An Obamination

UPDATED: Friday, June 15, 2012 13:20
VIEWED: 4649
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Thursday, June 7, 2012 4:14 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important



I agree we should make the ones that are not dangerious and that are not going to be tried free. My point is the President does not have that power. Again I would ask if you think he does, cite that law.

Can you cite the law that says he doesn't have the power to free them? The Judicial only has anything to do with them if they are charged with crimes. They are entirely under the power of the Executive.


I'm not saying it is a model of action, or defending any single event such as Japanese internment. What I am saying is that to expect ideals stay inplace when bullets and bombs start flying is to expect something unreal.

I agree it is an unreal expectation if people such as yourself are willing to shrug your shoulders about it.


There are many more dangerous places on the earth than the US. So saying that you make the choice I discribed every day by living here is a strech.

Oh? So a place where even criminals are given rights and people are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law... this is one of the less dangerous places on Earth? Then you agree with me that we do not need to violate the rights of people in order to feel safe.


If they were trying to do you harm I might.

But your family isn't looking to harm me. They are charged with no crime. I just want them arrested and detained indefinitely to make me feel better. Isn't that all right with you?


The issue is the difference between a persived threat and a real one.

This I agree with. Because of some ambiguous undefined sense of being threatened, we are willing to strip human rights away from people.


Don't think for a second that all the people that have been detained or killed where not looking to harm us.

You are a big proponent for not assuming things that are not in evidence. You chastise Chris for his scenario of the napkin with the threat on it. Yet you are entirely willing to invent a scenario based on no evidence whatsoever. Doesn't it bother you that a serial killer who murders 100 people will have more rights than the perpetual prisoners, not charged with any crime, who reside at Guantanamo Bay?


Yes we created the problem. Picking up and leaving would just be leaving our mess.

But you do not factor in the mess we cause by staying? Why can you stretch your imagination to encompass the mess of leaving a country to its own devices, but not encompass it to think of the mess caused by eternal occupation and unceasing war?


As far as us exerting pressure to stay if asked to leave, why? What is the benifit? What do we get out of it?

You want to know what we gain by keeping a foothold in a country with vast mineral resources and strategically valuable territory? Let me think about it.


What would you have done? Pack up and leave totally. Do you think violence will stop? Look at Syria they are killing people by the thousands with no help from us. How right do you think it is that we sit on the sidelines and watch this when we could do something? War and conflict has always existed, and it always will.

Yes, war will always exist. But we don't always have to be the chief butchers in the slaughterhouse. It is an argument akin to saying, "People will always die, so let's go kill them!"


Note to Self:
Raptor - women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.
Never forget what these men are.
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Thursday, June 7, 2012 4:20 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I sleep pretty well, and so do many others.


Do you? You need a quantity of strangers killed every day in order to feel safe. You need the eternal occupation of foreign lands in order to feel safe. You won't stop doing these things to them because you are afraid of what they might do after. You are daily willing to sacrifice the human rights of others because you feel unsafe.

If you feel so unsafe that you are prepared to condone such immense horror, then how can you sleep well?


Note to Self:
Raptor - women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.
Never forget what these men are.
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Thursday, June 7, 2012 4:56 AM




Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
Can you cite the law that says he doesn't have the power to free them? The Judicial only has anything to do with them if they are charged with crimes. They are entirely under the power of the Executive.

National Defence Authorisation Act 2011 barred moving any detainees into the United States for any reason, and even limited the executive power on when countried they coudl be moved to.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
I agree it is an unreal expectation if people such as yourself are willing to shrug your shoulders about it.

There will always be people who are willing to use violence to achieve their goals. Those people only respond to violence.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
Oh? So a place where even criminals are given rights and people are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law... this is one of the less dangerous places on Earth? Then you agree with me that we do not need to violate the rights of people in order to feel safe.

Yet, we are having a discussion about the US doing just that. Violating some peoples rights. Plus we know we have done this to people for a long time. Perhaps that also has something to do with why we are so safe.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
But your family isn't looking to harm me. They are charged with no crime. I just want them arrested and detained indefinitely to make me feel better. Isn't that all right with you?

No, because they are nto trying to harm you. Thing is for the most part we are not locking up people like that.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
This I agree with. Because of some ambiguous undefined sense of being threatened, we are willing to strip human rights away from people.

911 was not ambiguous, nor other attacks. Those threats are very real.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
You are a big proponent for not assuming things that are not in evidence. You chastise Chris for his scenario of the napkin with the threat on it. Yet you are entirely willing to invent a scenario based on no evidence whatsoever. Doesn't it bother you that a serial killer who murders 100 people will have more rights than the perpetual prisoners, not charged with any crime, who reside at Guantanamo Bay?

There is evidence against many being held. They are to face trial now that issues have been worked out. You can't say there is no evidence that members of certain groups want to kill Americans.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
But you do not factor in the mess we cause by staying? Why can you stretch your imagination to encompass the mess of leaving a country to its own devices, but not encompass it to think of the mess caused by eternal occupation and unceasing war?

Yes I do. If we leave the war is not going to stop. Insurgents want power, they will keep killing to get it and keep killing to maintain it. The US forces pulling out does not end the fighting, it just changes the targets.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:You want to know what we gain by keeping a foothold in a country with vast mineral resources and strategically valuable territory? Let me think about it.

Sure, how much oil are we getting directly for Iraq? Or how much of the metals in Afganistan? The Afghan governement has been signing resource contracts with China, not us.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
Yes, war will always exist. But we don't always have to be the chief butchers in the slaughterhouse. It is an argument akin to saying, "People will always die, so let's go kill them!"

Would you rather have our Troops killing insurgents and visa versa or insugents killing inocent people in those places? That is the question.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Thursday, June 7, 2012 4:58 AM




Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
Do you? You need a quantity of strangers killed every day in order to feel safe. You need the eternal occupation of foreign lands in order to feel safe. You won't stop doing these things to them because you are afraid of what they might do after. You are daily willing to sacrifice the human rights of others because you feel unsafe.

No I need to know that the people who would kill me and others simply because of who we are and what we believe are kept at bay.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Thursday, June 7, 2012 5:57 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Originally posted by m52nickerson:

Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
Do you? You need a quantity of strangers killed every day in order to feel safe. You need the eternal occupation of foreign lands in order to feel safe. You won't stop doing these things to them because you are afraid of what they might do after. You are daily willing to sacrifice the human rights of others because you feel unsafe.

No I need to know that the people who would kill me and others simply because of who we are and what we believe are kept at bay.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Apparently any act of violation can be justified on the premise of your safety. Any assumption can be made in the service of your safety. Death and imprisonment eternal for the service of your safety. It astounds me that you credit your safety to violating other human beings.

Has it occurred to you that the United States' greatest production is 'inspiring people to want to kill us?'

Eternal war, endless human rights violations. This is your answer to the problem we are making by creating war and human rights violations.


Note to Self:
Raptor - women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.
Never forget what these men are.
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Thursday, June 7, 2012 6:33 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important



National Defence Authorisation Act 2011 barred moving any detainees into the United States for any reason, and even limited the executive power on when countried they coudl be moved to.

What a terrible idea. It's too bad the President has no power whatsoever to oppose such boneheaded acts.


There will always be people who are willing to use violence to achieve their goals.

