Joss' Post Today on WHEDONesque 10/21

UPDATED: Friday, October 22, 2004 02:20
VIEWED: 4810
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Thursday, October 21, 2004 7:46 AM


Joss' posted this today on WHEDONesque. Not that I'm promoting it in anyway, but I thought some folks would be interested. Here it is:

Hey guys. I wanted to post on the thread about the fund-raiser, but it's long gone. So I'll post on the X-Men thread instead.

The truth about the X-Men is...

...much less important than this election. Much less important than putting someone in the White House who knows the difference between leading and bullying. I'm here to confirm that I will be doing the phone-party on Saunday and I'm urging any and everyone to attend one or even host one. ( I plan to be incredibly funny and insightful, or mention some people who have been in the past. We can talk about politics, we can talk about Buffy, we can talk about car maintenence (though I'll mostly just listen at that point) and I will once and for all tell you all what IS going on with the X-Men. And then we can talk about politics some more.

So many people are acting like there's little difference between Kerry and Bush and that is not the case. If you're for Bush I doubt I can sway you but if you're one of those people grumbling about politicians all being the same I'm begging you to look hard at the facts and at the smirking face of the man who is doing more damage to this country than any president in my lifetime. We cannot let apathy decide our fate. I'm sounding all soapbox-y but I am truly afraid for our economic infrastucture, our dwindling natural reserves and most of all our place in the world. We need to act.

Uh, and it'll be... fun...

It will. Insane Phone Posse, and for a great cause. Get in. I'll stay on the phone as long as anyone will listen. Let freedom ring, unless it's on vibrate. Can we pretend I didn't say that?
joss | October 21, 07:36 CET


Thursday, October 21, 2004 7:53 AM


"Some Republican Whedon fanboy's head just exploded reading that" - TallBoy

"Gott kann dich nicht vor mir beschuetzen, weil ich nicht boese bin."


Thursday, October 21, 2004 8:37 AM


Here is yet one more fantastic reason why I love Joss.
Go Joss!!
If he only manages to change one person's point of view, he's the shizz.


Thursday, October 21, 2004 8:57 AM


America loves a winner!

Oh bloody hell -
The only 'damage' that Bush is doing is to the terrorist who murdered 3,000 fellow US citizens and quite possibly to the pathetic extremist on the far fringes of the Left wing.

W has my vote! ( but sadly, this time W don't stand for Whedon )

Bush / Cheney 2004

Because Kerry is an elitist, egotistical, lying, ass hole who will sell off America's soveriegnty to the higest bidder in the U.N.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:08 AM


Didn't Georgie-poo say something once about "He can run but he can't hide" in regards to Osama bin Laden? And, isn't that exactly what ObL went and did for three years so far?

Not sure I can side with you about Kerry lying, unless you're willing to also acknowledge a less than truthful-ness in Dubya. No politician tells the entire truth, and no politician is, in my opinion, fully trustworthy. But Dubya's an idiot who's getting lots of our troops killed every day, and what have we accomplished?

We've pissed off entire regions of the planet who don't like us to begin with. We brought "democracy" to a place that didn't really want it.

I say, get the troops home, mind our own damn business, and have every of the 50 states run themselves.

And as far as damage, how about giving massive tax breaks to companies that take jobs overseas?

At least Kerry hasn't had a chance to fuck up yet.

--Jefé The Hat

--Don't bother trying to predict, figure out, second guess, criticize, or suggest anything that comes from the mind of Joss Whedon, for you shall usually be wrong, and shall find out the Truth and Purpose in due time.
(This is the Truth of Whedoning)
"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:11 AM


Personally I don't like artists to mix with religon or politics. (It's kind of a separation of church and state thing for me.) If you saw "Team America" you will see Trey Parker doesn't either.

That being said, I still love Joss and look forward to reading about what he had to say at these house parties.


Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:18 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by BadgersHat:
Didn't Georgie-poo say something once about "He can run but he can't hide" in regards to Osama bin Laden? And, isn't that exactly what ObL went and did for three years so far?

Not sure I can side with you about Kerry lying, unless you're willing to also acknowledge a less than truthful-ness in Dubya. No politician tells the entire truth, and no politician is, in my opinion, fully trustworthy. But Dubya's an idiot who's getting lots of our troops killed every day, and what have we accomplished?

