UPDATED: Friday, October 22, 2004 06:13
VIEWED: 6637
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004 10:54 AM


I thought this webpage was amusing.

Since the Bush family had placed it's Chosen One in the White House, with his pro-fundementalist anti-humanist bible belt supporters and greedy corporate rapists, America has fallen into the worst state of economic depression, fear, war mongering, racism, and down right fascism since the Civil War.

Once the Bush Junte had it's "Pearl Harbour" they immediately ignored any terrorist threat that might exist (gotta wonder why) in favour of a cartoon war against an "Axis of Evil".

America is lead by a Marvel comicbook character. And Americans wonder why the rest of the world has been refering to GWB as a "moron" (and I'm quoting statesmen before Sept 11/2001).

Instead of doing what would have been logical, having the CIA go get those terrorists (that's why the CIA exists after all), America attacked a nation it already controled! Iraq.


Well, if you ask certain Americans they tell you that Saddam was a threat to the USA. Well, he wasn't. Not even the White House thought he was a few months before 9/11. So why did America invade Iraq?

And now, they tell me it doesn't matter that the President of the USA lied to Congress to get war powers.

Yeaaaaaa... Americans are finding that it's now "legal" to be jailed without any representation, your home can be searched without a warrent, poverty groups have already been raided and any dissent is met with Gestapo like tactics - the Republican Convention in NY was a disgusting display of an arrogant disregard of peoples rights and freedoms.

The media is now owned by only three large Corporations who whole heartily support the Bush WH. Bush gives them everything they want after all and Corporations don't give a rats ass about laws, rights, or people. Never did. Worse, media has created an ongoing propoganda campaign in favour of the Bush Junte by simply ignoring stories the Bush White House would find embarrassing and, far more telling, would put GWB in jail. Recently, the Bush election camp has declared war on the New York Times in a smear reminisant of the attacks Micheal Moore faces for his documentary. A documentary that is obviously true to eveyone BUT Americans because the rest of the world heard about these things years before. Micheal Moore didn't tell the world anything different, he was telling AMERICANS.

You have to wonder about a nation that goes to war and doesn't care to even justify it. Sorta like Hitler attacking Poland because, as Hitler said, Poland was a threat to the Fatherland. Must have been the cream cakes?

Yet, on the US TV transmitions there is still nothing about what is truely going on. The rest of the world is not living in the bubble of American media (including me) where the facts about America ignoring the source of the Terrorists (Saudi Arabia), where the money for 9/11 came from (Saudi Arabia), and who is responsible (Saudi Arabia again) simply isn't discussed! WTF! And who in the USA has the closest connections to Saudi resident Usama Bin Laden?

The Bush Family.

Now, if that is so why isn't Usama in a jail getting his testies fried right now? Hm? The first thing a cop would do when faced with a murder is talk to everyone involved. The Bush WH packed the entire Bin Laden family in the USA onto a plane the day after 9/11 and sent them home, without interrogation.

Today, we hear the news about how the USA can't even count votes. Is America retarded? Well, one might think so if one wasn't aware that there is a brownshirt like campaign to put Bush back into the White House by any means at all. This includes federal crime on the part of the Republican party. We've heard that the voting machines can be hacked by a 12 year old, anyone with brown skin will be picked up by the nearest police cruiser, chads are still used (!), and more and more people are getting caught trashing any vote that isn't for Bush. Rather like the brownshirts ran elections in 1930s Germany.

Remember people - Hitler was "elected" too.

I could go on... and I will.


Wednesday, October 20, 2004 11:27 AM


Wake up and smell me rolling my eyes. Isn't it supposed to be "junta" not "junte"? And you can't pick on America unless you spell it our way! "Harbor"

Besides...fascism kinda smells like crotch. ;)

Keep posting and we'll keep pointing and laughing.


Uncharted Outlaw!

Haulin' goods from one end of creation to th' other. Keepin' my nose clean 'round the Alliance. See my Firefly Store:


Wednesday, October 20, 2004 12:34 PM



Originally posted by UnchartedOutlaw:
Wake up and smell me rolling my eyes. Isn't it supposed to be "junta" not "junte"? And you can't pick on America unless you spell it our way! "Harbor"

Hm, I would note that the only thing that you can point out about his post is that the spelling is different (read: not incorrect) and a possible typo.

