Batman Shooting

UPDATED: Sunday, August 12, 2012 18:15
VIEWED: 40761
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Wednesday, July 25, 2012 8:08 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Kiki, yes, I wonder why it is that those who are pro-gun KEEP thinking they could have done something and continue to totally ignore the fact that he was wearing bullet-proof EVERYTHING. There must be something going on there in their minds...I wonder what it is? I wonder if it's tied to the gun mentality? I can't figure it out.

No, I didn't run into the same reporting you did...maybe because I don't watch network news? All I got was the first one you mentioned, and yes, they mentioned he was in the process of quitting the program, but mostly talk about how smart he was and how far he'd gotten. Interesting.

Yeah, well, Mike, we all know...well, those of us with half a BRAIN know...about Drudge and Breitbart. Nobody expected otherwise, tho' I'm sure "some" people would have an excuse or say it wasn't important or something. Eh.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 8:17 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"maybe because I don't watch network news"

I didn't WATCH it per se - I was doing housework and listening to the TV. So, being that I had a lot to do, I got the LP version of the news 'reporting' as it un- I was going to say unfolded but it was more like unraveled.

SignyM: I swear, if we really knew what was being decided about us in our absence, and how hosed the government is prepared to let us be, we would string them up.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 8:40 AM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by HKCavalier:

Until our culture stops perceiving the mentally ill as some kind of sideshow, something shameful, something to be shunned, we'll never be able to help people like James Holmes (Even among us here, I'm sure there are several of you who want nothing to do with helping him).
The state of the mental health system in America is apalling, not just in terms of funding and the like, but, more broadly and crucially, in terms of culture.

Whatchu goin' do 'bout it, Willis??

Hey Wish,

Do you ever try to understand what people are talking about before you go off on them? Do you even imagine that you might misunderstand what someone writes online? You have a violent imagination and you seem more than happy to share it with us all at the slightest--and I mean slightest--provocation. You were, of course, one of the people on my mind when I wrote my last post. I sincerely hope that you're a decent, kind-hearted person in real life and that you save all your vitriol for the internet.


Want people to turn in people who SUSPECT others of being crazy??
No. You just pulled that out of your--ahem, thin air. Did it feel good?


Mandatory group hugs every five minutes? Sing gospel while the mentals shoot at you?
Do you even conceive of me as a person, that you would talk to me like this?


Once again, forest for the trees. What is actionable, vs what is moraly correct.
What are you talking about now?


Unless we focus on fixing what the hell goes wrong with the brain chemically, CAN'T DO NOTHIN, CAN'T FIX NOTHIN'. "Group huggies" and "kumbaya moments" DON'T FIX WHAT'S BROKE. Don't even help for more more than a few minutes, if that....
I was talking about our alienated culture. Our culture that can't even tolerate people being kind to one another without logging our contempt. What goes wrong with the chemistry? Well, the chemistry of male children goes wrong when their lacrimal systems are all but shut down. It's important for humans to cry when the body prompts us to tears. As I suggested in another thread: if a culture were to make a taboo of urination, we would all see how that could lead to serious physical and mental problems. But we in this culture think nothing of telling boys (and girls) to STOP CRYING, YA BABY!

I was in no way implying that hugs and kumbaya were going to fix a damn thing. I was speaking to the pervasive contempt in our culture for healing, for vulnerability and "neediness," exemplified by folks who scoff at people who reach out to other human beings for help and support. If we deride such things when they are as trivial as a group hug, why should anyone be surprised when people with real, deep-rooted problems never seek help until they've gotten to the point when killing a hundred or so people looks like a good idea? I was talking about a need for our culture to evolve a little, to recognize that fucking up children's natural emotional functioning has devastating effects on the culture as a whole. I'd like us to shoot for something higher than "better than the Taliban."


Do I blame people for being crazy, NO. But I gotta hold them as accountable as everyone else until a better way comes along, otherwise all that's left is anarchy.
Yeah, and I was talking about how deeply-rooted our resistance is to create that better way. I was suggesting that your malicious relish in the suffering of others--even mass murders--is part of the problem.


Makes that simple. And NO, I don't wanna help his ass, those people in that theater coulda just as easily been MY people.

And what you don't seem to understand is that indeed they WERE your people, my people, all of our people, as is James Holmes. There is a better way, and it starts with everyone of us doing what we need to do to get the help we need. Yes, it's very likely too late for James Holmes, but it's every bit as too late for everyone who has learned that violence and control are really all that's needed in this world. We, as a culture, need to change or this will happen again as surely as the sun rises in the morning (just not as frequently).


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 9:19 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Kiki: Ah, I get it now. That's a good way to use the TV as radio, and I do it every day while I'm sitting in my recliner working on plants or Occupy signs. One actually rarely has to WATCH TV, especially when it comes to the works better as radio, I have found! I can see where you picked up on what you did, since not focusing on the visual would likely enhance your understanding of the audio. On what stations did you encounter this, if I might ask? Just curious.

I've noticed I pick up on stuff that seems to slide by when I listen rather than pay attention and watch. Something about that, I'm not sure what, but I've felt I picked up on vocal inflections that I might well have missed if watching, with all the visuals and pretty people and, of course, those damned things they stick on the screen all the time to promo something or the scrolling bar on the news. Bah.

Cav, that was beautiful, and Wish's reaction was a perfect illustration of what we hear all the time and read on the internet daily. It seems to be that way with so many people: a blind anger/hatred at the perpetrator and rejection of any compassion. It's simplistic, and people reach for the simple answers far too often. There's nothing I could say that's better than how beautifully you put it, so I'll shut up now. ;o)


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 10:05 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Oh, btw, the vest he wore was armored. There goes your ASSumption of an easy body shot.

...Here's a pdf of a receipt for some of the equipment the shooter purchased. One of the items is called the "Blackhawk Urban Assault Vest". Here's what it looks like:

That's not a bulletproof vest. A clue can be found in the big green open spot in the middle of it. Some would call that "center mass"...

A 2 minute search would have discovered this. Supporting evidence delivered. Unless you have some evidence that negates this, I'll have my apology now.

Kwindbago, hot air and angry electrons


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 10:10 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
"When I worked in mental health ..."

You were what ... mopping floors?

I was a physical intervention trainer. About half of my time was assigned to direct care on high risk wards. Forensic mostly, adult long term care and in at least one really scary case, adolescent and juvenile.

What's your mental health experience? Patient?

Kwindbago, hot air and angry electrons


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 10:14 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
One more observation - did you all find the spin on the reporting to be, well, head spinning?

Over a couple of hours the description of Holmes went from being a brilliant former PhD candidate in neuroscience to being a (soto voce graduate school) DROPOUT. Two reporters that I heard claimed it was an ego thing, yanno, he peaked in high school and his ego couldn't take the real world. Thank you doctor reporters for your professional diagnoses. Reporting skewed from 'no time for shock, no time to think, no time to mourn let's whore family members to warp-speed celebrate the LIFE of the bodies not yet cold!' to breathless rehashing by people who survived to grave and serious posturing.

It was the internal schism of infotainment for all to see. How can we pitch this event for maximal titillation of our viewing audience and keep on flogging it for gain? It was all their cheap and tawdry wares on display.