Yes, there always are. You, for instance, who are supporting the slaughter of hundreds of thousands, and the eternal occupation of foreign lands, because a handful of people crashed some planes into buildings 11 years ago.


Violating some peoples rights. Plus we know we have done this to people for a long time. Perhaps that also has something to do with why we are so safe.

I don't even know how to respond to this. You believe we are safer violating people's rights. Well, what can be said? It is monstrous logic and does nothing to approach a moral world. It is the antithesis of civilization.


Thing is for the most part we are not locking up people like that.

Really, the thing is you have no idea who we are locking up and why. But since you don't mind violating people just in case, it does not matter.


911 was not ambiguous, nor other attacks. Those threats are very real.

If 9-11 happened every year you'd have more chance of being run over by a car than being killed by a terrorist.

9-11-01 Death Toll 2,996
2001 Car accident Death Toll 42,196

The actions we take in order to assuage our cowardly hearts are completely out of proportion to any threat posed by terrorism.


You can't say there is no evidence that members of certain groups want to kill Americans.

Sure. There is evidence that members of certain groups want to kill Americans. Hell, I've seen messages right here on this forum from people who wish death on various Americans. So what? Hey, I have an idea. Let's make sure MORE people want to kill Americans! Let's make sure they want it so bad it's not just a hatred in their hearts, but a goal of their daily lives.


If we leave the war is not going to stop. Insurgents want power, they will keep killing to get it and keep killing to maintain it. The US forces pulling out does not end the fighting, it just changes the targets.

Yes, we have the power to stop being killed and to stop killing, and you want to stay. Is it a game you enjoy playing?


Sure, how much oil are we getting directly for Iraq? Or how much of the metals in Afganistan? The Afghan governement has been signing resource contracts with China, not us.

You don't seem to understand that Afghanistan has strategic value and that Iraq has economic AND strategic value, and that we have interests in both places, and that we have an interest in remaining there. Our mercenary army in Iraq, an army of thousands, is providing security for an army of a different kind. An army of U.S. corporate employees in Iraq. I wonder what all those Americans are doing over there. I wonder if Iraq could expel us tomorrow, seize our business interests in their country, kick out our security forces, and close our embassy? I wonder if they could refuse to sell their oil without suffering at our hands? Since we already took over their country once when they defied us, I am thinking no.


Would you rather have our Troops killing insurgents and visa versa or insugents killing inocent people in those places? That is the question.

Would I rather not be doing the killing and dying in a foreign land? Yes. I'd rather not be doing that. Let that be an occupation for others. Next question?

Are you pretending to be altruistic? I already know you want us to be killing and violating whoever it takes to make you feel safe. I know this is not about compassion for foreigners. If you were motivated by mere compassion you could be advocating the investment of U.S. resources to save lives in places where no one would have to be killed. Places without Muslims. Instead you want people killed and people violated as the cost of your security. You don't even seem to dwell on the moral corruption of this stance. It is merely the price others have to pay so that you can feel safe.

As a moral human being, I do not want others to be sacrificed at the altar of my safety. I do not want civil rights violated in supposed service to my safety. I do not dream of a land of moral corruption which is supported by heinous activities. I'd rather take the chance, a very SMALL chance, of getting blown up by a terrorist. And maybe if we can stop fucking with foreigners for a long enough period of time, we will find that fewer of them are compelled to kill us. 'Blowback.' It's a term used by the government you have so much faith in. It means they are doing this to us because of what we did to them. Another name for it is righteous anger.

Did innocent people die and suffer at the hands of terrorists? Sure. But according to your own morality, that's acceptable. At least, it's okay when we do it.


Note to Self:
Raptor - women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.
Never forget what these men are.
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Thursday, June 7, 2012 7:18 AM



Originally posted by m52nickerson:
I don't think we should ahve gone into Iraq. Afganistan was a different issue. Both situations where handled badly.

[First line deleted because I read more...]
I just go nuts when it seems people aren't taking into account that the inmates run the asylum, and that no one is really that much more intelligent or capable than anyone else- drive and/or compulsion gets you farther than intelligence or empathy.
Unless you're a Companion.

Chrisisall, wearing a frilly Mal thing on his head, and ready to shoot unarmed, full-body armoured Operatives


Thursday, June 7, 2012 9:34 AM



Originally posted by m52nickerson:
we are having a discussion about the US doing just that. Violating some peoples rights. Plus we know we have done this to people for a long time. Perhaps that also has something to do with why we are so safe.

"Yea tho I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I shall fear no evil;
For I am the baddest motherfucker in the Valley." -Nickerson Bible

Chrisisall, wearing a frilly Mal thing on his head, and ready to shoot unarmed, full-body armoured Operatives


Thursday, June 7, 2012 9:55 AM




Originally posted by ANTHONYT:

Apparently any act of violation can be justified on the premise of your safety. Any assumption can be made in the service of your safety. Death and imprisonment eternal for the service of your safety. It astounds me that you credit your safety to violating other human beings.

Has it occurred to you that the United States' greatest production is 'inspiring people to want to kill us?'

Eternal war, endless human rights violations. This is your answer to the problem we are making by creating war and human rights violations.

No not any assumption. There is a big difference between killing someone who you know is trying to kill you or others and killing someone on a hunch they might do it. Groups like Al Qaeda don't keep their intentions secret at all.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Thursday, June 7, 2012 10:33 AM




Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
What a terrible idea. It's too bad the President has no power whatsoever to oppose such boneheaded acts.

He could have vetoed it, of course that would have also vetoed the spending to the rest of the military operations. Plus the act had enough support to override the veto I believe.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
Yes, there always are. You, for instance, who are supporting the slaughter of hundreds of thousands, and the eternal occupation of foreign lands, because a handful of people crashed some planes into buildings 11 years ago.

Most of the civilian casualties in both wars have been cause by insurgence, not the US. As I stated, even if we leave the killing will not stop.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
I don't even know how to respond to this. You believe we are safer violating people's rights. Well, what can be said? It is monstrous logic and does nothing to approach a moral world. It is the antithesis of civilization.

Morals are subjective. What would you do if someone told you they were going to kill your family and the law would not protect you?


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
Really, the thing is you have no idea who we are locking up and why. But since you don't mind violating people just in case, it does not matter.

It takes but a few minutes to find out who is being held and for what.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
If 9-11 happened every year you'd have more chance of being run over by a car than being killed by a terrorist.

9-11-01 Death Toll 2,996
2001 Car accident Death Toll 42,196

The actions we take in order to assuage our cowardly hearts are completely out of proportion to any threat posed by terrorism.

911 was an attack, car accidents are just that, accidents. We even charge people when they are guity of negligence and cause a death.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
Sure. There is evidence that members of certain groups want to kill Americans. Hell, I've seen messages right here on this forum from people who wish death on various Americans. So what? Hey, I have an idea. Let's make sure MORE people want to kill Americans! Let's make sure they want it so bad it's not just a hatred in their hearts, but a goal of their daily lives.

That does happen, but what is the alternative? Do nothing? Appeasment has worked so well thoughtout history.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
Yes, we have the power to stop being killed and to stop killing, and you want to stay. Is it a game you enjoy playing?

