Wal-Mart bans Jon Stewart's new book

UPDATED: Monday, November 1, 2004 09:27
VIEWED: 6487
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Thursday, October 21, 2004 8:55 AM


Jon Stewart sure is getting a lot of press lately.

Oct. 20, 2004

"Wal-Mart canceled an order for a best-selling book by Jon Stewart and the writers of "The Daily Show" after executives learned that it contained a photo of nine naked, aged bodies, each with the superimposed head of a Supreme Court justice."

"Gott kann dich nicht vor mir beschuetzen, weil ich nicht boese bin."


Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:29 AM


There's a fuggin' shock.

WAL-MART, destroying American towns for years all in the name of slave wages, oppression, and government payola.


Thursday, October 21, 2004 10:26 AM



Originally posted by Ghoulman:
WAL-MART, destroying American towns for years all in the name of slave wages, oppression, and government payola.

Wow people are working for Wal-Mart against thier will!! Get real 95% of all retailers pay on the same pay scale as Wal-Mart. How much do you expect to get paid to run a register and give customers
crappy service..

Edited for a typo


Thursday, October 21, 2004 10:37 AM



Originally posted by robb1974:

Wow people are working for Wal-Mart against thier will!! Get real 95% of all retailers pay on the same pay scale as Wal-Mart. How much do you expect to get paid to run a register and give customers
crappy service..

Edited for a typo

Not everybody who works at Wal-Mart is lazy and rude, and I'm kind of offended that you seem to think they don't work hard enough to earn more. A former student of mine works at the Wal-Mart down the street. She is always polite to everybody and spends all day working hard on her feet while carrying around a pregnant belly. How she's going to pay for that baby on her Wal-Mart salary, I don't know, but she never complains, even though she doesn't get time and a half on holidays.

But Wal-Mart can't carry the Daily Show's book because it's offensive. Yeah, because treating hard working employees like they are expendible cattle is certainly moral behavior.

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Thursday, October 21, 2004 11:48 AM


^^^ that poor woman! Thanks for telling us about her. Give her this article and ask her to look for more if she can - Walmart isn't the largest employer in the USA for nothing. Walmart isn't so rich because it sells wonderful things. There is a reason... and it happens everyday... at Walmart.


SEATTLE (AP) -- A court ruled that a class action suit against Wal-Mart Stores Inc. in Washington may proceed, allowing 40,000 current and former employees of the retail giant to participate in the suit, which alleges wage abuses.

In a press release Friday, law firm Tousley Brain Stephens LLC, the counsel for the suit, said the alleged abuses include off-the-clock work for which employees were never paid, missed meal and rest breaks, and altered time records.

A Wal-Mart spokeswoman wasn't immediately available to comment on lawsuit.

The lawsuit asserts Wal-Mart has a strict no overtime policy, which it enforces by disciplining employees who work more than 40 hours a week without prior authorization. However, understaffing of the stores leaves employees with too much work to complete in 40 hours. Thus, employees end up working for free, according to the complaint.

Wal-Mart has faced several similar lawsuits recently, alleging the company violated the Fair Labor Standards Act by classifying some assistant store managers as overtime-exempt.


Thursday, October 21, 2004 11:53 AM



Originally posted by robb1974:

Wow people are working for Wal-Mart against thier will!! Get real 95% of all retailers pay on the same pay scale as Wal-Mart. How much do you expect to get paid to run a register and give customers
crappy service..

Actually there have been communities across america that have gone against a wal-mart moving into there community.

For instance, wal-mart wanted to move into some california town which would've destroyed it. ie The safeway payed ~$20 or more per hour where wal-mart payed less than ~$10.

But to comment on this thread. Who cares if wal-mart doesn't sell the book? Quite frankly, I go buy my books at book stores. I buy my music at music stores. etc Seems to me that the people who would go out and buy these books are willing to do the same as they tend not to be the white trash that thinks that wal-mart is the only store that exists.

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Thursday, October 21, 2004 1:19 PM


Wal-Mart is not the only one doing this. Last time I checked Target pays around the same so does Kroger's and Albertson's. But everyone singles out Wal-Mart because they are "The Evil Empire". I wish it wasn't this way I wish everyone could make a good living doing what they loved but that not realistic, and even if we could get rid of Wal-Mart another one would just takes it place.


