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Nooalf Discussion
Thursday, November 1, 2012 4:23 PM
Thursday, November 1, 2012 4:30 PM
Thursday, November 1, 2012 4:34 PM
Thursday, November 1, 2012 5:34 PM
Quote:Originally posted by m52nickerson: Shakespeare also invented a lot of words. Most of which he did to make the language of his plays sound prettier. It is one of he reasons Shakespeare is not easy reading.
Thursday, November 1, 2012 8:37 PM
Thursday, November 1, 2012 9:19 PM
Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.
Thursday, November 1, 2012 10:14 PM
rezident owtsidr
Quote:Originally posted by m52nickerson: Okay JO753 I have read through the nooalf website now a couple times. You want to debate, lets go.
Quote:I would however appreciate if you would not use it here because I do have a hard time reading it.
Quote:You call this the start of a revolution against institutionalized stupidity, yet on your site I fail to see any type of evidence given for this.
Quote:I know everyone likes to joke about how stupid people are but in reality the world is getting smarter.
Quote:Your profile claims that because of nooalf you can think about some things better. Really?
Quote:So what is the point of all this. I see no valid reason for it. Spelling being hard, or not phonetic is not a valid reason.
Quote:Written English is not designed to communicate phonetics, but knowledge. This fact is very important because one of the first things that are hurt by a change to nooalf or any phonetic spelling system would be this passing of knowledge.
Quote:One of the best things someone who is going into a science field is to learn some Latin.
Quote:Having even a basic knowledge of Latin roots can very effectively allow someone to understand the meaning of words they have never seen.
Quote:Some people mat spell it just as it is, but go over to the UK or else where in the world and listen to how they say it.
Quote:standardized spelling also allows a person to quickly look up the mean of any word they do not know the meaning of.
Quote:That leads me to the next point and sever weakness of trying to make English a phonetic language. Who phonetics are you going to use?
Quote:That also means that if this cluster went into effect and children are taught this it would be near impossible to go back a read older works.
Quote:Finally we have the fact that not all people find phonetics all that useful. People who are deaf from birth or a young age do not lean language though sound. For them reading language that does not have spelling standards would be near impossible.
Quote:I have never been a good speller, but that have never held me back in any type of critical thinking.
Quote:I also have a very hard time sounding words out.
Quote:So this page... Is honestly indecipherable for me.
Quote:I also stand by my assertion that this is really not about making anything better, but easier. Well in life the things that are hard are the most worth it.
Friday, November 2, 2012 2:15 AM
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Congrats! However, I think you may hav gotten sidetracked sumwhere, considering sum your following comments. Therez a section called Krazy JOz Bad Lojik Skeet Shooting Club that dealz with the most common objectionz to reform.
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: The casual and inconsistent fonetic improvements I uze in forumz iznt Nooalf. Az I stated in the other thred, its to wear out your inner spelling cop. Think uv it az exersizing an unuzed muscle.
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: I dont hav the resourcez to do a proper study on the effect uv nonsense on human thinking abilityz. And seriously, how woud that be conducted? However, I do hav my own experience and its not hard to understand the basic hypothesis. If you giv sumwun bad info frum the start on a subject, intentionally bilding a bad lojik structure in their hed, without any correctiv input, how can they help being confuzed wen finally confrunted with reality? Our mindz are not a bunch uv completely isolated programz. Everything influensez everything else to sum degree.
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Kidz get the idea uv authority based thinking hammered into their hedz even befor starting skool. Its not just the culture, its part uv the social nature uv our speciez. Conform or be cast out.
