Black abortion dr CONVICTED of 1ST DEGREE MURDER IN 'house of horrors', strangled babies with bare hands, drowned babies in toilet, kept dead babies in lunch box

UPDATED: Friday, May 31, 2013 13:01
VIEWED: 5887
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Thursday, March 21, 2013 11:26 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Dr Gosnell's House of Horrors kills Commie Libtards for breakfast, lunch and dinner

Abortionist Joked: 'This Baby Is Big Enough to Walk Around With Me or Walk Me to the Bus Stop'



Dr. Kermit Gosnell, an abortionist now on trial in Philadelphia charged with seven counts of first-degree murder--he allegedly cut the spinal cords of late-term aborted babies who were born alive--apparently used to joke about the large size of some the infants he aborted and in one case, according to what a co-worker told the grand jury, said, “This baby is big enough to walk around with me or walk me to the bus stop.”

Gosnell, 72, who ran a multi-million dollar abortion business in West Philadelphia, was arrested on Jan. 19, 2011, and his trial started Monday, Mar. 18, 2013. The first-degree murder counts refer to seven late-term aborted babies who were born alive and then killed, their spinal cords cut with scissors.

Gosnell is also charged with the third-degree murder of a pregnant woman, Karnamaya Mongar, 41, who died after being given a pain killer at Gosnell’s office. He also faces several counts of conspiracy and violation of Pennsylvania’s law against post-24-week abortions.

In testimony on Monday, Adrienne Moton, who used to work for Gosnell at the Women’s Medical Society in West Philadelphia, said she recalled one baby – “Baby Boy A” – who was aborted in July 2008. Baby A was so large, Moton took a photo of the child with her cell phone before Gosnell took the baby out of the room.

"I just saw a big baby boy. He had that color, that color that a baby has," Moton said in court. "I just felt he could have had a chance. … He could have been born any day.”

In the grand jury report from Jan. 19, 2011, it states that Baby Boy A was born to a 17-year-old girl who went to Gosnell’s office with her aunt. Gosnell charged $2,500 for the abortion. An ultrasound conducted by Kareema Cross, who worked for Gosnell, “recorded a gestational age of 29.4 weeks,” according to the report, or about 7.5 months pregnant.

The 17-year-old girl was given the drug Cyotec to induce labor and was also “heavily sedated” over a period of 13 hours. “Eventually she gave birth to a large baby boy” and “Cross estimated that the baby was 18-19 inches long,” reads the report.

It continues: “After the baby was expelled, Cross noticed that he was breathing, though not for long. After about 10 to 20 seconds, while the mother was asleep, ‘the doctor just slit the neck,’ said Cross. Gosnell put the boy’s body in a shoebox. Cross described the baby as so big that his feet and arms hung out over the sides of the container. Cross said that she saw the baby move after his neck was cut, and after the doctor placed it in the shoebox. Gosnell told her, ‘it’s the baby’s reflexes. It’s not really moving.’”

According to the report, “the neonatologist testified that what Gosnell told his people was absolutely false. If a baby moves, it is alive. Equally troubling, it feels a ‘tremendous amount of pain’ when its spinal cord is severed. So, the fact that Baby Boy A continued to move after his spinal cord was cut with scissors means that he did not die instantly. Maybe the cord was not completely severed. In any case, his few moments of life were spent in excruciating pain.”

Other witnesses included workers Adrienne Moton and Ashley Baldwin who, along with Cross, “took photographs because they knew this was a baby that could and should have lived,” reads the grand jury report.

“The neonatologist viewed a photograph of Baby Boy A,” states the report. “Based on the baby’s size, hairline, muscle mass, subcutaneous tissue, well-developed scrotum, and other characteristics, the doctor opined that the boy was at least 32 weeks [8 months], if not more, in gestational age.”

The report further states, “Gosnell simply noted the baby boy’s size by joking, as he often did after delivering a large baby. According to Cross, the doctor said: ‘This baby is big enough to walk around with me or walk me to the bus stop.’”

At the trial in Philadelphia on Tuesday, Moton testified that she recalled Gosnell joking about the baby being so big he could have walked to the bus stop. Moton also testified that she personally cut – “snipped” – the spinal cords of at least 10 babies after they were delivered, as Gosnell reportedly had instructed.

