10 things Americans don’t know about America

UPDATED: Friday, December 7, 2012 06:40
VIEWED: 3698
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Saturday, December 1, 2012 6:58 AM


OK, we’re ready now. 10 things Americans don’t know about America.
1. Few People Are Impressed By Us

Unless you’re speaking with a real estate agent or a prostitute, chances are they’re not going to be excited that you’re American. It’s not some badge of honor we get to parade around. Yes, we had Steve Jobs and Thomas Edison, but unless you actually are Steve Jobs or Thomas Edison (which is unlikely) then most people around the world are simply not going to care. There are exceptions of course. And those exceptions are called English and Australian people. Whoopdie-fucking-doo.

As Americans, we’re brought up our entire lives being taught that we’re the best, we did everything first and that the rest of the world follows our lead. Not only is this not true, but people get irritated when you bring it to their country with you. So don’t.
2. Few People Hate Us

Despite the occasional eye-rolling, and complete inability to understand why anyone would vote for George W. Bush, people from other countries don’t hate us either. In fact — and I know this is a really sobering realization for us — most people in the world don’t really think about us or care about us. I know, that sounds absurd, especially with CNN and Fox News showing the same 20 angry Arab men on repeat for ten years straight. But unless we’re invading someone’s country or threatening to invade someone’s country (which is likely), then there’s a 99.99% chance they don’t care about us. Just like we rarely think about the people in Bolivia or Mongolia, most people don’t think about us much. They have jobs, kids, house payments — you know, those things called lives — to worry about. Kind of like us.

Americans tend to assume that the rest of the world either loves us or hates us (this is actually a good litmus test to tell if someone is conservative or liberal). The fact is, most people feel neither. Most people don’t think much about us.

Remember that immature girl in high school, who every little thing that happened to her meant that someone either hated her or was obsessed with her; who thought every teacher who ever gave her a bad grade was being totally unfair and everything good that happened to her was because of how amazing she was? Yeah, we’re that immature high school girl.
3. We Know Nothing About The Rest Of The World

For all of our talk about being global leaders and how everyone follows us, we don’t seem to know much about our supposed “followers.” They often have completely different takes on history than we do. Here were some brain-stumpers for me: the Vietnamese believe the Vietnam War was about China (not us), Hitler was primarily defeated by Russia (not us), Native Americans were wiped out largely disease and plague (not us), and the American Revolution was “won” because the British cared more about beating France (not us). Notice a running theme here?

(Hint: It’s not all about us.)

We did not invent democracy. We didn’t even invent modern democracy. There were parliamentary systems in England and other parts of Europe over a hundred years before we created government. In a recent survey of young Americans, 63% could not find Iraq on a map (despite being at war with them), and 54% did not know Sudan was a country in Africa. Yet, somehow we’re positive that everyone else looks up to us.

4. We Are Poor At Expressing Gratitude And Affection

There’s a saying about English-speakers. We say “Go fuck yourself,” when we really mean “I like you,” and we say “I like you,” when we really mean “Go fuck yourself.”

Outside of getting shit-housed drunk and screaming “I LOVE YOU, MAN!”, open displays of affection in American culture are tepid and rare. Latin and some European cultures describe us as “cold” and “passionless” and for good reason. In our social lives we don’t say what we mean and we don’t mean what we say.

In our culture, appreciation and affection are implied rather than spoken outright. Two guy friends call each other names to reinforce their friendship; men and women tease and make fun of each other to imply interest. Feelings are almost never shared openly and freely. Consumer culture has cheapened our language of gratitude. Something like, “It’s so good to see you” is empty now because it’s expected and heard from everybody.

In dating, when I find a woman attractive, I almost always walk right up to her and tell her that a) I wanted to meet her, and b) she’s beautiful. In America, women usually get incredibly nervous and confused when I do this. They’ll make jokes to defuse the situation or sometimes ask me if I’m part of a TV show or something playing a prank. Even when they’re interested and go on dates with me, they get a bit disoriented when I’m so blunt with my interest. Whereas, in almost every other culture approaching women this way is met with a confident smile and a “Thank you.”
5. The Quality of Life For The Average American Is Not That Great

If you’re extremely talented or intelligent, the US is probably the best place in the world to live. The system is stacked heavily to allow people of talent and advantage to rise to the top quickly.

