new poll out about 9/11

UPDATED: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 07:03
VIEWED: 2462
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Saturday, October 14, 2006 7:20 PM


i think this is pretty relevant to the terrorism debates we've been having; especially since most Americans believe the government lied to us.


Scientific Poll: 84% Reject Official 9/11 Story

Only 16% now believe official fable according to New York Times/CBS News poll
Truth Movement has the huge majority of opinion
How will the Bush Cabal react?

Steve Watson & Alex Jones / | October 14 2006

A monumental new scientific opinion poll has emerged which declares that only 16% of people in America now believe the official government explanation of the September 11th 2001 terror attacks.

According to the new New York Times/CBS News poll, only 16% of Americans think the government is telling the truth about 9/11 and the intelligence prior to the attacks:

"Do you think members of the Bush Administration are telling the truth, are mostly telling the truth but hiding something, or are they mostly lying?

Telling the truth 16%

Hiding something 53%

Mostly lying 28%

Not sure 3%"

The 84% figure mirrors other recent polls on the same issue. A Canadian Poll put the figure at 85%. A CNN poll had the figure at 89%. Over 80% supported the stance of Charlie Sheen when he went public with his opinions on 9/11 as an inside job.

A recent CNN poll found that the percentage of Americans who blame the Bush administration for the September 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington rose from almost a third to almost half over the past four years. This latest poll shows that that figure has again risen exponentially and now stands at well over three quarters of the population.

It took 35 plus years for the majority of Americans to wake up to the fact that the assassination of JFK was a government operation. It has only take five years for MORE Americans to wake up to the fact that 9/11 was an inside job on behalf of the Neoconservative crime syndicate within the US.

Reference to past polls show that in the last five years there has been an explosion in numbers of those who do not buy the official line.

In 2004 a Zogby Poll showed that just over half of New Yorkers believed there was a cover up.

In May of this year another Zogby poll indicated that around half of ALL Americans did not buy the official story.

The latest poll also shows a massive awakening has occurred recently given that previous estimates indicated that around 34% still believed the official story and around 30% were oblivious altogether.

Alex Jones declared that the Truth movement has cause to celebrate this evening as it is now beyond any doubt that the vast majority of Americans know that the official story of 19 Saudis with box cutters is ludicrous.

The diligence of those who have worked to educate the world on 9/11 truth from day one cannot be underestimated. We are now seeing the fruits of this hard and at times extremely trying labor hit home.

We would add thought that although this is a major victory for the truth movement it does not mean that the hard work can stop.

The next step is to use the majority opinion as leverage towards officially changing the record of what happened on 9/11, forcing the mainstream media into addressing the issue, not as a quirky news item, but as a serious re-defining of the state of the nation and the world today.

We have not taken the country back yet and the cabal that has taken control of the government continues to systematically use 9/11 and the war on terror as an excuse to destroy the Constitutional foundations of law and order in America.

As it becomes clearer that more and more Americans KNOW that their government is lying to them on the most fundamental issue of their lifetimes, we must consider what kind of reaction the government will undertake.

Remember that the majority of American voters now believe the Sept. 11 terrorist attack was a more significant historical event than the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

In July 2001 Alex jones issued an emergency warning that there was going to be a massive false flag terrorist attack in New York to be blamed on Osama Bin Laden. At that time there was not enough activism among the population to prevent it going ahead.

In August of 2006 Alex Jones issued a second emergency warning that all the factors pointed towards an imminent attack. The activism that occurred in the wake of this warning and that of others was exponential and may indeed have helped stave off another attack.

Our next warning is this, desperate times call for desperate measures. The criminal elements of the government now know that they have been totally exposed and are reviled by the majority of free thinking Americans. Will their response be to vamp up the crack down on that free thinking itself?

In essence Americans have outright REJECTED giving up their liberty for security in the wake of 9/11. The only security IS liberty itself, and the only way to stay secure is to constantly defend liberty.


Monday, October 16, 2006 10:15 AM



It's all in how you ask the question. Last time I saw a poll it was 36% for inside job/inside assist. I'm still unsure which it is, but I'm leaning towards inside job, but still consider inside assist a distinct possibility. I did a poll here, and it didn't fair so well, I'd say 1/3, so i think these numbers are a little low for the gullible crowd, but it nice to see.

