Germany likes it's wood au-naturale...

UPDATED: Saturday, June 5, 2021 21:21
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Tuesday, June 26, 2012 5:33 PM


I can see what they are saying, I'll be the first to say that I don't approve of people popping out a girl and then getting it's ears pierced 20 minutes later when it doesn't really have a say, and though I think this is completely different than female circumcision... I'm ALL for male circumcision...I REALLY don't like men un-clipped...Looks just...wrong... Complete and TOTAL turn-off, for me, anyway.
Seems odd that they base the whole thing on a botch job were the kid didn't die?

Cue Piratenews....I don't suppose me saying WE'VE HEARD IT ALREADY!!! will stop him, hmmm?


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 5:03 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Everyone is entitled to personal taste, though I find it unfortunate that a man would have to have surgery in order for his member to be deemed attractive.

I do not think, if the same standard was applied in reverse, it would be considered a good thing.


Note to Self:
Raptor - women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.
Never forget what these men are.
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 5:51 AM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

I can see what they are saying, I'll be the first to say that I don't approve of people popping out a girl and then getting it's ears pierced 20 minutes later when it doesn't really have a say, and though I think this is completely different than female circumcision... I'm ALL for male circumcision...I REALLY don't like men un-clipped...Looks just...wrong... Complete and TOTAL turn-off, for me, anyway.
Seems odd that they base the whole thing on a botch job were the kid didn't die?

Cue Piratenews....I don't suppose me saying WE'VE HEARD IT ALREADY!!! will stop him, hmmm?

You don't have to die for something to be harmful. There can be pretty horrible complications to male circumcision (the correct term for the procedure on females is quite rightfully 'mutilation') resulting in loss of entire parts of the penis, which is not lethal but horrific for the person concerned. Though, admittedly, such cases are rare. Luckily.

I have no problem with the ruling. I understand why it upsets those whose religions traditions are affected but I cannot find it in myself to place their feelings above principles of physical integrity.

As for personal taste... well, to each their own.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 6:13 AM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

I can see what they are saying, I'll be the first to say that I don't approve of people popping out a girl and then getting it's ears pierced 20 minutes later when it doesn't really have a say, and though I think this is completely different than female circumcision... I'm ALL for male circumcision...I REALLY don't like men un-clipped...Looks just...wrong... Complete and TOTAL turn-off, for me, anyway.
Seems odd that they base the whole thing on a botch job were the kid didn't die?

Cue Piratenews....I don't suppose me saying WE'VE HEARD IT ALREADY!!! will stop him, hmmm?

Hey Wish,

I've always said, that aside from the muscles and hair, the most unattractive attribute a man has is his nether-regions. In high school, we had a middle eastern kid Omar that didn't have a circumcision and everyone called him "anteater".....

Sure, it looks totally f'd up... but at the same time I hear that 90% of sexual stimulus of the male organ was from being un-cut....

If that's true, just for the sake of "making the Johnson pretty" we have the same sexual release as a garden gnome comared to women without it.

Don't blame me for being born with my "G-spot" outside of my insides, and then having it gutted from me 8 years before my first erection because "somebody" say's it's cool.....

Imagine the furor against the same practice to go against women and remove their "g-spot", on their insides, in the same way.....

Actually... it's the perfect analogy for Government control today....

Anyone broken is worthless

Just break part of them enough and make them beg for more....

Every circumcised man grows up realizing a different sexual world than they might have otherwise....

In our atheist based world we live in, many times this decision is made without church and could be viewed as nothing more than having a PIG spayed.....



Wednesday, June 27, 2012 6:28 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Don't blame me for being born with my "G-spot" outside of my insides, and then having it gutted from me 8 years before my first erection because "somebody" say's it's cool.....

Imagine the furor against the same practice to go against women and remove their "g-spot", on their insides, in the same way.....

I doubt that the foreskin provides a whopping 90% of all potential stimulation. That seems extreme. Not that I agree with removing any portion of potential fun from a defenseless infant or child.

That said: In terms of equivalence, forget about the g-spot. Think clitoris. That's where the fun for women is easiest and most available and, would you look at that, it's also on the outside. The most brutal form of FGM is pretty much the equivalent of cutting off the entire head of the penis, or the entire penis, let alone the foreskin. Because it removes all outside bits. Whatever furor there is to be had, you don't need to imagine it. It's actually real.

But that's not this argument. The two procedures exist on different spheres of wrongness and it's not a competition.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 6:34 AM


There is ZERO comparison here AR....

I don't give a shit if the foreskin only gave 10% more pleasure.....

If we were up in your pussy after you were 1 month old snipping away at shit, you'd be bringing an army down upon it now....

The only reason why "white" girls today don't do the same is that penises look "prettier" cut.....

Fuck you AR....

I'm sure you're cool otherwise....

But as to your "whatever" attitude about males being stripped of a majority of their sexuality at birth and nobody standing up for them but "6ix"......


Fuck you.....


Originally posted by AgentRouka:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Don't blame me for being born with my "G-spot" outside of my insides, and then having it gutted from me 8 years before my first erection because "somebody" say's it's cool.....

Imagine the furor against the same practice to go against women and remove their "g-spot", on their insides, in the same way.....

I doubt that the foreskin provides a whopping 90% of all potential stimulation. That seems extreme. Not that I agree with removing any portion of potential fun from a defenseless infant or child.

That said: In terms of equivalence, forget about the g-spot. Think clitoris. That's where the fun for women is easiest and most available and, would you look at that, it's also on the outside. The most brutal form of FGM is pretty much the equivalent of cutting off the entire head of the penis, or the entire penis, let alone the foreskin. Because it removes all outside bits. Whatever furor there is to be had, you don't need to imagine it. It's actually real.

