House Republicans vote to sue President Obama

UPDATED: Sunday, August 3, 2014 23:26
VIEWED: 3953
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Thursday, July 31, 2014 3:11 AM


House Republicans vote to sue President Obama


The US House of Representatives has passed a resolution to sue President Barack Obama for allegedly exceeding his constitutional powers.

The 225-201 vote along party lines means House lawyers will now draft legal documents to launch a lawsuit.

Its supporters say Mr Obama exceeded his powers when he delayed an insurance deadline in his healthcare law.

The president himself has dismissed it as a waste of time. "Everyone sees this as a political stunt," he said.

"If they're not going to do anything, we'll do what we can on our own," the president added.

"And we've taken more than 40 actions aimed at helping hardworking families like yours. That's when we act - when your Congress won't."

The action is reportedly the first time either the House or Senate has brought legal action against a president over the legality of his powers, although members of Congress have sued the president before.

Republicans in Congress have complained that Mr Obama has exceeded his constitutional authority on numerous occasions, in order to bypass Congress by issuing executive orders.

They object, for instance, to his order unilaterally easing deportations of some young illegal immigrants, and the prison exchange that won the release of a US soldier held captive for five years by the Taliban.

"This isn't about Republicans or Democrats. It's about defending the Constitution we swore an oath to," Speaker John Boehner said during an impassioned debate in the House on Wednesday evening.

"Are you willing to let any president choose what laws to execute and what laws to change?"

At issue was Mr Obama's decision to twice delay requirements in his 2010 healthcare overhaul that businesses over a certain size provide their workers with health insurance.

Mr Obama has been forthright about his intentions to circumvent the gridlocked Congress when possible, noting frequently that the Republican-controlled House of Representatives has declined even to hold votes on Senate-passed bills on topics from immigration reform to gay rights.


As far back as January, White House aides began referring to the president's "pen and phone" strategy - using his telephone to convene meetings at the White House and his pen to sign executive orders and changes to federal regulations.

Every US president since George Washington has issued executive orders, and Mr Obama has not stood out in the modern era for the number he has signed.

In his six years in office Mr Obama has issued 183 executive orders, compared to 291 across George W Bush's eight years and 381 for Ronald Reagan, according to a study by the American Presidency Project at the University of California-Santa Barbara.

But Republicans insist Mr Obama has selectively enforced laws duly passed by Congress, upsetting the balance of powers written into the constitution.

"Such a shift in power should alarm members of both political parties because it threatens the very institution of the Congress," the Republicans wrote in report accompanying the House legislation.



Thursday, July 31, 2014 8:02 AM


I can see it now ... Blinky The Process Server crashing through the Secret Service protection to serve papers on Obama while he's leaning over to place his tee in the ground.


Thursday, July 31, 2014 10:11 AM


I mean... On one hand, they've got a point, you can't just let someone be a dictator. And the point of congress, the high courts, and the legal system is to challenge interpretations of the law in order to keep the law within some agreed upon interpretation of the constitution.

On the other hand, the term "Executive Power" expressly means the power to execute laws passed by congress. Choosing to delay enactment at the President's discretion due to outstanding issues with those laws and to smooth transition technically falls under that scope.

The better approach is to focus on Obama's illegal appointments that Congress wasn't given a chance to approve. My opinions aside and strategically speaking it's a good move that they're going with a civil case on this.

More practically speaking, I'm trying to wrap my mind around how on earth it works for people with their salaries paid for by tax payers to sue someone who's salary is paid for by taxpayers in a trial paid for by taxpayers.

Where... Where does the money go? It's like reverse money inception. It's money paradox. Do they roll it into cigars and burn it in the back room?


Thursday, July 31, 2014 10:25 AM


The congress will have to show it personally suffered in some way as a result of the delay implemented, in the Insurance deadline in the health care law. They are not going to be able to do it. Instead, to much of the country I’m sure, it looks like what it is. A personal attack against the President and another waste of tax payer dollars in pursuit of shoring up the Republican base. Good luck with that.

“In early 2006, the Bush administration encountered these exact same problems in implementing Medicare Part D, the prescription drug program for Medicare recipients.

“The program was smaller in scope than the Affordable Care Act, of course. But a Congressional Research Service report on the implementation of Medicare Part D dated Feb. 6, 2006, shows remarkable similarities.


Thursday, July 31, 2014 2:39 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
The congress will have to show it personally suffered in some way as a result of the delay implemented, in the Insurance deadline in the health care law. They are not going to be able to do it.

