The High Price of Telling the Truth About Islam

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Sunday, July 1, 2012 3:07 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Radical Buddhists didn't fly any jet planes into sky scrapers.

Radical Baptists didn't kill 350 school children in Beslan, Russia.

Radical Jews didn't go on a shooting spree in Mumbai

Radical Scientiologists didn't blow up tourists in Bali.

Radical Wiccans didn't murder Theo Van Gogh

Radical Methodist didn't blow up 1500 year old statues of Buddha.

Radical Hindus didn't murder Olympic athletes in the '72 Summer games.

I could go on all day, but I doubt the message could be made any more clear. There is one and only one religion which follows the word " radical " in each and every one of those examples.

Radical Muslims didn't kill 100,000+ civilians in a "shock and awe*" campaign in a totally baseless "war of choice". If you're interested in the truth... and I know you're not... and if you are simply balancing the scales of dead on one side versus dead on the other, we are by far the worst terrorists in the world, bar none.

*"Shock and awe" by any definition is an act of terror, since it uses terror (shock and awe, fear and dread) in the form of relentless killing of civilians to attain a political goal (installing a regime more to our liking).

I had a funny moment when I went back East to help out with my aging mom. My uncle- a retired police sergeant (BTW his son, my cousin, is a high mucky-muck in ICE, so that part of the family is definitely well-establish in Homeland Security) - gave me a hug and asked me how I was doing and how airport security was. So I said, well, OK, except they're using back-scatter radiation now, and it's not like I need the extra radiation. And he laughed and said "Airport security, it's out of control" and as part of the same hug and ironic laugh, added "Al Qaida, they're gonna win". I have to say, I was shocked. Because even he, a small-town cop in bumfuck NY, realizes that our reaction to Al Qaida ... the money we have spent in feckless wars and "Homeland Security" and the rights we have given up in order to be ass-probed and monitored like never before ... has done more damage than anything Al Qaida could have hoped to inflict by themselves.


Oh, BTW KIKI, congrats on getting rappy to (once again) make a total shit-stain of himself. My god, you'd think the guy would learn!

Rappy has never shown any ability to learn. Today is like every other in that regard.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I've not watched the video either, or am incapable of intellectually dealing with the substance of this thread, so I'll instead act like a juvenile and claim victory..." - Rappy


Sunday, July 1, 2012 3:11 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

And the wars with Iraq had nothing to do with Christianity, so the 'shock and awe' nonsense is a complete non sequitur.
So ONLY killing people in the name of religion counts? Therefore we shouldn't be upset if Obama were to decide to... say... drone-attack the leaders of the Tea Party? And if a whole bunch of innocent civilians get killed in the process (aside from the targets, that is) that doesn't count either because it wasn't "intended"?

Wow, you are an idiot. You've just voided any complaint that you might make about Obama, including so-called "death panels", because if it's not intended or done in the name of religion, clearly it's of no consequence.

Collateral damage, he calls it. Rappy says it's fine to kill innocent folks if you were trying to get bad guys. No big deal at all.

So by that rationale, Wall Street is now classified as a target-rich environment, much the same way Fort Hood was deemed (and in fact WAS) a legitimate target by al-Qaeda. A few folks get caught in the crossfire, but you were targeting the bad ones, so it's all good. That is Rappy's official position on the matter, according to his own words.


Do you really intend for us to take you seriously? Clearly not; your arguments don't even pass logic 101. At this point, I just poke at you for fun, 'cause you get all exercised the spittle starts flying. I wonder if you'll run way from THIS thread TOO!

Yes to poking the monkey, and of course he'll run away. It's the only thing he's known for around here!

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I've not watched the video either, or am incapable of intellectually dealing with the substance of this thread, so I'll instead act like a juvenile and claim victory..." - Rappy


Monday, July 2, 2012 4:01 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

RAPPY, you're a smart guy. You can take any single fact and any kind of logic, and twist it into a pretzel to match your concerns. In this case, specifically about 'radical Islam'. I agree with you that radical Islam is "a" problem... maybe not the biggest one in my book, but certainly on my list.