I would think that since this is the only real point in your post, its just tells of the strength of your position.

So, you can sit there in your childish laughter rolling your eyes, and we'll just sit here shaking our heads and have a real discussion.

I don't nessassarily agree with the way that you present your case, but the points are all basically true.

And I'll just say, when I saw MM F9/11 I thought, "That was ~5% new info for me. And I wasn't even paying close attention to the situation for some time!"

And all that time all the americans were saying that this was a revolutionary film and everyone should see it even if they don't agree with MM because it'll get you thinking.

We in the rest of the world were wondering what the fuss was all about, but to the americans it was a *big* deal.

Makes me pitty you guys in the US for have such clearly poor media *coughunderstatmentcough*.

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Wednesday, October 20, 2004 1:12 PM


Bravo again, Ghoulman... I'm printing out that brochure and taking it to some Bushites I work with... not that it will do any good. These people do not seem to understand reason.
I have made it my goal to find my name on the FBI watch list... at least as long as "Ameruhca" goes on like this.
I am waiting for Bush to go on TV saying "Facism creates jobs, and that's good for America." At least then, it'll be out in the open.


Wednesday, October 20, 2004 1:31 PM


My God. Is Canada really so boring that all you have to do is trash American politics? Wake up and smell your lameness, Ghoul.

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Wednesday, October 20, 2004 2:11 PM



Originally posted by Ghoulman:
America is lead by a Marvel comicbook character.

Hey, don't insult comicbook characters like that!! ;)


Wednesday, October 20, 2004 2:14 PM


You'll have better results persuading people if you drop the hyperbole and conspiracy theories. Bush has screwed plenty of things up and deserves to be voted out of office. Ignoring these in favor of exaggerated claims only alienates potential supporters and inflames the rhetoric.

This approach is not any more worthwhile or effective than when the same tactics are used against liberals. Witness the "Kerry is a Socialist" thread. Can't you just state your point of view without all the insane embellishment?


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Wednesday, October 20, 2004 4:24 PM


All hail the Homeland Gestapo, oops I mean Security. Oh wait there's someone knocking down my door........

Remember ...freedom is something you fight to keep, you never just give it away. I don't mind if they step on the rights of terrorists, because I don't feel terrorists have rights. Yet when they seize property and jail innocent citizens just for their own personal gain or enjoyment. Well that's just absolute power in the absolute wrong hands.

Soon we will all have I.D. papers, and check points at the borders of every city. Oh wait that was the Soviet Union.

What have we become.....a nation in fear taking everything they spoon feed us. A population once controlled by the fear of Communism during the Cold War, now controlled by fear of the Unknown Terror that is everywhere. Or at least that is what they tell us.

It's time for us to wake up and pull our heads from the sand. Politics....nothing but smoke and mirrors. And we've bought it, hook, line and sinker.

Anybody remember how to boil a frog.

It's a nothing part til you don't got one, then you have to go to ebay.....aaaaagh!


Thursday, October 21, 2004 2:09 AM



Originally posted by SergeantX:
You'll have better results persuading people if you drop the hyperbole and conspiracy theories.

I wish it were just me ranting... but it's completely true.

America is a whore for the Saudi Princes.


Thursday, October 21, 2004 2:15 AM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:

And I'll just say, when I saw MM F9/11 I thought, "That was ~5% new info for me. And I wasn't even paying close attention to the situation for some time!"

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show

Love John Stewart!
You knew because you read. Most people get thier news from the boob-tube. The Internet is the greatest enemy to fascism right now as it can give people a wider view of the world. And that's all it takes.

On TV you get only one point of view... the corporate one.


Thursday, October 21, 2004 6:41 AM



Originally posted by UnchartedOutlaw:
Wake up and smell me rolling my eyes. Isn't it supposed to be "junta" not "junte"? And you can't pick on America unless you spell it our way! "Harbor"

Besides...fascism kinda smells like crotch. ;)

Keep posting and we'll keep pointing and laughing.