The problem with the US is that everyone thinks they are of talent and advantage. As John Steinbeck famously said, the problem with poor Americans is that “they don’t believe they’re poor, but rather temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” It’s this culture of self-delusion that allows America to continue to innovate and churn out new industry more than anyone else in the world. But this shared delusion also unfortunately keeps perpetuating large social inequalities and the quality of life for the average citizen lower than most other developed countries. It’s the price we pay to maintain our growth and economic dominance.

In my Guide to Wealth, I defined being wealthy as, “Having the freedom to maximize one’s life experiences.” In those terms, despite the average American having more material wealth than citizens of most other countries (more cars, bigger houses, nicer televisions), their overall quality of life suffers in my opinion. American people on average work more hours with less vacation, spend more time commuting every day, and are saddled with over $10,000 of debt. That’s a lot of time spent working and buying crap and little time or disposable income for relationships, activities or new experiences.
6. The Rest Of The World Is Not A Slum-Ridden Shithole Compared To Us

In 2010, I got into a taxi in Bangkok to take me to a new six-story cineplex. It was accessible by metro, but I chose a taxi instead. On the seat in front of me was a sign with a wifi password. Wait, what? I asked the driver if he had wifi in his taxi. He flashed a huge smile. The squat Thai man, with his pidgin English, explained that he had installed it himself. He then turned on his new sound system and disco lights. His taxi instantly became a cheesy nightclub on wheels… with free wifi.

If there’s one constant in my travels over the past three years, it has been that almost every place I’ve visited (especially in Asia and South America) is much nicer and safer than I expected it to be. Singapore is pristine. Hong Kong makes Manhattan look like a suburb. My neighborhood in Colombia is nicer than the one I lived in in Boston (and cheaper).

As Americans, we have this naïve assumption that people all over the world are struggling and way behind us. They’re not. Sweden and South Korea have more advanced high speed internet networks. Japan has the most advanced trains and transportation systems. Norwegians make more money. The biggest and most advanced plane in the world is flown out of Singapore. The tallest buildings in the world are now in Dubai and Shanghai. Meanwhile, the US has the highest incarceration rate in the world.

What’s so surprising about the world is how unsurprising most of it is. I spent a week with some local guys in Cambodia. You know what their biggest concerns were? Paying for school, getting to work on time, and what their friends were saying about them. In Brazil, people have debt problems, hate getting stuck in traffic and complain about their overbearing mothers. Every country thinks they have the worst drivers. Every country thinks their weather is unpredictable. The world becomes, err… predictable.
7. We’re Paranoid

Not only are we emotionally insecure as a culture, but I’ve come to realize how paranoid we are about our physical security. You don’t have to watch Fox News or CNN for more than 10 minutes to hear about how our drinking water is going to kill us, our neighbor is going to rape our children, some terrorist in Yemen is going to kill us because we didn’t torture him, Mexicans are going to kill us, or some virus from a bird is going to kill us. There’s a reason we have more guns than people.

In the US, security trumps everything, even liberty. We’re paranoid.

I’ve probably been to 10 countries now that friends and family back home told me explicitly not to go because someone was going to kill me, kidnap me, stab me, rob me, rape me, sell me into sex trade, give me HIV, or whatever else. None of that has happened. I’ve never been robbed and I’ve walked through some of the shittiest parts of Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe.

In fact, the experience has been the opposite. In countries like Russia, Colombia or Guatemala, people were so friendly it actually scared me. Some stranger in a bar would invite me to his house for a bar-b-que with his family, a random person on the street would offer to show me around and give me directions to a store I was trying to find. My American instincts were always that, “Wait, this guy is going to try to rob me or kill me,” but they never did. They were just insanely friendly.
8. We’re Status-Obsessed And Seek Attention

I’ve noticed that the way we Americans communicate is usually designed to create a lot of attention and hype. Again, I think this is a product of our consumer culture: the belief that something isn’t worthwhile or important unless it’s perceived to be the best (BEST EVER!!!) or unless it gets a lot of attention (see: every reality-television show ever made).

