Peer-reviewed scientific paper: Internet Trolls are Narcissistic, Machiavellian, psychopathic, and sadistic

UPDATED: Monday, August 5, 2024 15:49
VIEWED: 14523
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Monday, May 26, 2014 5:38 PM



Originally posted by MIKER:

The difference between what you are posting in response to my posts and SYGNYM is she used my post to be witty but instead was farcical. She cut and pasted my quotes and then started to suggest they were inadequate statements. Perhaps not even directed at me, but instead to dazzle us all with her wit, but at my expense. In doing so she claimed my comments to be irrelevant due to variables. The truth is the context in which the statements were made, was so basic there was no way to misinterpret them. Hence, her point was not relevant. That is what I would say to explain to you why she responded inaccurately to my post, while also being ignorant to the fact that she made me her dup. She did not see what I was saying but instead saw a way to be self-promoting with no regard for me.

My post back to SYGNYM was more respectful then hers to me if you think about it. I spoke directly to her and what she had posted using my quotes.

You are arguing your points to me in a very direct manner and your agenda is clear. You disagree with me and nothing more. Great I respect that.

Lastly I would suggest many like to use the holocaust to make points. I am not Jewish but I know they find it offensive. To them it was such a nightmare and violation, to use it in talks like this is to diminish its significance in history and even its horror. Not to mention disrespectful to their culture. My point is, there is no GOOD REASON to go there.

Yeah, I'm not really interested in whatever war you perceive to be conducting with signy.

I just wanted to clear up that what she wrote was clear and not gibberish and to point out that the middle way is not always the best solution. That being said, I probably do walk the middle way, not identifying greatly with either spectrum of politics in their entirety, but leaning towards the left with my views.

People use the nazi reference to demonstrate the ultimate outcome of extremism. More than anything it's kind of a tired reference rather than an offensive one, being overused. Of course if you're saying that they were lovely chaps, it would probably be considered offensive.


Monday, May 26, 2014 5:59 PM


Once I found Serenity


Monday, May 26, 2014 6:07 PM



Originally posted by MIKER:
Lets agree to disagree.

Ahh, Rappyish. I'm somewhat fluent in that, let me translate:
" I got nuthin'."


Monday, May 26, 2014 11:57 PM


Miker, I find you tedious, repetitive and incommunicado.
Long-winded: are you gettin' paid by the word in here?

Lest I forget the worst of it: You often misrepresent what
others are saying.

I didn't want to speak of you that way in the third person.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 12:08 AM



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by MIKER:
Lets agree to disagree.

Ahh, Rappyish. I'm somewhat fluent in that, let me translate:
" I got nuthin'."

And if he's not Rap that would make you a...?

1. Flaming Asshole
2. Horrible Browncoat - "where's the love?"
3. Flaming Asshole

Your choice.

I really don't understand why people are picking on Miker so much - just because Frem anointed him with Sock Puppettry? You can't think foryourself?

Or was it because he said Jeff Weldon can't direct films?

Chrisisall's job here is to identify sockpuppets. He's very good at it. Over the years he's correctly accused and convicted every conservative on the board as actually being Roger Maris.

And for the record, I've been a big fan of Jeff Weldon ever since he directed Stella Stevens in "Where Angels Go, PMS Follows".


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 12:58 AM


Once I found Serenity


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 1:09 AM



Tuesday, May 27, 2014 6:05 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by G: You can't think for yourself?

Or was it because he said Jeff Weldon can't direct films?

None of them can.

And I bet Jeff can't direct worth a damn.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 12:10 PM



Originally posted by Oonjerah:
Miker, I find you tedious, repetitive and incommunicado.
Long-winded: are you gettin' paid by the word in here?

Lest I forget the worst of it: You often misrepresent what
others are saying.

So did I, if you recall. On all of it. And even I never got this much hate.

I find myself just a little bit baffled here myself. Miker's only been on this part of the board for a month from what I can tell. Where's all this enmity come from?