The best thing that could have happened is that the judge sealed the court records. The media machine will hopefully starve and move onto easier prey.

Kwindbago, hot air and angry electrons


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 10:38 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Right. I get that you read Ace of Spades HQ and slurp up everything they write, but you don't KNOW what he was wearing any more than they do. All the news has reported was "body armor". You can't know if that receipt was for all the things he got, and even if it was only that one vest, the odds of hitting him anywhere vital, in a smoke-filled room with people screaming and scrambling, is a very poor argument.

In my opinion, anyone who went to the effort of protecting himself with ballistic helmet, a ballistic vest, ballistic leggings, a throat protector, a groin protector, AND tactical gloves wouldn't leave himself open at the most vulnerable area with a vest like that. I mean, he protects his HANDS, throat and crotch, but leaves all that open?? Even Ace writes "Now it's possible the shooter wore that vest over a bulletproof vest..." tho' of course they doubt it. And their additional scenario is straight out of Rambo:

What's more likely (read damned near guaranteed) to happen is that the assailant will be forced to focus his attention on the "victim" that's unexpectedly shooting back at him and away from other potential targets. By choosing to voluntarily place himself at heightened risk, the armed citizen buys time for the unarmed to flee to safety.
Heroes, all!

Of course, the entire message is to drill home "They're now shamelessly using the shootings in Aurora to try to convince you that concealed carry is a bad thing. Don't believe them." Even if the NRA has scared you guys so badly you actually BELIEVE something will be done (or even TRY to be done) about assault rifles or high-volume mags (the ONLY things anyone has proposed or that would ever have a chance of passing), the NRA themselves know it's laughable.

I love

there's the head shot. If there's any lesson to take from this incident in regards to concealed carry, it's that a CCW holder can't spend too much time at the range.
Yes, of course, a shooter somewhere in a huge theater filled with smoke and terrified people would easily have been able to pull off a head shot on a moving guy wearing a gas mask. I'm sure Sarah Palin would believe it, you betcha!

We get it; gun bunnies are convinced someone carrying a gun could have somehow "solved" any shooting anywhere by anyone, but nobody can know whether that would be true or not. It's more the insistence of people like you that they COULD have got him in some kind of Rambo-like action that fascinates me. There's something to it, but I can't quite figure out what. Either that you think carrying a gun makes you a potential hero, or invincible, or SOMETHING, but I'm not interested enough to try and figure it out. It's just weird to me, this obsession that if everyone carried guns, any situation could be solved...


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 11:12 AM



Originally posted by CaveTroll:
So, we have the following opinions,

Guns kill people. (In which case, all of my guns are defective.) Cars kill even more people, every single day. Ted Kennedy's car killed a person. I guess we should outlaw cars. Can't trust 'em. They do things of their own volition.

SWEET JAYSUS SHUT UP!!!! That's it for me, I cant read the rest of your post. If I see this moronic fucking NRA soundbite trotted out once more, I will go postal myself. You realise its the stupist statement ever. See Jason Alexander's response a couple of posts up which you clearly didn't read. And try to be original next time.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 11:16 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by CaveTroll:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
One more observation - did you all find the spin on the reporting to be, well, head spinning?

Over a couple of hours the description of Holmes went from being a brilliant former PhD candidate in neuroscience to being a (soto voce graduate school) DROPOUT. Two reporters that I heard claimed it was an ego thing, yanno, he peaked in high school and his ego couldn't take the real world. Thank you doctor reporters for your professional diagnoses. Reporting skewed from 'no time for shock, no time to think, no time to mourn let's whore family members to warp-speed celebrate the LIFE of the bodies not yet cold!' to breathless rehashing by people who survived to grave and serious posturing.

It was the internal schism of infotainment for all to see. How can we pitch this event for maximal titillation of our viewing audience and keep on flogging it for gain? It was all their cheap and tawdry wares on display.

The best thing that could have happened is that the judge sealed the court records. The media machine will hopefully starve and move onto easier prey.

Wait a sec - you're arguing for LESS transparency and openness in a case dealing with lots of guns and lots of shooting victims?


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"The groin cup and throat protector have about as much ballistic protection as the kneepads I wear when I'm doing a job that requires me to be on my knees." - Troll


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 11:24 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

physical intervention trainer - 'burly orderly'. Got it.

And THANKS for your 'expert' psychological observations.

SignyM: I swear, if we really knew what was being decided about us in our absence, and how hosed the government is prepared to let us be, we would string them up.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 11:27 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

Many years go I knew a young man who was probably the smartest person I'll ever meet in my life. After losing track of him, one day he suddenly showed up literally at my door - pale, extremely thin, shambling, mud on the back of his clothes like he'd been sleeping on the dirt, pupils fully dilated, deep in some silent internal conversation with himself, and off-topic - though not overtly 'crazy' - when he did speak with me. A few months later he committed suicide.

James Holmes' demeanor was remarkably similar, and I don't think you can fake pale skin and dilated pupils. While I think we need to wait for the complete diagnosis, I think it's rather premature to write off a psychotic break and put this all to fakery - don't you?

Also, FWIW, why don't you want to 'help his ass'? Is it too expensive for your tastes? Does that create a society too focused on people and not enough on business? Do you just want revenge, and, being too chicken to get a gun and blow him away yourself, you're content to let the machinery of society grind him to bits for you? And ready to watch with the satisfaction of one who's just had a tasty meal?

Wish is not the most empathic person ever. She wanted to torture drug affected mothers in a recent thread.

That being said, I guess there is a line that you cross, sad as it may be, whether you are mentally unstable or not, that means being away from others, maybe forever, is in order.

I do find it sad. This person was clearly brilliant, and there could have been a different outcome all round if some intervention had taken place. Maybe we will never know.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 12:02 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I have little doubt that Holmes will now have to be isolated from people. I find that sad.

I find the loss of life sad.

I find our society of disposable people sad.

SignyM: I swear, if we really knew what was being decided about us in our absence, and how hosed the government is prepared to let us be, we would string them up.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 12:10 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
physical intervention trainer - 'burly orderly'. Got it.

And THANKS for your 'expert' psychological observations.

And THANK YOU for the lack of refutation of ANY of what I said. And the ad hominem attacks. The PDF link is to the sales receipt that the vendor posted. You seem to have missed the day in debate class when they covered the fact that screeching like a howler monkey was not rebuttal. Thank God you were there the day they covered flinging poo.

"Burly orderly", yes. But for the record I also wrote the training manual that was used statewide for physical intervention, escalation and documentation. Additionally I was one of 3 people in my department that had to review all use of physical, mechanical or medical intervention.

So, how long were you a patient?

Kwindbago, hot air and angry electrons


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 12:13 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:

Originally posted by CaveTroll:
So, we have the following opinions,

Guns kill people. (In which case, all of my guns are defective.) Cars kill even more people, every single day. Ted Kennedy's car killed a person. I guess we should outlaw cars. Can't trust 'em. They do things of their own volition.

SWEET JAYSUS SHUT UP!!!! That's it for me, I cant read the rest of your post. If I see this moronic fucking NRA soundbite trotted out once more, I will go postal myself. You realise its the stupist statement ever. See Jason Alexander's response a couple of posts up which you clearly didn't read. And try to be original next time.

