Young Guns in Texas, The President and the NRA

UPDATED: Monday, March 3, 2014 13:45
VIEWED: 1901
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Tuesday, February 25, 2014 12:15 PM


If memory serves, one of the knocks against the president when he threw his hat into the ring, was that he was anti-second amendment or anti-gun. People were up in arms, gun aficionados were screaming bloody murder because they felt he would arbitrarily repeal the "right to bear arms" (which in and of itself was an impossibility and a total lie).

Conservatives across the country began to load up in anticipation of the upcoming change in the landscape (which never came), and the NRA shifted into "full on" mode selling guns and ammo at a record pace. Why am I bringing up supposedly old news, since nothing actually happened in that regard. 5 years later people still have their guns and them some.

Because I just saw something on television that kind of surprised me. Here's the story. On Monday, Feb. 24, the Supreme Court decided not to hear appeals to 3 court rulings that "affirm federal and state restrictions on gun purchases," representing a loss "to gun rights advocates including the NRA, which was behind 2 of the challenges."

NRA case No. 1: challenge of a Texas law that prevents 18-20 year olds from carrying handguns in public;

NRA case No. 2: a challenge to several federal laws and regs that date back to 1968 and make it illegal for firearms dealers to sell guns or ammunition to anyone under 21.

A third case was on whether consumers have a legal right to challenge laws that regulate the sale of firearms.

Imagine, Texas, of all places, has a law on the books that prohibits 18-20 year olds from carrying handguns in public, who knew!? In Texas you must be at least 21 yrs old to carry a concealed handgun. The NRA sued Texas to allow teenagers 18-20 to arm themselves. The Supreme Court upheld the Texas law by choosing not to hear the cases, in effect upholding the lower courts ruling.

HBO Real Sports produced a documentary, about how easy it is for kids (yes, that right, kids) to get their hands on guns. It shows a 13 year old boy walking into various shops and stores attempting to purchase such things as cigarettes, liquor, adult magazines and even lottery tickets. I could definitely see there being a law against allowing minors to buy the above items, but lottery tickets!? Where's the danger in that?

But he walks into a gun show and purchases, legally, a .22 caliber rifle from a private seller. WAIT!!! Was that real? In many states this can happen. A 13 year old boy CANNOT buy beer, cigarettes or lottery tickets, but he can buy a gun. He wasn't even asked to show ID, nothing. He handed over the cash and walked out with a gun.

In the state of Pennsylvania, they have laws on the books that say you must be 18 years old to operate a deli counter meat slicer (that makes sense); but you can be 12 years old and operate a gun. In Montana, you have to be 14 years old to operate a riding lawn mower (again makes sense because a lawn mower is a dangerous tool); but you could be 8 years old and operate a gun.

The federal government does not state a minimum age to be able to purchase guns from unlicensed dealers; although federal law trumps state laws, there are a lot of discrepancies. The states have varying degrees of laws and regs on the books, but they're all over the place. Gun clubs and advocacy groups, like the NRA, have managed to roll back laws in many states to make it permissible for young kids to purchase guns and use them with very little training. A young kid could take a 6-7 hour gun safety course (without even operating a gun during this time) and walk out with a certificate permitting him to operate a gun. In Illinois the youngest age for this is 4 years old.

Illinois, Indiana, Vermont, Washington, New Mexico, Arkansas and Alabama have no minimum age for solo hunting. So, with all this going on, how can anyone say that Obama has had any affect whatsoever on the 2nd Amendment.
By the way, in case you guys didn't know, the president is a law professor in Constitutional Law; so saying that he's breaking constitutional laws is like saying that Hugh Hefner knows nothing about Playboy Bunnies.

Imperial President, now that's an oxymoron!

The HBO special airs tonight on Real Sports and should be very interesting.



Tuesday, February 25, 2014 12:31 PM


It's just a big fraud, everybody knows that.

Obama personally wants to confiscate ALL guns and ammunition, EVERYWHERE, from EVERYBODY. And he's gonna mobilize the Army, the CIA, the black helicopters and the drones to do it, after the NSA taps your phone messages to identify the people who have the guns.

The NRA, the Tea Party and the Republicans, especially the ones in Texas have told us all of this, and it's only their heroic stance that has kept it from happening. Any suggestion that Texas Republicans might want to prevent ANYBODY ('cept Meskins and black folks) from owning a gun is a conspiracy and a fraud by the liberal-biased lame stream media.


Tuesday, February 25, 2014 1:43 PM


Uh huh, just like you say. The Gubmint is gonna gather up the millions of guns out there - oh, by the way, how long did they say that would take?

Let's see, let me do the math. All the soldiers coming home, some 400,000 and the CIA (called in from protecting the country from the danger zones around the world) will stop whatever they're doing, and the FBI, and the NSA you say, will stop whoever they're spying on around the world just so they can track down the millions of guns all across the country.

Uh, huh. There really was WMDs.

Now, let's see. Do you believe that if the country elects a Republican for President. A white male like Mitt Romney or Rand Paul, for president. That will no longer be the case? The solution to prevent that nightmare from happening is electing a Tea Party candidate to become president? That will stop the black helicopters from coming?



Originally posted by NewOldBrownCoat:
It's just a big fraud, everybody knows that.

Obama personally wants to confiscate ALL guns and ammunition, EVERYWHERE, from EVERYBODY. And he's gonna mobilize the Army, the CIA, the black helicopters and the drones to do it, after the NSA taps your phone messages to identify the people who have the guns.