I mean I've seen Miker mention left-wing stuff I'd normally thought Sig and other left wing types would agree with, like that Court thing and Snowden whistleblowing and the thing about global warming. I got a really strong impression he's left-wing himself.

So why is he getting called a new Rappy and a sockpuppet?

Is this what we do to new people nowadays? Speaking as someone who's been a bully to new people myself. What is going on here?

Yeah, Miker was rude. We all are from time to time. He didn't take well to some advice that was offered that he felt was insulting his intelligence, and which he in turn thought was rude, and so responded accordingly. In another thread I've just tracked down an argument got heated and it turned into a multi-way spray bath of rude, difficult to tell who started what as people joined up on sides. Why are any of us surprised by this?

This board. You know what's bizarre? This probably sounds unbelievable to most of you, but I think everyone here actually AGREES about most everything, but we let all the tonal inflections and emotional history and communication issues and snark get in the way of seeing what we're actually saying. :/


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 12:22 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
I sometimes have the disturbing feeling that it's me and one other poster with multiple personalities on this site.

This is a good part of the reason I left, only in my case I started wondering if I wasn't hallucinating everything and writing everyone's posts.

But then I came back a few months later and I'm pretty sure it all continued on without me, which was encouraging.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 12:41 PM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

So why is he getting called a new Rappy and a sockpuppet?

My very first impression was that he was Rappy in disguise. I backed off and let him talk. Then came the super-angry rant where he SUDDENLY could spell correctly and phrase things better. Most peeps I know lose it a bit in that department when their temper flares, they don't get BETTER at it. Then all the Rap-like phraseology & superiority attitude.
I agree with some of what he posts, but then he goes off on stuff (like Nixon being impeached) and it just seems like he's not for real. I mean, no one, not even Rappy is THAT dense... I mean...right?
So, MIKER, if you're NOT Rappy, quit fuckin' ending posts with that smug "I'm right/you're wrong" bullshit, okay? And stop refusing to face the fact that you may be in error occasionally. Rappy is the only one allowed to do that here.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 1:35 PM


Once I found Serenity


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 2:12 PM



Most peeps I know lose it a bit in that department when their temper flares, they don't get BETTER at it. Then all the Rap-like phraseology & superiority attitude.

I've actually seen that happen before, it's like the person suddenly started to take the conversation seriously. And that's why they also get trapped in this loop of not backing down. They're now invested in the argument.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 2:19 PM


Miker - hoo damn, somehow I missed that you necroposted this early on just to make a point about an argument you're apparently having in another thread.

Mal4Prez wasn't talking about you when she posted this, she didn't even know you.

I get you getting annoyed by the people coming down on you and being accused of unrelated matters in an argument and getting advice you don't want but I'm also starting to see that you're burning those bridges yourself too.

Look, I can safely say that it sounds like I've heard pretty much the exact same things you're hearing from other people around here only directed towards me. You're going to be hearing them a LOT. So, you might want to ask yourself if this is how you want to feel and spend your time, and decide accordingly. You can take a different approach, or even take a break if you feel like it.


You can look forward to hearing from me less because I need to refocus on my life and school.

Also, I thought you said you were in your fifties.

We have a fundamental issue of trust happening. I know you're a genuine firefly fan because I've seen you around elsewhere before you showed up here. But people here are aggressive, and they aren't trusting you because you're also being a bit aggressive. And when both sides are being aggressive and getting mad at each other, they're not so much talking as they are hitting their heads against a wall.

I don't think you're a sockpuppet. But I do think that maybe part of what's going on here is that maybe you aren't being true to yourself in an effort to... Maybe impress us? And you're getting angry because you don't think we're respecting you, so you're lashing out at us.

And really, you shouldn't be worrying about impressing any of us or getting respect from us at all. I mean, I just barely got back here, and everyone here can tell you I'm certifiably nuts. No one here is perfect. Just be yourself and don't take these arguments personal, even if it seems like people are getting insulting.

If I'd done that, I can tell you I would've been a lot happier in my time here.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 3:10 PM


Once I found Serenity


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 3:14 PM



Originally posted by G:
I really don't understand why people are picking on Miker so much - just because Frem anointed him with Sock Puppettry? You can't think for yourself?