Us who took the tinfoil hat for this one are looking better daily, and those offical-hook-line-and-sinker folks are slowly coming over to our side. I was one of them for many years, until joining this forum. the aruments here led me to do a lot of reading, and talking to people who were there, and in the cleanup crew here, and it was all pretty convincing.

In the end, the official story supporters will become the holocaust deniers of our time. Not just for this, but because they tend to be the same folks who deny (on both sides) the millions killed by Bush and Clinton.


Monday, October 16, 2006 10:53 AM


And of course how you interpret the answers. Of course the government is lying about 9/11 - they asked Bush why he didn't do anything for half an hour and they came up with "So the children weren't panicked."

If you think that's the truth...

Then again what percentage of Americans don't believe in evolution?


Monday, October 16, 2006 1:33 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Anyone who would trust a poll reported by Alex Jones will believe anything.


Monday, October 16, 2006 1:59 PM


Just what was Bush supposed to do in that class room? Throw up his arms and yell "To arms, To arms".

Such ridiculous BS.


Monday, October 16, 2006 2:10 PM


but your ingoring polls over the last 3 years that say the same thing... that over 75% of the people think the government is LYING ot us! thats not significant to you, that we have an alleged democracy, yet the majority of Americans opinions are irrelevant?

THUNDER- we thought the country was under attack by 'terrorists'... why would the secret service allow Bush to hang around for a half- hour, when his location was well publicized; he should have been priority UNO! but instead, he was in no rush.. thats just a little suspicious


Monday, October 16, 2006 2:46 PM


Simonwho- your missing the point; which is that most Americans think the government is hiding vital information neccessary for us to make sound decisions. youd think that after the false wmd hype up of Iraq and Saddams Alqaeda affiliations.. and all the other various lies the government has manipulated and decieved us with, that that maybe we'd be a bit more discerning involving an event that changed America for ever. all we want is a legitimate third party investigation into the facts, like why the CIA was running the same drill of flying planes into buildings the very morning of 9.11, or how certain CIA members new that American Airlines and United were gonna suddenly take a 'HIT'; i wanna see the pentagon photos that were confiscated from local survelience cameras, including samples of the wreckage, we want the firemens tranmissions released, and we wanna know how building 7 collapsed, perfectly into its footprint, when no other steel building has ever collapsed from fire etc. these are valid scientific observations that the government cannot legitimately explain, and only succeed in raising suspicion due to their balatant secrecy.


Monday, October 16, 2006 3:43 PM


It doesn't get any better....

I was just searching the NYT homepage, and they do this sort of poll all of the time.

Do you think the govt. is telling the truth, hiding something, or lying to you about X?

and regardless of what X is, the numbers come about the same. Confidence in our govt. is what's being shown here, which is down about 4 points from 2 years ago, but it's been low for a while.

I think that there's a debate here.

This is where there is a debate.

On one side, there's alex jones, king of tinfoil hat land. on the other side, there's the admin and its apologists. Between them, somewhere, is the truth.

whether or not Alex Jones is right isn't the question, god forbid, again, that the strength of any argument rely on the credibility of *one* its proponents. If this were true, all of christianity would have to let the Reverend Fred Phelps be its spokesperson. Alex Jones claim to fame is saying that 9-11 would happen, and that the govt. would do it, before it happened. Supposedly he also said that they would blame it on OBL. I have no reason to doubt jones, but if anyone here of the Alex Jones following wants to prove that to be the case, please do so. (Antimason, Pirate News, etc.)

Additionally, it's not a unique position. FOX aired the lone gunman (jan 01 was it?) in which the secretary of defense orchestrates a plot to fly planes into the world trade centers. I saw that ep when it was aired, and so did many of you.

I think as I have often said, all of you who support our president, have to realize, that to those of us, and we have really looked, who suspect his crowd of perpetrating 9-11, replace everything you feel towards OBL, and you'll get how we feel about Bush.

And I took some convincing, and was on this forum, but now I feel pretty sure. Whatever else is true about 9-11, I am adequately convinced of two things: 1. The 9-11 conspiracy, even if committed by OBL, could simply not be carried off without inside help. It's just not feasible. I am seriously sure that it took at least one high level govt. agent of the level of at least deputy secretary of defense. I don't think it *has* to involve more than that, but it easily may. There's no reason that it *can't* go all the way to the top. Given that there is one terrorist in govt. with the position of deputy secretary of defense or higher, there have to be a fair number involved in the cover up. Is this a far flung conspiracy? No. Not at all. If this happened in any administration in my lifetime there would have been a cover up. Nixon was a great man, not just a good man, but a great man, and he got involved in a cover up. Why? because bad news can sink an administration, and destroy everything you've fought your whole life to accomplish.