This is why Americans have a peculiar habit of thinking everything is “totally awesome,” and even the most mundane activities were “the best thing ever!” It’s the unconscious drive we share for importance and significance, this unmentioned belief, socially beaten into us since birth that if we’re not the best at something, then we don’t matter.

We’re status-obsessed. Our culture is built around achievement, production and being exceptional. Therefore comparing ourselves and attempting to out-do one another has infiltrated our social relationships as well. Who can slam the most beers first? Who can get reservations at the best restaurant? Who knows the promoter to the club? Who dated a girl on the cheerleading squad? Socializing becomes objectified and turned into a competition. And if you’re not winning, the implication is that you are not important and no one will like you.
9. We Are Very Unhealthy

Unless you have cancer or something equally dire, the health care system in the US sucks. The World Health Organization ranked the US 37th in the world for health care, despite the fact that we spend the most per capita by a large margin.

The hospitals are nicer in Asia (with European-educated doctors and nurses) and cost a tenth as much. Something as routine as a vaccination costs multiple hundreds of dollars in the US and less than $10 in Colombia. And before you make fun of Colombian hospitals, Colombia is 28th in the world on that WHO list, nine spots higher than us.

A routine STD test that can run you over $200 in the US is free in many countries to anyone, citizen or not. My health insurance the past year? $65 a month. Why? Because I live outside of the US. An American guy I met living in Buenos Aires got knee surgery on his ACL that would have cost $10,000 in the US… for free.

But this isn’t really getting into the real problems of our health. Our food is killing us. I’m not going to go crazy with the details, but we eat chemically-laced crap because it’s cheaper and tastes better (profit, profit). Our portion sizes are absurd (more profit). And we’re by far the most prescribed nation in the world AND our drugs cost five to ten times more than they do even in Canada (ohhhhhhh, profit, you sexy bitch).

In terms of life expectancy, despite being the richest country in the world, we come in a paltry 38th. Right behind Cuba, Malta and the United Arab Emirates, and slightly ahead of Slovenia, Kuwait and Uruguay. Enjoy your Big Mac.
10. We Mistake Comfort For Happiness

The United States is a country built on the exaltation of economic growth and personal ingenuity. Small businesses and constant growth are celebrated and supported above all else — above affordable health care, above respectable education, above everything. Americans believe it’s your responsibility to take care of yourself and make something of yourself, not the state’s, not your community’s, not even your friend’s or family’s in some instances.

Comfort sells easier than happiness. Comfort is easy. It requires no effort and no work. Happiness takes effort. It requires being proactive, confronting fears, facing difficult situations, and having unpleasant conversations.

Comfort equals sales. We’ve been sold comfort for generations and for generations we bought: bigger houses, separated further and further out into the suburbs; bigger TV’s, more movies, and take-out. The American public is becoming docile and complacent. We’re obese and entitled. When we travel, we look for giant hotels that will insulate us and pamper us rather than for legitimate cultural experiences that may challenge our perspectives or help us grow as individuals.

Depression and anxiety disorders are soaring within the US. Our inability to confront anything unpleasant around us has not only created a national sense of entitlement, but it’s disconnected us from what actually drives happiness: relationships, unique experiences, feeling self-validated, achieving personal goals. It’s easier to watch a NASCAR race on television and tweet about it than to actually get out and try something new with a friend.

Unfortunately, a by-product of our massive commercial success is that we’re able to avoid the necessary emotional struggles of life in lieu of easy superficial pleasures.