The grand jury report states that the mother of Baby Boy A was released by Gosnell but she was in pain and got sick. A few days later she was taken to the Crozier-Chester Hospital and doctors “found that she had a severe infection and blood clots that had travelled to her lungs.” She stayed in the hospital for more than a week and eventually recovered, according to her aunt.

The grand jury report also states that Baby Boy A was not the only large child that Gosnell allegedly killed. Ashley Baldwin, who worked at the abortion office, “remembered Gosnell severing the neck of a baby that cried after being born,” reads the report.

After the baby had “precipitated,” it was placed in a basin on the counter. “Ashley heard the infant cry,” reads the report. “She saw the baby move while it was on the counter. She estimated the infant was at least 12 inches long. When Gosnell arrived at the clinic, she recalled, ‘he snipped the neck, and said there is nothing to worry about, and he suctioned it.’”

Gosnell has pleaded not guilty. His lawyer, Jack McMahon, said the district attorney’s office was engaging in “a prosecutorial lynching” of his client. In the court room on Tuesday, McMahon told the jurors, “This is a targeted, elitist and racist prosecution of a doctor who’s done nothing but give [back] to the poor and the people of West Philadelphia.”

Attorney Says Prosecution of Abortionist Who “Snapped Newborn Babies’ Necks” is “Racist”

The defense attorney for an infamous Philadelphia abortionist charged with snapping the necks of newborn babies with scissors has ludicrously claimed that the prosecution of Dr. Kermit Gosnell is “racist” because he is black.

Pandering to a largely black jury, attorney Jack McMahon stated, “This is a targeted, elitist and racist prosecution of a doctor who’s done nothing but give (back) to the poor and the people of West Philadelphia…It’s a prosecutorial lynching of Dr. Kermit Gosnell.”

According to the charges, Gosnell’s act of ‘giving back’ to the community included severing the spinal columns of at least seven newborn babies with scissors, and instructing his employees to do the same. He is also charged with killing 41-year-old Karnamaya Mongar by injecting her with a lethal dose of anesthesia and painkillers.

Gosnell also tried to force women who didn’t even want an abortion to go through the procedure. “When I said no, the doctor got upset and he ended up taking my clothes off, hitting me, my legs were tied to the stirrups,” Robyn Reid told ABC News. “I just remember my very last thought … looking up at the light and thinking, ‘Don’t fall asleep.’”

A 281-page Grand Jury report details how Gosnell’s Philadelphia Women’s Medical Society clinic, which had not been inspected for 17 years, was a literal house of horrors.

“In their raid on Gosnell’s clinic, federal agents discovered, among other horrors, the remains of 45 infants dumped in milk jugs, juice cartons, and pet food containers — all stored in a refrigerator and freezer on the premises,” reported The New American. “Agents also found jars containing the severed limbs of babies, and conditions they called ‘by far, the worst’ they had ever seen, with blood on the clinic floors, ‘filthy and unsanitary’ surgeries, broken and dirty medical instruments and equipment, along with a ‘stench of urine’ and even cat excrement.”

According to Assistant District Attorney Joanne Pescatore, Gosnell performed risky and substandard abortions on poor women, including killing babies that were born alive, in order to make money. Gosnell’s staff comprised of unlicensed individuals posing as medical professionals, some of whom were high school dropouts and could barely read or write.

“The standard practice here was to slay babies,” said Pescatore, “That’s what they did.”

The Grand Jury report speculates that Gosnell and his cohorts probably killed hundreds of babies outside of the womb and that his specialty was inducting labor and delivery of fetuses over 24 weeks old, but since most of the clinic’s files were destroyed, the scale of the horror remains limited to eight counts of murder.

Gosnell’s ability to evade scrutiny for so long led prosecutors to “accuse government officials of allowing Gosnell’s operation to go undetected because the Heath Department and other entities failed to perform inspections at the facility.”

“I think it’s obvious he will be found guilty,” John Stanton of the Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia told the Philadelphia Inquirer. “It’s pretty much an open-and-shut case that he violated laws in such a manner that he is guilty of the charges laid on him.”

Rather than answering the charges against Gosnell, McMahon’s pathetic attempt to have them dismissed by playing the race card is a damning indictment of how political correctness has been hijacked and is being exploited to destroy logic.