Or was it because he said Jeff Weldon can't direct films?

G asked. I replied.
G, it's for none of the reasons you mention.
Miker earned this on his own. He worked at it, too.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 3:24 PM


Once I found Serenity


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 3:28 PM


Once I found Serenity


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 3:33 PM



I think it means me bumping a thread to keep it going or get a response to my last post. If so you are correct and perhaps it is something I should address about myself.

Yep, that's what I meant. Usually when a thread boils over into other threads, particularly old ones, it's a bad situation for everyone involved, you know?


Are you suggesting I do not answer those who are posting harsh or rude comments directed at me with a harsh rebuke? Are you suggesting I allow them to bully me into submission or into changing my thoughts because I fear retribution?

No no. Not at all. In fact I can remember with clarity once yelling FUCK YOU at some people here in all caps when I felt REALLY insulted about something I felt was being insinuated about me.

I regretted it later. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't defend yourself if you feel the need to defend yourself.

But it's also important to be aware of how you might come across. I'm getting the feeling that there are times when you kinda slip just a little bit of fun friendly trash talk into your argument when you feel like you're winning. But other people will probably find that really rude, and then they respond with some REAL rudeness, you see? And then when you get mad about that, it causes the whole thing to really escalate.


I wanted to impress upon you my desire to contribute honest and insightful posts. I still do.

I believe you. And I think it's unfortunate that people think you're a sockpuppet. I think it's unfortunate that one month on this board, and whatever events led up to it and whatever contributions there were to the situation, that a person can get labeled a sockpuppet.

And there's still a way to dig yourself out of that hole. And it's not by rolling over and showing your belly necessarily. It's by being yourself. I've seen some obvious differences between you and AURaptor, and that's why my response here was "wait what?" And I haven't even been following the board that closely, I hadn't even read the Nixon argument until about 30 minutes ago.

A LOT of people get aggressive in an argument and insist on being correct, that really can't be the measure of whether someone is "like AURaptor" because then we ALL are. I think if you keep posting, people will see that too. But, as always on this board, it can never hurt to take a more cautious track in what you say to people, and definitely try not to let anything get you angry.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 3:56 PM


Once I found Serenity


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 4:12 PM


Once I found Serenity


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 4:42 PM


Bit of clarification: I don't mean to watch what you say in the sense of oh no board big brother or anything, I mean that you never know how someone is going to take something over the internet. They might read into it something that wasn't intended, or miss something tonally that would make it a joke.

And it's surprisingly easy for people to get hurt/angry/upset over the internet. I've seen people actually get really despondent about things and I've had to talk them out of hurting themselves.

All I'm saying is that it's important to remember that behind all this faceless text is a person, not just an opponent.


It was easy for me to wrap my head around and when the truth is available for me to latch onto I will. I will concede to the better argument.

Well, it can be difficult to do that in the heat of the moment. But I think everyone here tries. That's the most anyone here can ask of anyone.


I found myself in a terrible fight with SYGNYM and got crazy mad when first starting to post here. I even suggested to her we avoid each other. I apologized to the other readers of the thread at the time because I thought it was extremely bad behavior on my part.

I don't think there's any person who's been here longer than a year who I haven't, in anger, tried to suggest we avoid each other or refused to talk with for a stretch of time.

The interesting thing is, there were a few times some of them agreed, but I actually still talk to EVERYONE here. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing from their perspective, but there it is.

They're actually all pretty good people, once you move past what you disagree about and start to see what you do agree about. The big picture stuff. Not like about whether or not Nixon was officially/fully impeached, but about whether he was a crook. Even the die-hard conservatives and liberals can agree with each other now and then, and they don't always like each other.

I try to get along with everyone because I can kinda see where people are coming from, even the ones that tend to get the most disagreement. Once you figure out what makes people tick, it's hard to think poorly of them, even if there's personal offense clouding up the view.


I see wrong in some of what I am doing here and improvement is my goal.

