UPDATED: Sunday, January 5, 2014 15:38
VIEWED: 1752
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Wednesday, January 1, 2014 5:13 PM


Happy New Year my northern hemisphere friends. It's now 2 days old for me, and I am still sick as a dog. Hope this is not how its going to continue.

Saw 2014 in briefly on the beach watching a local fireworks, and then dashing back to the house to check the dog was okay. We had to lock him in the car to stop him from completely freaking out again this year, poor thing.

How did you see it in>?


Wednesday, January 1, 2014 6:15 PM


My kiddo joined the ranks of the big boys this year and made it to midnight

We set off a half dozen big fireworks we had left over, and went back inside and passed out. Hubbs had bought Champagne but that was just drunk ten minutes ago.
This morning I woke up to a massive headache, as we've got a front coming in, and mebbe snow tomorrow, but I feel better now...
The dog is sleeping on my foot again, the neighbor kid came over to compare presents, and hubby is snoring in preparation to go back to work.
Hubby spent half the day putting together this little roller-coaster with the kid, so we at least weren't parked in front of the tube all day.
Blueberry Crumble for breakfast and Nacho Salad for Lunch/Dinner (we usually only eat twice on his days off.)

Kid goes back to school tomorrow

ETA: Sorry you feel bad Magons, maybe you just have a rough purge of 2013, and you'll clear up tomorrow


Wednesday, January 1, 2014 7:06 PM


Do you think your headache is more weather related or champagne related?

I never even toasted the new year with bubbles :(

You could be right about the purging of 2013. Not an easy year for me. I am now officially an orphan as my Dad died in November. Lots of sickness in the family and a shitful restructure at work that has meant the orcs are now in charge and doing a purge of all the elves.

So here's hoping the 2013 purge brings better times.

(School's not back until end of Jan here btw)

Edit: Just found the dog asleep in the suitcase of dirty clothes.


Wednesday, January 1, 2014 7:33 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

There were snacks - hard Italian salami, wafer thin German ham, creamy French blue cheese, white cheddar (for those that don't like blue cheese - what's wrong with them?), pickled herring (a tradition ultimately from Sweden), organic rice and wheat crackers, potato chips ... jalapeno cheese dip, fresh horseradish, and mustard ... and for toasting the old year out and the new year in there were beverages - eggnog, sparkling cider, champagne, and tonic water. No one picked the champagne! It was family, all relaxed in the house, (some of us snoozed), and we had a well-meant and warm toast to all of us having a good 2014. It was everything I personally could have wanted.

I hope you feel better soon.


Wednesday, January 1, 2014 8:09 PM


no seafood either. That was a break in tradition. Normally its prawns and oysters, usually done kilpatrick for NYE.

This year we had spiced beef in roti with green and potato salad, tomotoes and goats cheese.


Wednesday, January 1, 2014 9:11 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
There were snacks - hard Italian salami, wafer thin German ham, creamy French blue cheese, white cheddar (for those that don't like blue cheese - what's wrong with them?), pickled herring (a tradition ultimately from Sweden), organic rice and wheat crackers, potato chips ... jalapeno cheese dip, fresh horseradish, and mustard ... and for toasting the old year out and the new year in there were beverages - eggnog, sparkling cider, champagne, and tonic water.

Sounds like the plan at our house. Then everybody but me got the flu. I got a flu shot. I don't believe in them scientifically or philosophically, but my employer set up a clinic for 'em for free. I DO believe in FREE stuff, no matter what it is, so I got one. And I had a couple days of tummy trouble, but most everybody else has been messed up for a week, including the grandbaby.

So I spent last evening alone, watching re-runs of How I Met Your Mother, then went to bed at about 9:30, slept thru whatever noise happened at Midnight, then got up, drove my daughter to work, and spent the day alone. Napped thru the Rose Parade, watched most of the Rose Bowl.

Whoo-who! Such excitement.


Wednesday, January 1, 2014 9:36 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Holidays don't mean much (if anything) around here anymore, between our ages and the lack of kids. Jim's son is in Wyoming, his daughter and granddaughter Xmas in Mexico traditionally (in the midst of a "friendly" divorce, hub went with and they all got sick as dogs, poor babies), and I have no relatives at all. So I made the Xmas "turkey breast" (man, I love those--big enough for leftover sandwiches for days, no wasted dark meat and enough cavity for stuffing--the perfect bird!) for Jim, Choey and I the day before Xmas.

Last night I went to bed as usual sometime between 8 and 9, woke up in my Outback bed briefly when neighbors did the "midnight noise making"--the huskies both slept through it--and went back to sleep. Had a really lovely sulky run up Santa Rosa way at dawn this morning...28 degrees, my fingers were so cold they ached, but the tule fog made it beautifully quiet and mysterious, I love it. The dogs love that trail, there are lots of horses, cows, goats, sheep in paddocks alongside the trail to excite them, and because of that (feed troughs), we always get to chase the resident flock of wild turkeys a bit. Perfect start for a new year.

Was cold enough that I came home and changed to slippers and robe (we keep the house fairly cool) 'cuz there's no way I'd be going out for anything today. Just a Wednesday around here...only difference is we've thoroughly enjoyed the lack of traffic and rush hour since Xmas, and now that's over...

Sympathies to those not feeling well and all freaked-out dogs; hopefully all that will improve asap.


Wednesday, January 1, 2014 11:44 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
Do you think your headache is more weather related or champagne related?

I am now officially an orphan as my Dad died in November.
So here's hoping the 2013 purge brings better times.

Yeah, haven't drank in a while.
I have these... Pretty sure I'dve been drowned as a witch in other centuries. I know EVERY time something is on the way. Storms may veer around us, but I still know every time one is heading our general direction, if not from the headaches, then from the arthritis...