But that's not this argument. The two procedures exist on different spheres of wrongness and it's not a competition.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 6:34 AM


Double post....

Cubs beat the Mets 2 days in a row... Awesome


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 6:52 AM


Uh, did you READ my earlier post??

Where did I say that I approve of circumcision? That I have any opinion whatsoever on penis aesthetics? That I find any amount of pleasure reduction acceptable? I said THE OPPOSITE.

Seriously, READ before you reply.

(Incidentally, yeah, I would be up in arms about FGM. I AM. Because it really happens. And yes, there IS no comparing it with routine male circumcision. So stop talking about it as something hypothetical. It actually happens.)

I don't argue that circumcision reduces sensation. I find the 90% claim highly exaggerated, but AGAIN, I state that it's not relevant to the argument. It's just probably inaccurate.

Also, what does "white" have to do with it?


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 7:15 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AgentRouka:
Uh, did you READ my earlier post??

Also, what does "white" have to do with it?

About as much as "atheists" have to do with it.

Jack, I'm pretty sure circumcision didn't start with atheists. Think I read that in a book somewhere. ;)

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I've not watched the video either, or am incapable of intellectually dealing with the substance of this thread, so I'll instead act like a juvenile and claim victory..." - Rappy


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 7:57 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
There is ZERO comparison here AR....

I don't give a shit if the foreskin only gave 10% more pleasure.....

If we were up in your pussy after you were 1 month old snipping away at shit, you'd be bringing an army down upon it now....

The only reason why "white" girls today don't do the same is that penises look "prettier" cut.....

Fuck you AR....

I'm sure you're cool otherwise....

But as to your "whatever" attitude about males being stripped of a majority of their sexuality at birth and nobody standing up for them but "6ix"......


Fuck you.....

Speaking of snippy penises...

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 8:46 AM



So how many of you guys aren't or have *cough* friends that aren't? Do you know anyone that is circumcised and regrets it? 'Cause I think all of the guys I know ARE and they don't seem to have a problem getting off....if fact if anything...several have the "getting there a little tooo quick" problem...

Don't think they miss that piece of skin one bit...


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 8:49 AM



I am. All three of my sons are, and it was not done for looks or religious reasons.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 8:59 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I've always said, that aside from the muscles and hair, the most unattractive attribute a man has is his nether-regions.

Goes for women, too. I don't know WHERE they dig up some of these girls in pornos- between the "soggy grilled cheese sandwhich" and the "misshapen tortilla"...
It's a wonder people get it on at all...

I've always though a penis should be retractable and that women should have "loading bay doors" that open and close... Would fix a few things like it would make rape a hellofa lot harder to carry out...


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 9:14 AM



Originally posted by m52nickerson:
I am. All three of my sons are, and it was not done for looks or religious reasons.

Ok, well ya ain't gotta answer 'cause I know that's a wee bit personal, but I am forced to guess skin issues like rashes or bacterial complications with yourself or women?
I'm susceptible to UTI's myself, so I'd have to think that an uncircumcised parter would have to be waay more diligent than I think most men would be willing to be.

I can't imagine what people did before anti-biotics... I've had a dozen infections and was sooooo grateful to them EVERY DARN TIME... I'd never have made it in Medieval days... and yes, I have tried to wait out sinus infections before and NOT do the pills..I had problems breathing for a YEAR after that... I'll NOT do it again...


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 9:14 AM


Gee whiz! *g* I cannot be the only person in the world who doesn't think genitalia are ugly...


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 9:23 AM



Originally posted by AgentRouka:
Gee whiz! I cannot be the only person in the world who doesn't think genitalia are ugly...

Yer not one of them fuzzy wuzzy's that croon "Oh the human body is soo beautiful in all it's forms" are ya? Have you seen cellulite??? I call my stretch marks "racing stripes" but it sure don't mean I think they are pretty.
Humanity CAN be beautiful in it's own grace, but I don't think anybody spongebathing an old or massively obese person in a nursing home would say ANY part of that is beautiful.....


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 9:27 AM




Originally posted by Wishimay:
Ok, well ya ain't gotta answer 'cause I know that's a wee bit personal, but I am forced to guess skin issues like rashes or bacterial complications with yourself or women?
I'm susceptible to UTI's myself, so I'd have to think that an uncircumcised parter would have to be waay more diligent than I think most men would be willing to be.

No complications. It was a decision my wife and I made after talking with our pediatrician and looking at a bunch of studies. There are a wide range of potential medical benefits from circumcision.

A big factor was our pediatrician telling us that in all her years of practice the only problems with penises she had seen were in uncircumcised boys.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 9:36 AM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by AgentRouka:
Gee whiz! I cannot be the only person in the world who doesn't think genitalia are ugly...

Yer not one of them fuzzy wuzzy's that croon "Oh the human body is soo beautiful in all it's forms" are ya? Have you seen cellulite??? I call my stretch marks "racing stripes" but it sure don't mean I think they are pretty.
Humanity CAN be beautiful in it's own grace, but I don't think anybody spongebathing an old or massively obese person in a nursing home would say ANY part of that is beautiful.....

Nah, it's not based on principle. There are physical forms I find unsightly, and there is certainly a wide spectrum between devastatingly beautiful and merely okay, though I am much more particular about faces than I am about bodies. I just honestly don't consider human dangly bits to be revolting. :)


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 9:44 AM



Originally posted by m52nickerson:

No complications. It was a decision my wife and I made after talking with our pediatrician and looking at a bunch of studies. There are a wide range of potential medical benefits from circumcision.

A big factor was our pediatrician telling us that in all her years of practice the only problems with penises she had seen were in uncircumcised boys.

That's interesting! What were the potential complications of not circumcising? And thank you for sharing, btw.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 11:22 AM




Originally posted by AgentRouka:
That's interesting! What were the potential complications of not circumcising? And thank you for sharing, btw.