We've pissed off entire regions of the planet who don't like us to begin with. We brought "democracy" to a place that didn't really want it.

I say, get the troops home, mind our own damn business, and have every of the 50 states run themselves.

And as far as damage, how about giving massive tax breaks to companies that take jobs overseas?

At least Kerry hasn't had a chance to fuck up yet.

--Jefé The Hat

OBL is likely dead. Seen any of his videos lately? No, neither have I.

Kerry lying? Cambodia at Christmas time - Our soldiers ( himself included ) are war criminals - he doesn't own an SUV....etc.

Only the zealots hate us over there, and W is dealing w/ them. Many actually DON'T hate us, but don't look for that on the CBS nightly news.

There were no 'massive' tax cuts given. Period. Most economist think the tax cuts could / should have been larger, but that spending needs to be cut WAY back. Like bailing out the airline industry, perscription drug bennies, farm subsidies...oh, but wait... folks LIKE it when THEY get $, just not when someone ELSE gets it. Geee, think Kerry won't do more of the same? There's a bridge in Brooklyn for ya if you do....

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:20 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by dietcoke:
Personally I don't like artists to mix with religon or politics. (It's kind of a separation of church and state thing for me.) If you saw "Team America" you will see Trey Parker doesn't either.

That being said, I still love Joss and look forward to reading about what he had to say at these house parties.


" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:28 AM


Never said Kerry wasn't a lying sack of shit. Just that he's not the ONLY lying sack of shit.

And, at the risk of offense, there's ARE war criminals in our own nation's armed forces. Don't believe it? There's this bridge in Brooklyn...

--Jefé The Hat

--Don't bother trying to predict, figure out, second guess, criticize, or suggest anything that comes from the mind of Joss Whedon, for you shall usually be wrong, and shall find out the Truth and Purpose in due time.
(This is the Truth of Whedoning)
"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:33 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Let me preface this by saying I consider every Browncoat here a friend and a comrade, regardless of their political beliefs.

That being said, shouldn't this be moved to the Real World Event Discussion area, instead of General Firefly?

Just saying.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Meet Up:


Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:34 AM


You're probably right, as usual.

Plus, politics is boring, and I'm still in mourning about the gorram Yankees losing so spectacularly in the ALCS...

--Jefé The Hat

--Don't bother trying to predict, figure out, second guess, criticize, or suggest anything that comes from the mind of Joss Whedon, for you shall usually be wrong, and shall find out the Truth and Purpose in due time.
(This is the Truth of Whedoning)
"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Thursday, October 21, 2004 10:21 AM



Originally posted by BadgersHat:
You're probably right, as usual.

Plus, politics is boring, and I'm still in mourning about the gorram Yankees losing so spectacularly in the ALCS...

--Jefé The Hat

Gee, that's funny. I'm celebrating the Red Sox winning the ALCS. Gotta make a huge banner I can hang up at work tomorrow right where a Yankee loving manager at my job can see it.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.


Thursday, October 21, 2004 10:50 AM


Just my two cents...


Originally posted by AURaptor:
Oh bloody hell -
The only 'damage' that Bush is doing is to the terrorist who murdered 3,000 fellow US citizens

Usama Bin Laden? Bush ignored the terrorists in favour of his Iraq policy. What TV are you watching?


and quite possibly to the pathetic extremist on the far fringes of the Left wing.

Oh I see... I'm a terrorist too. I hate America. You Bushites have lots of enemies... even invisible ones.


W has my vote! ( but sadly, this time W don't stand for Whedon )

Bush / Cheney 2004

America is a whore for Saudi princes thanks to these guys. After all, Usama Bin Laden is from Saudi Arabia. The money that funded the 9/11 attack is from Saudi Arabia. The people who commited the 9/11 attack are from ... wait for it.... SAUDI ARABIA! Jeez, what logic am I not using?


Because Kerry is an elitist, egotistical, lying, ass hole who will sell off America's soveriegnty to the higest bidder in the U.N.

Yea... that's what he's doing, he's selling America. Bullplop cracker talk.

