Pentatonix..... My new favorite band....

UPDATED: Tuesday, March 4, 2014 17:36
VIEWED: 1866
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Monday, March 3, 2014 4:05 PM


They're totally gay. I mean, I don't watch any news and hear anything about anyone, but I'm just judging off of youtube videos.


Even make Daft Punk relevant a decade later......

I know I've jacked to this girl in blue hair before. I didn't even realize that she was the only pair of balls between 5 people, 4 of them males.

No offense to the white dude with the hat. He probably had at least one nut in the equation.

Gay or not, I love everything they do on a mic.

Living the dream :)

Just enjoy the ride.....

EDITED TO ADD: Got to learn more about this band. Don't know any of their names, but the girl is so talented and amazing and beautiful. It amazes me that as much of their videos and the banter afterward that I never heard her voice unless she was saying "bye" with everyone else.

If that's shyness, that's not right. Shyness is the self-destructive internalization that a tween puts themselves needlessly through in junior high, and if they're lucky, have discarded by the time they're in HS.

For the rest of us.... HS was pretty crappy.

Without even asking for it, I was made to feel pretty popular at my 10-year. I clean up nicely. That rented outfit fit perfect and that limo sealed the deal.

I'm just joking. I'm a 34 year old male. Unless I'm ready to go out there and boldfaced lie to a girl, what am I doing in the ring?

I'm much more comfortable when everyone I know thinks I'm mired in poorness.

I don't have to ask anyone for favors, and nobody does to me in kind.

It's perfect, really....

Maybe Pentatonix has a song about perfection........?

Couldn't find one, so I'll just post my old stand-by......

If you didn't go to high school until after 2000, give it a listen now. Especially the last minute. Sonic perfection without the use of autotune or dubstep. Don't worry about the words. Nobody knows what they are. Why dwell on meaningless words when you can glide on a feeling?

Still haven't found a song this perfect yet.


Monday, March 3, 2014 4:24 PM


Have to give Gotye credit for an awesome "Police inspired" masterwork....

I figured the voice was too young, but I remember hearing this at work and asking the "truly" half-old folk if this was a Police song I never heard before.

F'king awesome.

This thread is about how anything Pentatonix touches is somehow better.

And with this song, that's a REALLY hard sell for this guy....


If you love that song kids, check out Syncronocity II:


Monday, March 3, 2014 4:36 PM


Speaking of somebody we used to know.... don't get me started on my ex.

I really dodged the bullet on that one....

One day she's in the Prom court at her HS. Two years later, she gets fired because her boss found her posting this pic of herself on her Facebook page while slandering the company.


Monday, March 3, 2014 6:09 PM


America loves a winner!

They've been around for a while before I'd heard of them. The blue haired chick's look is mesmerizing, to a point. The glitter strip down the nose is where I think it falls apart. I know they were going for something, but that sure as hell wasn't it. It looks like a last second attempt to finish her make up job, because they were running out of time. I dig everything else about her, though.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, March 4, 2014 4:01 PM


She could have diamonds pasted all the way down to her nether regions and I'm still in.

Obviously, a Jewish Princess, but you're not going to hear a single negative squeal out of me while I just sit back and admire her beauty and talent, all the while doing my best at 34 to not resent her youth.

It's not as if it's not something she won't understand herself 10 years from now....

I'm not saying she makes it, and I'm not judging how she'd be doing it, but if a beautiful girl like that isn't making over 2 grand a month it's because none of her mentors were entrapanuers and wasted her youth and beauty on nothing.....

Every single dollar I make for the rest of my life will be hard core earned.....

I am OFFICIALLY an unmarried Old Man....

Somebody called me an "old man" today......

I heald a silent vigil for my youth before coming back to one of my favorite places to be.

And, at least for today, I wonder if "Somebody I used to know" was a song written about himself. That's sure how I feel right now.....

He's always talking about the knives he's carrying. I don't remember how it started, but I said "you don't know me like that". I'm not one of your tattooed boyfriends.


I hope you're carrying one of those knives that you always say you have on you.

I don't need a knife to whip your ass old man, he said.

I just stared him dead in the eye and said I'm not that old as I went back to work.

I like the guy most times. He's one of those young and cocky idiot dipshits, but at his age I have to throw kudos for not being dead or incarcerated.

I'll show you and old man, friend.

I'll make your scary Daddy look like Bozo the Clown.

The smartest thing you can do if you're still "Thug 4 Life" at 24 and you're working with me is get the fuck out of the way.

I honestly feel genuine pity for you, and emotions are hard to come by these days....

STFU, young idiot....

I promise I won't steer you wrong, but if it ever comes down to it....

I can kill you with my mind.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014 4:59 PM


EDITED TO ADD: I've been working 12 hour shifts, so I usually catch a smoke when we used to be let off after 8.

He didn't mean nothing by any of it. He's just having fun. He was out there asking me questions about what work we were going to do tomorrow while his car warmed up.

That's how men handle shit....

Back in HS, it might have taken a few blows to the face, but we'd probably be friends for life for it.

That sounds like a great idea. He has 10 years of youth on me, but why not box? I know he doesn't have any training. I know I'm "old". I think it would be entertaining.

WTFN? right?


Tuesday, March 4, 2014 5:28 PM


Where are you Byte?

Where are you Wish?

Tell me how wrong I am :)

I'd ask Nikki, but she's still sore that I called her the "C" word 2 years ago.... :)


Tuesday, March 4, 2014 5:36 PM


Hehe... 10 hours of one of the best songs ever?

Sign me up!






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