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: I think sum people are getting smarter and otherz dummer; that there woud be a divergence soon, if other factorz werent developing to stop it. (genetic engineering & direct computer/brain interaction) Therez a debate going on now about our intelligence relative to our ancestorz. Cave men had bigger brainz, but wether that meanz they were smarter iz in question. [url]] You think? If you are going to just present personal opinions this is going to get old very quickly. Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Have you seen the movie Idiocracy? If you believe in evolution, you hav to take it seriously! Yes, but I don't take it as a serious look at the future. Hey did you hear we put a badass rover on Mars...with a hovering crane? Quote:Originally posted by JO753: My brother consistently scored higher on IQ tests than I did, yet I am alwayz the wun explaning thingz and finding the flawed lojik. Granted, its possible that its transpozing cauze & effect and personal anecdotes are weak evidence, but I believe comparison between nativ English speakerz and thoze with languagez with better orthografyz will support the notion. Yup, weak evidence. Well really no evidence. Now don't just think find something to support your notion. Quote:Originally posted by JO753: You claimed to hav read the site a couple timez. Much uv it iz about the many advantajiz for change. We are debating here, and again I saw nothing on the site that addresses what I have brought up. Quote:Originally posted by JO753: 1. Written English wuz not 'designed' at all. 2. Wut makes you think it cant do both? Your premise impliez that spoken English cannot tranzmit knowledge. 3. There iz no majik within traditional spelling that communicates info better than a fonetic system. 1. Okay, I never stated that it was designed. 2. No, I made a statement regarding written English. I imply nothing about spoken English. 3. Well other than what I laid out, just saying no is not an argument. Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Latin iz a fonetic spelling system. Okay...and? Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Baloney. This notion haz been debunked many timez going back to Benjamin Franklinz day. And citing latin based terminolojy only shoots another hole in the idea! Really, debunked? Citation needed. Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Etymology iz fascinating, but you cant rely on it to correctly divine the meaning uv general vocabulary wordz. And only lazy minded people dont look new wordz up. They are the wunz who end up misusing wordz and diluting the meaning wen their misuse bekumz popular. I did not suggest someone use it alone. Oh, I think it is lazy for people not to learn how to spell new words properly. Quote:Originally posted by JO753: The basic concept uv standardizing the letter to sound correspondence fixez that problem. How so? Quote:Originally posted by JO753: A common misperception about Nooalf iz that there cant be a standard spelling. And how often hav you tried to look up a word and bekuz the spelling didnt match the pronunciation, you coudnt find it? It haz happened to me quite a few timez. Even more often, you hav to get the spelling rite, so just keep taking gessez, spending way more time than you woud if there wuz a real system. So wait you want to change one standardized system for another? Again what dialect are you going to use for the standard? The hand wave you gave to this issue does not cut the mustard. I did have problems looking up words because of spelling, until the internet. Now typing even the most horribly misspelled word into Google will most likely get you what you need. Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Whoz dialect do the lexicograferz go by now wen they write dictionary pronuciationz? They write them for wutever region the dictionary will be sold in. That fine for the pronunciations, but we are talking about the actual spelling. Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Besidez, American English iz so widespred that nobody who speaks any dialect uv English cant understand it. That does not mean that those people are going to spell words the same phonetically. If it becomes standardized they will still have trouble because many words will still not be spelled the way they pronounce it. Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Thingz can be tranzlated very eazily theze dayz by software. Nooalf iz a very simple 1 to 1 correspondence tranzlation. 100% accurate and way simpler than tranzlating from other languagez. So you have that software and have tested it to find that it is 100% accurate? On the same token, spelling and grammar can be checked very easily as well. Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Again, Nooalf duznt preclude a standard. Which agains mean we are switching one standard for another. Many will find it easier, many will find it harder, what is the overall benifit again? Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Even tho def people dont gain from the fonetic connection, they will appreciate the efficiency. Nooalf text iz about 15% shorter on average. Shorter does not mean more efficient. Quote:Originally posted by JO753: How coud you know without comparison? I've been able to reach many of my lifes goals, the ones I have fallen short on have nothing to do with spelling. Quote:Originally posted by JO753: I assume you mean compared to other people. Did you learn to read using the Whole Word method? Sometime around the 80z there wuz this literacy education program that did away with fonetics altogether. It wuz a dizaster. Many uv the victimz are completely incapable uv reading unfamiliar wordz! I've met a few uv theze people, and they cant read Nooalf at all. I did not learn that way specifically, but how I picked it up as I learned to read faster. So when you type βuvβ instead of βofβ is slows me down quite a bit. Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Sorry! Most people can muddle their way thru it, gaining speed az they go. It helps if you install the font. Don't be sorry, just be willing to acknowledge that it will not work for everyone. Quote:Originally posted by JO753: You are claiming that its too hard to change to Nooalf. Converting to Nooalf woud be hard for people who are used to regular spelling, so it must be worth it! Where did I say it would be to hard? I didn't. I purposely avoided making that argument. Please don't strawman me. I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man. A warning to everyone, AURaptor is a known liar. ...and now a Fundie!