But let's assume that you're correct: that radical Islam is a MAJOR problem.

Now, if you were intent on solving this problem, how do you suppose we should BEST go about it?

Well, we could certainly attempt to bomb, shoot, or missile all leaders and any followers who were close enough to be killed. But imagine it from the other side (if possible): Would you really abandon your Tea Party beliefs if Limbaugh were to be killed, especially if he was killed by Obama?

Or would your anger and resolution simply grow white-hot? After all, your true spiritual leader (Ayn Rand) is dead, and that hasn't stopped YOU from following her precepts, has it? And killing the tactical leaders of today would only make you burn hotter, would it not?

Your chosen strategy not only is doomed to fail, it is doomed to make things WORSE. So if your strategy is a for-sure failure, why not change it?


Monday, July 2, 2012 7:40 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Only a small percentage of Muslims are radical; of those, only a tinier percent would be willing to be ACTIVELY radical; of those, an even tinier percentage of those would have the ability or connections to DO anything about it. But that tiny percent is enough for Raptor to obsess about constantly.

When you think of all the things in this world which can kill you, I'm afraid Islamist terrorism is pretty low on MY list. Obviously it's at the top of Raptor's list, so let him enjoy his paranoia. No logic will change it anway, so why bother? It apparently gives him a purpose in life (along with regurgitating everything negative he can find about Dems, Obama, "lefties", and anyone/anything else that doesn't swallow the propaganda he does).


Monday, July 2, 2012 8:44 AM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I have to agree with Raptor that, currently, radical Islam seems to be responsable for more "terroristic" acts than other things. Not to say that its always been that way, just that it is that way right now. So I think its a problem. I don't know how to fix the problem though because you can't stop people from believing things. And you can't stop all splinter groups in other countries from doing things there. But I do think its something to pay attention to and not pretend it isn't happening. That being said there are lots of other things going wrong that we need to pay attention to as well, but I don't think we should ignore this one. since its kind of obvious, to me at least.

I have Kathy Bates on speed dial, mwa ha ha ha (in exaggeratedly evil voice)

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya.


Monday, July 2, 2012 11:21 AM


Be careful what you are agreeing with, Rione. Rap isn't talking about 'radical Islam' - note the title of the thread. he abhors Islam the religion, per se. He sees it as a violent, wicked religion, and believes EVERY Muslim has the heart of a violent terrorist. That's why I argue with him.

If you were to discuss the rise in fanaticism in the Muslim world, I'm likely to agree. I'm not sure that it is as big a concern for my life as many would make out, but that doesn't mean it doesn't concern me.

But do I stop mosques being built in my neighborhood? No more than I would protest the construction of a church or synagogue,


Monday, July 2, 2012 11:24 AM


America loves a winner!

It's stunning at how mind numbingly clueless some folks are when it comes to military tactics. Yes, there absolutely is an element of 'terror' when attacking a sovereign nation like the US did w/ Iraq. That's because it's called WAR. And as long as man has waged war, the element of fear is going to go hand in hand w/ any military action. No shit, morons.

But you simplistic , naive mental midgets want to equate the pin point accuracy used in Shock and Awe in Iraq with the fire bombing that the Allies employed in Germany and Japan.

If any of you pin heads ever KNEW about history, you'd be embarrassed at what you've posted so far. But, alas, your Dunning Kruger dunce caps are fitted nice and tightly on your noggins. Bravo.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Monday, July 2, 2012 12:08 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:

It's stunning at how mind numbingly clueless some folks are when it comes to military tactics. Yes, there absolutely is an element of 'terror' when attacking a sovereign nation like the US did w/ Iraq. That's because it's called WAR. And as long as man has waged war, the element of fear is going to go hand in hand w/ any military action. No shit, morons.

But you simplistic , naive mental midgets want to equate the pin point accuracy used in Shock and Awe in Iraq with the fire bombing that the Allies employed in Germany and Japan.

If any of you pin heads ever KNEW about history, you'd be embarrassed at what you've posted so far. But, alas, your Dunning Kruger dunce caps are fitted nice and tightly on your noggins. Bravo.

