Latest "fun" from the right

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 00:04
VIEWED: 1458
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Sunday, February 9, 2014 1:44 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

We can always count on Huckabee:

Former Gov. Mike Huckabee on Friday defended recent comments he made about women’s libidos, saying “it was just a colorful expression” about something that’s wholesome and God-given.

Huckabee told Cavuto that he wouldn’t take back his libido comments.

“No, why would I? What’s wrong with — even the word? It’s a wholesome thing. God gave us sexual drive. It’s not something dirty,” the former governor said. "It isn’t vulgar. It’s a wonderful gift from God in the context of a relationship between a man and a woman who have committed to each other as life partners. That’s a good thing. There’s nothing unholy or untoward about that.”

He said he wouldn’t let his language be filtered by Democrats.

“I refuse to let the Democrats control my lexicon. I’m sorry but I’m not going live in a world where everything I say has to be run through the filter of people who aren’t going to like anything I say. What’s the point of that?” Huckabee said.

He knows full well, of course, that it's not about the WORD, it's about his STATEMENT: “If the Democrats want to insult the women of America by making them believe that they are helpless without ‘Uncle Sugar’ coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or reproductive system without the help of the government, so be it.”

Wouldn't it be funny if women across America said they wouldn't have sex anymore without contraceptives? How long do you think it would take Congress to pass something...?

Then there's the Impeachment Guy, Bob Barr (ex-Congressman from Georgia), who is again running for Congress in the GOP primary to replace Rep. Phil Gingrey:

Guy Who Led Clinton's Impeachment Is Now Doing Public Appearances With Conspiracy Theorist

If former GOP congressman, Bob Barr, really wants to impeach Obama, he probably shouldn't have impeached his own credibility by appearing on Alex Jones' bat shit-crazy radio show.

For the (blissfully) uninitiated, Alex Jones is a perpetually-apoplectic radio host who's made a career out of constructing and promoting sprawling global conspiracy theories that make Glenn Beck's chalkboard seem like a serene oasis of sanity.

Basically, Jones applies the polar opposite of Occam's razor to every news story that comes off the wire and then peppers the resulting copy with words like "illuminati" and "false flag operation" before literally screaming it into a live microphone.

So naturally, when Barr was asked to call into Jones' program he said, "no way, I'm a former congressman and current congressional candidate and [ostensibly] I'd like to get elected so I'm not going to be a part of your obvious craziness," right?

Actually, he not only appeared on the program, saying it was a "great honor," he seemed to agree with Jones' assertion that former President Bill Clinton is a murderer:

"A lot of people died that went up against Clinton. A lot of airplanes blew up, a lot of people got shot in the head five times, and it does take backbone to try to impeach somebody when you're going against gangsters like this."

At this point Barr pointed out that there's zero truth to anything that Jones said. Just kidding, he pivoted effortlessly into his response, tacitly endorsing Jones' insane allegations.

"I was with some folks just recently and I pulled out of a file in my office the house resolution... that I introduced on November 5th of 1997, that was the very first official inquiry of impeachment filed against Bill Clinton... And what I did is, I took that document, figuratively kind of dusted it off, added a bit of language to it, and darned if it doesn't sound pretty good with Barack Obama's name in there." More at

When asked about his comments on Jones' show during an appearance on MSNBC, Barr bristled at the notion that he was anything less than serious:

"Why even joke about impeachment as you did on that radio show?" Todd asked. "Is that the type of divisive politics you think that we need in Washington?"

"Chuck, I don't know what you're talking about," he responded. "That wasn't a joke. I was asked a question about impeachment, and I answered it very seriously."

Hey, got him a lot of attention the first time around..

And how about Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK), who says the most amazing things in a closed-door session with some of his crazier "constituents", and has no problem with a call to execute the President of the United States:

This is a United States Congressman that does not say a word when someone publicly calls for executing the President.

It's unclear when the town hall was held. But the video that was posted Jan. 29 shows Bridenstine speaking with a small group of people inside a room.

At one point in the video, a woman can be heard calling for the President to be killed and saying something about "the Muslims he is shipping into our country."

In response, Bridenstine offered some sympathy for the woman's views.

"Everybody knows the lawlessness of this president. He picks and chooses which laws he's going to enforce or not enforce, he does it by decree," Bridenstine told her.

After talking with the woman, Bridenstine took a question from another woman who said the president should be impeached. He laughed at her comment, but did not dispute it.

"You know, you look so sweet," he said to the woman.

He was fine with it when they said it and even seemed to agree with them, given his words. It wasn't until eight days after someone made the video public that he came out with a statement:

In his statement Thursday, Bridenstine said he does not "condone" the statements made at the town hall.

