20 year old sentenced to 160 years jail

UPDATED: Sunday, July 8, 2012 14:31
VIEWED: 3475
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Tuesday, July 3, 2012 4:14 PM


You might ask where someone would receive such a sentence for burglary, to be sent to jail without ever having the possibility of getting out EVER!! What sort of backward justice system would ever allow such a thing? Uganda? Sudan? Iran? Nope, Florida.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 4:57 PM


Hey, it's Florida, the state of Trayvon Martin; the state where a black woman got 20 years for firing a warning shot at her black husband, in her own house, where she had an injunction against him for spousal abuse, and which hit no one, but might have endangered her children, who were in another room, if the bullet had gone thru the walls the right way; and he's *B*L*A*C*K* ; fer crissake; which is *N*O*T* why they sentenced him that way; of course it's not, they aren't racist down there, they keep tellin' us that. They DO keep tellin' us that, because they have to, because we keep noticing that they seem to be.

You do notice that I'm not arguing that he's not guilty of the charge he was convicted on, or that he's not guilty of the whole string of other related robberies, or that he didn't shoot at the dog he didn't hit.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 5:10 PM


The Poe Bleck Child is a grown man convicted of armed robbery. Stop making it some redneck justice on blacks.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 5:14 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by CATPIRATE:
The Poe Bleck Child is a grown man convicted of armed robbery. Stop making it some redneck justice on blacks.

How many white Wall Street bankers have been charged in the 2008 financial collapse? They made more than 12 trillion dollars just disappear, and yet none of them are in jail.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I've not watched the video either, or am incapable of intellectually dealing with the substance of this thread, so I'll instead act like a juvenile and claim victory..." - Rappy


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 5:15 PM



Originally posted by NewOldBrownCoat:
Hey, it's Florida, the state of Trayvon Martin; the state where a black woman got 20 years for firing a warning shot at her black husband, in her own house, where she had an injunction against him for spousal abuse, and which hit no one, but might have endangered her children, who were in another room, if the bullet had gone thru the walls the right way; and he's *B*L*A*C*K* ; fer crissake; which is *N*O*T* why they sentenced him that way; of course it's not, they aren't racist down there, they keep tellin' us that. They DO keep tellin' us that, because they have to, because we keep noticing that they seem to be.

You do notice that I'm not arguing that he's not guilty of the charge he was convicted on, or that he's not guilty of the whole string of other related robberies, or that he didn't shoot at the dog he didn't hit.

Me neither. But this is nuts. He deserves time, but not that kind of time. They would be kinder if they just killed him.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 5:18 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by CATPIRATE:
The Poe Bleck Child is a grown man convicted of armed robbery. Stop making it some redneck justice on blacks.

How many white Wall Street bankers have been charged in the 2008 financial collapse? They made more than 12 trillion dollars just disappear, and yet none of them are in jail.

Yeah, responsible for the GFC for chrissake, and didn't half of them get millions of dollars in bonuses for stuffing up.


Zakaria: Incarceration nation

Editor's Note: The following is an excerpt of Fareed Zakaria's column in this week's TIME Magazine, which you can read in full here, behind a paywall.

By Fareed Zakaria

“Mass incarceration on a scale almost unexampled in human history is a fundamental fact of our country today,” writes the New Yorker’s Adam Gopnik. “Over all, there are now more people under ‘correctional supervision’ in America - more than 6 million - than were in the Gulag Archipelago under Stalin at its height.”

Is this hyperbole? Here are the facts. The U.S. has 760 prisoners per 100,000 citizens. That’s not just many more than in most other developed countries but seven to 10 times as many. Japan has 63 per 100,000, Germany has 90, France has 96, South Korea has 97, and ­Britain - with a rate among the ­highest - has 153....

This wide gap between the U.S. and the rest of the world is relatively recent. In 1980 the U.S.’s prison population was about 150 per 100,000 adults. It has more than quadrupled since then. So something has happened in the past 30 years to push millions of Americans into prison.

That something, of course, is the war on drugs. Drug convictions went from 15 inmates per 100,000 adults in 1980 to 148 in 1996, an almost tenfold increase. More than half of America’s federal inmates today are in prison on drug convictions. In 2009 alone, 1.66 million Americans were arrested on drug charges, more than were arrested on assault or larceny charges. And 4 of 5 of those arrests were simply for possession....

Bipartisan forces have created the trend that we see. Conservatives and liberals love to sound tough on crime, and both sides agreed in the 1990s to a wide range of new federal infractions, many of them carrying mandatory sentences for time in state or federal prison. And as always in American politics, there is the money trail. Many state prisons are now run by private companies that have powerful lobbyists in state capitals. These firms can create jobs in places where steady work is rare; in many states, they have also helped create a conveyor belt of cash for prisons from treasuries to outlying counties.

Partly as a result, the money that states spend on prisons has risen at six times the rate of spending on higher education in the past 20 years. In 2011, California spent $9.6 billion on prisons vs. $5.7 billion on the UC system and state colleges. Since 1980, California has built one college campus and 21 prisons. A college student costs the state $8,667 per year; a prisoner costs it $45,006 a year.

