Birth of the Neocon Cabal.

UPDATED: Friday, June 1, 2007 03:18
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007 12:32 AM


(Warning: Long post ahead)

This bit is clipped from
Normally ole Wayne has not much in the way of credibility any more, having gobbled down and endlessly regurgitated the "official line" on 9-11, which just makes me wince when even the people who fed it to him don't believe it a bit - however, this particular piece was worth clipping because it does not depend on Wayne's piss-poor credibility, but rather established public facts that anyone can verify themselves.

I have touched on this before concerning this little cabal of shitheads, but this is a reasonably concise explaination of it's forment and formation in the office of the late Henry "Scoop" Jackson back in the 1970s

And so, here it is.
And believe me, there's far more behind it when you throw in "A Clean Break" and PNAC, and certain AIPAC and other interconnections, and while I do not believe the case against these dimwits meets the US Constitutional standard for the charge of Treason, they do howver, in my opinion have one hell of a case for a RICO prosecution of this cabal on and within both parties, cause it IS the same basic group of people, over and over, in all of this.


May 28-29, 2007 -- Neo-con cabal born in treason in the late 1970s. Lying, massive fraud, illegal weapons smuggling, forged documents . . . all sound like a description of the lead-up to the war in Iraq. However, this same situation existed in the late 1970s. Some of the same players who got this nation into the bloody quagmire of Iraq also criminally conspired to bring down the administration of President Jimmy Carter. President Carter's indignation about the neo-cons -- their blind support for Israel, their whittling away of our Constitution, our neo-con foreign policy -- is rooted in the treason they committed against the United States during his administration. There is no statute of limitations on treason and the neo-cons should face double barrel treason charges from incidents a generation apart.

The neo-con attacks on President Carter were planned in the office of the late Democratic Senator from Washington, Henry "Scoop" Jackson. Jackson was the Joe Lieberman of his day -- more concerned about representing the interests of a defense contractor, Boeing (Lieberman represents the interests of General Dynamics), and the expansionists and military-intelligence complex of Israel (as does Lieberman), than in doing what was best for America. Jackson's treason against the United States is honored today in Britain, where the Henry Jackson Society pushes the neo-con agenda in the British Parliament and media. Jackson, his chief assistant, Richard Perle, and foreign and defense policy aides Frank Gaffney, William Kristol, Douglas Feith, and Elliott Abrams, as well as unofficial Jackson adviser Paul Wolfowitz, did everything possible to derail U.S.-Soviet detente and arms limitation treaties, including the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT II).

Jackson and Perle helped initiate sanctions against the USSR, at the expense of American farmers, with the help of Ohio Democratic Rep. Charles Vanik (the Jackson-Vanik sanctions act). Jackson's Coalition for a Democratic Majority (CDM) was the "Democratic Leadership Council" of its time. CDM worked tirelessly to damage President Carter and among its ranks were, in addition to Jackson, Texas Democratic Senator Lloyd Bentsen, Oklahoma Senator David Boren, Georgia Senator Sam Nunn, Louisiana Senator J. Bennett Johnston, Ben Wattenberg, Irving Kristol, Max Kampelman, Richard Pipes, John Roche, Samuel Huntington, and James Woolsey. In 1976, the CDM helped form the Committee on the Present Danger, reactivated in 2004 by Lieberman, Arizona Republican Senator Jon Kyl, Laurie Mylroie, Norman Podhoretz, Frank Gaffney, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Boeing, the American Enterprise Institute, and the Heritage Foundation.

The treason committed by these neo-cons against the Carter administration centered on machinations in Rome (Rome was also at the center of the later conspiracy to drive the United States into war in Iraq). Arch neo-con and foreign policy adviser to Karl Rove, Michael Ledeen, served as the Rome correspondent for The New Republic from 1975 to 1977 and a journalist for the right-wing Milan newspaper Il Giornale. In Rome, Ledeen cultivated close ties with neo-fascist groups.

Jackson's and his staffs' first documented case of treason against the United States concerned the leak to Jackson and Perle in 1978 of a Top Secret CIA report on the SALT talks by CIA nuclear weapons analyst Daniel S. Sullivan. Sullivan, believing the Soviets deceived the U.S. in the SALT talks, took it upon himself to pass Top Secret information to Jackson and his band of neo-cons. However, rather than being prosecuted, Sullivan was permitted to resign due to "insubordination" and not for illegally passing classified information to unauthorized persons. Sullivan later joined the staff of Senator Bentsen and received another Top Secret clearance as a member of Bentsen's staff.

