Board Dispute - Please Help

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 16:02
VIEWED: 10750
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Sunday, October 14, 2012 2:08 AM


I am my own sockpuppet. I have a strange schizophrenic life, ever since the user which created me posted my username and password to RWED, I might be anyone's sockpuppet. I'm whimsical and float on the free breeze.

I don't believe Fremdfirma really thinks I'm M52Nickerson, though I might be, at times. I'm not at this very moment. I don't think. He wants to make his error seem like a deliberate trap. Don't worry, misanthropic one, everyone has to lose sometimes.

Unfortunate, this thread is not about Fremdfirma, it is all about Bytemite. And Oonjerah who mistakenly tried to befriend her. It's a dangerous endeavour. But we love our prickly Bytemite.

I could be Magonsdaughter. She has been losing sleep more and more. She's been going to be earlier and waking up later and yet she feels strangely tired.

Hero has called Niki2 black, but she is not, inspite of her strange inexplicable support for Obama.


Originally posted by KWICKO:

I can assure you that my parents did not name me "Kwicko" upon birth.

No, your girlfriend did that.


Sunday, October 14, 2012 2:29 AM



Originally posted by SOCKPUPPET:
I could be Magonsdaughter. She has been losing sleep more and more. She's been going to be earlier and waking up later and yet she feels strangely tired.

Actually I've been going to bed later and waking earlier. But I do feel tired.


Sunday, October 14, 2012 3:18 AM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
Haha. You egocentric little muppet. It's not all about you (keep repeating it to yourself)

WTF, Magon?! Byte's reflection about the hijack and meander of this thread doesn't mean she is egocentric.

You've said a lot of mean-spirited things here on RWED (so have we all), but that is probably the nastiest thing I've ever heard you say.


Sunday, October 14, 2012 3:54 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by canttakesky:

Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
Haha. You egocentric little muppet. It's not all about you (keep repeating it to yourself)

WTF, Magon?! Byte's reflection about the hijack and meander of this thread doesn't mean she is egocentric.

You've said a lot of mean-spirited things here on RWED (so have we all), but that is probably the nastiest thing I've ever heard you say.

I think it was meant in jest, sarcastically and with a smile and a wink. At least, that's how I read it.

And DT's little jab at my username was intended the same way, just as when I jab him about his tomatoes.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I was wrong" - Hero, 2012

Mitt Romney, introducing his running mate: "Join me in welcoming the next President of the United States, Paul Ryan!"

Rappy's response? "You're lying, gullible ( believing in some BS you heard on msnbc ) or hard of hearing."


Sunday, October 14, 2012 3:56 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

I thought SOCKPUPPET was DT.



This thread. It blew up. But it was always going to blow up.

I am the wasteland. It's me. Walking across your fields and leaving them fallow. Eris threw the golden apples and now Troy is besieged.

Forget about it, Jake - It's Chinatown!

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I was wrong" - Hero, 2012

Mitt Romney, introducing his running mate: "Join me in welcoming the next President of the United States, Paul Ryan!"

Rappy's response? "You're lying, gullible ( believing in some BS you heard on msnbc ) or hard of hearing."


Sunday, October 14, 2012 4:03 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
I think it was meant in jest, sarcastically and with a smile and a wink. At least, that's how I read it.

Oh. OK. If that's the case, then I apologize to Magon.

But still. Byte's been through the wringer lately on RWED. I don't think she needs that kind of jest right now.

Sorry, just feeling a bit protective of my favorite RWED logician.


Sunday, October 14, 2012 5:53 AM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:

Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

I thought SOCKPUPPET was DT.

This thread. It blew up. But it was always going to blow up.

I am the wasteland. It's me. Walking across your fields and leaving them fallow. Eris threw the golden apples and now Troy is besieged.

Haha. You egocentric little muppet. It's not all about you (keep repeating it to yourself)

Tone was meant to be sad. Not boasting.


Sunday, October 14, 2012 5:55 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

Sorry, just feeling a bit protective of my favorite RWED logician.

Strictly unnecessary. The board is fair and impartial, and I have been judged lacking.