The most quoted is a decrease chance of urinary track infection. This risk is small, but the studies do show a decrease in circumcised infants.

Phimosis, which is a tightening of foreskin, can occur. It can be treated in different ways including circumcision later on, but it is painful. While many reported cases of phimosis maybe misdiagnosed it is still a problem seen in a small number of young boys.

Cancer of the penis, while rare is almost never seen in circumcised males. Studies do suggest that proper hygiene may play a role in reducing the risk of penile cancer, the issue is this cancer is typically aggressive and often results in the loss of the penis.

Than you have recent studies that show circumcised males are slightly less likely to contract HIV and other STDs. In fact the World Health Organization is recommending circumcision in Africa to combat the HIV problem.

Some studies have also indicated that women whose sexual partners are circumcised have a lower risk of cervical cancer. These are less than stellar studies, but do add something to think about.

How much benefit a person gets is still up to debate. I personally think the benefits slightly outweigh the risks overall, more so when you have a good doctor performing the circumcision.

That being said, I understand why some parents don't want to have it done, and I'm cool with that as well. I'm not an advocate for circumcision, just that parents should have the choice.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 1:31 PM


Probably the most sane argument I've read on here in a while. Thumbs up!


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 2:15 PM


Hey, Ive been in a firefight before! Well, I was in a fire. Actually, I was fired from a fry-cook opportunity.

My understanding of making such a decision is similar to M52NICKERSON's. No real overwhelming proof of one side over the other, and really, its a personal decision - or should be.

As for the less sensitivity during sex - I am reminded of the man who stated "I just had the worst sex I ever had in my life" and his friend asked, "So how was it?", to which the man replied, "Fantastic!".
I really wonder how one can enjoy sex more than another because of a piece of skin or how that decision is made. On second thought, in all that is holy, please do not tell me about how that decision is made - I really do not want to know.

As for the court decision - I guess senile old men wearing dresses and making idiotic decisions isn't exclusive to North American Supreme Courts.
"The fundamental right of the child to bodily integrity outweighed the fundamental rights of the parents"
"This change (of body integrity) contravenes the interests of the child to decide later on his religious beliefs."

Say what?

So now the state is in charge of making any and all such decisions until the child becomes of legal age? Good grief. I suppose they expect a child who wants this done to practice their religious freedom will now have to make an application to the court or will the child have to wait til they are "legal" adult age? Must be awful slow in the German Courts.
Of course, how many Doctors will be willing to do this on an adult?

Oh let the sun beat down upon my face
With stars to fill my dream
I am a traveler of both time and space
To be where I have been


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 2:36 PM


The only thing that could come close to deciding the matter is the observations of men who have experienced life both ways. But even that is a bit of a judgement call, since the man's experience may be colored by his opinion of how he looks. I admit, I'm thinking of a certain episode of Sex and the City in which a man gets The Cut so he'll look prettier, then dumps his girlfriend so he can go show off his new look. That's probably not very realistic.

I don't disagree with Germany's decision though. I don't think anyone's body should be altered without them having a say. Permanently altering a boy's privates when he's helpless has always seemed wrong to me, though I can see where the reported health benefits could sway a parent.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 3:17 PM




Originally posted by mal4prez:
The only thing that could come close to deciding the matter is the observations of men who have experienced life both ways.

Not really. Getting a circumcision later in life in nowhere near the same as having on just after birth.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 4:04 PM


Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayl!


Originally posted by Wishimay:

So how many of you guys aren't or have *cough* friends that aren't? Do you know anyone that is circumcised and regrets it? 'Cause I think all of the guys I know ARE and they don't seem to have a problem getting off....if fact if anything...several have the "getting there a little tooo quick" problem...

Don't think they miss that piece of skin one bit...

I never asked any of my guy friends... that would be slightly wierd...

The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds, given adequate vacuuming systems.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 4:15 PM



Originally posted by DEVERSE:

You and Riv have wandered outside the established chat paramiters...DANGER WILL ROBINSON!!

Just kiddin'

XXX to ya both!

To the rest of the people here in RWED, these are two of the best FFans you'll ever meet...

Go easy on 'em, like


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 4:29 PM



Originally posted by m52nickerson:

Originally posted by mal4prez:
The only thing that could come close to deciding the matter is the observations of men who have experienced life both ways.

Not really. Getting a circumcision later in life in nowhere near the same as having on just after birth.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.

Hmm. I have no penis, so I can't really know. But the scientist in me says we can't really know unless we get the input of individuals who have experienced sex (and other things, like hygiene) with and without a foreskin. Otherwise, this 10% versus 90% stuff is pure nonsense.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 4:38 PM




Originally posted by mal4prez:
Hmm. I have no penis, so I can't really know. But the scientist in me says we can only really know if we get the input of individuals who have experienced sex (and other things, like hygiene) with and without a foreskin. Otherwise, this 10% versus 90% stuff is pure nonsense.

We can get the input from those people, with the understanding that their experience is still going to be different from that of a man who was circumcised as an infant. You have to remember children heal much faster and better than adults. I also believe that keratinization of the gland in infants is a bit different than that of adults.

Now there have been studies that have shown that intact men do have more sensitive penises than circumcised men. Even with that more sensation does not equal more please. There are plenty of women who can't stand direct stimulation of the clitoris. Some men do not like direct stimulation of the gland.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 4:53 PM



Originally posted by m52nickerson:

Originally posted by mal4prez:
Hmm. I have no penis, so I can't really know. But the scientist in me says we can only really know if we get the input of individuals who have experienced sex (and other things, like hygiene) with and without a foreskin. Otherwise, this 10% versus 90% stuff is pure nonsense.