However, the leak of the Top Secret SALT CIA document to Jackson may not have been the only leak to have taken place. In February 2005, the Everett (WA) Herald reported that five federal agents from the Departments of Defense and Energy removed several documents from the archived papers of Jackson housed at the University of Washington's Suzzallo-Allen Library. The seized documents were re-classified by the government. The retention by Jackson and his staff of top secret documents is reminiscent of the Larry Franklin-AIPAC case, in which Franklin, opposed to U.S. policy on Iran, passed a number of classified CIA documents to AIPAC and the Israeli embassy's Mossad station in Washington.

Rather than being treated as the traitor he was, Jackson is today lauded by Democrats of various political stripes. His ideological descendants are at the core of the Republican pre-emptive strike foreign policy construct.

In 1976, two years after Secretary of State Henry Kissinger threatened then-Italian Foreign Minister Aldo Moro about forming a coalition with the Communists, Jackson, on a trip to Italy, issued a similar warning to Moro. In Phillip Willan's Puppetmasters, Moro's widow recounted Kissinger's warning, which was undoubtedly echoed by Jackson: "You must abandon your policy of bringing all the political forces in your country into direct collaboration . . . or you will pay dearly for it." Moro was kidnapped for 55 days by the so-called Red Brigades, who were later found to be in the service of Italian fascists, Italian intelligence, the P-2 Masonic Lodge, a parallel SID [Italian Defense Intelligence Service], and the CIA. Some of these same elements would be behind the infamous Niger yellowcake forgeries used by the neo-cons to prove the case for war against Iraq.

The same neo-con network would transform Mehmet Ali Agca, the would-be assassin of Pope John Paul II, from a right-wing member of the Turkish Gray Wolves to a Communist in the employ of the KGB and Bulgarian intelligence. The Judith Miller-like journalist in those days who spun the story about Agca's Soviet Bloc connections was Claire Sterling, whose disinformation was quickly picked up by The Reader's Digest, New York Times, NBC News, and other mainstream media outlets. Sterling's fellow disinformation journalist was Ledeen.

Agca told a fantasy story about his orders to kill the Pope coming from a Bulgarian "control officer" and that he had also been involved in a plot to kill Polish Solidarity leader Lech Walesa, Tunisian President Habib Bourguiba, and Malta's Prime Minister Dom Mintoff. In fact, there was a plot to overthrow and possibly kill Mintoff, Allende-style, but it was being crafted by U.S. Navy intelligence in conjunction with the neo-fascist and renegade Italian intelligence elements in Rome. The U.S. Navy wanted to overthrow Mintoff to gain access to its former NATO base on the island nation off the Libyan coast. Bourguiba was not popular with the neo-cons because he allowed Yasir Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization to maintain its headquarters-in-exile in Tunis.

The Turkish Gray Wolves and the pan-Turkic National Action Party (NAP) made common cause with the neo-cons and their Israeli friends. The Wolves and the NAP considered the peoples of Soviet Central Asia to be "captive Turks." The Turkish right-wing nationalists foresaw a nuclear-armed Turkey extending from Thrace to the central Asian steppes. The anti-Soviet concordat between the Turkish right (and the Turkish intelligence agency MIT) and the neo-cons in America, Israel, and Italy would later serve as a basis for the political alliance between AIPAC and the American Turkish Council.

Ledeen operated a right-wing cell in Rome that included Francesco Pazienza, an Italian businessman linked to P-2, Italian SISMI military intelligence chief General Giuseppe Santovito, and the mafia; P-2 "Venerable Master" Licio Gelli; and Banco Ambrosiano chief Roberto Calvi (later murdered Masonic ritual-style in London on Blackfriar's Bridge). Ledeen provided a conduit between this group and Ronald Reagan's Secretary of State Alexander Haig.