The fact that Gosnell faces the death penalty for murdering newborn babies with scissors is ironic given that abortionists routinely use an almost identical method to kill fetuses that are still inside the womb, by jamming scissors into a baby’s skull before opening them and then using a suction catheter to suck out the brains of the fetus, causing the skull to collapse.

Gosnell’s actions are described as a “horrific crime” and yet when the same hideous procedure takes place inside the womb, it is celebrated by liberals as a sacred “reproductive right”.


Sunday, May 5, 2013 12:22 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Still no jury verdict for mass murderer paid $2-million/year by Obama to genocide black babies for deathcamp owner AG Eric Holder.


Eric Holder’s wife co-owns abortion clinic building run by indicted abortionist

Thanks to pro-lifers Michelle Wolven and Catherine Davis, a small group of us have been on this story for weeks.

While they were digging through online records of Georgia abortion clinics, they stumbled on the fact that Attorney General Eric Holder’s wife Sharon Malone Holder (both pictured right) co-owns with her sister an Atlanta area abortion clinic building.

The building is located at 6210 Old National Highway, College Park, Georgia.

The business itself is called Old National GYN. Click on deed above and see below…

The story was so big, Catherine handed it off to reporter Troy Anderson.

Anderson’s article, “Holder’s family papers over his ties to abortion doctor,” was published in Human Events today.

Anderson’s story deepens beyond the obvious breaking news that Sharon Holder, an OB/GYN herself, co-owns a building – and has for many years – that operates as an abortion clinic.

Clinic abortionist indicted on Medicaid charges

What’s more, the abortionist at Old National, Tyrone Cecile Malloy, was indicted last year by a Georgia grand jury on charges of Medicaid fraud.

The paper trail backward, according to Anderson:

The same tax records show the building was formerly owned by Dr. Mack A. Jones, late husband of another of Holder’s sister-in-laws, Vivian Malone Jones. Her death, announced in an Oct. 14, 2005 obituary in The Washington Post, reported that she was Malone Holder’s sister.

The other two sisters apparently inherited the building at that time.

Paper trail cover-up attempt

Anderson further detailed how, after he alerted the Holders and sister co-owner Margie Malone Tuckson 0f the information he had, requesting comment, the family quickly moved to put the abortion clinic building into a blind trust.

Explains a lot

Pro-lifers agree Holder’s ties to the abortion industry explain a lot – his attacks against pro-life activists and that he looks the other way on abortion industry skulduggery. Details Anderson:

Critics say it may also explain why Holder has been eager to prosecute pro-life advocates who counsel women outside abortion clinics….

“There is a clear conflict of interest when the man charged with pursuing those that abuse the system is also one who is engaged in some way with the business,” said Davis, whose organization brought the issue to the attention of Watchdog….

In recent months, judges have blocked Holder’s efforts to punish pro-life supporters counseling women outside abortion clinics. In one case, Holder’s Department of Justice agreed to pay Mary “Susan” Pine $120,000 for its filing of an “improper lawsuit” against her, according to a statement by Liberty Counsel, an Orlando, Fla.-based nonprofit legal firm. Pine counseled women on the sidewalk outside a Florida abortion clinic….

Karen Handel, the former secretary of state in Georgia and a former senior vice president of public policy for the Susan G. Komen Center, said she was “shocked” by the findings of the Watchdog investigation.

“It certainly underscores the deep ties the Obama Administration has to the abortion issue,” said Handel, author of the new book, Planned Bullyhood: The Truth Behind the Headlines about the Planned Parenthood Funding Battle with Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

“This certainly seems to shed some additional light into why Obama and his team seem obsessed with protecting Planned Parenthood and abortion rights at the expense of other important issues in the country.”…

Davis pointed to cases in which activists have sued Planned Parenthood for alleged Medicaid fraud – in Georgia, Iowa, Texas, New York, and Massachusetts – but where Holder’s Justice Department has failed to act.

“The U.S. attorney general has not at all pursued a case against any of them, including this one in Georgia where his wife owns the property,” Davis said.

Also add to the mix the DOJ’s October decision not to investigate an Indiana abortion clinic Allen Country Right to Life alleges is violating the Americans with Disabilities Act.