I wondered about that. In a civil lawsuit, isn't one of the arguments about whether or not the plaintiff has standing to sue? If not, the judge can dismiss the whole thing, can't he? Happens all the time, doesn't it?

Be interesting to see how Boner makes that argument.


Thursday, July 31, 2014 5:33 PM



Originally posted by NewOldBrownCoat:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
The congress will have to show it personally suffered in some way as a result of the delay implemented, in the Insurance deadline in the health care law. They are not going to be able to do it.

I wondered about that. In a civil lawsuit, isn't one of the arguments about whether or not the plaintiff has standing to sue? If not, the judge can dismiss the whole thing, can't he? Happens all the time, doesn't it?

Be interesting to see how Boner makes that argument.

I haven't been able to see how they will ever be able to show standing. They are the only body in the world with the Constitutional wherewithal and authority to correct and balance the Executive's errors - with the Impeachment Powers. Boner is a moron - most folks assume he is trying to lose the conflict.


Thursday, July 31, 2014 5:42 PM


America loves a winner!

No one, on either side of the aisle, wants to see President Joe Biden

No one.


Thursday, July 31, 2014 7:53 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

No one, on either side of the aisle, wants to see President Joe Biden

No one.

He's a funny guy. He'll at least amuse us.


Thursday, July 31, 2014 7:53 PM


"Wait Tommy, you got it all wrong ...

He's a big boy Anthony. He knows what he said."


Thursday, July 31, 2014 9:52 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
I can see it now ... Blinky The Process Server crashing through the Secret Service protection to serve papers on Obama while he's leaning over to place his tee in the ground.

Funniest post of the week. Period.


Friday, August 1, 2014 4:59 AM


You mean, they actually worked.....................



Originally posted by AgentRouka:

House Republicans vote to sue President Obama


The US House of Representatives has passed a resolution to sue President Barack Obama for allegedly exceeding his constitutional powers.

The 225-201 vote along party lines means House lawyers will now draft legal documents to launch a lawsuit.

Its supporters say Mr Obama exceeded his powers when he delayed an insurance deadline in his healthcare law.

The president himself has dismissed it as a waste of time. "Everyone sees this as a political stunt," he said.

"If they're not going to do anything, we'll do what we can on our own," the president added.

"And we've taken more than 40 actions aimed at helping hardworking families like yours. That's when we act - when your Congress won't."

The action is reportedly the first time either the House or Senate has brought legal action against a president over the legality of his powers, although members of Congress have sued the president before.

Republicans in Congress have complained that Mr Obama has exceeded his constitutional authority on numerous occasions, in order to bypass Congress by issuing executive orders.

They object, for instance, to his order unilaterally easing deportations of some young illegal immigrants, and the prison exchange that won the release of a US soldier held captive for five years by the Taliban.

"This isn't about Republicans or Democrats. It's about defending the Constitution we swore an oath to," Speaker John Boehner said during an impassioned debate in the House on Wednesday evening.

"Are you willing to let any president choose what laws to execute and what laws to change?"

At issue was Mr Obama's decision to twice delay requirements in his 2010 healthcare overhaul that businesses over a certain size provide their workers with health insurance.

Mr Obama has been forthright about his intentions to circumvent the gridlocked Congress when possible, noting frequently that the Republican-controlled House of Representatives has declined even to hold votes on Senate-passed bills on topics from immigration reform to gay rights.


As far back as January, White House aides began referring to the president's "pen and phone" strategy - using his telephone to convene meetings at the White House and his pen to sign executive orders and changes to federal regulations.

Every US president since George Washington has issued executive orders, and Mr Obama has not stood out in the modern era for the number he has signed.

In his six years in office Mr Obama has issued 183 executive orders, compared to 291 across George W Bush's eight years and 381 for Ronald Reagan, according to a study by the American Presidency Project at the University of California-Santa Barbara.

But Republicans insist Mr Obama has selectively enforced laws duly passed by Congress, upsetting the balance of powers written into the constitution.

"Such a shift in power should alarm members of both political parties because it threatens the very institution of the Congress," the Republicans wrote in report accompanying the House legislation.



Friday, August 1, 2014 9:17 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

This is the next best thing to passing laws to actually benefit the country, I guess.

It's not personal. It's just war.


Friday, August 1, 2014 12:28 PM


The delusion is strong in the house.