In an attempt to embarrass President Carter during the 1980 presidential race, Santovito, Pazienza, and Ledeen conspired to entrap Bill Carter, the president's brother, into a business relationship with Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi. La Repubblica reported on the Italian investigation into the conspiracy:

"The scandalous material was gathered mostly by Pazienza and by his American friend Michael Ledeen . . . Pazienza availed himself of SISMI both for the use of some secret agents and for the expenses of organizing the scandalous plan. It seems that the organizers got a huge payoff for "Billygate." Moreover, Santovito and Pazienza got great advantage in return from American officials, in fact, may have been helped in other obscure affairs. The "Billygate" operation did not come from SISMI's institutionally mandated task, and for that reason Judge Sica brought charges of pursuing private interests through official activities." [Translated in Diana Johnstone, "The Ledeen Connection," In These Times, Sept. 8-14, 1982].

Rather than being charged and prosecuted for treason against the United States, Ledeen was rewarded with a consulting job for the State Department and Pentagon in the Reagan administration, a position from which he was free to continue his anti-American activities with fellow traitors from the Henry Jackson staff.

While the traitors in the Washington office of Jackson and Ledeen in Rome were conspiring against President Carter, George H. W. Bush, Carter National Security Council staffer Robert Gates, and William Casey criminally conspired with the Ayatollah Khomeini's government to keep 52 hostages held in Tehran captive in return for a shipment of weapons. A meeting between Casey, Gates, and Bush and Iranian agents was held in Paris on October 19, 1980, in what became known as the "October Surprise." The deal was worked out using the auspices of the Sun Shipyard in Chester, PA, which had a close link to the CIA since the shipyard's building of the Soviet submarine raising ship, SS Glomar Explorer, under cover provided by Howard Hughes' Summa Corporation, in 1973. As WMR has previously reported, the CIA arranged a pre-election weapons shipment, unknown to President Carter, to Iran on the SS Poet from Chester, PA to Iran. The Poet was later disposed of along with its American crew by U.S. intelligence or those in its service. And what magazine later debunked the "October Surprise" story of a Bush-Casey treasonous deal with Iran? None other than Ledeen's old employer, The New Republic.


Tuesday, May 29, 2007 7:54 AM


Crazytalk is not limited to folk with 'Pirate' names.



Tuesday, May 29, 2007 8:02 AM



Originally posted by Hero:
Crazytalk is not limited to folk with 'Pirate' names.

True enough. See if you can make any sense out of this -


Tuesday, May 29, 2007 11:38 AM


Crazytalk, eh ?

So let's talk crazy.

You sayin these goons didn't work in Scoop Jacksons Office ? didn't play naughty games with classified intel ? didn't come up with and sign onto such agendas as Clean Break and PNAC ?

All of these are firmly established, publicly verifiable facts.

And it does clearly establish an ongoing and intentional conspiracy to subvert US Govt and policy to the ends of a few rather than the will of the people - I would say the only thing crazy about it is that our continual denial of plain fact let it happen.

And since we're talking crazy...

Iraqis welcoming us with parades and thrown flowers ?
Mission Accomplished ?
Where's Osama ?
How bout them WMDs ?
Patriot Act ?
Gitmo ?

Yeah, let's talk crazy, then.

Shame on you Hero, I figured you'd enjoy the chance to roast a few dimocrats, since this particular cabal of shitheads exists on both sides of the party line, not to mention flushing them out would restore some decency and credibility to your beloved rethugs in the process.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Tuesday, May 29, 2007 11:43 AM



Originally posted by Hero:
Crazytalk is not limited to folk with 'Pirate' names.


That was an interesting way to address point for point all that you disagreed with. I think I'm coming around to your way of thinking on this...

Very persuasive...Chrisisall


Wednesday, May 30, 2007 7:14 PM



Jackson, his chief assistant, Richard Perle, and foreign and defense policy aides Frank Gaffney, William Kristol, Douglas Feith, and Elliott Abrams, as well as unofficial Jackson adviser Paul Wolfowitz, did everything possible to derail U.S.-Soviet detente and arms limitation treaties, including the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT II).