And that's admirable, and I think people will see that if you keep it up.

I think chiming in the way they do may be an unavoidable part of any place with a sense of community. Some people will be friends and they'll always come to each other's defense. And really, that's not necessarily a bad thing, but it is hard to be on the receiving end.


You destroy a person's reputation by telling bad things about them. These things don't even have to be true. However, if other people believe the stories that you are telling, then you will destroy the person's reputation.

All very true. That's why I look at it this way - at the best of times we might all be able to get along, even support each other for some spectacular real life efforts, but at the same time, we're all also anonymous. I'll never know if anyone is what they say they are, and they'll never know about me. So, I treat everyone like their own person and try not to think in terms of sockpuppets, and at the same time, I can't be concerned about my "reputation" or "credibility," because here, I don't technically have any.

And ultimately, if I'm arguing with someone about something, who I am or who they are isn't really on topic, it doesn't affect our opinions or the conversation.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 5:00 PM


Once I found Serenity


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 5:54 PM


people go batshit crazy on the internet. it's because you cant see each other, see the reaction. Normally no one would speak to another person in the way that they address one another on the Internet, no sane person anyway. Initially, the 'fuck you' and 'you're a jerk, troll, sockpuppet' is very freeing. All of us would probably love to say that to someone in RW at some point or another, but mostly we dont because of consequences. I have a few executive directors that I'd love to say 'listen, you know you are a destructive narcissist who everybody sees through....' or words to that affect. But I don't. I'd be sacked. So when you say something like this on the boards, its quite freeing. But there are still consequences, someone may end up getting hurt badly, just you might not see it. As Byte says, people can take it pretty badly and we might never know.....Scary thought.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 6:09 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
people go batshit crazy on the internet.

So, this is directed at ME? You talkin' to ME? Well, you must be, because I don't see any other batshit crazies here at the moment!
I resemble that remark! (sometimes)


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 6:18 PM


Once I found Serenity


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 6:42 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
people go batshit crazy on the internet.

So, this is directed at ME? You talkin' to ME? Well, you must be, because I don't see any other batshit crazies here at the moment!
I resemble that remark! (sometimes)

Hahaha. Seeing as everyone is really your sockpuppet, Chrissy, including me, I guess it would have to be directed at you.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 6:50 PM



I looked at your posts and found them to be short concise and polite. My response back became belligerent and hateful and more of a group directed response.

Yeah, it can be pretty difficult in an heated argument to not view all the opposition as the same entity. I think that's a big part of what happened as well.

I think it says a lot that you're apologizing. :)


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 6:54 PM


Once I found Serenity


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 7:17 PM


There is more than one way to be a jerk on these kind of boards. You get your overt types who are blatantly rude.

"fuck off"
"You libtards"
etc etc

Then you get a more subtle kind. The ones who like to wind others up, hijack threads and arguments, misrepresent the views of others, cross thread posting.

Overt and covert conflict behaviours. They can both be destructive. One is harder to name than the other. You are left with a sense of being manipulated or insulted but you can't as easily work out why.

Me, I cope with the overt types better. You know what you get. The other kind drive me nuts.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 7:31 PM


Once I found Serenity


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 8:30 PM


This has gotten fun.

Miker - the reason I'm in and out of here is because I have things to do. I've been a member of this site for many years, and I no longer feel the need to catch every new post as it happens. I catch up when I feel like it.

I feel like it now.

I have two replies for you. This is #1: In the case that you're a real boy, so to speak.

You sound like you're old enough and been around the web enough to grok that a poster diving into a fairly old (in Firefly years) chat site with both feet like you did here is rare. We do not often get new posters who are so bombastic and fearlessly opinionated as have been. Even in the age of internet "FU troll!" rudeness, real humans tend to sniff around a site and get to know its posters for a time before they start swinging 2x4's.

That is, unless the newb already has ideas about the site and the posters and the direction to swing at... Every time I've noticed someone making an entrance like yours, they have turned out to be little wooden boys, not real ones.

