Rational Irationalizations.... with 6ixStringJack

UPDATED: Friday, September 13, 2013 19:02
VIEWED: 2173
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Saturday, July 27, 2013 6:38 AM


Saturday, July 27th, 2013

First Entry.....

If you work with somebody much older than you, who's obvious lack of intelligence and even common sense is seemingly only surpassed by their ability to come to work everyday with a smile on their face and even the ability to talk about negative goings on in their life with what appears to be a care free attitude, don't be the asshole who goes out of their way to pick on that person for being different. This, I feel, especially holds true if you're just another mindless lemming in the same minimum wage/shitty economy boat.

This person has obviously figured out the meaning of life, or maybe they've figured out that life actually has no meaning, or maybe they're just truly content with their lot in life and they don't ask any questions at all. Chances are maybe you could learn something from them, whatever the case may be.

Maybe people will throw around to each other that when talking close with him that his breath reeks of death. Well... that's likely the compound effects of a lifetime of a less than stellar diet, an over indulgence in drinking, a less than optimal work out and flossing regimen, and MOST currently a complete lack of a good health care package that included dental work.

From what I hear, a lot of things around me at work smell like shit, but I don't notice them. I removed a basement full of mold that made the house smell like a thousand cats shit everywhere when I bought the house, so I know what BAD smells like. Even the most astute noses can't smell a trace of it now.

My advice to anyone who can't stand to have a conversation with what in ANY other way would be one of the most awesome people in the world is to take up smoking. Kill your sense of smell.

That's right. Light 'em up Bitches.....

Humans have all but outgrown their need for a sense of smell anyhow.


Saturday, July 27, 2013 12:59 PM



"There can't possibly be any meaning in this world. But isn't that wonderful in its own right? Because if there isn't any, we can find our own."
-2LT Filicia Heidemann, Sound of the Sky

You're still an asshole, Jack.



Saturday, July 27, 2013 9:25 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

So I'm at a new job, a bit over three months in, and I've been made the shift lead for the second-shift team (yup, Frem - I'm now a Nightwalker). I've got a great team with me, with only one real weak link and only a bit of drama on a regular basis. My weak link is a whiner - he finds problems when I ask him for solutions, he complains about any work I ask him to do, and he pushes back when I point out that he's being outworked by literally everybody else on the team, including the two noobs who've been there less than a week.

This guy started a week after I did. It's frustrating, because he takes more than twice the micromanagement and supervision of the rest of the team combined. I end up babysitting him most of the time, which means that instead of one person getting his work done in half the time, two of us are shepherding the process in twice the time. He missed three days with a stomach bug, and I swear we got as much done, if not more, and it went much more smoothly.

The pisser of it is, he *IS* learning, and growing, but at a glacial pace, so I hesitate to get rid of him; if there was no growth at all, it would be a no-brainer, and he'd be gone yesterday. I've seen glimmers of promise. I've seen what he's capable of if he applies himself. I keep coming back to the idea that it's a learning disability, because I find myself having the exact same conversations with him over and over again, and he's unable to effectively globalize the lessons and apply them broadly over similar situations.

And having gone through these kinds of struggles with an abused dog, I figured out that the key isn't that he doesn't want to learn; it's that I haven't found the way to conceptualize the lesson in a way that he can process and apply more broadly. It's a failure of training, in other words - MY failure.

So I realized that to just give up and boot this kid from the team would be giving up on myself as well, saying I couldn't help him, couldn't put in the effort, and I don't think that's fair to either of us. So I have to slow down, take a breath, get a grip on my Asperger's moments when I start to stress because things aren't a certain way... and I have to chill a bit.

He was getting very frustrated, and I could see it escalating into a tightening spiral where the more frustrated he got with things not working, the more they wouldn't work because he was doing them wrong in his frustration, so I quietly pulled him outside where we had a chat. I told him that this was unacceptable behavior in the workplace, it was having a negative effect on team morale, and we needed to fix it. He said it was the "stupid system" making him mess up, to which I calmly explained that we cannot change the work, we cannot change the nature of the job, and the only thing we can control is how we react to it.

And that was all it took, at least for now - he realizes that his reactions to problems are creating problems. I explained that you can hit a wall, see a problem, or see a challenge - it's all up to you in how you perceive it. I explained that my whole day now revolves around putting out fires, so to speak - solving small issues BEFORE they become major problems - and that my day is one challenge on top of another, but that's the job. I might not fix every issue, I might not stomp out every fire, but I can contain the damage and keep them from blowing up.

By the way, for the sake of comparison, my last job was warehouse/fulfillment for a small company. I think my biggest day I shipped out 365 individual shipments from a 1200 square foot warehouse where I was the sole warehouse employee and the only male in the company. The new gig is currently 60,000 square feet, four levels of racking, expanding to another 30,000 square feet as we speak, a dozen people answering to me, and our busiest day so far we shipped out more than 23,000 shipments. So yes, very much bigger. Where I had to fight tooth and nail to justify buying a used $50 pallet jack at the last job, the new place just ordered me four brand new ones because I told them we were having a hard time keeping them handy when we need them. Oh, and they threw in a new forklift (this makes two) and a new hydraulic picker (this makes three), as well as three Big-Ass Fans. Yes, that is their real name. It's a ceiling fan for industrial warehouses. It is twenty-four feet in diameter. It's nearly a fucking helicopter rotor! We've now got three, where a week ago we had none.

The volume of air those things push is stunning - you feel it when you round the corner, like hitting a wall of air. The only downside is that with those giant blades slicing the air, they tend to swing across some of the lighting, which means that at night the place looks like a Ridley Scott movie, what with all the shadows and silhouettes of slowly-spinning fans being thrown all over the warehouse!