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Have you seen the movie Idiocracy? If you believe in evolution, you hav to take it seriously!
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: My brother consistently scored higher on IQ tests than I did, yet I am alwayz the wun explaning thingz and finding the flawed lojik. Granted, its possible that its transpozing cauze & effect and personal anecdotes are weak evidence, but I believe comparison between nativ English speakerz and thoze with languagez with better orthografyz will support the notion.
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: You claimed to hav read the site a couple timez. Much uv it iz about the many advantajiz for change.
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: 1. Written English wuz not 'designed' at all. 2. Wut makes you think it cant do both? Your premise impliez that spoken English cannot tranzmit knowledge. 3. There iz no majik within traditional spelling that communicates info better than a fonetic system.
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Latin iz a fonetic spelling system.
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Baloney. This notion haz been debunked many timez going back to Benjamin Franklinz day. And citing latin based terminolojy only shoots another hole in the idea!
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Etymology iz fascinating, but you cant rely on it to correctly divine the meaning uv general vocabulary wordz. And only lazy minded people dont look new wordz up. They are the wunz who end up misusing wordz and diluting the meaning wen their misuse bekumz popular.
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: The basic concept uv standardizing the letter to sound correspondence fixez that problem.
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: A common misperception about Nooalf iz that there cant be a standard spelling. And how often hav you tried to look up a word and bekuz the spelling didnt match the pronunciation, you coudnt find it? It haz happened to me quite a few timez. Even more often, you hav to get the spelling rite, so just keep taking gessez, spending way more time than you woud if there wuz a real system.
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Whoz dialect do the lexicograferz go by now wen they write dictionary pronuciationz? They write them for wutever region the dictionary will be sold in.
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Besidez, American English iz so widespred that nobody who speaks any dialect uv English cant understand it.
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Thingz can be tranzlated very eazily theze dayz by software. Nooalf iz a very simple 1 to 1 correspondence tranzlation. 100% accurate and way simpler than tranzlating from other languagez.
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Again, Nooalf duznt preclude a standard.
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Even tho def people dont gain from the fonetic connection, they will appreciate the efficiency. Nooalf text iz about 15% shorter on average.
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: How coud you know without comparison?
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: I assume you mean compared to other people. Did you learn to read using the Whole Word method? Sometime around the 80z there wuz this literacy education program that did away with fonetics altogether. It wuz a dizaster. Many uv the victimz are completely incapable uv reading unfamiliar wordz! I've met a few uv theze people, and they cant read Nooalf at all.
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Sorry! Most people can muddle their way thru it, gaining speed az they go. It helps if you install the font.
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: You are claiming that its too hard to change to Nooalf. Converting to Nooalf woud be hard for people who are used to regular spelling, so it must be worth it!
Friday, November 2, 2012 3:20 PM
Friday, November 2, 2012 3:54 PM
Friday, November 2, 2012 5:24 PM
Friday, November 2, 2012 5:32 PM
Quote:Originally posted by m52nickerson: Yes I looked at it. It does not address anything I brought up here.
Quote:Spelling is not bad information, simply a standard.
Quote:A certain level of conformity is need for society.
Quote:Yes, but I don't take it (Idiocracy) as a serious look at the future.
Quote:Hey did you hear we put a badass rover on Mars...with a hovering crane?
Quote:1. Okay, I never stated that it was designed.
Quote:Written English is not designed to communicate phonetics, but knowledge.
Quote:2. No, I made a statement regarding written English. I imply nothing about spoken English.
Quote:Really, debunked? Citation needed.(using root word etymology to figure out wut an unfamiliar word meanz)
Quote:Oh, I think it is lazy for people not to learn how to spell new words properly.
Quote:Quote:Originally posted by JO753: The basic concept uv standardizing the letter to sound correspondence fixez that problem. (dialects proliferating and diverjing) How so?