The results are gruesome at every ­level. We are creating a vast prisoner under­class in this country at huge expense, increasingly unable to function in normal society, all in the name of a war we have already lost....


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 5:18 PM


Mags, I also just noticed this: In most state's laws, there is a difference between burglary ( which is like breaking into an unoccupied place and taking stuff ) and robbery ( which is taking stuff from people, usually by threat of violence, armed or otherwise). Different crimes, different degree of anti-social attitude by the perps, greater degree of danger to the victims, so different attitude by cops, prosecutors, courts, etc. Justifiably so.

But it does sound pretty extreme in this case.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 5:27 PM


I get that this guy has done wrong and committed a string of violent crimes, but seriously he is 20 years old and has pretty good prospects for rehabiliation. I don't think he would get more than a 10 year stretch here, probably not even that. he has been charged with each offence with a sentence which is added all together, mandatory sentencing as well, which I despise. This is cruel and inhumane treatment of an individual and utterly disgraceful.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 5:37 PM


Kincko, I totally agree but we can go back to the Lincoln Savings and Loan, Junk Bond Kings, Mergers that were not dove tailed for employees, Enron, and on and on. The Bankers rob are future. 401k was a great novel idea in 1983 till the Banksters figured out how to steal it.

This 20 year old would rather rob with a gun. 5 years or 160 this dude is a lifer criminal. Not some bleeding heart story.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 5:43 PM


No its a story about justice, or lack of...


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 5:49 PM


Don't do the crime if you can't do the time don't do it.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 6:19 PM


What pearls of wisdom. Did you study philosophy>?


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 6:38 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

He hasn't studies much of anything, by the looks of it.

He's one of those who will insist that English should be "are" official language.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I've not watched the video either, or am incapable of intellectually dealing with the substance of this thread, so I'll instead act like a juvenile and claim victory..." - Rappy


Wednesday, July 4, 2012 2:14 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

This is the same DOJ that tefused to investigate black AG Eric Holder for gaving 20,000 guns to the Mexican drug cartel used to kill US cops and killed 10,000s of Mexican govt officials.

Every prisoner costs the taxslaves a $70,000/year tax increase. The prison industrial complex is nothing more than a slave plantation, with prisoners paid 10-cents/hour to build widgets for corporate Amerika. The White House imports 90% of cocaine and heroin. The CIA invented crack and LSD.

I listened in church to black pro football player Reggie White tell black kids the govt WANTS them to do drugs, so they can be jailed and enslaved. Then his black preacher was arrested for burning down Reggie's church.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012 2:38 AM


You might actually be making some sense there, buddy.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012 3:06 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
How many white Wall Street bankers have been charged in the 2008 financial collapse? They made more than 12 trillion dollars just disappear, and yet none of them are in jail.

He put's the nail in the coffin! ~NBA Jam, circa 1995

I'd like to humbly add that there should be a hell of a lot more politicians in prison than just Illinois previous 2 Governors as well......


Wednesday, July 4, 2012 3:11 AM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
You might ask where someone would receive such a sentence for burglary, to be sent to jail without ever having the possibility of getting out EVER!! What sort of backward justice system would ever allow such a thing? Uganda? Sudan? Iran? Nope, Florida.

Otherwise, this is total BS and hopefully will be thrown out during the appeal process. I work with guys who used to deal hard core drugs who are younger than me and turning things around for themselves. They did a LOT more damage to people than this guy did. Before my mom married my step-dad, the step-sister I'll never meet was strangled to death by her boyfriend in her car by her boyfriend the night she was breaking up with him because she was going away to college. He's been a free man now for over 1/3 of my life after that.

Make sure Frem reads this.....

While most of us in here just talk about things, he actually does something about it. Don't know how full his plate is with his other projects and his own personal well being, but he may be able to rattle a few cages.


Thursday, July 5, 2012 8:39 AM


Oh I saw it, hard not to when it landed on my desk Thursday morning - honestly though there's a few folks more qualified who are already on the ball so imma punt it sideways to them and see how it goes.
One of the problems with my overkill approach is that it is sometimes counterproductive and causes shitheads who don't wanna be proven wrong to dig in their heels and call for backup, so other than slipping the story around to the media (which is VERY likely to produce results all by itself) imma just loom in the background as a persistent threat of how it COULD go, if everybody doesn't play nice - which seems to be my primary function these days, it seems...

But this kinda thing, it's NOT an anomoly, there's THOUSANDS of kids just like him, drop shot by our so-called-justice system whos cases never receive this kind of attention.

Sure, springing this one kid will help that kid, and maybe, for a short time, focus attention on how broken the so called justice system is - but far better to strike the root, and attack the legal contortions and excuses which enable courts to do this en-masse to youth, and give a nice hard shove in the direction of restorative, rather than retributive "justice" as a whole.



Thursday, July 5, 2012 10:54 AM


At this rate the entire country from the middle class down is going to end up inmates working for the private prison system.

