Frakkin BSG Spoilers

UPDATED: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 17:47
VIEWED: 12072
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Sunday, April 20, 2008 11:39 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Question 1: Are there any humans left in the human race?

Question 2: Or is it a Cylon Civil War, and a futile search for their extinct ancestors on Earth?

Question 3: What propaganda psyops are REALLY being run by BSG?


Dr Edward James Olmos is a (Jewish?) member of MECHA, a Mexican terrorist organization that seeks violent overthrow of USA for La Raza (The Race), and the massacre of all white males in many States of USA, to perpetrait seccession back to fascist Mexico, as required by the Nazi Plan of San Diego.

Dr Olmos has infiltraited USA for Mexico, just like Cylons have infiltrated BSG at the highest level.

Jamie Bamber a/k/a Lee "Apollo" Adama is a Jewish hero of BSG, unless he's a Cylon, of course. Then he's a Jewish Cylon hero. Revelation 9:11 in the Christian Bible names Apollo as the name of SATAN.


"Sometimes a benevolent tyrant is exactly what we need."
-Lee "Apollo" Adama, The Ties That Bind, Battlestar Galactica

"And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. This is the great dragon of chapter 12, Satan or Azazel. He has a number of names, but in each case, he is the king of all the demons, Lucifer, who became Satan."
-Revelation 9:11, King James Bible, Forerunner Commentary

The Pilgrims Progess by Paul Bunyan

In real life, Jewish NeoCons perped the treasonous false flag massacres on 9/11/2001, Israel's massacre of the USS Liberty, and so many other crimes, frauds and genocides for the past 100 years, worldwide.


"We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq."
-Israeli prime minister Netanyahu, Jewish Haaratz newspaper in Israel, 16 April 2008

Lucy Lawless, a/k/a #5 Cylon, is Xena Lesbian Warrior Princess. No babies allowed.

Then there's the superiority of reincarnated microchipped GMO cyborg clones (patented by Monsanto).

Notice how BSG heros are morphing into enemies of the human race, and Cylons are beconing saviors of the human race?

Question 4: What does this say about the "heros" of BSG?

BSG females are the "political" leaders and soldiers of the "human" race, and the Cylon race, but do not have babies (unsustainable extinction). No real nation has ever survived using female combat soldiers. No real nation has survived women not having babies. According to BSG, cloning and genetic modification is the future of the human race, and mothers kill their babies. In real life, women has a ticking biological clock, and a narrow window of opportunity to find a mate and have babies.

Question 5: What does this say about impeached lying lesbian draft-dodging Co-President Commander In Chief Billary Clinton Blythe Rockefeller (the Jewish Butcher of Bagdad who genocided 500,000 Iraqi children, Butcher of Ruby Ridge, Butcher of 80 Christians at church in Waco, Butcher of WTC in 1993, Butcher of OK City, founder of NAFTA SHAFTA)?

On a positive note, Dean Stockwell, a/k/a #1 Cylon, in real life hosted the documentary MONOPOLY MEN. This is by far his most important job, to try and help the real human race to survive the evil Jewish Federal Reserve Bank scam. You can watch it free online:

Question 6: Does Stockwell's TeeVee role as #1 Cylon destroy his credibility among the brainwashed sheeple, just in case they do see Monopoly Men?

BSG "humans" are petty, stupid, selfish, greedy, ignorant, gullible losers, subject to genocide at any moment. According to BSG, martial law is the only hope for survival (just like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse Tung and George W Bush said).

Question 7: What does this say about the future of the real human race, and USA in particular?

Then there's the whole "no radiation in space" thing that puts the BS in BSG. Even NASA now officially agrees that no humans can ever travel in space due to nuke radiation, except in Low Earth Orbit, below the protection of the Van Allen Radiation Belt force fields.

Which is a confession the Apollo "moon" missions were faked (named for SATAN).


Dr James Van Allen: "With Explorer 1, the highest rate we could observe was 2,000 counts per second. We were able to calibrate that apparatus after the fact. We did a laboratory calibration on a spare instrument using that calibration curve of 100,000 counts per second. The intense radiation saturated the counter.",9171,863443,00.html

"Space Radiation Too Deadly For Mars or Moon Missions",, March 31, 2008

Colonel Buzz Aldrin of Apollo 11 with UFOetry's Josh Poet


BTW, BSG production is outsourced from Hollywood USA, and is just another scab import.