Do inanimate objects in your little world spring to life and act on their own? You must be doing some really good drugs.

Kwindbago, hot air and angry electrons


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 12:24 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Magons, we never will know. As to the Troll..I read about as far as you did, and am equally sick of that damned parrotted talking point. I guess gunbunnies don't realize how totally irrelevant it is, given they keep right on saying it. The fact that either of us even got THAT far is probably a negative statement on both of our self-control in even bothering to READ what we should have known was coming...

And yes, I'm immeasurably saddened by the loss of a brilliant mind, too. It seems, from what one hears, that the nice, intelligent, achievers are either the victims or those who have slaughtered in dramatic style. When you hear about victims, more often than not it seems they had a lot to contribute and were snuffed out by gangs or ancillary to gang attacks, etc., and the worst multiple- or serial-killers seem to be proven to be of high intelligence as well, and sometimes over-achievers to boot. Interesting, that. And yes, I realize the norm is for people to speak of victims positively, but often their grades, accomplishments, etc., show the rosy descriptions of them are at least partly right.

Maybe it means being of higher-than-normal intelligence and achievement isn't especially healthy these days, eh? ;o)


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 12:26 PM


No supporter of gun control/restrictions has ever, ever made that claim, despite the fact that NRA drones continue to trot out that ridiculous line in refutation.

Try and make a decent argument without the sound bites. I dare you.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 12:46 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"And THANK YOU for the lack of refutation of ANY of what I said."

Actually, I did post a refutation. And the same ideas were posted by several others. You had all sorts of opportunities to read those ideas. It looks like you can't read. I'm sorry for you that you can't read.

BTW, physical intervention training stresses DE-ESCALATION as the first response. I see you failed to get that concept. Or are too personally unstable to practice it. B/c all you seem to be able to conceptualize is "physical intervention, escalation and documentation." ie burly orderly

Oh, and to put it out there, I have not only never been hospitalized for anything at all, I have never been treated for psychological issues, and have never been diagnosed with them. You, I'm no so sure about. You seem to have literacy, attention and anger issues. You might want to get help with those.

And, as fun as it's been provoking you, I have more impotant things to do.

SignyM: I swear, if we really knew what was being decided about us in our absence, and how hosed the government is prepared to let us be, we would string them up.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 3:07 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Oh, and to put it out there, I have not only never been hospitalized for anything at all, I have never been treated for psychological issues, and have never been diagnosed with them.

Not even multiple personality disorder?


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:56 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I was a physical intervention trainer. About half of my time was assigned to direct care on high risk wards. Forensic mostly, adult long term care and in at least one really scary case, adolescent and juvenile.

Hey, I know where CAVETROLL worked!


Abuse of Brain Injured Americans Scandalizes U.S.
By David Armstrong - Jul 24, 2012 12:15 PM PT

...Staffers at his new home held him down and punched him in the face and groin, Price said. When Alopaeus’s efforts to transfer him stalled, Price said his desperation led him to a step aimed at speeding his release. He swallowed five fish hooks and 22 AA batteries he’d picked up during a patient outing at Wal-Mart. After emergency surgery to remove the objects, he was allowed to transfer to another facility.

Residents at the Florida Institute have often been abused, neglected and confined, according to 20 current and former patients and their family members, criminal charges, civil complaints and advocates for the disabled.

...On its website, the company calls itself a leader in brain- injury rehabilitation. In past statements it has said it vends “extremely high quality care to very difficult clients” aimed at returning them to their homes, doesn’t use seclusion and has “zero tolerance” for resident abuse.

Elbow Shots

Hardee County prosecutors have charged two FINR staffers with abusing Danny Silva, a 21-year-old autistic patient. Video of the alleged crime shows two large men flanking a smaller figure on a sofa as they punch, elbow and slap him at least 30 times. The blows often come after moans from the man in the middle, which appear to be making it hard for his assailants to hear the TV.

“Shut up, man,” they say in the video, taped by a FINR staffer, according to police. “You are getting on my damn nerves,” one of the hitters tells the smaller man between two elbow shots. A woman in nurse’s clothes shows up in the video to give the alleged victim his medicine.

... Employee McKinley Scott pulled autistic patient Gabriel Allen up from his seat and threw him to the ground last December in a second case, prosecutors say. A video in the case shows a man identified as Scott pushing Allen away from him on a couch, standing him up, kicking his legs out from under him and leaving him curled up on the floor next to a blinking Christmas tree. Scott, 48, has pleaded not guilty to an abuse charge. His lawyer didn’t return calls.

Yep, I know where YOU'RE coming from, dude!


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 6:11 PM


This despicable shooter was more sane than insane. Death penalty is too merciful for him. He should be locked up for life in a small isolation cell, forced to watch The Glee Movie 23 hours a day in perpetuity.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 6:20 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by CaveTroll:

Do inanimate objects in your little world spring to life and act on their own? You must be doing some really good drugs.

What drugs are you on, then? You've claimed that those same "inanimate objects" jumped up and killed an American agent in Arizona.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 7:16 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
Wish is not the most empathic person ever. She wanted to torture drug affected mothers in a recent thread.

It seems to me there are quite a few here who like to pretend they are saints.
WHAT... A.... JOKE.

Did you people ever stop to think that maybe it's YOUR fault things are sooo messed up? I'm sick of crackers handing out "Get outta trouble FREE" cards to every Schmuck and Sally-sob-story out there. Ya been HAD and ya too busy getting "huggy" to even notice... Put up a picture of murderer hugging a fluffy bunny and I GAR_ON_TEE half the suckers in here would just melt...
Or you could just let Niki TALK him ta death... Talk about scrollin' through stuff, geez.

The general public will never hold themselves accountable. BECAUSE THEY CAN'T.
If you can't handle hurting the "poor wittle murderers' and druggies and child abusers feeewings" you prolly outta step aside and let someone with the balls do it for ya.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 7:29 PM


More of the same from Wish: bitching about posts that are too long. Discussion avoidance step 2 yet again! Step 3 can't be far away...

Hey Wish, maybe the problem is your short attention span. You ever think about maybe **holding yourself accountable** for that? Trying to get your brain to focus?

Nope. Too busy bitching about and blaming other people. Yada yada yada.

Carry on.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 7:37 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


I have to say this new site puzzles me. I'm beginning to notice that sometimes posts don't show up for hours while later posts show up right away. I didn't see your post w/ the receipt until I went to your 'name', and clicked on your posts one by each.

So yes, you're right - I didn't respond to that one. I apologize.

SignyM: I swear, if we really knew what was being decided about us in our absence, and how hosed the government is prepared to let us be, we would string them up.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 7:43 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
Wish is not the most empathic person ever. She wanted to torture drug affected mothers in a recent thread.

It seems to me there are quite a few here who like to pretend they are saints.
WHAT... A.... JOKE.

Did you people ever stop to think that maybe it's YOUR fault things are sooo messed up? I'm sick of crackers handing out "Get outta trouble FREE" cards to every Schmuck and Sally-sob-story out there. Ya been HAD and ya too busy getting "huggy" to even notice... Put up a picture of murderer hugging a fluffy bunny and I GAR_ON_TEE half the suckers in here would just melt...
Or you could just let Niki TALK him ta death... Talk about scrollin' through stuff, geez.

