Is Tom Cruise gay? And Scientology cult goes after Katie

UPDATED: Sunday, July 15, 2012 15:40
VIEWED: 7527
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Friday, July 6, 2012 7:16 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I've heard the rumors, but who knows?

Tom Cruise’s wife is leaving him.

A few days ago, Katie Holmes, the other half of TomKat, the mother of Tom’s only biological child, and the impetus of his notorious Oprah couch-jump, filed for divorce in New York. As Amy Argetsinger points out at the Washington Post, Holmes becomes the third Mrs. Cruise to jump ship at the age of 33 (which probably has some numerological-Scientological significance Beck would be able to explain).

About the only person surprised by this is Tom Cruise, who turns 50 today (he was born on the third of July).

Whatever went on behind closed doors, the Cruise-Holmes union seemed, to those of us following it obsessively at TMZ and Us Weekly, like a P.R. stunt. Holmes staggered through publicity appearances like a catatonic, while Cruise’s egregious and desperate determination to convince us that the relationship was legit comprised the worst performance of his acting career.

Let the record show that I’m a huge Tom Cruise fan. I love the guy. I became aware of him as an actor, as opposed to just a guy in the movies, when I went to see Interview with a Vampire. I may not like every movie he does (“Mission Impossible” is wretched, and “Vanilla Sky” is a train wreck), but I always like him. The guy is a movie star, plain and simple, and he’s been one for a staggeringly long period of time.

His personal life, however, is harder to get behind. It’s not so much what we know as what we don’t — or, rather, what we think we know. Yes, he’s a Scientologist … but what does that mean, exactly? Does he really believe all that stuff, or is Scientology just another high-profile acting job?

And then there’s the elephant in the room. The big, pink elephant.

The rumors have dogged him for decades now, since before he rocked out to Bob Seger in tighty-whities. That he wants to do it to for Johnny. That Mimi and Nicole and Katie were beautiful beards. That what he really desires is A Few Good Men.

If there is fire to be found in this great cloud of gay smoke, it would be remarkable. The guy’s been A-list famous since 1983, and there has been no public evidence at all, none, to support the rumors.

But if the rumors are true … if he does prefer the company of men … if his impossible mission is to be an openly gay action-movie star, his course of action now is clear: Tom Cruise needs to take a page from the Anderson Cooper playbook. He needs to come out, he needs to come out big-time, and when he gets hitched again, he should marry a guy.

That’s if he’s gay. (Note to the attorneys for Mr. Cruise: I am merely repeating oft-repeated rumors, and this should not be read as an endorsement of them). If he’s not — if the real Tom Cruise is exactly what he’s shown us — then take note, Mila Kunis and Eliza Dushku and Amber Heard and every other hot Hollywood 20-something on the make: Mrs. Tom Cruise is a plum part, and auditions will be held soon. knows? The one thing we do know is that Scientology pretty much runs Cruise's life. It appears "Tom's" choice of Katie was more than accidental:

Like Nicole before her, Katie will now not just be Tom’s foe, but also considered an enemy of the Church of Scientology. When news leaked of the breakup, former high-ranking leaders of Scientology contacted me to say: “We told you so.” Since the beginning of the TomKat love fest, which began with the diminutive actor bouncing up and down on Oprah’s couch, they have known that the romance was as carefully choreographed by Scientology as his 42nd birthday party.

Kidman was toast the moment she said in an interview that she embraced a number of religions, not just Scientology. Given the fact that her father is a psychiatrist — deemed to be the mortal enemies of Scientology — she was already suspect. These public pronouncements put her beyond the pale. For the church’s most prominent poster boy, his partner had to be a Scientologist.

After Nicole, the search was on for a new partner for Tom Terrific. It didn’t take long. Sparks had already flown between the actor and his new leading lady, Penelope Cruz, during the making of “Vanilla Sky.” She was groomed as Kidman’s successor. He took the Spanish actress to Scientology’s Celebrity Centre in Hollywood and encouraged her to take a few courses.

While Penelope studiously read Scientology texts and attended auditing courses — the equivalent of a confessional — she was never really committed.

“I have great respect for all religions, but I do not intend to join any of them at the moment,” she said tactfully, but fatally for her chances of marrying the Scientologist leading man.

When their relationship officially ended in 2004, no one was happier than her father, Eduardo, who had secretly been in touch with an organization based in Germany — the most hostile European country to Scientology — which helps members of cults and their families.

After the Cruz breakup, the lovelorn actor turned to his best friend, Scientology leader Miscavige, for help in finding a new wife. The diminutive church boss, who has a notoriously volcanic temper, became irritated with constant calls from Tom. As the head of a multibillion-dollar operation, he felt it was below him to be seeking out women for the Hollywood star. He deputized his wife, Shelly, to take over the task.

The first girl she chose seemed ideal. She was a Sea Org member, that is to say committed to working full time for Scientology. The girl found herself “running into” Cruise, all the while thinking she was auditioning for a part in a movie. She dated Cruise a couple of times but then asked Scientology spokesman Tommy Davis, the son of actress Anne Archer, if she was being deliberately “set up.”

Her reward was to be told by Davis on Cruise’s behalf that the relationship was over. Then, according to friends, she was sent to a top security Scientology base and forced to scrub public bathroom floors with a toothbrush as punishment for messing up her assignment.

Tom gave Scientology leaders a wish list of women he would like to date. They included Jennifer Garner and the up-and-coming actress Sofia Vergara.

When Vergara got an invitation from Cruise’s friend Will Smith to attend a pre-Oscar party, she had no idea she was being set up. She was dazzled by Tom’s megawatt smile and amused by the blizzard of phone calls, flowers and chocolates that followed their first meeting.

It was not long before he casually suggested they head for Celebrity Centre where, surprise, surprise, Miscavige was waiting to layer on the charm. It soon became clear that she was being auditioned for the biggest role of her life — Mrs. Tom Cruise Mark III. It was made clear that if she took the part, she would have to renounce her Catholic faith and convert to Scientology.