Are you saying one should not compare tactics, even to point out differences? Did anyone here specifically say that one was exactly the same as the other?

I know you like to believe whatever you're told by the right-wing media, but "pin point accuracy" does not exist. That "pin point accuracy" has resulted in the deaths of well over a hundred thousand Iraqi civilians. That number might be well under what the firebombing of places like Dresden and Tokyo wrought, but it's also far higher than the civilian death toll "radical Muslims" have racked up in the U.S.

If you think that there's only one side that's piling up civilian casualties far outstripping the military aims of the war, you're right. The U.S. is definitely doing that.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I've not watched the video either, or am incapable of intellectually dealing with the substance of this thread, so I'll instead act like a juvenile and claim victory..." - Rappy


Monday, July 2, 2012 12:21 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Kwicko:

That number might be well under what the firebombing of places like Dresden and Tokyo wrought, but it's also far higher than the civilian death toll "radical Muslims" have racked up in the U.S.

And there you have it, comparing apples to oranges.

We weren't TRYING to kill civilians, the Muslim terrorists were.

We didn't declare war on the 'non believers' of Christ. Religion had zero to do w/ our attacking of Iraq.

Where do you think said Jihadists would set off a dirty bomb, given a choice, between a naval yard, where any random US warship may be docked, or in Times Square ?

Game, set, match.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Monday, July 2, 2012 12:36 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

It's stunning at how mind numbingly clueless some folks are when it comes to military tactics. Yes, there absolutely is an element of 'terror' when attacking a sovereign nation like the US did w/ Iraq. That's because it's called WAR. And as long as man has waged war, the element of fear is going to go hand in hand w/ any military action. No shit, morons.

But you simplistic , naive mental midgets want to equate the pin point accuracy used in Shock and Awe in Iraq with the fire bombing that the Allies employed in Germany and Japan.

If any of you pin heads ever KNEW about history, you'd be embarrassed at what you've posted so far. But, alas, your Dunning Kruger dunce caps are fitted nice and tightly on your noggins. Bravo.

I do know about history, and the only posts that embarrass me are yours so far. You are the one who is comparing modern shock and awe tactics with blitzkreig tactics used both both sides in WW2. I posted a wikipedia article that compared the effect of the shock of such tactics as being akin to Hiroshima et al, and guess who made that analogy, not me, dummy, but the authors who invented the doctine.

One side's military tactic is another ones terrorist act. If you have the military technology and might, you employ similar tactics as the US does in armed conflict, if you do not, you might use guerrilla or terror tactics. That also happened in WW2 and we call them resistence fighters.


Monday, July 2, 2012 7:49 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Good points Magon's, if someone wants to build a new mosque in my city I wouldn't be complaining or protesting it, its their right to worship as they see fit.

I have Kathy Bates on speed dial, mwa ha ha ha (in exaggeratedly evil voice)

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 10:20 AM


America loves a winner!

Don't look now, but the " religion of peace " is at it again.

Posted: Today 2:19 PM
Timbuktu's ancient monuments pillaged by Islamists

An Islamic faction seized control of the city in the West African nation of Mali and is razing Sufi tombs and other cultural sites.


Beyond the tombs, the manuscripts are considered to be the real treasure of the region ... (July 3, 2012, by
DAKAR, Senegal — Muslim extremists continued destroying the heritage of the ancient Malian city of Timbuktu on Monday, razing tombs and attacking the gate of a 600-year-old mosque, despite growing international outcry.
The International Criminal Court has described the destruction of the city's patrimony as a possible war crime, while UNESCO's committee on world heritage was holding a special session this week to address the pillaging of the site, one of the few cultural sites in sub-Saharan Africa that is listed by the agency.

The Islamic faction, known as Ansar Dine, or "Protectors of the Faith," seized control of Timbuktu last week after ousting the Tuareg rebel faction that had invaded northern Mali alongside Ansar Dine's soldiers three months ago. Over the weekend, fighters screaming "Allah Akbar" descended on the cemeteries holding the remains of Timbuktu's Sufi saints, and systematically began destroying the six most famous tombs.