Forgive my excessive superiority in assuming I'm in a position to offer advice, but I think it'd help you out: take some time to learn a site's history before you get yourself mixed up in it. Things will go better for you next time, and you won't be confused for something that perhaps you're not.

What trolls reveal about themselves when they troll:


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 8:37 PM


Reply #2: Storytime

Imagine a web site with a long history of a few posters being nuts, such as

"The beauty of all of this is that the River6213 that you are suggesting to take meds today, was the person yesterday you were praising, but under another name. I feel so clever right now.

I am 19 characters on this board and a few of them I made bad characters which you guys hate. The remaining you guys like. I am so good, or crazy...I'm trying to figure out which is it. I must confess though. I love the River6213 character. "


"I have 19 accounts and some of my characters you people really respect. I felt it was important to have characters that you didn not respect. I needed a balance in this whole mix in order to be here."

I can't find the thread where she had a complete breakdown and argued with herself with days. Awesome. Then she disappeared. She'd given herself away, at least on several of those 19 accounts.

Imagine that as the years go on a few posters emerge as masterfully brilliant manipulative trolls, and they are so good at it that they make every damned thread all about themselves. Over and over, threads devolve into a reasonable, smart-seeming poster trying over and over to convince a stubborn, almost comically illogical poster to see the light. Without fail, the other posters fall in line, choose sides, and swing away. Each thread becomes all about that troll. Many reasonable, honest posters are driven away, either by frustration or boredom.

Imagine that another poster looks into the history of RWED and observes the pattern. The poster pokes "Reasonable" for having such a long history with "Troll." After a few pokes, Reasonable and Troll quit dancing. The thrill is gone?

Other things change too. Troll kind of fades, not having a dance partner. Reasonable undergoes a strange personality shift, suddenly much more aggressive towards all posters as well as more strongly opinionated, not open to debate like she used to be, and seeming to take a different political stance on some issues. At least, a much stronger one.

Enter a "New" poster. New takes some time to establish himself as a fan and a nice reasonable guy with views the complete opposite as the old, diminished Troll. New makes friends with others who share his views. Strangely, in a very short time New is drawn into spats with Reasonable that sound strangely like the old Reasonable/Troll spats, but the sides have switched. Those who used to side with Reasonable are now against her, and hence, on the side of "New." Interesting, right? New should be digging right in, getting to know those who used to hate on Troll so much! Except that, oddly, they get strange twinges about the way he handles himself...

OK, storytime is over.

Except to say: Miker, perhaps you are a real boy and the self-reflection and apology in this thread are real. That is a possibility. It's also exactly what a master manipulator would do when they feel their control slipping, and they need to get everyone back on their side.

Will I ever know which of my two replies is best suited to you? Nah. And that's OK. Frankly, nothing you say will ever convince me that you are real, not at this point. Meeting you in real life is all that would do it, and that's not likely.

I will always include reply #1 on the off chance that you are real, because if you are you must be damned confused LOL! But there's just too much walking like a duck and talking like a duck involved here. I don't see a swan.

What trolls reveal about themselves when they troll:


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 9:09 PM


Once I found Serenity


Tuesday, May 27, 2014 9:58 PM


Feh, I been known to wind up folks on purpose, or even a bit of trolling, it's actually kind of difficult to make it both really obvious, and such perfect schmuckbait people can't help themselves - it's an art, really.

As for becoming more eloquent when enraged, well, not much I can say to that one save that the tunnelvision and hyperfocus of being rage-engaged is certainly a clarifying experience for some, yanno ?

Of course, those with suspicions have noticed things like timestamps, and alluding to knowledge which existed prior to the account creation date - which might make some a little dubious, yes.



Tuesday, May 27, 2014 10:30 PM


Once I found Serenity


Wednesday, May 28, 2014 8:21 AM


Nancy Boys - seriously?


Wednesday, May 28, 2014 11:06 AM



And some of you look like real Nancy boys trying to tell him how to post - really? So all those Great Big Ideals about Free Speech that get argued over ad nauseum only mean something outside of here?

I was just giving advice. But if you find that offensive or hypocritical, then I will stop.