The general public will never hold themselves accountable. BECAUSE THEY CAN'T.
If you can't handle hurting the "poor wittle murderers' and druggies and child abusers feeewings" you prolly outta step aside and let someone with the balls do it for ya.


I don't think people are deserving of ridicule merely because they do not condone torture or revenge killings. There are plenty of places on this planet where both torture and murder are practiced as a matter of freely acknowledged and accepted public policy, but I'm not sure any of us would want to live there.

Building a better society does not begin with discarding humanity or ridiculing those who want to behave humanely.


Note to Self:
Raptor - woman testifying about birth control is a slut (the term fits.)
Six - Wow, isn't Niki quite the CUNT? And, yes, I spell that in all caps....
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.

“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 8:05 PM



Originally posted by ANTHONYT:

Did you people ever stop to think that maybe it's YOUR fault things are sooo messed up? I'm sick of crackers handing out "Get outta trouble FREE" cards to every Schmuck and Sally-sob-story out there. Ya been HAD and ya too busy getting "huggy" to even notice... Put up a picture of murderer hugging a fluffy bunny and I GAR_ON_TEE half the suckers in here would just melt...
Or you could just let Niki TALK him ta death... Talk about scrollin' through stuff, geez.

The general public will never hold themselves accountable. BECAUSE THEY CAN'T.
If you can't handle hurting the "poor wittle murderers' and druggies and child abusers feeewings" you prolly outta step aside and let someone with the balls do it for ya.


I don't think people are deserving of ridicule merely because they do not condone torture or revenge killings. There are plenty of places on this planet where both torture and murder are practiced as a matter of freely acknowledged and accepted public policy, but I'm not sure any of us would want to live there.

Building a better society does not begin with discarding humanity or ridiculing those who want to behave humanely.


Right, thanks Anthony, you've said it well.

Wish, I find your world view abhorent, but you are welcome to it. If you start having any decision making capacity in my neck of the woods, which will be unlikely, I'd be opposing your every move.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012 8:36 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


"The only amendment left in the Constitution is the Second one. If you take away the right to due process, habeas corpus, the prohibition against cruel and unusual treatment because they now torture, if they can take all these away, they can take away the guns. Probably won't be much longer. They certainly have a Police State, it's in place, and we no longer have any rights. They can bring any kind of charges against anybody at any time. Or they can simply dissappear them. There's no longer any protection from being thrown in a dungeon for the rest of your life, without ever being told why you're there, hahaha, much less a court being told, or a jury, or any evidence presented. So, as far as I can tell, the Constitution no longer exists for any constraints on the power of government, and the page has turned, hahaha. Or they'll kill you with a drone."
-Dr Paul Craig Roberts PhD, Assistant Secretary of the US Department of the Treasury, Infowars Radio, 25 July 2012

Aurora Shooting: Panic Prompts Surge 300% In Gun Sales After Colo. Movie Theater Massacre


“The tragedy that played out in an Aurora movie theater Friday was ironically paralleled as a classroom learning experience in a medical school in Parker the same day. Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine is in the middle of holding specialized classes in disaster life support for 150 second-year medical students. Along with response to natural disasters like hurricanes and floods and terrorist attacks, one of the scenarios being used to train the students is how to respond if a shooter fires at people in a movie theater and also uses a bomb in the attack. 'The irony is amazing, just amazing,' said Rocky Vista Dean Dr. Bruce Dubin. The shootings in Aurora were incorporated into the teaching Friday, Dubin said."
-Nancy Lofholm, Denver Post, Real life shooting imitates training exercise at Parker medical school, 07/21/2012

A "drill" at the exact same location and exact same time of the exct same "terror" attack...ust like 9/11 and 7/7...

Did a cop go off script by failing to shoot and kill the alleged shooter/patsy, thus leaving the door open to asking him WHAT REALLY HAPPENED in court? What has the media not IDENTIFIED and interviewed this brave cop, about how he arrested an alleged mass murderer carrying 4 guns and in full body armor (i.e. dressed as a COP), without so much as giving him a black eye. Or is this exactly what the script required, A DIVERSIONARY TACTIC, an arrest of an innocent patsy, drugged up on mind control as part of his JOB AT THE PENTAGON for creating Super soldiers? Why no interviews of all the players in the "drill" curring in the same town of a "terrorist shooting" in a movie theater?

The Joker has green hair you morons. This professor worked at McDonalds, when he wasn't employed by the Pentagon on projects to brainwash Super Soldiers by mind control. Apparently he went off script and dyed his hair red not green, but that didn't stop the disinfobabes from calling him The Joker. Where's the AUDIOTAPE RECORDINGS from the arrest where he allegedly called himself a joker?


"I didn't shoot nobody no Sir! I'm just a patsy!"
-Lee Harvey Oswald, shot and killed by a jewish mobster inside the same Dallas Police Dept that President JFK Sr was shot and killed in front of

"Any prosecutor can convict a guilty man; it takes a great prosecutor to convict an innocent man."
-Dallas DA Henry Wade

"As district attorney of Dallas for an unprecedented 36 years, Henry Wade was the embodiment of Texas justice. Nineteen convictions — three for murder and the rest involving rape or burglary — won by Wade and two successors who trained under him have been overturned after DNA evidence exonerated the defendants. About 250 more cases are under review. No other county in America — and almost no state, for that matter — has freed more innocent people from prison in recent years than Dallas County, where Wade was DA from 1951 through 1986. John Stickels, a University of Texas at Arlington criminology professor and a director of the Innocence Project of Texas, blames a culture of 'win at all costs.' 'When someone was arrested, it was assumed they were guilty,' he said. 'I think prosecutors and investigators basically ignored all evidence to the contrary and decided they were going to convict these guys.' In his last 20 years as district attorney, his office won 165,000 convictions, the Dallas Morning News reported when he retired. In the 1960s, Wade secured a murder conviction against Ruby, the Dallas nightclub owner who shot Lee Harvey Oswald after Oswald's arrest in the assassination of President Kennedy. Ruby's conviction was overturned on appeal, and he died before Wade could retry him."
-MSNBC, "After Dallas DA’s death 19 convictions undone," 7/29/2008

"When we got into office, the thing that surprised me the most was that things were as bad as we'd been saying they were."
-John F. Kennedy Sr.

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."
-John F. Kennedy Sr.

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
-John F. Kennedy Sr., In a speech at the White House, 1962

"And so, my fellow americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man."
-John F. Kennedy Sr., Inaugural address, January 20, 1961

"We must never forget that art is not a form of propaganda; it is a form of Truth."
-John F. Kennedy Sr., October 26, 1963

"The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all."
-John F. Kennedy Sr., speech at Vanderbilt University, May 18, 1963

"The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word "crisis". One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger — but recognize the opportunity."
The supreme reality of our time is our indivisibility as children of God and the common vulnerability of this planet."

"A [Berlin] wall is a hell of a lot better than a war."

"The supreme reality of our time is our indivisibility as children of God and the common vulnerability of this planet."

"Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind."
-John F. Kennedy Sr., Speech to UN General Assembly, Sept. 25, 1961

"I will smash the CIA into a thousand pieces!"
-President JFK Sr, after his veto of Operation Northwoods by Pentagon and CIA (then used to assassinate him)

......So sayeth the last president USA ever had.

