Yearly Income...........

UPDATED: Friday, March 8, 2013 09:10
VIEWED: 4392
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Saturday, February 16, 2013 6:17 AM


Just voluntary, honest answers.......

I'm just curious what our regular dipshit Dems and dipshit Reps make....

I'm sure many will lie, but I'll be honest.....

Last year, I made roughly 3,200 bucks. Over 1/3 of that was paid in income taxes and penalties for withdrawing other money from retirement accounts.

So far this year, I've made just over 1.2k, with zero FED taxes taken out.

Just wondering what others get and if they rely on government.

My dad says I should apply for healthcare and foodstamps, but I won't do it....

Make your bed and lie in it, I say....


Sunday, February 17, 2013 11:39 AM


America loves a winner!

What anyone makes is their own business.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Sunday, February 17, 2013 11:49 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Just voluntary, honest answers.......

I'm just curious what our regular dipshit Dems and dipshit Reps make....

I'm sure many will lie, but I'll be honest.....

Last year, I made roughly 3,200 bucks. Over 1/3 of that was paid in income taxes and penalties for withdrawing other money from retirement accounts.

So far this year, I've made just over 1.2k, with zero FED taxes taken out.

Just wondering what others get and if they rely on government.

My dad says I should apply for healthcare and foodstamps, but I won't do it....

Make your bed and lie in it, I say....

It's rough that you make so little and get taxed so much. Yay for graduated taxation.


Sunday, February 17, 2013 11:54 AM


Jack, you probably should remove this information. Your work probably has rules about disclosing what you make, most places of employment do.

A good rule of thumb is, brag today, fired tomorrow.


Sunday, February 17, 2013 12:49 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"Your work probably has rules about disclosing what you make, most places of employment do."

I didn't know that.


Sunday, February 17, 2013 1:22 PM


That must be some weird american thingee.


Sunday, February 17, 2013 2:09 PM


It's not a law, but like I said, it's frowned on by a lot of employers.

Since you don't know who might read these posts or if someone could identify you by your posts here, the best bet is to not talk about some stuff online. Kinda like how you shouldn't post pictures of your girls gone wild drunken binge over the weekend to your facebook wall if you work for a law firm.

There are situations where it might be reasonable, like if you're talking about unionizing or something, but you need to weigh the risks. It's not worth losing your job for a momentary lapse of judgement on the internet.


Sunday, February 17, 2013 4:09 PM


I agree that you need to be careful of disclosing too much personal stuff on these sites, being public forums. I'm certainly not disclosing.

From one of the links you posted, I see that it differs from public/unionised workplaces to private industries. Same here probably. Mostly private employers don't want employees to know how much each of them earn because of salary disparity that may not be ethical or legal.

I work in a quango, so its okay to talk about it up until management level, when employees tend to negotiate private contracts.


Sunday, February 17, 2013 5:09 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Heck, I'll play. It's not like I'm going to lose my job or anything if I 'fess up to how much I made and paid.

I pulled a bit under $40k last year, but that job is gone as of the end of 2012. That job was a pretty big step down for me moneywise, too, but much less stress and more "normal" hours - I'd been doing on average 65-70 hours a week from 1999 thru 2006, but got major league burned out, even though I was making closer to $60k back then.

I'll be making less than $40k this year, I can just about guarantee that.

I paid in a bit over $3700 in federal income taxes this year. Actually, I paid in over $5000, but got $1300 of it back.


Sunday, February 17, 2013 5:23 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

One of the links posted had this to say:

The private sector is another story.

Many businesses and corporations have gone so far as to establish rules forbidding employees from discussing their wages, on pain of disciplinary action.

It turns out that in most cases these regulations are actually against the law.

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has ruled on many occasions that businesses and corporations cannot legally prevent employees from sharing their salaries or the salaries of their co-workers. In most cases, employers are not required to publicize the wages of their employees, but neither can they bar them from giving that information to each other or the media. When disgruntled employees bring these regulations to the attention of the NLRB, the employer is required to remove the language from their employee manuals. (This doesn’t apply to managers, supervisors and other employees not under the jurisdiction of the NLRB.)

Some states, such as Colorado and California, have gone a step further. They have passed laws singling out wage discussion as a “protected activity,” just like campaigning for politicians or caring for a sick relative. In these states, no employee (not even managers) can be fired for talking about their salaries.

Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.

Many human resource experts advocate a don’t-ask-don’t tell policy when it comes to salaries because they believe that knowing creates discontent, jealousy and low morale in the office. Which, as others point out, are fairly natural reactions to finding out that a co-worker with less experience and education is earning more money.

I hate to say it but those HR people who claim knowing others' salaries is demoralizing are douche bags. What causes low morale is not people knowing what others make, it's the actual inequities existing in the workplace. Gawd what a crock they spew.

Kwicko - I'm sorry to hear about your job loss. I hope you get one you like and that pays well very soon.


Sunday, February 17, 2013 6:50 PM


^ Yup, that's about it.

I get the feeling wages here are higher than the US, but then the cost of living is higher. So it wouldn't mean much anyway.


Sunday, February 17, 2013 6:50 PM



I hate to say it but those HR people who claim knowing others' salaries is demoralizing are douche bags. What causes low morale is not people knowing what others make, it's the actual inequities existing in the workplace. Gawd what a crock they spew.

Probably. I'm just pointing out that there's a risk of termination in discussing this.

Honestly I don't really know what I make. I don't pay attention to that kinda thing. I could probably look it up, but I'm too lazy and I'd forget anyway. it's kinda like how I can never actually remember how old I am.


Sunday, February 17, 2013 8:28 PM


I haven't made any money since 19... something.

I've been mooching off my husband, who makes...enough money that we can afford to buy mostly organic foods, but not enough to have more than one bathroom in our 3 BR house, or a vehicle made after 19... something. :P


Disobedience is not an issue if obedience is not the goal.


Sunday, February 17, 2013 8:46 PM


rezident owtsidr

3,200 iz way below the minimum income to pay tax, so really, 6string, the tax you payed wuz on income not previuously taxed that you withdrew frum a 401k or other such fund.

I got axed for talking about pay.

Wen I wuz around 20 I had a crappy job at a spring joint tending the output boxez under 4-slide machinez. 2.65 an owr.

There wuz a Mexican guy whod been there for 5 yirz doing set ups & maintinence. Seemz he wuz only getting like 3.50, so wen I told him how much I wuz getting, naturally, he quit. Went to lunch & didnt kum back. Got a job for 7$ per owr down the street. I got axed at 1pm.

2 other guyz had to work overtime to fill in for the rest uv the week till they found replacements for us.

So good rezults all around. Cheapskate owner got a little kick in the nuts financially, I didnt hav to stay for the rest uv the day or ever go back, the Mexican doubled hiz income and a few other guyz got sum overtime pay.

I did a great thing.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Monday, February 18, 2013 3:16 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I can't tell you that Jack. I don't make a lot, I make enough to manage and do the things I like doing in life, within reason. How I make that money is my business as well.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Wednesday, February 20, 2013 12:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Jack, if you're trying to figure out where you compared to your fellow browncoats... you're low enuf in the range to be getting food stamps and any other assistance you can find. It shouldn't matter what anyone else is doing or not doing. That's one of the purposes of taxes, may as well make use of it. When you get off the floor, then you can pay taxes and help someone else get off the floor.


Saturday, February 23, 2013 9:26 AM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
Jack, you probably should remove this information. Your work probably has rules about disclosing what you make, most places of employment do.

A good rule of thumb is, brag today, fired tomorrow.

Good advice Byte....

Actually, I signed a "disclosure" agreement never to discuss such things or bad mouth my company when I was hired on.....

As far as I know, I have never disclosed which "Mart" I work for here although I've always referred to it as "The Mart". It could be WalMart or KMart or the Quck-E-Mart.......

At the same time, only one person here who I trust actually knows my real name, and I do believe She'd never tell anybody it, so I'm not to worried. When I do a Google search on my name (first, first/last, or even first/last/middle initial) I'm nowhere in the first 4 or so pages at least. I've never come up actually before I got bored of searching further. Fortunately for me, my real first name is Biblical and my real last name is shared with so many thousands of other Americans that I have tons of "upstanding" citizens sprouting up on Google hits.... even stories about heroes who died in the line of duty.

One more special reason for me to thank them for their service.......

Their names on an online Google search makes my first/last name look that much more stellar....

As for "brag today/fired tomorrow"....

I get that too....