Thursday, October 21, 2004 3:32 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

People CAN make a good living even in retail. They just have to get off their butts and take back the power that Walmart and other monopolies took away.

There are a about a zillion ways to do that, and I'll be happy to list them for you later.


Friday, October 22, 2004 11:26 AM



Originally posted by robb1974:
Wal-Mart is not the only one doing this. Last time I checked Target pays around the same so does Kroger's and Albertson's. But everyone singles out Wal-Mart because they are "The Evil Empire". I wish it wasn't this way I wish everyone could make a good living doing what they loved but that not realistic, and even if we could get rid of Wal-Mart another one would just takes it place.

The pasiveness of you comment is the reason why companies like wal-mart have such great control as they do. Perhaps instead of saying, that's the way it is just accept it, we should be saying, that's the way it is, and here's what we're going to do about it.

wal-mart is an evil company, and so are those others. wal-mart just gets noticed because they're the biggest.

But, if something is done about these "evil" companies then it'd be pretty hard for another to take its place. Perhaps the US (and Canada and...) should change some laws to actually make these massive corporations responsible for something.

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Friday, October 22, 2004 11:57 AM



Originally posted by Ghoulman:
There's a fuggin' shock.

WAL-MART, destroying American towns for years all in the name of slave wages, oppression, and government payola.

...and in europe we get a company with similar strategy called Lidl. Would rather pay 5 times more, then go to their stores.


Friday, October 22, 2004 12:35 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
There are a about a zillion ways to do that, and I'll be happy to list them for you later.

I'll list the big one... and put it in caps: UNIONIZE!!!

This is exactly why people started forming unions in the first place.



Friday, October 22, 2004 3:48 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Yes, and...

There's an underlying feeling that if we just put up with capitalism long enough, *eventually* we'll prosper. People point to the USA and EU as that "happy ending" that all nations will reach if they just stay the course. But early unbridled capitalism actually caused living conditions to deteriorate- think Victorian sweatshops- which didn't improve until employees FOUGHT FOR THEMSELVES. Capitalism doesn't inherently create general prosperity, and your concern reflects that realization.

So if the only way to advance your interests is to advance YOUR interests, then the next logical step is... how do I do that most effectively?

Unionization is one way to do that, but people often point to unions and say "Well, I can strike here in my Tennessee garment factory, but Haiti and El Salvador and the Marianas will just pick up the slack." And the answer is, yes, that's true, but only if your union is limited to Tennessee. For instance, do have ANY idea how far the US dollar would go in a Haitian (El Salvador/ Vietnamese/Marianas/ Phillipine) strike fund??

The only reason why unions are powerless is because they face multinational corporations as national or local or trade organizations. How stupid is that?? In addition to unionizing, workers need to expand their identities and push their unions to include ALL potential "competitors" in the labor market.

The we need to look at international trade agreements. They are made by nations primarily to promote "free" trade at the behest of large coporations and banks, which of course makes it easier to pit one country against another. No provisions are made for environmental or worker protections. Why not?? We should not accept the way these negotiations are stacked against us.

How do you stop this?? BY VOTING your interests, NOT the interests of Walmart! That has got to be the cheapest and easiest way to protect yourself!

And while I'm on the topic of voting... USA citizens have a special burden of understanding where and why their military power is being applied. So often it's been used to prop up a dictator whose main claim to fame is supporting cheap materials and cheap labor. You need to understand that while you may benefit as a consumer, eventually it will bite you in the *ss as a worker.

Then there is INVESTING. Individuals and retirement funds are not doing their fiduciary duty if they invest in fraudulently-reported companies, or companies whose CEOs get megabucks for bascially nothing.

There is CONSUMPTION. Consumers actaully have very little power, but selective boycotts (like boycotting Walmart) can be successful.

You can CONTRIBUTE to NGOs like Amnesty International.

So, just off the top of my head, you can...

Unionize, vote, invest, consume, contribute, organize, and talk for YOUR future.


Friday, October 22, 2004 6:41 PM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:
...wal-mart is an evil company...

Yes! I'm so glad people are finally waking up to this fact. Besides the numerous articles and reports about Walmart's abuses, I have personal experiences to add.