Secondly, I'm convinced that the towers would not collapse from the airplane collisions. It simply wouldn't happen. It isn't just unlikely, it's flat out impossible. It strongly violates several laws of physics. Without a man in the building, it's not going to happen.

Remember, crime is motive means and opportunity. No one has ever been able ascribe anything more than 'motive' to Osama. This is an ongoing investigation, and it needs CSI level of attention. The official story, by contrast, it totally absurd. A fire so hot that the black box incinerated instantly? and yet a passport was found in tact?' These two so called facts are in the 9-11 report. It's totally perposperous. At one point they have heated metal, lying stationary in the wreckage increase 1000 degrees in temperature, and 50 story bulding leveled by a small piece of debree. The plausibility of the official story is about as solid as Speed 2. Which means someone is covering something up, and in that case, it's really our duty to assume the worst, because if it's not that bad, the govt. will just come clean and say, oh, no, it was this, steven hadley was a terrorist, and we covered up for him.

But my suspicion is that this was cooked up in the New Pearl Harbor manner. Not that the old pearl harbor was a conspiracy. Except by the japanese.


Monday, October 16, 2006 7:09 PM


DT- heres the clip from Alexs sydicated radio show from July '01 where he pretty clearly exposed what would eventually happen on 9/11


Monday, October 16, 2006 9:21 PM


Can we please dispense with the sock puppetry ?

It's long since gotten old, it fools no one, and just clutters up the forum with "me too!" trashposts which add nothing but static to our signal to noise ratio.

Folks can't stop the signal, but some of em sure seem bent on drowning it out when it's something they do not wish to hear.

(Figure it out yourself, it's bloody obvious.)


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 1:30 AM


America loves a winner!

It's sad that so many are relying on fairy tales and intentional distortions about what really happened, instead of dealing w/ the hard , cold facts.

But folks prefer religious fairy tales to reality too, so it's not all that surprising. I just thought that in the 21st century, and w/ all the evidencde clearly seen as it was on t.v. , folks would be more logical in such matters.

Not that I believe the poll #'s are by any means accurate as they're being reported, but still. Opinions don't chancge facts. But if more than 20% of the people believe 9/11 wasn't what it really was, an attack by Islamic Jihadist, then we all might as well believe in YoungEarth Creationism, BigFoot, the Lochness Monster and Alien flying saucers.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 1:40 AM


The architect who built the twin towers has said he knew they were going to come down the moment the planes hit them. I think he knows more about the physics of buildings than anyone here.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 4:59 AM


AURAPTER-i think you are letting your emotion get the better of you. why would any muslim hate you, what did you personally ever do to them? you, me, we did nothing, we've never even been to the middle east. what is the motivation to murder someone that youve never met? the average American is no more a threat to the avg Muslim than vice versa; but it is our POLITICAL and ECONOMIC influence in that region that has tainted their perspective of us, and rightly so, not just because we feel relentlessly entitled to protect our self-interests, but also for enforcing the wall street status quo, and the continuation of the global monetary fraud perpetuated by the central banks. its time you realise that the establishment, ie the elite players in politics and finance literally want the world divided into bio-regions, under the dominion of a type of global UN government, and a single universal currency. they know they can control the western nations through debt and consolidate wealth, theyve enslaved much of the developing world through IMF and world bank loans, and now the objective is to bring the M.E. under their direct influence.

