Obama wins LIE OF THE YEAR !

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 5, 2014 18:48
VIEWED: 4475
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Wednesday, December 18, 2013 3:42 AM


It is the main reason why Bush has pretty much remained silent on the issue. How can anyone with the LIE Record that he has even begin to talk crap about Obama without incriminating himself.

This is all part of the Nazis spreading propaganda, the Obstructionists Handbook is alive and well and living the high life in Wacko Central.
Demonize and devalue his worth at every turn, everything is black and white
(no pun intended Rap).



Wednesday, December 18, 2013 7:39 AM



I like the fact that past lies of the year are still being told by the GOP. Like "government takeover of healthcare" and "death panels".

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Wednesday, December 18, 2013 9:11 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by kpo:

The idea of providing health care for everyone is commendable, but the implementation by this administration has been massively botched.

The individual market was a mess, and reforming it was always going to cause disruption in that market. There were always going to be winners and losers, and there was no way to reform it that would have allowed everyone to keep their plans.



Obama is rightly taking flack for making a promise he wasn't going to keep, and he's right to apologize for it. But he shouldn't apologize for blowing up the individual market. It needed to be done.


Obama was wrong to promise that everyone who liked their insurance could keep it. For a small minority of Americans, that flatly isn't true. But the real sin would've been leaving the individual insurance market alone.


But, (he says with a wink) these blogs are just opinion, as is your comment that the individual market was a mess. And even if the individual market was a mess, that doesn't excuse (as your blog cites note) lying about being able to keep insurance you like. And the botched rollout of (which you somehow don't address)WAS pretty obvious.

"When your heart breaks, you choose what to fill the cracks with. Love or hate. But hate won't ever heal. Only love can do that."


Wednesday, December 18, 2013 9:13 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Yeah, I get a kick out of that, too. Obama has clarified and apologized, but the right wing talking heads are still out there saying EXACTLY the same things and insisting they're true, despite their having been debunked repeatedly for several years.

Of course it doesn't matter to them; their audience will go on believing their lies no matter what, and FauxNews won a legal battle to have the "official" right to lie any time they want to, so they'll go right on doing so.


Wednesday, December 18, 2013 6:11 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
It is the main reason why Bush has pretty much remained silent on the issue. How can anyone with the LIE Record that he has even begin to talk crap about Obama without incriminating himself.

Only, he didn't lie. And the reason he didn't defend himself against his critics is that he had this completely daft mind set that to do so would be to sink to their level, and he didn't want to sully the office of the Presidency. Drove fans of his nuts, too. The cocky, go-get'em guy who took Texas by storm and then the Presidency clammed up as soon as he was elected. Never will understand that.


This is all part of the Nazis spreading propaganda, the Obstructionists Handbook is alive and well and living the high life in Wacko Central.
Demonize and devalue his worth at every turn, everything is black and white
(no pun intended Rap).


Well, now you're talking about the fascists on the Left, for some reason.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Wednesday, December 18, 2013 6:25 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


And even if the individual market was a mess, that doesn't excuse... lying about being able to keep insurance you like.

Indeed, and I've said so multiple times.


And the botched rollout of (which you somehow don't address)WAS pretty obvious.

I didn't address it BECAUSE IT IS obvious. There's nothing to debate there, it's an accepted fact, one I've referred to many times.

Your problem, Geezer: You don't listen.

It's not personal. It's just war.


Wednesday, December 18, 2013 9:03 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

"... just opinion, as is your comment that the individual market was a mess." Is THAT the claim now? That our healthcare system has been working just fine and dandy and nothing should have been done to change it? That is the height of insanity... How many studies have been done which show, over and over, that our health care system was desperately in need of fixing and on its way to bankrupting the country?


?In 2013, more than one-third (37%) of U.S. adults went without recommended care, did not see a doctor when they were sick, or failed to fill prescriptions because of costs, compared with as few as 4 percent to 6 percent in the United Kingdom and Sweden.

?Roughly 40 percent of both insured and uninsured U.S. respondents spent $1,000 or more out-of-pocket during the year on medical care, not counting premiums. High deductibles and cost-sharing, along with no limits on out-of-pocket costs, help explain why even insured people in the U.S. struggled to afford needed health care.