A few months ago I went to Walmart to buy a bag of chips for some friends and I to enjoy that evening, and you wouldn't believe what happened - they only charged me 99 cents! Less than a dollar for something that cost over $2 at the party store down the road. How could they POSSIBLY compete? Can you believe the gall?

If you think that's bad, my cousin's experience will make you sick. She is a 22 year old young mother with no college education, no training, and no work experience. She found work at Walmart stocking shelves, sweeping up, etc, but for ONLY $8.50 an hour. What a travesty of justice! After a few weeks she realized she couldn't support herself and her child on that wage so she asked for a raise and - get this - they said NO! I couldn't friggin' believe it. They literally forced her, FORCED her to look for a better job. She found one at Lowes for $9.50 an hour with some medical benefits afters 90 days, and a schedule that allowed her to attend the community college - but that's not the point. It would have been easy for Walmart to give her the 10% raise she asked for. After all they are a multi-billion dollar company.

And worst of all is the case of my favorite downtown bookstore. I found it one day by accident when I was strolling through town, and it was very cozy and quaint and had real character. I didn't find the book I wanted that day but I vowed to stop by again. It wasn't until a month later that I actually found a parking spot close enough to the store to make it worthwhile to stop in, but I was glad I finally did. They still didn't have the book I wanted, but they had several that I KINDA' wanted, and since the place was so cozy I thought it was worth it to pay a little extra. So a few months later the local Walmart expanded their book section to thousands of titles, magazines, and newspapers, in a ridiculously well-lighted and roomy section of the store across from the lunch counter. The result, as you can guess, is that my quaint little bookshop went out of business. I just can't understand why more people didn't support they're local mom-&-pop business.

Originally posted by Ghoulman:
WAL-MART, destroying American towns for years all in the name of slave wages, oppression, and government payola.

You are so right! Well said!


Friday, October 22, 2004 8:23 PM


I find it funny that you only comment on the prices, etc of wal-mart and not my actual point. That wal-mart destroys the communities that surrond it.

And by the way, no book store has all the books no matter how big. It's a matter of finite space. But, *every* book store *can* order things you know. So, if you would've just gone up and asked the guy if they had the book (you might have missed it) then (s)he would've told you yes/no and if no offered to order it for you.

And before you go into how much that particular wal-mart payed, perhaps you should tell us of the cost of living in that area of the world as $8.50 may be a lot or peanuts or somewhere inbetween *depending* on the cost of living.

You arguments are misleading at best.

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Saturday, October 23, 2004 5:12 AM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:

You arguments are misleading at best.

I found his comments to be sarcastic.

There is a real streak of capitalism as ideology. In opposition to those "Red Commies" that we used to hear about. Now, it's all "capitalism beat communisim" as if that's true (people say Ronald Reagan defeated the USSR - utter crap but it's the sort of rewrite of history I've noticed comming from the growing fascism of the USA).

Now, this ideology morphed into what I like to call "corporatism" - an evangelical ideology of greed backed up by governments and law. Since the corporation, under US law (the 14th amendment to be exact), is immune to any punishement it is free to do anything it wants. And it does.

WAL-MART, as good an example of insane corporatism as any, is the richest company on the planet right now. Isn't that freaky? How does a mere retail chain become so successful? Low low prices? Shiny happy people? No... we need to seriously ask what the frell this thing is and how does it affect our communities - but our own communities are with WAL-MART in a "deal with the devil" where payola isn't illegal anymore but business as usual. Your local, State, and National governments are beholden to corporatism, which any sane person will see as just exploitation of the working classes who, if they complain (or there is an article in the "liberal media", or another ineffective court case) the government whos job is too protect the peoples interests will tell you to shut up if you want a job.

And the merry go round continues.

Socialism - it's a good thing. No, I'm not Martha Stewart.

I love what you said about Unions SignyM, I too see the union as a good thing that needs to come back to battle the all encompassing inhumanity of our sickly greedy corporate culture. But the problem is, if I may, stems from the unions form - a body made up to organize workers ... in the 1930s!

We need to have a modern union plan and I don't know of any. Mainly because the old unions are "small" in various ways as you pointed out.