Throughout history, every dominant civilization eventually collapsed because it became TOO successful. What made it powerful and unique grows out of proportion and consumes its society. I think this is true for American society. We’re complacent, entitled and unhealthy. My generation is the first generation of Americans who will be worse off than their parents, economically, physically and emotionally. And this is not due to a lack of resources, to a lack of education or to a lack of ingenuity. It’s corruption and complacency. The corruption from the massive industries that control our government’s policies, and the fat complacency of the people to sit around and let it happen.

There are things I love about my country. I don’t hate the US and I still return to it a few times a year. But I think the greatest flaw of American culture is our blind self-absorption. In the past it only hurt other countries. But now it’s starting to hurt ourselves.

So this is my lecture to my alcoholic brother — my own flavor of arrogance and self-absorption, even if slightly more informed — in hopes he’ll give up his wayward ways. I imagine it’ll fall on deaf ears, but it’s the most I can do for now. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some funny cat pictures to look at.


Saturday, December 1, 2012 8:30 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

Our inability to confront anything unpleasant around us has not only created a national sense of entitlement, but it’s disconnected us from what actually drives happiness.....

Unfortunately, a by-product of our massive commercial success is that we’re able to avoid the necessary emotional struggles of life in lieu of easy superficial pleasures.....

I imagine it’ll fall on deaf ears, but it’s the most I can do for now. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some funny cat pictures to look at...

THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I MEAN, 110%! Nail on the fucking head... I don't think I EVER could have said that any better, it's epic-ly poetic!


Saturday, December 1, 2012 9:51 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

And with a few changes here and there, you could write the same generalizations about pretty much any country. Japanese are this, this, and this. The French are that, that, and that. Just pick the worst stereotypes of any nation and list them. They don't even have to be true, just appealing to folks who don't like that particular country or how it's run.


Saturday, December 1, 2012 10:49 AM


Well, if it's France, you can say prettymuch anything - hell, even the FRENCH mock France and it's culture.



Saturday, December 1, 2012 12:15 PM


I get the impression that Parisans are so cynical and morbid and darkly sarcastic about life that they make me look chipper. Also, Paris is really smokey and dirty. It's like a foreign Las Vegas actually. But all their history of oppression was monarchs and Nazis instead of mob guys.


Saturday, December 1, 2012 12:19 PM


Las Vegas?

A man's gotta know his limitations. ~Dirty Harry


Saturday, December 1, 2012 12:22 PM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
Also, Paris is really smokey and dirty.

... and smells like urine.

Paris reminds me a lot of NYC.


Don’t waste your life not making amazing things with equally amazing people.


Saturday, December 1, 2012 2:26 PM


Whenever I hear someone call Paris the city of love I wonder what drugs they're on.

It's pretty grim.


Saturday, December 1, 2012 2:27 PM



Originally posted by Oonjerah:

Las Vegas?

Less so much the bright lights and show and fakey-fake, more the dark skanky smokey areas where everyone is disgruntled and existential and you find dirty brochures and magazines on every street corner. But yeah. Right down to the inappropriate attitudes towards women. The only real difference is where Vegas attracts the poor souls who life has dealt a bad hand, Paris attracts rich snobs who look at life with utter contempt.

(Doesn't like either Vegas or Paris)


Saturday, December 1, 2012 5:55 PM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
I get the impression that Parisans are so cynical and morbid and darkly sarcastic about life that they make me look chipper. Also, Paris is really smokey and dirty. It's like a foreign Las Vegas actually. But all their history of oppression was monarchs and Nazis instead of mob guys.

I thought Paris was just beautiful. Not smokey or particularly dirty.

I think this writer sums up pretty much how I have perceived Americans, rightly or wrongly since my use of the Internet became an addiction.


Saturday, December 1, 2012 6:27 PM



I thought Paris was just beautiful. Not smokey or particularly dirty.

Huh. I don't see why. But I guess everyone has their own tastes.

I meant the people that live there, with that one comment. But... Suddenly I think maybe I'm digging myself in deeper?

Crap, you lived in Paris didn't you.


Sunday, December 2, 2012 1:22 AM


No, just visited a couple of times and loved it. I lived in London, which was dirty in those days - and Paris seemed well groomed in comparison.