Oh, and the workout in that job is amazing. Figure thirty pallets of shirts, 25 cases per pallet, 45 pounds per case, and they all have to be checked in, received, separated, and restacked. So my reps involve around 30,000 pounds. I downloaded a pedometer app for my iThing, and it says I average 17,500 steps per shift, for 7.5 to 8.5 miles walking - and all of it pushing, pulling, or carrying something.

Needless to say, it's gotten me into quite a bit better physical shape. I've lost 45 pounds since I started, gained muscle, and gained strength and endurance.

And yes, in true Asperger's fashion, I find myself cataloging my Asperger's triggers and symptoms, because I notice that it starts amping up considerably when I hit certain stress triggers. I like my receive dock a certain way, and when it gets to be a jumbled mess, when there are multiple people working on "my" projects and seeming to do so in an unorganized way, I find myself going into Rain Man mode, where I start shuffling back and forth from one foot to the other, muttering under my breath, doing mental calculus in the air with my fingers, and damn near telling everyone that these aren't my K-mart underwear. But yes, I'm learning to deal with that, too. I've started seeing the signs earlier, and taking a minute to breathe and realize that it's just my brain's reaction to disorder and chaos, and it's not real. I notice it at the grocery store as well - my wife added some new things to the grocery list, and my brain looks at the list and makes logical pathways for where in the store that stuff will be, which is all well and good until it's not there. One thing I was supposed to look for was a certain kind of Greek yogurt dip. I figured the dip section was the closest to where I come into the store, so that's the first logical choice to check. Not there. "No biggie," says my brain, "It must be in the dairy section with the rest of the yogurt."

Until it wasn't. I found myself frustrated, worriedly looking back and forth at EVERY. SINGLE. KIND. OF. YOGURT. - and not finding what I was looking for. And instead of just saying "Hey, it's new, they don't have it yet," my brain was just misfiring - "Wha- Who? Why? How?" It was nearly an anxiety attack, and required me to walk away and take a minute to get it together. Just because they didn't have something I was looking for.

It wasn't the first time that kind of thing has happened, but it was one of the first times I really took stock of my reaction to it. It happens at work as well - the warehouse is all predicated on numbers - bin numbers, item numbers, and locations - and as long as the digital and the physical match, we're perfect. When they DON'T match, though, all hell breaks loose. If goods aren't where the system says they should be, they are effectively lost, as if they were the Lost Ark of the Covenant in that nondescript wooden crate in the back of a massive warehouse. It stresses me, but my Asperger's brain also tends to remember where I last saw them, so it helps me track down a lot of stuff that way. And coworkers throw math problems at me just for giggles, because I tend to spit out the answers before they can even fire up their calculator apps on their phones to check my math. I can't explain it; I just see the numbers and the solutions. My wife says it's because I'm a "math-hole"; I cannot disprove that hypothesis. :)

So that's my update. Now back to your regularly-scheduled meltdown.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I was wrong" - Hero, 2012

Mitt Romney, introducing his running mate: "Join me in welcoming the next President of the United States, Paul Ryan!"

Rappy's response? "You're lying, gullible ( believing in some BS you heard on msnbc ) or hard of hearing."


Saturday, July 27, 2013 9:36 PM


Is this the grumpy work thread.

We've recently been restructured to within an inch of our lives. We've got half the admin support, less than half of the line managers but double the executive team and consultants like flies are crawling all over the place. Our workload has increased exponentially, while our support has being slashed. I now do what an admin person would have done, while doing the rest of my job to the best of my ability.

When I get home, I'm so tired that I can do very little but the basic chores and crawl into bed. Weekends are the same.

What kind of life is this? I'm close to burn out, but haven't got the energy to change jobs.


Sunday, July 28, 2013 2:01 AM


I'd hand you a wooden shoe, but I am doubtful vengefulness will help the situation, Magons - always makes ME feel better though, when an employer enters the deathspiral and starts circling the drain, too many of em wind up taking it out on the employees...

I was with a security company what did that once, cut us down to BARELY enough people to staff the gates 24-7, with NO backups or infielders, so we had to leave MAIN ENTRANCES unstaffed to do rounds, and this at a very freakin dangerous chem plant with lots of valuable and/or dangerous stuff laying around - like as in someone could have just skipped in, jacked some hydrogen sulfide and skipped right back out, hows that for a thought ?

And then it was "So can we do it with 12 ?" CHOP! "Can we do it with 8 ?" CHOP!, and the amount of work needin to be done is still the same - this is foregone conclusion, this is death spiral, when an employer starts pulling this.. BAIL THE FUCK OUT, before the crash and burn, okay ?

I do wonder how long it took them to get those gates open again, since nobody else left with the company knew the codes to do so, cause I locked em all down solid, right after popping off all the Detex key boxes and placing them in the most ridiculous, obscure locations imagineable...

Currently my only main work hassle is declining health, and a shift to using mobile camera boxes as support and looking into remote piloted UAVs, ground or hover based - the worst of it is the mental decline though, I got "lost" out there on Friday night and for a few moments quite literally had no IDEA where I was or what I was doing... I let reflex take over and start moving me towards the next key and it all came back to me, and from the clock I couldn't have been out of commission for more than 4-5 minutes, but it was seriously horrifying, and a few minutes in that mental place seems like a damn eternity.



Thursday, August 1, 2013 8:35 AM


Thursday, August 1st, 2013

Second Entry.....

George Harrison's estate should be paid back in full for "My Sweet Lord".


Ripping off old classics isn't always that bad....

Turns out that this is actually Christina Aguliera and whoever else who has a dick with some pull in the industry....

My first instinct is to hate the song, but truth be told, it's one of the few songs even on my radar in the last few years, and has grown on me for that.

I'm cool with it now.

All I ask in return is that George Harrison's kin gets to cash in for "My Sweet Lord" (look it up on Wikepideia and decide for yourself).

Also, I ask that any single self-starter with their own cheap phone camera gets to rip off any song that's 15 years old or more.