Do I have an answer? Well, an international body would be great. If only the USA would stop shitting on the UN.

Getting back to the economy - the affects of capiltalism are devastating to our planet. We are dieing, our time has run out. We have already killed our children. It's sad.. so, so, sad. But the liars and bombers will continue to "cut taxes" as if this isn't looting our nations. MacNamara's IMF and "lending" schemes will continue to bankrupt poor nations so rich ones can invade without firing a shot, genetic seeds will insure the corporation will own the food you eat even before the farmer grows it, and then the ice weasels will come.

I was being figurative at the end there.

If corporatism isn't reversed the destruction of a safe world for our children will be the least of our problems. As stupid little monkeys we really need to understand our very survival depends on life and growth not death and war. Currently the USA isn't even talking to the UN except to accuse it of insighting terrorism.

Peace out - ammend the 14th ammendment to exclude "corporate rights", because if corporations have rights - people do not.


Saturday, October 23, 2004 5:29 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


As far as unions are concerned- the was an union in the USA called the International Workers of the World (IWW) commonly known as the "wobblies". The robber barons recognized a serious threat and used the Pinkerton security company to shoot, beat, and jail the union into non-existance.

This is not ancient history, as it is playing out today. The reason for the failure of the recent 9-month supermarket strike in LA was because they were striking only the LA stores of major national chains like Ralphs and Vons. What the supermarket clerks are concerned about is, of course, the Walmartization of supermarkets.

The same thing is happening among local hotel workers here in LA. They want their contracts to end coincident with other contracts across the USA for chains like Hilton and so forth. Management is not stupid, or course, and the LAST thing they want to do is bargain with an organization that has equivalent clout. They're ready to go to the mat over this one.

It's an ongoing struggle that will continue as long as working people realize they have quite a bit of power in their hands and are willing to organize.


Saturday, October 23, 2004 5:52 AM


*slurp* - cafe coffee. A beautiful fall day and the girls down here at the cafe think your posts are great SignyM. Charlottetown says hi!


Originally posted by SignyM:

It's an ongoing struggle that will continue as long as working people realize they have quite a bit of power in their hands and are willing to organize.

Hallelujah! Goddess be praised and naked!

My experience has been that people have been brainwashed (this is a war for your mind - Morpheus) to believe Unions are *chuckle* "bad". As if a union was ever convicted of anything really terrible compared to the murderous corporate overlords.

Since the industrial revolution our society has changed from a farm and trade economy to a factory product economy. Back when landlords ruled our lives we had a few rights, even under feudal law and tradition (such as it was). But with the new world of INDUSTRY we lost any semblance of law on the factory floor - it was work or die, don't work then starve.

Unions were the answer to this. A union brought back basic respect to the individual in a new world. A world that so famously exploited people slavery wasn't sufficient to describe the torture and misery. Oliver Twist was the best we could do at the time and even then it was considered limp wristed liberal crap. Some things never change eh?

Now that corporations have shifted into international exploitation mode, thanks to Ronald Reagans help, Free Trade, the IMF, the WTO, and a 12 year "corporatism" campaign to destroy the union as a concept (people still spit on unions as if puppies died), people in far away lands can experience union busting and slavery all for the privilage of sewing Nike sneakers for fat diabetic American children.

SignyM you point out just what Micheal Moore had pointed out in some of his wonderful documentaries of years past. These battles are essential to the lives of real people. Until the people realize the union is thier best answer to the industiral reality of our "Brave New World" they will continue to be exploited by thier governments, corporatism, and stupidly evil entities like WAL-MART.

Hmm, is that Aludus Huxley reference off? Man, wish I'd gone to school.


Saturday, October 23, 2004 6:11 AM


Devil's Advocate Moment:

It MUST be mentioned that there have been some VERY powerful men tht organized SOME Unions only to feed their insatiable lust for power and riches.

If you deny that, you may want to recalibrate your 'balance' meter and have another 'go' at the diagnostic. :bigrin:

With that being said, the real-me sez: GO Ghoulman and SignyM!!! {not one atom of scarcasm intended}

Corportism is rotting our country and reaching its tentacles into the world - further sullying the USA's Global Image - which is superimposed on the self-serving {heh, any OTHER type?} propaganda that these business' portray.

