" Until death do you part... hold up, not so fast. "

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 2, 2012 15:27
VIEWED: 2034
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Thursday, April 26, 2012 12:04 PM


America loves a winner!

Holy crap... you can't make this stuff up. Who needs PN when reality is so damn warped, all by itself ?

'Farewell Intercourse' law allowing sex with dead wives sparks fury in Egypt

Egypt’s Islamist-dominated parliament is set to introduce a law allowing husbands to have sex with their dead wives up to six hours after death. Critics fear it highlights a trend of increasingly anti-female legislation since the Arab Spring.

The “farewell Intercourse” bill was inspired by a Fatwa issued by a Moroccan cleric last year. Zamzami Abdul Bar said that since the two would meet in Heaven again anyway, death shouldn’t get in the way of one last post-mortem marital romp.

'Farewell boink' ? What sort of twisted mind even comes up w/ this stuff, never mind thinks to make it a LAW ???

Good to see that not all in Egypt are taking this... lying down, so to say.

Prominent journalist and TV host Jaber al-Qarmouty used his program on Tuesday to lash out at the proposed law.

“This is unbelievable. It is a catastrophe to give the husband such a right! Has the Islamic trend reached that far? Is there really a draft law in this regard? Are there people thinking in this manner,” he lamented on air.

Egypt’s National Council for Women (NCW) also called on Parliament not to adopt this and other measures which they believe increasingly seek to roll back women’s rights.

The NTC further charges that "marginalizing and undermining the status of women would negatively affect the country's human development.”

Gee, ya think ???


Oh yeah. And in other news....

Lawmakers are also seeking to eliminate a reform implemented over a decade ago that allows women to end unhappy or abusive marriages without interference from their spouses.

NCW head Dr. Mervat al-Talawi sent a message to the People’s Assembly speaker outlining the plight of women in post-revolutionary Egypt.

Apart from the controversial marriage reforms, she also reportedly appealed to parliament not to legislate away a woman’s right to education and employment under the guise of religion, Al Arabiya reports.

But with the Muslim Brotherhood securing the biggest bloc in parliament and posed to take the presidency in next month’s elections, the rights women enjoyed during the Mubarak era may soon be a thing of the past.

There's your glorious, freedom loving, utopian ' Arab Spring', folks.


Thursday, April 26, 2012 12:13 PM


"Shrug" They've been doing it in Tennessee for decades.


Thursday, April 26, 2012 12:27 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by oldenglanddry:
"Shrug" They've been doing it in Tennessee for decades.

1st I've heard of that. You'd have to confer w/ PN about that.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall

"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein


Thursday, April 26, 2012 12:34 PM


Um. It's weird and all, and probably unhygienic, but my main concern is about whether this gets used as a justification TO kill them, especially as a legal response to a wife getting a divorce more than the necrophilia itself.

Also >_> this is... common enough that there needs to be a law putting a statute of limitations on this?

Going to see if this is reported elsewhere as well. But, on the plus side, I just heard that Egypt banned female circumcision, so, steps forward and steps back I guess.

EDIT: Hmm. I'm having trouble finding confirmation or an original source.


Thursday, April 26, 2012 12:34 PM


Like woman, I am a mystery.

Socialist and unashamed.


Thursday, April 26, 2012 12:46 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Heck, nine states in the U.S. have no laws against it, and there is no federal law prohibiting it.

Maybe Egypt is trying to be more like the U.S.?


Thursday, April 26, 2012 12:46 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
EDIT: Hmm. I'm having trouble finding confirmation or an original source.

Really? Even with quotes and names ?

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall

"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein


Thursday, April 26, 2012 12:50 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Kwicko:
Heck, nine states in the U.S. have no laws against it, and there is no federal law prohibiting it.

I'm gonna ignore the urge to ask you WHY you even know this...


Maybe Egypt is trying to be more like the U.S.?

Really? This is how you see this story?


" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall

"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein


Thursday, April 26, 2012 2:00 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

... Hmmm. I've never ... thought about this before. I didn't know it was a popular enough thing to make it against the law in the first place? ...

I assume you're my pal until you let me know otherwise.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya.


Thursday, April 26, 2012 2:10 PM


America loves a winner!

Weekend at ... Bakari's ?