Unfortunately, I'm not bragging....

I make (usually) 1/2 of what I made for 2 years on unemployment here.

When I was laid-off and making unemployment, I was making about 1/5th of my salary.

The 56k a year I was making for 3 years before my job was shipped to India is the only reason I own my house free and clear today....

Isn't it sad that I might lose it in a few years to "property taxes" even though it's paid?

My current job pays every bill I have, except for the huge property taxes. I figure I have about 2 more years here without a better job without putting everything on credit unless I find a real job....


Saturday, February 23, 2013 9:45 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Jack, if you're trying to figure out where you compared to your fellow browncoats... you're low enuf in the range to be getting food stamps and any other assistance you can find. It shouldn't matter what anyone else is doing or not doing. That's one of the purposes of taxes, may as well make use of it. When you get off the floor, then you can pay taxes and help someone else get off the floor.

Kinda my point though Signy..........

I shouldn't be here....

I have no mortgage. I have no rent....

Sure, I have no college to speak of, but that wasn't a factor in a pre-Obama economy.....

For lack of better words..... "FUCK" my lack of college paper....

I'll run circles around anyone's college grad kids, just as I did in the past.....


More than half of my lifetime resume is nothing but retail and low-level labor work for local construction units. I've also spent a few years of my life heading multi-national conference calls for Citishare and CUSA making sure that internal and Government-mandated changes got installed properly, as well as running the entire liaison-ops portion of making sure that over 300 political mailers were delivered to idiot Republicans and Democrats in time for elections....

Honestly, the "Mart" is a breath of fresh air.....

I haven't made this many friends in a job for a long time.

It's actually everything my "pre-retirement-plan" is made of.....

Unfortunately it came 20 years too early....

Personally, I think that coming into an interview for a GOOD job with "I'M 33 AND PAY NO RENT OR MORTGAGE AND OWN MY OWN HOUSE" should be an automatic win/win situation.

Unfortunately, we live in Amerikah.....

We'll take your Meek and Minority, and shit all over any white male who dares to rise above.

I didn't inherit this....

I worked for it....

And I'm quite confident that if I was married with 3 kids I'd have a much easier time finding a good job.



Sunday, February 24, 2013 9:45 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Jack, the problem is... you DON'T rise above. You have a serious drinking problem AND a serious entitlement problem. Somehow, you seem to think that you're "owed" a great job doing jack shit because you're "smart" and you own your own home?


Dude, people have tried to tell you any number of times, you're running your life on the way you think things "should be", meanwhile you're getting steamrolled by the real world.

First of all, if you think Obama is the problem can you please lift your head up from the shot-glass (or beer mug) you got in front of you long enough to realize this isn't an "American" problem, this is a WORLD WIDE problem: not enough jobs. If you want to bitch and whine, why not bitch and whine about the corporations that are shipping jobs oveseas and automating the rest?

But that would take too much brain-power, and right now you're too damn busy pickling whatever neurons you got left to even think. Man, enjoy your "glory days" now, 'cause at the rate you're going it'll be a race to see what finishes first: your mind or your liver.

Good luck, son. You'll need it.


Monday, February 25, 2013 6:43 AM




I'm not "owed" anything.... Nor do I owe anything to anyone at this juncture. I pay my taxes, and I have no debt. My only debts are to close friends and family who have helped me out here or there.

Do I drink a lot? Sure. Is it a problem? Maybe. Nobody ever acknowledges anyone's habits as a problem until they're desperate and asking for handouts. Or until they're smacking their wife and kids around and they've got them so scared that they continually tell their co-workers and teachers that their clumsy and fell down the stairs again. No wife or kids here. Just me in this huge, empty 3 bedroom/2 bathroom house alone.....

Whether it's because of Obama or not, and whether it's a world problem or not should be moot.

Even considering a TRUE 18% unemployment rate in my locality, that still means that 82% of the people still have jobs. (Actually, my BS part-time job making 1/8th of what I did in 2009 is probably included in the "Has a job" stats). As I always scored 99% in every category in the "IOWA" tests growing up, I'm definitely not living up to my potential.