I have no problem with otherwise talentless black men "talking" over the most celebrated classic and 80's rock anthems if they have something to say and if every single person with an internet connection and the ability to upload their videos to youtube has the same rights.

Here's the REAL original song....

And I'm not old for loving it, dammit..... I'm just old for being only like 3 or 4 for first loving it......

Also, if I'm going to see beloved classics from my childhood bastardized, I'd like to see it done as a parody that nobody profits from...


Saturday, August 3, 2013 5:28 AM



Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:
You're still an asshole, Jack.


August Third, 2013.

Chances are, any negative comments against me here are not without merit, and are probably totally true if from former great friends....

Yes Frem, I am an asshole.

Who am I to argue....

Any claims against my lack of Asshole-ism are unwarranted. I'm nothing more or less than an asshole. BTW... Go fuck yourself Frem :)

Chances are, if you're Female and know me in person, you can't explain your undeniable attraction to me. At the same time, to me, you're nothing more than a warm, moist place to cum in. I could just as easily be "humping" the pool-liner in my basement or a wet/dry vac.....

My entry for August 3rd was going to be about what a dickhole I was....

Asshole, dickhole, whatever...

Even in my self-martyrdome, I hold way too much "swing" than i'm comfortable with...

FREM..... If you've seen American Psycho.... well... you know a bit of my dilemma....

There's no doubt i hate myself. I've smoked a lot and drank a lot in an effort to mitigate those effects. even to this day, there's not a girl over 30 years old I've met at work or otherwise that isn't smitten with me.

Maybe if they read this, they'll finally move on......

I don't think one single thing about a Woman over 30 years old is attractive.

Really, looking at it, the only reason 30 year old women or older are attracted to me is because I'm not at all attracted to them.

I'm sure that the 22 year old women at work that I'm very attracted to have long ago figured out the flip side of this equation...


Saturday, August 3, 2013 6:07 AM


Assholedom is directly proportional to belief in being an asshole. True facts.

It is not even related to your description of the young girls you ARE interested in as cum buckets, because I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter what anyone thinks about anyone else and relationships are a sham of brain chemicals anyway. And because I kinda suspect you're actually referring to your hands as female, and it is hilarious.

Also it's none of my business whatsoever and I kinda don't care.

My name is Bytemite, and I'm a bigger jerkass than you, which is a joy and a delight. Ultimately however hard you try, we're still going to blame all your bad behaviour on your many, many problems. Whereas I have a clean slate, and yet am still horrible to everyone.



Saturday, August 3, 2013 6:39 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hey Kwicko

Everybody should have your mind. The world would be a way better place.


Saturday, August 3, 2013 6:42 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Do you have a memory of the intervening time during that episode, or is it gone? If you wish to reply, please PM me, I'd like to have an ongoing conversation about this without having to dig back through the threads each time. Thanks.


Saturday, August 3, 2013 6:48 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


FWIW I've been there twice - the desperately over-worked part. There were times when I was afraid people would say anything at all negative to me, b/c the next two words out of my mouth would have been 'I quit'. And I also desperately needed the jobs. It's amazing how a simple job can have you so wiped out that your life grinds to a halt b/c you are capable of nothing else at the end of the day.

I agree with Frem - the place sounds like it's ready to implode. If you can afford it, it might provide you with a good vacation when it goes under.


Saturday, August 3, 2013 6:55 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


- whereas jack-offs assholery makes me feel dirty just reading it, yours is a delight to read. Primo stuff.


Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:54 AM


August 3rd, 2013 - part two....

No matter what ANYONE says, this is one of the most awesomest songs ever, and if you or somebody you know hates it then you have to ask yourself if you should still be friendly with yourself or your friends....

The Blues are Still Blue.... Totally not American.... not that that should matter to anyone....


Saturday, August 3, 2013 8:12 AM


How true you might be or not Byte.

The funny thing is that some of you probably still think I have even a shred of respect more for myself than any of you do at this point.

Mayhap I would if I believed truly that in the end any single one of us could be any inch more than skin-sacks for jelly.

Orwell, for the beginner, is some VERY scary stuff, and even even Huxley's PG13 "A Brave New World" is scary even if it's basicaly a neutral-to-happy ending for the 99%....

Do yourself a favor and DON'T read any H.P. Lovecraft. In truth, it's a MUCH harder read than that bullshit Hobbitizm that was made popular with the new movies.

NOBODY has EVER done any justice to the Lovecraft world.

Rightfully so, I think.....

It surprises me that any songs from pop culture even effect me at all today. Actually, I'm absouletly thrilled that "We Are Young" made me feel some emotions that I hadn't felt in at least two years. I was only saddened when I found out it was the Grammy winner for 2012 and even though I've removed myself this far from the "norm", here I am calling the 2012 Grammy winning song one of the best songs in year without knowing anyting about it........

Really.... THAT IS SAD....

Maybe that Emo sorrow bullshit would better suit my mood, but that's all manufactured pain. I'd rather derive my pain from POP happy places, which, let's face it, are the true origins of 99% of our self-nerosis and self-hatered....


I SHOULD call this August 3rd, 2013. Part 3.....

EVERY day, evil grows stronger, and what is left of us grows weaker....

If You, Byte, consider yourself one of the Good Guys, which I totally don't believe you do... please fight the good fight...

The intelligent ones in 2013 are the last vestiges of Good. The last examples of "free will"....

Your neices, your nephews.... kids on the street.... kids in school....

They are being programmed by a new Master.....

One completely Sans "God"

A world "Deus Ex"..... Although, not really.....

To belive so strongly that their ISN'T a God with no proof, is just as stupid to believe that there IS a God with no proof.

Don't bother telling that to the kids today though. They're too busy believing that God is fake while they're blowing each other....


Saturday, August 3, 2013 8:27 AM



The funny thing is that some of you probably still think I have even a shred of respect more for myself than any of you do at this point.