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: The basic concept uv standardizing the letter to sound correspondence fixez that problem. (dialects proliferating and diverjing)
Quote:That fine for the pronunciations, but we are talking about the actual spelling.
Quote:So you have that software and have tested it to find that it is 100% accurate?(Nooalf to traditional tranzlation software)
Quote:Which agains mean we are switching one standard for another. Many will find it easier, many will find it harder, what is the overall benifit again?
Quote:Shorter does not mean more efficient.
Quote:I've been able to reach many of my lifes goals, the ones I have fallen short on have nothing to do with spelling.
Quote:when you type βuvβ instead of βofβ is slows me down quite a bit.
Friday, November 2, 2012 5:48 PM
Quote:Originally posted by HKCavalier: Part of the information our written language communicates is its own complex history.....But if somebody wants to come along and remove all the unsightly wrickles and blemishes from MY language, I will reach way back into my pre-English history and tell him to go fuck himself!
Friday, November 2, 2012 6:00 PM
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: You obviously arent very familiar with that history.
Friday, November 2, 2012 10:28 PM
Quote:The history of our laguange from before it was even English is embedded in our words.
Quote:Destroying all that with radically simplified spelling would make our laguage poorer, less meaningful. Less connected to our history as English speakers.
Saturday, November 3, 2012 4:16 AM
Saturday, November 3, 2012 6:53 AM
Quote:Originally posted by m52nickerson: Congratulations, you are following in the long history of snake oil salesmen.
Saturday, November 3, 2012 7:40 AM
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Wordz werent lifted whole and left intact from other languages.
Quote:They were taken az needed by random individualz and spelled however by everybody who adopted them for centuryz. Scribez tranzlated ancient classics, spelling by their own preference or momentary wim. Typesetterz who didnt speak English added letterz just to fill in rowz. Later, scholarz attempted to correct spellingz by gessing the source language for wordz and roots, very often mistaking Greek or Latin or olde English etc. New wordz were created by ordinary people with no reference at all to the past.
Quote:There iz no reliable embedding. And even if there wuz, the notion that any practical advantage coud be gained thats worth 300 billion dollars per year to prezerve iz ludicrous.
Quote:Wut destroying? Anybody who really carez to know the history uv the wordz can go to the library and fill their brainz to overflowing. They will learn the best available info frum the most respected academicianz. Far better than taking haf baked gessez based on their own limited knowledge and the peculiar spelling uv any word. "Hmm. The silent L probably indicates a French origin. If I'm correct, I know exactly jack squat more about this word that I've been using since I wuz 7."
Quote:So a few centuryz frum now, long after Nooalf haz supplanted the Olde Spelling, elite nerdz can earn the privilij uv entering the holy aisles uv an actual book library, armed with their Oxford Encyclopedia app and track down the orijinz uv KoF, eJYQKAsN, KWiR, etc. without 10 billion people having to learn and then rite cough, education, choir, etc. collectively trillionz uv timez per year. How exciting it will be for the nerdz!
Saturday, November 3, 2012 7:42 AM
Quote:Originally posted by MAL4PREZ: Jo - do you go about posting in your newspeak at all the chat sites you can find, trying to generate traffic for your page and win over converts? Gotta say, I'm just not impressed.
Saturday, November 3, 2012 8:01 AM
Saturday, November 3, 2012 9:23 AM
Quote:Originally posted by m52nickerson: His site does have a entry on Something Awful...
Quote:Originally posted by HKCavalier: But now he's revealed to be just another zeta male in a self-destructive struggle for dominance within a system he only pretends to oppose.
Saturday, November 3, 2012 12:29 PM
Quote:Besidez, American English iz so widespred that nobody who speaks any dialect uv English cant understand it.
Saturday, November 3, 2012 3:40 PM
Quote:You seem to think that these factors have destroyed the coherency of our written language. I don't agree.
Quote:I see language as a living thing and as one of our most democratic institutions we've got going.
Quote:Yes, "random" individuals are responsible for what language is. That's not a glitch, it's a feature.
Quote:I'm curious--and this is my attempt to converse with you--so, I'm curious if you have any thoughts on Orwell's 1984? Do you think he was full of shit about language? Do you see any similarities between what you propose and what he called "New Speak?"