Sunday, December 2, 2012 3:17 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

1 and 5 stand out for me.

1. The idea of America as a 'city on a hill', or light of the world or whatever, is one that I only really hear Americans say.

5. Low to middle-income workers have it better in many other Western countries. The special privilege of being an American is true maybe for those at or near the top, but not otherwise.


And with a few changes here and there, you could write the same generalizations about pretty much any country.

I don't know about that. What don't Brits know about Britain? To me this list is the combination of America being a very patriotic country, and an insular one.

It's not personal. It's just war.


Sunday, December 2, 2012 5:04 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Fairly right on, CTTS. Didn't actually read beyond each title, but for me the title said it all...and actually, it's NOT anything I didn't know about America. In our defense I will say just one good thing; we are also extremely generous (I'll let you decide where that comes from and if the impulse comes from a laudable place). That is true, from my experience overseas and what I've read and heard. We often DO it wrong, quite often, but the impulse is there.

As for the French, pretty much everything everyone said--and I'm half French, immigrant mom. Got a friend in Occupy who's married to a Frenchman--she loves him, but can't stop talking about how horrible his relatives are, the French in general, and how hideously they treat their children. I dislike the French about as much as anyone else.

On the other hand, I disagree about Paris. Have you actually been there, Byte? I found it beautiful and clean (this was back in the '60s)--and I'm not inclined to like anything French. On the other hand, Rome DEFINITELY stank of urine, and was the filthiest place I've ever seen (that includes Bangkok and Hong Kong--I excuse Afghanistan because of it's extreme poverty and backwardness when I was there). We were there at the height of Summer, so I freely admit my bias is probably influenced by that, but it was just awful. So were their trains, as opposed to Swiss trains; we traveled on both extensively.

Me, I fell in love with Switzerland, and if you want to talk CLEAN and AND neat people--guarded at first, definitely, but once they get to know you even slightly, really neat. That, too, is just my impression from visiting there three times and pretty much the same places each time: Interlaken, Thun, Brienze and Locarno.

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.


Sunday, December 2, 2012 5:12 AM


In my experience, all giant cities, like Paris, New York, Rome, Sao Paulo, etc., are the same. They all have beautiful, well-groomed sections, and dirty smokey parts that smell like urine. So one's impression of the city depends on where you go when you're there.

Incidentally, I only agree with about half the things this guy says, Niki.

For example, I think Americans are generally better informed about the world than most people abroad. Yeah, a large majority of Americans are grossly ignorant, but believe it or not, a large majority of people in other countries (context of total planet population) are even MORE ignorant. It's not their fault--they simply don't have access to the education to become better informed. It all depends on which demographic and which country you're comparing Americans to.


Don’t waste your life not making amazing things with equally amazing people.


Sunday, December 2, 2012 9:03 AM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
No, just visited a couple of times and loved it. I lived in London, which was dirty in those days - and Paris seemed well groomed in comparison.

See, now it's London I thought was clean - at least, the metropolitan areas. The sprawl in London is a little bit ghetto. But Paris seemed dirty and smokey even IN the metropolitan area (which is all of it).


Sunday, December 2, 2012 9:16 AM


Niki: Yeah, I've been there, and I don't even want to go back for the Louvre. Terrible place. Maybe it's changed since you've been there.

I didn't spend enough time in Rome to get a good feel for it. I went for a walk at night in Rome once, and it seemed kinda shady, but I didn't mind too much in the daylight. How Rome did feel was kind of old and worn down and heat beaten, but it was still less depressing than Paris.

Also, for the record, Venice smells terrible.

Switzerland is great. Now there's a society and people who know how it works. I'd also kind of extend that regionally to northern Italy and their Lakes.


Monday, December 3, 2012 4:46 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


In my experience, all giant cities, like Paris, New York, Rome, Sao Paulo, etc., are the same. They all have beautiful, well-groomed sections, and dirty smokey parts that smell like urine. So one's impression of the city depends on where you go when you're there.