Then there's the Jewish hatred of Christians (and everyone else), as displayed on, with Jesus (not his real name) portrayed as a female Cylon. Jews are taught that Rabbi Jesus is boiling in excrement in Hell, and that all gentiles are their slaves. BSG appears to be written and produced by Jews, as is most of "Hollywood".

BSG TV downloads:

The Last Supper of Jesus before Jewish rabbis killed the Christians

Both of these images make their artists and owners guilty of Jewish "hate crimes", subject to immediate arrest and incarceration.


Monday, April 21, 2008 2:36 AM


Its a TV show...



Monday, April 21, 2008 7:20 AM


Even funnier since the head writer on the show says he basically makes it up as he goes along. This is not Whedon folks. Whedon looks like pop culture but is deeper than it appears, BSG trys to appear deeper than it actually is.


Monday, April 21, 2008 8:12 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

PN: Seek professional help. Seriously. You are one deeply crazy dude.

BTW, you know that if you're a christian, you're actually following a Jew, right? I mean, you DO know that, right? Right?


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock


Monday, April 21, 2008 9:41 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:

Then there's the Jewish hatred of Christians (and everyone else), as displayed on, with Jesus (not his real name) portrayed as a female Cylon. Jews are taught that Rabbi Jesus is boiling in excrement in Hell, and that all gentiles are their slaves. BSG appears to be written and produced by Jews, as is most of "Hollywood".

PN, there are days when your posts make sense. This, unfortunately, is not one of them.

Evil, biped-hating Chrisisall


Monday, April 21, 2008 10:11 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

This identical thread was censored and deleted by BSG forum, which bans all Real World Discussions.

A post with only a link to this FFF forum page was also censored and deleted within 5 minutes.

That's some powerful mindkontrol.


SciFi's mission statement has always been mindkontrol.

HG and Orson Wells' War Of The World was a govt psyop, to test how gullible sheeple would believe illegal aliens from outer space were invading Earth, FOR REAL.



Sixty-four years ago this month, six million Americans became unwitting subjects in an experiment in psychological warfare.

It was the night before Halloween, 1938. At 8 p.m. CST, the Mercury Radio on the Air began broadcasting Orson Welles' radio adaptation of H. G. Wells' War of the Worlds. As is now well known, the story was presented as if it were breaking news, with bulletins so realistic that an estimated one million people believed the world was actually under attack by Martians. Of that number, thousands succumbed to outright panic, not waiting to hear Welles' explanation at the end of the program that it had all been a Halloween prank, but fleeing into the night to escape the alien invaders.

Later, psychologist Hadley Cantril conducted a study of the effects of the broadcast and published his findings in a book, The Invasion from Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic. This study explored the power of broadcast media, particularly as it relates to the suggestibility of human beings under the influence of fear. Cantril was affiliated with Princeton University's Radio Research Project, which was funded in 1937 by the Rockefeller Foundation. Also affiliated with the Project was Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member and Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) executive Frank Stanton, whose network had broadcast the program. Stanton would later go on to head the news division of CBS, and in time would become president of the network, as well as chairman of the board of the RAND Corporation, the influential think tank which has done groundbreaking research on, among other things, mass brainwashing.

Two years later, with Rockefeller Foundation money, Cantril established the Office of Public Opinion Research (OPOR), also at Princeton. Among the studies conducted by the OPOR was an analysis of the effectiveness of "psycho-political operations" (propaganda, in plain English) of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the forerunner of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Then, during World War II, Cantril÷and Rockefeller money÷assisted CFR member and CBS reporter Edward R. Murrow in setting up the Princeton Listening Center, the purpose of which was to study Nazi radio propaganda with the object of applying Nazi techniques to OSS propaganda. Out of this project came a new government agency, the Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service (FBIS). The FBIS eventually became the United States Information Agency (USIA), which is the propaganda arm of the National Security Council.

Thus, by the end of the 1940s, the basic research had been done and the propaganda apparatus of the national security state had been set up--just in time for the Dawn of Television ...