SimonWho- actually i had heard the opposite, that it was designed to withstand the impact of two commerical 737(the largest at the time), or to have as many as 20 center collumns removed before structural integrity was compromised. to my understanding, the pancake theory falls on its face when its asked to explain how jet fuel(less than a full tank) burned at several times its capacity, precisely and uniformely to not only directly melt steel(as seen falling off buliding in some videos), but to weaken ALL the structural welds and supports, and then subsequently pulvarise all 80 plus fully intact floors below; meanwhile collapsing at near free fall speeds, into an explosion of vaporised dust. and then building 7! which wasnt even hit by a plane..i mean.. its just rediculous that not one, not two, but three buildings fell in such a way; mathematically the odds are impossible.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 5:19 AM


here is an interview with senatorial candidate Stan Jones who knows the agenda is a pan American union, and also knows the government was envolved in 9/11. he actually outlines his case pretty thorougly

its guys like him, who know both parties are controlled, that we can trust to be objective on the issues


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 5:26 AM


And how is believing the story that was sold to you, BELIEVING IT as you do, any different than believing in the lochness monster, Auraptor? You have certainly had to ignore certain facts in order to be so positive of your reality. Isn't that exactly the kind of lunacy your post is meant to shame?

The poll numbers are this. something like 84 percent of americans reject the official story about 9/11. That is hardly the same thing as saying 84 percent believe that this administration put explosives in the buildings.

Lets look at the official story for a minute shall we? "nobody could have anticipated 9/11." Well sir, the facts don't mete that out.

Are you still in the camp of 16 percent...because that's pretty loony.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 7:29 AM


You know, "people can come up with statistics to prove anything, 14% of the people know that."

This is an interesting exercise in skewing polling data. 84% of respondents may not believe the official story, but that in no way indicates that 84% believe there was some kind of conspiracy or government involvement. It means, simply, they don't buy the story. To suggest that this data denotes anything other than that is either dishonest or wishful thinking on the part of conspiracists.

And in response to this question posed by Antimason:


why would any muslim hate you, what did you personally ever do to them?

Brother, they have their reasons. First, if you're a taxpayer, you support your government. Now, consider the US government's unwavering support of Israel no matter the circumstances or US support for various totalitarian Middle Eastern regimes that oppress their citizens. These are just two of the many reasons these people have to dislike America and there are dozens more. The first step in making peace with the Muslim world is to acknowledge that they do have some legitimate grievances.

EDIT- Oops, I think I just repeated the above post. Sorry.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 7:42 AM



Originally posted by Righteous9:
The poll numbers are this. something like 84 percent of americans reject the official story about 9/11. That is hardly the same thing as saying 84 percent believe that this administration put explosives in the buildings.

Absolutely. And yet that is precisely the conclusion that prisonplanet tried to get their readers to draw based on that article. And they even went so far as to leave out a key phrase from the original poll question to further support their thesis. In going to the original polling question, my selection would've been one of the three that was added together to get 84%. And yet I don't think there is compelling evidence that the US government planted explosives in the twin towers.

{Side note: this is why it's nice to always include a linky. When I don't see a link, I start wondering.} Here's the prisonplanet link:

The title of the article is, "Scientific Poll: 84% Reject Official 9/11 Story". Here's how they report the poll question:

excerpted from prisonplanet article
"Do you think members of the Bush Administration are telling the truth, are mostly telling the truth but hiding something, or are they mostly lying?

Telling the truth 16%

Hiding something 53%

Mostly lying 28%

Not sure 3%"

In fairness to prisonplanet, they did include a link to the original polling (
). Here's how the original poll posted the question:

excerpted from angus-reid article
When it comes to what they knew prior to September 11th, 2001, about possible terrorist attacks against the United States, do you think members of the Bush Administration are telling the truth, are mostly telling the truth but hiding something, or are they mostly lying?

See any differences? And if you actually go to the pdf that has all the polling details you see that there are three additional questions that make things even more clear:

excerpted from

78. Do you think that George W. Bush personally knew before September 11th, 2001 about intelligence reports that warned of possible terrorist attacks against the United States using airplanes, or not?

79. Was the Bush Administration paying enough or not enough attention to terrorism prior to September 11, 2001?

80. Was the Clinton Administration paying enough or not enough attention to terrorism prior to September 11, 2001?

81. When it comes to what they knew prior to September 11th, 2001, about possible terrorist attacks against the United States, do you think members of the Bush Administration are telling the truth, are mostly telling the truth but hiding something, or are they mostly lying?

It's just a tiny little detail, the leaving out of the opening part of the question from what they quoted, but it says something about whoever wrote the article.

Edited to add: Oh well, looks like I posted basically the same point as the preceding post. Now we're going to all be accused of conspiring to silence those who believe in conspiracy theories. Why do we insist on persecuting them?