Mayhap I would if I believed truly that in the end any single one of us could be any inch more than skin-sacks for jelly.

Fair enough.

I have however read Lovecraft. I'm actually not that big on his cthulu mythos, but some of his shorts like Dexter Ward are where I think his real creativity shine. I remember reading that Lovecraft himself felt like his cthulu stuff was mass produced. However, it's important to be familiar with the cthulu stories in order to appreciate references in other works.

And Huxley is an interesting case of both being a warning call and a promoter for the agendas he wrote about. Orwell was a straight up anti-establishment though.


If You, Byte, consider yourself one of the Good Guys, which I totally don't believe you do... please fight the good fight...

Good guy? "Intelligent Ones?" Gods and demi-gods and atheism? You want to be free, but you keep chaining yourself to ideas and materials.


Saturday, August 3, 2013 8:46 AM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

The funny thing is that some of you probably still think I have even a shred of respect more for myself than any of you do at this point.

Mayhap I would if I believed truly that in the end any single one of us could be any inch more than skin-sacks for jelly.

Fair enough.

I have however read Lovecraft. I'm actually not that big on his cthulu mythos, but some of his shorts like Dexter Ward are where I think his real creativity shine. I remember reading that Lovecraft himself felt like his cthulu stuff was mass produced. However, it's important to be familiar with it in order to appreciate references in other works.

And Huxley is an interesting case of both being a warning call and a promoter for the agendas he wrote about. Orwell was a straight up anti-establishment though.

Although I appreciate your thoughts and views on Orwell/Huxly/Lovecraft...... would you appreciate my views anymore?

I know you somewhat Byte, and you're one of the few here I would honestly ask that question to.

When I read any of their works for the first or thirty-first time, I sit there a while in awe, and wonder just how they could write something so long ago that still rings so true in a world where most people would "rather watch the movie"

I actually DID watch the "Brave New World" made by Sci-Fi with Mr Spock in it.... It was actually a great B non-porn-movie on it's own merits, but they gave it the "happy Hollywood ending" which ruined it for me.

I've, to this day, NEVER watched 1984.

I'd never watch "The Bible" either.

I've never, and will never watch "The Passion" either...

My self-denial of PEOPLE shows no bias.....

The only reason I love "We Are Young" by Fun and "Trouble When you Walked In" by Taylor is simply side effects of having to hear then EVERY SINGLE NIGHT while working for minimum wage...

I envy Jesus.....

To be in a position to forgive the Harlot, even when staring a lethal bullet in the face...

Every day, the more evil I peruse, the closer I come to Jesus.

He didn't die one day on a cross, a happy-go-lucky lacky of the Christian Mob...

He took every one of your pains, your child's pains, and every stranger to your's pain as his own as he hung from a cross with railroad spikes in his wrists....

as far as I know, Jesus loved himself and still did this.....

At least 4 times a year, I have to sever my ties with a girl. I was recently physaccly accousted by a "husband" to one of my old Girls.

I'm personally thrilled that She found Her lifetime mate. I hope it works out for Her.

In the mean time, he better be a Perfect husband.......

You know me..... shit happens and can be forgiven....

If he EVER crosses one of the boundaries after putting a ring on it, I'll make him eat that ring and all of the cock at the local glory hole while giving all of his money to his kids......

At the same time, Momma Bear is going to only spend that money on Her kids and put it towards a college education for them instead of a new car every year and 4 packs of cigs like my mom.

Both parties will comply....

I will ruin either party and let you all bash them if they ever ONCE put themselves above their kids.....


Saturday, August 3, 2013 9:07 AM



would you appreciate my views anymore?

I know you somewhat Byte, and you're one of the few here I would honestly ask that question to.

Your question inherently has multiple meanings and I'm not sure which one I'm supposed to be answering.


When I read any of their works for the first or thirty-first time, I sit there a while in awe, and wonder just how they could write something so long ago that still rings so true in a world where most people would "rather watch the movie"

Hmm, you might like A Clockwork Orange and the movie version. It's only in Britain they gave it a happy ending. Which is backwards from how it usually is - Americans eat up unrealistic happiness, and avoid harsh realities. British revel in the grim and miserable and then they make FUN of it.


Every day, the more evil I peruse, the closer I come to Jesus.

You have some a very interesting interpretation of christian history. As far as I know, Judas was not a harlot, but perhaps you're referring to Jerusalem.

What the living Jesus was NOT, he was definitely not happy go lucky. He was a revolutionary with visionary ideas, fully willing to go out and kick some asses to try to improve the conditions of the poor and downtrodden among his people, and the Romans tried him for crimes against the state. Unfortunately, most of his followers at the time weren't very bright... And some of them had their own agendas.

But I'll keep my sins, thanks. And I'll go to hell for them too. I didn't ask for anyone's sacrifice and I surely don't worship them for being a martyr I never asked for.

Our darkness and how we USE it defines our history and personality and our effectiveness more than any other experience in our lives. And I'll be damned before I let some goody-two shoes from two thousand years ago take that from ME, even accepting the basic premise of the concept that he could "redeem" me, which I don't.

"Heaven" is for people who are afraid of death, and as such are afraid of LIVING.


Both parties will comply....

And as for what you'll make that "couple" do, if they cross a line... Do you believe in free will, Jack? Do you believe that people can and should be allowed to make mistakes and screw things up, even if sometimes that means they might hurt people who are depending on them?

You are not with this girl any more. What she or her husband does is no business of yours. And if the husband did in fact ride in like a White Knighting IDIOT because oh dear, he heard some sordid tale about your relationship with said girl... You just laugh in his stupid face. Because it's not his business either.


Saturday, August 3, 2013 12:32 PM


You are wise, oh young one.


Saturday, August 3, 2013 12:47 PM


There are many people around here who are wise and insightful. I'm a cynic. To be wise I'd have to be able to moderate my emotions which I both can't do and have no interest in doing.