?Nearly one-quarter (23%) of U.S. adults either had serious problems paying medical bills or were unable to pay them, compared with fewer than 13 percent of adults in the next-highest country, France, and 6 percent or fewer in the U.K., Sweden, and Norway.

?About one of three (32%) U.S. adults spent a lot of time dealing with insurance paperwork and disputes or were either denied payment for a claim or paid less than expected. Only 25 percent of adults in Switzerland, 19 percent in the Netherlands, and 17 percent in Germany—-all countries with competitive health insurance markets—-reported these problems. U.S. insurers spent $606 per person on administrative costs, more than twice the amount in the next-highest country. Such high costs result from a complex, fragmented insurance system.

?The vast majority (75%) of U.S. adults said their health system needs to undergo fundamental changes or be rebuilt completely.

?The U.S. spends $8,508 per person on health care. That is nearly $3,000 more per person than Norway, the second-highest spender.

As of 2010, from the American Hearth Association:

Ten years ago, the US healthcare system was declared “broken,” and it has not improved. Fixes promised by managed care have not materialized. Premiums are rising. Hassles for patients and physicians abound. Nearly 45 million Americans are uninsured.

Over the next decade, these problems will worsen and new challenges will arise. Although new technology will increase efficiency, the cost of new tests and treatments will outweigh the savings.

As costs rise, the status quo will not be acceptable to employers. Some will eliminate benefits for new hires. Others will get out of the insurance business entirely, contributing some funds to coverage costs but no longer providing coverage themselves. These changes will cause the number of uninsured citizens to grow.]


More than one-sixth of the U.S. economy is devoted to health care spending and that percentage continues to rise every year. Regrettably, our system is not delivering value commensurate with the estimated $2.7 trillion spent annually on health care. Experts agree that an estimated 20 to 30 percent of that spending – up to $800 billion a year – goes to care that is wasteful, redundant, or inefficient.

Rising health care costs punish our nation on multiple fronts. For families and seniors, the soaring cost of medical care means less money in their pockets and forces hard choices about balancing food, rent, and needed care. For small businesses and Fortune 500 employers alike, they make it more expensive to add new employees, more difficult to maintain retiree coverage, and harder to compete in the global economy. For federal, state, and local governments, rising health care costs lead to higher Medicare and Medicaid costs, and reduced funding on other priorities such as infrastructure, education and public safety. The net results of rising health care costs are far-reaching and ominous: higher costs for health insurance, the fraying of the nation’s safety net, an erosion in our global competitiveness, and long-term fiscal insolvency.

And on and on and on...I should think by now the question of whether SOMETHING needed to be done was no longer up for debate.

The only thing I can think of is that our right-wing members are desperately obsessing on Obamacare to avoid the fact that they have no workable alternatives, none of their people in office are DOING anything except obstructing, none of them are working to fix the problems, to improve ANY of the things wrong in our country today, just keep hammering away and upping the ante to Obamacare being worse than genocide, terrorism, global warfare, Katrina, Hitler, Nazis, slavery, Apartheid, and whatever comes next. It's just insane.

The ACA is not the answer, it is the beginning. There are many, many things wrong with it; how many times do all of us not on the rabid right have to keep saying that? The rollout was a disaster; how many times do those of us not on the rabid right have to keep saying that? Obama claimed something which turned out not to be true, how many times do the rest of us have to agree about that? They keep saying everyone else is "ignoring" or "avoiding" the same things which we've all addressed, over and over--it's like they live in some alternate reality. Hell, maybe they DO.


Thursday, December 19, 2013 2:30 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

How about them WMDs little rappy! You seem to have ducked the challenge!

Originally posted by AURaptor:
Actually, Bush 41's " read my lips " is closer to Barry's pledge to close Gitmo in year 1 of being in office. May have meant it at the time, but failed to carry through.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

As evidence of "rape mentality"

Tuesday, July 30, 2013 8:11 PM
And just remember, according to Rappy, the term befitting a women who wants the insurance she pays for to cover medications affecting her reproductive organs is


Wednesday, July 31, 2013 4:23 PM
little rappy
The term applies.


Thursday, December 19, 2013 2:49 AM


I have insurance through my job and I have not received any notice of any change to my policy. Actually last year my co-payment for office visits went up from $20 to $25, and co-pay for visits to specialists went from $25 to $35.