“She was fundamentally terrified of Scientology,” a friend told me. “She sincerely believed that she would be struck down by God and burn in hell if she joined.”

Exit Sofia — running for the hills.

After that debacle, the church went into overdrive to find him a partner. They put out a casting call for possible brides, telling them that there was an upcoming Cruise movie they might get a part in. Former Scientologist Marc Headley, who filmed many of the auditions, recalls that first they rounded up Scientology actresses like Erika Christensen, Erica Howard and Sofia Milos. None was deemed acceptable.

They were looking for a woman who would accept the teachings of Scientology, but who would also look good on Tom’s arm — and not make too many waves.

“They had to look outside the herd, so to speak. They went for Jennifer Garner, Scarlett Johansson and Jessica Alba, in that order. Jennifer and Jessica didn’t bite, but Scarlett took the bait and came in for an audition. When she arrived at the address and found out it was the Scientology center in Hollywood, she freaked out and didn’t do a tape.”

Finally, the Scientology casting crew hit on Katie Holmes, then 26, after they read an interview in which she said she would like to marry Tom. A senior Scientologist was sent to New York to give her the once-over. He liked what he saw.

She must have been thrilled. Ever since she was a little girl, she had told her three older sisters that she was going to marry Tom and live in a beautiful mansion where she would start the day by sliding from her bedroom into her own swimming pool.

Tom, meanwhile, was bouncing up and down — literally. Vergara watched their antics from a distance, and thanked her lucky stars. “She had a narrow escape,” recalled a friend. “She privately pitied the poor girl. Katie is a much weaker, more innocent person than Sofia.”

It had been only six weeks since Katie had broken off her engagement with actor Chris Klein, and now she was falling into marriage with a star 17 years her senior. Her family and friends watched in horror as they saw the normally vivacious woman turn into a Stepford Wife, silent, dutiful and stooping. She was now nicknamed “Dead Eye” Holmes, the young actress cocooned by Scientology handlers wherever she went.

Katie may now regret signing in June 2005 a comprehensive contract with Scientology. But the reward was a proposal on top of the Eiffel Tower and marriage in an Italian castle in November 2006.

In her rare interviews since, her responses are brief, guarded and inconsequential, endlessly repeating the numbing mantra that her life is “magical.”

But, hey, presto, the magic has worn off. Hollywood’s modern-day Snow White has woken from her dream. While she and her family face whatever hocus-pocus Cruise and Scientology try on them, the search will be on for Mrs. Cruise Mark IV.
that it's important, I just can't find much else in the news that's of much interest, and I've had a morbid fascination with Hollywood stars attached to Scientology. They're weird; what they believe is even weirder; and they get a helluva hold over their followers. Apparently her escape was carefully planned, to keep her safe from the Scientology bunch:

Katie Holmes cut off communications from almost all of her friends, switching cell phones and e-mail addresses, before pulling off a daring escape from Tom Cruise, according to published reports today.

The pretty “Dawson’s Creek” actress played all of her cards close to the vest, treating many of her closest pals on a need-to-know basis, leading up to her bombshell divorce filing in New York seven days ago.

Even when Holmes, 33, was away in China last month, her dad and closest pals were secretly pulling strings for her big flee for freedom.

"Her inner circle has been planning this and switching out cell phones since she was in China [in mid-June]," the source said.

"When new cell phones arrived, then nobody could reach her. Her old best friends from last week don't have her new number, no e-mail. She's unreachable."

Cruise knew his wife had rented a new Chelsea apartment in early June but the “Top Gun” actor didn’t know it was a piece of Holmes’ grand escape plan.

"[Tom] knew that she moved there, but [he thought it was] for different reasons," the source told People.

"She said she moved there to drive into the underground garage. There are fewer paparazzi and it's less intrusive for her," the source added. "It was the first phase of getting everything out of the house, and that's why she was able to say she's moving without giving an indication that she was going to divorce him."

Her dad Martin Holmes reportedly helped out too, firing some of Katie’s assistants and hiring new team members to assist in the elaborate scheme.

Katie and Suri have been holed up, under tight security, at their luxurious Chelsea pad. The two did get out briefly last night, with mom treating her little girl to ice cream.

The actress has told a neighbor she still fears that Cruise or his Scientology henchman might try to kidnap Suri, law enforcement sources have told The Post.

Katie fears she can’t take one step without a Scientology goon following her every move in a heavy- handed intimidation attempt, multiple sources close to the actress told The Post yesterday.

The pretty actress was holed up in her Chelsea pad. Holmes told another building resident of her abduction fear — and that neighbor called police on Friday, sources said.

But without Holmes phoning in the report herself — and Cruise known to be 2,600 miles away shooting a movie in Iceland — police couldn’t take any action.

Managers at Holmes’ plush Seventh Avenue building, though, have been put on alert for Cruise or any strangers who might want to get inside, the sources said.

Holmes, who filed for divorce from superstar Scientologist actor Cruise last week, knew this was coming, the sources said.

“Katie saw all the pressure. They [Scientologists] are professionals at pressuring people to be quiet,” said a friend of the actress after her bombshell divorce filing in Manhattan last week. “That’s why she did this [filed for divorce] in secret.”

A team of beefy armed men parked themselves in a white Cadillac Escalade outside Holmes’ place all day yesterday, snapping pictures of people outside the building and demanding to know who they were.

Cops finally pulled up in a marked NYPD squad car behind the SUV and checked out its Tennessee license plates. The officers said they were acting on complaints of “suspicious activity in a white Escalade” but did not elaborate. They spent about 15 minutes eyeing the SUV before leaving. At least two of the five men sitting in the SUV were clearly packing heat. When asked who they worked for, one wisecracked: “We’re waiting for a bus.”

Cruise’s first two wives, Mimi Rogers and Nicole Kidman, reportedly also had problems with the church’s hold on their then-husband.