"A public figure cannot control what people say in open meetings. I obviously did not condone and I do not approve of grossly inappropriate language. It is outrageous that irresponsible parties would attribute another person’s reckless remarks to me," Bridenstine said. Same

Bull-fucking-SHIT! That's so transparently pathetic it's...well, pathetic! John McCain had no problem saying "No, that's not right"; all this asshole is doing is alibiing himself.

This is what we've come to, fellow Americans; this is what the Tea Party has reduced our elected "representatives" to. Embarrassing, isn't it?

(At least for those of us who have any sense of decency...)


Sunday, February 9, 2014 4:24 PM


"Cultural Differences", eh ?



Sunday, February 9, 2014 6:06 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Yeah, Brenda, it's weird, isn't it? People you would think even moderately intelligent human beings wouldn't give the time of day, and they end up government officials WRITING OUR LAWS...


That's just a sampling, too, which is even scarier. There are others who are hoping to be elected to office who are just as bad (if not worse):

New candidate for a Michigan seat on the Republican National Committee. Her name is Mary Helen Sears of Houghton County in the state’s Upper Peninsula, elected vice chair of the Michigan Republican Party’s 1st District last year, and she has a modest proposal: that gays "purge" from the GOP because homosexuality is a "perversion" created by Satan himself.

The Michigan co-chair on the RNC, U.S. Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land resigned her seat {possibly connected to the mess with Dave Agema, the former state lawmaker who has regularly made anti-gay comments and has been condemned by fellow Republicans}, saying she wanted to focus on her campaign. Under party rules, the state GOP must pick a woman to take Land’s place, according to the Detroit Free Press. Enter Sears, who is running for Land’s vacated RNC seat.

In a post on a Schoolcraft County Republican website last April, Sears laid out her view that homosexuals prey on children, and "Satan uses homosexuality to attack the living space of the Holy Spirit." Republicans "as a party should be purging this perversion and send them to a party with a much bigger tent."

Sears wrote that Communist college professors were indoctrinating young people and claimed that Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theory “gave rise to Hitler’s Third Reich, Mussolini’s Italy and Stalin’s Russia.”

“If the GOP continues down this trend and stand for perversions and the daily social fad … The GOP will be truly dead and Satan will have had his day,” Sears wrote.

Yup, just the kind of folk they need helping to run the Republican party!

Apparently they've even got their own fellow Republicans running scared:

The prospect of Agema and Sears heading the Michigan delegation on the RNC is apparently striking fear in the hearts of some Republicans, according to the Macomb Daily:

Apparently some Republican insiders are so shaken by the prospect of having Agema and Sears as Michigan’s two representatives on the RNC that they’re growing concerned about two mainstream Republicans in the three-person field splitting their votes, thereby allowing Sears to claim victory. When the GOP State Committee meets to select Land’s replacement, Sears’ competitors are expected to consist of Ronna Romney McDaniel (Mitt's niece), daughter of Ronna Romney, and Sandra Kahn who, I’m told, is the aunt of state Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville and the ex-wife of Sen. Roger Kahn of Saginaw Township.


On the other hand, I'm sure she'll find plenty of supporters among the Tea Party, that paragon of intellectual good sense:

Although some Michigan Republicans may agree that Sears’ views are extreme, at least one GOP group has taken to social media to express fear that a pro-gay agenda is taking over the Michigan Republican Party. The Delta County Republican Party recently published a list proclaiming that influential GOP pols like Priebus, Schostak and Senate candidate Land had surrendered to a “homosexual and stealth jihad agenda.” Same


Monday, February 10, 2014 12:02 AM


There's another reason too, one which is even more disturbing.

See, here in MI the Secretary of State is in charge of election integrity, which is all but a joke since the past couple years running, despite polls going massively in the other direction, the Republican candidate somehow always manages to "win", and always, always, by exactly 18181 votes, what a marvelous coincidence don't ya think ?

And now it seems they're not even bothering with the pretense of election to stick another nutter in there to "manage" the election results, yeah.

Ain't just Sears and Agema either, remember the State Attorney General had to fire one of his staffers for this kinda thing too, of course it wasn't DOING it which had that jerk Cox up in arms, but being indiscreet, of course.

And don't even get me started about the amount of hate and intolerance in the Upper Penn, we'd give them back to Canada, but they don't want the bastards either - every time they hint at blowing the Big Mac bridge to be rid of us "Trolls", I keep hoping they'd actually DO it.

Oh, and Ronna McDaniel is part of that whole Holland, MI tulip time band of Dick DeVos-Erik Prince Knights of Malta cultie nutters, so that wouldn't really be an improvement either.



Monday, February 10, 2014 1:59 AM


Just think how fast the repubs would change their tune if we were to get a Sex Boycott.

No NOOKIE - No Peace!!!!

Women everywhere in the country would need to participate. Funny thing though, they talk about reducing regs for business, but go whole hog when it comes to the woman's body.