Experiments conducted by researcher Herbert Krugman reveal that, when a person watches television, brain activity switches from the left to the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere is the seat of logical thought. Here, information is broken down into its component parts and critically analyzed. The right brain, however, treats incoming data uncritically, processing information in wholes, leading to emotional, rather than logical, responses. The shift from left to right brain activity also causes the release of endorphins, the body's own natural opiates--thus, it is possible to become physically addicted to watching television, a hypothesis borne out by numerous studies which have shown that very few people are able to kick the television habit.

Church of SciFi's pope Tom Cruise acted in the latest version of War of the Worlds, coerced under massive monkontrol by that Satanic cult.


"Perhaps we need some outside universal threat. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish, if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world."
-President Ronald Reagan

"But, I've often wondered what if all of us in the world discovered that we were threatened by an outer--a power from another planet. Wouldn't we all of a sudden find that we didn't have any differences between us at all, we were all human beings, citizens of the world and wouldn't we come together to fight that particular threat?"
-President Ronald Reagan, May 5th, 1988

"Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops
entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government."
-Sir Heinz "Henry" Kissinger Jewish Knight of the British Empire, NASA NAZI Operation Paperclip, treasonous Communist Soviet spy, indicted warcriminal, Bush Jr's 1st choice as 9/11 Commission Coverup

"For governments determined to maintain their authority, extra-terrestrial contact is pure dynamite."
-Jew Michael Eisner, who paid hmself a $200-Million/year salary as CEO of Disney/ABC News

HG Wells has written non-fiction books like The New World Order, calling for mass mindkontrol, and genocide of all Earthlings who resist the NWO takeover of planet Earth.


"It is the system of nationalist individualism that has to go. We are living in the end of the sovereign states. In the great struggle to evoke a Westernized World Socialism, contemporary governments may vanish. Countless people...will hate the new world order, and will die protesting against it. This new and complete Revolution we contemplate can be defined in a very few words. It is (a) outright world-socialism, scientifically planned and directed, plus (b) a sustained insistence upon law, law based on a fuller, more jealously conceived restatement of the personal Rights of Man, plus (c) the completest freedom of speech, criticism, and publication, and a sedulous expansion of the educational organization to the ever growing demands of the new order. Putting it at its compactest, it is the triangle of Socialism, Law, and Knowledge which frames the Revolution that may yet save the world. The crisis [the Great Depression] discovered a great man in Franklin Roosevelt. None too soon he has carried America forward to the second stage of democratic realization. His New Deal involves such collective controls of the national business that it would be absurd to call it anything but socialism, were it not for a prejudice lingering on from the old individualist days against that word...Both Roosevelt and Stalin were attempting to produce a huge, modern, scientifically organized, socialist state, the one out of a warning crisis and the other out of a chaos. Armament should be an illegality everywhere, and some sort of international force should patrol a treaty-bound world. Partial armament is one of those absurdities dear to moderate-minded 'reasonable' men. Armament itself is making war. Making a gun, pointing a gun, and firing it are all acts of the same order. It should be illegal to construct anywhere upon earth any mechanism for the specific purpose of killing men. When you see a gun it is reasonable to ask: 'Whom is that intended to kill? Directly we grasp this not very obscure truth that there can be, and are, different sorts of money dependent on the economic usages or system in operation, which are not really interchangeable, then it becomes plain that a collectivist world order, whose fundamental law is such a Declaration of Rights as we have sketched, will have to carry on its main, its primary operations at least with a new world money, a specially contrived money, differing in its nature from any sort of money conventions that have hitherto served human needs. It will be issued against the total purchaseable output of the community in return for the workers' services to the community."
-H.G. Wells, The New World Order, 1939

"This World Youth movement claims to represent and affect the politico-social activities of a grand total of forty million adherents - under the age of thirty. It may play an important and increasing role in the consolidation of a new world order."
-H.G. Wells, The Fate of Man, 1939

"If most of the divisions and barriers of the period of the sovereign states had disappeared, if there were no longer castles, fortifications, boundaries and strategic lines to be traced, there were still many indications that the world was under control and still not quite sure of its own good behaviour. The carefully planned system of aerodromes to prevent any untoward developments of the free private flying that had been tolerated after 2040 was such an indication, and so was the strategic import plainly underlying the needlessly wide main roads that left no possible region of insurrection inaccessable. From the air or on a map it was manifest that the world was still 'governed'. The road system was like a net cast over a dangerous beast."
-H.G. Wells, The Shape of Things to Come, 1936

"A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors and schoolteachers. The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth."
-Aldous Huxley, Brave New World, foreword to 1946 edition (his brother ran UNESCO for United Nations Corporation)

Billionaire Steven Spielberg attends Bilderberg and Pentagon briefings, following his orders to sell SciFi aliens and killer comets.