I am not sure if you were talking to me or not. You don't have to answer that.


Saturday, August 3, 2013 4:17 PM


PM doesn't work for me Kiki cause the Email addy associated with FFNet has been dead for a decade - we can slip any discussion of that into the end of the Intelligence, Genetics and Propaganda thread, cause it kind of applies, and I noted some other weirdness there.
In short, no, zero memory, just a blank space like an old cassette tape where someone punched the record button for a moment.



Saturday, August 3, 2013 4:27 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Sorry, I knew but I forgot about the PM thing.

Here's the link:


Saturday, August 3, 2013 5:45 PM


Yanno, dunno WHY I am about to bother.... not really

Some Buddhistic scholars of the sword imagine that there is a state of fluid perfection, called "enlightenment," in which one can act at each and every moment without reflection or doubt, the spontaneous act being the only one suitable to that particular moment. The enlightened one, then, could cut down an individual without murderous intention, in their intuitive all-encompassing understanding that the interpenetrating web of universe is best served that this individual die. The slaughtered one's life is culminated and in fact "demands" death at this moment to be properly fulfilled.

Bushido has this too, best described as The-thing-to-do-at-that-moment, that there is a certain "thing" appropriate to the moment at hand and you should be doing it, no matter how futile or minor it seems, to do it is to be in harmony with the universe and all that merry rot.

And it seems the thing-to-do at this moment is offer advice.
Not happy, polite, friendly advice, but dopeslap upside the head cause you're being an idiot advice, and three guesses who the lucky recipient is...

You know what most of your problem is there, Jack ?
Is that it turned out the cost of obtaining the things you THOUGHT you wanted, turned out to be the things you really did - remember always, the first person society teaches children to lie to, is themselves.

You got your "stuff" - you happy now ? satisfied ? complete ? hmmm ?
Or are you pissed off and defensive about the fact that it DOES NOT MAKE YOU HAPPY ?
Thought it would, didja then ?

Hell I should know, back in the days of yore before my break with the establishment for a short time I had what I THOUGHT I wanted, no real limits on my behavior, cash by the fistfull, and free reign to do whatever to whoever without much in the way of consequence, and you know what ?
I was more miserable "at the top" than any moment before or since in my whole damn life, and in quagmire deep denial about it always lookin for something or someone else to blame, a veritable ocean of rage just looking for an outlet, one found later in supposed noble cause although that was originally just a front.

So yeah, I know what's eatin you better than YOU do, having wound that whole cycle before, and you really need to think about that shit, when you're capable of thinking, instead of reacting.
That lack of empathy, intolerance, racism and sexism, you're playing THEIR game, singing THEIR tune, to protect "stuff" which doesn't even make you happy, so what the fuck, man ?

The other maybe 15-20% of it is a different FORM of intolerance, and if you can't develop empathy than for heavens sake develop a little arrogance, a certain KIND of arrogance mind you, not the smug entitled bastard shit which'll just wend you deeper into the trap, but look within and find if not empathy, then PITY, for the ignorant and malicious, and cast it about with a generous hand, as this is more, not less, offensive than downright hate, and is subverting, rather than playing, the game you have been trapped into.

And get a pet for crying out loud, will you - rescue an animal from the shelter, find a being to actually CARE about beyond youself, it'll do you good.

This concludes a moment in time where I am obligated to do something stupid and futile since the universe demands it.

Oh, and just apropros of nothing - maybe you lose a little focus on your junk, eh ?



Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:02 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Apropos of nothing, but since we're going in an existential direction...

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I was wrong" - Hero, 2012

Mitt Romney, introducing his running mate: "Join me in welcoming the next President of the United States, Paul Ryan!"

Rappy's response? "You're lying, gullible ( believing in some BS you heard on msnbc ) or hard of hearing."


Tuesday, August 13, 2013 6:54 AM


Tuesday, August 13th, 2013,

I wanna see you be brave.

i was so happy to see that the woman who sung this song had a name i've never heard before.....

Not that I'm in any way an authority on Pop Culture, but knowing this was at least theoretically written and performed by a non-establishment-plant, it seems to be a bit more real.

Heard this one at work too. Just another one of those nice sounding sounds to blot out the monotony of a job.

Not as Epic as Fun, but pretty damn swell to listen to while working IMHO.

Thanks Sara :)


Tuesday, August 13, 2013 7:20 AM


I believe the Scientologists call that particular school of Buddhism as the journey to being "Clear".

I never thought I "wanted" these things when I was young. I got them now because I thought they would make things easier...

Materialistic entrapments without anything else only serve to entrap you further.

All things equal, i should be 20 ft above most of my peers. No wife, no kids, no mortgage, very little responsibility....

Some men are so great that they'd take this situation and make themselves millionaires on the wings of their ambition. All it does is give me more free time to get drunk and pontificate about things I really know nothing about and piss people off online about them.

Did I ever suspect it would make me happy? No.....

I thought bottom-line copacetisizm would be reasonable to ask....

But that's not the case either, because people I care about have problems still no matter how much i try to eliminate any possibility of that here.

A pet is not a bad idea, i think.

I will take it into consideration and really weigh the options.

I've always wanted a dog. i don't think i could get a tiny, srappy mutt like my bro's two dogs, but i don't think i can afford that near-wild beast i've always wanted either.

I was just at his place for dinner last night. His two dogs who haven't seen me in 3 months "bum rushed" me the second i came to the door. They fight each other for my attention when I come in and i've been told i'm the only one who can pick them up and hold them like a baby. After a little struggling, they just submit and love being treated like a baby.

When I bend down to let them go on the ground, they act like they're fighting in the last second, but it's only about 30 seconds later they're both trying to hop up on my lap to be "wrapped up" again.