My own hatred of myself is the culprit here. Drinking is only a glaring symptom of the real disease. The funny thing is, not only do my close friends and family seem to like me a lot more than I do, but so do my co-workers. I just got invited tonight to a 30th Birthday party at a local micro-brew from a guy who has tats up his neck and all over his hands. The funny thing is, I never "associated" with "those" type of people growing up, but he's actually one of the coolest guys I know. His wife is black and they've been in magazines for tatted couples and he's won some awards for his work.

I wish I was half as good at the guitar as he is at doing ink.....

"Steamrolled".... Heh.... That's actually pretty accurate and intuitive of you.

Yeah... that pretty much sums it all up.

I did plenty of bitching about jobs overseas before, not that it did us any good. I'm sure there are about 8-10 Indians doing their own jobs now and divying up my 2009 salary amongst themselves. How can I argue that math? Even if I was confident that not a single one of them could do their job as good as I can, there is ZERO chance I could ever convince anyone that 8 people doing my job for the same salary combined that I used to make can't do much more than I alone could do.

Meanwhile, I work a minimum wage job and cigarettes here costs almost 6 bucks a pack. They only make about 4 grand a year doing what I did, but they can buy a pack of smokes for less than 25 cents USD (I befrended one of the plants from India that taught his friends how to do our job before he headed back home).

Glory days... bah.....

I didn't appreciate all the things I did have during them and let my neurosis rule. I can't even look back at a single point in my life and call it my "glory days".

One of my favorite songs is Sunscreen.....

It's full of advice I know I should follow, but I don't. Although it came out only 2 years after I graduated HS, I'm now old enough to be on the "example" side of a lot of the words spoken here.

The most inspirational words in the song to me at this age are:

"Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life.

The most interesting people I know, didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives.

Some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know, still don't."


Monday, February 25, 2013 6:54 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Why are you only working one part-time job? If you have money problems, it seems to me you should be working more than one job, or more than part time, instead of drunkenly bitching about it here.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I was wrong" - Hero, 2012

Mitt Romney, introducing his running mate: "Join me in welcoming the next President of the United States, Paul Ryan!"

Rappy's response? "You're lying, gullible ( believing in some BS you heard on msnbc ) or hard of hearing."


Monday, February 25, 2013 7:48 AM


Because I have nobody depending on me, and... at the rate I'm going, I won't even have to put one dime on credit cards for the next 3 years if nothing better comes along.

Don't worry about it man.... if I get this pipefitter Union job in March, I'll be sure to fart a flag with your name on it as this rocket reaches the sun.

Oh... you make 120k a year and have ZERO mortgage.......

Path paved to riches for the next good job that comes along....


Monday, February 25, 2013 9:30 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Your mind is rather fractured when you're drunk. You can't hang on to a single train of thought without contradicting yourself from sentence to sentence.

You think that a guy as smart and able to manipulate people as you are shouldn't be in the position you're in. B/c you are SO special, the entire world must be at fault for your predicament. If the world was the way it's supposed to be, your situation would be different. That's your mantra. That's entitlement, child.

And to prove to us how special you are, you recounted a situation where you could manipulate a young naive girl who was probably not too bright. You think that proves you have special powers over people.

But apparently you couldn't manipulate the dad - as you told it he never liked you. OOPS! That's a data point that doesn't fit in your your self-concept of being able to do anything with anybody. Gotta' get rid of it.

Like little rappy, when you get to the point of denying reality in order to maintain an ideology - or in this case your view of yourself - you are on dangerous ground. It's all about your identity being tied up with your need to be above everyone else. You are your ego.

I observe that as long as you are drunkenly posting here, your life is still a mess. And I predict that if you should stumble into something better, you'll ignore that niggling feeling of falsity you have IRL b/c your screaming ego needs will be assuaged.

BTW I knew a guy who was much, much smarter than you and far more talented. When you can play guitar, teach yourself to read music and to repair, tune, and play piano in 2 months, repair motorcycles, be a certified scuba instructor, a marksman shooter, design and build electronic equipment, blue-box the phone system with home designed and built equipment, and argue physics professors into circles around Einstein's theory of relativity - and this is just a short list - I will consider you to be as smart and talented. IRL he was good looking and able to get along with a lot of people - certainly able to manipulate his way into many beds and money-making opportunities.