Enjoy, no. Yes we could pick up and leave and stop being killed and stop killing. Unless we get attcked again. Thing is the killing in those places will not stop.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
You don't seem to understand that Afghanistan has strategic value and that Iraq has economic AND strategic value, and that we have interests in both places, and that we have an interest in remaining there. Our mercenary army in Iraq, an army of thousands, is providing security for an army of a different kind. An army of U.S. corporate employees in Iraq. I wonder what all those Americans are doing over there. I wonder if Iraq could expel us tomorrow, seize our business interests in their country, kick out our security forces, and close our embassy? I wonder if they could refuse to sell their oil without suffering at our hands? Since we already took over their country once when they defied us, I am thinking no.

I'm thinking they could. The only reason we were able to hold the country in the first place is because a large portion of the people wanted us there.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
Would I rather not be doing the killing and dying in a foreign land? Yes. I'd rather not be doing that. Let that be an occupation for others. Next question?

...and doing nothing while others are hurt is just as immoral, perhaps even more so then trying to help.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
Are you pretending to be altruistic? I already know you want us to be killing and violating whoever it takes to make you feel safe. I know this is not about compassion for foreigners. If you were motivated by mere compassion you could be advocating the investment of U.S. resources to save lives in places where no one would have to be killed. Places without Muslims. Instead you want people killed and people violated as the cost of your security. You don't even seem to dwell on the moral corruption of this stance. It is merely the price others have to pay so that you can feel safe.

Not feel safe, be safe. That is what you don't get, and it is not innocent people, but the people who seek to harm others.

I do think the US should help safe people in other places, and go about it a differnt way than in Iraq and Afganistan. Libia is an example. I also think we should be pushing harder to protect people in Syria. If that means attacking and destroying the Syrian army to protect civilians and protesters so be it.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
As a moral human being, I do not want others to be sacrificed at the altar of my safety. I do not want civil rights violated in supposed service to my safety. I do not dream of a land of moral corruption which is supported by heinous activities. I'd rather take the chance, a very SMALL chance, of getting blown up by a terrorist. And maybe if we can stop fucking with foreigners for a long enough period of time, we will find that fewer of them are compelled to kill us. 'Blowback.' It's a term used by the government you have so much faith in. It means they are doing this to us because of what we did to them. Another name for it is righteous anger.

Did innocent people die and suffer at the hands of terrorists? Sure. But according to your own morality, that's acceptable. At least, it's okay when we do it.

No that is not okay according to my thinking. We were not in Afgahnistan killing anyone before 911. In fact we were the ones providing them weapons to defend agaisnt the USSR. Yes, we also support Isreal, a country they hate. Is that reason for them to attack us, no. They are the ones that stepped this up to violence. They are the ones that can also stop it.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Thursday, June 7, 2012 10:37 AM




Originally posted by chrisisall:
"Yea tho I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I shall fear no evil;
For I am the baddest motherfucker in the Valley." -Nickerson Bible

For the most part. I don't know about you but I take comfort in the fact that the US military is the best in the world.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Thursday, June 7, 2012 10:37 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

Hello Mr Nickerson,

You seem to be of the impression that we have only killed people who are trying to kill us, and that we have only imprisoned people who are trying to kill us, and that everyone in indefinite detention belongs there. You certainly aren't concerned that these prisoners have not received the speedy trial that we ourselves consider a basic right. Nor have most of them ever been charged with a crime period. That's fine, you tell me. An expediency to be accepted in favor of your security.

You are comforting yourself with facts that are not in evidence. How can you be a rational skeptic most of the time, and yet be prepared to assume the righteousness of a war and human rights violations without evidence? You seem to be a skeptic of convenience.

To my knowledge there is simply no reliable figure for enemy combatants killed in Afghanistan. Note that 'enemy combatants' includes people trying to repel an invading army. That would be us, the invaders.

No kill count means we don't know how many we've killed, and we certainly don't know who they are. The vast majority of our 'enemy' are not trying to kill you, Nick. They are trying to retake their country. Of those who are not our enemy? Between Twelve and Fifteen THOUSAND civilians have died in service of our safety. At least we keep rough track of those. More or less.


Note to Self:
Raptor - women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.
Never forget what these men are.
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Thursday, June 7, 2012 10:50 AM




Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
Hello Mr Nickerson,

You seem to be of the impression that we have only killed people who are trying to kill us, and that we have only imprisoned people who are trying to kill us, and that everyone in indefinite detention belongs there. You certainly aren't concerned that these prisoners have not received the speedy trial that we ourselves consider a basic right. Nor have most of them ever been charged with a crime period. That's fine, you tell me. An expediency to be accepted in favor of your security.

You are comforting yourself with facts that are not in evidence. How can you be a rational skeptic most of the time, and yet be prepared to assume the righteousness of a war and human rights violations without evidence? You seem to be a skeptic of convenience.

To my knowledge there is simply no reliable figure for enemy combatants killed in Afghanistan. Note that 'enemy combatants' includes people trying to repel an invading army. That would be us, the invaders.

No kill count means we don't know how many we've killed, and we certainly don't know who they are. The vast majority of our 'enemy' are not trying to kill you, Nick. They are trying to retake their country. Of those who are not our enemy? Between Twelve and Fifteen THOUSAND civilians have died in service of our safety. At least we keep rough track of those. More or less.

No not everyone we have killed was a member of a terrorist group, or an insurgent. That happens in war unfortunatly.

There are only a few in detention that are not being charged and are going to be held. The others are still there as we look for places they can go.

As far as us being invaders, yes we were. Many people in those countries welcomed us. Those people are working with us to take back their countries. To form governments which are theirs. Those still fighting us are doing so not to get a say in those new governements, but to take them over and rule those countries. Many are from outside countries. They don't care who they kill, including targeting innocent people.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Thursday, June 7, 2012 11:14 AM



Originally posted by m52nickerson:
They are the ones that stepped this up to violence. They are the ones that can also stop it.

"Ha ha! You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - The most famous of which is "never get involved in a land war in Asia"
-Princess Bride

Chrisisall, wearing a frilly Mal thing on his head, and ready to shoot unarmed, full-body armoured Operatives


Thursday, June 7, 2012 11:20 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


He could have vetoed it, of course that would have also vetoed the spending to the rest of the military operations. Plus the act had enough support to override the veto I believe.


So, no effort to stop it. That puts him in favor of it, to my mind.


Most of the civilian casualties in both wars have been cause by insurgence, not the US. As I stated, even if we leave the killing will not stop.

I'd very much like your information on how many casualties were caused by 'insurgents.' I'd like to know how many of the thousands of dead civilians are because of my country so I know exactly how guilty of slaughter we are.


Morals are subjective. What would you do if someone told you they were going to kill your family and the law would not protect you?

I've been in this situation before. I have been threatened with just such a thing and it took weeks for the law to make an effective response. (One that removes the antagonist.) Meanwhile, I armed myself and remained vigilant. I did not go next door and murder my neighbors. If I lived in the absence of police, I would not proceed to wholesale slaughter. I favor a measured and precise response designed to stop the attacker.


It takes but a few minutes to find out who is being held and for what.

Only a few minutes? Then would you do me the courtesy of identifying the entire contingent of prisoners at Gitmo and the charges against them?


We even charge people when they are guity of negligence and cause a death.

Yes. In fact, even a serial murderer who kills 100 people gets more rights than anyone we call a terrorist. Statement of Charges, speedy trial, presumption of innocence, presentation of evidence, etc.