We can get the input from those people, with the understanding that their experience is still going to be different from that of a man who was circumcised as an infant. You have to remember children heal much faster and better than adults. I also believe that keratinization of the gland in infants is a bit different than that of adults.

Now there have been studies that have shown that intact men do have more sensitive penises than circumcised men. Even with that more sensation does not equal more please. There are plenty of women who can't stand direct stimulation of the clitoris. Some men do not like direct stimulation of the gland.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.

That's the idea I have, picked up by little bits and pieces of info over the years. Uncut seems to be more sensitive, but not to the extent the cut means numb. Far from it, in my experience.

It would be informative to have some kind of direct comparison, even as limited as that must be. Some men out there must have something to say.

Anyway, cut men are hardly swearing off sex. It doesn't seem that they've lost so very much.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 5:02 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Sex is mostly between the ears.

I am cut, my son is not. There didn't seem to be any compelling reason beyond custom to have the procedure.

I'm kind of glad I didn't do it. It can be up to him, and there are indeed doctors who will do the job on adults who request it.

Really, though, I can't imagine a person of value who would leave a lover because of such a detail. And if they would put the breaks on intimacy because of it, it's probably for the best that such a pair never had intercourse anyway.


Note to Self:
Raptor - women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.
Never forget what these men are.
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 5:21 PM



Originally posted by ANTHONYT:

Really, though, I can't imagine a person of value who would leave a lover because of such a detail. And if they would put the breaks on intimacy because of it, it's probably for the best that such a pair never had intercourse anyway.


Sex is pretty important to most relationships, I hear. And I don't think a person should be deemed "valueless" for things they find attractive or not. I don't think a lot of that is up to us. Some people have balloon sexual fetishes, or foot fetishes...I don't get either one, and I may find them odd, but I don't BLAME them for what they like as long as they ain't hurting other people...


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 5:30 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Sex is pretty important to most relationships, I hear. And I don't think a person should be deemed "valueless" for things they find attractive or not. I don't think a lot of that is up to us. Some people have balloon sexual fetishes, or foot fetishes...I don't get either one, and I may find them odd, but I don't BLAME them for what they like as long as they ain't hurting other people...


Sex is pretty important to most people involved in sexual relationships. So I wonder what value you think should be held for such a person in that context?

Try to imagine falling in love with someone and getting intimate only to be shut down and told your vagina is too unattractive for copulation. How much value would you place on this person in the context of your relationship? Would you still value them as a romantic partner?

I also find it rather shallow to be attracted to someone, connect with them enough to have sex, then find the shape of their genitals offputting for some superficial aesthetic and then reject the person. I don't even think I'd want to be friends with such an individual, so I can't imagine any interpersonal value I'd assign to them. I rather think I'd be awfully emotionally hurt.


Note to Self:
Raptor - women who want to control their reproductive processes are sluts.
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.
Never forget what these men are.
“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 6:19 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I think parents should choose which ever they want. I'm not opposed to circumsision, the guys who don't have their forskin still dig sexin' so I doubt that the loss is felt too keenly, they still have buckets o fun.

My little brother, adopted, wasn't circumsized, but when he came to live with us we had to have it done, he was newly 4 at the time, he was constantly getting infected etc. But my little nephews aren't circumsized and they haven't had any trouble so far. If I had a boychild (by accident since I'm not having babies) I would probably get it done for convenience sake in hygeine, but if people could be convincing enough I might not. I think its about 50 50 these days on it, possibly even more boys not having it done now.

I have Kathy Bates on speed dial, mwa ha ha ha (in exaggeratedly evil voice)

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 6:44 PM



Originally posted by ANTHONYT:

I also find it rather shallow to be attracted to someone, connect with them enough to have sex, then find the shape of their genitals offputting for some superficial aesthetic and then reject the person.

For once Riona has hit the nail on the head, it's not completely about aesthetics, for me, I've always equated uncircumsized to "Harboring Bacteria." Especially because I'm sensative. And then there's the whole "Sex with that alien thing below yer waist? I don't think so" I don't think it is something I COULD get past, since a relationship would mean I would be fighting down my repulsion regularly. Fortunately, that never came up. For what it's worth, If I felt a relationship was important enough, I would consider body modification. You still rot the same way when yer dead, so I don't much care what I do to it now...

Oh, and it is ALWAYS a good idea to discuss such things BEFORE intimacy, along with "Are all your organs what you dress like, and do you have any extra bits I should know about??? Interestingly enough, multiple penises (penii??)on one person sound fun, just as long as they are all pretty
Heh heh heh.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 6:55 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

A Wish a chara,
I think we agree on things more often than either of us would like to admit. :)))

Anthony, I guess its all okay because Wish's husband is circumsized, and that's the only person's anatomy that really matters to her I'd reckon. So its all okay. But yeah, I think people would talk about it before they got ready to have sex?

I have Kathy Bates on speed dial, mwa ha ha ha (in exaggeratedly evil voice)

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 8:55 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

So how many of you guys aren't or have *cough* friends that aren't? Do you know anyone that is circumcised and regrets it? 'Cause I think all of the guys I know ARE and they don't seem to have a problem getting off....if fact if anything...several have the "getting there a little tooo quick" problem...

Don't think they miss that piece of skin one bit...

Circumcision is not usually practiced here anymore, unless you are Jewish. So most males under 30 would still have their foreskin, whereas older males do not.

If it is not necessary, then why do it? Really the medical arguments do not hold up, you just have to learn basic hygiene. This about tradition and expectations about appearance, and the same discussions are had re female circumcision, but do not hold up to logic either.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012 9:04 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Oh, and it is ALWAYS a good idea to discuss such things BEFORE intimacy, along with "Are all your organs what you dress like, and do you have any extra bits I should know about??? Interestingly enough, multiple penises (penii??)on one person sound fun,

I'm with Anthony on this one. I think that would be a really gross conversation and I would run a mile if someone asked me intimate details like these before I was intimate with them.