Wednesday, May 28, 2014 11:42 AM


Hey MIKER, I'm from New York! Describe some of it to me & that way I can forever drop any notion of sockpuppetry, okay?


Wednesday, May 28, 2014 12:07 PM


Once I found Serenity


Wednesday, May 28, 2014 12:09 PM


Once I found Serenity


Wednesday, May 28, 2014 12:39 PM



Originally posted by MIKER:
My high school was North Rockland

I'm from Schenectady (when young) & later Long Island. Used to hang at Bear Mt. on occasion & had a fiend in Ramsey.
Small world.


Wednesday, May 28, 2014 12:42 PM


Once I found Serenity


Wednesday, May 28, 2014 12:51 PM


As to the original post, I'm sure there's nothing more annoying than an educated troll....

Sorry about that!

So says 6ix,

Defender of the Proletariat!

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, May 28, 2014 1:49 PM



Originally posted by MIKER:
Bear Mountain was to me my back yard. It is below West Point. Did you got to the Zoo there?

Didn't know there was a zoo there, we stuck to the grassy hills. A friend's dog got a fish hook stuck in his nose, what a fish hook was doing in the grass I'll never know.

Ramsey NJ?

Yep. I also hung out in Carmel once- sorta close.


Wednesday, May 28, 2014 1:59 PM


Once I found Serenity


Wednesday, May 28, 2014 2:24 PM


Okay, I is sorry.


Wednesday, May 28, 2014 2:31 PM


Once I found Serenity


Wednesday, May 28, 2014 3:01 PM



Originally posted by MIKER:
Figures I'd be butting heads with a fellow New Yorker.

Fuckin' A!


Sunday, August 10, 2014 7:38 PM


Originally posted by MIKER:


Mistakes do happen but not this time. When I did mistake your post for being hostel towards me, (the other post) you could have just pointed it out. After all you did recognize it as being a mistake and not directed at you? It does get a little confusing all these posts and all. So why did you respond the way you did????

I see with you, it is self praise your into. I love reading how you have my personality figured out. How you are so hip to me. So, your the groups psychoanalyst. I have enjoyed watching you slink in and out of conversations. Reappearing long enough to school the rest of us on our delusions or ignorance as perceived by you, only to disappear again. A bit of a narcissist huh.

"Again I can do nothing but point and laugh. I have not argued with "Miker" before tonight. On purpose. To flush you out".

This is a quote from you and appears to me to be narcissistic and even sadistic behavior. What do you think, your the expert?

"Sig undergoes an extreme change in personality after I poke her/it about her years-old symbiosis with Rap".

Another quote from you. You're so hip to us all. Yep, the psychoanalyst. I love the way you explain to the other participants in the thread what you are up to and how you have proceeded so brilliantly, because with you, that's what its really about is it not?

Which is why you have this link in your signature:
"Peer-reviewed scientific paper: Internet Trolls are Narcissistic, Machiavellian, psychopathic, and sadistic".

Yeah, you have to show all how you are so brilliant and can stalk your victim coming in for the kill with your super wit to expose our psychosis. You pick something here someone said and pick something there someone said, because really, offering some new insight into the discussion is not what you are about. Coming to the rescue is. Trying to be everyone's champion is. After the setup of pretending to offer some new truth( which is usually little more than something you have cut and pasted ), you character assonate the one you have picked for that particular performance.

"Trolls are Narcissistic", and judging from what you have written in the posts I am responding to, I would say that title fits you just fine.

Your problem is, you have no arrows in you quiver.

Nope, not impressed at all.

"Again I can do nothing but point and laugh. I have not argued with "Miker" before tonight. On purpose. To flush you out".

That quote is pretty sadistic don't ya think? Both narcissistic and sadistic. Quite a combo.

My turn to flush you out. How do you like it? I waited for you to respond to this post in the other thread, but like I say above in this post, your style is to post and run, in and out. Your little quote here is just a small part of the smart ass posts about me in the other thread. Now this post will show up every time you send someone hear with your signature. You want to play, OK.






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