Friday, August 1, 2014 1:34 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

No one, on either side of the aisle, wants to see President Joe Biden

No one.

Haha! Oh man.

That was awesome, full credit AU.


Saturday, August 2, 2014 6:43 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by kpo:
This is the next best thing to passing laws to actually benefit the country, I guess.

It's not personal. It's just war.

If it's the lack of passage of laws you're annoyed with, then blame Harry Reid and Obama. Not the GOP

(CNS News) – House Republicans joined Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, for a “Fire Harry Reid” rally near the steps of the Capitol on Tuesday, saying he should lose his job because he has not acted on any of the more than 300 bills passed by the House and sent to the Senate.

“It’s time to fire Harry Reid,” Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) said at the rally, standing next to a towering pile of the bills.

Blackburn and other speakers listed the bills by category: 43 deal with job creation, 31 to reign in government spending, 15 in support of veterans and numerous on energy, including H.R. 3 to approve the construction, operation and maintenance of the Keystone XL pipeline. The latter has been under review by the Obama administration for more almost six years:


Saturday, August 2, 2014 11:24 PM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by G:
I love this: "In his six years in office Mr Obama has issued 183 executive orders, compared to 291 across George W Bush's eight years and 381 for Ronald Reagan, according to a study by the American Presidency Project at the University of California-Santa Barbara."

"I broke the law three times when I got speeding tickets. My neighbor only did so once when he murdered his wife."

Unless you measure the impact of all the executive orders and compare that, numbers of executive orders are pretty much a useless comparison.

"When your heart breaks, you choose what to fill the cracks with. Love or hate. But hate won't ever heal. Only love can do that."


Sunday, August 3, 2014 12:44 AM


It is a game for the brilliant GOP, first do-nothing, then sue the president for trying to fix their mess, stir gently (so as not to appear that you're doing something) then turn around and blame the president for overstepping his bounds (which is ludicrous since he is merely following Constitutional measures for his office).

Not only that but they actually told him to go ahead and do his job by administering Exec Orders to address the self-same problem they refuse to deal with. The so-called emergency border crisis, which they claim the president diabolically created. WTF!?

They vote to sue the president for writing too many laws via Exec Orders, then they tell him to handle the crisis, they say he created, and do exactly what they're suing him for.


It is a game, a dangerous one, that the right wing of the party is playing as part of a 2014 Mid-Term elections campaign to discredit the president, and the Democratic party. Led by everybody's favorite son of Cuba via Canada, Ted Cruz (you see what I did there, I used the right wing propaganda tactic of muddying up the waters to deflect from the truth).




Originally posted by AgentRouka:

House Republicans vote to sue President Obama


The US House of Representatives has passed a resolution to sue President Barack Obama for allegedly exceeding his constitutional powers.

The 225-201 vote along party lines means House lawyers will now draft legal documents to launch a lawsuit.

Its supporters say Mr Obama exceeded his powers when he delayed an insurance deadline in his healthcare law.

The president himself has dismissed it as a waste of time. "Everyone sees this as a political stunt," he said.

"If they're not going to do anything, we'll do what we can on our own," the president added.

"And we've taken more than 40 actions aimed at helping hardworking families like yours. That's when we act - when your Congress won't."

The action is reportedly the first time either the House or Senate has brought legal action against a president over the legality of his powers, although members of Congress have sued the president before.

Republicans in Congress have complained that Mr Obama has exceeded his constitutional authority on numerous occasions, in order to bypass Congress by issuing executive orders.

They object, for instance, to his order unilaterally easing deportations of some young illegal immigrants, and the prison exchange that won the release of a US soldier held captive for five years by the Taliban.

"This isn't about Republicans or Democrats. It's about defending the Constitution we swore an oath to," Speaker John Boehner said during an impassioned debate in the House on Wednesday evening.

"Are you willing to let any president choose what laws to execute and what laws to change?"

At issue was Mr Obama's decision to twice delay requirements in his 2010 healthcare overhaul that businesses over a certain size provide their workers with health insurance.

Mr Obama has been forthright about his intentions to circumvent the gridlocked Congress when possible, noting frequently that the Republican-controlled House of Representatives has declined even to hold votes on Senate-passed bills on topics from immigration reform to gay rights.


As far back as January, White House aides began referring to the president's "pen and phone" strategy - using his telephone to convene meetings at the White House and his pen to sign executive orders and changes to federal regulations.

Every US president since George Washington has issued executive orders, and Mr Obama has not stood out in the modern era for the number he has signed.