CIA = Coup d'tat In Amerika.

Obama is 3rd-generation CIA.

Those nice folks who deal crack, and whack presidents and everyone else who gets in the way of a Jew World Odor.

Colonel Ed O'Connell: Blackwater is "whacking people like crazy" for Obama and the CIA (in Colorado?)

Mexico has yet to ID any of the 49 headless bodies found 2 months ago


"We need to brainwash people to think about guns in a vastly different way."
-US attorney general Eric Holder, massmurdering terrorist of Operation Fast and Furious and the OK City Bombing, CSPAN2, 1985

"I'm Barack Obama, the Marxist professor. I spent the last two years of high school in a daze. I drank beer heavily, and tried drugs enthusiastically. Look I uh, when I was a kid , I inhaled, frequently. that was uh, that was the point. Now you know that guy ain't shit. Sorry ass motherfuckers got nothin on me, nothin. Shit's gettin way too complicated for me. There are white folks, then there are ignorant motherfuckers like you. You can put lipstick on a pig. You ain't my bitch nigger, buy your own damn fries. That's just how white folks will do ya."
-Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro, Dreams From My Father MP3

How long before NATIONAL SECURITY is stamped on the Dark Knight Movie Massacre trial to make all testimony Top Secret, just like Obama did this week in the 9/11 Star Chamber martial law trials at Gitmo in commie Cuba, where alleged suspects were WATERBOARDED 180 TIMES EACH to get them to make false confessions to EVERYTHING?


Thursday, July 26, 2012 2:07 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Thank you, too, Anthony. I must not pay careful enough attention around here, obviously. I never noticed quite such a spiteful, hateful side of Wish before, someone whom I have always respected. No biggie, just found it interesting. Unfortunately, Wish reflects the mentality of far too many, and they don't realize even slightly that their attitude is far more deleterious to the situation than any other, more compassionate one. The cost to society--yes, taxpayer dollars again--in catching, trying and incarcerating the kind of people Wish wants to do all those things to and rants on about what society actually does with them (absolutely none of which is true, merely included for anger/shock value) is far, FAR more than it would otherwise be if we dealt with the issue like a rational society rather thn immediately enmeshing ourselves in our hatred and desire for some kind of revenge. They'll never get it, any more than the gunbunnies or climate change deniers will. Quite often they're the same individuals, actually, which is telling, as well. Lack of ability to think cohesively in response to a situation and reliance on visceral, emotional knee-jerk hatred. Huh.

As a side note; Oh, pish tosh--like I could hold a CANDLE to PN on my best day! ;o)


Thursday, July 26, 2012 2:58 AM



Originally posted by HKCavalier:
I was talking about our alienated culture. Our culture that can't even tolerate people being kind to one another without logging our contempt. What goes wrong with the chemistry? Well, the chemistry of male children goes wrong when their lacrimal systems are all but shut down. It's important for humans to cry when the body prompts us to tears. As I suggested in another thread: if a culture were to make a taboo of urination, we would all see how that could lead to serious physical and mental problems. But we in this culture think nothing of telling boys (and girls) to STOP CRYING, YA BABY!

I was in no way implying that hugs and kumbaya were going to fix a damn thing. I was speaking to the pervasive contempt in our culture for healing, for vulnerability and "neediness," exemplified by folks who scoff at people who reach out to other human beings for help and support. If we deride such things when they are as trivial as a group hug, why should anyone be surprised when people with real, deep-rooted problems never seek help until they've gotten to the point when killing a hundred or so people looks like a good idea? I was talking about a need for our culture to evolve a little, to recognize that fucking up children's natural emotional functioning has devastating effects on the culture as a whole. I'd like us to shoot for something higher than "better than the Taliban."

EXACTLY, this.

You build a culture around crushing out empathy, rewarding sociopathy, to the point where even those not afflicted EMULATE that behavior in order to be "successful" (because that *IS* what our society REWARDS), while casting scorn and derision upon empathy, kindness, altruism - to the degree where children self-condition for it and it becomes so calcified in their personality they might as well HAVE been born sociopaths (see also: Bruce Perry - How States Become Traits) compound it by the spread of this message in all our media, entertainment, even our (generally twisted) humor...

I tellya folk, the real MIRACLE here is that this doesn't happen EVERY FUCKING DAY, the resilience of human spirit, the ability of those hard-wired natural drives to overcome that conditioning, is the one thing that gives me any hope at all, seeing people with decades of this conditioning STILL able to function, STILL able to empathize, that folks, is the freakin miracle here, that such events as these are as rare as they happen to be.



Thursday, July 26, 2012 5:40 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

I have to say this new site puzzles me. I'm beginning to notice that sometimes posts don't show up for hours while later posts show up right away. I didn't see your post w/ the receipt until I went to your 'name', and clicked on your posts one by each.

So yes, you're right - I didn't respond to that one. I apologize.

SignyM: I swear, if we really knew what was being decided about us in our absence, and how hosed the government is prepared to let us be, we would string them up.

Apology accepted.

Kwindbago, hot air and angry electrons


Thursday, July 26, 2012 6:02 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Just a thought, Wish. You don't seem to grasp that it's possible to DO whatever is necessary to protect people from maniacs with guns, but at the same time have compassion for them as human beings. No hugs, no kumbaya, do whatever we have to do to keep society safe from them, but not dehumanize them. Hate and dehumanization do nothing to improve society's sanity.

The other thing is that it costs a LOT more to clean up after a mess such as Aurora than it does to put some money and effort into recognizing people with problems and trying to deal with them in a way that is other than tossing them away...unless you're advocating killing any and all who MIGHT turn out to be like this guy. The mentally-disabled can be helped, and many of us can go on to be CONTRIBUTING members of society--I was, and if I'd had the knowledge, treatment and meds earlier, I would still be today. That is true of the vast majority of us. Locking us up because of what we "might" do, or just forcing meds down our throats, will only create further drain on society, as well as making more of what happened in Aurora happen.

Also, your view seems to be incredibly simplistic and weird to me. Do you have any idea what the percentage of successful "not guilty by reason of insanity" please there are? Very, very, VERY few, look it up. Rarely does anyone get off by virtue of their mental defects. You really think a photo of a murderer hugging a bunny would melt ANYONE? THAT is truly insane to me!

Just the example of what's happening to Penn State in the aftermath of discovering the child abuse should show you that nobody "mollycoddles" child abusers...where you get your views escapes me, you seem to see all of society as laying down and rolling over for perpetrators, when in actuality it's precisely the opposite!

How you get your view that the "general public" is accountable for things like Aurora defeats me. It's police who put people in jail, juries and judges who put them in prison and put them to death, and the "general public's" outrage about these atrocities is by far less "huggy" than otherwise. You seem to see everyone but yourself as a schmuck, which I find strange.

Perps are let out of prison because of prison overcrowding far more than because of any "hugginess" what's your answer? Build more prisons on the taxpayer's dollar and let the taxpayer pay for the upkeep of criminals for the rest of their lives? More for-profit prisons? What's YOUR solution?