But he had one huge flaw. He felt the world owed him something. He never held himself accountable for broken promises, easy excuses, and affable behavior over honesty and dependability. He burned many, many bridges. And his life took a downturn when the economy did and people had less tolerance for his line of bullshit. He couldn't reconcile his identity of himself as more special than everyone else, and his circumstances in the real world, which were very reduced. His avenue of escape was weed. And one day he woke up - and killed himself.

It's too bad that as smart, talented, and people-smart as he was he couldn't change his identity to be in conformance with reality.

I don't think you'll be able to either.


Wednesday, February 27, 2013 5:33 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Yada... Yada... Yada...

His avenue of escape was weed. And one day he woke up - and killed himself.

It's too bad that as smart, talented, and people-smart as he was he couldn't change his identity to be in conformance with reality.

I don't think you'll be able to either.

Wow Kiki....

That's morbid......

I do play guitar. Though I don't play or know how to tune my Grandma's piano, I fixed her old toilet with a kit when she was going to pay a plumber to buy and install a new one. I can remove mold effectively and repair a furnace with no official HVAC training. I installed new conduit and electric in my ceiling and made a new outlet with a beautiful chandelier on a dimmer switch. I have made, and have given all of my brothers and friends an XBox that plays over 20,000 games (every game since the Arcades of 1977 to the Playstation in late 1990s). I don't have cable TV, yet I just finished watching the most recent season of "Burn Notice" last night, and I will start watching Season 7 of Dexter tomorrow. Last month, as you may have read about in a different thread, I risked shock and hypothermia to set up a new sump-pump in my boxers, in over 1 foot of freezing cold water while I was suffering from a 101 degree fever to save my house. I removed my carpet and found it was hardwood floor on the 2nd floor.... I sanded and refinsihed it and found out that it was also a mix of Hickory and Ash wood (hence the trouble sanding it), which means that it's worth a LOT more than standard Red Oak everyone else has... and the beauty of the grain will knock your socks off. I'm also a wizard with a paint roller, and you would think that Bob Villa was here if you walked into the rooms I've finished with the paint job I gave them.

Honestly, and I don't mean to be intentionally callous here, but seriously... screw your friend.

If he was so great, why isn't he here today? It's not as if he has a great story to tell about his death in any afterlife we may or may not face....

He was a coward. Likely brilliant, but a coward nonetheless....

I may be "grandiose"....

I may be conceited and self-indulgent, and I won't even take offense to anyone recognizing that.....

I fucking love my family though.

I might never have a wife and kids of my own, but my brothers especially mean everything to me.

I wait with baited breath for my bro and step-sis to give me a niece or nephew to spoil the shit out of.

Whoever you were talking about was a loser. Probably wasn't his fault. I KNOW about shitty family and upbringing, and have had to make a TON of adjustments to survive it myself.

What I can't figure out is....... If you're one of the few people smart enough to re-tune a piano, why off yourself?

Anybody could do 90% of what I'm capable of doing, yet 99% of people never would even try it.

If that was your attempt at wondering if I'm going to kill myself ikki, I appreciate it.


I have 4 younger brothers, and 2 I worry about, even though both of them have IQ's that make me look like Beavis and/or Butthead.

I'm in it for the long haul. I have no terminal illnesses that I know of.

The moment that I have to wear a diaper or don't have enough control over my hand to jack myself off, then we'll talk about what your "brilliant" friend did to his family.


Wednesday, February 27, 2013 9:17 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

If I can presume, I don't think that Kiki meant you would, or ought to, kill yourself. I think your behavior reminded her of that of her friend and so she described him, also including his end in the world as part of the story she felt she needed to tell. Maybe she meant that people who behave in those fashions struggle in the world because others don't take kindly to that behavior, no matter how smart the person in question is.

Its gool that you are fiercely devoted to your family. When you strip it all away in life family is what is left. Friends can dump you and leave you and not love you like you love them. Romances are even worse. But you'll always be related to your family, for better or worse and people have a tendency to take family bonds and obligations more seriously because of these things.