Another former Hollywood wife, actress-photographer Carmen Llewellyn, who was married to “My Name is Earl” actor Jason Lee — a Scientologist — has said the reprisals are swift and brutal against spouses who leave mates who are in the church.

“I lost my manager and my career,” Llewellyn said in a published interview after her split from Lee. “People didn’t return my phone calls.

“Scientologists followed me down the street. They took pictures of my kids. They’d stake out my house, wait until we came our and follow us. They came looking for me to scare me.”

Holmes has witnessed Cruise’s other children undergo a weird “sec checking” interrogation, with the kids hooked up to a make-shift lie detector, according to TMZ.

She reportedly found the goofy ritual -- aimed at finding “areas of spiritual distress” -- troubling and didn’t want Suri subjected to it.
You go, Katie — a Stepford Wife no more.

Katie Holmes’ nickname among friends was “Dead Eye’’ — an unflattering euphemism for the blank stare that’s glazed the starlet’s face since she was embedded as wife No. 3 to No. 1 Scientologist Tom Cruise.

Katie, 33, risked her cushy lifestyle, and possibly her safety, to launch an exit strategy from her loopy marriage to a religious fanatic — some critics say cult worshipper — who just turned 50. She did it for the oldest of reasons:

Katie was hellbent on protecting her kid.

Now, Katie has done more than rescue her flesh and blood from the clutches of a disturbed dad, and from a church she has grown to despise. She has revealed to the world the dark and icky side of Scientology, a faith that could thrive only in Hollywood.

She waited until Tom was filming a movie in remote Iceland before filing for divorce in Manhattan. It’s a no-nonsense place where she has a shot at keeping her daughter from Tom, a guy who had the gall to publicly ridicule Brooke Shields for taking anti-depressants for the baby blues.

I never thought she had it in her.

When Hubbard died in 1986, the church of Scientology announced that he had discarded his physical body and was “on a planet a galaxy away.’’ In life, Hubbard taught that Xenu, the ruler of the Galactic Confederacy, brought billions of frozen people to Earth 75 million years ago, stacked them around volcanoes and blew them up with hydrogen bombs. A human is an immortal spiritual being — a thetan — trapped on the planet in a “meat body.’’ Some of this knowledge is divulged only to high-level Scientologists.

If I’m simplifying the secret teachings, forgive me. The faith is even stranger than I have space to elaborate. This may explain why celebs from John Travolta to Kirstie Alley have taken to Scientology like strippers to a pole.

Katie took a gamble and fled, terrified that her hub was prepared to ship his progeny to Scientology’s Sea Organization, where, reportedly, children as young as 5 learn to be Dead Eyes before their time.

What kind of religion employs armed, SUV-sitting goons, which Katie feared were sent by the church, to keep tabs on the movements of the church’s best-known escaped hostage?

It took more than five years. But better late than never, Katie Holmes has become the most dangerous foe a twisted spouse can face:

She’s a mother.

Run, Katie run.
apparently she's taking the Scientology threat seriously:

Katie’s got backup — and she’s not leaving home without it.

Katie Holmes emerged from four days of seclusion in her Chelsea pad yesterday — her first public appearance since filing for divorce from Tom Cruise — surrounded by a pack of beefy security guards.

She flexed the heavy muscle amid fears she’s being stalked by Scientology officials because of her bombshell split from church member Cruise — and concerns he might try to kidnap their daughter, Suri, 6, sources told The Post.

Holmes had quit going to her three-times-a-week Scientology classes at least 18 months ago. And about a month ago, she ditched her chaperone — Cruise’s sister, Lee Anne DeVette. She also rehired the publicist she had before she and Cruise hooked up.

Just before she filed for divorce in Manhattan Supreme Court on Friday, Holmes fired many of her handlers — Scientologists, whom she considered “spies.”

Helluva cult, and to me that's what they are. I hope she pulls it off.


Friday, July 6, 2012 7:39 AM


Blah blah blah holy shit, can't read it all....

If he's gay, he's gay... if he's not, he's not....

All I can think of is how much I used to jack off to Katie when She was on Dawson's creek and maybe a year or two after that... (which would have been much to my gf's chagrin then, but I was 20 at the time and could cum 20 times a day :))

She's old now though....

Why would I jack off to her now?

I guess Scientology hasn't figured out how to keep hot young chicks staying young and hot for eternity, huh?

Anyone who thought Tom Cruise would be a great husband, including Katie (30+) was an idiot......

Next stop..... Charlie Sheen.....!

Good Luck Miley!


Friday, July 6, 2012 7:49 AM


Did you not just start this very same thread only yesterday?


Friday, July 6, 2012 4:33 PM


Hey, Ive been in a firefight before! Well, I was in a fire. Actually, I was fired from a fry-cook opportunity.

Now you've done it. They are going to find this web site and send Xenu or Chu or Chi or some thetan to censor it all or maybe drop a hydrogen bomb into a volcano or something.

Oh let the sun beat down upon my face
With stars to fill my dream
I am a traveler of both time and space
To be where I have been


Saturday, July 7, 2012 5:48 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Different material; that was about his connections to Scientology and how it affected his marriage...wandering around I found all this other stuff.

Told you I was fascinated. Just skip the posts if you're not interested.


Saturday, July 7, 2012 9:26 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Blah blah blah holy shit, can't read it all....

OMG... you NAILED it! No one comes close to serving up such voluminous and BORING posts that go on and on and on and on and on, using so many words but saying SO very little!


" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Saturday, July 7, 2012 11:51 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by BIGDAMNNOBODY:
Did you not just start this very same thread only yesterday?

Which was plagerized from my thread the day before:

Seems the gays gang together to keep this topic under their control:


Saturday, July 7, 2012 11:57 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Blah blah blah holy shit, can't read it all....

OMG... you NAILED it!

So you agree with Jack that neither of you can read?