Quote:See, you want language to be more "reliable" and more "practical" than it is. Good for you. You think you know what a more reliable and practical English language would look like.
Quote:Language is a link to the past. And the past cannot be improved.
Saturday, November 3, 2012 4:14 PM
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: I hav a greater ability to dezine systemz, especially mechanical devicez, than anybody I hav ever met.
Quote:Originally posted by JO753:Nooalf basicly duz 1 thing; It standardizez the letter to sound correspondence. Big freekin deal!
Quote:Originally posted by JO753:Take the perspectiv uv impartial outside observerz; Kang and Kodos, for example.
Quote:Originally posted by JO753:Hav you looked at my corporate site yet?
Saturday, November 3, 2012 5:23 PM
Quote:Originally posted by m52nickerson: First off I'm debating you, not your best of the 80's style website.
Quote:You argue that teaching children standard spelling is teaching them that logic does not matter. This could only be true if there is an expectation that words are spelled phonetically. still hand wave away different dialects. Which you claim on your site is because written language is not phonetic.
Quote:It really comes down to the fact that you have all these claims, but not one shred of empirical evidence to support them.
Quote:You claim that it has been debunked years ago that the roots of a word can't help someone derive its meaning, yet you give examples of doing just that.
Quote:You say nooalf can be standard and be in different dialects. How the fuck would you do that?
Quote:My favorite part is claiming that if the rest of the world would wake up and see the problem your friend would win with his system because he is better prepared.
Saturday, November 3, 2012 5:50 PM
Quote:Originally posted by MAL4PREZ: Jo - do you go about posting in your newspeak at all the chat sites you can find, trying to generate traffic for your page and win over converts?
Quote:Especially ironic is your reference to Idiocracy. Your odd invention and your dismissal of all nuances of dialect, communication, history, and meaning in written language are right out of that `verse.
Quote:If you're serious, how about carrying out a study as to your language's efficacy, then submitting the results to a peer-reviewed journal? Do that, rather than waving your hands and repeating your (somewhat cluttered and hard to read) opinions, and maybe you'll get more positive responses.
Saturday, November 3, 2012 6:15 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Magonsdaughter: So in other words, you'd be standardising the language to american phonetics, not having a phonetic language. As if we don't get enough americanisms/america the great shoved down our throats.
Quote:Also, damn its ugly to look at.
Saturday, November 3, 2012 6:21 PM
Saturday, November 3, 2012 6:54 PM
Saturday, November 3, 2012 6:57 PM
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: I dont expect to get a good response, tho. I hav found that the higher level uv education people get in language subjects, the less conducive they are to Nooalf.
Saturday, November 3, 2012 7:00 PM
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: [Are you British? If so, you are a fine wun to be complaining. In any case, you are mischaracterizing the basic idea. A language iz a dialect with an army. America haz the biggest army. Not my fault. But cheer up! An important aspect uv this iz that printing iz going away. The cost uv riting stuff in many languagez and dialects iz nearing zero. Any 'schmoe' with an internet connection can translate anything he wants into hiz favorit dialect no matter how few people speak it. And with Nooalf, sumwun on the other side uv the planet who never heard uv the Lower South Wales suburban punk dialect will be able to 'hear' it by reading it in Nooalf.
Saturday, November 3, 2012 9:32 PM
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Are you British? If so, you are a fine wun to be complaining.
Quote:In any case, you are mischaracterizing the basic idea. A language iz a dialect with an army. America haz the biggest army. Not my fault.
Quote:But cheer up!
Quote: And with Nooalf, sumwun on the other side uv the planet who never heard uv the Lower South Wales suburban punk dialect will be able to 'hear' it by reading it in Nooalf.
Quote:And I shoud also make sum more attractive fonts.
Saturday, November 3, 2012 10:45 PM
Quote:Originally posted by m52nickerson: Do I think there is a literacy problems in English speaking countries, no. I think we could improve but I don not think there is a huge problem.
Quote:Now the definition of alphabet;.... I see one mention of phonetics, and this only states that the alphabet represent the sounds.