Very accurate, and you're right, we shouldn't make generalizations.

As to ignorance, I know you're right, it just shocks me HOW ignorant Americans are sometimes. Saw a man-on-the-street interview with Americans and Israelis, and they knew TONS more about us than even we did! It shocked me, and I've never forgotten it. Of course you're right, there is a lot of ignorance out there, but I tend to think the rest of the developed world, at least, pays more attention to us than we do to it. Not a compliment, just that we're kinda overbearing and what we do often affects the rest of the world.

We went to Venice three times, Byte, and I was never aware of any odor. Maybe my impressions are because we were in Rome at the height of Summer when I was younger, and Switzerland, Austraia and Northern Italy in Spring, off-season a few years ago. But I adore Venice and always will. That and Verona are my favorite parts of Italy...Northern, yes.

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.


Monday, December 3, 2012 5:06 AM


When'd you go to Venice? Because I went in Summer, when I also went to Rome, the tide was low and the canals smelled like sewage. Because it was sewage.

Takes all the atmosphere right out of it. :(

Verona was cool. Although the Romeo and Juliet thing is SUCH a tourist trap.


Monday, December 3, 2012 6:22 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I would be curious as to how old the writer is. My observation is that younger people are connected by an e-culture which they perceive as a common culture around the globe that has swept away the old. So even though there are real significant differences in assumptions and expectations depending on where you grow up, they don't register them. Communication is easy, which they think means that it's true.

1. Few People Are Impressed By Us
I guess they don't believe in American exceptionalism.

2. Few People Hate Us

Though probably far more than those that are impressed by us. When it comes to chronic dislike, I think I could make a case that there's a fair bit of that.

3. We Know Nothing About The Rest Of The World

But there are countries of equal ignorance. I can't remember where I read this, but it was a survey of English teens, and over half couldn’t find North America on the globe. There being other ignorant countries is not an excuse to being ignorant, there are other countries where the people are far better informed. But it doesn’t make us ESPECIALLY bad either, just down near the bottom with the others down near the bottom.

4. We Are Poor At Expressing Gratitude And Affection

Among men? Within families? How does that compare to England, which is the source of the country's WASP heritage?

5. The Quality of Life For The Average American Is Not That Great

By various metrics but especially certain averages which can't be swayed by an extreme small population - lifespan, health, education, mobility, even happiness - this is true.

6. The Rest Of The World Is Not A Slum-Ridden Shithole Compared To Us

This goes along with 1. We ain't the best - there are other countries better than us. And they ain't the worst.

7. We’re Paranoid

About personal security. Well, in this dog-eat-dog culture you SHOULD be. Remember the story about the Norwegian (I think) mom arrested for leaving her baby outside the store in a stroller? Her defense was that that's what people DO because you can count on others to look after them. One couldn’t even imagine that kind of thing here. So maybe paranoia here is mere prudence.

8. We’re Status-Obsessed And Seek Attention

In my trips around the country I find this to be very true.

9. We Are Very Unhealthy

This is measurably true.

10. We Mistake Comfort For Happiness

I'd have to think about this. I think it's true we're materialistic, but if we really wanted comfort we'd seek more vacation time, easier jobs, a more humane society.


Monday, December 3, 2012 6:46 AM



I can't remember where I read this, but it was a survey of English teens, and over half couldn’t find North America on the globe.


Sorry for the offensive term, but what we're looking at here is a categorical failure of a lot of the British schooling system to engage and appeal to children of the British working class. And then the kids borrowed a lot of inner-city culture from the US.

The deficits in their education are fairly predictable.


4. We Are Poor At Expressing Gratitude And Affection

Among men? Within families? How does that compare to England, which is the source of the country's WASP heritage?

Based on the article in question, what the author means is that he happened to bump into our absolute TRAINWRECK of a dating system/culture. In that sense he is absolutely right, dating in America is no longer about mutual affection but rather mutual antagonism.

It's INSANE out there. And this coming from someone with an actual psychosomatic negative reaction to compliments or displays of affection, and who admires antagonism as an art form.

