Sybil, DID, MPD, Mk-Ultra Mind Control

UPDATED: Friday, October 20, 2006 22:26
VIEWED: 2867
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Friday, October 20, 2006 10:26 PM


About two years ago, I read the book Sybil, for anyone who doesn't know, Sybil is a true story about a woman who suffered from multiple personality disorder, I can't recall at the moment how many diffrent personalities she had but it was quite a few, close to 20 I'm sure. The book was apparently made into a T.v movie starring Sally Field in the 70's I rented the movie a couple of months ago, it wasn't bad , but not as good as the book.

Little did I know when I was reading the book that it would give me great insight into how mind control works.

I bring this up because every since I started researching the Pedohile ring thats being run by our government,which actually is an international ring,that ties/feeds into government sponsered mind control programs such as Mk-Ultra.

but first a little history on MK-Ultra, it grew out of project Paper Clip, the secret importation/relocation of Nazi and Facist scientist, these brillant scientist were mostly interested in two areas, Rockets and the Mind. These scientist were placed in postions of authority in prestigious institutions, and industries including NASA, over the years these imported crimnals have influenced our society with advanced rocket technologies and mind control applications through U.S government sponsered mind control research.

getting back to Sybil.

Sybil,was abused from the time she was an infant, she suffered such terrifying and horrible abuse at the hands of her mother that it caused her mind to seperate into diffrent personalites. This is the mind/brain's way of coping with trama. It is how the mind protects itself. Diffrent aspects of sybils personality compartmentalized individually to handle diffrent things. Sybil would sometimes go a whole year where one personality would take over and her base personality, would have no knowlege of it, so she would have blank spots, in everyday life she would have blank spots where she would have no recollection of what happened to her when other personalites took over. for example. She would wake up in places and not know how she got there, she didn't know she could play the piano, because it was one of her other personalities that learned.

The mind disasosiates from the trauma inorder for the person to be able to function. Most people who have DID, MPD, have very high IQ's, as a result of having photographic memory, they can also recall things in great detail as if they are actually living and experiencing it, this is in part because of the way the Mind deals with , most traumatic experiences. The average person can recall exactly what they were doing or where they were at and how they were feeling at the time they experienced something tramatic. When the trauma happens repeatedly it heightens and develops this sense to such an acute degree at all times. People who experience trauma repeatly also have a high threshold for pain.

For this reason Children make the best subjects. Through trauma such as physical and sexual abuse sadistic and satanic abuse etc, its more easier to fracture the mind into personalites before the base personality has fully formed. Once the personalites are created they can be controlled and information can be filed away and compartmentalized with the diffrent personalities that can then be switched on an off at will if triggered.

Of course there is much ,much more to it. but having read the book Sybil it gave me a better understanding into how MPD starts and how mind how trama based mind control works.

Having read Trance Formation America, the Cathy O'Brien story she was a CIA Mind Controlled Slave and a MK-Ultra Project Monarch
Presidental model. she goes into detail of how it all came about. She was sadistically abused for the purpose of fracturing her mind into multiple personalies to be used for mind control for the government .

For reason of National Security , Cathy and her husband Mark have not been able to bring her perpatraitors to justice for their crimes against her and her daughter Kelly and many others like her.

There are a long list of names, these are just a few.

Dick Cheney
President Bush sr
Jerry Ford
Senator Robert C Byrd Of west Virgina
Saudi Prince Bandar
Colonel Micheal Aquino
Ronald Regan
Pierre Trudeau Prime Minsiter of Canada

and a ton of others

Which makes me think, If Jeff Gannon is indeed kidnapped Victim Johnny Gosch, he maynot even know he's Johnny Gosch when he is Jeff Gannon, he might not have any knowlege of that personality, he may have several personalites, its known that he's had serveral alias.

Paul Bonacci testified that Johnny Gosch was taken and given to Colonel Micheal Aquino who seems to have taken control of MK-Ultra Project Monarch in the 80's. Cathy O'Brien says that she and her daughter kelly was sujects of his during this time, and that he totally took over kelly's programing at the age 3.

Its the same names and the same people constantly coming up

Senator John Decamp of Nebraska who wrote the book the Franklin coverup, the book that helped exsposed the pedohile network in government

Said that he wanted to write another book about the Mk-Ultra mind control aspect of what was going on, he said he wanted to do this because he said people would not truly be able to understand or fully grasp what and why alot of this was happening. the Mk Ultra project Monarch is just one aspect of the Pedophile ring in our government and the international ring at large, but it feeds into the whole other freaky side of whats going on. Its just one aspect of it, but its a part of it none the less.

As far a I know and by my understanding, senator DeCamp has not yet wrote this book, and maynot write it.