Sunday, October 14, 2012 10:54 AM



After I was created a couple of years ago I did post the username and password for the account and I know at least three people have posted as sockpuppet, but so far the snarky yet self important character of sockpuppet has not changed. I feel like I've become an entity unto myself, I have had the life of collective RWED snarcastic civility breathed into me.


We are your cult. We come here to rally to on your every word. We want you to call us into battle.


Sunday, October 14, 2012 11:08 AM


"The board is fair and impartial"

Guffaw. That is a joke, the irony of which was not wasted on me. They ganged up on you because you dared to impugn the haute dignity of French cartoonists, jumping on a bandwagon of byte-attack without even reading a word of what you wrote, giving you shit for being *gasp* emotional for defending yourself - and then they had the gall afterwards of pretending to be understanding and reconciliatory - not that it's not been done to me once upon a time, which after the first time, they got a taste of what pitbull in their ass should taste like, being the pharisaical cowards they are had the bare minimum modicum of wisdom to avoid said pitpull in the future.

Your mistake, doll, is treating this den of two-faced vipers like a place for serious discussion when you should have treated it like a political playground of bullies it is - don't even get me started on how you should know better given the hundreds of times you have witnessed this sorta nonsense on everyone else who has come through here...


Sunday, October 14, 2012 12:31 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


After I was created a couple of years ago I did post the username and password for the account and I know at least three people have posted as sockpuppet
Okay, so give it to us again so we can all use it, 'kay? Even I wouldn't mind posting as a sockpuppet named Sockpuppet! ;o)


Sunday, October 14, 2012 12:44 PM


Every single person who posts here I remember having done something to hurt them. So no, it's not them. It's me.


Sunday, October 14, 2012 12:59 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

And I have said something to hurt just about everybody on the board too. It's what comes AFTER that's important, IMHO.

Byte, you and I have tangled on some issues and I've found you (at times) to be overly sensitive and just a little too willing to "run away from home" in order to....??? Because of MY past history, I react to that as if it were emotional blackmail. You have no idea (or maybe you do) what a friggin' hot-button that can be. But you're a unique voice on the board, and despite our occasional emotional mixups I value your participation and insights.


Sunday, October 14, 2012 1:03 PM



Originally posted by SOCKPUPPET:
They ganged up on you because you dared to impugn the haute dignity of French cartoonists, jumping on a bandwagon of byte-attack without even reading a word of what you wrote, giving you shit for being *gasp* emotional for defending yourself - and then they had the gall afterwards of pretending to be understanding and reconciliatory...

I know you're playing a role, but don't do this. There was no byte-attack outside of Byte's own words. Don't feed her demons, SP. It's not funny.

And "they" was little old me, with a couple very qualified agreements on very specific elements of my argument from other folks (and one unqualified one from Oonjerah--which seems to have spawned this thead). All the stuff about Byte being "pro-rape" and such was manufactured by her for her own mysterious reasons. She has no one here to defend herself from but herself. And I do hope she wins that fight eventually.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Sunday, October 14, 2012 1:03 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Chin up. It's just a board of anonymous strangers and a moment in time.


Sunday, October 14, 2012 1:12 PM



Originally posted by HKCavalier:
She has no one here to defend herself from but herself.

Exactly. Byte - geez I hope you grok this someday! Quit beating yourself up. No, you're not perfect, but that doesn't make you a bad person. You're far from it!


Sunday, October 14, 2012 1:31 PM



Originally posted by HKCavalier:

I know you're playing a role, but don't do this. There was no byte-attack outside of Byte's own words. Don't feed her demons, SP. It's not funny.

I may not be feeling quite myself all the time but what I said is true. This board is not a fair representation of the human condition. It's a vicious self-feeding monster that consumes its own flesh just for the chance to spit it out into its own eye. That such a beast does not treat you well is not a reflection on you, but could perhaps be a comment on the character of the beast.


And "they" was little old me.

And you're still doing it. Maybe there should be a little reconciliation time before the next round of feeding. Jes saying.


