OH Bullocks!

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 2, 2012 15:42
VIEWED: 1515
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Sunday, April 29, 2012 6:22 PM

*Turn down sound first

They claim prenatal smoking could CAUSE Asperger's. BULL. Don't get me wrong, prenatal smokers should have their babies re-homed, but if you know ANYTHING about it you know women who are Bi-polar are more likely to have a child with Aspergers, and people who have mental disorders are about a thousand times as likely to be smokers... Total co-incidence.

I really believe Aspergers is genetic. I don't think environment has a thing to do with it...though environment can definitely make it faaar worse...

Now, can I have the thousands you spent for this fear-mongering piece of crap article that is soo poorly researched?? Thanx. I don't know if anyone else has noticed that the medical studies they've been manufacturing lately are just PATHETIC!


Sunday, April 29, 2012 6:41 PM


Phillip Morris has a ton of money. Let them fund a research project to report the opposite.
Just as the victors write the history books, the rich can have written everything else that
they want me to believe. And if it's ever time for me to think, they will let me know.
. . . . . .

"Now don't you worry your pretty little head about things like that, dear." ~Becky Porter, The Little Colonel, 1935

Do you have any idea how much research on cancer, heart disease, & every other major ailment
is funded by special interests? Well, neither do I. But I'll guess about 90%.

. . . . .The worst and most frequent consequence of paranoia is that it's self-fulfilling.


Sunday, April 29, 2012 7:02 PM


So, If I sent an e-mail to Phillip-Morris with my findings, would that put me on the side of good... or evil? 'Cause I sure don't want some pregnant dimwit to think, "Oh good, I can smoke a little easier now." Not that many pregnant dimwits read med studies...

What's more important, reporting truth- or protecting humanity from it's own stupidity??? I have a tendancy to say truth, just for purely scientific reasons AND because humanity will be stupid no matter what.... But there are consequences to everything, and they are REAL.

This is all theoretical, of course. I hate sending e-mails...


Monday, April 30, 2012 3:21 AM



Dark chocolate cures everything. Sponsored by Hershey's.
I don't know about this one. I'm going to have to do a bit more research...
I should say all the "research" I've done, I should have superman's eyes...


Monday, April 30, 2012 4:00 AM


Well, it's the Daily-Wail, what do you expect, journalism ?

Ooooh, chocolate - yes, we need more research, OM NOM NOM!




Monday, April 30, 2012 4:07 AM


This one I will go for... My gran is very religious, and horribly gullible. Have to keep her updated on all the latest scams because she just isn't capable of the logic necessary to figure out the scam on her own. I've got her trained to call me if anything out of the ordinary pops up...


Monday, April 30, 2012 4:49 AM


Causation =! Correlation.

Remember that anytime you're reading studies that link, for example, chocolate to longevity.

The possibility of neurological damage due to smoking while pregnant is not impossible, but I find it hard to believe that it's the case 100% all the time.

When it comes to developmental differences, it seems there's still a rather broad streak out there of blaming the mother. As if they don't have enough problems without nonsense pop-science and unfortunate implications like this running around.

EDIT: Ha, I scroll down and I see that a study about the health benefits of chocolate was already linked to. *shakes head* Yeah, just use common sense, you know?


Monday, April 30, 2012 5:10 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


people who have mental disorders are about a thousand times as likely to be smokers.
Wish, when I first read that I was sad; after that my "monkey" used it to keep convincing me I could smoke. "After all..." Wish I'd never read it. But yes, we are the portion of society who smoke far more than any other, period. For good reason, in my opinion, but that doesn't make it right. With other disorders, however, I thought they mostly had children with the "genetic propensity" to manlifest a disorder (not necessarily the same one); with aspergers is the child just born WITH the disorder, or is it the same--a propensity for it to manifest?

I certainly agree that showing evidence to the contrary wouldn't be monkey is a prime example! NOBODY should ever start smoking, and I wish I hadn't. Almost fifty years of quitting, starting, quitting in itself is awful; smoking itself so much moreso!


Monday, April 30, 2012 5:55 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:

Wish, when I first read that I was sad; after that my "monkey" used it to keep convincing me I could smoke. "After all..." Wish I'd never read it. But yes, we are the portion of society who smoke far more than any other, period. For good reason, in my opinion, but that doesn't make it right.

manlifest a disorder

I don't remember who used that "Stop it or I will bury you alive in a BOX" skit but it works for so many things...I use it when hubbs is having an especially psychotic day, and it always works... Maybe it'll work on your monkey?
And no, having a disorder don't make smoking better, but I certainly understand it, as the medical alternatives are not much help...

I think the key to quitting smoking is getting ahold of yourself emotionally and finding a different routine way to deal with each emotion, for example... When hubbs is tired, wash your face instead of a cig, when hubbs is stressed, devote yourself to the ritual of making tea, when he is angry, play a video-instead of a cig. He was a two pack a day 10 years ago, and now it's once or twice a month...Also, make it harder to get to them, so that you don't want to go through with the effort of even getting to them. That works for me and food sometimes...

As to how diseases manifest, I think a good portion of children ARE born with the diseases they develop, but it's not until they reach a stage of awareness that is manifests itself for others... But I also think a small percentage can be triggered by illness, pollutants, hormones, ect... And it's pretty impossible to be able to figure out the difference, so I don't think the reason matters that much... unless it's your kid of course.

BTW, not picking, but I like your MANLIFEST misspelling. It could work for a couple different jokes I have in mind, heh.

Here's that skit again!


Wednesday, May 2, 2012 3:42 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I'm someone who thinks genetics has more to do with most things than environment, but that being said I do believe environment plays a notable role. I'm a 65 35 kind of person, odds on genetics. Generally if someone doesn't have the genetics an environmental factor won't bring something out in them, unless of course the environmental factor is so huge that no genetics are required, aka River's situation, anyone would end up with brain differences if someone cut into their brain like that, no genetics needed.

Niki, aspurgers shows up early, if a kid has it the signs are there pretty early on, it doesn't show up later on the way bipolar and depression and sz usually do.

I know plenty of people whose moms smoked and they turned out fine, but again I know plenty of people whose moms smoked and they have difficulties of varying presentation. I think its good to be on the safe side and just not smoke while pregnant/breast feeding, that kid didn't ask to have those chemicals pumped into them. What you do with your body is one thing, what you do with the baby's body is another. That being said three out of my four little ones that I'm auntie to were stuck in mom's tummy while she smoked, with one of them she quit when she found out she was carrying him.

I assume you're my pal until you let me know otherwise.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya.






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