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 7:53 AM



Originally posted by SoupCatcher:
Oh well, looks like I posted basically the same point as the preceding post. Now we're going to all be accused of conspiring to silence those who believe in conspiracy theories. Why do we insist on persecuting them?

Well, the good news is at least three of us are capable of spotting BS when we see it...


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 3:45 PM




It's sad that so many are relying on fairy tales and intentional distortions about what really happened, instead of dealing w/ the hard , cold facts.

Funny, I would characterize your position in the identical manner.

I think you should take this fairly seriously. I'm not a moron, and I did really look into this.

I am about as certain as I can be of the following facts:

1. This required at least one high level inside man
2. The planes alone could never have levelled those buildings, not in the same universe that has evolution in it. Maybe in creation fantasy world that could happen, but it defies physics, and a decent portion of chemistry.
3. There is no concrete evidence linking Osama Bin Laden to the 9-11 attacks, or identifying conclusively any of the 9-11 hijackers.

Given that, and the huge pile of evidence favoring some sort of inside involvement, I think this is a wide open case.

That wide open case can still lead to islamic extremists. I'd give that about 50/50. But I'd give you odds of about 90/10 that members of PNAC were some how involved. And I'm talking in serious terms, not wild accusation and speculation. I think an objective criminal trial with no outside interference would convict the Bush administration of at least gross negligence, and I'd wager good money that this could be proven as a deliberate attempt by at least one deputy secretary of defense or higher to - at the very least - intentionally allow a terrorist attack (possibly planned and executed by islamic radicals) to happen on US soil to forward their own radical political agenda.

And, that, in a word, is treason.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 3:47 PM



Simon who:

The architect who built the twin towers has said he knew they were going to come down the moment the planes hit them. I think he knows more about the physics of buildings than anyone here.

This must have been after he said the thing about never in a million years would that happen. Perhaps after someone many many times more rich powerful and scary talked to him.

Building 7, look into it.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 4:03 PM



On this subject of the 9-11 looneys. Who cares if 90% of what's out there is total hogwash. The statistical and circumstantial evidence all leads undeniably in one direction.

In the conspiracy-o-meter, where ten is as-true-as-evoltuion, and 0 is as-false-as-creationism, I think the holocaust gets a 9.5/10, vince foster was murdered gets a 9/10 and, kennedy assination inside job, 8/10, and 9-11, at least in part an inside job, get's a 9/10.

i'd say about 90% of the conspiracy theories goign around the web on both sides are total hogwash, but 9-11, I absolutely promise you, will historically go up with the lusitania, the reichstag fire and the gulf of tonkin.

BTW, I agree that 84% are not on the 'inside job' side.

Also, I want to clarify one point:

Inside Job does NOT mean "the administration planned 9-11." I think that's almost an absurd position. I can think of a number of people Powell, Rice, Ashcroft, who I seriously doubt had anything to do with planning 9-11. I don't think Bush ever had anything to do with planning anything above a beer and cheeseburger run.

Inside job means *someone* from the inside was involved. Could be Rudy Giuliani, he's on my top ten insider suspects list. Cheney, Perle, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Kristol, Hadley and Bolton make that list. Dov Kindheim is another one. Not that I'm saying "these people conspired together" that's also absurd. I'm saying, "could possibly be one of these people, they were all in the conservatory with the candlestick that night.

I also think there are some suspicious democrats. Hillary, Difi, benator and Lieberman, all involved in crafting the patriot act which could never have passed the following month if 9-11 hadn't interceded. How far would a politician go to pass a piece of legislation? Well, that's what all of those above "now officially accepted historical conspiracies" were about. Patriot Act is every bit as good a motivator as the war in Iraq.

So, all the above insiders have motive, and *motive* is absolutely the only thing we have to recommend osama bin laden as a suspect.

People,. Motive, means, opportunity. I'm gonna keep saying it until someone gets it.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 4:14 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

Polls can be useful - like exit polls for example. When fairly conducted they provide validation (or create doubt) about the actions of a large number of people.

Opinion polls are trickier - like "push polling" which is not real polling but is used to create a point of view.

Opinion polls about pointless minutia are, well, a waste of time.

Even valid and vital opinion polls have problems with sampling, with asking questions in a neutral way and neutral context, and with choices that cover all valid responses. ('If I get to ask the questions I determine the answers.')

When fairly and completely reported, this poll does indicate a low level of trust in the administration.