Sunday, October 14, 2012 1:33 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:

Okay, so give it to us again so we can all use it, 'kay? Even I wouldn't mind posting as a sockpuppet named Sockpuppet! ;o)

No special rights, doll. If you wanna play, use the archive like everyone else.


Sunday, October 14, 2012 1:56 PM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
Haha. You egocentric little muppet. It's not all about you (keep repeating it to yourself)

WTF, Magon?! Byte's reflection about the hijack and meander of this thread doesn't mean she is egocentric.

You've said a lot of mean-spirited things here on RWED (so have we all), but that is probably the nastiest thing I've ever heard you say.

Oh shut up CTS. You don't have to defend Byte all the time. yes it was tongue in cheek, but I was also making a point. Byte does make everything about herself, often negatively taking on stuff that is nothing to do with her, feeling responsible for stuff that is not hers to be responsible for, taking everything very personally. I believe that was what Oonj was trying to say in another way.

So to Byte, yes I think you shouldn't take things so personally. It isn't all about you.

And I don't think I am a particularly mean spirited poster. The only person I really get cranky with is DT.


Sunday, October 14, 2012 2:00 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SOCKPUPPET:

No special rights, doll. If you wanna play, use the archive like everyone else.

Hey, I looked - it ain't there!


Sunday, October 14, 2012 4:02 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
Oh shut up CTS.

Pfft. Snicker. Snort.

You don't have to defend Byte all the time.
And what if I want to? You guys are doing exactly what Sockpuppet said, pretending to be conciliatory, while saying, "Don't worry about fucking up." Well, she didn't fuck up. At all. And if I think so, I'm going to say so.

So to Byte, yes I think you shouldn't take things so personally. It isn't all about you.

Well, then I take back my apology to you.


Sunday, October 14, 2012 5:10 PM


CTS, you're only saying that because you're one of the few people I haven't lashed out at, which at this point pretty much includes only you and Frem. The reason everyone is all saying one thing is because they're right.


Sunday, October 14, 2012 5:24 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hey Byte -

uhhmmmm ... out of curiosity, do you consider that 'everyone' aside from CTS and Frem are blaming/ criticizing you? Your post is puzzling to me. Once again, I find myself baffled. If you would explain, I'd appreciate it.


Sunday, October 14, 2012 5:42 PM


I too concur with the sockpuppet's last post. (god this could get confusing)

this place is filled with venomous vermin.

kiki, Maybe it's restricted so that other sockpuppets cannot see it. ;p

IIRC it was placed in a spoiler bracket somewhere.


No, that's not why, it's because everyone here is clinically insane. That includes the people i think of as good people, which i have a short list of half a dozen i know well and another half dozen i think are reasonably cool further out. But what the evil people don't realize is that they don't know they're evil, because they don't know what social evil is.

Social evil is the negativity and the hating of everything and everyone. It's the need, the psychological *need*, to place self as counterpoint to what has just been said, to place oneself in debate in absolute opposition to any opinions or thoughts that are not their own out of a deep seeded internal insecurity requiring them to force their own will over that which does not already conform to it in order to place themselves back into the mental security of ruling all which they see.

If you were to say "I like firefly" to a socially adept audience, they might respond with "Yes, Joss Whedon is the best" or "it's not my favorite of his works, why do you prefer it?" often followed by "okay, I hadn't looked at it from that angle, but I can see why you as an avid libertarian would get excited about it. I might look at it differently next time I see it."

We all know this is how people communicate in normal life when we are out and about, and I know that you have some reasonably popular and cool friends and so you also know this to be more or less an accurate portrayal.

Here's how the socially evil might respond to "I life Firefly."