Perhaps they should refer to themselves as the Religion of PIECES, because that's what they'll turn all of mankind's relics into , if given half a chance.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 11:23 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by Kwicko:

That number might be well under what the firebombing of places like Dresden and Tokyo wrought, but it's also far higher than the civilian death toll "radical Muslims" have racked up in the U.S.

And there you have it, comparing apples to oranges.

We weren't TRYING to kill civilians, the Muslim terrorists were.

That should come as great comfort to the families of the dead.


We didn't declare war on the 'non believers' of Christ. Religion had zero to do w/ our attacking of Iraq.

Prove it.


Where do you think said Jihadists would set off a dirty bomb, given a choice, between a naval yard, where any random US warship may be docked, or in Times Square ?

So you DO agree that in wars past, the U.S. has behaved as terrorists, intentionally targeting known civilian populations (Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Tokyo, etc.) rather than concentrating solely on military installations!

Game, set, and match indeed - you've just proved once again the very point you've been so vehemently arguing against.

You really should stop shooting yourself in the foot. Or at least stop reloading.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I've not watched the video either, or am incapable of intellectually dealing with the substance of this thread, so I'll instead act like a juvenile and claim victory..." - Rappy


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 11:32 AM


America loves a winner!

The burden of proof is upon you to show we HAVE attacked Iraq or anywhere in the middle East in the name of Christ, not for others to validate YOUR delusion.

And, if anything, I buried YOUR notion that we're engaging in terrorism NOW, by contrasting it to what a Democratic President did, back in WW2. You know, the same guy who rounded up US citizens and put them in camps, simply because they were of Japanese ancestry ?

Game, set, match, tournament. Hand me the big ass gold plated platter now, and let me nod to the Queen.

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 11:53 AM



Originally posted by RionaEire:
Good points Magon's, if someone wants to build a new mosque in my city I wouldn't be complaining or protesting it, its their right to worship as they see fit.

I have Kathy Bates on speed dial, mwa ha ha ha (in exaggeratedly evil voice)

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya.

see above for rappy's post, how he desparages all of Islam because of the acts of some followers. Never mind, once again, that Islam makes up a fifth of the world's population, and spreads over many cultures in the world.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 12:19 PM


You can't just lump them all together

Muslim children in South Africa, a minority people in that country.

Two political candidates in Australia

Flood victims queue for food in India

Huiger people, persecuted minority in China

Afghanistan women wearing Burkha

Benazir Bhutto, assasinated president of Pakistan

Uzbekistan woman

Tunisian man

Kenyan man

Malaysian social activist

Young Malaysian women

Muslim footballers


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 12:41 PM


Islam and banking.

Sharia laws require a much more ethical approach to banking than in the west. hey, what am I saying, the western banking system has no ethics!!!

From wiki

Islamic banking has the same purpose as conventional banking: to make money for the banking institute by lending out capital. Because Islam forbids simply lending out money at interest (see riba), Islamic rules on transactions (known as Fiqh al-Muamalat) have been created to avoid this problem. The basic technique to avoid the prohibition is the sharing of profit and loss, via terms such as profit sharing (Mudharabah), safekeeping (Wadiah), joint venture (Musharakah), cost plus (Murabahah), and leasing (Ijar).

In an Islamic mortgage transaction, instead of loaning the buyer money to purchase the item, a bank might buy the item itself from the seller, and re-sell it to the buyer at a profit, while allowing the buyer to pay the bank in installments. However, the bank's profit cannot be made explicit and therefore there are no additional penalties for late payment. In order to protect itself against default, the bank asks for strict collateral. The goods or land is registered to the name of the buyer from the start of the transaction. This arrangement is called Murabahah.

An unhappy wife is complaining to the Qadi about her husband's impotence. Ottoman miniature, 18th century.

The laws governing divorce vary substantially between sects, schools, states and cultures. The following outline is general in nature.

A marriage can be terminated by the husband in the talaq process, or by the wife seeking divorce through khul'. Under faskh a marriage may be annulled or terminated by the qadi judge.