That might be the most honest thing you've ever posted.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I've not watched the video either, or am incapable of intellectually dealing with the substance of this thread, so I'll instead act like a juvenile and claim victory..." - Rappy


Saturday, July 7, 2012 12:06 PM


If I ever thought to learn about Scientology out of curiosity, it was on a
far back burner.

So it's the super cult, all about control and brainwashing. What a bummer!
They must be teaching it differently to the men. Something like, practicing
our principles will give You full control of Your life! We will set you Free!


Be afraid, Katie. Be very afraid.

Thanks, Niki :)

I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. ~Charles R Swindoll


Saturday, July 7, 2012 12:15 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Is there anyone here who cares even a little bit if Tom Cruise is gay? Is anyone out there sitting in their La-Z-Boy going, "All right! I've *finally* got a chance to get with that sweet piece of man-meat!"?

Or is there anyone thinking that they've finally got a shot with Katie now?

Tom Cruise likes divorcing 33 year-old women. That's news. There's your American values, to borrow from another thread.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I've not watched the video either, or am incapable of intellectually dealing with the substance of this thread, so I'll instead act like a juvenile and claim victory..." - Rappy


Saturday, July 7, 2012 4:31 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Not really caring in general about this, but the details caught my eye and started me thinking - how DO you extricate yourself from the entire web scientology can bring to bear? With all the minders and watchers and isolation from others how DO you go about finding a place to stay? finding and hiring trustworthy bodyguards? setting up a separate life? and do all that in secret?

Good on her for getting so far and good luck to her in getting clean away.

SignyM: I swear, if we really knew what was being decided about us in our absence, and how hosed the government is prepared to let us be, we would string them up.


Sunday, July 8, 2012 6:12 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

The scary part, when I thought of it, is that she never WILL get fully away. He'll get visiting rights, and of course may kidnap Suri during any one of those, and unless she takes serious measures, he'll know where she lives as a result.

I guess it's my fascination with cults in general more than just Scientology--tho' to me that is the weirdest of all, given the true insanity of what they believe. Shows again how gullible and easy to brainwash humans can be. Surely if there was no Scientology and someone described it to these people they'd think they were out of their minds...but surrounded by it, brought up from childhood in it, they seem to swallow it unquestioningly. That's so weird to me...

Like the break-away cults of Mormonism, it's so all-encompassing and rigid, I can't get my head around it.

I wish Katie all good luck, but she's sure got a tough row to hoe!


Sunday, July 8, 2012 7:31 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Is there anyone here who cares even a little bit if Tom Cruise is gay? Is anyone out there sitting in their La-Z-Boy going, "All right! I've *finally* got a chance to get with that sweet piece of man-meat!"?

Or is there anyone thinking that they've finally got a shot with Katie now?

Tom Cruise likes divorcing 33 year-old women. That's news. There's your American values, to borrow from another thread.

I wouldn't want a shot with Katie now. Sure, my best friend might have scoffed at me when I sad that to him a few months back, but girls over 30 are no longer "girls" and do nothing for me.

We can be bestest of friends, but after 30 a platonic relationship is as far as it's ever going to go...

Don't judge Tom of of what he does, but what he's capable of doing....

Look at what Charlie Sheen did....

Tom has way more money to spend irresponsibly.....

KH was awesome for him at the time, but he's moved on.

She wasn't your "average housewife", and I'm sure she'll be pampered with tons of money no mortal woman would deserve in the divorce.

Any woman here who sheds a single tear for Katie Holmes is twisted....


Sunday, July 8, 2012 8:17 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Well, I read it all, and found some of it very interesting. I always found the "TomKat" union a little creepy, with the age difference plus a clear imbalance of power in the relationship. That sort of thing can be pretty disturbing. Scientology can also be disturbing.


Originally posted by Niki2:
Shows again how gullible and easy to brainwash humans can be. Surely if there was no Scientology and someone described it to these people they'd think they were out of their minds...but surrounded by it, brought up from childhood in it, they seem to swallow it unquestioningly. That's so weird to me...

You just described my opinion of basically every religion on the face of the Earth. Most of them (particularly if you get into the nitty-gritty) would make no sense to someone who hadn't grown up hearing about it or something like it.

Scientology has one good thing going for it, as far as I'm concerned. That is, they are in favor of keeping children off drugs. The problem, of course, is that they take it way too far and it gives the whole opinion of "maybe drugging a child should not be our first resort" a bad name. They're doing harm to their one good platform by being so batshit crazy.

(Side note: Back in the days before Scientology was plastered all over the media, my grandfather was drawn to the name, as he was a scientist and recovering Catholic. My grandmother was also drawn to the name, looking for an alternative to Christian Science. They went to the same meeting, and the only long-term thing they got out of it was their marriage. I might not exist if that meeting had never taken place. Weird thing, life.)

What reason had proved best ceased to look absurd to the eye, which shows how idle it is to think anything ridiculous except what is wrong.


Sunday, July 8, 2012 8:55 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
Scientology has one good thing going for it, as far as I'm concerned. That is, they are in favor of keeping children off drugs. The problem, of course, is that they take it way too far and it gives the whole opinion of "maybe drugging a child should not be our first resort" a bad name. They're doing harm to their one good platform by being so batshit crazy.

Might be good.....

Until Mr Cruise and Mr Travolta were drilled repeatedly in the asshole by "Thetans" for a higher power....

It's totally easy to play the innocent lamb when you're not getting ass-raped "virtually" by "gods"....

JT woke up....

He had a kid and a half born onto him, most likely because of drugs, that was fucked up and he wanted to protect them....

there is NO room for that "stuff" in Scientology....

Throw them to the proverbial wolves... and don't make the "church" look bad...

I can only hope that the suppsedly "scientific minds" in here view that total cult in as bad light as they do Christianiaty....


Sunday, July 8, 2012 10:16 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Not really caring in general about this, but the details caught my eye and started me thinking - how DO you extricate yourself from the entire web scientology can bring to bear? With all the minders and watchers and isolation from others how DO you go about finding a place to stay? finding and hiring trustworthy bodyguards? setting up a separate life? and do all that in secret?