That does happen, but what is the alternative? Do nothing? Appeasment has worked so well thoughtout history.

If we wanted to seek out the criminals who were harming people, we have agencies who specialize in infiltration and extraction. We chose war, instead. We chose massacre on a scale entirely disproportionate to our injury. You scoff, but doing nothing would have cost less in lives and money. Defending ourselves would have cost less in lives and money. Going out and occupying foreign nations and committing wholesale slaughter was not really Choice #1 for me.


The only reason we were able to hold the country in the first place is because a large portion of the people wanted us there.

Do you think that's the case? Do you think the majority of the population wants us there? Did most of them want Saddam there? How could they want both us and Saddam at the same time? If they did not want Saddam there, how could he hold the country? If they did want Saddam there, then how are we holding the country?


Thing is the killing in those places will not stop.

No, it won't stop. Won't stop with or without us. So why again do you want to be there, breeding enemies?


...and doing nothing while others are hurt is just as immoral, perhaps even more so then trying to help.

What? We did not go over there for any altruistic reason. We went there for revenge. We stay there for strategic advantage and control. There are many places full of people getting hurt that we are content to stand idly by. You can not pretend to me that we are kind caretakers defending the poor people of Afghanistan. Think of all the people we could help, if that was our goal, without firing a shot. We are not saviours or protectors, Nick. We are warlords.


If that means attacking and destroying the Syrian army to protect civilians and protesters so be it.

So you really seem to see the U.S. as world policemen who should invade every bad country and enforce peace and justice through military might.


it is not innocent people, but the people who seek to harm others.

No innocent people? You presume much not in evidence. In my country we hold as an ideal to presume the opposite condition. For instance, that a jail full of un-charged and un-tried prisoners are innocent.

And tell me you really believe that all the people we kill in our wars are people who want to harm you? Do you think, before we arrived, that they all sat in their bedrolls at night, staring at the stars and thinking, "I can't wait to go kill some Americans?"


We were not in Afgahnistan killing anyone before 911. In fact we were the ones providing them weapons to defend agaisnt the USSR.

These two observations very astutely prove the LIE that we are in Afghanistan to help people.

When we needed to oppose the USSR, we were there. We had people there, materiel there, and we helped them.

When that was over, we withdrew. We cared nothing for their strife. Their suffering. Their social injustice. Their deaths and pain.

We did not go there to help people. We went there for revenge. We stay there for strategic reasons. If we wanted to oppose injustice and stop suffering we would have to attack the current replacement government while also resisting the 'insurgents.' We would have to impose ourselves entirely on a country that doesn't want us there, and make them a U.S. protectorate under U.S. law. That's what 'saving the world via war' would mean. It would mean taking over every 'evil' place on Earth and imposing our system of government upon them. It means we become an Empire. Is that what you want?

They are the ones that can also stop it.



Note to Self:
Raptor - women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.
Never forget what these men are.
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Thursday, June 7, 2012 1:15 PM


Hmmm. I'm considering Gary Johnson. Anyone else have thoughts?


Thursday, June 7, 2012 2:14 PM




Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
So, no effort to stop it. That puts him in favor of it, to my mind.

He voiced his disapproval, but knew he had been beat. The whole reason those pervisions were put into the law was because he was trying to bring people here.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:I'd very much like your information on how many casualties were caused by 'insurgents.' I'd like to know how many of the thousands of dead civilians are because of my country so I know exactly how guilty of slaughter we are.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:I've been in this situation before. I have been threatened with just such a thing and it took weeks for the law to make an effective response. (One that removes the antagonist.) Meanwhile, I armed myself and remained vigilant. I did not go next door and murder my neighbors. If I lived in the absence of police, I would not proceed to wholesale slaughter. I favor a measured and precise response designed to stop the attacker.

A measured response is what we have. We did not go in carpet bombing cities or targeting civilians. We could have bombed both places flat and than walked away killing thousands more along the way.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:Only a few minutes? Then would you do me the courtesy of identifying the entire contingent of prisoners at Gitmo and the charges against them?

Just about any detainee that does not have a separate page or info on them can be googled and info found.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:Yes. In fact, even a serial murderer who kills 100 people gets more rights than anyone we call a terrorist. Statement of Charges, speedy trial, presumption of innocence, presentation of evidence, etc.

Our laws are setup to handle cases such as that. Not so much for insurgents captured on foreign soil. Even the ones that could be tried in civilian courts have been barred from the country by congress. As I've said a bunch of time charges and trial are being filed and scheduled for the remaining detainees that have not been cleared for release. You seem to keep ignoring that.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:If we wanted to seek out the criminals who were harming people, we have agencies who specialize in infiltration and extraction. We chose war, instead. We chose massacre on a scale entirely disproportionate to our injury. You scoff, but doing nothing would have cost less in lives and money. Defending ourselves would have cost less in lives and money. Going out and occupying foreign nations and committing wholesale slaughter was not really Choice #1 for me.

We were not talking about a few people or even a few hundred. Doing nothing may have cost less in money, inviting more attacks would not have cost less in lives.

Again, calling what we have done wholesale slaughter is disingenuous.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:Do you think that's the case? Do you think the majority of the population wants us there? Did most of them want Saddam there? How could they want both us and Saddam at the same time? If they did not want Saddam there, how could he hold the country? If they did want Saddam there, then how are we holding the country?

Saddam had more men on the ground and would kill indiscriminately. Saddam was also fighting Kurdish and other forces in his country.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:No, it won't stop. Won't stop with or without us. So why again do you want to be there, breeding enemies?

We maybe breeding more enemies, but if those enemies do not have the resources to attack us that is a good thing. Al Qaeda in Afghanistan was being supported by the controlling Taliban. They had training camps right out in the open. Not to mention the treatment of the people.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:What? We did not go over there for any altruistic reason. We went there for revenge. We stay there for strategic advantage and control. There are many places full of people getting hurt that we are content to stand idly by. You can not pretend to me that we are kind caretakers defending the poor people of Afghanistan. Think of all the people we could help, if that was our goal, without firing a shot. We are not saviours or protectors, Nick. We are warlords.

To get revenge on the people that attacked us, damn straight. However when they were basically gone we stayed to help. If you think that the people of Afghanistan are not better off now than under the Taliban you nuts.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:So you really seem to see the U.S. as world policemen who should invade every bad country and enforce peace and justice through military might.

Sometimes yes. Libya was the right way to do it. We basically played a supporting role while other NATO countries took the lead. In times when no else will and innocent people are being killed, than yes I think we should do something, even if that includes using the military. We could have sat on the sidelines in WWII as far as Europe. We didn't, I think that was a good thing. In the first gulf war we liberated Kuwait, that was not good?


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:No innocent people? You presume much not in evidence. In my country we hold as an ideal to presume the opposite condition. For instance, that a jail full of un-charged and un-tried prisoners are innocent.
Innocent in the eyes of the law is one thing. Innocent in reality is another. Do you think OJ is really innocent? Plus trials are being scheduled.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:And tell me you really believe that all the people we kill in our wars are people who want to harm you? Do you think, before we arrived, that they all sat in their bedrolls at night, staring at the stars and thinking, "I can't wait to go kill some Americans?"

Many did. You forget how big Al Qaeda and the Taliban were. Yes we killing innocent people by mistake. That happens in war.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:These two observations very astutely prove the LIE that we are in Afghanistan to help people.