Bill Kristol makes me sick, along with these other guys constantly out there promoting these hawkish warmongering foreign policies. i fear itll be these guys again who get us into a conflict with IRan. according to the London Guardian

"President George W Bush has given the CIA approval to launch covert "black" operations to achieve regime change in Iran, intelligence sources have revealed. Mr Bush has signed an official document endorsing CIA plans for a propaganda and disinformation campaign intended to destabilise, and eventually topple, the theocratic rule of the mullahs."

this kind of stuff is exactly what Ron Paul is talking about when he makes the case that our foreign policy incites hatred, resulting in 'blowback'. surely these guys cannot be so stupid as to make the claim that pre-emptive war, and remaining on the offense, is the only way to prevent another 9/11, when its precisely this kind of interference that is cited by our enemies as their motive for retaliation! they must know that they are building a world empire by force.. and clearly the end justifies the means


Thursday, May 31, 2007 12:14 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Wayne Madsen was employed by the US National Security Agency NSA, those nice folks who declassified Pentagon's Operation Northwoods and CIA's Operation Mongoose behind their backs.


"Memorial Day. We, the American people, no longer have control over our elected officials. Republicans and Democrats have voted for war. We should give them no peace."
-Wayne Madsen

"Operation NORTHWOODS may be the most corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government. Operation Northwoods had called for nothing less than the launch of a secret campaign of TERRORISM within the United States in order to blame Castro and provoke a war with Cuba."
—James Bamford, ABC News, "Friendly Fire: U.S. Military Drafted Plans to Terrorize U.S. Cities to Provoke War With Cuba", May 1, 2001

"We could develop a Communist Cuba TERROR campaign in the Miami area, in other Flordia cities and even in Washington. The terror campaign could be pointed at Cuban refugees seeking haven in the United States. Hijacking attampts against US civil air and surface craft should be encouraged. An aircraft at Eglin AFB would be painted and numbered as an exact duplicate for a civil registered aircraft belonging to a CIA proprietary organization in the Miami area. At a designated time the duplicate would be subsituted for the actual civil aircraft and the passengers, all boarded under carefully prepared aliases. The actual registered aircraft would be converted to a drone. The drone will be transmitting on the international distress frequency "MAY DAY" message stating it is under attack by Cuban MIG aircraft. The transmission will be interrupted by the destruction of aircraft which will be triggered by radio signal."
—General Lyman Lemnitzer, Jewish Zionist chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff at Pentagon, Memo to Secretary of War Robert McNamara, Subject: Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba - Operation NORTHWOODS, March 13, 1962

ON TV TODAY - NeoCon Jewish AllCIAduh spokesman Adam Gadahn Pearlman nukes USA

Jewish Zionist ADL Masonic Mafia Israeli Mossad agent and US citizen Adam Gadahn Pearlman is indicted for treason for joining All CIA Duh and immediately becoming its official spokesman, then declaring a nuclear strike against USA on May 30 2007. "Al-Qaeda" is defined by the CIA as its database of Arabic CIA employees, and is translated in Arabic as "toilet". For some unknown reason today, all TV "news" networks "forgot" that Adam Perlman is Jewish, not Arabic, and that his father and grandfather are directors of the Jewish Anti Defamation League of Masonic B'Nai B'Rith in California, a convicted terrorist bomber organization. Jew Pearlman is the only US citizen indicted for treason since World War 2.

$1-Million reward for this AllCIAduh JEW Adam Pearlman

Is this an internal war between agencies in USA, to prosecute a CIA agent for treason, or is Perlman's indictment merely sheepdip?

And Wayne reports that Dick Cheney is on the DC Madam's callgirl list, in possession of ABC News...
Greasy NeoCon comb-licker Paul Wolfowitz lost $4.5-Trillion at Pentagon

Sir Paul Wolfowitz Jewish Knight of the British Empire

Paul Wolfowitz begins his prison sentence

"Son, you're not the first man to piss off a woman and end up stranded on the side of the road. That's why I always take my keys with me when I get out."
-Trucker, Drive


Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation

Does that seem right to you?


Thursday, May 31, 2007 3:32 AM


(Am I pissed, you bet I am, between Adam and Emo it's enough to piss off any right thinking human)
Oh don't even get me started on that Nitwit Pearlman - he's nought but a damned attention whore they allow to exist, even assist and encourage, so they can hold him up as an excuse to nazify this country.

For crying out loud if *I* know where Adam lives, so too does the Gov, and if they really wanted him, they'd have him.

