CNN reports Obamanomics receding economy due to global warming.

UPDATED: Monday, December 20, 2021 04:14
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Thursday, May 29, 2014 7:36 PM


Heard it today. After Obama's bloated figures of 0.1% growth of economy was correctly to the true value of a full 1.0% shrink, or receding economy (2nd month in a row), CNN blames it on the cold weather.
How long after Obamanomics' 8-year recession will it finally be revealed as the Greatest Depression Ever?


Thursday, May 29, 2014 8:20 PM


I'm surprised they didn't blame it on the missing airliner.


Thursday, May 29, 2014 8:24 PM


America loves a winner!

Obama and the US economy -

( Also applies to the O-Care website, the VA scandal, IRS targeting of TEA party groups, Fast and Furious gun running... )


Thursday, May 29, 2014 10:23 PM


Don't tell Wall Street the economy sucks. Stocks and market ETFs are at record high prices.


Friday, May 30, 2014 1:07 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

It's no secret or mystery that harsh winters disrupt economic activity.

And it's the first time the economy has contracted in years, if I'm not mistaken (and one quarter of negative growth does not make a recession, technically). It's not a recession (and certainly not a depression), it's just a weak recovery. Can anyone show me a recovery from a financial crisis that has been strong?

It's not personal. It's just war.


Friday, May 30, 2014 1:45 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The economy... the REAL economy of production/ consumption (as opposed to the financial economy of loans and speculation) is in the shitter. We can tell what the REAL economy is doing by looking at the participation rate instead of the unemployment rate or the GDP, both of which are massaged so heavily they don't bear the slightest resemblance to reality anymore.

But it's not all Obama's fault, because we can lay the blame at the feet of every President since Reagan, who pandered to money instead of promoting a balanced and self-reliant economy. (BTW, that's every President, no exceptions) However, a special shout-out goes to GWB, who cut taxes for the rich, hemorrhaged money into endless shithole wars, and prevented the states from prosecuting predatory/fraudulent lenders.

So, "Thank you, GWB!" for setting us on the path to perdition, and "Thank YOU, Obama!" for selling us out to the highest bidder!


Friday, May 30, 2014 5:56 PM



Originally posted by kpo:
It's no secret or mystery that harsh winters disrupt economic activity.

And it's the first time the economy has contracted in years, if I'm not mistaken (and one quarter of negative growth does not make a recession, technically). It's not a recession (and certainly not a depression), it's just a weak recovery. Can anyone show me a recovery from a financial crisis that has been strong?

It's not personal. It's just war.

Used to be 2 straight months or contraction defined recession. Now that we've had two, must wait for 3 I guess.


Friday, May 30, 2014 11:33 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by kpo:
It's no secret or mystery that harsh winters disrupt economic activity.

And it's the first time the economy has contracted in years, if I'm not mistaken (and one quarter of negative growth does not make a recession, technically). It's not a recession (and certainly not a depression), it's just a weak recovery. Can anyone show me a recovery from a financial crisis that has been strong?

It's not personal. It's just war.

Used to be 2 straight months or contraction defined recession. Now that we've had two, must wait for 3 I guess.

It's 2 consecutive quarters, i.e. half a year. And signs are that the economy has already bounced back from the previous quarter, and so this won't qualify as a recession.

It's not personal. It's just war.


Monday, June 2, 2014 4:38 PM



Originally posted by kpo:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by kpo:
It's no secret or mystery that harsh winters disrupt economic activity.

And it's the first time the economy has contracted in years, if I'm not mistaken (and one quarter of negative growth does not make a recession, technically). It's not a recession (and certainly not a depression), it's just a weak recovery. Can anyone show me a recovery from a financial crisis that has been strong?

It's not personal. It's just war.

Used to be 2 straight months or contraction defined recession. Now that we've had two, must wait for 3 I guess.

It's 2 consecutive quarters, i.e. half a year. And signs are that the economy has already bounced back from the previous quarter, and so this won't qualify as a recession.