When we needed to oppose the USSR, we were there. We had people there, materiel there, and we helped them.

When that was over, we withdrew. We cared nothing for their strife. Their suffering. Their social injustice. Their deaths and pain.

So than we stay now and we are still wrong? You can't have it both way.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:We did not go there to help people. We went there for revenge. We stay there for strategic reasons. If we wanted to oppose injustice and stop suffering we would have to attack the current replacement government while also resisting the 'insurgents.' We would have to impose ourselves entirely on a country that doesn't want us there, and make them a U.S. protectorate under U.S. law. That's what 'saving the world via war' would mean. It would mean taking over every 'evil' place on Earth and imposing our system of government upon them. It means we become an Empire. Is that what you want?

They are the ones that can also stop it.

Oppose the current government? That's rich. Yes because the current government in Afghanistan is not better than us occupying them and not giving the people a choice.

As for how, stop killing people. Come to the table to talk, take part in the new government. That is how.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Thursday, June 7, 2012 2:15 PM




Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by m52nickerson:
They are the ones that stepped this up to violence. They are the ones that can also stop it.

"Ha ha! You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - The most famous of which is "never get involved in a land war in Asia"
-Princess Bride

Chrisisall, wearing a frilly Mal thing on his head, and ready to shoot unarmed, full-body armoured Operatives

Okay, I laughed.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Thursday, June 7, 2012 2:37 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I don't know what to say to you, Nick. We differ fundamentally on very basic morals and human rights.

I just read lists you provided of prisoners whom we have detained for years where the evidence against them is that they were wearing a Casio watch.

We have killed a minimum of 3,715 civilians according to your info, with a maximum figure exceeding 20,000.

You do not believe the standard of innocence we hold dear in this country is appropriate, and you think setting a portion of prisoners up for trials after years of incarceration and violation is a sufficient gwesture.

Everything I believe about being a decent human being is something you object to. You consider this war a proportionate response and you consider us humane because we did not reduce entire cities to ash.

What can I say, but that I consider the views you express here to be repugnant and inhumane.

I can only imagine what you think of mine.

I see no way to bridge the gulf that separates us.


Note to Self:
Raptor - women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.
Never forget what these men are.
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Thursday, June 7, 2012 2:46 PM



You total misunderstand my arguments. I think because you want to. I believe in human rights and laws, but acknowledge that both have limitation. If you take someone to court that you know is dangerous and they are set free and than kill people we would both call that a failure of the system. In you experience, had it been different and the police not interceded and a member of your family killed you would have called it a failure. The laws and human rights have limits unless you want them used against you.

In the end the number one job of the government is to protect it's people.

...and I'm not even defending the start of the detentions or how they were handled at the beginning, just how the current administration has handled them

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Thursday, June 7, 2012 2:56 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Originally posted by m52nickerson:
You total misunderstand my arguments. I think because you want to. I believe in human rights and laws, but acknowledge that both have limitation. If you take someone to court that you know is dangerous and they are set free and than kill people we would both call that a failure of the system. In you experience, had it been different and the police not interceded and a member of your family killed you would have called it a failure. The laws and human rights have limits unless you want them used against you.

In the end the number one job of the government is to protect it's people.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


I understand your arguments very well. Civil Liberties are fine until they become inconvenient, and then they must be set aside for the good of the citizenry.

Do you know who is at fault if a criminal escapes justice by virtue of a legal technicality?

The fault lies not with the law. The law is there to protect all people from abuse.

The fault rather lies with the investigators and prosecutors who bungled their jobs.

I live and breathe in this country every day under the assumption that the country is full of dangerous people who couldn't be incarcerated because they are protected from unjust incarceration and harassment by authorities.

But I also live and breathe hoping that those same laws which protect the villains will ALSO protect me and all good people from unjust incarceration and harassment by authorities.

I don't believe that civil liberties are for 'most of the time.' I believe they are for 'all of the time.' I also don't believe that revenge is a valid principle of government or a good reason for war.


Note to Self:
Raptor - women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.
Never forget what these men are.
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Thursday, June 7, 2012 3:08 PM




Originally posted by ANTHONYT:


I understand your arguments very well. Civil Liberties are fine until they become inconvenient, and then they must be set aside for the good of the citizenry.

Do you know who is at fault if a criminal escapes justice by virtue of a legal technicality?

The fault lies not with the law. The law is there to protect all people from abuse.

The fault rather lies with the investigators and prosecutors who bungled their jobs.

I live and breathe in this country every day under the assumption that the country is full of dangerous people who couldn't be incarcerated because they are protected from unjust incarceration and harassment by authorities.

But I also live and breathe hoping that those same laws which protect the villains will ALSO protect me and all good people from unjust incarceration and harassment by authorities.

I don't believe that civil liberties are for 'most of the time.' I believe they are for 'all of the time.' I also don't believe that revenge is a valid principle of government or a good reason for war.

Thinking that people only get away from punishment because of legal technicalities is naive. Juries sometimes get it wrong. I would also ask how are people protected when a dangerous person is get go because of a technical mistake? They aren't. Laws can be made to fit all situations. The laws of war were never meant to deal with the types of conflicts fought now. Change those laws and make things legal and you think we would not have these discussions?

Civil liberties are taken away from people every day when they are convicted of crimes, so they are not absolute, or all of the time. Even in your beliefs they have limits. You would take someone's life to protect yours or your families if you needed to. That is take everything from them. We are not on the opposite side of the spectrum, just different points of the same side.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Thursday, June 7, 2012 3:26 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Change those laws and make things legal and you think we would not have these discussions?


Of course we would be having these discussions. Do you remember the discussions about the US conducting 'legal' torture?


would also ask how are people protected when a dangerous person is get go because of a technical mistake?

They are protected from unjust treatment by the government and legal authorities. That's the point. I'm not sure how you do not see it.


Civil liberties are taken away from people every day when they are convicted of crimes, so they are not absolute, or all of the time.

The laws regarding civil liberties include defining exactly when specific rights are and are not to be suspended. 'Convicted of Crime' is one of those specific criteria, and a basic protection against unjust treatment by government forces.


You would take someone's life to protect yours or your families if you needed to. That is take everything from them. We are not on the opposite side of the spectrum, just different points of the same side.

I see you are trying to equivocate immediate self defense to preserve life to the concept of warfare and violating people's rights. I think you are confusing offense with defense, and I think you are playing fast and loose with the concept of 'if you needed to.'

The reason we are on opposite sides of this issue is not because only one of us wants to live and be free. The reason we are on opposite sides of this issue is because I think everyone deserves the exact same considerations I expect to receive myself. Even if I think they might be bad guys.

Heck, I am not even content with the rights I have already, with government working hard to reduce them through terrible policies like the 'Patriot Act' under the premise of increasing Security. To deprive others of even that much consideration seems criminal to me.


Note to Self:
Raptor - women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.
Never forget what these men are.
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Thursday, June 7, 2012 3:44 PM


Nick, I'm a little less hot-headed at the moment, let me make my case if you would.
I'm a long-term martial artist- been in it since Bruce Lee died. Bullied in grade school & Jr. High. Been in a few fights in my teens and early twenties (won them all after training), been threatened with violence many times since (a sincere yet provocative smile goes a long way I have found), so confrontation (on an admittedly small time scale) is no theory to me (but the basic principals apply when you magnify them IMO). If you bluster & brag, threaten & posture, you are a bully, plain & simple.
In matters of violence, you do AS LITTLE as necessary, AS RARELY as possible.
And say you're sorry after.