Thursday, July 26, 2012 6:26 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

There was a recent "Through the Wormhole" about the nature of evil and whether it could be eliminated, which I just watched. It was quite fascinating. One neuroscientist was working on experiments in stimulating the region of the brain believed to be the center of altruism, making test subjects more willing to compromise. Another was developing a "frontal lobe gym" to train people to be better at impulse control through the use of biofeedback on what their brains were doing. A third scientist had studied the brains of psychopaths, found a distinct pattern in their anatomy, and was speculating on whether these people were always criminals and killers until he came to find out he, himself, had the very same brain anatomy. Apparently he is very driven and can be manipulative, but he isn't a killer because he was raised in a good environment. He also believes that there might be ways to turn the inactive areas of the brain on again. It was all very, very interesting. Even more interesting in the face of this event. This guy was a neuroscience student. I wonder how many of his classmates finished reeling from the shock and then thought, "Wow, wonder what his brain activity is like."
(This was also an extremely weird and terrible way for me to find out that there's a very prestigious neuroscience program in my home state, but I might have to look into it.)

What reason had proved best ceased to look absurd to the eye, which shows how idle it is to think anything ridiculous except what is wrong.


Thursday, July 26, 2012 6:32 AM


I was going to respond regarding my experiences in the mental health field. But I figured, why should I bother? Any of you who are using that comment as an angle to attack me aren't interested. To those who are interested in attacking, screw all of you.

The courts, all the way to SCOTUS have handed down decisions that state that the police have no duty to protect you from harm. DOJs own statistics show that at BEST, police response to an assault call is 5 minutes. What can happen to you in 5 minutes?

If the police aren't obliged to protect you, then who are you going to rely on?

Kwindbago, hot air and angry electrons


Thursday, July 26, 2012 7:47 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by CaveTroll:
I was going to respond regarding my experiences in the mental health field. But I figured, why should I bother? Any of you who are using that comment as an angle to attack me aren't interested. To those who are interested in attacking, screw all of you.

Oh boo-freaking-hoo, ya big baby.

Funny that you'd be whining so much about being "attacked" given what you've chosen for your signature here.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"The groin cup and throat protector have about as much ballistic protection as the kneepads I wear when I'm doing a job that requires me to be on my knees." - Troll


Thursday, July 26, 2012 7:53 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

So far in the media, I've heard people try to blame the idea of wearing masks/costumes to movies, and now I even heard someone wondering if maybe this guy should have been able to amass such an arsenal while living on student loans and grants, which makes me wonder how long it will be before the financial aid for students is under attack for this.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"The groin cup and throat protector have about as much ballistic protection as the kneepads I wear when I'm doing a job that requires me to be on my knees." - Troll


Thursday, July 26, 2012 8:54 AM



Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason and
force. If you want me to do something for you, you have a choice of
either convincing me via argument, or force me to do your bidding under
threat of force. Every human interaction falls into one of those two
categories, without exception. Reason or force, that's it.

In a truly moral and civilized society, people exclusively interact
through persuasion. Force has no place as a valid method of social
interaction, and the only thing that removes force from the menu is the
personal firearm, as paradoxical as it may sound to some.

When I carry a gun, you cannot deal with me by force. You have to use
reason and try to persuade me, because I have a way to negate your
threat or employment of force.

The gun is the only personal weapon that puts a 100-pound woman on
equal footing with a 220-pound mugger, a 75-year old retiree on equal
footing with a 19-year old gang banger, and a single guy on equal
footing with a carload of drunk guys with baseball bats. The gun
removes the disparity in physical strength, size, or numbers between a
potential attacker and a defender.

There are plenty of people who consider the gun as the source of bad
force equations. These are the people who think that we'd be more
civilized if all guns were removed from society. But, a firearm makes
it easier for an armed mugger to do his job. That, of course, is only
true if the mugger's potential victims are mostly disarmed either by
choice or by legislative fiat - it has no validity when most of a
mugger's potential marks are armed.

People who argue for the banning of arms ask for automatic rule by the
young, the strong, and the many, and that's the exact opposite of a
civilized society. A mugger, even an armed one, can only make a
successful living in a society where the state has granted him a force

Then there's the argument that the gun makes confrontations lethal that
otherwise would only result in injury. This argument is fallacious in
several ways. Without guns involved, confrontations are won by the
physically superior party inflicting overwhelming injury on the loser.

People who think that fists, bats, sticks, or stones don't constitute
lethal force, watch too much TV, where people take beatings and come
out of it with a bloody lip at worst. The fact that the gun makes
lethal force easier, works solely in favor of the weaker defender, not
the stronger attacker. If both are armed, the field is level.

The gun is the only weapon that's as lethal in the hands of an
octogenarian as it is in the hands of a weight lifter. It simply would
not work as well as a force equalizer if it wasn't both lethal and
easily employable.

When I carry a gun, I don't do so because I am looking for a fight, but
because I'm looking to be left alone. The gun at my side means that I
cannot be forced, only persuaded. I don't carry it because I'm afraid,
but because it enables me to be unafraid. It doesn't limit the actions
of those who would interact with me through reason, only the actions of
those who would do so by force. It removes force from the
equation. And that's why carrying a gun is a civilized act !!

By Maj. L. Caudill USMC (Ret.)

Kwindbago, hot air and angry electrons


Thursday, July 26, 2012 9:41 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

As usual, Troll, you reflect the typical pro-gun advocate's mentality: All or nothing. Has anyone HERE said anything about doing away with guns? Some of us might like to, but we recognize the illogicality of such a wish. So what you posted is totally irrelevant, as it is a debate point against nobody.

The thing some people would like, realistically, is SOME gun restrictions, like on semi-automatic weapons, high-yield magazines, the ease with which such things are obtained, stuff like that. See if you can grasp it in big letters:

NOBODY WANTS TO TAKE AWAY ALL THE GUNS IN AMERICA. Can you understand that? Try to think of it on a nice long line. At one end is "NO GUNS", at the other is "EVERYONE CAN HAVE ANY GUN THEY WANT". There's this space in the middle, see, that's where some of us are. Care to join us?

I might have some arguments about what is stated in your quote, but it's immaterial, since nobody is arguing that we should take away people's guns...that useful little sound byte the NRA finds so excellently effective in ginning you guys up.

So if you want to post something that might have validity to the gun issue, try posting something relevant. Or not. 'Sup to you.


Thursday, July 26, 2012 9:43 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Yeah, Mike, along with all--I mean ALL--those voices out there saying this is the "wrong time" to be discussing--excuse me, POLITICIZING--the issue of guns. I actually heard one guy say it was OFFENSIVE to the American People to even talk about it "now". Gawd help my country.


Thursday, July 26, 2012 9:45 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Rose, yes, I caught that too. Fascinating, wasn't it? I LOVE "Wormhole"...when it doesn't get too esoteric for my poor old brain!


Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:44 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


As usual, Troll, you reflect the typical pro-gun advocate's mentality: All or nothing. Has anyone HERE said anything about doing away with guns?




I think someone did, a bit back in this conversation or a similar one. I'm not sure if they were an American or someone from another country. I think the latter. In any event, Niki, I suggest you try to wrap your brain around the possibility that some people do in fact feel that way but realize they can't approach such an idea square-on. The membership of the Brady campaign, amongst others, once upon a time approached the topic square-on and then realized that was a bad approach. I don't have cites. You'll either have to believe me on this or not, at your preference. The current strategy, to my mind, involves nibbling the 2nd Amendment to death. You need not agree with that, and I certainly am not in a position to provide proof. Suffice that we both agree the current political winds are not blowing in the direction of abolition. Some of us wish they would, and some of us hope they never do again.