Say AURaptor, still claiming torture is just "hazing" like the Bushites told you? Why don't you get your own opinion instead of just parroting what all your cracker friends are saying? What's wrong with you, scared of something?


Thursday, October 21, 2004 10:58 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by dietcoke:
Personally I don't like artists to mix with religon or politics. (It's kind of a separation of church and state thing for me.) If you saw "Team America" you will see Trey Parker doesn't either.


So you put Joss Whedon into this camp...

Originally posted by AURaptor:
... the pathetic extremist on the far fringes of the Left wing.

Separating church and state is nothing like seperating actors from political work. One is a founding principle of democracy while the other is a right! A civil liberty if you will.

Why would you care what some actor thinks? Why is it suddenly on your mind? Actors have been doing this since actors weren't simply killed for being degenerates.


Thursday, October 21, 2004 11:17 AM


You guys are right... you all know that as Americans, you have to curtail your speech. You can't just go around speaking your mind. You'll get into trouble. Do you want the Bush regime to come after you or your family?

We all need to step back and realize that it's better for everyone if we just let our leaders lead us. They know what's best for us. Can't we just trust them do to what's right? I'm certain they'd never do anything to mislead us. I mean, why would they want to? They love America. They would never sell off our rights. Joss is obviously asking for the FBI to investigate him. How could have the nerve, the gall, to voice an opinion. He should know better. This is America.


Thursday, October 21, 2004 11:25 AM


it is true, if you vote against Bush then the terrorists win

edited to add: case you didn't notice


Thursday, October 21, 2004 11:28 AM


Arguing politcs here is like arguing religion. No one can win, and mostly people just get peeved.

Personally, I don't care if an artist/actor/public figure wants to make a stand on politics. They can have their opinion just like anyone else. That being said, they shouldn't complain if it effects their bottom line.


Thursday, October 21, 2004 11:32 AM


I am not affiliated with a I don't really want to get into all the aspects of this election. However, if you don't believe that America and Bush in particular is becoming more hated by the day by everyday people, not just "radicals" you are in for a rude awakening. I am american...and I am proud to be american. I lived in Italy for a year and was never more glad that I speak italian. They hate us over there....not just the Bush is an idiot type of hate, but all out despise for the President and those that voted for him. There were signs everywhere in Rome that said "Bush is a Terrorist". So please stop delluding yourself into thinking that only zelots have problems with americans.


Thursday, October 21, 2004 11:36 AM



Originally posted by EARLYWASLATE:
Arguing politcs here is like arguing religion. No one can win, and mostly people just get peeved.

What the... don't talk about politics? Don't argue the issues important to you and your family? So if I come and take your children to fight in Iraq you won't say boo about it? Great! I'm calling Fort Worth!


Personally, I don't care if an artist/actor/public figure wants to make a stand on politics. They can have their opinion just like anyone else.

Gee... thanks?


That being said, they shouldn't complain if it effects their bottom line.

That would be a federal crime. It's called discrimination.

Carry on...


Thursday, October 21, 2004 1:03 PM



Originally posted by BadgersHat:

At least Kerry hasn't had a chance to fuck up yet.

Ummm, not completely certain that this is a good reason to vote for someone. Personally, I'm still on the fence (leaning toward Kerry's yard). There and things about both canidates that bother me.

But, 'W' is a complete moron and a political puppet, and not the fun, made of felt with a removable nose kind.

Also and for the record I'm a registared Republican.

If life is what you make it I want Cheese Cake!


Thursday, October 21, 2004 1:11 PM


I found out recently, through the mail, that through no doing of my own I have been registered as a Republican in my voting district. I have always remained unaffiliated with any political party as yet. How is it that this happened without my knowledge or consent? Why did it happen? And what should I do about it?

Inara: Who's winning?
Simon: I can't really tell, they don't seem to be playing by any civilized rules that I know.


Thursday, October 21, 2004 1:17 PM


Maniac, call the Weber County Clerk/Auditor's office at (801) 399-8400.

Here is that department's web page:

Good luck.

"Gott kann dich nicht vor mir beschuetzen, weil ich nicht boese bin."


Thursday, October 21, 2004 1:17 PM



Originally posted by dietcoke:
Personally I don't like artists to mix with religon or politics. (It's kind of a separation of church and state thing for me.) If you saw "Team America" you will see Trey Parker doesn't either.