Between him and "Emo Salad" (Emad Salem) we don't NEED any external terrorism, and yes, it's old Emo at the core of the "Ft Dix Six" - kinda funny how every one of these terror plots is built around a damned US Alphabet Agency informant, and I have a special pet hatred for Emo because the FBI's utter incompetence in 1993 actually *CAUSED* a terrorist bombing.

Who gave the perps a *working* bomb ?
Who gave the perps structure diagrams ?
Who gave the perps actual explosives ?

All so they'd have a bigger case, and then they completely HOSE the investigation, deliberately or by sheer incompetence, even pissing off Emo by forbidding him to sabtogate the bomb...

And Americans died for this, many more were injured - by a bomb built by the FBI and delivered to terrorists via Emad Salem.

What's next, hand em a damn live dirty bomb or suitcase nuke, or maybe some more of that Ft Deitrick Anthrax ? and of course then fumble the ball so we regular joes get hit with it ?

They need to quit encouraging or even creating terrorist acts here, cause when it comes right down to it, ANY organisation who hands a damn live bomb to terrorists and by design or incompetence allows em to blow up americans with it - IS GUILTY OF TERRORISM.

And that makes the FBI and their goddamned Agents Provokateur just as guilty as Al Qeada.



It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Thursday, May 31, 2007 3:52 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

And that makes the FBI and their goddamned Agents Provokateur just as guilty as Al Qeada.


It's talk like that that got you off Hero's Christmas card list, Frem.

His cards sucked anyway Chrisisall


Thursday, May 31, 2007 1:55 PM



FremdFirma- Oh don't even get me started on that Nitwit Pearlman - he's nought but a damned attention whore they allow to exist, even assist and encourage, so they can hold him up as an excuse to nazify this country.

For crying out loud if *I* know where Adam lives, so too does the Gov, and if they really wanted him, they'd have him.

Between him and "Emo Salad" (Emad Salem) we don't NEED any external terrorism, and yes, it's old Emo at the core of the "Ft Dix Six" - kinda funny how every one of these terror plots is built around a damned US Alphabet Agency informant, and I have a special pet hatred for Emo because the FBI's utter incompetence in 1993 actually *CAUSED* a terrorist bombing.

Who gave the perps a *working* bomb ?
Who gave the perps structure diagrams ?
Who gave the perps actual explosives ?

All so they'd have a bigger case, and then they completely HOSE the investigation, deliberately or by sheer incompetence, even pissing off Emo by forbidding him to sabtogate the bomb...

And Americans died for this, many more were injured - by a bomb built by the FBI and delivered to terrorists via Emad Salem.

What's next, hand em a damn live dirty bomb or suitcase nuke, or maybe some more of that Ft Deitrick Anthrax ? and of course then fumble the ball so we regular joes get hit with it ?

They need to quit encouraging or even creating terrorist acts here, cause when it comes right down to it, ANY organisation who hands a damn live bomb to terrorists and by design or incompetence allows em to blow up americans with it - IS GUILTY OF TERRORISM.

And that makes the FBI and their goddamned Agents Provokateur just as guilty as Al Qeada.


well put.. almost reminds me of another terrorist attack ~cough (9/11)~... that also couldnt have happened without government envolvement


Thursday, May 31, 2007 4:43 PM


America loves a winner!

I see someone is getting their $$'s worth from the " Guide to Revisionist History: 101 " class, taken at the local JUCO.


People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, May 31, 2007 6:47 PM


well, lets just be honost with ourselves and admit that the 19 suspects alone couldnt have accounted for the 'gross'(and i mean that)negligence and complicity with regards to all federal agencies. if you want me to cite somethings*, id be glad to.. but im sure youve heard it before, and youre probably not willing to consider the possibility(am i wrong?)


Friday, June 1, 2007 12:17 AM


Revisionist my ass, all of it proven fact.

You really think the shitheads who gave us MK ULTRA, COINTELPRO, Operation NORTHWOODS and Operation AJAX are suddently going to stop ?

You think the folks who planned a goddamned military COUP against our own government for their own ends (See: Smedley Butler, Business Plot) would simply go away ?

If you think even for a moment these pustulant little pissants gobbling up your tax dollars and mine to ignore their primary function and crap on us have EVER stopped - well, you're a fool.