But you can't really use polls to determine facts. If one had polled Galileo's neighbors to determined if the earth or sun moved most, we'd still be teaching an earth-centric universe. If I trusted the polls when Bush was at a 97% approval rating to determine if he was a good guy, I'd have to do some major retractions now.

You always have to carefully evaluate the polls themselves.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:31 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by AURaptor:

It's sad that so many are relying on fairy tales and intentional distortions about what really happened, instead of dealing w/ the hard , cold facts.

But folks prefer religious fairy tales to reality too, so it's not all that surprising. I just thought that in the 21st century, and w/ all the evidencde clearly seen as it was on t.v. , folks would be more logical in such matters.

Not that I believe the poll #'s are by any means accurate as they're being reported, but still. Opinions don't chancge facts. But if more than 20% of the people believe 9/11 wasn't what it really was, an attack by Islamic Jihadist, then we all might as well believe in YoungEarth Creationism, BigFoot, the Lochness Monster and Alien flying saucers.

Looks like you need to email the and ASAP, since their official websites confess that USAma Bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11:


"I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons.”
—Usama bin Laden, CNN, "Bin Laden says he wasn't behind attacks," September 17, 2001

"We've never made the case, or argued the case that somehow Osama bin Laden was directly involved in 9/11. That evidence has never been forthcoming."
—Dick Cheney, "Interview of the Vice President by Tony Snow", March 29, 2006

"The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11. Bin Laden has not been formally charged in connection to 9/11. He has not been formally indicted and charged in connection with 9/11 because the FBI has no hard evidence connected Bin Laden to 9/11.”
—FBI agent Rex Tomb, Muckraker Report, "FBI says, 'No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11'," June 6, 2006

"The goal has never been to get Bin Laden."
—General Richard Myers, chairman, US Joint Chiefs of Staff at Pentagon (movie: 9/11 Press for Truth)

QUESTION: "Mr President, in your speeches, you rarely mention Osama Bin Laden. Why is that?"
GEORGE BUSH JR: "I don't know where he is. I just don't spend that much time on him."

"We could develop a terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington. The terror campaign could be pointed at refugees seeking haven in the United States. Hijacking attempts against US civil air and surface craft should be encouraged. An aircraft at Eglin AFB would be painted and numbered as an exact duplicate for a civil registered aircraft belonging to a CIA proprietary organization in the Miami area. At a designated time the duplicate would be subsituted for the actual civil aircraft and the passengers, all boarded under carefully prepared aliases. The actual registered aircraft would be converted to a drone. Take off times of the drone aircraft and the actual aircraft will be scheduled to allow a rondevous. From the rondevous point the passenger-carrying aircraft will descend to minimum altitude and go directly to an auxiliary airfield at Eglin AFB where arrangements will have been made to evacuate the passengers and return the aircraft to its original status. Meanwhile the drone aircraft will continue to fly the filed flight plan. The drone will be transmitting on the international distress frequency "MAY DAY" message stating it is under attack. The transmission will be interrupted by the destruction of aircraft which will be triggered by radio signal. This will allow IACO radio stations to tell the US what has happened to the aircraft instead of the US trying to "sell" the incident. Casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation."
-Jewish Zionist General Lyman Lemnitzer, chiarman US Joint Chiefs of Staff at Pentagon, Memo to Secretary of Defense, Operation Northwoods, March 13, 1962 (declassified in 2000, published by ABC News on May 1, 2001)

9/11 Graphic Novels

Even Comedy Central admits it's a joke that invisible Muslims with plastic boxcutters defeated the US military on 9/11:



Whistleblower or Govt provocateur?


The world’s biggest conspiracy of all time will finally be uncovered when Eric Cartman exposes the true culprit behind the September 11th attacks. An attempted assassination in South Park means no one is safe from the people who are the real brains behind the 9/11 conspiracy. When Kyle and Stan hit the road in search of the truth, they come face-to-face with the masterminds who pulled off the most elaborate, intricate and flawlessly executed operation in American history. Broadcast date 10-11-6 (9-11-01 upside down) by and Comedy Central TV

Bush Jr's coup d'grat for 9/11 webmaster

Raptor, are you employed as a psyops blogger by the Pentagon?


