:censored:.... it's over 100 degrees in my house..........

UPDATED: Friday, July 13, 2012 04:14
VIEWED: 2818
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Friday, July 6, 2012 8:17 AM


How do you deal with that?

You drink ICE COLD beer, but it's no use....

Fans don't work....

Talking to comfortable family doesn't work...

I'm cool with it....

A minimalist's life sucks overall in bad times

just don't view me as a dick when I don't donate next year....

It's seriously hard to even sleep in a pool of sweat built up on your downstairs couch built up in only 2 hours....

Let them be flooded I say....


I'm on the flood plain and I'm carrying the "sorry your shit got fucked up in a flood" party

Those 18 year old girls on the sidelines would thank whatever Pagan gods they worshiped on the side to have me looking over them....

I won't tell them now, I'll wait until they're 23 since women here seem to stick around FOREVER....

Knowing the men I know in real life, it's really sad 90% of the time....


Friday, July 6, 2012 9:51 AM


Two words....WINDOW UNIT.

Best things EVER...


Friday, July 6, 2012 1:02 PM


I am having "issues" workin in the heat up here, even at night - enough that I have a specialty vest used for working in super hot environments being emergency shipped here, which should arrive tomorrow morning.

My AC unit also just about self-destructed, and due to the pan flooding the floor and having to move the PC equipment imma stuck on this ancient piddly laptop, argh.

I will let you know how the vest works, since it wasn't that expensive.

I hope to hell it does, cause otherwise imma have serious health issues over this, argh.



Friday, July 6, 2012 3:29 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I enjoyed many a sweltering, humid summer in Florida as a child during the years when my father considered air conditioning to be an unnecessary expense.

My recommendations follow:

1) Do not drink alcohol. Alcohol gives you the feeling of being warm.
2) Make sure air is constantly moving across your skin- your body has mechanisms to compensate for hot air, but they work best when air is kept in motion and is constantly flowing over the skin.
3) Wear absorbant clothing. Counter-intuitively, I find that wearing nothing makes me more uncomfortable than wearing something that wicks away moisture.
4) Take cold showers daily. They do not feel particularly glorious while you take them, but they can help to lower your body temperature by several degrees.

I hope one or more of these personal experiences works for you.


Note to Self:
Raptor - woman testifying about birth control is a slut (the term fits.)
Six - Wow, isn't Niki quite the CUNT? And, yes, I spell that in all caps....
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.

“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Friday, July 6, 2012 5:47 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Also, from experience working in what were basically sweat shops:

Take on old t-shirt, and cut strips off it, about 1" or 2" wide. Wet the strips, put them in the freezer. Use several of them.

Wrap one around your head, headband style, and drape one over your neck. Cooling your head cools your body.

Switch 'em out often. The cooling doesn't last as long as you'd like it to, but it WILL help. I used to work t-shirt shops where it routinely got to 130ºF inside, and without finding some way to cool down, you would collapse.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I've not watched the video either, or am incapable of intellectually dealing with the substance of this thread, so I'll instead act like a juvenile and claim victory..." - Rappy


Saturday, July 7, 2012 5:43 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Ouch. Sympathies. We only get over 100 maybe once or twice a year...and no humidity. I wouldn't survive where you are, I know it.

And yes, window units are worth their weight in gold. But expensive, unfortunately.

I'M pissed off that it's supposed to get to 86 today, dammit--bad timing, as we've got the usual Saturday demonstration. Yesterday we were lucky to get into the 70s (fog was in)--we took the dogs to Crissy Field and bucked a good cold wind. Wish I could ship ALL that out to you guys.

It was heat that had me sleep outside one night many years ago, and I haven't slept indoors since that night. Don't think that helps much if the humidity is high, but it's better than being INDOORS at night, with all that residual heat indoors, isn't it? If there's any place you COULD, that is...

Good luck; wish this damned heat wave would break for you guys! People are dying, and those without electricity...I don't know how they're surviving!