Oh it's do-able, some of the kids we pulled out of the religious hellcamps - there were these kinda problems, and sometimes made even more difficult by the need to dissappear their new legal guardian/caretaker with em, who was usually blood related - but it *is* do-able if you're really willing to work at it and have legal support who knows what they're doing, AND a couple legbreakers to provide some discreet discouragements.

What kills it in this case is shared custody, cause that's a gamebreaker.

Mind you, that's also why I consider restraining/protective orders both a farce and a gamebreaker - any time the victim is legally mandated to be at a certain place and time and unarmed, you've just handed the predator one more clean clear shot, just look how many women are gunned down on courthouse steps or parking lots that way.

You don't engage, you freakin DISAPPEAR, and you curbstomp a couple of em nosing around for good measure so they start gettin the idea it ain't worth it - although celebrity status might make that a hell of a lot harder to pull off, sure.

No easy answers here, but in the end it comes down to either obtaining sole custody and finding an org with the resources and ability to vanish her, or cutting loose her own child and doing so - which might seem harsh on the face of it, but I cannot see any good psychological consequence to involving the poor kid in a tug of war either.



Sunday, July 8, 2012 11:21 AM


Quote Frem: "You don't engage, you freakin DISAPPEAR,"

It's a good part for a good actress.
Become the Invisible Woman. A nobody that no one notices.

She'd want a truly invisible Treadstone agent to watch her back.
But is Frem up for it?

I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. ~Charles R Swindoll


Sunday, July 8, 2012 11:44 AM


I'm not sure he's gay, but he is a member of a sinister cult with ties to Area 51 and the State Farm Insurance's a fact!


Sunday, July 8, 2012 5:31 PM



Originally posted by Oonjerah:
She'd want a truly invisible Treadstone agent to watch her back.
But is Frem up for it?

Hell no!
Shit man, I wouldn't even WANT to try that one - ain't a question of ability so much as resources.
She'd need something pretty big, big enough to stand toe-to-toe with the Church of Happyologys lawyers, like NOW or somesuch.



Monday, July 9, 2012 4:03 AM



Any woman here who sheds a single tear for Katie Holmes is twisted....

I'm more sorry for her marrying him in the first place. All gold diggers seem to have issues with self-respect and doubts about their ability to make their own way in the world, but Kate seems to be an extreme case. I can't imagine she didn't know what she was in for. She subjected herself to the utter suppression of her free-will and personality. For money. And she only broke away from that when she realized she was pulling her own child into this mess with her.

Really, what I take away from all this is at least my self-loathing isn't as bad as hers. But she pretty much did this to herself, AND to an innocent child. She don't get much sympathy from me.


Monday, July 9, 2012 8:53 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

What makes you think she was a gold digger, Byte? From all accounts I've read, she had a crush on Cruise for a long, long time before even meeting him, and I've never heard/read anything to indicate it was his money she was after. So where did you get that idea?

Given she had a crush on him for so long, I don't find it a bit surprising that she didn't know what she was in for. People in that situation rarely see beyond what they want to see of the other person, and for her it was a "dream come true", so it wouldn't surprise me if she blinded herself to anything negative. But gold digger? I don't get that.

I find it difficult to judge someone as harshly as you do for blinding themself to someone they've got a crush on. It's happened to me more than once, and it happens to people who "fall in love" every day.

Rose, yup, yup and yup. My mom was also Christian Scientist, never knew much about the religion, myself, and she had become protestant or presbyterian or somesuch generic "religion" by the time I was born. But your opinion of organized religion pretty much parallels mine.


Monday, July 9, 2012 9:10 AM



So where did you get that idea?

From your own report. I heard from you that she told everyone she knew that she would marry Cruise, not because of his looks or his personality, but because she could "live in a mansion and slide down a waterslide into a pool when she got out of bed in the morning."

I dunno, that says to me she was more interested in living the wealthy lifestyle and the creature comforts than she was in the person.


I find it difficult to judge someone as harshly as you do for blinding themself to someone they've got a crush on. It's happened to me more than once, and it happens to people who "fall in love" every day.

Blegh. There was no "love" here. Gold digging and trophy wives. She knew what she was getting into, chose it anyway at the expense of the child she would have. Again, I have no sympathy for this woman.


Monday, July 9, 2012 1:01 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I'm happy for you that you know everything when it comes to Katie. From numerous other things I read, she told friends and family she had a crush on him years before they met, and that it was "love at first sight" when they did meet. I've never seen anything to indicate she's a gold digger...she subsumed her entire (apparently previously pretty perky and happy) personality to him and Scientology--seems to me a gold digger wouldn't do that.

From Tom's side, everything I've read (and what I posted) indicates that the Scientology folks chose his wife for him, with the pre-requisites that she "look good on his arm" and would submit to Scientology. I don't really consider that "trophy wife"; just like a king, he wanted "an heir and a spare". They just chose her partly because they heard what she'd told friends and figured she's be maleable because of her crush on Tom.

But then I don't know it all, just what I've read. I'm glad you know enough to have such a harsh judgment. Seems to me you very often have harsh judgments about women, individually and in general. Just an observation.


Monday, July 9, 2012 1:03 PM



Seems to me you very often have harsh judgments about women, individually and in general. Just an observation.

Don't twist me into something I'm not based on information that YOU represented. You know full well by now that I judge EVERYONE harshly. It is almost offensive that you question the boundaries and limitations of my jerkassery. I mean if you're going to compliment someone, generally it shouldn't involve understating their admirable qualities.

As for Kate, she's got money herself from her acting (not as much as Cruise though) and she's a smart lady. She had to have seen this coming. I mean, simple pattern recognition alone should have been a warning bell.

What I'm not going to do is pity this poor foolish girl, she was just naive and didn't know what she was doing and in love. No one is THAT naive. Every single person in the country saw how this was going to turn out the moment Cruise married her, so how could she have remained unaware?