1) No you don't. You only think you do. You just can't see it's right/left wing propaganda
2) Firefly is violent show, of course you would like something depraved like that, you sicko
3) I hate firefly. It's a show about stupid people watched by stupider people

Or any variation that might be more tame than that, like "firefly is a violent show"

And then if someone said that, the socially adept might respond with "yes, it can be, but it's about a revolution, and I think the violence serves a purpose to illustrate the conflict; but I can see where it could be disturbing, especially when it comes to reavers."

but if someone said "firefly is a violent show" to a socially evil person, they might respond with. "No it's not." Or "you're only saying that because you've never truly seen it" or "you're too weak to stomach firefly then maybe mommy should tuck you in tighter at night"

Anyway. FFF:RWED is a community of socially evil people, and i mean that in the best possible way, but it's true. Even the best of us, which I can hopefully say without too much trouble are Mike and Rap, are still constantly contradicting each other and trying to get the upper hand on the conversation. The least socially evil person is probably Anthony among rweders, and on fff is likely chrisisall, of all who sometimes post on rwed. But the core of this forum is pretty solidly sunk into this downward spiral of negativity.

Select to view spoiler:

And you can watch this point proven as they respond to this post


Sunday, October 14, 2012 6:23 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

OOOoohhhh - a secret message that only Byte can see! How intriguing!


Sunday, October 14, 2012 6:51 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Hey Byte -

uhhmmmm ... out of curiosity, do you consider that 'everyone' aside from CTS and Frem are blaming/ criticizing you? Your post is puzzling to me. Once again, I find myself baffled. If you would explain, I'd appreciate it.

No, it means I remember HURTING all the people I've lashed out at, as I already said. I haven't lashed out at Frem or CTS, which is why they're defending me. They aren't speaking from the same experience you others are - if they had experienced that, they wouldn't be defending me and they'd know why you are all saying what you are.


Sunday, October 14, 2012 6:52 PM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
CTS, you're only saying that because you're one of the few people I haven't lashed out at, which at this point pretty much includes only you and Frem. The reason everyone is all saying one thing is because they're right.

No, I saw you "lash out" at other people. I'm not blind even if it isn't directed at me. You were understandably frustrated because they were not only ganging up on you, but were attacking with ad hominems and strawmen. You were somewhat more emotional than what is normal for you, true, but not enough to have anything to apologize for.

It pisses me off because I see them ganging up on you again, telling you how much you lashed out, as it were, when you didn't lash out any more than they did. Like you were the only one who threw any stones in a crowd of stone throwers. Fuck their patronizing bullshit, Byte. You did nothing wrong.

I'll defend you to my last breath, cause all I see is a pack of hyenas who are ripping up the one of the few people left on this board with any intellectual integrity and social decency. Emotional predators is what they are.


Sunday, October 14, 2012 6:54 PM



Social evil is the negativity and the hating of everything and everyone.

You realize that describes me?


Sunday, October 14, 2012 6:58 PM



No, I saw you "lash out" at other people.

That thread was not the only place. I'm telling you I remember hurting people. The proper response to that is to go, welp, this person hurts people, and I don't want to get burned by them.


Sunday, October 14, 2012 7:03 PM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

Social evil is the negativity and the hating of everything and everyone.

You realize that describes me?

I don't believe that. I hope you're just exaggerating.


Sunday, October 14, 2012 7:05 PM



I don't believe that. I hope you're just exaggerating.

It's an ebb and flow process, but I usually hate something or someone at pretty much all times.


Sunday, October 14, 2012 7:14 PM


Quote CantTakeSky:
"It pisses me off because I see them ganging up on you again,
telling you how much you lashed out, as it were, when you didn't
lash out any more than they did. Like you were the only one who
threw any stones in a crowd of stone throwers. Fuck their patron-
izing bullshit, Byte. You did nothing wrong."

Yeah, it pisses me off, too, when people gang up on someone.

Look at the origin of this thread:

Byte & I exchanged some PMs. I took it that she was angry with me.
She wanted to post the PMs and ask the opinion of board members.
I agreed.
Her closing line there: "Thank you for reading. Thoughts?"

Board members responded. Some of them as tactless as me.
Should everyone have worded it differently?


Sunday, October 14, 2012 8:49 PM


Hey DT,

You make an excellent point: absolutism is a very dangerous state of mind. It so easily leads to distortion. Absolutism concerning a person is particularly toxic. There's something in our minds that moves toward either/or when the truth is both/and. Just as Firefly is both a great and a flawed show, we all are capable of great decency and harm.