Saturday, July 7, 2012 7:35 AM


Well, last night was unpleasant, and I dun feel so good right now (mild heat exhaustion/dehydration) but I have the vest in hand, and we will see how well it works, I can hope, anyways...

Being a cyborg is only fun in a hollywood movie - you cannot imagine the misery of heavy prosthetics in this friggin heat, it's abominable.



Saturday, July 7, 2012 12:57 PM


I do sympathize, we have a/c in the house and left for a few minutes in our un-air-conditioned car and decided to go back home after 3 miles because I couldn't hack sitting in a moving vehicle Just couldn't breathe...
This is crazy!!!
Then we come home and the first article I see is "Celebrity Homes for sale" and this one has 24 gold plated POOL. I never saw how a true socialist society could ever work, but THAT put me in a mood to give it a try

How do we remedy this gaping un-equality? And fast too, because I want a gold plated swimming pool in MY backyard...


Saturday, July 7, 2012 2:03 PM


It's over 100 here, this may be my last reply, goodbye.


Saturday, July 7, 2012 3:24 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:
How do we remedy this gaping un-equality? And fast too, because I want a gold plated swimming pool in MY backyard...

Torches, Pitchforks, and Guillotenes.
Despite the collateral damage, it *DID* work for the French, in at least so far as it completely BROKE the caste based society of the time (although it broke so much else too).
Sometimes the only choices ya got left are ugly ones.
Okay, that's half a joke, but ONLY half....

I so sincerely hope this vest works *crossing fingers*, cause otherwise I might have to call for rescue out there, something I am reluctant to do cause I ain't never done so before and my overprotective flunkies will prolly severely overreact and cause me ten tons of paperwork, argh.



Saturday, July 7, 2012 3:27 PM


Oh, and speakin of the heat, this JUST for you, Jack!
I wouldn't be too keen on pond wading over there if I were you - might lose something.

Pacu, Testicle-Eating Fish Species, Caught In Lake Lou Yaeger In Illinois


Responding to a report that a fisherman had reeled in a piranha on June 7, lake superintendent Jim Caldwell brought the fish to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, where it was identified as a pacu. Some reports say another pacu was seen a couple of weeks later.

Caldwell said he is still swimming in the lake nearly every day. Pacus primarily eat nuts, aquatic vegetation and snails, he told KDSK, and pose no real threat to humans.

Residents of Papua New Guinea may beg to differ. There, according to British fisherman Jeremy Wade, the pacu is known as the "ball cutter." In 2011, Wade said locals informed him that two fisherman had died from blood loss after something in the water had bitten off their testicles, according to the Metro.




Saturday, July 7, 2012 4:44 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Ummmm... Y'all realize this is basically where I live and breathe, right? We hit 106º in April. We'll have hundred-degree days in September, and possibly into October. Last year we had more than three months of hundred-degree heat.

So I feel ya, I really do. That said, it's unseasonably COOL here right now. I say that a bit tongue-in-cheek (which makes it really hard to understand when I try that for real) - we only got up to a hundred today.

Seek air conditioning during the hottest part of the day. Seriously. Malls, movie theaters, wherever. Fans, spray bottles, misters, ice packs, etc. - use them all. Keep your head cool, and it will fool your body. If your head isn't cool, you're at risk. When you start feeling cold when you shouldn't - it's hot, you have no A/C, and you don't have anything cold on your body, but you still start feeling the chill, get help. You're going into heat stroke, and if you don't do something about it, YOU. WILL. DIE.

And seriously, don't go out during the afternoon hours. Just don't. Do your errands and shopping and stuff in the morning, your yard work just after sunrise, and then STAY THE FUCK INDOORS. And you thought Mexicans took afternoon siestas because they were lazy. I learned a long time ago it's because they're SMART! They've lived here for hundreds of years, and know how to deal with the heat.