Boss Tweed would be PROUD of these, his bastard like-minded progeny.

Ah, the Blue Sun cometh - or to put it another way - Something Wicked this way comes.

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Saturday, October 23, 2004 6:43 AM


Two points to make, then I go outside on this lovely fall day:

1st: What Walmart does to their employees and American communities is nothing compared to the aggressive way Walmart bullies producers. Apparently there are virtually no U.S.-made clothing manufacturers thanks to Walmart, which prefers to buy clothing on the cheap from countries who use child labor chained to tables.

2nd: Walmart isn't refusing to sell the Daily Show book because of Stewart. The Walmart corporation never sells books with content they find "lewd," which means anything with naked folks in it. So, on one page, The Daily Show book puts Supreme Court heads on naked old bodies and that's not something Walmart wants kids to find on its shelves. Big whoop.

End of story. Who could care less?
Jon Stewart rocks.


Saturday, October 23, 2004 9:20 AM


First off, let me say that I basically agree with you and all points but one... kind of... Unions.

In the past the Union has been a liberating figure saving *many* lives for miners and others in high risk jobs. Unfortunatly the Union has basically become a corporation in itself. All the strikes that I've seen here have revolved around wages, benifits, etc. And this isn't the, "They want to take them away" it's more along the lines of "We think we deserve more so give me, give me, give me." Basically, even Unions aren't immune from corruption.

I would think (you implied this) that if the Union undergoes on hell of a makeover that it would help and become *one* of the ways to defeat corporatisim. Or at least make it managable.

I believe that it must be a multi-pronged attack. After all, if there are people that will go to replace those that are on strike, the wal-marts of the world won't care. If people are willing to cross the picket lines to shop there no matter what, wal-mart won't care.

But, if people in the community complain, if they won't go to wal-mart if they mistreat there employees (in store, contracted or otherwise) then wal-mart will be forced to care as they'll lose money. Basically, it's the communities fault as much as it is wal-marts (I'm *am* glad to hear that this is changing though ).

Something else that must happen (mentioned above as well) is that the laws that govern corporations must change. The corporation must be held responsible for its actions.

Also, the fines must be increased. Wal-mart doesn't care if it gets fined millions of dollars b/c they make billions. The fine doesn't even make a dent in there profits, so why would they obey the law. I would think that making the fine a *percentage* of *gross* (*not* net) earnings would make the corporations think twice before continuing there current practices. Especially if the percentage is fairly big.

Anyway, that's my two cents.

Man do I long for the day when the company you worked for actually cared.

By the by, has anyone here seen the documentary 'The Corporation'. I highly recommend it if you haven't. They diagnosed the corporation (it's legally a person so why not treat it like one for fun) as being a psycopath. There logic is pretty damn solid too

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Monday, October 25, 2004 3:59 AM


^^^ yes, certainly I agree the current state of... er, the Unions (*chuckle*) is corrupt. But hey, so is everything people do. What I mean is, we just need an adjustment (like adjusting the 14th Amendment) - just as we don't need to burn down Corporations like the ending to Fight Club (though it is getting close to that since Corporations seem to have no problem going to literal war against the people in the name of profits) Unions need to become 21st Century creatures if they are to be relevant.

I suggest the UN is a good place to start.


Monday, October 25, 2004 5:39 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey Ghoulman- thanks for letting me know that people (besides me) like my posts!!! Shiny!


Monday, October 25, 2004 7:13 AM


As for the thread topic, Wal-Mart is just following their policy, which extends to movies and music. I don't particularly care what types of movies/CDs/books they choose to carry, because I'd rather have the choice to buy something lewd if I really wanted to, and thus don't buy those things in Wal-Mart. But I have the option of frequenting Best Buy or Barnes & Noble to purchase things.

And as to the fact that Wal-Mart is bad to their employees, hell yes. I believe it was either "Now with Bill Moyers" or "Frontline" on PBS that ran a story recently about disgruntled workers in a California Wal-Mart. But it's an unfortunate fact of being underskilled and undereducated in our country today. You just can't survive on minimum wage, or working just an entry-level (i.e. not management) retail job. Perhaps you can in other parts of the country, but chances are the low wages they pay and the crappy work atmosphere will force you to find other work.