Government Targets American Bloggers As Enemy Propagandists

Military, Homeland Security, Bush White House strategy sharpen knives against anyone critical of the "war on terror"

Paul Joseph Watson
October 17, 2006

Recent scientific polls that show around 84% don't believe the government's explanation behind 9/11 and others confirming the fact that support for the war in Iraq is at an all time low have led the Bush administration to sharpen their knives against the new breed of perceived "enemy propagandists," bloggers, journalists and online activists who dissent against the "war on terror."

As Raw Story reports, CENTCOM announced earlier this year that a team of employees would be "[engaging] bloggers who are posting inaccurate or untrue information, as well as bloggers who are posting incomplete information."

So when you're wasting your time arguing the finer points of the collapse of Building 7 or the quagmire in Iraq with someone who seems unable to grasp basic principles, your foe could well be sat behind a plush U.S. government desk in a uniform.

CENTCOM is infiltrating blogs and message boards to ensure people, "have the opportunity to read positive stories,"presumably about how Iraq is a wonderful liberated democracy and the war on terror really is about protecting Americans.

Bush's own strategy document for "winning the war on terror" identifies conspiracy theorists," meaning anyone who exposes government corruption and lies about major domestic and world events, as "terrorists recruiters," and vows to eliminate their influence in society.

In a speech given Monday, Homeland Security director Michael Chertoff identified the web as a "terror training camp," through which "disaffected people living in the United States" are developing "radical ideologies and potentially violent skills."

Chertoff has pledged to dispatch Homeland Security agents to local police departments in order to aid in the apprehension of domestic terrorists who use the Internet as a political tool.

But of course the US border will remain wide-open to 10,000 terrorist invaders every day, and US Dept of Homeland Security will continue to employ 1,000s of illegal aliens as airport screeners, to stripsearch US slaves, er, citizens. But what do you expect when Jr Bush hired an CURRENT ISRAELI CITIZEN, whose mommie was a Jewish Mossad terrorist, to direct US Dept of "Homeland Security"...

Last week, I was riding my sportbike to Deals Gap Dragon, and met 2 guys with thick German accents, but they were from Communist Lithuania. They were employed in USA by Lockheed Martin in "Missile Defense" (to layoff US employees). Cheney ordered the stand-down of the Pentagon's "missile defense" on 9/11, as testified by Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta (Lockeheed Martin) to Bushes' 911 Commission. Aliens and illegal aliens make the best slaves, since they have no interest in US history, nor any concept of citizenship or freedom.

"You can't stop the signal, 'cause I'm a pirate! Arrrg!"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation

Does that seem right to you?


Wednesday, October 18, 2006 3:04 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Personally, I'm in the LIHOP camp (let it happen on purpose). The Administration knew full well, and was warned by Clinton and the CIA that a major terrorist attack on the USA was coming soon. It didn't take a genius to realize after the embassy bombings and the Cole the only thing separating us from that was 3000 of water.... not a huge barrier to anyone who's moderately determined. Not only that, I specifically remember a WARNING being issued to Americans about the high probability of attack on Americans interests abroad, just about three weeks ahead of 9-11.

I think that SOME people in the Admin (Bush) were too stupid to think it would happen. I think others in the Administration- others much smarter than dubya (Condi, Cheney)- ignored it on purpose and kept the facts from their fearless leader.

Reality sucks. Especially when it contradicts our cherished ideas.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006 3:21 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


So when you're wasting your time arguing the finer points of the collapse of Building 7 or the quagmire in Iraq with someone who seems unable to grasp basic principles, your foe could well be sat behind a plush U.S. government desk in a uniform.

CENTCOM is infiltrating blogs and message boards to ensure people, "have the opportunity to read positive stories,"presumably about how Iraq is a wonderful liberated democracy and the war on terror really is about protecting Americans.

Do you all recall the thread where a person claiming to be a Marine interpreter posted that the Iraqis love us and wanted us to be there? I asked for details- where was he posted? Who did he work with? Who did he talk to? because I couldn't get a handle on why HIS story was so much different from the polls and from everyone else's. I got no reply. I have two possible interpretations:

The guy is genuine. But his experience with Iraq is that he worked with, bonded with, a fairly small group of committed Iraq internal security and came to identify "Iraqis" as that group of officers while "everyone else" became something else in his mind. He can't reply because his work was classified.

