Paul Ryan Can't Explain His Budget Plan: 'It would take me too long to go through all of the math.'

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 08:32
VIEWED: 1018
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Monday, October 1, 2012 12:58 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Dang it - did you know if you accidentally hit "Return" twice, it will post a thread after you've just entered the title? I know that now, the hard way. :)

Today, explaining further why he can't give us the math, Ryan claimed that if he started explaining, we'd all change the channel.

Martin Bashir called him on it, saying he'd worry about his channel, and we've got more than a month to go, so he's invited Ryan to come in and explain the math.

Anyone think Ryan will take him up on his offer?

Ryan may not have the time to explain, but we have the time to listen


"It would take me too long to go through all of the math," dodged putative numbers guy Paul Ryan, the GOP vice-presidential candidate when asked on "Fox News Sunday" how the heck the Romney/Ryan budget plan adds up.

"Let me say it this way," he went on. "You can lower tax rates by 20 percent across the board by closing loopholes and still have preferences for the middle class for things like charitable deductions, for home purchases, for health care."

I hear "preferences" as a weasel word of the highest order. It does not say that the Secret Romney/Ryan Plan would preserve these popular deductions. It says it would preserve some preferences related to those deductions.

FOX NEWS HOST CHRIS WALLACE: You're the master of the budget, so briefly, let's go through the plan. The Obama camp says independent groups say if you cut those tax rates for everybody, 20%, it costs $5 trillion over ten years. True?

RYAN: Not in the least bit true. Look, this just goes to show if you torture statistics enough, they’ll confess to what you want them to confess to. That study has been so thoroughly discredited. It wasn't even a measurement of Mitt Romney, his policy. Here's what we’re saying --

WALLACE: But how much would it cost?

RYAN: It’s revenue neutral. It doesn’t cost $5 trillion.

WALLACE: I'm just talking about the cut in -- we'll get to the deductions. But the cut in tax rates.

RYAN: The cut in tax rates is lower all Americans tax rates by 20%.

WALLACE: Right. How much does that cost?

RYAN: It is revenue neutral.

WALLACE: It's not revenue neutral unless you take away the deductions.

RYAN: That’s where I’m going.

WALLACE: We're going to get to that in a second. The first half, lowering the tax rates. How much -- does that cost $5 trillion?

RYAN: No. No. Look, I won’t get into a baseline argument with you because that’s what a lot of this is about. We're saying, limited deductions, so you can lower tax rates for everybody, start with people at the higher end. Here's the way it works. I've been on the Ways and Means Committee for 12 years. Both parties, Republicans and Democrats ,have junked up the tax code with so many giveaways and special interest tax breaks. What we're saying is, you keep your money in your pocketbook and your business and your family in the first place. The way it works today is, you send more of your money to Washington, and then if you do what Washington approves of, you can have some of it back. We’re saying keep it in the first place. And every time we've done this, whether it was Ronald Reagan working with Tip O'Neill, or the ideas coming from the Bowles-Simpson commission on how to do this -- there has been a traditional Democrat and Republican consensus, lowering tax rates, by broadening the tax base works and you can –

WALLACE: But I have to point out, you haven’t given me the math.

RYAN: No, but, well… I don't have the time… it would take me too long to go through all of the math, but let me say it this way: You can lower tax rates by 20% across the board, by closing loopholes and still have preferences for the middle class for things like charitable deductions, for home purchases, for health care. So what we're saying is, people are going to get lower tax rates and, therefore, they will not send as much money to Washington, and they’ll keep it and decide for themselves. When we’ve done this, we’ve created economic growth.

WALLACE: If, just suppose, that the doubters are right, President Romney takes office and the math doesn’t add up --

RYAN: First of all, we’ve run the numbers. I've run them in Congress-- they do. We’ve got about five other studies that show you can do it this way.

WALLACE: But let's assume it doesn't. The question is what is most important to Romney? Would he scale back on the 20% tax cut for the wealthy? Would he scale back and say, okay, you know, we’re going to have to raise taxes for the middle class? I guess the question is, what's most important to him, in his tax reform plan if the numbers don’t…

RYAN: Keeping tax rates down. By lowering tax rates, people keep more of the next dollar that they earn. That matters. That is incentives. That’s pro-growth policy. That creates 7 million jobs and what should go first --

WALLACE: So that is more important than…

RYAN: That’s more important than anything and more importantly, it's not what deductions are in the tax code but it’s who gets them. And, don't forget, that the higher income people have a disproportionate amount of the loopholes that they use. So when you close a tax write off or a tax shelter for a higher income person, more of their income is subject to taxation so you can lower tax rates. That's where we begin. So where we go is by denying those deductions and loopholes to higher income people, which allows us to lower tax rates for everybody across the board and still afford important preferences for the middle-class taxpayers.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I was wrong" - Hero, 2012

Mitt Romney, introducing his running mate: "Join me in welcoming the next President of the United States, Paul Ryan!"