Sexual Prohibition!!!



Monday, February 10, 2014 2:04 AM


I believe that's due to the gerrymandering of the districts, where, even though Dems get the majority of the votes, the districts are so rigged up that repubs get "voted" in.

Very strange coinkeedink.



Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:

There's another reason too, one which is even more disturbing.

See, here in MI the Secretary of State is in charge of election integrity, which is all but a joke since the past couple years running, despite polls going massively in the other direction, the Republican candidate somehow always manages to "win", and always, always, by exactly 18181 votes, what a marvelous coincidence don't ya think ?

And now it seems they're not even bothering with the pretense of election to stick another nutter in there to "manage" the election results, yeah.

Ain't just Sears and Agema either, remember the State Attorney General had to fire one of his staffers for this kinda thing too, of course it wasn't DOING it which had that jerk Cox up in arms, but being indiscreet, of course.

And don't even get me started about the amount of hate and intolerance in the Upper Penn, we'd give them back to Canada, but they don't want the bastards either - every time they hint at blowing the Big Mac bridge to be rid of us "Trolls", I keep hoping they'd actually DO it.

Oh, and Ronna McDaniel is part of that whole Holland, MI tulip time band of Dick DeVos-Erik Prince Knights of Malta cultie nutters, so that wouldn't really be an improvement either.



Monday, February 10, 2014 1:29 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

When it's not the crazy ones, it's the ones happy to lie to make themselves sound better:

Is Scott Walker Lying About Voting For Ronald Reagan As A Teenager?

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is a big fan of former President Ronald Reagan, but is he a big enough fan to have committed voter fraud to get him into office.

Last month, Walker sat down with Right Wing News to talk about his new book, the 2016 election and his lifelong love for Reagan. Walker, who was elected governor of Wisconsin in 2011 and survived a tense recall election the following year, told the site that he distinctly remembers voting for Ronald Reagan as soon as he became a teenager.

"I remember, I was a teenager, had just become a teenager and voted for Ronald Reagan -- limited government, you know, smaller government, lower taxes, strong national defense,” Walker told Right Wing News.

However, there’s one big problem with Walker’s claims that he voted for Reagan: He wasn’t old enough to vote when Reagan was running for president.

Walker was born on Nov. 2, 1967, meaning he would have just turned 13 on Election Day 1980, far too young to vote Reagan into his first term. When Reagan was voted into office for a second term on Nov. 6, 1984, Walker would have just turned 17, still too young to vote.

While some states allow 17-year-olds to vote in primary elections and caucuses, they can only do so if they will actually be 18 years old on Election Day. Furthermore, Wisconsin, where Walker has lived since he was about 10 years old, does not make such allowances for 17 year olds. It is impossible, then, that Scott Walker ever voted for Ronald Reagan in a presidential election -- unless he committed voted fraud.

Most likely, Walker is either lying about voting for Reagan or simply misremembering his teenage years, but it’s an odd statement to make all the same. IBTimes has reached out to Governor Walker’s office for clarification and has not received an answer as of this writing.


Monday, February 10, 2014 3:04 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

But the crazies, they're out there every single day, virtually "rampant" in some states and some legislatures:

Arizona Bill Would Make It A Crime To Use A Bathroom Without Proof Of Citizenship

An Arizona republican, Carl Seel, recently introduced legislation that would make it a crime for a ‘person in the state illegally’ to use any public resource or facility. This would include sidewalks, roads, parks and yes, even public restrooms.

House Bill 2192 would make a crime to do anything, without proof of citizenship.

The 22 lines Seel wrote as part of AZ House Bill 2192 (2014) would allow the state to charge any person found to be ‘unlawfully using public resources,’ with a misdemeanor crime, for a first offense. A second offense would result in felony charges. The bill would also allow the state to seize cars found to be driven on a public road, by a person deemed to be ’not lawfully present’ in the state of AZ.

But why stop there? Seel’s proposed legislation would throw out those pesky little rights of the accused, namely, the right to present a defense. Seel’s addition to HB 2192 reads:

“Any record that relates to the immigration status or illegal presence of a person in this state is admissible in any court without further foundation or testimony from a custodian of records if the record is certified as authentic by the government agency that is responsible for maintaining the record.”

The US Office of Customs and Immigration itself admits to systemic problems, which can involve errors, lost paperwork, lengthy delays and more. These kinds of problems are common in the immigration process.

Seel’s bill would allow any record from a recognized agency to be presented in court, and taken at face value. It would eliminate the rights of the accused to show more recent records which could prove citizenship or show case history.

The new bill would allow citizens who don’t fit the stereotypical picture of white America, to be stopped in parks, hospitals and schools, not to mention while they are trying to use the bathroom. It would also make it a crime to drive a car or take a bus. And forget about walking, since using a public sidewalk would also be a crime.