Anyway, I'm more worried about the kid, Kate's too high profile to disappear. Better off with the mother, but I don't really see any way to extricate the girl.


Monday, July 9, 2012 4:58 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Hi Phoenix, though I wouldn't marry someone 17 years older than me its within my acceptability standards for age differences so I can't knock them for that. 19 years apart is where I draw the line of not acceptable in my standard for others, for myself I probably wouldn't want someone more than 10 years older than me, but that's just me.

Whether tom Cruise is gay or not isn't my business.

I don't really feel sorry for Katie either, she was a fully concenting adult who got herself into that mess. I do feel sorry for the girl though, it wasn't her choice to be put in that situation.

I have Kathy Bates on speed dial, mwa ha ha ha (in exaggeratedly evil voice)

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya.


Monday, July 9, 2012 5:10 PM


There's a creepiness equation out there where you take the older age, divide by two and add seven, and that's how old at minimum a partner should be without it being creepy.

I'm not sure how it works out past 40.


Monday, July 9, 2012 6:17 PM


Katie Holmes 'Biggest Nightmare' in Scientology History, Say Experts =>

In filing for divorce from Tom Cruise -- and apparently blindsiding him --
amid indications she doesn’t want her daughter raised a Scientologist . . .

"With Katie, it's like she’s taking a leaf from [Church of Scientology founder]
L. Ron Hubbard's own playbook," says Marc Headley, an ex-Scientologist who
fled the church with the help of police in 2005 after years spent working
closely with Cruise and his close friend, Scientology's powerful and feared
chairman, David Miscavige. "Hubbard always said, 'Attack, don’t defend.' "

Holmes appears more aggressive and fearless than those who have taken steps
to distance themselves from the church . . .


Tom and Katie Divorce - The Suri Clause =>

TMZ has learned, the divorce settlement between Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes
is extremely complicated, outlining things both Tom and Katie can and cannot
do with Suri.

Here's what we know.

-- Katie will have what amounts to primary physical custody, but Tom has
significant custodial time with his daughter.

-- A report claiming that Suri must be in the presence of Katie's bodyguard
and nanny when she is around Tom is "absolutely, 100% false."

-- The custodial provisions of the agreement are extremely detailed, and
religion is one of the topics. We're told there are restrictions on what
Tom and Katie can discuss with Suri on the subject of religion, including
Scientology, however, those restrictions are eased the older Suri gets.

In short, we're told the agreement is extremely detailed & outlines a course
of conduct for years to come.


Monday, July 9, 2012 6:33 PM


O good, Insanity, one of my favorite topics!

1. If you are reading, and worse, posting on this board, that indicates
that you have your fair share of insanity and probably a bit more.

2. A crush is one of the worst insanities One can have. Even if One has
a loud & healthy intellect to count the reasons why One is not going with
this crush, that only lasts until the intellect can be made to shut up.
A crush is a law unto its ownself; & those who presume to judge another's
crush, may they please land in Crush Hell.

3. Given that we are All nuts, I prefer acceptance & compassion rather
than judgement about the Insanity of Others, especially folks we only
"know" from the BS News! The clear exception to this rule is Politicians
who clearly deserve merciless retribution, may they rot!

4. I will shut up about this now rather than argue with Fools.

I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. ~Charles R Swindoll

If I have to react to others all the time, then they own my mind more than I do.


Monday, July 9, 2012 7:40 PM


And you, Oonj. You think you know what I am. You're really going to scold me for judging people?

Maybe I'm in denial about having no libido and being sterile! Oh, maybe it's just a PHASE I'll grow out of, actual biology be damned. It's secretly my dream to exchange gross fluids with another person! I'll press my lips together the same way birds regurgitate food for their young. What a lovely IDEAL this is.

Maybe a person will like me for my wonderful personality! Har freaking har!

I am a CYNIC, which means I have a pessimistic view of everything and everyone! And I TIRE of talking to people who want to tell me what's best for me.

Oh! Maybe I should get therapy! That's certainly a well-intentioned suggestion with no hidden insult at all!

That's it.


Monday, July 9, 2012 7:54 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"She had to have seen this coming."

"I don't really feel sorry for Katie either, she was a fully concenting adult who got herself into that mess."

I guess.

What I know is that we have some new hires - late 20's to early 30's - and all I can think of when I look at them is 'and I bet you think you're all grown up'.

SignyM: I swear, if we really knew what was being decided about us in our absence, and how hosed the government is prepared to let us be, we would string them up.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012 2:12 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Weird. I thought Katie Holmes already had money, her being a well-paid actress on a hit network show for a number of years and all...


Tuesday, July 10, 2012 5:22 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Weird. I thought Katie Holmes already had money, her being a well-paid actress on a hit network show for a number of years and all...

I'll just respond to you Kwick because I don't want to get in the middle of a pretty well put together argument by Byte....

Sure, she had money, but it was not even Sarah Michelle Gellar money in her prime, which really probably didn't amount to all that much and would explain the Scooby-Doo movies.....

A lot of movie stars today are moving to TV because of two reasons. 1) It's a NEW experience for them and it's fun and 2) They get paid a shit-ton more than any Katie-on-Dawson's or Sarah-as-Buffy's ever get paid.

Short of Tom, whatever money Katie was making, though it's nothing for any of us to laugh at, wasn't crap to what he was pulling in and could offer her.

What has she done since?

When I was 22, Katie was one of the most beautiful women in the world. Today, she's average on my barometer. She even was quoted about talking about how she can't be the cute "teenager" forever, and that was many years after she was even a teenager.

I'll bet "Dawson's" paid virtually DICK to her, or anybody else on it. It wasn't exactly Seinfeld in it's last two seasons.

I just hope the members of the cast you never hear about anymore (ie: Dawson), saved their pennies for a rainy day.