The thing some people would like, realistically, is SOME gun restrictions

Well, I think you'll find that there ARE some gun restrictions. But more importantly, I think you'll find that 'gun people' do not trust 'non-gun people' to know what the hell they are talking about in regards to guns. I think you'll find that 'gun people' rightfully worry that 'non-gun people' have knee-jerk reactions to guns and invoke law without any serious understanding of the subject matter. It's happened before, so don't dismiss this as a foolish worry. Non-gun people frequently put ink to paper with nothing but myth and innuendo in their brans, and they are generally NOT interested in the points of view or arguments of gun-people.


like on semi-automatic weapons

This is the kind of thing that makes me worry. What is it that bothers you about semi-automatic weapons that makes you believe they need to be singled out for a special level of control?


high-yield magazines

Here's a more logical concern, though I promise you there are people who find great utility in such things and have never harmed so much as a fly.


the ease with which such things are obtained, stuff like that.

I hear this a lot. Things are too easy to get ahold of. I haven't yet heard about the check or balance that would have prevented an aspiring doctor with no criminal history from obtaining anything he likes... unless you want to ban certain things entirely. And if you do, you can understand why law-abiding gun owners might be nervous at your desire to tinker with laws.


Try to think of it on a nice long line. At one end is "NO GUNS", at the other is "EVERYONE CAN HAVE ANY GUN THEY WANT".

Oh, Niki, that's not the line people are talking about or arguing about. At one end of the line is 'Government Only' and at the other end is 'everybody.' There's no point of the line that says "No Guns" not even in places with severe gun control. If there was ever an honest "no guns for anyone ever" country, I might just be content to live there. But there isn't, and there won't be.


So if you want to post something that might have validity to the gun issue, try posting something relevant. Or not. 'Sup to you.

Well, you're suggesting some kind of reasonable restrictions. What are they? I'll be glad to discuss them with you in the 'Reasonable Gun Restrictions' thread, and we can talk about how law-abiding doctorate students would be prevented from committing massacre under them.


Note to Self:
Raptor - woman testifying about birth control is a slut (the term fits.)
Six - Wow, isn't Niki quite the CUNT? And, yes, I spell that in all caps....
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.

“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Thursday, July 26, 2012 1:08 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

We don't know what kind of orderly Troll was, so why are we assuming ill of him, just because you disagree with his politics? That's not a fair reason to assume he's abusive to his charges. That's not fair.

I have Kathy Bates on speed dial, mwa ha ha ha (in exaggeratedly evil voice)

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya.


Thursday, July 26, 2012 1:18 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

I predict that the GOP will take this opportunity to have yet another vote on outlawing abortion.


Thursday, July 26, 2012 1:22 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by RionaEire:
We don't know what kind of orderly Troll was, so why are we assuming ill of him, just because you disagree with his politics? That's not a fair reason to assume he's abusive to his charges. That's not fair.

I have Kathy Bates on speed dial, mwa ha ha ha (in exaggeratedly evil voice)

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya.

I didn't ever assume that Troll was an orderly. I figured from all his talk of being with the mental patients, he was a patient himself.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"The groin cup and throat protector have about as much ballistic protection as the kneepads I wear when I'm doing a job that requires me to be on my knees." - Troll


Thursday, July 26, 2012 1:34 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

12 victims died in the Batman Massacre...what a COINCIDENCE!


Lil Wayne Video Featured Exactly 12 Skeletons in a Theater 3 Days Prior to Batman Massacre

Either a confession to Operation Northwoods faking deaths of CIA agents with fake funerals, or part of a ritualistic satanic “spell” they try to cast that offers the public a hidden reveal before an actual event takes place, a form of predictive programming and consent by silence.

Just like 9/11 with the Communist COUP rap band's CD label in the summer of 2001, that get the first Commie black "president" "elected":

The Dark Knight Strikes Again founded 9/11 Truth on 10 Sept 2001

There was a second gas mask found lying outside the theater that belonged to the REAL shooter. There is still no known witness-ID of Holmes in the theater. There is only the police claim that they found him, calm and allegedly "confessing" [WITHOUT ADMITTING TO THE SHOOTINGS AND ASKING TO SPEAK WITH A LAWYER], next to his car, after the shooting—or by other accounts, inside his car closest to the theater exit [45 MINUTES AFTER THE SHOOTINGS]. NO PACKAGE WAS EVER FOUND ACTUALLY MAILED TO A PSYCH PROFESSOR.

"Art" at genocidal UN HQ built on slaughterhouse donated by Rockefller jew banksters

Bombshell: Leaked UN Treaty Does Ban Guns in USA signed by Obama THIS WEEK !!!!
Orwellian Double-Speak "Individual rights of STATES" (NATIONS) to start WARS without other nations is OK !!!!!!
Only STATES (NATIONS) have a right to self defense, not individual persons !!!!!!!
"Collective rights" defined as NATIONS joining other nations to start WARS is OK



The senseless and horrific killings last week at a movie theater in Colorado reminded Americans that life is fragile and beautiful, and we should not take family, friends, and loved ones for granted. Our prayers go out to the injured victims and the families of those killed. As a nation we should use this terrible event to come together with the resolve to create a society that better values life.

We should also face the sober reality that government cannot protect us from all possible harm. No matter how many laws we pass, no matter how many police or federal agents we put on the streets, no matter how routinely we monitor internet communications, a determined individual or group can still cause great harm. We as individuals are responsible for our safety and the safety of our families.

Furthermore, it is the role of civil society rather than government to build a culture of responsible, peaceful, productive individuals. Government cannot mandate morality or instill hope in troubled individuals. External controls on our behavior imposed by government through laws, police, and jails usually apply only after a terrible crime has occurred.

Internal self governance, by contrast, is a much more powerful regulator of human behavior than any law. This self-governance must be developed from birth, first by parents but later also through the positive influence of relatives and adult role models. Beyond childhood, character development can occur through religious, civic, and social institutions. Ultimately, self-governance cannot be developed without an underlying foundation of morality.

Government, however, is not a moral actor. The state should protect our rights, but it cannot develop our character. Whenever terrible crimes occur, many Americans understandably demand that government “do something” to prevent similar crimes in the future. But this reflexive impulse almost always leads to bad laws and the loss of liberty.

Do we really want to live in a world of police checkpoints, surveillance cameras, and metal detectors? Do we really believe government can provide total security? Do we want to involuntarily commit every disaffected, disturbed, or alienated person who fantasizes about violence? Or can we accept that liberty is more important than the illusion of state-provided security?

Freedom is not defined by safety. Freedom is defined by the ability of citizens to live without government interference. Government cannot create a world without risks, nor would we really wish to live in such a fictional place. Only a totalitarian society would even claim absolute safety as a worthy ideal, because it would require total state control over its citizens’ lives. Liberty has meaning only if we still believe in it when terrible things happen and a false government security blanket beckons.