Men have the right of unilateral divorce under classical sharia. A Sunni Muslim divorce is effective when the man tells his wife that he is divorcing her, however a Shia divorce also requires four witnesses.[107] Upon divorce, the husband must pay the wife any delayed component of the dower. If a man divorces his wife in this manner three times, he may not re-marry her unless she first marries, and is subsequently divorced from, another man. Only then, and only if the divorce from the second husband is not intended as a means to re-marry her first husband, may the first husband and the woman re-marry.[Quran 2:230]

In practice, unilateral divorce is only common in a few areas of the Islamic world. It is much more common for divorces to be accomplished by mutual consent.[107]

If the wife asks for a divorce and the husband refuses, the wife has a right, under classical sharia, to divorce by khul'. Although this right is not recognized everywhere in Islam, it is becoming more common. In this scenario, the qadi judge will effect the divorce for the wife, and she may be required to return part, or all, of her dowry.[107]

Under faskh, a qadi judge can end or annul a marriage.[107] Apostasy, on the part of the husband or wife, ends a Muslim marriage in this way. Hardship or suffering on the part of the wife in a marriage may also be remedied in this way. This procedure is also used to annul a marriage in which one of the parties has a serious disability.[108]

Except in the case of a khul' divorce initiated by a woman, the divorced wife generally keeps her dowry from when she was married. A divorced woman is given child support until the age of weaning. The mother is usually granted custody of the child.[109] If the couple has divorced fewer than three times (meaning it is not a final divorce) the wife also receives spousal support for three menstrual cycles after the divorce, until it can be determined whether she is pregnant. Even in a threefold divorce, a pregnant wife will be supported during the waiting period, and the child will be supported afterwards.[110

Child custody

In a divorce, the child will stay with its mother until he or she is weaned,[111] or until the age of discernment, when the child may choose whom he or she lives with. The age of discernment is seven or eight years.[111]


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 7:57 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:

The burden of proof is upon you to show we HAVE attacked Iraq or anywhere in the middle East in the name of Christ, not for others to validate YOUR delusion.

Wow. Just wow. So now, according to you, the burden of proof is on ME to prove something I didn't say, and NOT on you to back up what you DID say. Awesome.

RappyWorld™: Logic Need Not Apply.

As always, when you've got nothing at all, you throw out accusations, demand proof while refusing to provide ANY evidence at all to support your own ridiculous claims, and then run away.


And, if anything, I buried YOUR notion that we're engaging in terrorism NOW, by contrasting it to what a Democratic President did, back in WW2. You know, the same guy who rounded up US citizens and put them in camps, simply because they were of Japanese ancestry ?

How, by showing how we're doing the same thing now, and how we round up U.S. citizens (or kill them) simply because they are Muslim? The only thing you "buried" was your head, in your own ass. I guess you like the taste of shit, you swallow so much of it!

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I've not watched the video either, or am incapable of intellectually dealing with the substance of this thread, so I'll instead act like a juvenile and claim victory..." - Rappy


Wednesday, July 4, 2012 5:37 AM


I had to think of this thread when I read this:


Kenyan Muslim groups 'to protect churches'
4 July 2012

Muslim leaders in Kenya have agreed to form self-defence groups to protect churches following a deadly attack on Sunday.

Fifteen people were killed in the raids on churches in Garissa, a town near the border with Somalia.

Kenya's border region has been tense since it sent troops into Somalia to pursue al-Shabab Islamist militants.

Adan Wachu, head of the Supreme Council of Kenyan Muslims, told the BBC the attacks were acts of terrorism.


Mr Wachu said that at a meeting the Inter-Religious Council of Kenya on Tuesday it was unanimously agreed the church attacks were acts of "terrorists and terrorism".

"Therefore we all resolved to stand together as one united front," he said.

"We decided as solidarity that the Muslim youth will provide a vigilante service to the churches not only in Garissa but in any other places that the Christians may deem fit."

He said that it was now up to the Muslim leaders in Garissa to organise out how the estimated 30 churches in the town would be protected.