It's insane to believe BSG is not a govt psyop.


Monday, April 21, 2008 10:21 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:

HG and Orson Wells' War Of The World was a govt psyop, to test how gullible sheeple would believe illegal aliens from outer space were invading Earth, FOR REAL.

While I'll admit to studies on that phenomena being done by the government for future propaganda purposes, the idea that it was a planned thing is utter nonsense; no one in government has ever been that creative.

Time for your meds now, dude.

(OOOPS! Mine too!!! Gotta keep my mind-reading in check- lest I go mad!))



Monday, April 21, 2008 10:36 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:
This identical thread was censored and deleted by BSG forum, which bans all Real World Discussions.

A post with only a link to this forum page was censored and deleted within 5 minutes.

Well, they probably read it, laughed their collective asses off, then decided that you were a fracking moron, and deleted it.

I only wish we had the same option here.

Actually, I have saved a copy of your original post and will use it whenever anyone wants a definition of 'cazytalk'.

Clearly I'll need to talk to the folks I have spying on you to have them slip some meds into your Special K.



Monday, April 21, 2008 11:01 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
PN, there are days when your posts make sense.

There are?

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Monday, April 21, 2008 11:27 AM


Question 8: Does this post confirm that PN is a nut case or a case of nuts?

Question 9: Where did I leave my sunglasses?

Question 10: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Question 11: What is a woodchuck anyway?

Question 12: And if we aren’t sure if a woodchuck could chuck wood, why do we care how much wood a woodchuck could chuck?

Question 13: There’s a fly on my ceiling.

Question 14: How exactly does one chuck wood?

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Monday, April 21, 2008 12:02 PM


Wow, dude, you are really frakking crazy.

I feel sorry for you. How miserable it must be to live in such deep paranoia.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, April 21, 2008 4:24 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by piratenews:
This identical thread was censored and deleted by BSG forum, which bans all Real World Discussions.

A post with only a link to this forum page was censored and deleted within 5 minutes.

Well, they probably read it, laughed their collective asses off, then decided that you were a fracking moron, and deleted it.

I only wish we had the same option here.

Actually, I have saved a copy of your original post and will use it whenever anyone wants a definition of 'cazytalk'.

Clearly I'll need to talk to the folks I have spying on you to have them slip some meds into your Special K.


Okay, now for the REAL crazytalk:

I agree with Hero!

Okay, you can all pick your jaws up off the floor... Even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Oh, and can I have some meds, too? ;)


Monday, April 21, 2008 4:43 PM


You've gone off the deep end this time boy.

I'm seriously worried for you. You keep going on like this, either men in white coats are going to be knocking at your door..... or something worse may happen.

And that would be Control..... with a C.





Monday, April 21, 2008 5:24 PM



Originally posted by piratenews:


"Gott kann dich nicht vor mir beschuetzen, weil ich nicht boese bin."


Monday, April 21, 2008 5:27 PM


I've liked Olmost since Bladerunner but he lost my favor when he said in english in an interview that pertaining to BSG that its time that a Hispanic enter space. Like their is racism up there. He forgot all about the first known Space Hispanic Pt Vasquez in Alien 2. Ok it was played by a jew Jenette Goldstein. With a trailor trash first name like that who really cares. Its like this the Irish make whiskey, Blacks make fried chicken, I-talians make pizza, chics make babies, and the juws make money. So whats the problem. I don't go to an ice cream parlor for vanilla man I get the rocky road with hot fudge with sprinkles. Because I can. lol Mr PC

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 12:38 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

The replies so far prove my thesis that the idiotbox is an effective lobotomy of the sheeple. Frakkin BS-G. Opiate overdose for the masses.

Watching BS-G is like watching Lost. You can feel the mindkontrol leading you down the Pied Piper's path to apathy. BS-G's subliminable Mission Statement: "You're powerless to prevent the invasion and overthrow of USA, so just get used to it. Frak U."

R U smarter than a governor?