The smaller of the two actually tried fighting the big black dog my neighbor owned when his fence gave out. It wasn't her house, but she was defending her family, even if the offending, stupid, dog was 3 times her weight.

Dogs are pretty awesome.

I believe you've convinced me Frem.....

Thanks :)


Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:

Yanno, dunno WHY I am about to bother.... not really

Some Buddhistic scholars of the sword imagine that there is a state of fluid perfection, called "enlightenment," in which one can act at each and every moment without reflection or doubt, the spontaneous act being the only one suitable to that particular moment. The enlightened one, then, could cut down an individual without murderous intention, in their intuitive all-encompassing understanding that the interpenetrating web of universe is best served that this individual die. The slaughtered one's life is culminated and in fact "demands" death at this moment to be properly fulfilled.

Bushido has this too, best described as The-thing-to-do-at-that-moment, that there is a certain "thing" appropriate to the moment at hand and you should be doing it, no matter how futile or minor it seems, to do it is to be in harmony with the universe and all that merry rot.

And it seems the thing-to-do at this moment is offer advice.
Not happy, polite, friendly advice, but dopeslap upside the head cause you're being an idiot advice, and three guesses who the lucky recipient is...

You know what most of your problem is there, Jack ?
Is that it turned out the cost of obtaining the things you THOUGHT you wanted, turned out to be the things you really did - remember always, the first person society teaches children to lie to, is themselves.

You got your "stuff" - you happy now ? satisfied ? complete ? hmmm ?
Or are you pissed off and defensive about the fact that it DOES NOT MAKE YOU HAPPY ?
Thought it would, didja then ?

Hell I should know, back in the days of yore before my break with the establishment for a short time I had what I THOUGHT I wanted, no real limits on my behavior, cash by the fistfull, and free reign to do whatever to whoever without much in the way of consequence, and you know what ?
I was more miserable "at the top" than any moment before or since in my whole damn life, and in quagmire deep denial about it always lookin for something or someone else to blame, a veritable ocean of rage just looking for an outlet, one found later in supposed noble cause although that was originally just a front.

So yeah, I know what's eatin you better than YOU do, having wound that whole cycle before, and you really need to think about that shit, when you're capable of thinking, instead of reacting.
That lack of empathy, intolerance, racism and sexism, you're playing THEIR game, singing THEIR tune, to protect "stuff" which doesn't even make you happy, so what the fuck, man ?

The other maybe 15-20% of it is a different FORM of intolerance, and if you can't develop empathy than for heavens sake develop a little arrogance, a certain KIND of arrogance mind you, not the smug entitled bastard shit which'll just wend you deeper into the trap, but look within and find if not empathy, then PITY, for the ignorant and malicious, and cast it about with a generous hand, as this is more, not less, offensive than downright hate, and is subverting, rather than playing, the game you have been trapped into.

And get a pet for crying out loud, will you - rescue an animal from the shelter, find a being to actually CARE about beyond youself, it'll do you good.

This concludes a moment in time where I am obligated to do something stupid and futile since the universe demands it.

Oh, and just apropros of nothing - maybe you lose a little focus on your junk, eh ?



Tuesday, August 13, 2013 12:51 PM


August 13th, 2013....

playing a favorite song of an ex's, circa 1998...

Monica's "Angel of Mine"

I'm betting like most of you old enough to have an opinion, i'm not alone when i admit that I didn't even have a clue how awesome life was pre-9/11 and pre-almost-anything internet, before it happened. sure.. i knew it was around back then and dabbled, but that was back when nobody had a cell phone.

Totally weird that every kid has a video camera in their pocket today... even most of the poor kids have access to a shitty old 3.1mpx AA battery eater....

Here's to looking back fondly on the days when Pearl Jam was on top, gas cost less than a buck a gallon, $12/hr jobs weren't hard to come by and it was still embarrassing to pay for food with food stamps. An HP digital 3.1mpx camera with a 32MB card and case was brand new and cost well over $500 bucks, and cell phones still had black text on a green screen.... and all of your friends begged to talk on it and nobody offered any money to pay for their minutes...

My girlfriend of the time loved this song, so i heard it a LOT. i really loved it though. Real talent and a truly beautiful song.

i won't pretend to know everything the kids are listening with the few Shitty (and hopefully not so shitty) examples i ever post about. i'm sure the same could be said about the early 90's and definitely about the 80's considering that 30 years later the only 80's songs that even are played on TV is because they're still considered stripper anthems.... (aside from Duran Duran, the 80's could pretty much jump off a cliff and nobody would miss them...:))

i just hope that there are more than a few awesome songs like this for them to grow up with these days.

Seriously, if you're reading my stupid words without having started that video, why? Whatever I'm talking about is likely stupid.

You will love Angel of Mine....

Here's the link again...

It's just a great song.

Listen to it...


Friday, August 16, 2013 8:43 AM


Friday, August 16th, 2013....

Wow.... WTF...

Is this not one of the most awesomest songs made in like 2 or three decades????


Sunday, August 18, 2013 5:28 AM


i can't post much other than "Frem, we're just purtendin....."


Friday, August 23, 2013 8:04 AM


God Only Knows... (What I'd Be Without You)......

Actually, I'm not sure what this song has to do with the subject, but I rarely ask questions of my subconscious mind at this point. Not saying you should listen to it while you read this, but it couldn't hurt. It's really a great song, and it's like damn near 50 years old now!!!!

August 23, 2013.

YOUR High School, RIGHT NOW and when you attended it, and when your know-nothing parents attended it, and the pop culture virus that plagues the youth today just as sure as it did when you attended, is just one of say.... tens of thousands JUST LIKE IT across America.

It's a brilliant idea, really....

If you've ever worked a "cubicle" job, I'm sure you'll get the philosophy behind it immediately.

At my old, lucrative job... I was hired-on as one of only a few hundred employees left out of the thousands that once populated that building during the day shifts. They spent more than 1/3 of their waking life in "cubes" before their livelihoods were sent to India.