CARNIVORE/OMNIVORE existed prior to the Patriot act in clear and blatant defiance of a Congressional Edict utterly forbidding the FBI to clone the soviet SORM-II system they were just *drooling* over and couldn't WAIT to misuse against the citizens they are supposed to be protecting.

And while the Patriot act retroactively justifies it, saving many politicians some serious embarrassment when they confront federal agencies who've gone so far off the leash that they tell Congress, their bosses and enforcers of OUR will, as the people and sovereigns, piss poor that they are - to go take a flying leap, and then what ?

Look at poor pissant spineless Conyers and the US DOJ, they broke the law they are supposed to uphold, told Conyers where to stick his subpeano... now what ?

Nothing - not a goddamn thing, because they've created monsters to defend us, and those beasts turned on us, and no one has the balls to do what it will take to put the leash on.

And as for this damned Cabal, the essence of it, and the families behind it, existed at LEAST as far back as 1898, and have been pushing this stupid little agenda of theirs for every bit of that long, and now that ignorant, blind fools mired in twisted religion and nationalism have handed them our nuts on a plate - is anyone REALLY suprised they plan to take a hammer to them ?

Puh-LEASE, what are you smoking, or is the idiotic illusion so much more comforting than the raw facts that you just can't bear to let it go.

I think the events in Katrina, what with the 82nd freakin airborne going door to door taking peoples only defense while not having any means to control the looters and gangs would have brought it clear to you by now what hell the ignorant have wrought upon us not only overseas, but here at home.

And no, I am not going to be nice about it, fuck being NICE, this is not the time or place for NICE... this is a time and place for kicking ass and taking our country back, and if Ron Paul won't do it, can't do it, or when the cabal laughs him off or cacks him, it's up to US to do it - and I have a damned low opinion of anyone who's gonna defend a fascist state against it's own people you miserable fucking quisling.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Friday, June 1, 2007 2:31 AM


America loves a winner!

The revisionism is founded in the assigning of meaning and intent to a host of different topics. The connecting of dots for things which are simply unrelated. You're giving some far too much credit and assuming they're far more intelligent than they really are. But you've got it all figured out, and those of us who are skeptical of the conspiracy nonsense are the 'duped' ones. I'm sure one day I'll know 'the truth', and I'll be lucky if that day comes before I find myself in some concentration camp ala Gitmo.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, June 1, 2007 3:06 AM


Who said anything about abject conspiracies you ninny - as long as you have shitheads with too much power and no effective oversight, they'll abuse them, and replacing those shitheads with OTHER shitheads changes not a goddamn thing, as the party shift in Congress recently shows quite clearly.

Other than the Business/Political Family Cabal, which does have existing family links back to 1898, the rest of this crap is what happens when you hand jackasses unlimited power, and it doesn't even matter which side they're on.

Do you really think I give a fuck if the Jackboots are working for "For your own good" Hillary or "Sieg-Heil!" McCain ?

This shit happens because of the situations that forment it - Enron, AOL and Tycho were not a conspiracy but simply dickheads playing on factors that allowed them to BE dickheads, just like our intelligence agencies do and always have.

The only meaning and intent is wealth and power, it's human fucking nature - and if not stopped, that road ends with us in camps slaving for the elite no matter what party or faction is holding the reins at the time, but those fuckers had just better remember...

Morlocks EAT Eloi.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Friday, June 1, 2007 3:18 AM



Originally posted by antimason:
well, lets just be honost with ourselves and admit that the 19 suspects alone couldnt have accounted for the 'gross'(and i mean that)negligence and complicity with regards to all federal agencies. if you want me to cite somethings*, id be glad to.. but im sure youve heard it before, and youre probably not willing to consider the possibility(am i wrong?)

Hmmm...there's more evidence that Bigfoot exists then there is that the US govt. was responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Yet somehow I get through the day without considering the possibility that Bigfoot exists (am i wrong?).

Then again Bigfoot's ability to hide in plain site and his known Nazi-Jewish sympathies would make him a prime suspect for both 9/11 and the murder of Princess Diana. If you want me to cite something, I'd be glad to...but I'm sure you've heard it all before.

Perhaps Bigfoot is Big Brother and the whole Loch Ness business is an elaborite ruse to cover up the secret Yeti-KGB-Queen Elizabeth plot to sell the Wall Street Journal to Rubert Murdoch...







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