Tuesday, July 10, 2012 7:08 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


1. If you are reading, and worse, posting on this board, that indicates
that you have your fair share of insanity and probably a bit more.

2. A crush is one of the worst insanities One can have. Even if One has
a loud & healthy intellect to count the reasons why One is not going with
this crush, that only lasts until the intellect can be made to shut up.
A crush is a law unto its ownself; & those who presume to judge another's
crush, may they please land in Crush Hell.

3. Given that we are All nuts, I prefer acceptance & compassion rather
than judgement about the Insanity of Others, especially folks we only
"know" from the BS News! The clear exception to this rule is Politicians
who clearly deserve merciless retribution, may they rot!

Hysterical, and right on point! Certainly I'm given to harsh judgments of politicians and so forth, so I'm not innocent; I guess when it comes to celebs in the news who I know little or nothing about, I have a certain sympathy because their talent has caused celebrity status whether they want it or not, and the gossip that follows is usually nothing they deserve.

But you sure pissed Byte off!

Byte, I hadn't noticed your judgments of "everyone" were harsh, I must not have been paying attention. And it wasn't a compliment, it was a snark. I see I've offended you again, but I'm used to that, pretty much everyone here has at one time or another, whether they meant to or not. I also didn't know that "Every single person in the country saw how this was going to turn out", that comes as quite a surprise to me.

Given you apparently no nothing about crushes and how they can affect one's brain, maybe your harsh judgments are a reflection of you, rather than what's actually the case. Until one has experienced this (frequently self-destructive) phenomenon, it may be hard to comprehend how it can twist one's thinking. Oonj nailed it quite perfectly, and you can ask anyone who's experienced this phenomenon for verification.

No doubt I've "offended" or "insulted" you again; at least this time you can take satisfaction in knowing that it's intentional. See Oonj's Number 2; it expresses how I feel as well.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012 7:29 AM


Flattery will get you nowhere, Niki. That's what makes being me so fun. No matter if you try to compliment me or insult me, it has the exact same effect.

Hahahaha, you're all still trying to appeal to me with messages about friendship and love. To a psychopath! It's hilarious! The only crushing I'll be doing is with throats under my feet!


Tuesday, July 10, 2012 7:29 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

As to Katie, my biggest fears are for the child as well. Katie's an adult, and over time has obviously learned her error, she can take care of herself. But she's got to be terrified of Suri being kidnapped, which wouldn't be the least bit surprising, given Scientology's history.

That Cruise will hold fast to the "not discussing religion" part is hysterical to me; I don't think he's capable of that. I just hope Suri grows up wise enough to judge her parents for herself eventually, and that Katie keeps her as safe as possible in the meantime.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012 7:31 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:

1. If you are reading, and worse, posting on this board, that indicates
that you have your fair share of insanity and probably a bit more.

2. A crush is one of the worst insanities One can have. Even if One has
a loud & healthy intellect to count the reasons why One is not going with
this crush, that only lasts until the intellect can be made to shut up.
A crush is a law unto its ownself; & those who presume to judge another's
crush, may they please land in Crush Hell.

3. Given that we are All nuts, I prefer acceptance & compassion rather
than judgement about the Insanity of Others, especially folks we only
"know" from the BS News! The clear exception to this rule is Politicians
who clearly deserve merciless retribution, may they rot!

Hysterical, and right on point! Certainly I'm given to harsh judgments of politicians and so forth, so I'm not innocent; I guess when it comes to celebs in the news who I know little or nothing about, I have a certain sympathy because their talent has caused celebrity status whether they want it or not, and the gossip that follows is usually nothing they deserve.

But you sure pissed Byte off!

Byte, I hadn't noticed your judgments of "everyone" were harsh, I must not have been paying attention. And it wasn't a compliment, it was a snark. I see I've offended you again, but I'm used to that, pretty much everyone here has at one time or another, whether they meant to or not. I also didn't know that "Every single person in the country saw how this was going to turn out", that comes as quite a surprise to me.

Given you apparently no nothing about crushes and how they can affect one's brain, maybe your harsh judgments are a reflection of you, rather than what's actually the case. Until one has experienced this (frequently self-destructive) phenomenon, it may be hard to comprehend how it can twist one's thinking. Oonj nailed it quite perfectly, and you can ask anyone who's experienced this phenomenon for verification.

No doubt I've "offended" or "insulted" you again; at least this time you can take satisfaction in knowing that it's intentional. See Oonj's Number 2; it expresses how I feel as well.

All I want to know Niki is how you do it....????

But I already know....

If I was even 1/8's black male or if I had a pussy I'd be able to say whatever I wanted to....

Good for you, for doing what you can when you have virtually no boundaries.

If I said 1/10th of what you said, I'd be a leper....

My own apoligies, and specifically Frem's disgust at my postings (though I debate in my mind if he feels that for real) are my life......

You can say whatever the fuck-all you want to say.....

and you do

and most of it has no meaning because you have no opinion

you only post what greater people tell you to post....





Tuesday, July 10, 2012 7:44 AM


Ppht, whatever Jack, you know you love her. This board is so full of friendship.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012 7:50 AM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
Ppht, whatever Jack, you know you love her. This board is so full of friendship.

Seriously Byte....

Why am I the bad guy?

Niki is just the Anti-fucking-PN.....

I guess it's "cool" because she's a mindless Lib, huh.....?


Tuesday, July 10, 2012 7:57 AM


I'd love it if I could be cool just for throwing around some emoticons and accusing everyone of being a liberal. You're so lucky!


Tuesday, July 10, 2012 11:14 AM


Niki: "But you sure pissed Byte off!"

Byte is on one of her "Everyone hates me rides."
Nothing can be done about it, 'cause ... she's not responsible. :(
ATM, I do wonder if she enjoys or dreads the ride.


Wednesday, July 11, 2012 8:08 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Yeah, I kinda got that. I haven't heard further about her "plan", so I'm hoping whatever it was has passed, for her sake.