Thursday, July 26, 2012 3:43 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Dark Knight’ shooting suspect James Holmes claims amnesia
“He claims he doesn’t know why he’s in jail,” the worker said Thursday. “He asked, ‘Why am I here?’”

A video of Colorado shooting suspect James Holmes, shot when he was 18, shows the slightly awkward teen speaking to a room full of people at a science camp. The video, obtained by ABC News, shows Holmes at Miramar College in San Diego ... discussing "temporal illusions."

James Holmes’ “Mentor” Admits To Mind Manipulation. John Jacobson, the person James Holmes named as his “mentor” during his science camp presentation on “temporal illusions” and “subjective experience”, can be seen in a video discussing the manipulation of a subject’s order of time perception.

At 1.58 in Jacobson says:

“… it’s possible… for us to manipulate temporal order, we have loads of power over temporal order, if events happen in the order A/B, a good psycho-physicist can have the subject experience it as B/A, this is routine…”

So the accused Batman shooter, who appeared drugged out of his mind during his first court appearance, and the District Attorney later said she had “no information” on whether Holmes was on medication in court [3], is closely associated to a boastful mind manipulator.

But this gets much more interesting…

John Jacobson now completely denies being James Holmes’ ”mentor”, in fact he outright attacks every aspect of James Holmes life [4], from Holmes’ ability to do Flash programming as an intern (who would even dream that Flash programming abilities would be grounds to condemn the academic career of an honors graduate and prestigious grant winner [5] ), to claiming Holmes’ didn’t seem to understand “any of the basic science” [6], to claiming Holmes “just had no interest” in a high school girl Jacobson introduced. [4]

Read the LA Times article below to get a real sense of the tone.

Finally, to top this story off, ABC News has been caught lying, I mean misspeaking, about what the mother Arlene Holmes originally said, the well publicized and over repeated “you have the right person” quote… Mrs. Holmes was simply referring to herself.

This strange and illogical quote was suspect from the very start, but it was repeated, wild details were added to it, but it has no basis in fact.
With all the crack reporting from organizations like ABC News, no one seems to ask the basic question, how exactly did the shooter get in through a closed fire exit door?

Are we to believe he arrive early, set the door ajar, went off to gear up, then returned later without the certainty the door would still be ajar… or perhaps we’re to imagine the shooter arriving at the closed exit door in full gear, gas mask on, not knowing if he could open the door… or perhaps he had some help? [8]


[1] 2012.7.22 Video Of James Holmes At 18 Years Old Giving Presentation At Science Camp (Mentions His Mentor (John Jacobson) At 0.50) (ABC,

[2] 2010.4.10 How Can We Begin To Define Time?, John Jacobson, Chronicles 1 (Quote At 1.58) (

[3] 2012.7.23 James Holmes, Suspect In Colorado Shooting, Appears In Court (

[4] 2012.7.22 Accused Movie Shooter Called A Mediocre Student Intern (John Jacobson Interviewed) (

[5] 2012.7.24 James Holmes Received $26K Grant From Bethesda Based National Institutes Of Health ($26K Stipend AND Paid Tuition For HIGHLY COMPETITIVE Neuroscience Program, One Of Six To Get Prestigious NIH Grant Money) (

[6] 2012.7.22 Colorado Shooter; High Achiever, Abrupt Descent

[7] 2012.7.24 Colorado Shooting; Mother Of Suspect James Holmes Says Her Words Were Twisted (Arlene Holmes’ Comment ‘You Have The Right Person’ To An ABC Reporter Referred To Herself NOT Her Son) (

[8] 2012.7.20 Witness To Dark Knight Shooting Says There Was an Accomplice (Corbin Dates Says Man Seated In The 1st Row May Have Aided The Shooter) (

‘Dark Knight’ shooting suspect James Holmes earned $171,024 federal Neuroscience Training Grant from National Institutes of Health

The following is a timeline of actual events that took place just after the mass shooting was reported to 911 in a Colorado theatre during a midnight showing of the new Batman film:


6 MIN 46 SEC… “One of the shooters is wearing white and blue clothing”



16 MIN. 47 SEC… Cops describe one of the suspects as male, dressed in black camo, vest, gas mask, and possessing multiple long guns.



According to a very coherent eyewitness in the Colorado theater where the shooting took place — a man sitting near one of the fire exits in the front row received a phone call near the beginning of the film feature.

This phone call struck the witness as odd due to the fact that the man did not leave the theater after he began to talk on the phone.

Just after the man disconnected the call he went to the fire exit and propped the exit open with his foot in some way and possiblely a shim of some type directing or waving another person toward the direction of the exit door.

According to the witness, about 15 minutes into the film the fire exit door swung open and a man about 5’9? fully decked out in tactical clothing and heavy body armor entered the theater by throwing a canister of toxic gas into the crowd.

THE ACCUSED SHOOTER JAMES HOLMES IS 6' 3" TALL, NOT 5' 9". One of Obama's Fast and Furious Mexican CIA gangbangers?


Thursday, July 26, 2012 5:26 PM


HK should be our President, or something. He's the best voice on this site.


Thursday, July 26, 2012 5:58 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"... someone from another country ..."
Australia, I think, perhaps NZ.

"... some people do in fact feel that way ... Suffice that we both agree the current political winds are not blowing in the direction of abolition. Some of us wish they would ..."

"The current strategy, to my mind, involves nibbling the 2nd Amendment to death."
In what way?

"Suffice that we both agree the current political winds are not blowing in the direction of abolition. ... and some of us hope they never do again."

"Non-gun people frequently put ink to paper with nothing but myth and innuendo in their bra(i)ns, and they are generally NOT interested in the points of view or arguments of gun-people."
And yet, police departments have major input on gun restrictions. Are they non-gun people?

These extremely vague declamations are not convincing.

SignyM: I swear, if we really knew what was being decided about us in our absence, and how hosed the government is prepared to let us be, we would string them up.


Thursday, July 26, 2012 6:05 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Originally posted by RionaEire:
We don't know what kind of orderly Troll was, so why are we assuming ill of him...

Because he falsely intimated professional expertise with spree killers.

Originally posted by CaveTroll:
When I worked in mental health I worked with 2 spree killers.

SignyM: I swear, if we really knew what was being decided about us in our absence, and how hosed the government is prepared to let us be, we would string them up.


Thursday, July 26, 2012 6:42 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


It seems to me there are quite a few here who like to pretend they are saints.
WHAT... A.... JOKE.

Did you people ever stop to think that maybe it's YOUR fault things are sooo messed up? I'm sick of crackers handing out "Get outta trouble FREE" cards to every Schmuck and Sally-sob-story out there. Ya been HAD and ya too busy getting "huggy" to even notice... Put up a picture of murderer hugging a fluffy bunny and I GAR_ON_TEE half the suckers in here would just melt...
Or you could just let Niki TALK him ta death... Talk about scrollin' through stuff, geez.

The general public will never hold themselves accountable. BECAUSE THEY CAN'T.
If you can't handle hurting the "poor wittle murderers' and druggies and child abusers feeewings" you prolly outta step aside and let someone with the balls do it for ya.

Didja ever notice that the nations with the most HUMANE approaches to people actually have very LOW crime and violence rates?? (I point to Europe and MOST other developed nations as examples.)

Of course not!






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