I know my friends never measure up. I've loved 3 people who aren't related to me and you know what they've done? They've all moved away and left me. One I'm no longer in communication with, it is what it is. The other two still hold best friend status even though they left and I can't see them hardly ever. I'm still trying to learn how to manage without seeing Mary, she's five hours away by car now and neither of us drive, so it might as well be an eternity away. When she left in Nov. to go live with her other best friend I knew inside that she would stay, even though she said she'd come back this summer. But she finally spoke the truth out loud that she was staying. I took it like a man while on the phone with her. But my parents don't pull that crap, they are steadfast and face their fates with fortitude. Maybe Byte is right and obligation is all there is. Maybe obligation is the truest form of love there is in this world, maybe those feelings and intense emotions are vapor that is fleeting and all that matters or means anything in the end is obligation, because it is clear, defined, quantifiable.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Friday, March 1, 2013 4:19 AM



Originally posted by RionaEire:
If I can presume, I don't think that Kiki meant you would, or ought to, kill yourself. I think your behavior reminded her of that of her friend and so she described him, also including his end in the world as part of the story she felt she needed to tell. Maybe she meant that people who behave in those fashions struggle in the world because others don't take kindly to that behavior, no matter how smart the person in question is.

Its gool that you are fiercely devoted to your family. When you strip it all away in life family is what is left. Friends can dump you and leave you and not love you like you love them. Romances are even worse. But you'll always be related to your family, for better or worse and people have a tendency to take family bonds and obligations more seriously because of these things.

I know my friends never measure up. I've loved 3 people who aren't related to me and you know what they've done? They've all moved away and left me. One I'm no longer in communication with, it is what it is. The other two still hold best friend status even though they left and I can't see them hardly ever. I'm still trying to learn how to manage without seeing Mary, she's five hours away by car now and neither of us drive, so it might as well be an eternity away. When she left in Nov. to go live with her other best friend I knew inside that she would stay, even though she said she'd come back this summer. But she finally spoke the truth out loud that she was staying. I took it like a man while on the phone with her. But my parents don't pull that crap, they are steadfast and face their fates with fortitude. Maybe Byte is right and obligation is all there is. Maybe obligation is the truest form of love there is in this world, maybe those feelings and intense emotions are vapor that is fleeting and all that matters or means anything in the end is obligation, because it is clear, defined, quantifiable.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya

I don't agree...

Outside of an "obligation" to pay taxes or your speeding tickets, or to do time served when you're caught doing a serious crime... What is obligation, really?

Call me callous, but even though my mom and dad and I have patched things up over the years, they're under no illusion that I "feel" any obligation to take care of them when they're old. We get along now, and even have grown to feel love for each other, because all of the BS they inflicted while my bros and I were children is in the past and right now none of us "NEED" each other. It's not my intention to leave them hanging when they get old and need sponge baths, but at the same time, they practically ruined me growing up.

I'm just happy to have this time right now... this time where none of us need the other one, yet we still enjoy each other's company. I really do love them, and forgive them for their past mistakes.

The thing is, because of how our past 30 years have gone, even though they're family I do love, I feel ZERO obligation to them when they need help.

Will I feel sad if they suffer? Sure.

Will I try to get them in to government programs in my free time? Sure.

Will I feel guilty if I can't afford to pay out of pocket for their care if I'm still struggling to make ends meet myself? Not at all....

Obligations are nothing more than guilt we hang around our own necks like an Albatros. Obligations aren't love. Obligations are chains.

Obligations have NOTHING, and yet they have EVERYTHING to do with the GOLDEN RULE.....

Do onto others, as you would have others do on to you....

Obligations can be real if you TRULY care about the person you feel you must oblige, and you TRULY believe they have done you such a solid when you were needy of it that you can't let them lie needy.

Family, especially, blurs these lines and makes them hard to distinguish.

I have 4 brothers, one father, and 2 friends I'd do anything for.....

The rest of the people in my life have made their bed, and they can lay in it. Even with recent olive branches, it's far too little too late for the rest. I'm very far away from 50-55 years plus, but I'm sure it's easy to find god and change your ways, 20 years after you should have stopped being so self indulgent and have been worried more about putting your lost children on the right path.

The only reason my Dad gets a "bye" here, is because as HARD as he fought for full custody, "the man" gave it automatically to my mom and stole his money for child support. He was NEVER a dead-beat dad and should have been a MUCH larger part of my bros and my lifes. His only problem too much desire to fuck outside of his marriage, and ironically, too much impotence in the court of law afterward.....

I love them both, and like all of us, they're both fucked up. I feel sad for my Mom because she is starting to realize just how much pain she caused us growing up and goes to church even more now to pray. Not to take that away from him, but my Dad only has recently started to believe in God because he thinks that all the evil shit he's had to put up with could only be because of his single "fling" while he was married.