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall

"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein


Thursday, April 26, 2012 7:56 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

You missed this bit

"The subject of a husband having sex with his dead wife arose in May 2011 when Moroccan cleric Zamzami Abdul Bari said marriage remains valid even after death.

He also said that women have the right to have sex with her dead husband, reported.

I shall almost resist the urge to comment about stiffs.


Friday, April 27, 2012 12:50 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

You missed this bit

"The subject of a husband having sex with his dead wife arose in May 2011 when Moroccan cleric Zamzami Abdul Bari said marriage remains valid even after death.

He also said that women have the right to have sex with her dead husband, reported.

I shall almost resist the urge to comment about stiffs.

Nope, didn't miss that bit.

Thus my ' Weekend at Bernie's' reference, above.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall

"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein


Friday, April 27, 2012 4:26 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Friday, April 27, 2012 9:09 AM


AURAPTOR: Sometimes I give dailymail credit as a source, but usually I require a subject to be represented across a wide spread of reporting and sources from an political-ideological and brand name perspective.

If the story meets that standard, then it probably happened, and then I can start trying to shift through the spin and propaganda of those various sources. But this time because I couldn't find enough reporting, I couldn't begin the second part.


Friday, April 27, 2012 10:32 AM


Oh indeed, cause it ain't like the DM hasn't had noteable sanity/credibility issues for its entire existence.

Daily Mail - Says the enemy's among us, taking our women and taking our jobs. Ultra right-wing, populist, nationalistic, xenophobic, isolationist often hysterical and notoriously obsessed with the immigrants and house prices and, lately, campaigns against same sex marriage and claimants of state benefits. Infamously supported fascism in a big way in the 1930s (hence the common "Daily Heil" nickname; prior to World War II, it openly advocated an alliance with Hitler and claimed German Jews seeking refuge in Britain were "exaggerating" the bad treatment they claimed to be getting from Herr Hitler's sound and firm government. In the Mail's opinion, they were just economic migrants taking advantage of Britain's lax generosity, (and besides we have far too many Jews in Britain as it is.) It currently likes to present itself as the voice of the "silent (moral) majority". Provoked a protest march from EmoKids due to some shoddy journalism. Has an Irish edition that is similarly populist in its editorial policy, humorously leading to scare stories and editorial campaigns printed in different markets that contradict one another. Notable for having some pretty controversial columnists on its staff; Richard Littlejohn is usually the most commonly cited example. After its flirtation with the British Union of Fascists, (until the events of 1939-45 made this unthinkable even for the Mail), it will now always support the Conservatives, although its tone verges into BNP territory a lot, leading to the occasional condemnation of the latter to (unconvincingly) make itself appear moderate (in 2012 it raised some eyebrows by publishing a column endorsing the far-right candidate Marine Le Pen in the French presidential election). However some journalists - notably the Guardian's Paul Davies - have pointed out the Daily Mail isn't right wing as a rule; it's just slavishly devoted to it's huge market, the white 30+ middle class. If this market is resentful towards bankers (most recently), the Tories etc then the Mail is not afraid to bash bankers and the Tories. So it all comes down to the bottom line in the end. The Mail is very similar to The Sun when at its worst, but likes to pretend it's more upmarket. Obsessed with Karen Gillan, Katie Price and Kim Kardashian. Only escapes being considered 'gutter press' due to tradition, but is even losing that battle, with its journalists famously trying to distance itself from their editor, Paul Dacre. Saving graces are that it sometimes does some pretty interesting historical articles (thanks to the presence of respected historian and ex-war correspondent Sir Max Hastings on the writing staff), and often has very nice nature and landscape photographs. The crossword isn't bad either.

But even a blind squirell finds a nut once in a while - a lot of good stories which'd otherwise go unspoken tend to pop up in places like the Dailymail or Pravda, cause being already four-plus bonkers they're not afraid to roll with something contraversial.
A lot of the initial public exposure of the hellcamps came at first from papers like these.

Still, I ain't buyin this one without cross-confirmation.



Friday, April 27, 2012 12:24 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:

Still, I ain't buyin this one without cross-confirmation.


Whether the Egyptian govt is or isn't planning to legalize the ultimate happy ending ( and then some ) law, the basis on which it was brought up in the 1st place can't be debunked or dismissed away so easily.