For every 2 to 4 to 8 to 16 or so of those cubes we spent 1/2 of our waking hours in (after spending up to 1/4 of our day in our cube-of-a-car to get there), there was a bigger cube to rule them. For every 2 to 4 to 8 to 16 of them, there was a bigger cube to rule them. For every 2 to 4 to 8 to 16 of them, there was a bigger cube to rule them. For every 2 to 4 to 8 to 16 of them, there was a bigger cube to rule them. For every 2 to 4 to 8 to 16 of them, there was a bigger cube to rule them.

(Yeah, the Magic Mirror Effect, right? It's rhetorical... Yes... just like this question:


At the end of the day, everyone was serving the same "Master", but nobody really knew who it was. What the hell did we do anyway? Looking back on it, what exactly, were we all a part of?

Sure, I was able to spout off some tech jargon and some Company Hoo-Rah! when at clubs or parties about what I did, but my job was honestly so boring, meaningless and altogether trivial that I would have to stifle a yawn talking about it come Friday night when some cute girl asked what I did. Soon I just started to just kind of ad-lib a bunch of improv "scripts" using tech/jargon words to make it sound like a FoxNews sound-byte.

What's the harm there? She wouldn't have known a word I was talking about if I got down to the details that I did know, and I phucking hated my job and didn't want to think about it outside of work at all. It just seemed the appropriate response.

So.... I work for A, with 7 other A's. We report to B, who reports to all the other B's to C. Who reports with all the other C's to D. and on and on....

So really.... ON MANY LEVELS. This is what the Federally Mandadated School system does for us.

And really, I'm on the fence about it......

There was a time, not too long ago where I would have given my Rebel Yell against it in these forums and real life. But I already don't give two shits about most other people I know, let alone strangers.....

Chances are, you or your friends or your parents or your children aren't one of the "Chosen" in High School. Even if you got by unschathed, by peer pressure or any other force of your idiot peers, the Institution was brought down on your "Santa/Easter Bunny/Tooth Fairy" gullible head like a guillotine.


Once again... very long story short....

I wish I had perused Debate Club, Chess, Choir and Dancing among other things.

All of which were considered "fag" things to do at my 99% white high school.

Public School for the 99% = Ideals Crushed and Dreams Unfulfilled....

Public School for the 99% = Years we'd pay millions to get back if we could.

Public School for your Children = Well.... 99% of them are going to have a real shit time. No wonder they'll likely turn to drugs and/or alcohol.

Don't blame your kid if they ever get lost in hard core drugs... Just let them go. They'll never come back to you. They'd sooner just risk 5 more years of but-sex in the pen for another fix. Don't ever trust them again if they've wandered that far from the path.

They are Casualties of War. Nothing More, Nothing Less.

A war on the American Youthful Mind.
A war on Individualism.
Hell... even Punk Rock has Big Corporate clothing stores now.

I'm glad I bulked up. I'm glad my body became my mental manifestation of what I wanted it to be when I was 13. I'm glad that the worst harm I do is throwing around the "C" word in these hollow forums like it means something.

Students shooting students, students shooting children. Shits' fucked up. And all of us would love to belive his mom that nobody would have thunk it, but nobody does. I feel the worst of all for Her. Even if (and I'm not even trying to imply here that she is), she was a crack head, it still wouldn't be her fault for what that fucking idiot did any more than what that fucking idiot who shot up the Batman movie premier.

Maybe I'm wrong here... but I don't think I am....

Let the fucking kids smoke cigarettes outside of school....

Let the fucking kids have a 5 minute outdoor break two times a day whether or not they smoke.....

I make no claims to my credentials as an authority of schooling or counsiling of children, but I guarantee you if those Columbine idiots weren't constantly barred from smoking a little reefer-laced Paul Mauls, they wouldn't have ever done what they did.....

Nobody would think it now... actually people laugh when I tell them that I was 75lbs in Jr High and I had glasses, buck teeth and braces. I'm much more than double that weight now, I'm pretty damn nice on the eyes, and I can finally grow some facial hair. Sorry ladies, I'm taken. I prefer to wallow in the sorrow of shit-fuled, humanity inspired blunders than have sex with your used pussy.

Please don't take offence to that. I've got the Magic Stick. And I don't want to share it with any of you.

Jr. High was the two worst years of my life. I know that they've left lasting scars on me. After bulking up and joining wrestling in HS, and a few fights on the side, I never had to deal with "bullys" again (except for the knife wound some of you know about way later). Other than that. Fuck it....



(He also said, "A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned", and while I still subscribe to that philosophy to this day, I really question if our current "Leader's" heart is in it when I made more money this year picking up that stray penny than I did all year off of interest from what's in my bank accout.)


Friday, August 23, 2013 8:28 AM



I know that Helter Skelter and Son of Sam was some serious shit back in your day "folks".....

Your day is done....

Let it go. I'm just turning an old 34 in less than 24 hours and even thinking of having sex with any of you for less than a billion dollars is gross to me.

This is a new day.

My only question to you, PARENTS OF TODAY, is why this problem isn't getting better and it's only getting worse?

There were honestly days when the dorks who shoot up high schools today lived to serve the Varsity letters on some Senior douche's HS Jacket.

Seriously parents of 15 year olds today. Nickelodeon looks like the most explicit MTV videos of 1987 and all of your Disney girls are growing up to be mega-sluts that would make Britney blush in front of her two (destined) gay boys.

Don't ask me how I know. Just stare and drool in wonder 15 years from now when both of Britney's sons are gay.

Nevermind... your daughters will probably be trying to talk out of your grandson's love of the Beiber lineage.... and nevermind that Britney breastfeeds her sons until they're 3 years old.

What a shitty present...

"No more tits for you until you can make enough money to pay a hot chick like your mom."