It's not personal. It's just war.

This correction was the second one.


Monday, June 2, 2014 4:43 PM



Originally posted by kpo:
It's no secret or mystery that harsh winters disrupt economic activity.

And it's the first time the economy has contracted in years, if I'm not mistaken (and one quarter of negative growth does not make a recession, technically). It's not a recession (and certainly not a depression), it's just a weak recovery. Can anyone show me a recovery from a financial crisis that has been strong?

It's not personal. It's just war.

Recovery from Carter: Reaganomics 777 Dow to almost 12,000 Dow in 1999/2000
Recovery from 2001 (started bear market in 2000, under Clinton): about 7700 Dow to 14,000 Dow in Oct 2007 (onset of First FY of the Rock the Vote Recession Dem takeover of Congress)


Monday, June 2, 2014 5:59 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by kpo:
It's no secret or mystery that harsh winters disrupt economic activity.

But 1kiki and the warm-mongers claim this was a hot winter, or at least warmer than usual, so that can't be it at all.


Monday, June 2, 2014 6:46 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by kpo:
It's no secret or mystery that harsh winters disrupt economic activity.

And it's the first time the economy has contracted in years, if I'm not mistaken (and one quarter of negative growth does not make a recession, technically). It's not a recession (and certainly not a depression), it's just a weak recovery. Can anyone show me a recovery from a financial crisis that has been strong?

It's not personal. It's just war.

Recovery from Carter: Reaganomics 777 Dow to almost 12,000 Dow in 1999/2000
Recovery from 2001 (started bear market in 2000, under Clinton): about 7700 Dow to 14,000 Dow in Oct 2007 (onset of First FY of the Rock the Vote Recession Dem takeover of Congress)

No, I mean banking crises like the one in 2007/08. Back in 2009 economists Rogoff and Reinhart did this study - 'The Aftermath of Financial Crisis', comparing past recoveries from financial crises and predicting that the recovery to this one would be slow, and difficult:

Given how bad the 07/08 crisis was, the recovery has actually been pretty good, compared to other crises:

It's not personal. It's just war.


Monday, June 2, 2014 7:22 PM



Originally posted by kpo:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by kpo:
It's no secret or mystery that harsh winters disrupt economic activity.

And it's the first time the economy has contracted in years, if I'm not mistaken (and one quarter of negative growth does not make a recession, technically). It's not a recession (and certainly not a depression), it's just a weak recovery. Can anyone show me a recovery from a financial crisis that has been strong?

It's not personal. It's just war.

Recovery from Carter: Reaganomics 777 Dow to almost 12,000 Dow in 1999/2000
Recovery from 2001 (started bear market in 2000, under Clinton): about 7700 Dow to 14,000 Dow in Oct 2007 (onset of First FY of the Rock the Vote Recession Dem takeover of Congress)

No, I mean banking crises like the one in 2007/08. Back in 2009 economists Rogoff and Reinhart did this study - 'The Aftermath of Financial Crisis', comparing past recoveries from financial crises and predicting that the recovery to this one would be slow, and difficult:

Given how bad the 07/08 crisis was, the recovery has actually been pretty good, compared to other crises:


It's not personal. It's just war.

Sorry, the bottom of the Rock The Vote Recession was 9 March 2009, and since then Obama has only devalued the dollar, it has made no real gains until very recently. If you want to understand, look at how much gold you could buy with the DJIA in March 2009, and every month since then until last fall. Each time, your devalued dollar could purchase less and less grams of gold.
Yes, the numerical amount of the dollar increased, but those numbers were more and more useless for comparison.


Monday, June 2, 2014 7:24 PM


Sorry, try again. This has been debunked. Once again, you are demonstrably in error, and ensconced in the endless anti-whom-you-hate bullshit. Feel free to go on, and prove yourself more the idiot than you have already (Heh, if that's even possible at this point).
You proved me right here.


Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:31 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


If you want to understand, look at how much gold you could buy with the DJIA in March 2009, and every month since then until last fall. Each time, your devalued dollar could purchase less and less grams of gold.

Right, compare it to the price of gold which has done this:

By this way of 'understanding' things, every currency in the world has depreciated...

It's not personal. It's just war.


Wednesday, June 4, 2014 7:41 PM



Originally posted by kpo:

If you want to understand, look at how much gold you could buy with the DJIA in March 2009, and every month since then until last fall. Each time, your devalued dollar could purchase less and less grams of gold.

Right, compare it to the price of gold which has done this:

By this way of 'understanding' things, every currency in the world has depreciated...

Not sure if you are catching on, or if you are not and are being sarcastic.
Yes, that chart shows US Dollar prices for gold. Devaluating the US Dollar means it will cost more to buy the same amount of gold, or other precious commodity.
Yes, with many of the world markets participating in the US Stock Market, many currencies will also become devaluated. This does not deflect from the fact that Obama is causing the devaluation, and that is the reason for the artificial increase in the numerical assignment of value to stocks or gold.

Any casual observer can clearly see that the steepest part of that chart starts in 2008 when Obamination was elected.
Obama is really hoping you all are too stupid to realize the higher numbers are just his scam.


Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:39 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

Ok, dumb moment. Didn't realise that the gold in the chart was priced in dollars. Still, the simplest explanation for the $ and all other major currencies devaluing versus gold is that gold has gone up in value.


Obama is really hoping you all are too stupid to realize the higher numbers are just his scam.

How will this scam end? What kind of financial catastrophe are we headed for, if your analysis is correct? At the moment people are too stupid to realise the scam because the dollar in their pocket still has its value (unless you're buying gold). Presumably things will fall apart and the pain will hit them eventually?

It's not personal. It's just war.


Saturday, June 7, 2014 1:32 PM



Originally posted by kpo:
Ok, dumb moment. Didn't realise that the gold in the chart was priced in dollars. Still, the simplest explanation for the $ and all other major currencies devaluing versus gold is that gold has gone up in value.


Obama is really hoping you all are too stupid to realize the higher numbers are just his scam.

How will this scam end? What kind of financial catastrophe are we headed for, if your analysis is correct? At the moment people are too stupid to realise the scam because the dollar in their pocket still has its value (unless you're buying gold). Presumably things will fall apart and the pain will hit them eventually?

Do you remember when a barrel full of Whermarks (German dollars) was needed to buy a loaf of bread? That was due to the devaluation of the currency. The dollar is getting us less far, the prices are rising. In a global economy, the rising costs of whatever China wants to charge us for everything we need but no longer make here will take more and more of our dollars to purchase.
Mlik does fall out your ceiling, it must be prepared, trucked, processed, the glass or paper container must be created - these cost actual money, require real resources, the value of which must be adjusted for the devaluating dollar - and these costs pass on to you and I.
If you think there has been no effect on our purchasing power, then why is everybody whining about making the minimum wage $15/hr? That is more than double the current rate, right? Since the dollar is less than half its prior worth, can you not see the correlation? Have you not noticed bread costing twice as much as only a few years ago?


Monday, December 20, 2021 4:14 AM



Originally posted by kpo:
Ok, dumb moment. Didn't realise that the gold in the chart was priced in dollars. Still, the simplest explanation for the $ and all other major currencies devaluing versus gold is that gold has gone up in value.

Obama is really hoping you all are too stupid to realize the higher numbers are just his scam.
How will this scam end? What kind of financial catastrophe are we headed for, if your analysis is correct? At the moment people are too stupid to realise the scam because the dollar in their pocket still has its value (unless you're buying gold). Presumably things will fall apart and the pain will hit them eventually?

It's not personal. It's just war.

The better answer to this question is the end of the Obamination scam is the onset of Trumpinomics. Lower prices, economy and markets get back up to speed, more jobs, more profits, everything better except Libtard crazies in Fake News media.






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