Can't tell me those little cubicles in offices and those desks in school aren't preparing people for that inevitability.


Thursday, July 5, 2012 2:50 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

This is too much of a sentence.

I have Kathy Bates on speed dial, mwa ha ha ha (in exaggeratedly evil voice)

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya.


Friday, July 6, 2012 5:29 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I dunno, Byte...if they put all those people in jail, who would pay for the for-profit prison system?

There has ALWAYS been inequity in our prison system, to a disgusting degree, but now the sheer volume ending up in the "prison industry" is especially disgusting, and I honestly don't think anything will be done about it. People don't like "criminals" and, as is obvious here, don't care about the details, just "put them away, far away from me".

It's just one step on the road we're already on. Charter schools, on-line "universities", for-profit prisons, mercenaries in the armed forces, and on and on. They want EVERYTHING privatized; anyone who hasn't gotten that yet has their head in the sand. Look at healthcare; look at their attempts to do away with Social Security and Medicate; look how Ryan's budget cuts and cuts and cuts at safety-net programs...hell, look at how many programs they've already bullied the Dems into cutting. It's "privatize", "privatize", "privatize" everywhere you look, and getting moreso every day.

No surprise there. The voter-suppression laws and all the rest are aimed at the poor and minorities, and more recently the middle class, but they need us out of prison to earn the low wages that will be all that's left once they break the unions completely and get Romney in office. JMHO


Friday, July 6, 2012 5:57 AM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
At this rate the entire country from the middle class down is going to end up inmates working for the private prison system.

Can't tell me those little cubicles in offices and those desks in school aren't preparing people for that inevitability.

Heh... looking at the prices of "things" we "need" (and things we actually, really do need), compared to the wages many of us can earn with the crap jobs out there today, what you say isn't already far from the truth Byte.

Maybe we're not literally in prison, but a large majority of 30 year olds and under are either drowning in debt or, more responsibly, spending only what they earn. The end result for either is a form of voluntary "house arrest", with a permit to go to the job......


Friday, July 6, 2012 12:38 PM


"Sixteen tons and whaddaya get, another day older and deeper in debt!"

Remember my ancestors were UMWA and IWW - I *KNOW* this game, and it's been around a long, long time, they just hide it better now.



Sunday, July 8, 2012 6:33 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Related to this:

Last week, the Supreme Court ruled that states cannot give juvenile offenders life without parole as a mandatory sentence. The 5-4 decision in Miller v. Alabama raised some hard questions. Many states now have to both address past sentences under mandatory schemes and come up with a new rule for future sentences.

Mark, a former prosecutor and law professor, has argued that juvenile murderers are different from others sentenced to life terms because they are unformed children at the time of the killing. In the same way that we treat children differently in many other areas because they are still developing, he believes there should be some chance for rehabilitation allowed in every juvenile case. He represents the view of many criminal law professionals who seek consistency with other areas of law: He seeks mercy.

The Supreme Court has now come down on Mark's side, at least in cases where the sentence of life without parole was mandatory. (About 80% of the 2,500 inmates who are serving life sentences for crimes committed when they were juveniles were sentenced under mandatory sentencing systems, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.) Now the question is what an alternative to juvenile life without parole should look like, particularly in states without adult parole or with restricted adult parole.

It's tricky, emotional terrain, but we must now go there. And it will not be easy. Too often, the discussion surrounding the issue has been strident. Victims' groups, such as the National Organization of Victims of Juvenile Lifers, have depicted some advocates for juveniles as callous to the trauma of victims. Some opponents of juvenile life sentences, such as Mary Ellen Johnson of the Pendulum Foundation, have characterized life without parole as pure retribution.

Neither side has made much effort to find a middle ground between justice and mercy. We need a new model, one that provides a meaningful opportunity for juveniles who have served an appropriate amount of time for taking a human life to seek release, while at the same time weighing public safety and ensuring that the voices of victims' families are sought out and heard.

And now that the Supreme Court has forced our hand, we call on those who have opposed one another to come together and talk. The important questions are not the ones behind us, but the ones in front: Who gets to decide on releasing these convicts, and when?

We need at the table experts in child psychology and brain development, prison staff, counselors, academics, murder victims' family members -- all important voices that have too often been left out of the process.

As the Supreme Court's decision reflected, juvenile life without parole strikes to the core of key definitional issues for our society: the meaning of childhood, the role of rehabilitation and redemption in criminal law, and the searing pain caused by senseless murders.More at


Sunday, July 8, 2012 9:01 AM


Not sure at all what you're saying here Niki....

I'm willing to let the "posting everything" slide myself...

But when you post nothing with no ideas, you are far worse than anyone who ever punked me out for posting threads in the past...


Sunday, July 8, 2012 11:57 AM


Jack: The initial post of the thread was about a 20 year old sentences to 160 years without parole. Niki's post is relevant.


Sunday, July 8, 2012 2:31 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

Wow. What a world.

It's not personal. It's just war.






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