But the American Military Industrial Complex does what it wants to, when it wants to, and apologizes to no one.

Humility must have a place in confrontation, otherwise it's just the work of thugs. I have been a verbal thug on this thread. See how well it's worked?

Some people can be turned around, others are like mad dogs that need to be put down. Without compassion in either case, we become the puppets of the power junkies. Us vs. THEM. When in reality all through history it's been us vs. us, with a small minority at the top making out (a literal 'killing' you might say).

Yes, Saddam dead is a good thing. But how he got that way, the innocents that went with him in the cause, and the glee with which it was all received disgusts me.

In the end of Jr. High, I kicked the ass of the wrestling club bully who attacked me. I didn't HURT him, but I beat him. It's not always necessary to go 100% when 50 will do. And I didn't push it in his face later.

"Avoid, rather than check. Check, rather than hurt. Hurt, rather than maim. Maim, rather than kill. For all life is precious, nor can any be replaced."


Chrisisall, wearing a frilly Mal thing on his head, and ready to shoot unarmed, full-body armoured Operatives


Thursday, June 7, 2012 4:12 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
OK, I'm just a conspiracy idiot. I know nothing. Please disregard my posts. I am not the droid you're looking for.
Move along. Move along.

I'm not saying that Chris... Actually until my own life got better I was one of the craziest conspiracy theorists on the site. I actually have stuff to lose now, so that's part of my change in attitude, but mostly it's because I'm too busy working on projects and fixing things in my life and within my limited sphere of influence to worry about abstract ideas I could never hope to have any control over.

Sure, something bad could happen to Obama's family, from a foreign agent or somebody on the inside.

What I was saying was that we can't just give the guy a "bi" on that because he has a wife and kids. As far as I know, there's never been a single president voted in that didn't have at least a wife, and a majority of them had children.

If we give Obama a pass on not getting anything done now, I suppose we could just start going backwards in time and giving all presidents passes for the bad decisions they've made.

Why stop at presidents? We could then go down every rung of the laddar until we cover even all of the Aldermans as well.


Thursday, June 7, 2012 4:37 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I'm not saying that Chris...

I know, I was just bowing out for a moment. I was expanding too much, and I felt I needed to contract a bit.

I *AM* an idiot, but then again aren't we all?

Chrisisall, wearing a frilly Mal thing on his head, and ready to shoot unarmed, full-body armoured Operatives


Thursday, June 7, 2012 4:39 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I am. Just ask my wife how often I say something idiotic. :-)


Note to Self:
Raptor - women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.
Never forget what these men are.
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Thursday, June 7, 2012 4:49 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I'm not saying that Chris...

I know, I was just bowing out for a moment. I was expanding too much, and I felt I needed to contract a bit.

I *AM* an idiot, but then again aren't we all?

Chrisisall, wearing a frilly Mal thing on his head, and ready to shoot unarmed, full-body armoured Operatives

Cool.... I just was surprised at your response. I don't want to feel responsible for just shutting somebody down like that.

Contracting is a good thing occasionally. I think I was gone from this site for 2 or 3 years before I began posting here again. I know I still can make people here pretty pissed off at me and I can act pretty immature sometimes, but overall I think I did a lot of growing in that time off.

Don't let the Obama thing get you down man. We gotta think of ways to get a REAL candidate in the office again. Either way this race goes, we're not going to see that until at least 2016.

.... That is assuming that 2012 isn't really the end of the world


Thursday, June 7, 2012 5:07 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
We gotta think of ways to get a REAL candidate in the office again. Either way this race goes, we're not going to see that until at least 2016.

At least, I agree.

Chrisisall, wearing a frilly Mal thing on his head, and ready to shoot unarmed, full-body armoured Operatives


Friday, June 8, 2012 2:03 AM




Originally posted by ANTHONYT:

Of course we would be having these discussions. Do you remember the discussions about the US conducting 'legal' torture?

That's my point. It seems as if you are standing by the law as an absolute.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:They are protected from unjust treatment by the government and legal authorities. That's the point. I'm not sure how you do not see it.

Yes that is what those laws are ment to do, but lettign someone off on a technicality when it is a mistake is not doing that, nor is it protecting others. Even if the police conduct a unlawful search and find evidence that brings them to catch a serial killer it is hard for me to say that person should go free because the police failed. Which is more right at that point, upholding the law to the letter or prventing another person from being killed.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:The laws regarding civil liberties include defining exactly when specific rights are and are not to be suspended. 'Convicted of Crime' is one of those specific criteria, and a basic protection against unjust treatment by government forces.

Yes, and those were put in because they make sense. They both protect peoples rights and protect people physically as well. Change the situation, such as need for self-defence and the specifics change. If we find a situation which in which the law is protecting those who would hurt others but not protect the people that would be hurt do we just throw up our hands?


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:I see you are trying to equivocate immediate self defense to preserve life to the concept of warfare and violating people's rights. I think you are confusing offense with defense, and I think you are playing fast and loose with the concept of 'if you needed to.'

The reason we are on opposite sides of this issue is not because only one of us wants to live and be free. The reason we are on opposite sides of this issue is because I think everyone deserves the exact same considerations I expect to receive myself. Even if I think they might be bad guys.

In the situations we are talking there is no thinking they are bad guys. They are, they will tell you that. Once they do and you are sure it is not rehtoric the best defence may very well be offence.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:Heck, I am not even content with the rights I have already, with government working hard to reduce them through terrible policies like the 'Patriot Act' under the premise of increasing Security. To deprive others of even that much consideration seems criminal to me.

There is always a fine line between rights and freedom, and saftey. As far as things like the patriot act we agree. The war in Afghanistan is just that, a war. That is a different ball game.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Friday, June 8, 2012 2:22 AM




Originally posted by chrisisall:
Nick, I'm a little less hot-headed at the moment, let me make my case if you would.
I'm a long-term martial artist- been in it since Bruce Lee died. Bullied in grade school & Jr. High. Been in a few fights in my teens and early twenties (won them all after training), been threatened with violence many times since (a sincere yet provocative smile goes a long way I have found), so confrontation (on an admittedly small time scale) is no theory to me (but the basic principals apply when you magnify them IMO). If you bluster & brag, threaten & posture, you are a bully, plain & simple.
In matters of violence, you do AS LITTLE as necessary, AS RARELY as possible.
And say you're sorry after.

But the American Military Industrial Complex does what it wants to, when it wants to, and apologizes to no one.

Humility must have a place in confrontation, otherwise it's just the work of thugs. I have been a verbal thug on this thread. See how well it's worked?

Some people can be turned around, others are like mad dogs that need to be put down. Without compassion in either case, we become the puppets of the power junkies. Us vs. THEM. When in reality all through history it's been us vs. us, with a small minority at the top making out (a literal 'killing' you might say).

Yes, Saddam dead is a good thing. But how he got that way, the innocents that went with him in the cause, and the glee with which it was all received disgusts me.

In the end of Jr. High, I kicked the ass of the wrestling club bully who attacked me. I didn't HURT him, but I beat him. It's not always necessary to go 100% when 50 will do. And I didn't push it in his face later.