The only two people I "feel for" more than me is her two kids

Man, Woman, Alien... nothing they could do, short of some "ED WOOD" movie plot could move this further....


Friday, August 23, 2013 8:33 AM


and although i normally revel in a pre-emtive, i'm just asking Niki to read the finer points before posting.

Seriously, dude.... I know you want everyone to think you have a pussy.

My "pussy's" pussy hated you as a character.

I bet the tables would change if you showed off your mighty swingin dick...

Niki's big hard man meat....

Niki is TOTALLY a guy, or she's the most desperate pussy online.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I know that Helter Skelter and Son of Sam was some serious shit back in your day "folks".....

Your day is done....

Let it go. I'm just turning an old 34 in less than 24 hours and even thinking of having sex with any of you for less than a billion dollars is gross to me.

This is a new day.

My only question to you, PARENTS OF TODAY, is why this problem isn't getting better and it's only getting worse?

There were honestly days when the dorks who shoot up high schools today lived to serve the Varsity letters on some Senior douche's HS Jacket.

Seriously parents of 15 year olds today. Nickelodeon looks like the most explicit MTV videos of 1987 and all of your Disney girls are growing up to be mega-sluts that would make Britney blush in front of her two (destined) gay boys.

Don't ask me how I know. Just stare and drool in wonder 15 years from now when both of Britney's sons are gay.

Nevermind... your daughters will probably be trying to talk out of your grandson's love of the Beiber lineage.... and nevermind that Britney breastfeeds her sons until they're 3 years old.

What a shitty present...

"No more tits for you until you can make enough money to pay a hot chick like your mom."

The only two people I "feel for" more than me is her two kids

Man, Woman, Alien... nothing they could do, short of some "ED WOOD" movie plot could move this further....



Monday, September 9, 2013 10:51 PM


Monday, September 9th, 2013 @ 9:41 PM.

There are about as many reasons NOT to bury yourself under the political BS we all can't do a damn thing about as there are reasons why you SHOULD watch this video.....

Sure.... Saxaphone solos and Hall and Oates come up a lot as "80's cliche's", but they do for a reason.

Seriously. Just listen to it!!!!!!

Guaranteed, if only for a few minutes, to take all of your worries and blues away.

I don't care if you're 103 years old and just milking that SSI for all it's worth, or if you're a shit-mouthed teen with no respect for anyone older than Justin Beiber.....

This song just makes everyone happy.

EDITED TO ADD: Nearly 15 minutes later, still showing "snow" on youtube on this link... Guess i tripped one of their almighty triggers....

Look up "say it isn't so 80s" if the video is not showing here.

Sorry for the inconvenience....

Just our taxpayer dollars at work....


Wednesday, September 11, 2013 1:16 PM


Wednesday, September (that day), 2013.....

To, Too, Two Rules...... (If you've EVER told anyone under your breath to learn the English language, you better be able to give a sermon on the nuances of this word(s).

I'd been using it wrong on a few occasions. It had been the 8th most mis-appropriated word in regular non-slang writing before spellcheck was common. Now, it's number three and rising.... (Spellcheck isn't Idiotproof.... Idiot....)


Friday, September 13, 2013 8:46 AM


A question for Frem on Friday, September 13th.....

I was wondering if you knew the answer to this question I had, but I can't find any reasons for it online.

Why is beer so GD expensive in Indiana?!!!!!

Supposedly, we have the 41st lowest beer tax in the country, yet after taxes it costs anywhere from $3 to $5 dollars more for a 30 pack of Icehouse in NW Indiana than it does 6 miles west in Illinois.

The problem is, that same case of beer only costs $12.49 to $12.99 before taxes in Illinois, whereas the cheapest non-sale price I've seen it for in Indiana is $16.49!!!!!!!

Everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING else is much cheaper in Indiana than it is in Illinois.

Did the liquor stores, convenience stores and grocery stores somehow form a cabal in Indiana to fix prices and eliminate any competition?

Hmmmmm.... maybe it's because of the HUGE microbrew scene in Indiana, particularly near Chicago. I know that some of the microbrews here such as Three Floyds is INFINITELY better than Icehouse, but something tells me that they'd have a much harder time selling a six pack for $13 bucks if you could buy 30 cans of crap-brew for only a buck more. Hell... unless you catch it on sale, a case of 24 cans of Budwiser or MGD can easily run you $20 or more after taxes.......


Friday, September 13, 2013 7:02 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Why is beer so GD expensive in Indiana?!!!!!


A lot of these dumbass laws sprung from either RELIGIOUS puritannical reasons or fucking prohibition, despite the abject failure of both, and sometimes these laws lead to some strange workarounds, like the infamous Brick Sandwich.

Jacob Riis wrote in 1902 of saloon keepers who mocked the law by setting out "brick sandwiches," two pieces of bread with a brick in between, thus fulfilling the legal requirement of serving food.

Speakin of weird things involving beer, how Adolph Coors got into brewing in the first place is actually kind of horrific, as it involved one of the most heinous weapons EVER devised, the SLAM.
The Flying Crowbar

Because the efficiency of a nuclear ramjet increases with temperature, "the hotter, the better" became Merkle's motto for the reactor, code-named "Tory." But at Tory's operating temperature of 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit, even high-temperature alloys would become white-hot and lose structural strength. So Merkle asked a Colorado-based porcelain company named Coors to manufacture ceramic fuel elements that could stand the heat and provide even temperature distribution in the reactor.

The company is well known today for a much different product: while making ceramic-lined vats for breweries around the country, Adolph Coors realized that he might be in the wrong business. Although the Coors Porcelain Company continued to make porcelain -- including all of the nearly 500,000 pencil-shaped fuel elements used in the Tory reactor -- the brewery Adolph Coors opened near his ceramics factory soon became the tail that wagged the dog.

Better I think, that he stuck with the brewery!







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