As long as I use the system doctors I will not be charged any out of pocket expense for preventative care. The rest, 80%/20% coverage.

People don't forget that the doctors, not all of them, abuse the system and overcharge and double charge the insurance companies.

What's the difference between a thief in the street and a crook wearing a white collar (see Bernie Madoff).

Answer: The crook in the white collar is driving a Mercedes



Thursday, December 19, 2013 2:58 AM


The old Health Care system was making some folk, ahem doctors and administrators, filthy rich while you and me have to scrape together a couple of nickels to pay for the most precious thing in life, which should be free, our health.

Did anyone see the news about GlaxoSmithKline's bold move; to stop "payola" to doctors for "pushing" their drugs. This is the result of health care reform.

Maybe, just maybe, one day the Hippocratic Oath will mean something. But for now, Hippocrates please turn away.



Thursday, December 19, 2013 3:37 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Some of the things that are going on with the interaction between work-associated coverge and the ACA is pretty interesting.

For example, all preventative care must be free. BP, cholesterol, glucose checks. Mammograms and PAP smears. PSA tests. Vaccinations. Well-baby, well-child checks. etc (see list, below for included services) Remember, all these must be provided FREE. Now, where I work, in the plans we have, many of these tests or services could only be obtained when you saw a doctor. And if you saw a doctor for any reason, you had to pay a co-pay. Now, the copay for routine prevention is No More.
HOWEVER - if you DO happen to have a problem - high BP or glucose, high PSA, or a missed routine preventative tetanus shot that you need to get NOW b/c you cut yourself working in the garden - then that service is moved off the preventative list and put on to the therapeutic list, and you DO have to pay the co-pay to get that treatment or test. So it's a fine distinction that gets made. Exact same test or service, different context. One is free, the other is not. (I had to delve into it for the union.)

Choices for adult children who are students and living at home and claimed as dependents are now more complex. Parents plan? School plan? Own plan?

I did want to point out that Medicare - the paradigm for many as the model for government-involved health care - is a maze of Byzantine complexity. It covers acute care and convalescence, but not long-term care. And only in 3 month-intervals. (Spoken from the perspective of having had both parents move from acute care, to convalescent care where you are expected to improve, to long-term maintenance care where they don't expect any improvement - that's the distinction btw is ability to make continued improvement with therapy - and back to acute care, and so on.) Part D is quite complex JUST in WHEN you HAVE to apply (or pay a penalty). (first enrollment period after you retire - UNLESS you have coverage at least as good, in which case you have to file a waiver.) And while Medicare has saved many elderly people from poverty due to medical care, and in terms of dollars spent is a model of efficiency, for all the good it does with the little it costs, it's only a raggedy bandage on the gaping hole of old-age medical care. Interesting factoid I ran across that I can't find again - $83 billion dollars worth of care is provided by family members to the elderly for free. If you have never done it, it's A LOT of hours and backbreaking work.

So at every level, the system is incredibly complex. Preventative or therapeutic? Dependent coverage or college coverage? And even the beacon of Medicare hope is fraught with gaps and pitfalls. Convalescent care or long-term maintenance care? 3 months or more? Part D or penalty? IMO we should do better for everybody with single payer. Hopefully the ACA will create a wedge in the current 'pay up or die' paradigm that has left insurance companies, medical device companies, pharmas, and medical equipment companies extracting as much ca$h as possible while people die.

ETA: I truly don't understand the people who oppose government healthcare. I can see if you're young and stupid and have never been significantly ill, you may be brain-dead about the possibilities awaiting you in your older years. And certainly some of the people here fit that category. But not most. Good health WILL NOT LAST. I'm not sure what they're anticipating for themselves in the future with the private system. An old-age as a WalMart greeter to pay for their diabetes medications? Having to soak their gangrenous toes in a bucket at home b/c they don't have the money for a doctor? Not having their blood pressure under control and having mini-strokes and becoming a demented babbling drooling peeing husk? As you get older you will become chronically ill and need ongoing medical care. You will move through increasing levels of disability. AND THEN WHAT? What's so attractive about that, I wonder, that makes living through it under a private system so alluring? Especially when there's an alternative that's proven superior around the globe.