"Muslims felt that because those Christians are a minority in their domain they must be protected at all cost."

Most of the people living in and around Garissa are ethnic Somalis and Muslims.

I wonder what is wrong with these muslims. Surely they need to be reminded that their primary focus is hating the infidel?


Wednesday, July 4, 2012 6:02 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


One side's military tactic is another ones terrorist act. If you have the military technology and might, you employ similar tactics as the US does in armed conflict, if you do not, you might use guerrilla or terror tactics. That also happened in WW2 and we call them resistence fighters.
There it is in a nutshell.

As to Raptor and Muslims, I think he should go work for Allen West. Never was there such a Islamophobe more in keeping with his mentality, and neither of them will ever be able to see reality. Bear in mind, again, that the insane never think THEY'RE insane.

Raptor will always, always look for anything he can find to put up and sneer "THAT for your religion of peace", despite knowing no actual truths about Islam or anything ELSE. It's his own private paranoia, I say leave him to it, it keeps him happy. RWA's are only content when there are conspiracies and things to fear that they can focus on. Why bother trying to show them reality?

Just for the amusement of others, however, yeah, Bush thought of it partly as a religious war on Islam, it kinda snuk out in his choice of wording:


First he called it a "Crusade" on 9/16/2001, a word that brings to mind the early Christian Crusades where Christian's waged war on Muslim's and other "heretics" to convert them to Christianity. Despite the "faux pas", he's been describing his wars in Religious terms ever since (suggesting it was no mistake).

Speaking before the conservative Heritage Foundation (the only place left on Earth that still thinks Bush is doing a great job) on Nov 1st, 2007, President Bush again refers to his "War on Terror" in religious terms. Naturally, Muslims can't help but interpret this as a "holy war on Islam".


Wednesday, July 4, 2012 9:04 AM


America loves a winner!

So, no one caring that Muslims, once again, are destroying ancient artifacts ?

Is it just because they're in AFRICA ? I mean, really...should it matter where they are? Does the caring kick in once it's something more significant, or maybe when they start building mosques on ( or near ) destroyed land marks ?

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Wednesday, July 4, 2012 11:19 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:

One side's military tactic is another ones terrorist act. If you have the military technology and might, you employ similar tactics as the US does in armed conflict, if you do not, you might use guerrilla or terror tactics. That also happened in WW2 and we call them resistence fighters.
There it is in a nutshell.

As to Raptor and Muslims, I think he should go work for Allen West. Never was there such a Islamophobe more in keeping with his mentality, and neither of them will ever be able to see reality. Bear in mind, again, that the insane never think THEY'RE insane.

Raptor will always, always look for anything he can find to put up and sneer "THAT for your religion of peace", despite knowing no actual truths about Islam or anything ELSE. It's his own private paranoia, I say leave him to it, it keeps him happy. RWA's are only content when there are conspiracies and things to fear that they can focus on. Why bother trying to show them reality?

Just for the amusement of others, however, yeah, Bush thought of it partly as a religious war on Islam, it kinda snuk out in his choice of wording:


First he called it a "Crusade" on 9/16/2001, a word that brings to mind the early Christian Crusades where Christian's waged war on Muslim's and other "heretics" to convert them to Christianity. Despite the "faux pas", he's been describing his wars in Religious terms ever since (suggesting it was no mistake).

Speaking before the conservative Heritage Foundation (the only place left on Earth that still thinks Bush is doing a great job) on Nov 1st, 2007, President Bush again refers to his "War on Terror" in religious terms. Naturally, Muslims can't help but interpret this as a "holy war on Islam".

Thanks Niki. I remember this.

Anyway, enough from me. I've had some time on my hands this week and I've wasted enough of it.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012 11:25 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

So, no one caring that Muslims, once again, are destroying ancient artifacts ?

Is it just because they're in AFRICA ? I mean, really...should it matter where they are? Does the caring kick in once it's something more significant, or maybe when they start building mosques on ( or near ) destroyed land marks ?