"Avoid, rather than check. Check, rather than hurt. Hurt, rather than maim. Maim, rather than kill. For all life is precious, nor can any be replaced."


One of my favorite scenes in the movie Full Metal Jacket is when Joker is asked about his decorations on his uniform. One is a small piece symole, the other an inspcription on his helmet reading "born to kill". Joker says he believes they speak to the duality of man.

War is not like talking on and beating a bully. War is about winning, about achieving your goals. If it is about anything else you are losing. Sun Tzu said "the important thing in doing battle is victory, not protracted warfare." No body wins with protracted wars, which is what we have had. Why?

Well it is not because of the Military Industral Complex. They do fine with or without war. Even in peace time we still turn out new military equipment.

The reason is politics and those who do not understand war. We should have never gone into Iraq, we were ill pepared for it. Afghanistan we started fine, but took our eyes off the goal. We should have finished the job there. Instead we let things linger. That cause a hell of a lot more death and hate.

In the end war should be a last resort. The thing is when it comes to that we can't ingore what it is or try and change it's nature.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Friday, June 8, 2012 2:53 AM


America loves a winner!

The policies of failure has failed.

Obama is one and done.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Friday, June 8, 2012 4:19 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


It seems as if you are standing by the law as an absolute.


Even if the police conduct a unlawful search and find evidence that brings them to catch a serial killer it is hard for me to say that person should go free because the police failed. Which is more right at that point, upholding the law to the letter or prventing another person from being killed.


You keep thinking of the law as some separate organism. The law exists because of the principles behind it. It is the principles of justice upon which I refuse to compromise. The law merely articulates those principles. A failed law is a law which fails to articulate our ideals. The laws you are describing are laws which successfully articulate our ideals.

Ignoring the law in these cases is ignoring the ideals on which they were founded. The ideals exist for a reason. Grasping up the murderer now, despite a violation of his rights, is a very short-sighted view. By doing so, you have enabled widespread abuses in the name of the 'greater good.' You have stopped one bad man and created countless more- in a position to abuse you and your rights.


In the situations we are talking there is no thinking they are bad guys. They are, they will tell you that. Once they do and you are sure it is not rehtoric the best defence may very well be offence.

Amongst the certified bad guys we have in prison are included people who were wearing a digital watch I owned in High School. That is the evidence against them. Amongst the certified bad guys we had in prison are people who do not even have that much evidence against them. These are the ones we arrested and brought over. I leave you to speculate on those who reside below ground and in the company of worms.

After 9/11 there were people in the United States who would gladly tell you that we should reduce the mideast nations to glass. These are people telling you they are bad guys. Should they all be dead or in prison? Or is that the case only if they carry a firearm, defend their country from invasion, or buy Casio?


There is always a fine line between rights and freedom, and saftey. As far as things like the patriot act we agree. The war in Afghanistan is just that, a war. That is a different ball game.

You only agree that the Patriot Act is a bad thing because it applies to you. You do not seem to mind the violations of rights that apply to others. I am not capable of separating my conception of personal rights from my conception of other people's rights. We are all people.


Note to Self:
Raptor - women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.
Never forget what these men are.
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Friday, June 8, 2012 4:23 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


In the end war should be a last resort.


Unfortunately, war has been our first response.


The thing is when it comes to that we can't ingore what it is or try and change it's nature.

What a terrible stance. If we were to give up on changing the nature of war, then our soldiers would take part in fully condoned rape, looting, open torture, and genocide. If we were to give up on changing the nature of war, then our enemies would be sitting on spikes on the roadside.

We must always try to change the nature of war and we must always strive to eliminate war.


Note to Self:
Raptor - women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.
Never forget what these men are.
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Friday, June 8, 2012 4:53 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Well it is not because of the Military Industral Complex. They do fine with or without war. Even in peace time we still turn out new military equipment.


I wanted to comment on this. I encourage you to study military production of materiel in 1934 versus 1944 and tell me that the military industrial complex doesn't benefit a great deal more during a time of war.

I don't understand how you can even make such a statement. Our own leadership has commented on the danger of the military industrial complex and its hunger.


Note to Self:
Raptor - women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.
Never forget what these men are.
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Friday, June 8, 2012 9:24 AM



Originally posted by m52nickerson:

War is not like talking on and beating a bully.
War is about winning, about achieving your goals.

Sort of like... taking on & beating a bully...

Okay, I give up. I see your points and even agree with a few to a degree, but you seem fixated on the 'enemy' thing without consideration that had you been born there & not here, YOU'D BE one of those 'enemies' of which you now speak. Compartmentalization is a key element of denial.

Chrisisall, wearing a frilly Mal thing on his head, and ready to shoot unarmed, full-body armoured Operatives


Sunday, June 10, 2012 10:43 AM


Fuck O'Bamama

Support Romney

That's the line I'm towing....

Nobody here has even attempted to make a reasonable argument....

Chris was one of the only people capable of that...

I hate Romney, but I'll vote for the evil I don't know rather than the Evil I already know, since I hate him so much....

Just remember that when we vote in the Anti-Christ in 2012 it's only because GBW made things so bad that we mindlessly voted in an un-tested Crook County, IL politician as president simply because his Blackness stood for the change we all needed..........

Although he didn't change a single thing in 4 years....

Thanks O'Bama...

Way to set the Black Presidential movement back at least 20 years.....

That car insurance dude playing president on 24 seemed awesome until you ruined it all for everyone.... now Snoop Dogg, no matter how tall he gets, will never be president before I'm dead....


Sunday, June 10, 2012 11:13 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


3 words for you. "Wulf for President"
WULF, I know you're a hero in your own mind but... really?? You've got to be shittin' us.

What would you do: Play action-movie video clips at your press conferences?


Sunday, June 10, 2012 11:32 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

CHRIS- I have this for you:


He that hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortune [or TPTB]..
Francis Bacon


Sunday, June 10, 2012 11:50 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
CHRIS- I have this for you:


He that hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortune [or TPTB]..
Francis Bacon

That's why heroes have secret identities, I guess...

Chrisisall, wearing a frilly Mal thing on his head, and ready to shoot unarmed, full-body armoured Operatives


Thursday, June 14, 2012 3:43 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
CHRIS- I have this for you:


He that hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortune [or TPTB]..
Francis Bacon

That's why heroes have secret identities, I guess...

Chrisisall, wearing a frilly Mal thing on his head, and ready to shoot unarmed, full-body armoured Operatives

The fact that this post died for no reason is why I posted the "6 things" thread....

Nothing to see here....

Move along....

I knew what I was doing at my job, and I got Six-Sigma'd....

There are over 10 million idiots working Government jobs who I could run circles around.


Friday, June 15, 2012 5:30 AM




Originally posted by ANTHONYT:

It seems as if you are standing by the law as an absolute.


Even if the police conduct a unlawful search and find evidence that brings them to catch a serial killer it is hard for me to say that person should go free because the police failed. Which is more right at that point, upholding the law to the letter or prventing another person from being killed.


You keep thinking of the law as some separate organism. The law exists because of the principles behind it. It is the principles of justice upon which I refuse to compromise. The law merely articulates those principles. A failed law is a law which fails to articulate our ideals. The laws you are describing are laws which successfully articulate our ideals.