I have had partners who have both scenarios, so it clearly is not on my list of important priorities.


Thursday, June 28, 2012 3:16 AM



Originally posted by DEVERSE:
My understanding of making such a decision is similar to M52NICKERSON's. No real overwhelming proof of one side over the other, and really, its a personal decision - or should be.

I agree that it should be a personal decision. But I think it's fair that the courts decided that the person in question is the child, not the parents.


As for the court decision - I guess senile old men wearing dresses and making idiotic decisions isn't exclusive to North American Supreme Courts.
"The fundamental right of the child to bodily integrity outweighed the fundamental rights of the parents"
"This change (of body integrity) contravenes the interests of the child to decide later on his religious beliefs."

Say what?

So now the state is in charge of making any and all such decisions until the child becomes of legal age? Good grief. I suppose they expect a child who wants this done to practice their religious freedom will now have to make an application to the court or will the child have to wait til they are "legal" adult age? Must be awful slow in the German Courts.
Of course, how many Doctors will be willing to do this on an adult?

How does placing priority on the child's physical integrity equal all decision-making being taken away from the parents? It's one very specific decision that is affected. Because it causes an irreversibel change in the child's body. An infant or toddler cannot voice any kind of reasoned input in this decision. An older child or teenager can. That's the important part. It's not about restricting the rights of parents but elevating the rights of children.

And there are plenty of doctors willing to do the procedure on an adult. It's a routine procedure and with an adult there is zero legal ambiguity.


Thursday, June 28, 2012 3:19 AM



thank you very much for the list of complications. I really appreciate it.


Thursday, June 28, 2012 3:39 AM


I think it's immoral whether it's done to men or women. Religious people can go right on doing it if they want, and I can go right on thinking it's barbaric.

That said, I'm out of here before my "blarg what did I just read" reaction sets in.


Thursday, June 28, 2012 7:46 AM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I guess I should specify that I'm never okay with doing it to females because the express purpose is to make sex no fun for them, which is mean. But men who are circumsized still have rutting fun so I don't see it as a problem for them. BTW I don't reckon you'd find too many adults who volentarily go in to have it done, the point of getting it done when you're young is that it doesn't hurt as bad, you won't remember it anyway and your body will adapt normally, whereas when you have it done as an adult it might indeed decrease your pleasure enough to matter.

I have Kathy Bates on speed dial, mwa ha ha ha (in exaggeratedly evil voice)

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya.


Thursday, June 28, 2012 8:05 AM


But even if circumsized men still have enough fun, how is it fair to make that choice for a kid? Why do parents get to decide how much pleasure decrease is okay?

There are studies that show that women who have had even the severest form of FGM done to them can still orgasm (though it's obviously much harder to achieve, methinks, and possibly rare) so medical complications aside, this makes it a matter of degrees of pleasure that are permitted to be taken away.

The ease with which this aspect of the subject is dismissed makes me a little uncomfortable. Sexual pleasure may be easier for men, but that doesn't mean involuntary reduction of it is not a form of violation. Even if the kid never knows the difference. If they did, as you say, they might reasonably not choose the procedure.


Thursday, June 28, 2012 12:07 PM



the point of getting it done when you're young is that it doesn't hurt as bad, you won't remember it anyway and your body will adapt normally

I would like to point out that "you won't remember this anyway" is not the best justification for non-consensual surgery ever.


Thursday, June 28, 2012 6:06 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:
I've always though a penis should be retractable and that women should have "loading bay doors" that open and close... Would fix a few things like it would make rape a hellofa lot harder to carry out...

S'funny - I got asked by one of my friends adult offspring as a snark, when detatching my prosthetics on the couch if *that* was detatchable too...
I just grinned and said "some assembly required" - she STILL breaks out in giggles when she hears those words.



Thursday, June 28, 2012 7:01 PM



Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:

S'funny - I got asked by one of my friends adult offspring as a snark, when detatching my prosthetics on the couch if *that* was detatchable too...
I just grinned and said "some assembly required" - she STILL breaks out in giggles when she hears those words.

Reminds me of a I think Drew Carrey skit?? They said "Sex is kinda like Battlebots..."
"You mean I just flip her over and bang her until her bits fly off?"
"Yep, just like that"


Thursday, May 13, 2021 6:35 AM


4th and fifth wave feminism is a mental illness

Cut, mutilate and snip and cut, and women's logic? Nobody remember stores of people dying from needless surgical procedure? Nobody remembered that story of Dity Dancing Jennifer Grey who went to a doc to better her face but then nobody in Hollyweird recognized her....although Mickey Rourke was doing this crazy mad stuff too maybe because he got his face smashed up by a Boxer. Men and Women in this surgical madness, then of course the religion types that mutilate their own kids?
We are in an era when women all by themself, reading fashion magazines 24/7 then go to 'a doctor' getting cut open, bo-tox, things injected into their ass because they think its going to improve them? Bree Walker looking like a creature, Jackson gone from Black to White Zombie, all the guys and girls cut open for a new fake plastic face?
Promote it a tv show by Warner Bros Nip/Tuck it ran for what 5, maybe 6 or 7 seasons? I can say I never watched one single episode and if it happened to be on the idiot box tv when I was channel flicking I probably watched no more than 20 seconds.
How about all those stories of Worst Celebrity Plastic Surgery or people dying for a needless operation?
We are now told by Hollyweird and Pornography that one penis looks better, how long before the Turk or French Arab or someones takes over a show and says one vagina 'looks better'?

