And here it comes...

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 06:07
PAGE 1 of 1

Monday, October 29, 2007 8:41 PM


Foreclosure standoff ends in death.

We're gonna see more of this, as things go on - when the corporate totalarianist oligarchy backs folks deep into a corner, no matter how crushed they already are, they WILL start biting.

Sure, the jackboot vilification of this guy is par for the course (show some actual evidence of a "drug problem" or "depression" for once, coppers, and it might fly, but not when you do it to everyone who resists your jackboots) and what the hell, might even hold water, who knows...

But one thing is for sure, more and more people are feeling pushed further and further into an unescapeable corner, swingin in the breeze with utterly no options and no hope - and such people do some pretty damned extreme things when pushed back against the wall like that.

How soon before some poor sodder hung out to dry by a bank or corporation altering the contract or it's terms decides they've ruined his life and retaliates with a direct strike against their offices ?

Not very bloody long, I tell you.

Is it madness ?
Sure it is.

But it's a form of madness created when a terribly explotive legal and social system crushes someone down until they lose the one thing that prevents incidents like these.


You take THAT away, from anyone, and they'll fight like a maniac to the very last, no matter who they were to begin with.

I really do suspect we're on the brink, in that respect, so many people barely living from paycheck to paycheck, so well aware that one missed payment because the bank "forgot" (hee hee) to send a statement, one bout of even moderate illness, even car trouble, can send them into a tailspin that ends of exposure and pneumonia in a cardboard box in an alley somewhere....

So VERY well aware of it, and willing to sell their lives dear when the end of the line comes, crazy people, scared people, angry people... but people, all the same.

And all looking at the real rulers of this day and age, the robber barons of the financial and corporate world, with the same angry eyes that Mario Buda once looked at James Pierpont Morgan with, and thinking the same dark thoughts.

That frightens me, and I am not a person given to fear, but the events that will precipitate from that flow are so unimagineably horrific I am just not going to describe them here, the newtonian response to the peons revolting against their masters - who having planned well and surely for the past decade against exactly that, will likely be far worse than anything our imaginations could possibly come up with.

And the train inches ever closer...


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Tuesday, October 30, 2007 2:58 AM


America loves a winner!

Last couple of lines from the story.....


Residents noted there had been a number of foreclosures in the neighborhood lately.

But none imagined that Hahn would take his life rather than leave a home that no longer belonged to him.

"Hillary tried to get a million dollars for the Woodstock museum. I understand it was a major cultural and pharmaceutical event. I couldn't attend. I was tied up at the time." - John McCain

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Tuesday, October 30, 2007 3:23 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Last couple of lines from the story.....

I thought this was a more important line:

"Williams said Hahn was recently divorced, depressed and struggled with financial problems and drug addiction."

Nobody put a gun to this guy's head and forced him to sign his mortgage. As the matter of fact the first and only person to put a gun to anyone's head in this case was this poor fella.

There might come a time when some otherwise good folk are standing off police lawfully serving bank papers...heck that stories been around for two hundred years in this country. But this is not that story. This is just another varitation on 'crazy druggie with a gun' or maybe 'suicide by cop'.



Tuesday, October 30, 2007 6:07 AM


I might believe that, if it wasn't SOP for the police to vilify anyone who resists them in that fashion, stuff like calling 2 hunting rifles and an old revolver an "Arsenal" or someone with a dime bag of weed a "Drug Kingpin"...

Like I said, who knows, he might actually have been depressed, might actually have had a drug problem - but given the standard practice of inflated or outright bogus statements in situations like this, I'd like to see some evidence thereof before I invest any belief in it.

And I do agree with your assessment, suicide by cop, hell yes - but this dude earnestly decided that he was gonna do or die, and fully pre-meditated and prepared for that, so this wasn't just a spur of the moment thing, you see.

That is what bothers me about it, he came to the conclusion that his life was prettymuch totalled, and acted in a fashion that in a normal situation, probably would have been literally beyond his comprehension, folks do some pretty extreme things when backed into a corner like that.

And a lot of people feel that way, and I am concerned about where that might go, historically, is likely to go, cause I'd like it not to go there.

As for the rest, try buyin a car or house with cash outright these days, if it's even possible, if they'd even let you - most banks, the usual title holders, wouldn't go for it cause then they can't bend you over the sawhorse for 30 years.

There's more to that, Usury and Paper Money and "Bills of Credit".. but it has little to do with the topic at hand, other than there is endless chicanery and legal fuckery in the mortgage business, so I will not say there are not without some blame in the current situation.
(While the Gov bails them out, on OUR dime.)

Anyhow, it's not what the guy did exactly so much that bothers me, as much as why.

And where that might go, in the next few years.

Surely you understand enough psychology given what you do to understand the concept imma expressing here.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it






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