Sunday, May 5, 2013 12:55 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Monday, May 6, 2013 5:53 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

ermit Gosnell Murder Trial: No verdict, 5 days into deliberations in abortion doctor case, jury reviews laws

Because drowning a black baby swimming in a toilet might not be a crime in Amerika.


Tuesday, May 7, 2013 2:53 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Shockingly, this is one thread by PN of which I--sort of--approve (tho' I wouldn't soil myself by actually reading it)! This has been all over the news (but rarely on the MSM, which is interesting) and is disgusting as hell.

This market is what the anti-abortion people are CREATING; this is what they WANT, and both sides are using it to their advantage. This is the kind of freak who damaged my mother, denied her other children and almost made it impossible to have ME, and they are on the rise. May Gosnel and his ilk rot in hell, and may those who are making them possible suffer greatly. And yes, I DO mean the anti-abortion crowd, led by their noses by their religious cohorts to take our country back to where this was the norm, not the exception.


Monday, May 13, 2013 1:46 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


A jury has found Philadelphia abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell guilty of first-degree murder in the deaths of three babies - babies A, C, and D; he was found not guilty in the death of baby E. Gosnell was also found guilty of manslaughter in the death of a female patient.

In the 10th day of deliberations, jurors told the judge that they were hung on two counts, then reached the verdict this afternoon.

Fox News Exposes Gosnell's 'House of Horrors'

Dr. Gosnell was charged with four counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of four babies, as well as one count of third-degree murder and over 200 lesser counts in the "horrifying" acts witnesses say took place at his West Philadelphia clinic. It's believed that Gosnell, though charged with the deaths of four babies, may actually have been responsible for hundreds more in late-term abortions.

Will Gosnell Get the Death Penalty? Judge Napolitano goes over the legal issues as the sentencing phase of the abortion doctor murder trial begins.

Fox Producer: Gosnell "Shocked" at Murder Verdicts

Dr. Manny: Let the Gosnell Verdict Be a Warning to Others

In Firefly the Alliance merged the US flag with the flag of Communist China


Monday, May 13, 2013 2:06 PM


America loves a winner!

" I don't want them punished with a baby! "

And so it was done.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Monday, May 13, 2013 4:45 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Niki2:
Shockingly, this is one thread by PN of which I--sort of--approve (tho' I wouldn't soil myself by actually reading it)! This has been all over the news (but rarely on the MSM, which is interesting) and is disgusting as hell.

This market is what the anti-abortion people are CREATING; this is what they WANT, and both sides are using it to their advantage. This is the kind of freak who damaged my mother, denied her other children and almost made it impossible to have ME, and they are on the rise. May Gosnel and his ilk rot in hell, and may those who are making them possible suffer greatly. And yes, I DO mean the anti-abortion crowd, led by their noses by their religious cohorts to take our country back to where this was the norm, not the exception.

Yup, this is the future of illegal abortion.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I was wrong" - Hero, 2012

Mitt Romney, introducing his running mate: "Join me in welcoming the next President of the United States, Paul Ryan!"

Rappy's response? "You're lying, gullible ( believing in some BS you heard on msnbc ) or hard of hearing."


Wednesday, May 15, 2013 7:36 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

More horror: Babies' heads 'twisted off neck'

Over 50-million US citizens have been assassinated this way by the US Govt.

Planned Parenthood has been paid over $1-Billion taxdollars for genociding over 10-million US citizens.

Bill Gates' daddy ran Planned Parenthood.

Now you know why college dropout Bill Gates is in charge of Microsoft and vaccinations.


"The nation’s largest abortion provider topped $1 billion in total net assets in 2009-2010, its first time reaching that mark, according to Planned Parenthood’s latest annual report. Almost half of the group’s annual revenue — 46 percent — comes from taxpayers in the form of grants, contracts and Medicaid payments, according to an analysis by the anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony List."
-The Hill, Planned Parenthood tops $1 billion in assets, 12/30/11

"The world today has 6.8 billion people that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."
-Bill Gates

"In a lengthy interview with Bill Moyers released today, Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates reveals the inspiration for his funding of pro-abortion population control measures. Responding to a question by Moyers on how he came to fund “reproductive issues” Gates answered, “When I was growing up, my parents were always involved in various volunteer things. My dad was head of Planned Parenthood."