Now... there's a man who is a slave to obligation..... He put my half-brother and step-brother through 50k a year colleges on scholarships and they'll both graduate with little more than a few K responsibility. Probably a lot less than I paid for my first year of Community College out of pocket.....

He's also probably sacraficing his 2nd marriage now to take my "problematic" brother in long enough to get him government benefits and a government subsidized home.

If that is what love is Riona. If love is nothing more than obligation.......

Aerosmith was right, and love is Hard on the Knees.........

I don't think I'm ready for that.

I do enough self-sacrafice to pay my own bills..... Give me a job where I can help the ones I love too and I'm golden.


Sunday, March 3, 2013 10:50 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

No, I was not at all saying you should kill yourself. And I sincerely hope you never get there. Just that as I see it you have deep contradictions between your beliefs about your identity and reality. The parallels between the person I knew and how you appear are striking.

The lesson I learned from the past is that if you hang your identity on your beliefs rather than reality you will get into a serious mental bind.

Also, I think there are other ways to seek terminal oblivion besides a quick active act of suicide. Pickling your liver is one of them.


Monday, March 4, 2013 8:31 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
No, I was not at all saying you should kill yourself. And I sincerely hope you never get there. Just that as I see it you have deep contradictions between your beliefs about your identity and reality. The parallels between the person I knew and how you appear are striking.

The lesson I learned from the past is that if you hang your identity on your beliefs rather than reality you will get into a serious mental bind.

Also, I think there are other ways to seek terminal oblivion besides a quick active act of suicide. Pickling your liver is one of them.

The person you "knew" and how I appear...

Please, tell more 1kiki....

Do you actually know me in real life?


Monday, March 4, 2013 8:43 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I know that we are your dirty secret mistress you hide from your rl. That you come here to spew when you're so drunk you're incoherent. I know you think you've got incredible power over others such that you can be given whatever you want whenever you want it. I know what I know b/c it's what you post when you're too drunk to guard your words. In vino veritas.


Friday, March 8, 2013 9:10 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
I know that we are your dirty secret mistress you hide from your rl. That you come here to spew when you're so drunk you're incoherent. I know you think you've got incredible power over others such that you can be given whatever you want whenever you want it. I know what I know b/c it's what you post when you're too drunk to guard your words. In vino veritas.

Mayhap you are right 1kiki.....

Ahhhhhhhhhh.... The RWED.... Such a fickle Mistress........

At the same time, I probably enjoy my time here most because although I can be a force to be reckoned with in real life, I'm nothing but a pile of words at worst, and a mindless stream of rambling at best when I'm here.

When I post a feeling or idea here, I get so much opposition to it on many occasions that it's a huge endorphin rush to me. In my actual "REAL" life, I usually don't have any trouble convincing most people I meet that the sky is really red and not blue.

The idea makes me want to ask the question...........

Who comes here, and why do they come here?

I surely can't explain logically why I waste one second in the RWED since every second I spend here is 100x's as beneficial to me if spent in the actual real world.

For better or for worse, people just don't ever argue with me at all in the real world. For better, when I have a job I get the best raises and bonuses and when I'm in a relationship I get more than I give....

For worse... at least 3 out of 10 girls are smart enough to say no after one date and getting a decent job in a rough economy is difficult when there are a billion applicants with meaningless bachelors degrees that out-rank my "some college".

Still though.... nobody argues with me.....

I have zero tattoos, let alone any that are visible (like a majority of the people I work with). I have zero piercings. It's funny that on "face value" I have just as much to offer as I have "not to offer" because there is absolutely zero about me that is offensive even though I have no degree.

I'm one part charismatic H.S. quarterback and one part reclusive Dexter Morgan.

Actually, I go out of my way to start arguments in my real life, just to spice it up a bit, but nobody ever takes the bait and even in this completely mediocre and mundane world I live in, I still largely make it by without any real struggle.

It's my fault, really. It's what I wanted. No ties, no obligations, no having to do for anyone but myself.

It's actually refreshing to me to come and argue here.

I'm sure if I branched out and looked harder I could find more people to disagree and argue with me, but right now this is all I've got.

Life is boring when everyone at best agrees with what you say and at worst doesn't want to rock the boat....






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