The post-mortem sex law was originally raised by Moroccan cleric Zamzami Abdul Bari in May 2011.

Although there have been reports that this law could be false and planted into the media by sources close to former dictator Hosni Mubarak, there has been no formal confirmation as of yet.

However, in an article by The Christian Science Monitor, the chances of this law passing is “zero”.

And what of the marriage age to 14 ?( Actually, I can see this not being all that much a big deal. It's no so much younger than what's allowed here in the US ).

But banning women from working or getting an education ? Seems to me, they could walk back the ' farewell boink ' law, and still enact those others, and claim they were being responsible to the wishes of the people , yet still adhering to Sharia law.

We shall see.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall

"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein


Friday, April 27, 2012 2:34 PM


Meh... whatever....

Anywhere and everywhere you look there will always be kinks that somebody finds so fetishistic that they can't resist.

You only can truly know the character of a man (or woman) by knowing what they do when they know nobody is watching.


The next time my step dad gets on me for being a 32 year old eligible bachelor who isn't actively seeking female companionship (which could ultimately lead to a marriage where she could split anytime and take half of what I've made, the possibility that we have children who cost a million per to raise and put through collge) and implies what others might start to think about me, I know my new catch-phrase.

"At least I'm not riding corpses like they do in Egypt or the 9 states in the US that don't have laws against it."

Thank You, Internet Porn!

Geez... that's what happens when you live in a country with nothing but sand in your ass crack and your Government shuts down the websites you can view at home like the big corporations shut them down while we're working stateside....

Give a hungry man a fish and he won't go hungry for a day....

Teach a hungry man to fish and he'll never go hungry for life....

Prevent a hungry man from fishing with man-made laws and, the first chance he gets he'll eat your frackin' face off....


Friday, April 27, 2012 8:56 PM



The next time my step dad gets on me for being a 32 year old eligible bachelor who isn't actively seeking female companionship (which could ultimately lead to a marriage where she could split anytime and take half of what I've made, the possibility that we have children who cost a million per to raise and put through collge) and implies what others might start to think about me, I know my new catch-phrase.

Not that I should talk since there's no way in hell I'm ever having kids, but... Aren't you selling yourself short here? You just said you already own your land and property free and clear, no mortgage. even if there are laws now that your kids can't help out, victory gardens don't cost a million dollars and eventually people are going to get pissed off about the tuition cost jacking - and that's if your kids don't develop a marketable skill early on their own where they don't need to go to college. Like my twelve year old cousin who taught himself computer repair and programming and already works in s repair shop for decent money.

I dunno, just strikes me like you're letting yourself get intimidated by a bunch of things that might not even happen. Not all women are horrible money-grubbing hellbeasts who just want to jack half your stuff and take off with your genetic legacy you know. And I'd feel bad for you if that's really the only type you'd ever met.


Friday, April 27, 2012 11:21 PM


America loves a winner!

This view that,if there's not a law against something, then we're to believe such things are then tacitly approved of, and or encouraged? This is a weird mindset to have, across the spectrum, on all things imaginable.

And 'doing' your deceased spouse ? To quote Jayne... " Where's that get fun ? ". Can't say most folks would even think to consider such a thing, so why make a law for that which 99.9999% of us would never even do ?

Sure, 'some' folks consider it. There wouldn't be a term for it had no one thought it worth while, I suppose. But saying 'don't stick it to dead things' ... isn't that like saying doing put your hand in an open flame ? Or don't roll around naked on a fire ant hill? I guess if there's no laws against those things, it means it's just as fine too, huh?

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall

"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein


Saturday, April 28, 2012 3:16 PM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

The next time my step dad gets on me for being a 32 year old eligible bachelor who isn't actively seeking female companionship (which could ultimately lead to a marriage where she could split anytime and take half of what I've made, the possibility that we have children who cost a million per to raise and put through collge) and implies what others might start to think about me, I know my new catch-phrase.

Not that I should talk since there's no way in hell I'm ever having kids, but... Aren't you selling yourself short here? You just said you already own your land and property free and clear, no mortgage. even if there are laws now that your kids can't help out, victory gardens don't cost a million dollars and eventually people are going to get pissed off about the tuition cost jacking - and that's if your kids don't develop a marketable skill early on their own where they don't need to go to college. Like my twelve year old cousin who taught himself computer repair and programming and already works in s repair shop for decent money.