Enjoy the horror. Be glad that you married WELL before this nonsense.


Monday, December 3, 2012 8:32 AM


Well, it wasn't Paris, exactly, more like the Parisian burbs, but I do recall it being fairly unpleasant despite prettymuch drunk the whole time - pitching a drink onto an overly aggressive prostitute and getting into a scuffle with her pimp especially stands out in memory.
(She tried to pull a badger game on me and I wasn't having any of that.)



Monday, December 3, 2012 8:43 AM



Originally posted by Geezer:
And with a few changes here and there, you could write the same generalizations about pretty much any country.

Wow, changing the details to reflect a different country would make this applicable to other countries?

Why, ya don't say...

Excuse me while I soak in all these sweet, sweet conservative tears.

"We will never have the elite, smart people on our side." -- Rick "Frothy" Santorum

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Monday, December 3, 2012 9:10 AM


A transsexual prostitute in Paris actually tried to solicit my dad. It was pretty funny. And kinda sad - I was ten, tagging-along, and I kinda look exactly like him just female, what exactly did they think was going on there?

...No, still pretty funny.


Monday, December 3, 2012 10:07 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Byte, each time we were in Venice in late Spring--again, off-season (only time we could afford to go). That explains that. Paris and Rome were Summer, with my parents, on our return to America.

Kiki, thanx for the remarks about Brit teen ignorance. I saw the same thing on American teens, who couldn't find much of ANYTHING on the map--makes me feel better, ironically, that they're not alone! It was a startling contrast with those man-on-the-street interviews I saw in Israel, where almot everyone knew more about America than the equivalent interviews in America. I guess considering it was Israel, that's not quite as surprising.

As to affection, what I saw in other countries was a lot more affection expressed, a lot more hand holding--between women, and not in a homosexual fashion, and a lot more couples expressing affection in public than I see here. Dunno if that's what they meant, but it struck me.

In my opinion, 3, 5 and 6 could be said about most countries, and more and more, 9 and 10 could be said about European countries (and England). I think 1 and 2 are unique to us, because they are kind of drummed into us by politicians, etc. I think you're right in that 7 is because of the culture we live in, which is pretty violent, in many ways moreso than a lot of other "developed" countries. And 8 is also true from my experiences overseas.

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.


Monday, December 3, 2012 9:26 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

The affection thing got my attention, because I'm a really intense person and so I feel that sometimes our culture stifles me because Americans have their minds in the gutter. People always assume that my best friend and I are a couple because we are quite close and people misread that energy. Its because our culture puts way too much emphasis on romance and not enough emphasis on other types of relationships, which are also important to being well rounded. This is why I struggle here, because I'm really intense with my best friends, I love them deeply and passionately and people misread that, they don't understand that I can love someone without wanting to rut with them. Our society tends to put its eggs in the romance basket too much, and then when things aren't storybook perfect people give up and aren't willing to put effort into their marriages to make them work, because they've been fed this fantasy romance thing since they were little. A romance is like any other relationship, it takes mutual work and committment in order to succede.

I look forward to the day when Mary and I can snuggle and guys will still walk up to us and hit on us, because they don't assume we're "together". Can't we love each other without sexuality being involved?

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Tuesday, December 4, 2012 4:45 AM


America loves a winner!

The word " democracy " doesn't appear in either the US Constitution, or the Declaration of Independence.

And for good reason.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, December 4, 2012 5:28 AM


Because the founding fathers - far from being the saints in the midst of gnostic freemason apotheosis that history would like us to remember them as - were actually elitist, genocidal, slave-owning aristocrats with a contempt for most of our nation, and like children didn't trust us with free-will or decisions?


Tuesday, December 4, 2012 5:36 AM


America loves a winner!