Rappy's response? "You're lying, gullible ( believing in some BS you heard on msnbc ) or hard of hearing."


Tuesday, October 2, 2012 4:32 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Pretty much all the analysis I've heard tends to be that neither party is gonna be able to do what they've promised in their budget plans. They're both promising reduced taxes("we'll tell you how later"), necessary spending("We've got to have the money for defense/job training/schools/energy/green energy/etc."), and a reduction in the deficit("trust us"). No non-partisan economists or analysts can figure out how this is gonna work.

BTW, can anyone get this link to work?

It's supposed to be the link to President Obama's plan for "A New Economic Patriotism", on the Obama website but all I get is a blank screen. Maybe I need a newer video player or something.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012 6:12 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

All I get is a web page with an ad for Obama and some other stuff, sorry.

Ironically, by the way, I agree with you on principle: NEITHER SIDE has given us specifics, but all we hear about is Romney not giving specifics. If you want to count Obama's proposed budget--which didn't have a chance in hell of passing--that could be his "specifics", but going forward, I ain't heard none.

The Romney/Ryan bullshit is a dodge and a sadly obvious one at that. If, as he claims, he "ran the numbers" in Congress, then fine; put 'em out there (FACTS AND FIGURES of what he ran). The "interweb" will be happy as a puppy in a puddle to dissect them, disseminate them, and each side will put out its own spin--but WE get a chance to see 'em for ourownselves. Obviously that won't happen, and many of us know why. On the other hand, if Obama's numbers don't add up, let's HEAR more about it from the MSM, how they don't and why. That would be fair. But it won't happen, for reasons on THAT side.

Does anyone have any cite anywhere that I can find a dissection of the FACTS AND FIGURES of Obama's plan? If it's from the right, that's okay, too; I THINK I can read between the lines. Maybe...

And the title of this should be "Paul Ryan WON'T Explain His Budget Plan".

By the way, when I typed he "ran the numbers", I had to go back TWICE, because my fingers kept typing "rand the numbers"...obviously shows where my subconscious is, but isn't necessary all that invalid, either, in my opinion...


Tuesday, October 2, 2012 6:14 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


Pretty much all the analysis I've heard tends to be that neither party is gonna be able to do what they've promised in their budget plans.

Cites please?

It's not personal. It's just war.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012 7:27 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Niki2:

The Romney/Ryan bullshit is a dodge and a sadly obvious one at that. If, as he claims, he "ran the numbers" in Congress, then fine; put 'em out there (FACTS AND FIGURES of what he ran). The "interweb" will be happy as a puppy in a puddle to dissect them, disseminate them, and each side will put out its own spin--but WE get a chance to see 'em for ourownselves. Obviously that won't happen, and many of us know why. On the other hand, if Obama's numbers don't add up, let's HEAR more about it from the MSM, how they don't and why. That would be fair. But it won't happen, for reasons on THAT side.

This week Ryan says he doesn't have time to explain the math, but that he has indeed run the numbers. When he was asked before, he said that he HADN'T run the numbers, and therefore couldn't say when his budget plan would balance the budget. Others looked at his numbers and said that his plan would not even come close to balancing the budget before 2040, provided no new spending, tax cuts, wars, entitlements, etc. were passed in the interim.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I was wrong" - Hero, 2012

Mitt Romney, introducing his running mate: "Join me in welcoming the next President of the United States, Paul Ryan!"

Rappy's response? "You're lying, gullible ( believing in some BS you heard on msnbc ) or hard of hearing."


Tuesday, October 2, 2012 8:28 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by kpo:

Pretty much all the analysis I've heard tends to be that neither party is gonna be able to do what they've promised in their budget plans.

Cites please?

Couldn't give all the specific boradcasts, but this is what I hear places like Morning Edition, Marketplace, All Things Considered, Diane Rehm, and Kojo Nnamdi when I'm in the car.

Here's an example.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012 8:32 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Niki2:

Does anyone have any cite anywhere that I can find a dissection of the FACTS AND FIGURES of Obama's plan? If it's from the right, that's okay, too; I THINK I can read between the lines. Maybe...






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