I dunno, just strikes me like you're letting yourself get intimidated by a bunch of things that might not even happen. Not all women are horrible money-grubbing hellbeasts who just want to jack half your stuff and take off with your genetic legacy you know. And I'd feel bad for you if that's really the only type you'd ever met.

All good points Byte

My old man keeps telling me I'm one of the few people who SHOULD have kids.

Life's so much simpler for me now though. I only want to work when I want to work. Usually, that's 90% of the time, but all that constant overwork sometimes leads to some serious 1 or 2 month non-working cycles.

As much as I'd love the idea of finding the right girl to share my "American Dream" with, I have just never met any who either A) has what it takes to love me for real even with my eccentricities, or B) I don't feel bad that she does because she's so needy that she'd cling on to pimps or drug dealers for the same reason she was here.

Personally, I'm all for meeting a 25 year old, semi-successful, beautiful girl who travels a lot and is into an open relationship. All the minimum bills needed to live here are taken care of. She could spruce up the place with a women's touch in her free time as she pleased, and maybe buy me some cool presents when the urge struck her because she'd be living here rent/bill free.

Sure, she'd be giving me sex, but seeing as how we'd be married, I think that evens out since she'd be free to have sex with anyone else and no jealousy on my part. I wouldn't worry about it at all since there would be a concrete pre-nup in place.

If she wanted to have kids with me eventually, I wouldn't argue. I also wouldn't work any harder for "the man" than I do now though either, although I'm willing to work "overtime" taking care of the kid(s). No second jobs for me, or pressure to get a better job.

I'm not retired, hell... i'm only half of retirement age... but I don't want to ever HAVE to do what some corporate dip-shit in a suit ever tells me to again. Under these circumstances, I think that idea is feesable. Otherwise, marriage with children is more work than I ever want to do.

It's just sooooooo cool that I get to say that from my own half-way remodeled house on 1/2 acre of land instead of from my Mom's basement.


Saturday, April 28, 2012 7:04 PM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

Not that I should talk since there's no way in hell I'm ever having kids, but... Aren't you selling yourself short here? You just said you already own your land and property free and clear, no mortgage. even if there are laws now that your kids can't help out, victory gardens don't cost a million dollars and eventually people are going to get pissed off about the tuition cost jacking - and that's if your kids don't develop a marketable skill early on their own where they don't need to go to college. Like my twelve year old cousin who taught himself computer repair and programming and already works in s repair shop for decent money.

I dunno, just strikes me like you're letting yourself get intimidated by a bunch of things that might not even happen. Not all women are horrible money-grubbing hellbeasts who just want to jack half your stuff and take off with your genetic legacy you know. And I'd feel bad for you if that's really the only type you'd ever met.

well said, Byte.

I think having a life where you only care about how much money you have and how much stuff you own is pretty shallow. But cudos to 6string, if he doesn't want it, better for everyone if he doesn't do it. Better than entering into a relationship, kids etc reluctantly, because that IS fast track to perdition.


Saturday, April 28, 2012 8:16 PM


That's fair. Ultimately it's a persons choice. Mine was no simply because I'm bugnuts and couldn't handle it, but as for simplicity, I can understand that. It's one of the few upsides there are to this decision, and I can't blame someone for appreciating that. Simplicity is how I get myself through the day, and I don't think it's shallow so much as sometimes extremely necessary.

At the same time, even though it kinda makes me a hypocrite, I always have to make at least a token effort to talk it out with people who've made a similar choice as me, because I don't want them missing out on something they might want later on.

That's all I mean to say.


Saturday, April 28, 2012 9:57 PM


Yup, yup. I'm in agreement. I have lots of friends who don't have a partner and/or kids. For some it been choice but for most it just kind of turned out that way. I wouldn't call any of them shallow, they have lots of important relationships in their lives including being bestest aunty and uncle to others kids. But to base your decisions in life solely on financial impact 'how much can I earn/own' as 6string states seems a pretty thin way to live your life.