When it hits 110º, my A/C pretty much packs it in. It will run nonstop, and the house still won't get below 85º inside. It's an old house, sturdy and well-insulated, with new double-pane windows all around, but A/C units really don't cool much more than 25º below the outside temp, so some nights are uncomfortable, but livable. Limit your trips, park in the shade, and NEVER LEAVE YOUR KIDS OR PETS IN YOUR PARKED CAR! Every year we have kids and animals die because they were left in the car "for just a few minutes" - that's how long it takes to top 140º in a parked car on a hot day. Don't cook your critters.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I've not watched the video either, or am incapable of intellectually dealing with the substance of this thread, so I'll instead act like a juvenile and claim victory..." - Rappy


Saturday, July 7, 2012 4:47 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Oh, and as I write this, the weather station says it's 90 degrees outside. It's nearly 10pm, and 64% humidity.


Saturday, July 7, 2012 6:36 PM


All that good advice isn't making these walls look any prettier

We weren't meant to live like this...Florida in the Winter, Canada in the Summer....Keep moving... I can't take all this sitting around


Sunday, July 8, 2012 6:05 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

That's the thing that blows my mind as much as the insane heat: the humidity. I was actually kind of sad that, while I was in New Orleans, they were experiencing a two-week bout of "good weather"--meaning temps not out of the 80s and hardly any humidity. I had wanted to experience the real thing--just once--to see what it felt like, because it's beyond my comprehension or ability to imagine.

I know what TOTAL lack of humidity feels like--when I go up to the Sierras I'm aware of it, and when we come over that hill into the Bay Area, it's like all my pores open wide at the same time with a huge sigh of relief, and we don't have that much humidity! We also drove to New Mexico once and experienced it in the desert. And of course Afghanistan is a semi-desert. But not high humidity, I've only experienced that once, in changing planes in Karachi. I got to the door of the plane and felt like I couldn't BREATHE. But only for a few minutes until we got into the buildings. Don't particularly want to experience it for any length of time again, but I was a kid then and don't fully remember how it felt.

I keep watching the news to see if it's breaking for you guys, and hoping every day it does. We're kind of pissed...the fog has rolled out and we'll be up in the low 80s for the next ten days. Yuck. This, by the way, is another sign of climate change (for those of you who recognize it). Fog doesn't usually stay out for this long until mid-August, which is the beginning of OUR really hot season. For it to disappear in early July is pretty unheard of, and probably means we're both in for another drought year, or looking at a whole bunch more wildfires. Double yuck.

Nonetheless, I have no right to complain, giving what you guys are suffering. My heart continues to go out to you, and I hope it breaks SOONEST! By the way, we get those 70-degree nights during our "Summer" too, but without the humidity, thankg gawd. I don't think I could handle what you all are going through.


Sunday, July 8, 2012 8:17 AM


Thank whatever God(s) I have to thank, it's nice tonight and I'm not working....

I know it's the middle of the day, but I'm not working tonight and being at home is finally bearable....

Give me 80 degree days and 60-70 degree nights every day and I'll smile....

Thanks for the solidarity Kwick...

I don't care if you're 30 or 100, this sucks for anyone living through it, and I've been doing so all week. I leave a house at 10PM that is 92 degrees to work at a store that is not air-contitioned overnight (hence the 75 cent per hour boost), and I come home to a house that is 88 degrees....

I tried to have a beer on Friday ouside at 8AM while talking to my grandmother on the phone and my arms were beading up sweat that looked like rain on an immaculate waxed Ferrari...

Straight or sober....

Right or left...

100 plus temps make us all bitches to a higher power....

Glad you're there to say "F U" as loud as I am to it....


Sunday, July 8, 2012 9:50 AM



Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:
I will let you know how the vest works, since it wasn't that expensive.

I hope to hell it does, cause otherwise imma have serious health issues over this, argh.

It works, thanks be!
Of course, being that it works via soak&shake and evaporation, you do get a bit damp, but when it's THAT hot, do I really care ?!

Of course, my overprotective flunkies decided to back me up just in case with or without my permission.

Anyhows, being a little wet sure beats being half-dead from dehydration and heat exhaustion.



Monday, July 9, 2012 4:15 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Seek air conditioning during the hottest part of the day. Seriously. Malls, movie theaters, wherever.