The OTHER intepretation which also came to mind is that the guy is a propagandist. Being in uniform would give his story the lingo, knowledge, street credibility of having actually served in Iraq.

BTW- Rue suspects another person on the board of being a propagandist.

Reality sucks. Especially when it contradicts our cherished ideas.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006 3:52 AM


I agree with signy that LIHOP is the most likely scenario. It would not happen without at least one inside guy. America's defenses are not as head in the sand as the 911 omission wants us to think.

I don't know if I buy that there are propogandists trolling the boards, if so, the world is a darker place than I think.

Auraptor works for a defense contractor, if I'm not mistaken, I think he mentioned this at one point, unless I got him confused with somoene else. Anyway, I can see why worshipping the agenda would be a profitable thing to do. It doesn't mean he was hired by the thug in chief to rant on this board, and if he was, then our tax dollars are in even more trouble than it appears.

Pirate News,

I think the open-border debate is a ploy by extremists in our govt who want to build a wall between us and mexico. I think this is a kind of soviet concept. You noticed that they have been trying to kill the air travel industry with everything they do? What about national ID?

This all leads to one simple place: They want to track where people are all of the time.

The reason for this: they don't want anyone to ever organize a real opposition to them, ever.

The new puppet is Barrack Obama, I hope everyone caught that. I was torn between Hillary/Obama and Nelson/Hillary, but now I think it's Obama/Hillary. She can be his Cheney-esque VP.

Watch the wild swing of those primary polls, and the tense elections, running mate indecisions, it's a show, the end result for the democrats has undoubtedly already been chosen. Not that the GOP is any better these days.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006 4:09 AM



Originally posted by Thundar:
Just what was Bush supposed to do in that class room? Throw up his arms and yell "To arms, To arms".

Such ridiculous BS.

He was supposed to realize that the President should show some leadership during a national emergency,
he was supposed to excuse himself to the class and organize a meeting w/emergency organizations,
he was NOT supposed to leave NYC stuggling alone.

However luckily NYC didn't need a President who was a leader,
because Mayor Rudolf Giuliani showed the entire world how a true leader handles an emergency.
With his clear thinking and 'can do' attitude he managed to organize all the rescue efforts, and emergency aide.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006 6:04 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

And what about Katrina? What was the Prez doing then?

Reality sucks. Especially when it contradicts our cherished ideas.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006 6:09 AM


in my opinion, it goes quite a bit beyond the LIHOP theory, just because there is so much information that suggests that the political benefits of 9/11(the destruction of the constitution and civil liberties, the profitability of the never ending 'war on terror', increased federal budget and authority, the political capital for discreet emperialism) have been on the drawing board for a long time; somewhat awaiting the perfect storm of events to provide the pretext for the ultra- elitists to establish their central bank controlled global governments(or 10 supranational bioregions).

if we set aside the distractions of 9/11 and Iraq, it becomes a lot more obvious that America is progressively getting worse. illegal immigration is out of control, and the elite have no intention of reforming mexico; so theyll level the playing field and keep us indepted to our endless consumer habits. our national debt alone is incomprehendable, and getting worse, because corporate globalists have supplanted our manufacturing base to use the third world as a plantation to reap endless benefits for the stockholders and CEOS; meanwhile reletive wages have remained stagnant, but mostly worsened for decades now. we've systematically been robbed is what it all equates to..

but the Federal Reserve, the CFR, the Tri-Lateral commission, the CIA, members of intelligence committees, congress, various think tanks and government contractor, wall street suits.. these people have motives to ensure the status quo, and considering the monetary system is rotten from the foundation, the motive is certainly their to broaden the scope of their monopoly. i think these interests have plotted many of these events over history, we know the gulf of tonkin was a complete lie, which led to the vietnam conflict, arguably one of the most useless bloodbaths ever; so its not as if 9.11 happened in a vacuum; its quite consistant with modern history

if you look up the so called conspiracies, you will notice that the same groups come up quite often; this is where i tend to look. i dont deny that muslims played a role, but i am not convinced that they are a greater threat then our own establishment.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006 7:03 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
And what about Katrina? What was the Prez doing then?

Who cares? It wasn't his problem.
His golf swing- now THAT'S his problem.
10% of people polled don't know thier being polled.
An additional 2% of people being polled are at a strip club.

But seriously....frak, I can't be serious about stuff like this anymore.







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