The NRA, the Tea Party and the Republicans, especially the ones in Texas have told us all of this, and it's only their heroic stance that has kept it from happening. Any suggestion that Texas Republicans might want to prevent ANYBODY ('cept Meskins and black folks) from owning a gun is a conspiracy and a fraud by the liberal-biased lame stream media.


Tuesday, February 25, 2014 4:25 PM


America loves a winner!

It's not just Obama, but the Left in general are behind registering and then confiscating private guns.

That a 18 year old could join the military and be trained in all manner of weaponry, doesn't seem to phase anyone. But if that same kid , as a private citizen, wanted to purchase a firearm for home defense, that's some how suppose to be some horrific, twisted flaw in society? Please explain.

And still denying the WMDs in Iraq ? Really?


Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, February 25, 2014 4:32 PM


Is it OK for Muslims to have guns in America?
Just asking.


Tuesday, February 25, 2014 4:37 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Oonjerah:

Is it OK for Muslims to have guns in America?
Just asking.

Muslims, blacks, gays... even if they're all 3.

But white males? Probably not for much longer.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, February 25, 2014 5:28 PM


Well, one problem I have with the notion of that restriction is how it kills people.

Okay, yes, people (a SMALLER percentage than those who die accidently drowning in 5gallon buckets) get capped fooling around, or by accident or misfortune, but *mostly* via lack of training (often blocked by so-called-liberals) in the use and safety of firearms....

But many more die by not having one to hand when they desperately *NEED* it in the face of a hostile and often dangerous society.

Case in point, as an emancipated 17yr old living in a neighborhood where you had to step over bodies lying in the street to get to the fucking grocery store, where you all but HAD to have one hand free for a weapon lest you be rushed by skells intent on taking what you have or slaughtering you for amusement - disarmament was a DEATH SENTENCE.
Sorry folks, there's what should be, and then there is what IS.
And *pretending* one doesn't make it the other.

I worked around this initially by aquiring via dubious means a replica blackpowder .440 Navy Colt, which is a difficult and dangerous thing to have or even use, and thankfully "upgraded" by way of clobbering and robbing a would-be attempted robber who tried to shoot me dead AFTER I handed over the dosh (lesson LEARNED, there!) and taking his Star 9mm, which I later traded for a greymarket Colt Mustang.

And yeah verily, it did totally piss me off when the US Army trusted me with every destructive device known to man, but upon my return a fast food joint wouldn't trust me with a fucking lunchmeat slicer - the deliberate, malicious infantilization of Youth designed to FORCE them to be dependant is no different than the same bracket of excuses once used to do so to minorities, and then women, it was bullshit then, and it is bullshit now.
And don't play me - cause age as number, fuckin A, we ALL know some people 30 and more we wouldn't trust with a box of goddamn crayons, so don't go telling me age has any bloody thing to do with it save as an EXCUSE.

Hell, when my ex's daughter reaches about 7-9 yrs old I plan to buy her a Cricket .22LR, and instruct her on weapon safety and use, as well as the morality of using such a thing - which is a far better notion than keeping her in the dark, feeding her bullshit and lies which become self-fulfilling prophecies, the same way the rightwing does with sex.

Anyways, do you have any IDEA how many college girls are raped and murdered because due to this asinine bit of law they are forbidden any means to defend themselves by a society and government which then does not in any way see to their protection ?

You ask me, we should lower age of majority (ALL rights thereof) to fifteen, effective immediately, and stop pretending that Youth is some kind of mental illness or disability.



Wednesday, February 26, 2014 12:44 AM


I'm pretty sure NOBC was being sarcastic. You may have missed that.


Wednesday, February 26, 2014 6:17 AM


Yeah, I did.



Originally posted by reaverfan:
I'm pretty sure NOBC was being sarcastic. You may have missed that.


Wednesday, February 26, 2014 10:52 AM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
I'm pretty sure NOBC was being sarcastic. You may have missed that.

Yepper, I was. I wondered if I was far enough over the top, or if I oughtta tag it. But SGG does point up the practical impossibility of the confiscation nuts.


Wednesday, February 26, 2014 8:39 PM


In the end, nothing matters on gun control unless you figure out how to buy homemade ammo or are really crafty yourself. Guns will never be banned, but finding bullets that are even remotely affordable, legally, will be nearly impossible by 2020.

We'll all have handguns 50 years from now. They'll even sell them to minors. Parents will even buy them as pacifiers for their babies.

Don't you know that DHS has already bought up most of the ammo? Whatever is left costs an arm and a leg and is usually sold out.

It's amazing. Your ideas can become fact. Just ask Chris Rock.


Wednesday, February 26, 2014 9:04 PM


America loves a winner!

I know a couple who make their own ammo.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Wednesday, February 26, 2014 9:58 PM


You've been reported, as have every person you have ever known and everyone with your surname.



Monday, March 3, 2014 1:45 PM


Frem, that was the point of the piece by HBO Sports, the lack of training of young folk. Anyone with half a brain, regardless of age can get their hands on guns.

"but *mostly* via lack of training (often blocked by so-called-liberals) in the use and safety of firearms...."

You make a valid point, with proper training and guidance, young and old should have better control of firearms. The 13 year old boy being able to obtain a weapon, with no proof of training, should be unacceptable in any society. You do run into some knuckleheads who are old enough to know better make foolish decisions and finish shooting someone for no good reason.

From what I've read and watched, a good portion of NRA members are solid responsible gun owners who teach and guide their children in proper firearm safety and responsibility. But, according to the report, the laws governing gun training and safety are scattered and erratic, and, oft times, insufficient to protect innocent bystanders from fatal and life-altering gun shots.







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