Preventive health services for adults

Most health plans must cover a set of preventive services like shots and screening tests at no cost to you. This includes Marketplace private insurance plans.
Preventive care benefits

Preventive care helps you stay healthy. A doctor isn’t someone to see only when you’re sick. Doctors also provide services that help keep you healthy.
Free preventive services

All Marketplace plans and many other plans must cover the following list of preventive services without charging you a copayment or coinsurance. This is true even if you haven’t met your yearly deductible. This applies only when these services are delivered by a network provider.

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm one-time screening for men of specified ages who have ever smoked
Alcohol Misuse screening and counseling
Aspirin use to prevent cardiovascular disease for men and women of certain ages
Blood Pressure screening for all adults
Cholesterol screening for adults of certain ages or at higher risk
Colorectal Cancer screening for adults over 50
Depression screening for adults
Diabetes (Type 2) screening for adults with high blood pressure
Diet counseling for adults at higher risk for chronic disease
HIV screening for everyone ages 15 to 65, and other ages at increased risk

Immunization vaccines for adults--doses, recommended ages, and recommended populations vary:
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Herpes Zoster
Human Papillomavirus
Influenza (Flu Shot)
Measles, Mumps, Rubella
Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis

Obesity screening and counseling for all adults
Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) prevention counseling for adults at higher risk
Syphilis screening for all adults at higher risk
Tobacco Use screening for all adults and cessation interventions for tobacco users
Preventive health services for women

Most health plans must cover additional preventive health services for women, ensuring a comprehensive set of preventive services like breast cancer screenings to meet women’s unique health care needs.
Comprehensive coverage for women’s preventive care

All Marketplace health plans and many other plans must cover the following list of preventive services for women without charging you a copayment or coinsurance. This is true even if you haven’t met your yearly deductible.

This applies only when these services are delivered by an in-network provider.

Anemia screening on a routine basis for pregnant women
Breast Cancer Genetic Test Counseling (BRCA) for women at higher risk for breast cancer
Breast Cancer Mammography screenings every 1 to 2 years for women over 40
Breast Cancer Chemoprevention counseling for women at higher risk
Breastfeeding comprehensive support and counseling from trained providers, and access to breastfeeding supplies, for pregnant and nursing women
Cervical Cancer screening for sexually active women
Chlamydia Infection screening for younger women and other women at higher risk
Contraception: Food and Drug Administration-approved contraceptive methods, sterilization procedures, and patient education and counseling, as prescribed by a health care provider for women with reproductive capacity (not including abortifacient drugs). This does not apply to health plans sponsored by certain exempt “religious employers.”
Domestic and interpersonal violence screening and counseling for all women
Folic Acid supplements for women who may become pregnant
Gestational diabetes screening for women 24 to 28 weeks pregnant and those at high risk of developing gestational diabetes
Gonorrhea screening for all women at higher risk
Hepatitis B screening for pregnant women at their first prenatal visit
HIV screening and counseling for sexually active women
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Test every 3 years for women with normal cytology results who are 30 or older
Osteoporosis screening for women over age 60 depending on riskPreventive health services for children

Most health plans must cover a set of preventive health services for children at no cost when delivered by an in-network provider. This includes Marketplace and Medicaid coverage.
Coverage for children’s preventive health services

All Marketplace health plans and many other plans must cover the following list of preventive services for children without charging you a copayment or coinsurance. This is true even if you haven’t met your yearly deductible.

Autism screening for children at 18 and 24 months
Behavioral assessments for children at the following ages: 0 to 11 months, 1 to 4 years, 5 to 10 years, 11 to 14 years, 15 to 17 years.
Blood Pressure screening for children at the following ages: 0 to 11 months, 1 to 4 years , 5 to 10 years, 11 to 14 years, 15 to 17 years.
Cervical Dysplasia screening for sexually active females
Depression screening for adolescents
Developmental screening for children under age 3
Dyslipidemia screening for children at higher risk of lipid disorders at the following ages: 1 to 4 years, 5 to 10 years, 11 to 14 years, 15 to 17 years.
Fluoride Chemoprevention supplements for children without fluoride in their water source
Gonorrhea preventive medication for the eyes of all newborns
Hearing screening for all newborns
Height, Weight and Body Mass Index measurements for children at the following ages: 0 to 11 months, 1 to 4 years, 5 to 10 years, 11 to 14 years, 15 to 17 years.
Hematocrit or Hemoglobin screening for children
Hemoglobinopathies or sickle cell screening for newborns
HIV screening for adolescents at higher risk
**Hypothyroidism screening for newborns