While some chop chop mutilate mutilate cut cut because of... aesthetics?..... the same crazy feminists cutting their own self, feminists who hated men for telling them they dont look great 24/7
The same people who comment and I QUOTE - "soggy grilled cheese sandwhich" and the "misshapen tortilla"...
It's a wonder people get it on at all...
Were the same types like Ellen Page or social media reddits Ellen Pao's, Ellen Pompeos, Ellen Sandweiss, Ellen DeGeneres and other feminists who put a film director Brett Ratner in the same criminal jail cell as Epstein or Ghislaine Maxwell because he once made a comment about the look of a vagina or a 'flappy pussy'...I dont know if RushHour/Xmen director is a pervert or a criminal but a random comment about a flappy pussy doesnt seem to be the same level of crime as Epstein's pedophiliia and human trafficking.
Ellen Page born a crazy female but maybe not female anymore btw is now mutilating itself into some he / her / it tranny thing

The perverted woman WISHIMAY unless she's an actual prostitute looking at dicks 24/7 she admits she likes to only watch Jewish Produced Pornography by the Jew smut merchant and likes to look at Jewish Penis and cocks?
The weird thing remember when she DEFENDED human trafficking, drug abuse and PORNHUB when news here was breaking about sites like MindGeek and Pornhub which removed a majority of its content -- millions of explicit videos after many of the videos turned out to be underage???
You should one day follow the money have a look at who connects to who in these 'entertainment' media companies from California and Canada.
Anyone remember her supporting Pornhub, Jewish pornography industry and other American Canadaian and other foreign websites pushing degeneracy and addictions and smut with their weird pedo Epstein-ish media policy?

We knew this Feminist poster was crazy and couldn't care if a kids genitals were cut and abused and damaged, little children btw.
In Jewish faith the women are happy to see the boys get their genitals mutilated and cut, in Muzzie faith the men are happy to see the girls get their genitals mutilated and cut.
The biggest illustration was her screeching and ranting because one of the muslim San Bernardino bombers and shooters had a 'CUNT' ... It was just insane! She screamed at everyone on firefly fans because one of her terrorists turned out to be a woman...the rant made zero sense... imagine some weirdo woman hating dude, a nasty man worshiping attacking women's rights 24/7 then flips out loses his mind against the world because he finds out some Radical Feminist andy warhol shooter had a DICK, a Penis, so he goes insane and lost his mind, and his neighbors have to ring up the police and mental hospital and councilor and mayor charity meeting help groups and therapy because he has totally lost his mind over some political thing...this kind of confused political nonsense is hard to imagine even in our current stupid clownworld, but she lost her mind because one terrorist she wanted to rant about turned out to be the wrong sex.
The original poster did not care about kids getting their genitals damaged and cut because she hated one sex gender and preferred one sex against another that she simply Hated, perhaps 'Misandry' because she hated another sex irrationally.

Both Jewish weirdos and Muzzie Islamist weirdos mutilate the genitals of little children, sometimes diseased Rabbi who have been with prostitutes in New York and other US cities abuse kids when they bite the Foreskins off kids.
There is a solution its called wash your dick, water, soap, have a bath, take a shower.
hundreds are dying across the world, many, many American little abused and face needless deaths by weirdo religious child abusers in their weird genital mutilation rituals.
There might be some weird ritual from way back when Muzzies and Arabs and Jews in the desert didnt have clean water to wash themselves, so they would cut bits off themself to have less to wash?
Today kids are abused and die because of these child abuse religious rituals.

Both Jews and Muzzies have certain texts or Tawrat books which are sacred and offending these texts can make them physically jump up and down and have hissy fits.

Both have strong concepts about what is taboo, harem, sinful, kosher, what specific rituals are ritually correct for example the animal torture slaughter of animals to eat, also known as kashrut or proper.
Shellfish are seen as ritually impure.
The men and women in both religious are typically segregated by sex during worship.
Both outright deny certain Christian claims on Jesus, they deny and reject certain claims about Christianity and Jesus Christ, they reject him being a Divine Holy Prophet and Part of God but they perhaps believe he is a Magical Prophet...both Jews and Muzzies while accepting what Jesus did they both seem to have some sort of confusion as to who or what Jesus is.
Both are expected to do their Arabia prayers a number of times a day
Both bob their heads at some floor or wall, both have to wear their caps or hats on their heads while they attend prayer

Both had oral Law Religion transmissions, legal and oral Religious Laws for generations before being committed to writing.

Both Muzzies and Jews share the same torture rituals they do on animals

They both hate that they can smell bacon in the streets of America, an American eating Pork, for example, is avoided, because pork is “not kosher.”

Both the Jewish Open Border Zealot and the Mohammedan Islamist Jihadi lobby for open borders in the West

The same leftwings in their own confused asking for Open Borders, to flood the West with cultures that hate women, abuse boys and girls, push extremism and do not share Western Democratic values.
Muzzies and Jews while similar and sometimes helping each other with similar religious ethno invasion human smuggler agendas they both also have many points on which they conflict and fight and go to war with each other
They also do not share values, while at the same time sharing many values. The problems they are having in the Middle East will simply be exported or imported into the West.

Here are a mob of recently imported Turkish, Algerians, Arabs, Iranians, Pakistani and North Africans, recent immigrants screaming out
"Scheiß Jude"
Which probably translates as SHIT ON JEWS .... or Fuck the Jew or something... so after all the Open Border Leftwings feats on islamist refugees and immigration and asylum for jihads
I dont speak German so can anyone confirm what they say???

and are the Neo-Feminists watching any of this

Women with Ugly Personalities talking about Filth and Supporting it like its Weimar Germany and the Fall of Babylon around the corner
...foreign mobs ranting and calling for violence in the Street

Nobody seen it coming?

We are back to the 1930s when mobs of people are calling for the hunt on Jews, and it wont stop there soon they will come for the gays, then feminists.