I'm sorry about your father. It's almost been two years since mine died,
and I still get upset at the things he's missing with the grandkids. He loved being a grandpa...


Thursday, January 2, 2014 10:33 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Madame and I were out of town for Christmas, so we had combined New Year's Eve/Christmas Morning.

Snacks and Champagne in front of the fireplace on New Year's Eve, and then fired off our battery of toy cannon at midnight.

New Year's morning we opened our presents and had the traditional Eggs Benedict with Mimosas.

Unfortunately, looks like I may have picked up a cold on the plane to or from Nevada, so it's pill and tissue time for a bit.

Nevertheless, Happy New Year.

"When your heart breaks, you choose what to fill the cracks with. Love or hate. But hate won't ever heal. Only love can do that."


Thursday, January 2, 2014 12:40 PM


Eesh, everyone I know is sick!

Wishi gets out the holy water and performs cleansing rituals...

Y'all stay away now, ya hear??

I've got fire too and I ain't afraid ta use it!

Sorry 'bout the cold Geezer
Chicken soup really does help me...


Thursday, January 2, 2014 1:01 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Y'all stay away now, ya hear??

The motto of the new motel chain, the Inhospitality Suites? I like it...


Thursday, January 2, 2014 5:16 PM


Happy New Year, MD :)

2nd Day started out right. Got over 300 bucks towards my projected HUGE heat bills since we have a lot of negative days in the 10 day forecast.

My "brand new" snowblower didn't work after only 3 uses in two years, and i have a plumber coming tomorrow to rod out my sump-pump-to-street line since it's ejecting all the water right next to my foundation instead of out to the storm sewers. If it's less than 1 hour, it ONLY costs me 152 bucks. If it takes more than 3 hours, I just spent quite a bit more than I saved by getting the heat benefits for being uber-poor....

I don't remember much of New Years. I know we were drinking and then we did a few lines....

Oh, nevermind.... that was like 3 years ago. I worked New Years Eve night this year, completely sober. :(

Even if you weren't on about 3 different cameras no matter where you were in the store at any given time, you would not want to be lovers with pretty much anyone I work with.

Don't listen to me though. It's only 2 days into 2014. Maybe the other 363 will be Uber-Fucking-Stellar!


Thursday, January 2, 2014 6:03 PM



Originally posted by NewOldBrownCoat:
Originally posted by Wishimay:

Y'all stay away now, ya hear??

The motto of the new motel chain, the Inhospitality Suites? I like it...

PAH!! Mah kiddo liked that one

You know, it would probably be booked solid too. I think I WOULD pay extra just so people wouldn't be phony nice for once. And people that are huge jerks would have a nice grumpy place to call home. The bar could be Oscar's Lounge from Sesame Street....

Hmm, now I just need a couple mil to get started....


Sunday, January 5, 2014 11:47 AM


Snowblower's still not working, but everything else isn't too bad.

Cost 198 bucks to get the pipes rodded out, but I stood right along side of him and helped him out wherever I could to make it go quicker since he gets paid per hour what I make per night. Next time, I can just rent a machine and get 'er done for about 40 bucks max. You really can't put a price on (non-liberal arts) education.....

Now I'm just worried about the -20 degree weather we're going to have the next 2 days or so.... WTF happened to Global Warming?


Sunday, January 5, 2014 12:07 PM


The same reason it's called climate change now. Though I'm not sure we can attribute extremities in local weather to anything global. It's a long term trend, not a scapegoat for any instance of bad weather.

Anyway, point is. All the NOAA graphs do indicate a long term warming effect, but it's plateaued in recent years. The cold at the start of this year in the northern hemisphere might affect it somewhat. There's no telling yet if warming will resume after this because climate and weather are really unpredictable as hell, and we may not know all the factors or buffers out there.

But an instance of unusually cold weather doesn't disprove the hypothesis in general. In fact, if another hypothesis is accurate, there's a possibility that warming in some places could actually trigger a new ice age across North America and Europe. Hot air and ocean currents could mess up the trade winds and ocean currents, which will stop warm air and warm ocean waters from being circulated northwards, which is what keeps coastal areas as temperate as they are.


Sunday, January 5, 2014 12:15 PM


I wouldn't call it exactly "local" although people outside of the US might be insulted by calling it anything but "local".

As for the rest of what you said, I have no argument. I wish I did, but I don't. Even the Farmer's Almanac only goes back so far. I'm fully willing to admit that the fact that the chance we're going to experience two of the coldest days on record where I live in the next 48 hours is at least 50/50 created by a larger man-made global warming trend.

All I'm saying is that it's pretty hard to buy that when it's so cold that I have actually shut the main off on my house and bled out all of my pipes in preparation since I'll be working the next two nights.

I just love how the people who are 100% convinced that global warming is 100% truth can throw out the very same counter-point arguments you just used and believe fully in them.







It must be true, because scientific theories said so.....


Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
The same reason it's called climate change now. Though I'm not sure we can attribute extremities in local weather to anything global. It's a long term trend, not a scapegoat for any instance of bad weather.

Anyway, point is. All the NOAA graphs do indicate a long term warming effect, but it's plateaued in recent years. The cold at the start of this year in the northern hemisphere might affect it somewhat. There's no telling yet if warming will resume after this because climate and weather are really unpredictable as hell, and we may not know all the factors or buffers out there.

But an instance of unusually cold weather doesn't disprove the hypothesis in general. In fact, if another hypothesis is accurate, there's a possibility that warming in some places could actually trigger a new ice age across North America and Europe. Hot air and ocean currents could mess up the trade winds and ocean currents, which will stop warm air and warm ocean waters from being circulated northwards, which is what keeps coastal areas as temperate as they are.






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