Ignoring the law in these cases is ignoring the ideals on which they were founded. The ideals exist for a reason. Grasping up the murderer now, despite a violation of his rights, is a very short-sighted view. By doing so, you have enabled widespread abuses in the name of the 'greater good.' You have stopped one bad man and created countless more- in a position to abuse you and your rights.


In the situations we are talking there is no thinking they are bad guys. They are, they will tell you that. Once they do and you are sure it is not rehtoric the best defence may very well be offence.

Amongst the certified bad guys we have in prison are included people who were wearing a digital watch I owned in High School. That is the evidence against them. Amongst the certified bad guys we had in prison are people who do not even have that much evidence against them. These are the ones we arrested and brought over. I leave you to speculate on those who reside below ground and in the company of worms.

After 9/11 there were people in the United States who would gladly tell you that we should reduce the mideast nations to glass. These are people telling you they are bad guys. Should they all be dead or in prison? Or is that the case only if they carry a firearm, defend their country from invasion, or buy Casio?


There is always a fine line between rights and freedom, and saftey. As far as things like the patriot act we agree. The war in Afghanistan is just that, a war. That is a different ball game.

You only agree that the Patriot Act is a bad thing because it applies to you. You do not seem to mind the violations of rights that apply to others. I am not capable of separating my conception of personal rights from my conception of other people's rights. We are all people.

So when the principles of justice are in conflict with the laws what do you do? That is what it comes down to. If you know that a person is guilty but can't prove that within the letter of the law what do you do? Does letting that person go serve the principles of justice?

You are right there are inocent people in Gitmo. How the previous administration decided to detain people was crappy at best.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Friday, June 15, 2012 5:38 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


So when the principles of justice are in conflict with the laws what do you do? That is what it comes down to. If you know that a person is guilty but can't prove that within the letter of the law what do you do? Does letting that person go serve the principles of justice?


Yes, absolutely, letting them go serves the principles of justice.

You see, the principles of justice also exist to protect us from people who just 'know' that we are guilty of something... but have no way of proving it.

The principles of justice may *appear* to be at odds with the law when you can't get enough evidence to convict, but in reality they are well served. It is simply frustrating when the principles of justice and the law fail to serve our strong *feelings* on a matter.

The only time a law is a bad law is when it fails to serve the principles and ideals upon which it is based. Being able to incarcerate or convict people merely because you 'know' (without sufficient evidence) that they are bad would be a terrible law.


How the previous administration decided to detain people was crappy at best.

They incarcerated people using your own preference- locking up people they 'knew' were bad, even when they couldn't prove it. It just turned out they were often wrong.


Note to Self:
Raptor - women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.
Never forget what these men are.
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Friday, June 15, 2012 5:46 AM




Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
Unfortunately, war has been our first response.

No it wasn't. Even with Afghanistan the Taliban was asked to turn over the leaders of Al-Qaeda first.


Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
What a terrible stance. If we were to give up on changing the nature of war, then our soldiers would take part in fully condoned rape, looting, open torture, and genocide. If we were to give up on changing the nature of war, then our enemies would be sitting on spikes on the roadside.

We must always try to change the nature of war and we must always strive to eliminate war.

We should strive to eliminate war. Striving to while understanding that we will not.

As far as the nature of war, we don't like to think that our side would do the things you mentioned. We know we would if pushed far enough. You have seen pictures of US soilders posing with the bodies of dead insurgents. Those are the modern heads on spikes. As much as we would like to think we can, or have changed the nature of war the fact is we havn't.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Friday, June 15, 2012 5:48 AM




Originally posted by chrisisall:
[Okay, I give up. I see your points and even agree with a few to a degree, but you seem fixated on the 'enemy' thing without consideration that had you been born there & not here, YOU'D BE one of those 'enemies' of which you now speak. Compartmentalization is a key element of denial.

I might be, but than I would be a different person. I could also be one of the many people helpping the US fight the insurgence.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Friday, June 15, 2012 5:51 AM




Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
I wanted to comment on this. I encourage you to study military production of materiel in 1934 versus 1944 and tell me that the military industrial complex doesn't benefit a great deal more during a time of war.

I don't understand how you can even make such a statement. Our own leadership has commented on the danger of the military industrial complex and its hunger.

With the current wars we did not see a ramping up of military major military equipment, those levels where already there. We had the tanks and planes to go into the Middle East. We did not in 1934 right before onset of war.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Friday, June 15, 2012 5:58 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


With the current wars we did not see a ramping up of military major military equipment,


What a remarkable statement. Are you unaware of the massive procurement of vehicles to move infantry? Are you unaware of the massive procurement of additional armor for the battlefield? Are you unaware of orders for equipment that have been so large that manufacturers have sometimes struggled to keep up with demand? Can you really be unaware that the military industrial complex feeds off of every product of war, and not merely the icons of WWII?

Do you think because we are not building huge numbers of battleships and heavy cruisers that we are not feeding the military industrial complex?



Note to Self:
Raptor - women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.
Never forget what these men are.
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Friday, June 15, 2012 5:59 AM




Originally posted by ANTHONYT:
Yes, absolutely, letting them go serves the principles of justice.

You see, the principles of justice also exist to protect us from people who just 'know' that we are guilty of something... but have no way of proving it.

The principles of justice may *appear* to be at odds with the law when you can't get enough evidence to convict, but in reality they are well served. It is simply frustrating when the principles of justice and the law fail to serve our strong *feelings* on a matter.

The only time a law is a bad law is when it fails to serve the principles and ideals upon which it is based. Being able to incarcerate or convict people merely because you 'know' (without sufficient evidence) that they are bad would be a terrible law.

If a man tells you he is going to kill your family how much more evidence do you need. Thing is in a situation like that you have evidence, but really can't use it to convict the man of anything. Evidence of guilt and what can be used in a court of law are often different. That is the type of think I'm talking, not just strong feeling on matters.

If the police search a place illegaly but find evidence that can stop a serial killer justice is not done by not allowing such evidence in a court of law. Now I would agree that police may need to be punished to breaking the law in the first place, but to now ignore the evidence as if it does not exists serves in that case only to protect the guilty.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Friday, June 15, 2012 6:06 AM




Originally posted by ANTHONYT:

What a remarkable statement. Are you unaware of the massive procurement of vehicles to move infantry? Are you unaware of the massive procurement of additional armor for the battlefield? Are you unaware of orders for equipment that have been so large that manufacturers have sometimes struggled to keep up with demand? Can you really be unaware that the military industrial complex feeds off of every product of war, and not merely the icons of WWII?

Do you think because we are not building huge numbers of battleships and heavy cruisers that we are not feeding the military industrial complex?

My original statement was that the produces do fine even in times of peace. (I said with or without war). I don't not say they did not do better in war time.

That US military has been building up its levels of vehicles and building new naval ships for many years, including peace times. We did not go into the Middle East and suddenly need a new air craft carrier.

Yes we did need more armor and other things, but in the grand scale of what the military spends normally on procurement that is small potatoes.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Friday, June 15, 2012 6:15 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Yes we did need more armor and other things, but in the grand scale of what the military spends normally on procurement that is small potatoes.


If you don't think military procurement expenditures have increased massively since the onset of war, then I don't know what to say to you. It is akin to being willfully blind on a matter. It's not about spending a little more, it's a massive, incredible boon to manufacturers.


Note to Self:
Raptor - women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.
Never forget what these men are.
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz






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