Seel says that the law would only apply to those who have “had their day in court.”

Do AZ police have special powers that allow them to be able tell who has had their day in court, just by seeing that person on a sidewalk or in a park? Of course they don’t. Which means that if you happen to look like a person who has ‘had their day in court’, you can be stopped by the police.

Arizona lawmakers seem to be on a truly "crazy kick" lately, 'cuz that's not the only one:

In the first few weeks of the Arizona Legislature’s 2014 session, lawmakers have submitted a series of bills that range from the ridiculous and insulting to crushingly cynical attempts to strip power from the people. Here are, sadly, but a few examples.

{It first lists the above bill, HB 2192)

SB 1062/HB 2153 Sen. Steve Yarbrough, R-Chandler, and other representatives are responsible for bills that would allow anyone to ignore the law and discriminate at will if that will is the Lord’s.

The bill would permit businesses to deny service to anyone if that denial is based on religious reasons.

If you don’t want two men staying in your hotel because they look gay, you’re OK. If you’re a Scientologist and don’t want to serve psychologists in your restaurant, feel free. Unfortunately, and this seems to be a theme, the language in the bill is so broad that it could justify ignoring almost every law in the state if it interferes with a person’s free exercise of religion.

SB 1161 would allow municipalities to voluntarily adopt “streamlined local government policies” that would not be threatening to “genuine public health, safety and welfare, frustrating to economic development, inimical to fiscal responsibility, as well as overly centralized, bureaucratic, intrusive and politicized.”

From the bill: “The Legislature finds that the taxing, spending, regulatory, eminent domain, planning and zoning authority that is granted to municipalities may encourage the exercise of local governmental power that is threatening …”

What municipality would voluntarily give up its power to enact reasonable ordinances or laws over to a set of enforceable “best practices” imposed by the Legislature? The bill makes no sense unless it comes with a future push to make these “streamlined policies” obligatory. Another instance of legislators making home rule the best option until it’s not.

HB 2196 (the briefest of the bills discussed here and also the most insidious) would repeal the provisions of HB 2305, which included increasing signature requirements for minor parties to get candidates on the ballot, limiting who can take an early ballot to a polling place and imposing stricter requirements on groups sponsoring initiatives.

The Republican-proposed bill does not mean the party has seen the error of its ways and decided to remove these voter suppression measures. On the contrary. It is a contemptuous attempt to circumvent voters after a petition drive put the question on whether to repeal HB 2305 on the ballot.

The big idea is to eliminate HB 2035, rendering its appearance on the ballot moot, and then pass the same measures individually, which would make it much harder to put them on a future ballot.

Gun bills: HB 2186, which allows teachers at community colleges to carry concealed weapons on campus; HB 2338, which would increase the penalty on those who try to take a gun from someone who is legally carrying it; HB 2412, which would bring guns into schools through the school safety designee program; and HB 2337, which requires law enforcement officers to have “probable cause” before they ask if someone is carrying a gun.

While it’s easy to make fun of some of these bills and the legislators who sponsor them — as it certainly seems they’re mocking us when they propose them — their clear disregard for compromise and sensible measures makes it difficult not to think of the Legislature as a joke.

A particularly cruel one where the punch line is an underfunded education system, roads that are falling apart, a stalled economy and an armed everyone, everywhere.

We deserve better representation. It’s difficult not to be partisan when almost every piece of questionable legislation comes from a lawmaker with an R after his or her ?name, but a Democrat-controlled Legislature is not necessarily the answer.

Reasonable Republicans and Democrats must work together to take back control. They should get down to the business of clear-eyed governance that would make Arizona a model for other states and not a national laughingstock.

Sorry, Arizona, but as long as you keep electing legislators who write and pass insane stuff like this, you'll continue to be a national laughingstock.


Tuesday, February 11, 2014 12:04 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Can't seem to get through the day without hearing about some right winger making an ass of himself. Now Ben Carson, Fox news contributor, said one of the main goals of progressives was to "fundamentally change who we are," and part of that entailed "keeping a blanket of silence over the majority."

Carson then likened the status quo to Germany under Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, teeing up what he later implied was the choice facing voters in the 2014 midterm elections.

"There comes a time when people with values simply have to stand up. Think about Nazi Germany," he said. "Most of those people did not believe in what Hitler was doing. But did they speak up? Did they stand up for what they believe in? They did not, and you saw what happened."

"And if you believe that same thing can't happen again, you're very wrong," Carson added. "But we're not going to let it happen."

Carson is no stranger to controversy. He made headlines in October for calling Obamacare the worst thing to happen to the country "since slavery" (
/), and caused an uproar last year for comparing gay marriage to bestiality and pedophilia (






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