Wow... that's you know, a great way of handling a belief that's different from your own. I'm not insulting you, just perhaps your inability/laziness to analyse an argument.

Yes, whilst comparisons between Facism and the USA are a bit strong (most of the comments he made would have matched a police state rather than a facist nation - two aren't always synomonous), surely you would be so kind as to maybe examine his argument, point out holes rather than just flatly ignore it. It genmerally leads to a better discussion - strangely enough, the forum this is held in.

Come on! Let's see some proper debating!

P.S. - This doesn't apply to the rest of you who posted - this is just to those who just rejected the argument without any justification.

Jayne: "Know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I beat you with till you understand who's in command."


Thursday, October 21, 2004 7:03 AM


I was feelin' a bit surly. So I surled. ;)


Uncharted Outlaw!

Haulin' goods from one end of creation to th' other. Keepin' my nose clean 'round the Alliance. See my Firefly Store:


Thursday, October 21, 2004 8:13 AM



Originally posted by UnchartedOutlaw:
I was feelin' a bit surly. So I surled. ;)


Uncharted Outlaw!

Haulin' goods from one end of creation to th' other. Keepin' my nose clean 'round the Alliance. See my Firefly Store:

Would your name happen to be Joe? Do you add unnecessary "S"s to your words?

Jayne: "Know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I beat you with till you understand who's in command."


Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:42 AM



Originally posted by Fireflew:

Yes, whilst comparisons between Facism and the USA are a bit strong (most of the comments he made would have matched a police state rather than a facist nation - two aren't always synomonous), SNIP!

Come on! Let's see some proper debating!

You got it baby!

Well, a police state is a fascist state. But you can have a fascist state without martial law. How? When the people are too afraid to speak out. And Americans are a fearful bunch.

The USA PATRIOT Act gave the American government vast new authority, including secret searches without probable cause, detaining and deporting immigrants without a hearing, and expansion of government spying on political protesters, poverty groups, and minority organizations.

When it came to the war on Iraq, the administration’s lies about Iraq’s "weapons of mass destruction" and its supposed ties to Usama bin Laden showed a sneering contempt for ordinary people little different from Hitler’s.

"The size of the lie is a definite factor in causing it to be believed, for the great masses of the nation are in the depths of their hearts more easily deceived than they are consciously and purposely evil," Hitler - Mein Kampf


Thursday, October 21, 2004 10:18 AM



Originally posted by Ghoulman:

Originally posted by Fireflew:

Yes, whilst comparisons between Facism and the USA are a bit strong (most of the comments he made would have matched a police state rather than a facist nation - two aren't always synomonous), SNIP!

Come on! Let's see some proper debating!

You got it baby!

Well, a police state is a fascist state. But you can have a fascist state without martial law. How? When the people are too afraid to speak out. And Americans are a fearful bunch.

The USA PATRIOT Act gave the American government vast new authority, including secret searches without probable cause, detaining and deporting immigrants without a hearing, and expansion of government spying on political protesters, poverty groups, and minority organizations.

When it came to the war on Iraq, the administration’s lies about Iraq’s "weapons of mass destruction" and its supposed ties to Usama bin Laden showed a sneering contempt for ordinary people little different from Hitler’s.

"The size of the lie is a definite factor in causing it to be believed, for the great masses of the nation are in the depths of their hearts more easily deceived than they are consciously and purposely evil," Hitler - Mein Kampf

I'm not saying anything, but perhaps to convince the naysayers, some proof is in order?

Jayne: "Know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I beat you with till you understand who's in command."


Thursday, October 21, 2004 10:37 AM


? proof?

What newspaper are you not reading? These things have already happened and are happening everyday in the USA... it's gonna get worse! Cat Stevens is considered a terrorist for frick sake. Did you miss the mass jailings at the Republican Convention? And I haven't gotten into the many reports about people getting deported only to be tortured, police raids, etc.

Do I need to make a list here? Not sure what you're looking for.