They're, incidentally, destroying muslim holy sites. Sucks for world cultural heritage but sucks even more for the muslims who hold them particularly dear. Would it be a problem if muslims (re)built mosques on or near those destroyed historic landmarks?


Wednesday, July 4, 2012 2:04 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I've not watched the video either, or am incapable of intellectually dealing with the substance of this thread, so I'll instead act like a juvenile and claim victory..." - Rappy


Wednesday, January 4, 2017 2:35 PM


Express, its like Fox or the dailymail... so take it with a pinch of salt

Peugeot car plant closed as Muslim workers took 'too many prayer breaks', claims official
THE head of the France's centre-right Union of Democrats and Independents (UDI) political party, Jean-Christophe Lagarde, has claimed a PSA Peugeot Citroen car plant had to close because it had hired too many "unproductive" Muslim employees.

Head of France’s UDI party claims Peugeot car plant closed as Muslims took 'too many prayer breaks'

The hardline centrist, who is also deputy mayor of Drancy, a suburb northeast of Paris, said that the carmaker's Aulnay plant, which closed in 2013, had been forced to shut its doors because of "problems arising from never-ending religious demands by Muslim employees".

He said: "The Aulnay site closed because Muslim employees were constantly taking unscheduled prayer breaks and had become unproductive. It's the truth. A Peugeot official told me that it was one - but obviously not the only - of the reasons the plant was shut down."

The shocking claims were made in French newspaper France Info.
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Claims were made by Jean-Christophe Lagarde head of UDI and deputy mayor of Drancy

Mr Lagarde added that he wasn't trying to "irk" Muslims and spark a controversial debate about religion at work, but said he wanted to "end the Omerta".

The Aulnay site closed because Muslim employees were constantly taking unscheduled prayer breaks

Jean-Christophe Lagarde - Head of UDI party

He said: "Some Muslim employees are proselytising at work and harassing their non-Muslim co-workers.

No one should feel under pressure to convert to Islam or accommodate religious colleagues. Because religion has no place in the workplace.:

A Peugeot spokesperson, however, has denied Mr Lagarde's "inflammatory" claims and said that, at the time, the automobile behemoth had been on the brink of bankruptcy and that bosses had decided to close the Aulnay plant to "cut losses".


Sunday, February 5, 2017 4:51 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Express, its like Fox or the dailymail... so take it with a pinch of salt

Peugeot car plant closed as Muslim workers took 'too many prayer breaks', claims official
THE head of the France's centre-right Union of Democrats and Independents (UDI) political party, Jean-Christophe Lagarde, has claimed a PSA Peugeot Citroen car plant had to close because it had hired too many "unproductive" Muslim employees.

Head of France’s UDI party claims Peugeot car plant closed as Muslims took 'too many prayer breaks'

The hardline centrist, who is also deputy mayor of Drancy, a suburb northeast of Paris, said that the carmaker's Aulnay plant, which closed in 2013, had been forced to shut its doors because of "problems arising from never-ending religious demands by Muslim employees".

He said: "The Aulnay site closed because Muslim employees were constantly taking unscheduled prayer breaks and had become unproductive. It's the truth. A Peugeot official told me that it was one - but obviously not the only - of the reasons the plant was shut down."

The shocking claims were made in French newspaper France Info.
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Claims were made by Jean-Christophe Lagarde head of UDI and deputy mayor of Drancy

Mr Lagarde added that he wasn't trying to "irk" Muslims and spark a controversial debate about religion at work, but said he wanted to "end the Omerta".

The Aulnay site closed because Muslim employees were constantly taking unscheduled prayer breaks

Jean-Christophe Lagarde - Head of UDI party

He said: "Some Muslim employees are proselytising at work and harassing their non-Muslim co-workers.

No one should feel under pressure to convert to Islam or accommodate religious colleagues. Because religion has no place in the workplace.:

A Peugeot spokesperson, however, has denied Mr Lagarde's "inflammatory" claims and said that, at the time, the automobile behemoth had been on the brink of bankruptcy and that bosses had decided to close the Aulnay plant to "cut losses".

That's just crazy talk.






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