was looking for ways to sell more guns (no comment), and went to ALEC to write a law for them. But what the hell voter ID laws has to do with the NRA is beyond me...the only connection I can imagine is fewer Democrat voters, more conservative power; more conservative power, more loosening of gun laws...?

ALEC is responsible for a whole lot of stuff nobody knew about; immigration laws (yes, Arizona's paper-please one), voter ID laws, laws to keep people from suing hospitals/doctors, and on and on. And yes, they'll probably change their name pretty soon if it doesn't die down and more sponsors pull out. As it is, 98% of their funding comes from "members"...large corporations and groups like NRA and Big Pharma, so if we can hurt their funding, maybe we've got a shot.

ALEC is anathema to democracy...they excuse themselves by saying legislators "have to approve" laws they write, but given they've got those legislators bought and sold, how many of them WON'T approve anything ALEC hands 'em?

By the way, they're "officially" a NON-PROFIT, too, which is the biggest laugh of the year!

Anybody wanna get pro-active?? Go here:
and sign the petition; it's going to all the corporations like Coke, Pepsi and Kraft so that they know what they're a part of. Maybe like those three, once they understand WHAT ALEC is, more will pull out.

You hate what's going on? Take a minute and get HEARD!! Okay, I gotta go, Saturday demonstration starts in a bit and I've got a new ALEC sign to take.