Thursday, October 21, 2004 11:07 AM



Originally posted by Kirikoli:

Originally posted by Ghoulman:
America is lead by a Marvel comicbook character.

Hey, don't insult comicbook characters like that!! ;)

I did say Marvel comicbook characters.


Thursday, October 21, 2004 11:13 AM



Originally posted by Fireflew:
Would your name happen to be Joe? Do you add unnecessary "S"s to your words?

Nope. I always put my name to my posts. Extra Ss, nope. Extra Es, nope...that was a guy named Dan a few years ago. Do I love making fun of people who post crap on here just to stir us up, yup!


Uncharted Outlaw!

Haulin' goods from one end of creation to th' other. Keepin' my nose clean 'round the Alliance. See my Firefly Store:


Thursday, October 21, 2004 12:02 PM


^^^ you're playin' in the big leagues now my boy, you'll have to do far better than crotch jokes.


Thursday, October 21, 2004 12:09 PM


No, I've seen the big leagues. And I can pointcha to their website if you want. then scroll down to Rants and Raves and have yerselves a good ole time.


Uncharted Outlaw!

Haulin' goods from one end of creation to th' other. Keepin' my nose clean 'round the Alliance. See my Firefly Store:


Thursday, October 21, 2004 12:25 PM


America loves a winner!

The distortions, inaccuracies and , I'll say it, flat out lies in this little post are rivaled only by the spin of Joseph Gerbles ,the old Soviet Union, and more recently - Bagdhad Bob.

If anyone is having a hard time counting votes it'll be because you have the likes of ACORN,Unity '04 and others registering bogus, dead, multiple or imaginary citizens who all some how end up voting DEMOCRAT. Shocker!

And a big FYI. 'Fascism' does not mean, " things that I don't like are going on and I get to make up a laundry list of distortions and lies about them and folks I don't like ". If you're going to USE a word like that, try becoming familiar w/ the DEFINITION . It makes it so much more interesting for any possible point you might want to make.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, October 21, 2004 12:32 PM



Originally posted by UnchartedOutlaw:

Originally posted by Fireflew:
Would your name happen to be Joe? Do you add unnecessary "S"s to your words?

Nope. I always put my name to my posts. Extra Ss, nope. Extra Es, nope...that was a guy named Dan a few years ago. Do I love making fun of people who post crap on here just to stir us up, yup!


Uncharted Outlaw!

Haulin' goods from one end of creation to th' other. Keepin' my nose clean 'round the Alliance. See my Firefly Store:

Ah nevermind - was making an, admittedly obscure, Futurama reference.

Jayne: "Know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I beat you with till you understand who's in command."


Thursday, October 21, 2004 12:43 PM



1. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator,

The Bush Family dictatorship. Homeland Security.


stringent socioeconomic controls,

Insane tax cuts that only benifit the insanly rich while raping the poor and even the middle class in a time when jobs are disappearing to other nations.


suppression of the opposition through terror

What colour is that "Terror Alert" crap up to now? Not to mention the attacks on the media (as my essay pointed out) and detaining of anyone ... ANYONE.


and censorship,

FOX news alone...


and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

America is great. Why do you hate America?


Thursday, October 21, 2004 5:04 PM



I did say Marvel comicbook characters.

Uh, Joss IS writing an X Men book.
And damn fine it is, too.
AND he reads Runaways, another really good book, go get the back issues.
So please please stop tarring whole groups with your brush.

Oh, and if I didn't mention it?
Please please please go read Astonishing X Men.

I am not connected to Marvel, Joss, or Stan Lee in any way.
I am, however, a mutant.


Thursday, October 21, 2004 6:35 PM


America loves a winner!

Ghoulman, you are the envy of Bagdhad Bob. Even he must take a bow to the nonsensical deviations from reality when it comes to representing what is going on in the REAL world vs what goes on in your own mind, far,far away.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, October 22, 2004 2:10 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Ghoulman, you are the envy of Bagdhad Bob.

Who is Bagdad Bob?

When I search for it online it's only jokes about the ole Iraqi Info Minister. Which is, BTW, incredibly lame... can't believe there are so many websites. It's over people! lame old joke. Really. Get new material!