Nope. Not at all. They just knew the ravages of mob rule, and how quickly a uninformed public can be led astray, and how the rule of law can be reduced to the rule of man, there by taking our freedoms away entirely.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, December 4, 2012 5:49 AM


No, I think it was the first one. They didn't mind rule of mob if it was on THEIR side. Like when they sent in troops to put down a revolution in the Appalachians, or rounding up the First Nations for slaughter and removal, or later fighting a Civil War 1) to preserve slavery on the side of the South and 2) to force the Federal government on the South from the interests of the North.

Our nation and leadership never had a respect for Freedom even then, just kinda paid lip-service to it while setting themselves up like kings.

Hypocrites. Liars. Screw 'em all. Let their afterlife sort them out. Meanwhile we gotta deal with their mess.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012 5:56 AM


In fairness to you AU, I'll give you that democracy is kind of a crappy system of government too. Especially when voting is rigged whether it's a democratic system of government or a republic.

I propose instead that we create an elaborate system of AIRSHIPS and then spaceships, perchance to engage in PIRACY, but at least we will be freefolk.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012 5:56 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

Hypocrites. Liars. Screw 'em all. Let their afterlife sort them out. Meanwhile we gotta deal with their mess.

Their "mess", the greatest nation on the face of the planet ?

Yeah...real cross to bear.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, December 4, 2012 6:02 AM



Their "mess", the greatest nation on the face of the planet ?

Yeah...real cross to bear.

You should join me on my skyquest! Leave the face of the planet behind and go to the clouds and the staaaaaaaars!

We can steal some of their ideas. (We're pirates!) Just, not all their hypocrisy and corruption. :/ We'll leave that earth-side.

Come on. Skyquest.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012 6:24 AM


Listen, I can see you're not sold on the merits of the zeppelinocracy. But picture that if you can organize yourself a crew willing to sign on to ADVENTURE and help you build your ship, and draft a charter you all ratify, you can name yourself a company, take to the skies as captain of your own ship...

And in addition to a few serving wenches who may be aboard your boat, and a very fine hat and coat for you, this is your trusty first mate.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012 6:29 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I'll join you, but only if you stock the melodigraph with the best music.


Note to Self:
Raptor - woman testifying about birth control is a slut (the term applies.)
Six - Wow, isn't Niki quite the CUNT? And, yes, I spell that in all caps....
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.

“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -T. S. Szasz


Tuesday, December 4, 2012 6:37 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Well said, Riona, and that's kind of what I was trying to say. I wouldn't hold my breath for that day to arrive in America, tho', sorry.

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012 7:45 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

11. America as 'the land of opportunity' is history:

It's not personal. It's just war.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012 8:34 AM


...I'm one of the people who won't reach the same level of education my parents did, but that's because getting a Masters or a PhD has become kind of superfluous, it's something you only do if you want to teach, or if you have too much money or time on your hands. There's no reason to go into debt to get a higher certificate that doesn't really increase your options and which in many programs involves a thesis (self-driven) project while you work as a teacher's aide. It's not cost-effective and there's no benefit, it's almost a luxury or a prestige thing now.

Also, yeah, tuition rates are ridiculous.

The education thing isn't great, but the bigger problem here is actually the shrinking job markets. We actually have a lot of scientists and engineers graduating here. Problem is, no one's hiring. I was lucky to even get my foot in the door anywhere, lots of employers balk at having to train new employees even when they do have a sufficient educational background and grades.


Thursday, December 6, 2012 8:19 PM


I can see the writer's points, and agree, more or less. What's already been pointed out is that we don't have the market cornered when it comes to ignorance. It's like George Carlin said:

The main point being that we're just not as awesome as some of us think we are, and the world doesn't admire us as a model to emulate or praise us as their benefactors. They have more objective journalism, I guess.


Friday, December 7, 2012 6:03 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


They have more objective journalism, I guess.
I believe they DEFINITELY do, RF. As I've said previously, I've often learned more "real news" from my friends in Canda, England and Australia than I have from our MSM...and sometimes things our MSM isn't even telling us!

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.


Friday, December 7, 2012 6:40 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


No, I think it was the first one. They didn't mind rule of mob if it was on THEIR side.
Thank you






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