Your post has teased out for me an absolutism of my own, or shifted my perspective to a more questioning frame. Thanks for that.

Well, here it is: I believe self-hatred is a wholly destructive thing. I think it's fundamentally maladaptive, bad for anyone/everyone. And while I'm at it, I generally see hate of any kind as a destructive force. Now you've got me wondering if I can find an upside to self-hatred, be less absolute in my thinking about it.

I guess, like anything else, it can be a tool for self-understanding. And certainly, a consciousness of one's own capacity for hate can create space for humility and compassion for others who hate. But I'm kinda cheating, aren't I? In this sense dying of cancer could be considered a "good" thing, because it can teach us about ourselves and bring us into a fuller appreciation of life as we leave it.

I guess whatever befalls us has its use. But that implies also that it has its misuse. And some things that befall us are definitely more manageable than others. Seems to me the only way to manage hate is to relinquish it the moment it shows up--kinda like the ego in Buddhism. Just let it go, let it go, meditate on death and impermanence.

Still can't make much of a case for hate as something of positive value. Perhaps you'd have better luck. Thoughts?


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Sunday, October 14, 2012 8:52 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"... and they'd know why you are all saying what you are."

Well, ahem, not sure 'we' are 'all' saying the same thing. That's why I was wondering what you mean. Anyway >>> I <<< don't feel like I'm saying the same things as anyone else. Just my opinion.


Monday, October 15, 2012 1:10 AM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

No, I saw you "lash out" at other people.

That thread was not the only place. I'm telling you I remember hurting people. The proper response to that is to go, welp, this person hurts people, and I don't want to get burned by them.

And I'm telling you that you've got big ole blinders on, that everything you observe is going through the filter of your self-hatred so that it all comes out: "Bytemite is BAD and does bad things and everyone hates her!"

Your filter lies to you. You never hurt me. You have at times interpreted things I said as attacks on you, and maybe you lashed out in return, but this DIDN'T HURT ME. I am resorting to all caps because you don't seem to be getting this. My reaction when you do this kind of thing is not hurt, it's more of a mild annoyance that you're making up a fight where there isn't one, and concern that you're spiraling into a bad place.

But it never hurts me. I've seen you go through this enough that I know you'll come out of it. You just come out of it with even more self-hatred. That's what it means that the only person you need to defend yourself against is yourself. When you take things personally that don't need to be taken that way, you don't hurt other people. You hurt yourself.

As long as you keep looking at yourself as some kind of monstrous villain who hurts people - which is ridiculous - you will continue this pattern of seeing everything as an attack. You will continue to lash out, then blame yourself.

The only way out to give yourself a fucking break. You are NOT a monster, and for Heaven's sake no one here hates you. Let go of your self-hatred long enough to consider that. I can't speak for everyone, but I feel pretty strongly that you've hurt no one to near the degree you think you have. No one but yourself. And no one but YOU can forgive you for that.


Monday, October 15, 2012 1:35 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
Every single person who posts here I remember having done something to hurt them. So no, it's not them. It's me.

I have a pretty good memory, and a long one, but I cannot remember you ever doing anything to hurt me, Byte. If you feel you did something to hurt me, it didn't. I'd say I forgive you, but there was never anything to forgive.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I was wrong" - Hero, 2012

Mitt Romney, introducing his running mate: "Join me in welcoming the next President of the United States, Paul Ryan!"

Rappy's response? "You're lying, gullible ( believing in some BS you heard on msnbc ) or hard of hearing."


Monday, October 15, 2012 1:53 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

It pisses me off because I see them ganging up on you again, telling you how much you lashed out, as it were, when you didn't lash out any more than they did. Like you were the only one who threw any stones in a crowd of stone throwers. Fuck their patronizing bullshit, Byte. You did nothing wrong.

I'll defend you to my last breath, cause all I see is a pack of hyenas who are ripping up the one of the few people left on this board with any intellectual integrity and social decency. Emotional predators is what they are.

Really, that's what you have seen on this board? Really?

Here is a run down of the first page and some of the second. I'm paraphrasing most but here is what I see.