That being said, I still love Joss and look forward to reading about what he had to say at these house parties.

What is this odd idea that people have that because someone is famous they (a) aren't real citizens (b) shouldn't voice their opinions (c) their opinions don't/shouldn't matter?

I just don't understand this. Joss, like every other celeb, has just as much right (if not a duty) to voice his opinion on anything and everything from the elections to the pope to what color he thinks the next M&M should be, as you or I.

To say you 'don't like artists to mix with religon or politics.' is, and forgive me when I say this, somewhat asinine and pretty much flys in the face of what art/entertainment, in this country at least, is meant to be about.

We may not like or agree with what someone has to say but, that doesn't mean they don't have the right to say it.

Viva Le Whedon!

If life is what you make it I want Cheese Cake!


Thursday, October 21, 2004 1:19 PM


Great idea Browncoat1, sorry I brought it up. How do you move it?


Thursday, October 21, 2004 1:20 PM



Originally posted by embers:
it is true, if you vote against Bush then the terrorists win

And if a turn round and round really fast terrifing space monkeys might fly outta my gorram ass!

If life is what you make it I want Cheese Cake!


Thursday, October 21, 2004 1:35 PM



Originally posted by Ghoulman:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by dietcoke:
Personally I don't like artists to mix with religon or politics. (It's kind of a separation of church and state thing for me.) If you saw "Team America" you will see Trey Parker doesn't either.


So you put Joss Whedon into this camp...

Originally posted by AURaptor:
... the pathetic extremist on the far fringes of the Left wing.

Separating church and state is nothing like seperating actors from political work. One is a founding principle of democracy while the other is a right! A civil liberty if you will.

Why would you care what some actor thinks? Why is it suddenly on your mind? Actors have been doing this since actors weren't simply killed for being degenerates.

Well, I'm from the school of Sir. John Gielgud when it comes to politics. During World War II, Cecil B. DeMille asked John Gielgud to go to the corner store to get a news paper in order to find out if France had fallen to the Germans. Upon his return Cecil asked, "John, has France fallen to the Germans?" John replied, "Not sure about France, but you should see the reviews on Noel Coward's new play!"


Thursday, October 21, 2004 2:31 PM


I have another piece of news on this subject:

Joss will attend the LA party in person. I know that for a fact.

Quote me on it..... please!

Go to for the details.


Thursday, October 21, 2004 2:39 PM


This is from the John Kerry site so you all know it's up there too:

HIGH STAKES: National Call-In with Writer & Producer, Joss Whedon

October 24 @ 5:00 PM

National Call-In
Supporting Kerry-Edwards 2004, GELAC

Washington, DC  20005
Living Rooms and Lairs Across The U.S.A.

The Kerry-Edwards Campaign & Special Guest, Joss Whedon


***This call begins at 5:00 p.m. EDT.***

Join Joss Whedon, creator of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” & “Angel,” on Sunday, October 24 at 5pm EDT, for a special national conference call benefiting the Kerry-Edwards 2004 General Election Legal and Accounting Compliance Fund (GELAC).

Joss will share his reasons for supporting the Kerry-Edwards ticket & answer questions from “High Stakes” house parties across the country. To sign up, please click the "Contribute" link on this page. We’ll e-mail you with the relevant call-in number.

For information on parties in your area, please go to and click the “Locations” link.

Here's Joss's Statement in support of the event:

"The country is in the state it's in because of our apathy. We must get out the vote this November 2nd and put John Kerry in the White House. If we don't do our jobs, we're stuck with a president who doesn't understand his."

So join us on October 24 for an afternoon of fun, Buffy, and politics! "

((And Firefly of course.))


Friday, October 22, 2004 2:20 AM


Thanks for the info BONNIET

Originally posted by dietcoke:
Well, I'm from the school of Sir. John Gielgud when it comes to politics. During World War II, Cecil B. DeMille asked John Gielgud to go to the corner store to get a news paper in order to find out if France had fallen to the Germans. Upon his return Cecil asked, "John, has France fallen to the Germans?" John replied, "Not sure about France, but you should see the reviews on Noel Coward's new play!"

lol! You're the best. Nice work!






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