In his six years in office Mr Obama has issued 183 executive orders, compared to 291 across George W Bush's eight years and 381 for Ronald Reagan, according to a study by the American Presidency Project at the University of California-Santa Barbara.

But Republicans insist Mr Obama has selectively enforced laws duly passed by Congress, upsetting the balance of powers written into the constitution.

"Such a shift in power should alarm members of both political parties because it threatens the very institution of the Congress," the Republicans wrote in report accompanying the House legislation.



Sunday, August 3, 2014 12:53 AM


I have one question Bytemite:




Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
I mean... On one hand, they've got a point, you can't just let someone be a dictator. And the point of congress, the high courts, and the legal system is to challenge interpretations of the law in order to keep the law within some agreed upon interpretation of the constitution.

On the other hand, the term "Executive Power" expressly means the power to execute laws passed by congress. Choosing to delay enactment at the President's discretion due to outstanding issues with those laws and to smooth transition technically falls under that scope.

The better approach is to focus on Obama's illegal appointments that Congress wasn't given a chance to approve. My opinions aside and strategically speaking it's a good move that they're going with a civil case on this.

More practically speaking, I'm trying to wrap my mind around how on earth it works for people with their salaries paid for by tax payers to sue someone who's salary is paid for by taxpayers in a trial paid for by taxpayers.

Where... Where does the money go? It's like reverse money inception. It's money paradox. Do they roll it into cigars and burn it in the back room?


Sunday, August 3, 2014 12:56 AM


And I love this.......................

I love this: "In his six years in office Mr Obama has issued 183 executive orders, compared to 291 across George W Bush's eight years and 381 for Ronald Reagan, according to a study by the American Presidency Project at the University of California-Santa Barbara."

All politics aside, I agree with this observation on how this must look to the rest of the world. They are all probably wondering, WTF is wrong with those people?

I have never, nor will I ever, be as obsessed with anything as the Republicans are with hating Obama. It is impossible for me to understand. I would think at some point - like after 1 year at the most - you would get a bit bored with it and want to get on with actually doing something positive. The sheer open hatred is embarrassing, to show the rest of the world how petty and simple the nation's so called law makers really are. They don't seem to understand how small they make themselves look.
Shame - if they put this much effort into things they actually can change and make better - ugh - what a waste.



Sunday, August 3, 2014 1:00 AM


Ah, a modicum of sanity..............and spot on fact checking



Originally posted by THGRRI:
The congress will have to show it personally suffered in some way as a result of the delay implemented, in the Insurance deadline in the health care law. They are not going to be able to do it. Instead, to much of the country I’m sure, it looks like what it is. A personal attack against the President and another waste of tax payer dollars in pursuit of shoring up the Republican base. Good luck with that.

“In early 2006, the Bush administration encountered these exact same problems in implementing Medicare Part D, the prescription drug program for Medicare recipients.

“The program was smaller in scope than the Affordable Care Act, of course. But a Congressional Research Service report on the implementation of Medicare Part D dated Feb. 6, 2006, shows remarkable similarities.


Sunday, August 3, 2014 1:04 AM


Precisely..................."standing" is a crucial part of this lawsuit, or, in other words "grounds for the suit"

Much like for Impeachment, except different.


I wondered about that. In a civil lawsuit, isn't one of the arguments about whether or not the plaintiff has standing to sue? If not, the judge can dismiss the whole thing, can't he? Happens all the time, doesn't it?


Sunday, August 3, 2014 6:44 PM


But Republicans insist Mr Obama has selectively enforced laws duly passed by Congress, upsetting the balance of powers written into the constitution.

Here's a question that keeps popping into my head whenever I hear the GOP and, particularly, Ted Cruz and company, complaining that the president has overstepped his bounds.

What specific laws has he selectively enforced and which has he broken entirely?

Does anyone know?



Sunday, August 3, 2014 10:29 PM


Boner's Big Lie:

from the BBC news story.
"This isn't about Republicans or Democrats. It's about defending the Constitution we swore an oath to," Speaker John Boehner said during an impassioned debate in the House on Wednesday evening.

'The US House of Representatives has passed a resolution to sue President Barack Obama for allegedly exceeding his constitutional powers.

The 225-201 vote (was) along party lines.'

C'mon, JohnBoy, of course it is...


Sunday, August 3, 2014 11:26 PM


Bring it, bitches. Let's waste more taxpayer dollars.






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