To be fair, Byte started this thread, asking for opinions about what went on.

CTS: I like the way you think, you are not hurtful or dishonest.
Frem: Oonjerah is a sockpuppet – beware
Niki: I see some of things Oonj does. You can be hypersensitive. No one wants you to leave.
Story: “I see Oojn making an effort at understanding, and Byte bbeing Byte in return.”
Kwicko: you can’t get along with everyone. Don’t take things on board.
Mal4: no one dislikes you. You see dislike where there is none.
Oonhj: there is an issue, but I won’t reveal it unless you are interested.
Byte responds “Well, I'm hearing all of you. I'd like you to know that when I get bothered by something, it's because I'm genuinely upset, it's not because I'm putting on an act to score points in an argument.”
Then she apologises to Oonj
Niki:its great you are working it out. Points out that there are those who can hate or dislike on the board.
HCK:I’ll stay out of this. Byte and I were also having trouble communicating.
MD: don’t understand what is going on. Maybe you (Byte) need to think about your reactions in this.
PK:maybe some outside help and perspective would be useful
Mal4:I can understand your frustration, there was a communication breakdown.
Then there was a bit of banter about sock puppetry
Ikiki: I saw you go on the attack. I am puzzled why.
More sock puppetry stuff
Byte – “This thread. It blew up. But it was always going to blow up.
I am the wasteland. It's me. Walking across your fields and leaving them fallow. Eris threw the golden apples and now Troy is besieged.”
MD – “Haha. You egocentric little muppet. It's not all about you (keep repeating it to yourself)”
And so it goes.
Does this really sound like a thread where Byte is being ganged up on or attacked? It sounds like basically people are trying to be helpful to me, at worst being a bit sarcastic (me) and at best being downright encouraging and kind.


Monday, October 15, 2012 1:57 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by mal4prez:

Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

No, I saw you "lash out" at other people.

That thread was not the only place. I'm telling you I remember hurting people. The proper response to that is to go, welp, this person hurts people, and I don't want to get burned by them.

And I'm telling you that you've got big ole blinders on, that everything you observe is going through the filter of your self-hatred so that it all comes out: "Bytemite is BAD and does bad things and everyone hates her!"

Your filter lies to you. You never hurt me. You have at times interpreted things I said as attacks on you, and maybe you lashed out in return, but this DIDN'T HURT ME. I am resorting to all caps because you don't seem to be getting this. My reaction when you do this kind of thing is not hurt, it's more of a mild annoyance that you're making up a fight where there isn't one, and concern that you're spiraling into a bad place.

But it never hurts me. I've seen you go through this enough that I know you'll come out of it. You just come out of it with even more self-hatred. That's what it means that the only person you need to defend yourself against is yourself. When you take things personally that don't need to be taken that way, you don't hurt other people. You hurt yourself.

As long as you keep looking at yourself as some kind of monstrous villain who hurts people - which is ridiculous - you will continue this pattern of seeing everything as an attack. You will continue to lash out, then blame yourself.

The only way out to give yourself a fucking break. You are NOT a monster, and for Heaven's sake no one here hates you. Let go of your self-hatred long enough to consider that. I can't speak for everyone, but I feel pretty strongly that you've hurt no one to near the degree you think you have. No one but yourself. And no one but YOU can forgive you for that.

^ This. Exactly this. What M4P said, to the letter.

Byte, you've never hurt me. We've disagreed on some things. If all you feel you have is hate, then use hate as an energy. Hate is a passion, and you can make your passions work for you. Lots of people use their passions as their motivation; some use love, some use fear, some use compassion, some use hate. If you have hate, then let hate push you to DO SOMETHING TO CHANGE THINGS.

At some point, you may find that your hate has abated, and you've found something to love.

Is that an ideal solution for everybody? Of course not. But I don't really believe in that whole "there's one big solution that works for everyone" kind of world, either. Some people find their energy in love, or in kindness, or in being upbeat people. Others have anger. Both can be motivators, though.