Thursday, May 13, 2021 10:02 AM


In related news... Pink haired Twitter weirdos are calling for Gal Gadot to be replaced as Wonder Woman because she referred to Palestinians as "neighbors" in a tweet and did not actually name them.

Context: She was calling for peace and love.

Context 2: Every citizen of Israel is mandated to serve 2 years in the IDF, but that doesn't stop the fat, useless, unloved Twitter mob from saying that Gal is a Pro-Israel war monger who hates Palestinians.

And until this story came out yesterday, I didn't even know Gal Gadot was Jewish, let alone a crowned Israeli beauty queen in the mid 2000's before she was a movie star here.

Did I mention I'm so over this ridiculous reality?

I don't even like Gal Gadot as a person, but c'mon.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Thursday, May 13, 2021 10:22 AM


Jewish like to mutilate the penis of little kids

A time machine, let's go back.... No 'Pearl Harbor' yet... No Jewish porn merchants and Israeli Judean human smugglers and money launderers in America .... No Second World War...German emperor, Kaisers.

What if the USA avoided WW1
Would a Germanic Empire be attempting to give out Laws and Rules in the Middle East

If America avoided war would it have gained those technologies?
or would a new VonBraun have come along, a Libertarian Österreich JFK guy in some Germany land have come along and wanted to claim the Moon and Stars just in case some other Empire like like a Great Russian Empire, a Britannia or an Imperial France were to claim it first with their ships and rockets?

People died in the sandbox for thousands of years and its possible people will die there for many years more
Like a single tv show epsidoe stuck on re-run again and again or ...An old broken vinyl phonograph record stuck on repeat


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Pink haired Twitter weirdos are calling for Gal Gadot to be replaced

Free Speech may be dead

It's like the Mohammedans, the Feminists, the Marxists, the Antifas, the LGBTs, the BLMs, the Islamists, the Bolseviks all combined into one giant confused twitter outrage mob for hire.

Social media banned a sitting US President
censoring and deleting some actor or actress or media person will be much easier.


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Every citizen of Israel is mandated to serve 2 years in the IDF

Not all of them do, you do know not all of them serve?
You do know they have old religion type crazy ones causing religious trouble get a pass you know those very Jewish looking ones with long beards and blacks hats, the ones that get US police to follow them around as servants and Servicemen follow them around to change batteries and push buttons for them because something in the religion says they cant touch electronics...maybe a weird sect of Torah Talmudic Babylon Judaism or maybe soemthing is not Kosher about Electricity on Shabbat you know those Sikrikim of NYC and Israel, You know the ones biting the Foreskins off kids, you know a radical group of ultra-Orthodox Jews wearing Long Black Dress and moving into Palestine backyards and then claiming it, going into some other person's garden and building on someone else's front Yard and claim that land as theirs while getting the Tanks and Military to come in and back them up?
all the clever ones avoid also some legal excuse, some jump overseas for some random kind of work or study, some try to get into a job that's too important to way away from child minding maybe security maybe some random medical thing, some about to get called to serve are suddenly and currently living abroad so a good 60 to maybe 70 maybe 65% find ways to avoid military service
The crazy religion ones causing trouble, who preach to destroy, kill, defeat those who are not 'chosen people' these trouble religion ones automatically avoid service.

That mandatory military service, like Israel is sometimes not a good thing because stupid ones, drug addicts, those near-criminals in a bar fight after some booze, babbling hard to command crazy ones...a bullet misses its target a missile fired back instead blasts up some house owned by a Palestinian family, force them to service your rank suddenly gets filled with ones that are too dumb, too smart, too crazy for their own good.
at one time the US military would do tests on people, they use IQ testing to determine potential recruits' cognitive abilities, check people's personality to see which ones might be useful
...perhaps better than the days of a Vietnam War Draft
The US today has a Professional Army, the 'Conscripts' and forced service in other nations is something most of the US military brass itself doesn't and wouldn't want.

You know all those Guys Dress in Black Long Beards, and their Lobby in the White house that would surround Bush Snr, Clinton, and their friends in Black Dress and Black Coats and Black Pants and Long Bears in know None of them have to serve in Israel?

Do you know none of these Troublesome Religious ones have to Serve?

History asks who claimed and bleeds on that land?
The old Assyrian, Babylon subject and citizens, Israelite, Greek, Persian, Macedonian, the neo Jewish, the neo muslim of Palestine, the Britrish Crusader, the Ottoman Turk, the Vedic Hindu Indian, Byzantine, Roman, Egyptian
'This Land Is Mine'?

It might even pre-date histories so How many tribes can you count claimed that place, invaded it, fucked it over, were born, were attacked, were breed and died in that place?

maybe that toon was the only thing that made sense...a cartoon
with a song

and...the Heavens, maybe the stars are calling America
The the Modern Israeli Jewish and the Muslim Arab of Palestine will come and go
but Who will take Mars, Saturn, Titan, the Moon, Neptune...will it be Japan or Russia or the United States of America or China or some Neo Corporation Nation?
Who will leave their city in the stars while others put so much time, money and energy fighting over the shithole that is the Middle East?


Thursday, May 13, 2021 1:56 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Just to get back to the OP for a moment ... I see TWITCHY was carrying around a giant double standard for YEARS. It makes me tired, just thinking about her lugging around all of that agrievement, hate, hypocrisy, and double-think for so long.

I hope she has a "come to Jesus" moment, or the equivalent, and sheds all of that burden now that she's been scared away into some time-out.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Thursday, May 13, 2021 2:08 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Jewish like to mutilate the penis of little kids

A time machine, let's go back.... No 'Pearl Harbor' yet... No Jewish porn merchants and Israeli Judean human smugglers and money launderers in America .... No Second World War...German emperor, Kaisers.