Immunization vaccines for children from birth to age 18 —doses, recommended ages, and recommended populations vary:
Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis
Haemophilus influenzae type b
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Human Papillomavirus
Inactivated Poliovirus
Influenza (Flu Shot)
Measles, Mumps, Rubella

Iron supplements for children ages 6 to 12 months at risk for anemia

Lead screening for children at risk of exposure
Medical History for all children throughout development at the following ages: 0 to 11 months, 1 to 4 years , 5 to 10 years , 11 to 14 years , 15 to 17 years.
Obesity screening and counseling
Oral Health risk assessment for young children Ages: 0 to 11 months, 1 to 4 years, 5 to 10 years.
Phenylketonuria (PKU) screening for this genetic disorder in newborns
Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) prevention counseling and screening for adolescents at higher risk
Tuberculin testing for children at higher risk of tuberculosis at the following ages: 0 to 11 months, 1 to 4 years, 5 to 10 years, 11 to 14 years, 15 to 17 years.
Vision screening for all children.
Rh Incompatibility screening for all pregnant women and follow-up testing for women at higher risk
Sexually Transmitted Infections counseling for sexually active women
Syphilis screening for all pregnant women or other women at increased risk
Tobacco Use screening and interventions for all women, and expanded counseling for pregnant tobacco users
Urinary tract or other infection screening for pregnant women
Well-woman visits to get recommended services for women under 65


Thursday, December 19, 2013 6:13 AM


I keep hearing that this is the greatest country in the world, yet France, England and Canada have Universal Health Care coverage and we are struggling to get ours going.

Are those countries better than ours, I think not, yet here we are with the wacko-birds fighting it tooth and nail.

And this too shall pass



Thursday, December 19, 2013 8:48 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by kpo:

And even if the individual market was a mess, that doesn't excuse... lying about being able to keep insurance you like.

Indeed, and I've said so multiple times.


And the botched rollout of (which you somehow don't address)WAS pretty obvious.

I didn't address it BECAUSE IT IS obvious. There's nothing to debate there, it's an accepted fact, one I've referred to many times.

So you're agreeing that your comment was pretty much pointless. Fine. Keep it up.

"When your heart breaks, you choose what to fill the cracks with. Love or hate. But hate won't ever heal. Only love can do that."


Thursday, December 19, 2013 9:54 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So Geezer, how about that pointless post you just made?

In any case, Obama deliberately gave people the distinct assurance that their situation WOULD NOT CHANGE if they had health insurance that they liked, even tho he knew (or should have known) that a regulation was added to ACA which would make insurances null and void if they had changed in any way (even premium payments) since the adoption of the Act. It doesn't matter if he didn't know for sure, or he said it with fingers crossed, or he breathed out a caveat sotto voce as he was touting his assurances- the fact is, he gave people false information.


You sound like rappy, defending Bush about WMD. (He DIDN'T lie! There WERE bits and pieces of WMD scattered around Iraq, so technically Bush was right. And besides, Democrats agreed with him... seven years earlier, before inspectors were on the ground. And we were allowed by a superseded UN Resolution! And he believed he was right!)

Really??? Guys??? Obama is the guy who has arrogated the authority of killing civilian citizens after some sort of Star Chamber proceedings, and has expanded Bush's warrantless wiretapping program into the monstrosity it is today. Some actions just aren't worth defending, and Obama has got a closetful. Personally, my "lie of the year" goes to Obama's assurances that ALL of that data-dragnetting was "legal". THAT, from a Constitutional scholar!

So- stop. Just STOP.

You can defend the ACA without defending Obama. He lied. More than once, about a whole lot more than this.


Thursday, December 19, 2013 9:58 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Speaking of defending the ACA, what KIKI said -

ETA: I truly don't understand the people who oppose government healthcare. I can see if you're young and stupid and have never been significantly ill, you may be brain-dead about the possibilities awaiting you in your older years. And certainly some of the people here fit that category. But not most. Good health WILL NOT LAST. I'm not sure what they're anticipating for themselves in the future with the private system. An old-age as a WalMart greeter to pay for their diabetes medications? Having to soak their gangrenous toes in a bucket at home b/c they don't have the money for a doctor? Not having their blood pressure under control and having mini-strokes and becoming a demented babbling drooling peeing husk? As you get older you will become chronically ill and need ongoing medical care. You will move through increasing levels of disability. AND THEN WHAT? What's so attractive about that, I wonder, that makes living through it under a private system so alluring? Especially when there's an alternative that's proven superior around the globe.