If you have a destructive personality, learn to focus it on things that should be destroyed. Frem is quite an object lesson in this; look at where he aimed his fury, and what he's been able to do with it.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I was wrong" - Hero, 2012

Mitt Romney, introducing his running mate: "Join me in welcoming the next President of the United States, Paul Ryan!"

Rappy's response? "You're lying, gullible ( believing in some BS you heard on msnbc ) or hard of hearing."


Monday, October 15, 2012 2:30 AM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

Defending the board psychopath is ill-advised.

Sorry, That title is already taken. You don't get to take the role. Not even River could take that crown.

I know you too well, you're not at all socially evil. I know a lot of these people, you don't even come close. You're just feeling broken because you've subjected yourself to the emotional torture that is RWED, and these vermin fed on you like rabid parasites.


Interesting. First, wow, someone actually read something I posted.

Is even hate a redeemable concept. If one can turn it into a contemplative discovery of differences, I guess, that's one approach. I could take my hatred of the NWO and analyze why. I think I would say in part that I see the NWO as in my way, and in part I just see it as damaging to life in general, and in part I see it as something coming from an extremely different world view than mine, one based almost entirely on fear of anything which is not it.

But hate is too often a rallying point for group hate, and then mass behavior and attack. If we were primitive tribes we might go to war, and if we were nations, that war might be disastrous. It certainly is a dangerous fire that goes out of control fast.

Is self loathing itself redeemable? I'm not sure. I think of it as wholly destructive as well, but if it becomes a vehicle of self reflection then I can see it has possibly having redeeming value.

In this case, I think that Byte is trying to wall people out of her life, which probably is a result of their input collectively hurting more than it helps, and so it's painful to have them there.

I concur mostly with what Mal said, even if there are some haters here, and it's not just in her head, but I can see definitely where this board collectively can get to people and that negativity seeps through and fills you with evil and you find yourself doing it to other people off the board. Sometimes we have to take a break.

To that point, I don't know if anyone hates byte, but there are always haters, and venomous people that will spew venom anyway, but I know she has never hurt me. There are also people here who adore byte.

For me, whether or not I am here depends somewhat on the balance of who is posting. There are people whose input I value and those who I find to be on balance destructive, and my analysis of the character of the board is liable to come from that balance.


Monday, October 15, 2012 2:32 AM


Mal4Prez:If I've had to be forgiven, then I've hurt people. That this is clearly indicative of a larger trend and issue I have is something that I have to deal with. It already appears to have gotten somewhat out of hand. I can't take that risk, and it's unfair to the rest of you.

1kiki: Well, not exactly the same thing, but everyone has had a valid complaint.


Monday, October 15, 2012 3:37 AM


No, DT. First of all, I'm addicted to posting here, so if anyone is parasitic it's me. And if anyone is TOXIC then it's me, as people have already observed.

I'm walling people out for the same reason I've cut connections to friends and family off-line: because I mistreat them.


Monday, October 15, 2012 4:01 AM


This place is pretty toxic, it's not you. I've been here watching, and so have a lot of others.

You're basically feeling hurt because 1kiki and occasionally magon are attacking you. They attack absolutely everyone, you don't win a special prize because they don't like you, they argue with their cat, and their own sockpuppets.


Monday, October 15, 2012 4:08 AM


Then you are not watching closely. If you will observe, this thread provides ample evidence for my having attacked 1kiki, Sig, Niki, Magons, Storymark, Chris, Anthony, Mal4Prez, and Oonj. I also know that I have attacked AURaptor, you, and Hero, and I've wanted to attack Kwicko but couldn't make myself do it.

So it's really not them.


Monday, October 15, 2012 4:18 AM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
... best being downright encouraging and kind.

"Don't be so hard on yourself for fucking up, Byte" or "Yeah, you were hurtful, but at least you're nice enough to take responsibility for it" is NOT encouraging and kind when she DID NOT even do anything wrong to begin with.

Apophasis should not be confused with kindness. It's passive aggressive.

Mal4 and Kwicko, THANK YOU for telling Byte what I've been trying to tell her. She did NOT hurt you guys. THANK YOU.