And it's not just retail. I worked for a newspaper for 3 years where you were lucky to get a lunch break, reporters and editors routinely worked over 40 hours a week without compensation, and overall the company sucked. And you know what? I got the hell out of there.

There's only so much a worker can take. Luckily for Wal-Mart, they keep going strong because the people who have had enough are easily replaced with fresh bodies. Then when they've had enough, the process begins again. Turnover is high, profits are high, but wages are low. Sadly enough, that's just how it works.

"My office! Burgled! Plundered! Purloined! Ha ha ha...loins."

-- Phil Sebben, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law


Monday, October 25, 2004 8:38 AM


I think you people have too much money and time on your hands.

(Gorramn Double Post)
"I'll be in my bunk."


Monday, October 25, 2004 8:38 AM


I think you people have too much money and time on your hands.

(Gorramn Double Post)
"I'll be in my bunk."


Monday, October 25, 2004 9:16 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Hey Ghoulman- thanks for letting me know that people (besides me) like my posts!!! Shiny!

I love your posts and I hope EVERYONE reads them.


Monday, October 25, 2004 12:08 PM



I'll list the big one... and put it in caps: UNIONIZE!!!

This is exactly why people started forming unions in the first place.

I couldn't agree more ... I think people in this country forget that everything good in this country someone fought and died for it didn't just happen

Wal-Mart is Evil

I work there part-time as a cashier while I'm in school...and its an evil company

for starters the wages are patheic for the amount of work you do and most people who work there Work very hard indeed

I personally took the job because I wanted some mind numbing work..somthing I didn't have to care about or get to self- involved...and Wal-mart leaves more then your mind numb at the end of the day

when they 1rst hire you..they show you these can tell Sam Walton is an ultra right wing conservative even before they show the picture of him and Bush senior

but what really got me was how they try to tell their employees that Unions aren't a good thing and that if someone from a Union approches you don't sign the card...

They tell you that Wal-Mart doesn't need Unions because they'll only take your money and that Wal-mart offers their employees benifits so they don't need Union(BullCrap)..that turned my stomach..but I digress

They also foster an atomsphere of fear to their employees and everything is so micromanaged, it feels like your suffocating

I don't plan on being at Wal-Mart long..but I have to admit its kind of intresting if you watch what goes on closely..and I do..their is something fundamentally wrong with Wal-mart there is something very stifiling about almost feel like your in the thick of something very big and very nasty on the brink about to happen..Like Wal-mart is going to take over the world or something ( blue Sun anyone!!)..and you wonder if the people around you ever stop to think long enough about it and if they feel the same way!!

just the other day something came up about employee benifits and I casually mentioned Union's and how benifical they were

which one girl replied.." but Wal-Mart doesn't need Unions because they have all that stuff for their employees"

which I replied "you don't really believe that hog wash they were selling you"

she looked surprised I gave her a quick 101 about Unions ...

needless to say if any Union guy approaches me, I won't hesitate to sign the card!!


Monday, October 25, 2004 12:45 PM



Originally posted by piratejenny:

needless to say if any Union guy approaches me, I won't hesitate to sign the card!!

Even if you are *very* pro union, I'd say hesitate to sign the card. Take down there info and do some research about that particular union. As with any organization, some are more (far more) corrupt than others.

Basically, take it slow and figure out which one (if it is indeed decided that the employees want one) would be the best for your particular situation. As a bad desision in the beginning could lead to a worse situation that you have now.

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Monday, October 25, 2004 12:55 PM


well your right some Unions are better then others, but I would be signing it more as a statement of protest then anything...honestly I haven't seen any Union guys lurking around..and 2nd.... I think Wal-Mart has most of their employees to scared to sign a union card or get involved if they were approached by someone

I'm Lucky in the sense that I don't need Wal-Mart to survive, but alot of the hard working people their do.. even a pitiful pay check at Wal-Mart is better then no paycheck at least thats how alot of people look at it..

unfortuantley I think its a vicious cycle

but like I said its very interesting in a creepy sort of way!!