What if the USA avoided WW1
Would a Germanic Empire be attempting to give out Laws and Rules in the Middle East

If America avoided war would it have gained those technologies?
or would a new VonBraun have come along, a Libertarian Österreich JFK guy in some Germany land have come along and wanted to claim the Moon and Stars just in case some other Empire like like a Great Russian Empire, a Britannia or an Imperial France were to claim it first with their ships and rockets?

People died in the sandbox for thousands of years and its possible people will die there for many years more
Like a single tv show epsidoe stuck on re-run again and again or ...An old broken vinyl phonograph record stuck on repeat


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Pink haired Twitter weirdos are calling for Gal Gadot to be replaced

Free Speech may be dead

It's like the Mohammedans, the Feminists, the Marxists, the Antifas, the LGBTs, the BLMs, the Islamists, the Bolseviks all combined into one giant confused twitter outrage mob for hire.

Social media banned a sitting US President
censoring and deleting some actor or actress or media person will be much easier.


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Every citizen of Israel is mandated to serve 2 years in the IDF

Not all of them do, you do know not all of them serve?
You do know they have old religion type crazy ones causing religious trouble get a pass you know those very Jewish looking ones with long beards and blacks hats, the ones that get US police to follow them around as servants and Servicemen follow them around to change batteries and push buttons for them because something in the religion says they cant touch electronics...maybe a weird sect of Torah Talmudic Babylon Judaism or maybe soemthing is not Kosher about Electricity on Shabbat you know those Sikrikim of NYC and Israel, You know the ones biting the Foreskins off kids, you know a radical group of ultra-Orthodox Jews wearing Long Black Dress and moving into Palestine backyards and then claiming it, going into some other person's garden and building on someone else's front Yard and claim that land as theirs while getting the Tanks and Military to come in and back them up?
all the clever ones avoid also some legal excuse, some jump overseas for some random kind of work or study, some try to get into a job that's too important to way away from child minding maybe security maybe some random medical thing, some about to get called to serve are suddenly and currently living abroad so a good 60 to maybe 70 maybe 65% find ways to avoid military service
The crazy religion ones causing trouble, who preach to destroy, kill, defeat those who are not 'chosen people' these trouble religion ones automatically avoid service.

That mandatory military service, like Israel is sometimes not a good thing because stupid ones, drug addicts, those near-criminals in a bar fight after some booze, babbling hard to command crazy ones...a bullet misses its target a missile fired back instead blasts up some house owned by a Palestinian family, force them to service your rank suddenly gets filled with ones that are too dumb, too smart, too crazy for their own good.
at one time the US military would do tests on people, they use IQ testing to determine potential recruits' cognitive abilities, check people's personality to see which ones might be useful
...perhaps better than the days of a Vietnam War Draft
The US today has a Professional Army, the 'Conscripts' and forced service in other nations is something most of the US military brass itself doesn't and wouldn't want.

You know all those Guys Dress in Black Long Beards, and their Lobby in the White house that would surround Bush Snr, Clinton, and their friends in Black Dress and Black Coats and Black Pants and Long Bears in know None of them have to serve in Israel?

Do you know none of these Troublesome Religious ones have to Serve?

History asks who claimed and bleeds on that land?
The old Assyrian, Babylon subject and citizens, Israelite, Greek, Persian, Macedonian, the neo Jewish, the neo muslim of Palestine, the Britrish Crusader, the Ottoman Turk, the Vedic Hindu Indian, Byzantine, Roman, Egyptian
'This Land Is Mine'?

It might even pre-date histories so How many tribes can you count claimed that place, invaded it, fucked it over, were born, were attacked, were breed and died in that place?

maybe that toon was the only thing that made sense...a cartoon
with a song

and...the Heavens, maybe the stars are calling America
The the Modern Israeli Jewish and the Muslim Arab of Palestine will come and go
but Who will take Mars, Saturn, Titan, the Moon, Neptune...will it be Japan or Russia or the United States of America or China or some Neo Corporation Nation?
Who will leave their city in the stars while others put so much time, money and energy fighting over the shithole that is the Middle East?

Wow, you could have said that in far fewer words.

Yes, the Ultra Orthodox Jews ... the dreadlocked, black-hatted, black-frocked, long-bearded ones who bite the foreskin off babies ... the troublemakers who build on Palestinian farms and homes and then get the military to back them up ... don't have to serve in the IDF.

But then, the Israeli government puts up with that.

I used to work with a Jew who went to Israel to visit, and -according to him - the problem with (almost) everyone having to serve in the IDF is that if they haven't been brainwashed into hating Palestinians by then, they definitely WILL be by the time they leave service. They see themselves as riot police, not soldiers.

I see them as more like jailers. Israel has created the largest open-air prison in history, even bigger than the Warsaw ghetto. Which jailer doesn't come to both hate and fear his/her captives? And yet, Jews still manage to bleat about the horrors of WWII and continue to paint themselves as victims.

Also- according to him- everyone in Israel knows that the reason Israel still occupies the Golan heights has nothing to do with stretegic advantage, but water. Israel is basically stealing water.

AFA many peoples fighting over the same land -the same could be said of Europe. If Europe were to accomodate ALL of the claims from ALL of the nations and ethnic groups who used to occupy one piece of territory or another, it would have to be five times bigger than it is now.

That's what happens when you have unstable borders and mass migrations in recent history. The British set up a LOT of problems when they ceded their former Empire by drawing boundaries right thru ethnic, tribal, religious, and language groups. It was a case of "divide and conquer". Or more like: create unstable nations from unnatural groupings so they'll never get their shit together and become viable and a threat. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kashmir, much of the Middle East (parted out between the British and French when the Ottoman Empire fell after WWI) all suffer from that.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.