Sounds like Al Bundy and the clan hanging out at the grocery store when their second-hand shoddy A/C unit blacked out the block.

Ah.... Al... how did you do it? There's no freaking way that a shoe salesman with a wife who stays at home all day and two money grubbing kids and a dog could ever make ends meet in Crook County without getting at least 20k a year of taxpayer dollars to subsidize it. White people don't get that......


Monday, July 9, 2012 8:43 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh, Frem, I'm SO glad it's working for you. I've been thinking of you, carrying around all that extra stuff inside and outside you, how you were surviving, and hoping the vest worked. Goodie!

I'm glad it's broken at least a bit for you, Six, and everyone else for whom it's breaking even a bit. Every little bit counts, eh? This has been a horrible experience for all of you outside the West Coast; my heart has really gone out to you all!

Wish to shit I could squeeze some of our fog through the rolled back in again today (just like it SHOULD, but its pattern has been broken) so we won't go much past 80. I'm grateful.

When I first learned of how other places in the country suffered from heat and humidity, I asked Jim how they survive. May have posted this before, but his answer was they have AC at home, get in their air-conditioned car and drive to work, or to the mall, a movie, etc.; anywhere with AC. I see that's been suggested here. I couldn't live like that, aside from sleeping outdoors, I spend a lot of time outside. Think I won't trade the (amazing to me, first time I heard it) fact that some places actually stay GREEN in Summer, the heat/humidity and the snow in Winter for what I've got, thank you.


Monday, July 9, 2012 4:22 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Glad your vest is helpful for you Frem, sounds like a good purchase.

Jack and Wish hope things are getting better for you guys.

I have Kathy Bates on speed dial, mwa ha ha ha (in exaggeratedly evil voice)

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012 5:48 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Oh, Frem, I'm SO glad it's working for you. I've been thinking of you, carrying around all that extra stuff inside and outside you, how you were surviving, and hoping the vest worked. Goodie!

I'm glad it's broken at least a bit for you, Six, and everyone else for whom it's breaking even a bit. Every little bit counts, eh? This has been a horrible experience for all of you outside the West Coast; my heart has really gone out to you all!

Wish to shit I could squeeze some of our fog through the rolled back in again today (just like it SHOULD, but its pattern has been broken) so we won't go much past 80. I'm grateful.

When I first learned of how other places in the country suffered from heat and humidity, I asked Jim how they survive. May have posted this before, but his answer was they have AC at home, get in their air-conditioned car and drive to work, or to the mall, a movie, etc.; anywhere with AC. I see that's been suggested here. I couldn't live like that, aside from sleeping outdoors, I spend a lot of time outside. Think I won't trade the (amazing to me, first time I heard it) fact that some places actually stay GREEN in Summer, the heat/humidity and the snow in Winter for what I've got, thank you.

The fact that the highest my 2nd floor temp with no A/C the last few days is 85, I'm groovy.....

I actually LIKE hot weather, even at my age, but without any A/C, and working a job with no A/C at night is brutal when you go on a 4 day binge on doing nothing but sweating with no relief beside your short post/pre work showers.

I seriously don't need A/C now..... and it's only 10-12 degrees cooler.....

This is MY atmosphere I love.

I HATE the cold.....

I've got about 1,500 sq/ft of house to roam about alone in nothing but my boxers now, which is 3 times the space of my old apartment. I love it.....

I'm just glad I don't have to "freeball" it at the moment with fans on me and still sweat.....

Bring on the 90 degree temps any day as long as it dips to the mid 70's at night and I'm gravy......


Friday, July 13, 2012 4:14 AM


I feel like it's Indian Summer already....

90 degree days (only 85 on my top floor)....

Nights at 70 degrees (only 78 on my top floor)....

Back to being a "human" again....

It feels nice....

Being domesticated all of your life and turning feral because of weather for a prolonged period of time is shitty for everyone involved.

I'm really only speaking for the few who have endured it. Nobody else here in America, the "land of the Credit" would know what the hell I was talking about.....

A moderate rest of the summer to you who do understand.....







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