Friday, October 22, 2004 2:15 AM



Originally posted by NeutrinoLad:

I did say Marvel comicbook characters.

Uh, Joss IS writing an X Men book.
And damn fine it is, too.
AND he reads Runaways, another really good book, go get the back issues.
So please please stop tarring whole groups with your brush.

Oh, and if I didn't mention it?
Please please please go read Astonishing X Men.

I am not connected to Marvel, Joss, or Stan Lee in any way.
I am, however, a mutant.

Well, I rather like the X-Men - however it's sad that Marvel comics will shit on whatever Joss will bring to the X-book. Just as other writers have recently shed the decades old fanboy crap surrounding the X-stories. It's a real pisser to see Marvel just dump it all and go right back to pandering to the fanboys worst desires. Warren Ellis was the writer? I really haven't been paying attention. All I know is - Magneto is dead damnit!


Friday, October 22, 2004 2:30 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Ghoulman:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
Ghoulman, you are the envy of Bagdhad Bob.

Who is Bagdad Bob?

When I search for it online it's only jokes about the ole Iraqi Info Minister. Which is, BTW, incredibly lame... can't believe there are so many websites. It's over people! lame old joke. Really. Get new material!

Shoe fits, wear it.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, October 22, 2004 2:35 AM



Originally posted by Fireflew:
Ah nevermind - was making an, admittedly obscure, Futurama reference.

Sorry. Watched a bit of Futurama, but not recently enough to get that. It's okay. :) We all make the really obscure ones now and then.


Uncharted Outlaw!

Haulin' goods from one end of creation to th' other. Keepin' my nose clean 'round the Alliance. See my Firefly Store:


Friday, October 22, 2004 4:27 AM


Out of curiosity, whatever happened with Bill C-7 (formerly C-17) which I have seen called the Public Safety Act or the Patriot Act 3.

I recall it being passed by the House of Commons, but don't know enough about Canadian politics to know what else would be needed for it to pass.

The re-emergence of fascist type policies and ideologies is unfortunately not limited to the U.S. The learned lessons of the mid-20th century are dying off with those who experienced them first hand I guess. Inreasing nationalism, increasing ethnic polarization, increasing disparity between the haves and have-nots, increasing centralized authority within governments, increasing dominance of corporate power, decreasing concern for civil liberties and human rights all seem to be the unfortunate trend.

Um, I'm lost. Uh, I'm Angry. And I'm Armed.


Friday, October 22, 2004 6:13 AM



Originally posted by Arawaen:
Out of curiosity, whatever happened with Bill C-7 (formerly C-17) which I have seen called the Public Safety Act or the Patriot Act 3.

Yes! Canada is a country gripped in a battle between right wing ideology and humanist reality. That is, the Canadian parliment has desided it can run the entire nation like Mike Harris (well known murdering bastard) ran Ontario. Having lived in "Harrisland" I can tell you that Canada isn't immune to fascism.

Check this out...


I recall it being passed by the House of Commons, but don't know enough about Canadian politics to know what else would be needed for it to pass.

It was rammed through without proper debate - arrogantly ignoring the very political process our nation depends on. Dictator tactics on the part of the Liberals... funny, this bill died three times since introduced by *snark* Prime Minister Kim Campbell!.

You might be interested to know that at the time - I was a Senate flunky for the Tories during her doomed election. Th's right - Ghoulman was a Conservitive insider. Shocking!


The re-emergence of fascist type policies and ideologies is unfortunately not limited to the U.S. The learned lessons of the mid-20th century are dying off with those who experienced them first hand I guess. Inreasing nationalism, increasing ethnic polarization, increasing disparity between the haves and have-nots, increasing centralized authority within governments, increasing dominance of corporate power, decreasing concern for civil liberties and human rights all seem to be the unfortunate trend.

Um, I'm lost. Uh, I'm Angry. And I'm Armed.

Well said. You rock!

Of course, Canadians know not to step over the line or the RCMP will take you to a lonely barn in Chicoutimi for a "private meeting" which you will not return from.