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision."
-Hero, RWED

Kiddie porn ring by Congressman Barney Frank and convicted GOP bank robber Larry King

"There's a report out tonight that 24-years ago I was apprehended in Kennebunkport, Maine, for a DUI. That's an accurate story. I'm not proud of that. I oftentimes said that years ago I made some mistakes. I occasionally drank too much and I did on that night. I was pulled over. I admitted to the policeman that I had been drinking. I paid a fine. And I regret that it happened. But it did. I've learned my lesson."
—Governor George Bush Jr, CNN Larry King Live, November 2, 2000

Barbara Bush got her handsome looks from her father Aleister Crowley The Beast 666

"The Oath of Fealty I bind my blood in Satan's hands, All this that lieth betwixt my hands To thee, the Beast, and thy control, I pledge me; body, mind, and soul. Pledge I swear to work my Work abhorred, Careless of all but one reward, The pleasure of the Devil our Lord."
-Aleister "The Beast 666" Crowley 33° Grand Inspector General Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and Frater Superior Baphomet XI°, SATANIC EXTRACTS

"But the bloody sacrifice, though more dangerous, is more efficacious; and for nearly all purposes human sacrifice is the best. For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim."
-Aleister Crowley, MAGICK in Theory and Practice

Governors Bush and Governor Bill Clinton-Blythe Rockefeller performing "mock" human sacrifice to 50-foot tall idol of Molech/Lucifer/Satan at Jewish Bohemian Grove homosexual nudist compound. That's a "live" human body burning as it screams in agony over the loudspeakers. Photo copyright Bohemian Club Corporation annual yearbook (snuff kiddie porn at Bohemian Grove)

Illegal alien N-word-screaming Nazi drug addict Bohemian Grove member Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger with his dork hanging out the cover of a gay porn mag:

"I kicked myself when it initially happened that the light didn't go off but I was so shocked that this thing had even taken place that I apologize for not being more aware. When I finally did watch Loose Change, I went through every emotion you could imagine, from laughing, crying, getting sick to my stomach, to the whole emotional thing. To me questions haven't been answered and are not being answered about 9/11. Two planes struck two buildings....but how is it that a third building fell 5 hours later? How could this building just implode into its own footprint 5 hours later - that's my first question - the 9/11 Commission didn't even devote one page to that in their big volume of investigation. How could those buildings fall at the speed of gravity - if you put a stopwatch on them both of those World Trade Center buildings were on the ground in ten seconds - how can that be? If you took a billiard ball and dropped it from the height of the World Trade Center in a vacuum it would hit the ground in 9.3 seconds and if you took that same billiard ball and dropped it 10 stories at a time and merely stopped it and started it it would take 30 seconds - if you dropped it every floor of the World Trade Center to the ground, simply stopping and starting it on gravity it would take over 100 seconds to reach the ground. Jet fuel is four fifths kerosene - which is not a hot burning fuel - and they wanted us to believe it melted these steel structured girders and caused these buildings to pancake collapse to the ground. I was on the site within two weeks after it happened and I saw none of these pancakes - wouldn't they all be piled up in a huge mass on the ground and yet everything was blown into dust - when you look at it from that aspect none of it makes any sense. Never before in the annuls of history has a fire caused a steel structure building to fall to the ground like these two did. Upon looking at the film in super-slow motion and the way the buildings fell and comparing that to the way that they do like a controlled demolition of a hotel in Las Vegas, they both fell identical. I did watch the film of Building 7 going down and in my opinion there's no doubt that that building was brought down with demolition. When I was watching Loose Change with a friend of mine - he happens to work for a company that helps build the Boeing airplanes and they said that when the engines completely disappeared and were destroyed, his response was, excuse my French - bullshit! I turned to him and said why and he said because they're made of titanium steel - they can't disintegrate. We don't want to lose our country, after all it's still our country and until they put us down we have the power."
-Governor Jesse Ventura, Navy SEAL bomber, Alex Jones Radio show, April 2, 2008

Loose Change

"Remember the 2nd Amendment with the right to bear arms? That's not done for hunting or fishing, Our forfathers put that right in there so that we have the ability to rise up if our country becomes oppressive."
-Governor Jesse Ventura, Navy SEAL bomber, author of Don't Start the Revolution without Me, Colbert Report, April 7, 2008

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, heh heh heh, just so long as I'm the dictator, heh heh heh."
—Governor George Bush Jr, November 2000

"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power."
-Benito Mussolini

Benito Mussolini, Fascist dictator, touring Italy with his mistress

I predict Hero will be one of the first to be lynched.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 5:04 AM


PN, buy yourself some aluminum foil, and wear it on your head like all the other crazy people. Don’t you know it protects you from mindcontroling BSG rays and keeps casseroles warm.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 5:33 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:
Watching BS-G is like watching Lost. You can feel the mindkontrol leading you down the Pied Piper's path to apathy.