Bill Gates' father's jewish law firm ran Planned Parenthood,_Sr

"Microsoft founder turned philanthropist Bill Gates released a glass full of mosquitoes at an elite technology conference to make a point about the deadly disease malaria. "Malaria is spread by mosquitoes," Gates said while opening a jar onstage at the Technology, Entertainment, Design Conference — a gathering known to attract technology kings, politicians, and Hollywood stars. "I brought some. Here I'll let them roam around. There is no reason only poor people should be infected." The unusual presentation on malaria prevention was confirmed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's media office. In September, Gates announced that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation would provide $168.7 million to the PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative to help develop a vaccine for the deadly disease [and avoid paying taxes on $168.7 million by giving it to themselves].",2933,488348,00.html

"The UN's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs announced plans to combat Dengue fever and other mosquito-borne illnesses with genetically modified mosquitoes designed to make them sterile or simply kill them off, as reported on the U.N news service IRIN. These mosquitoes are engineered with an extra gene or inserted bacterium. "People generally do not like the unknown and are alarmist. Because there has never been a [field] release of GM [genetically modified] mosquitoes, critics are free to imagine what can possibly go wrong," said UK-based entomologist and professor at Imperial College London, John Mumford. The Malaysia-headquartered NGO Pesticide Action Network-Asia and the Pacific opposed a since-granted request to release modified mosquitoes on the grounds that "it may have environmental or health consequences as well as carry risks arising from horizontal gene transfer", wrote executive director, Sarojeni V. Rengam, who stressed the "possibility of new health risks to humans and animals....the insect may become more virulent, aggressive, or its bite might have different effects on the host." The most shocking section of this release is that for the last 50 years scientists have released billions of engineered insects into the ecosystem. In fact, many have reported that recent dengue outbreaks can be directly traced to U.S. Army experiments coordinated by the CIA. In most cases of government funding for scientific research, there is usually a military origin. The technology is even being used as another manufactured terrorist threat. The U.N. proudly reports: 'Australian researchers from the University of Queensland, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, have received regulatory approval to begin in December to release mosquitoes infected with a bacterium.'"
-Activist Post ,Bill Gates Funds Approval of GM Mosquitoes, November 4, 2010

“Just the Jews are humans, the Non-Jews are no humans, but cattle.”
-Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Kerithuth 6b page 78, Jebhammoth 61a (goyim = human cattle)

“The Non-Jews have been created to serve the Jews as slaves.”
-Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Midrasch Talpioth 225

“The Non-Jews have to be avoided, even more than sick pigs.”
-Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Orach Chaiim 57, 6a

“Sexual intercourse with Non-Jews is like sexual intercourse with
-Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Kethuboth 3b

“The birth-rate of the Non-Jews has to be suppressed massively.”
-Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Zohar II, 4b


Thursday, May 30, 2013 4:31 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Friday, May 31, 2013 10:53 AM


What's your problem with Bill Gates? He produced products that people wanted to buy, and he got rich because of it. So what? He's given boatloads of money to charities since. I saw a special on PBS about him and how he lives. Pretty average considering he's a billionnaire, with a few extravagances like his $30 million Da Vinci manuscript.


Friday, May 31, 2013 1:01 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
What's your problem with Bill Gates? He produced products that people wanted to buy, and he got rich because of it. So what? He's given boatloads of money to charities since. I saw a special on PBS about him and how he lives. Pretty average considering he's a billionnaire, with a few extravagances like his $30 million Da Vinci manuscript.

Vaccine company owner college-droput not-a-medical-doctor Bill 'Eugenics' Gates orders 'human-weeds' children be vaccinated at gunpoint:

50,000 children paralyzed or killed by Bill Gates' mandatory 'vaccine'

And Bill Gates helped Warren 'Franklin Pedophile Coverup' Buffet steal $31-billion in government pension funds from Berkshite Hathaway suckers via 'tax-free money laundering in Bill Gates' 'non-profit charity'.


"The world today has 6.8 billion people that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."
-Bill Gates

Thai police arrest British man after aborted AND NON-ABORTED babies' bodies found roasted, wrapped in gold leaf for Satanic ritual

2,000 aborted fetuses discovered at Bangkok temple






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