Monday, October 15, 2012 4:41 AM


Okay, this is starting to tick me off. Why can't any of you just believe what I am telling you? I have told you all time and again that I'm mean-spirited and vindictive and you've SEEN me act that way. You know that eventually it will turn on you because it takes pretty much no provocation.

And yet you're all still like, oh we trust you, we care about you. All of this trust and concern is dangerous for you. What exactly do I have to do to convince you?

Ergh. You know, I think this thread has served it's purpose. I apologized to Oonj, and I warned you all - again. Whether or not you heed that is up to you. In the meantime, I will continue to work on these issues.


Monday, October 15, 2012 6:07 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I feel in some ways I understand you. This is how it looks to me: You have daemons independently running routines in the background. One is hostility/rage, another is mendacity, and another is paranoia. They each have good ports to the rest of the system, each with an interrupt function that can override all but some select programs specific to each of them. You also have control over most of the system's peripherals, but you're uncertain if that firewall is sturdy enough to work 100% of the time. You're concerned that at some point the daemons will run in sync, interrupt the rest of the system entirely and override the firewalls - and THEN what?


Monday, October 15, 2012 6:14 AM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

No, that's not why, it's because everyone here is clinically insane.

Gee, project much?

Note to anyone - Please pity the poor, poor wittle Rappyboy. He's feeling put upon lately, what with all those facts disagreeing with what he believes.

"We will never have the elite, smart people on our side." -- Rick "Frothy" Santorum

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Monday, October 15, 2012 8:10 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
Then you are not watching closely. If you will observe, this thread provides ample evidence for my having attacked 1kiki, Sig, Niki, Magons, Storymark, Chris, Anthony, Mal4Prez, and Oonj. I also know that I have attacked AURaptor, you, and Hero, and I've wanted to attack Kwicko but couldn't make myself do it.

So it's really not them.

By all means, don't hold back on my account. You won't spare my feelings, I promise you. Not because I don't have any, but because you being honest, even bluntly so, is not going to hurt me. I promise. If you can lessen your own pain by hurtling it at someone else for a time, then by all means, let me be your wall, and hit me with all you've got. I've been beaten, shot at, stabbed, attacked by dogs, abused by family, hit by cars, *run over* by a car, had my skull fractured twice, had a claw hammer buried in the back of my head.

If I'm not dead yet, it's not because I'm a delicate flower, I promise you.

You can hold on to your pain, or you can give it away. I recommend the latter.

I cannot speak for Frem, but I know you haven't hurt him, either. You can lash out, and he's one of the ones who will actually understand it. He is, for all intents and purposes, this site's Speaker for the Dead, as it were.

Besides... you're on our boat. You're part of our crew. That means we have to look out for you, even when you despise us for it.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I was wrong" - Hero, 2012

Mitt Romney, introducing his running mate: "Join me in welcoming the next President of the United States, Paul Ryan!"

Rappy's response? "You're lying, gullible ( believing in some BS you heard on msnbc ) or hard of hearing."


Monday, October 15, 2012 9:09 AM


Nicely put, Mike.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Monday, October 15, 2012 10:33 AM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Wow, this thread is really interesting. Byte, you're braver than me, if me and my nemesis Wish were having a PM disagreement I wouldn't be brave enough to seek other opinions, because I'm not as understanding. I'd certainly ask you because you're my good friend, but I would be afraid to show the others what we'd been disagreeing about. For the record, Wish and I have never had a PM argument.

I think ultimately you and Oonj are just very different, you described it well in a letter you sent me once. You don't have to be friends and you know that already.

This got me thinking: People were able to describe what other people's writing makes them sound like. What does my writing make me sound like?

If I weren't so lazy I'd probably be sorely tempted to make a sock puppet, just for fun, to see if I could trick y'all, but we all know that it wouldn't work because I always sound like me, I don't know how to sound like anyone else. Whenever I play pretends all my charactors have me in them, the good guys and the bad guys alike, they are all coming from me because I'm the one playing them, and we only fully know ourselves, sometimes we don't even totally understand ourselves much less anyone else, so it always comes from somewhere you know?

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya






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