Thursday, December 19, 2013 1:37 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


So you're agreeing that your comment was pretty much pointless. Fine. Keep it up.

Just because you missed the point, doesn't mean there wasn't one.

It's not personal. It's just war.


Tuesday, February 4, 2014 7:42 PM


America loves a winner!

Obama's lies. The gift that just keeps on giving !!!

Justice Dept. denies briefing Obama on IRS targeting

President dismissed any ‘corruption’ in scandal

The Justice Department said Tuesday that nobody briefed President Obama on its investigation of the IRS ahead of his statement Sunday that there was no evidence of corruption in the tax agency’s targeting of tea party groups.]

“Generally, we do not brief elected officials,” Deputy Attorney General James Cole told a House committee on Tuesday.

Republicans said that called into question why the president made his statement to Fox News over the weekend that there was “not even a smidgen of corruption” at the IRS, given the FBI’s investigation is ongoing and Mr. Obama hasn’t been briefed on it.

“How can he be so sure, when it’s an ongoing investigation?” said Rep. Jim Jordan, Ohio Republican and chairman of a key investigative committee looking into the IRS and the Justice Department’s criminal investigation into the agency.

Mr. Cole said that was a question only the White House could answer, but repeated that nobody at the Justice Department had briefed Mr. Obama.

Yes. STILL an ongoing investigation. I thought the WH doesn't comment on such things, and yet, here's Barry, boldly concluding that there's no THERE there, at all.

What a fucking liar.

* link fixed *

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, February 4, 2014 11:12 PM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by AURaptor:
Obama's lies. The gift that just keeps on giving !!!

Justice Dept. denies briefing Obama on IRS targeting

President dismissed any ‘corruption’ in scandal

The Justice Department said Tuesday that nobody briefed President Obama on its investigation of the IRS ahead of his statement Sunday that there was no evidence of corruption in the tax agency’s targeting of tea party groups.]

“Generally, we do not brief elected officials,” Deputy Attorney General James Cole told a House committee on Tuesday.

Republicans said that called into question why the president made his statement to Fox News over the weekend that there was “not even a smidgen of corruption” at the IRS, given the FBI’s investigation is ongoing and Mr. Obama hasn’t been briefed on it.

“How can he be so sure, when it’s an ongoing investigation?” said Rep. Jim Jordan, Ohio Republican and chairman of a key investigative committee looking into the IRS and the Justice Department’s criminal investigation into the agency.

Mr. Cole said that was a question only the White House could answer, but repeated that nobody at the Justice Department had briefed Mr. Obama.

Wrong link. Try this one.

"When your heart breaks, you choose what to fill the cracks with. Love or hate. But hate won't ever heal. Only love can do that."


Wednesday, February 5, 2014 1:47 AM


I have one word -


(snicker, chuckle, snort!)



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Place that right up there on the mantel, next to your Nobel Peace Prize, Barry !

Obama Gets PolitiFact's 'Lie Of The Year' Prize For Healthcare Claims


Fact-checking website PolitiFact is out with the latest edition of its "Lie of the Year." In 2013, the dubious prize went to President Obama for his widely derided claim that, "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it."

Many people, of course, found that they could not keep their plans, as the higher standards set by Obamacare rendered them null and void. The administration and Congress quickly moved in with proposed fixes to the mushrooming political problem.

PolitiFact is often criticized for its fact-checking methodology, and some noted that it had rated previous statements by Obama along similar lines as "half true."

Ironically, all three runners-up slots in PolitiFact's roundup went to Republicans for their own statements on Obamacare.

And for those who want to make a fuss about the runner ups ?

Like Ricky Bobby says... " If you ain't first, you're last ! "


Wednesday, February 5, 2014 6:48 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I have one word -


(snicker, chuckle, snort!)


So, Bush NOT lying about WMD some how gives a pass for Obama LYING about targeting US citizens ?

Please, enlighten us all as to how that works.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall






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