So what?



Tuesday, April 22, 2008 6:32 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.




gasp! Thanks to you both I now have coffee-washed nostrils and a VERY clean monitor! Keyboard's a little sticky, tho!

Let's party like it's 1929.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 7:03 AM


You know, it LOOKS like English, and yet... I can't figure out what the frak he's saying.

Kinda like River Tam's ramblings. Or the cylon hybrid's. Only PN makes LESS sense.

"Can you, for a moment, imagine how depressing it is to teach one thousand years of masculine ineptitude? Why do you think there are so few women historians? I'll tell you why. Because history is not such a frolic for women as it is for men... History is a commentary on the various and continuing incapabilities of men. History is women following behind with a bucket and a mop." - Alan Bennett, "The History Boys"


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 8:01 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by piratenews:
Watching BS-G is like watching Lost. You can feel the mindkontrol leading you down the Pied Piper's path to apathy.

So what?


Now that's funny!

Amazingly, the BSG mindkontrol is so effective that it even works on those who don't watch BSG - like me. Never seen a single episode, at least not of the modern one. I used to watch the original BSG on ABC back when I was a helluva lot younger. Y'know... before Lorne Greene (Jew?)put the aging mindkontrol into effect on me...


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 8:03 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by PirateCat:
I've liked Olmost since Bladerunner but he lost my favor when he said in english in an interview that pertaining to BSG that its time that a Hispanic enter space. Like their is racism up there. He forgot all about the first known Space Hispanic Pt Vasquez in Alien 2. Ok it was played by a jew Jenette Goldstein. With a trailor trash first name like that who really cares. Its like this the Irish make whiskey, Blacks make fried chicken, I-talians make pizza, chics make babies, and the juws make money. So whats the problem. I don't go to an ice cream parlor for vanilla man I get the rocky road with hot fudge with sprinkles. Because I can. lol Mr PC

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".

Jeebus Cripes! They're BREEDING!! Or is it more like inbreeding? Did anyone else hear banjo music while reading PC's post?


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 1:32 PM


I am just the last of the free thinkers around here.

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 3:36 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by PirateCat:
I've liked Olmost since Bladerunner but he lost my favor when he said in english in an interview that pertaining to BSG that its time that a Hispanic enter space. Like their is racism up there. He forgot all about the first known Space Hispanic Pt Vasquez in Alien 2. Ok it was played by a jew Jenette Goldstein. With a trailor trash first name like that who really cares. Its like this the Irish make whiskey, Blacks make fried chicken, I-talians make pizza, chics make babies, and the juws make money. So whats the problem. I don't go to an ice cream parlor for vanilla man I get the rocky road with hot fudge with sprinkles. Because I can. lol Mr PC

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".

Jeebus Cripes! They're BREEDING!! Or is it more like inbreeding? Did anyone else hear banjo music while reading PC's post?


I think if you would put down your own banjo for a minute and actually read PC's post you would see that it has an intelligent and effective use of irony. I really enjoy PC's posts, I find them intelligent and insightful.

Your response to PC reminded me more of the sound of a squealing pig than banjo music.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 3:50 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

I don't know what to say. It looks like english but reads like gibberish.

It's sad to watch a mind disintegrate on-line.

"Global warming - it's not just a fact, it's a choice."


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 5:47 PM


ROTFLMAO! That's what I said!

Great minds, and all that!

"Can you, for a moment, imagine how depressing it is to teach one thousand years of masculine ineptitude? Why do you think there are so few women historians? I'll tell you why. Because history is not such a frolic for women as it is for men... History is a commentary on the various and continuing incapabilities of men. History is women following behind with a bucket and a mop." - Alan Bennett, "The History Boys"


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 5:47 PM


Damn! Double post.






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