Unions give Workers a voice they wouldn't have other wise..

and yes to phrase Martha Stewart..Thats a good thing

and yeah Jon Stewart Rocks


Monday, October 25, 2004 4:02 PM


Getting banned by Wal-Mart has always been kind of an personal aspiration of mine.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Monday, October 25, 2004 4:26 PM


Sounds like "Banned by Walmart" is quickly becoming as prestigious as a JB.


Monday, October 25, 2004 5:47 PM


Agreed. But, just make sure that you get the voice that you want (if it happens).

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Monday, October 25, 2004 6:33 PM



Originally posted by Tiger:

A few months ago I went to Walmart to buy a bag of chips for some friends and I to enjoy that evening, and you wouldn't believe what happened - they only charged me 99 cents! Less than a dollar for something that cost over $2 at the party store down the road. How could they POSSIBLY compete? Can you believe the gall?

Walmart is notorious for going in and underselling EVERYONE around them and then once the competition is gone, they seriously jack up the prices. Has happened in many a town around the country. They also bully every company that they buy from into practically taking a loss just to sell their products in the stores. All the companies are afraid of their competitors stealing all of their sales if they refuse and do not have their products in Walmart, so they cave in.

I also know from my nephew working there for a while that they really do make the workers stay off the clock and work.


Saturday, October 30, 2004 11:27 AM



Originally posted by robb1974:

Originally posted by Ghoulman:
WAL-MART, destroying American towns for years all in the name of slave wages, oppression, and government payola.

Wow people are working for Wal-Mart against thier will!! Get real 95% of all retailers pay on the same pay scale as Wal-Mart. How much do you expect to get paid to run a register and give customers
crappy service..

Edited for a typo

Excuse me, 1974, maybe you don't know this, but in some cases, especially cases where Walmart goes in and pretty much destroys a town's Main Street where individual businesses go belly up and people lose their jobs...then Walmart becomes pretty much the only game in town for employment.
Some people do work there because there's nothing else.

Anyway, I'm not surprised that they banned the book. Typical behaviour.
But if you insist on shopping at Walmart, you can get the book at

"Take me, sir. Take me hard."


Saturday, October 30, 2004 11:28 AM



Originally posted by ShadowVessel:
I think you people have too much money and time on your hands.

(Gorramn Double Post)
"I'll be in my bunk."

So do you...or you wouldn't be here!

"Take me, sir. Take me hard."


Saturday, October 30, 2004 2:40 PM


I'm a 13-year union member. HOWEVER--before that I worked at a hotel where we voted NOT to have a union. Not all employees need a union, if you are treated fairly. It is the unions who pressure folks to unionize because they want those dues! As retaliation, many union conventions chose to book at other, unionized hotels. I felt the right NOT to unionize was degraded, and had my first taste of unions. They are powerful and corrupt, and I take those anti-Walmart adds with a grain of salt.

On the flip side, management at my current place of employment is as evil as....let me see...yes, some are almost as bad as Niska; and our union stewards are kept very very busy.


Saturday, October 30, 2004 2:40 PM


I'm a 13-year union member. HOWEVER--before that I worked at a hotel where we voted NOT to have a union. Not all employees need a union, if you are treated fairly. It is the unions who pressure folks to unionize because they want those dues! As retaliation, many union conventions chose to book at other, unionized hotels. I felt the right NOT to unionize was degraded, and had my first taste of unions. They are powerful and corrupt, and I take those anti-Walmart adds with a grain of salt.

On the flip side, management at my current place of employment is as evil as....let me see...yes, some are almost as bad as Niska; and our union stewards are kept very very busy.


Sunday, October 31, 2004 4:53 AM


Or...we could all put our focus toward something important. You know, like forcing the Wal-Marts of the world to pay for a few years of medicine for AIDS patients in Africa. It wouldn't be hard. All we'd have to do is refuse to buy from them until they do it.

"Honestly folks, I think my brain is broken." Jon Stewart


Monday, November 1, 2004 9:27 AM


Touche'. And also true. Thanks for going easy on me for having a bad day that day.

(Gorramn Double Post)
"I'll be in my bunk."


Monday, November 1, 2004 9:27 AM


Touche'. And also true. Thanks for going easy on me for having a bad day that day.

(Gorramn Double Post)
"I'll be in my bunk."






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