Sunday, April 29, 2012 12:56 PM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
That's fair. Ultimately it's a persons choice. Mine was no simply because I'm bugnuts and couldn't handle it, but as for simplicity, I can understand that. It's one of the few upsides there are to this decision, and I can't blame someone for appreciating that. Simplicity is how I get myself through the day, and I don't think it's shallow so much as sometimes extremely necessary.

At the same time, even though it kinda makes me a hypocrite, I always have to make at least a token effort to talk it out with people who've made a similar choice as me, because I don't want them missing out on something they might want later on.

That's all I mean to say.

I appreciate the input.

I stress out about things easily myself. I've never referred to myself as buggnuts, but I guess that's just as good a term as any. I definitely not anti-social, and I can easily charm people at work and navigate social situations, but I'm most comfortable when I can relax at night as the solitary creature that I am. The internet is probably a bad thing for me to have with those tenancies though. I'd probably be much more outgoing out of necessity for interaction if it were never invented and we couldn't possibly have this conversation now.

I still got time to make a decision. I'm not a kid anymore, but I'm no old man yet either. I'd still be able to play catch with my son, or teach my daughter all the new gardening things I'm learning for many years, and be WELL under 60 at their graduation. I just don't see it right now. My dad was raped by the system for a mistake he made for decades because he made good money. My good friend is in the same boat now with his 8 year old son who he loves and the psychotic witch who married an ex-con and moved his kid 2 hours away from him. My only other friend who is married with a kid is married to a great girl that I'd been friends with for years before they got hitched. Even in an ideal situation like that, it just seems too much for me to ever want.

Hell... I can't even make my mind up about getting a dog. I'd LOVE to have one, but being single like I am, who knows what work schedules I'd get down the road with nobody to take care of it while I was gone? I prefer 12 hour shifts and short weeks, but 12 hours is a very long time to leave a dog unattended.


Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
Yup, yup. I'm in agreement. I have lots of friends who don't have a partner and/or kids. For some it been choice but for most it just kind of turned out that way. I wouldn't call any of them shallow, they have lots of important relationships in their lives including being bestest aunty and uncle to others kids. But to base your decisions in life solely on financial impact 'how much can I earn/own' as 6string states seems a pretty thin way to live your life.

That's a fair judgement, especially considering we don't know each other and I'm just putting it all out there.

I'd say "pretty thin" is a better way of putting it than "shallow" though. I have no dreams or aspirations of becoming rich one day, and if my inability to get any decent job without a degree today is any indication, that probably would never happen anyways.

I know people all around me, most likely everyone I have ever known, are used to being mired in debt to some degree. We've been raised for decades to think that not only is it okay, but it's just the way things work. My mom and stepdad have lost nearly every perk they had during the good times because their business is really struggling in this economy, but even more so because they were living beyond their means on easy credit for so long. They get a huge job recently that could really pay down debts and I was very excited for them. I just heard yesterday that they plan on refinancing their house and adding more than that job created to put a new roof, sub-facia, facia, soffits and gutters and siding on their house and garage. This job will cost nearly half of what I paid for my house.......

I just don't get people.

The only reason I wish I could be rich again is to help people close to me who constantly do this to themselves. It's just sad to know that even if I was making enough money on the side to wipe the slate clean for all the people I cared about, most of them would just use that freed up credit as an excuse to buy even more expensive shit they don't need.

That's why I can't think about marriage and definitely not kids now. Sure, kids are great until about 6th grade, but then they buy into the status-quo advertizing and need everything they see on TV. There's no way that any kid of mine would be satisfied with my Sansa mp3 player. They'd NEED an iPod, or an iPad, or something equally ridiculous. Hell, with the way kids in school are today, my kid would probably get beat up for making phone calls on my 10 year old Nokia phone that only makes/receives calls and has an alarm clock and a flashlight.


95% of the time I love my freedom. Those cold winter nights alone can be brutal sometimes... but hey, it's springtime!


Wednesday, May 2, 2012 3:27 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I'm quite opposed to 14 year olds getting married, with the exception of a Blue Lagoon scenario, alone on a island and discovering everything together, I love that movie. But other than that I'm not okay with it, that's just too young.

Byte I know what you mean, I think you want the best for your friends, whatever that looks like for them, so you want them to look at all their options, kids, no kids, etc. Informed choices are good choices.

I assume you're my pal until you let me know otherwise.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya.






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