When it comes to "not responsible", however, I have to take issue. I wrote a long post about this, but lost it, dammit, so I'll try to redo it more concisely. Those of us suffering from mental illness have "episodes"--yes, we're responsible for them, but we might not be able to CONTROL them. There's a difference. I wish people who think otherwise could experience just ONE episode--I wouldn't wish more than one on my worst enemy. But if you experienced it, you'd understand. I'm EXTREMELY lucky in that my bipolarity is so mild these days it's almost nonexistant (which can happen with bipolarity as one ages), but I'll never experiment with going off my meds nonetheless...I've experienced enough in my past that I'll never attempt THAT again! I'd probably be re-dx'd cyclothymic now, if anything, but am not about to go to a p-doc to find out. Labels are just that--labels; it's dealing with whatever one's problem is that counts.

We may think we're 'enjoying' the ride while we're in an episode, but believe me, we "dread" them before and after. When the brain takes over, we may think we're perfectly logical, but the aftermath can be horrible, we can be very destructive, lose friends we valued, or even end up in jail. It's not something we do deliberately, and one of the hardest things someone who works with the mentally disordered can do is try to help people not hate themselves for what they did while in an episode and not live in perpetual guilt.

On mental health website, we try to have as much compassion as possible for members who are in an episode; yes, they piss us off, but we understand. On most mental-health websites, people are banned for some time, or permanently, for acting out. I think my website is the only one to come up with a better alternative. We have what's called the Resting Room...a forum people acting out can be limited to. They can post whatever they want down there, can read everyone else's posts, but can't post in other forums. It allows them to not feel isolated from the group and other people to communicate with them. Anyone going down there understands they do so at their own risk, but most who post to people there are trying to help them through the episode so they can rejoin the group.

Those of us who take our responsibilities seriously have several things we can do, such as chart our mood swings, recognize our triggers, try to know when an episode is coming on (and isolate ourselves if necessary), TRY to control the episode as best we can with symptom-management skills we've learned, and apologize afterward. We say "try your best, apologize afterward, and try to learn from the experience if possible". Yes, there are totally irresponsible people in these situations, and there are undiagnosed people who either feel justified or don't realize what they did or said, but for those of us who've been diagnosed and learned about our illness, and who take responsibility, we dread such things happening more than you can imagine.

This is not to say I KNOW Byte is enduring an episode, and if she's not, certainly I'll be as angry with her as anyone, but I'll given anyone I know experiences things similar to what my disorder has caused me the benefit of the doubt and as much compassion as I can. I don't expect understanding or compassion from websites other than mental-health ones, like here, but I'll always try to be compassionate when I know someone battles the same things I have. Sure, it pisses me off, but I try to understand.

I'll tell you one thing, too; I'll take Byte's occasional acting out over people like Kane, and now Six, ANY day. Whether they're undiagnosed, irresponsible or just plain assholes, the vast majority of the time Byte is a reasonable, civil, good person, and she's apologized in the past for times when she wasn't herself--you'll rarely hear that from some others. For example, notice that Sux did apologize for calling me a cunt, but has gone right on attacking me (from what I've seen of quotes) in some pretty virulent language. I give him no quarter, but I still consider Byte someone I respect, unless it turns out she's serious about this "plan" of hers, whatever it is, meaning she's been playing us false all this time. Only Byte can know.


Wednesday, July 11, 2012 10:49 AM


Quote Oonj: "Nothing can be done about it, 'cause ... she's not responsible. :("

Quote Niki: "When it comes to 'not responsible', however, I have to take issue."

It was a touch of sarcasm is why "responsible" is in italics.
I know she's responsible. Don't think she understands it yet.

To me, to vastly over-simplify, it comes to this: I choose-create a persona
that I can like and respect. I wear that persona in public. i.e., I know as
I'm walking out the door how I'm going to act. Once that's clear to me, and
I've had a bit of practice, then I know I can trust myself to not act the fool.

Someone says something that offends me. They didn't say it to me or even
in my direction. Still, I decide they said it about me, insulted me. The motive
for MY perception is: The need for attention, mainly. My paranoid egomania
loves to overrate my nuisance value, so they damn well ought to be talking
about ME! The validation for my perception is low self-esteem: I automatically,
instantly identify with certain insults.

If I have to react/overreact to others, then I am their puppet. In order to
shed my puppethood, Pinocchio, I created that persona that can Choose the
behavior that I respect. That's when I took responsibility ... or began to.
My Intellect figured out the plan, but my Broken Child had to adopt it, agree
to stick with it regardless of crazy-down moods. Thus I became a real girl.

Anyways, About Me: There's been a lot of pressure here lately, problems of
my own and family, the loss of my most-loved cat. I'm spending half my time
tryin' to cope, half my time running away, & half my time tryin' to sleep.
I'm really tired a lot lately.

I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. ~Charles R Swindoll

If I have to react to others all the time, then they own my mind more than I do.
If I let others tell me how to feel, I lose my ability to choose happiness.
If I let others tell me who I am, I've vacated self-definition.
Finally, I realized how foolish I was to give others such power over me.


Wednesday, July 11, 2012 11:09 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Blah blah blah holy shit, can't read it all....

OMG... you NAILED it!

So you agree with Jack that neither of you can read?

That might be the most honest thing you've ever posted.

The irony of you trying to say something about others not reading. Too gorram funny.

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Blah blah blah holy shit, can't read it all....


" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Sunday, July 15, 2012 3:40 PM


I'm interested in the whole Katie Tom thing, not entirely sure why, partly I think because the scientology stuff is so weird and sinister, partly because I always thought Katie had that haunted look of an abused spouse. Trouble is Tom Cruise IS a really good actor, love heaps of his stuff, but his personal life...he seems pretty unpleasant.

I'm glad she got out. We'll never know the truth, but it never looked real or right. And as for her knowing what she was getting herself into, plenty of us smart gals have been in relationships that ended up being horrific, so spare the judgement. Hindsight would be great, if only....






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