Sunday, November 4, 2012 4:03 AM
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: I have found that the literacy stats offered by sum soursez are wildly optimistic. And you hav to wonder how any uv them get their numberz.
Quote:Originally posted by JO753:Its hard to argue against the fact that its way eazier to learn 34 letterz than 34,000 stringz uv letterz....
Quote:Originally posted by JO753:...but if you are willing to arguing against the fundamental definition uv wordz, you cant looz! (at least in your own mind)
Sunday, November 4, 2012 4:49 AM
Sunday, November 4, 2012 5:02 AM
Sunday, November 4, 2012 5:03 AM
Quote:Children's reading development is dependent on their understanding of the alphabetic principle β the idea that letters and letter patterns represent the sounds of spoken language. Learning that there are predictable relationships between sounds and letters allows children to apply these relationships to both familiar and unfamiliar words, and to begin to read with fluency.
Sunday, November 4, 2012 5:22 AM
I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.
Sunday, November 4, 2012 5:45 AM
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Herez a paje about literacy training and the Alfabetic Principal: [url]] Quote:Children's reading development is dependent on their understanding of the alphabetic principle β the idea that letters and letter patterns represent the sounds of spoken language. Learning that there are predictable relationships between sounds and letters allows children to apply these relationships to both familiar and unfamiliar words, and to begin to read with fluency. Wun uv the featurez on the Nooalf charts iz an introductory chart for traditional spelling. It haz the regular 26 letterz in CAPS and lower case with the most common soundz each uv them makes.
Sunday, November 4, 2012 6:04 AM
Sunday, November 4, 2012 6:28 AM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: ...lack of a plural "you" (often constructed as "yous" or "yous guys")...
Sunday, November 4, 2012 7:55 AM
Sunday, November 4, 2012 1:55 PM
Sunday, November 4, 2012 2:40 PM
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: Nooalf, by comparison, can be learned from a chart the size uv a bizness card by average children in a month with little or no assistence. Your were going say 'proov it' next. Then you woud ignore wutever I offered, claiming 'I see no evidence'. So lets bypass the predictable rigamarole. I'll send you a PoKIT PIKS mini chart and even a Super Mini Chart for free. You can give them to sum ordinary English speaking children who arent reading yet and see for yourself.
Sunday, November 4, 2012 3:13 PM
Monday, November 5, 2012 3:03 AM
Quote:No thanks,
Quote:If I really wanted a cart I would just grab the image off your site. A quick print screen and past into paintbrush works. You really should look to lock that down.
Quote:It is conceivable that a child would be able to learn the rules for nooalf pretty quickly. That does not mean it is a better system.
Quote:The majority of people do fine learning to read.
Monday, November 5, 2012 4:43 AM
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: The other countryz are gobbling up American Standard az fast az Hollywood and rock bandz can crank it out, 1KIKI.
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: I had hopes uv making money with this in the beginning, but realized the level uv rezistence iz too hi. It woud be nice to make at least enuf for the effort to support itself, but so far it aint happening. Likely sumthing to do with that antisalez talent I mentioned earlier. A frend uv mine who witnessed me unselling sumthing called it 'universal anti-kovorka'.
Quote:Originally posted by JO753:Very quickly. Each letter makes 1 sound. Thats the only rule. And yes, it obviously duz mean its a better system. Are you going to deny the entire concept uv advantage now?
Quote:Originally posted by JO753:In wun uv the interviewz on the Children uv the Code website, wich you obviously didnt bother to vizit, an educational proffessional sez "Sum kidz learn to read riding past the library on their bikes. Other struggle for yearz and never really catch on. Most are sumwer in between." Az SIGNYM mentioned, the price our kidz are paying iz delayed education in real subjects.
Quote:Originally posted by JO753:Thanks for starting this topic, M52, but you seem to not hav any dezire to participate in an honest debate. Ignoring links, repeating lost arguments, denying plain facts & lojik are the futile tactics uv sumwun whoz beliefs dont hold up on their own.
Monday, November 5, 2012 1:20 PM
Quote:You fail to realize...yada yada yada
Monday, November 5, 2012 2:07 PM
Monday, November 5, 2012 9:10 PM