Interesting contrast.

UPDATED: Monday, September 1, 2008 10:36
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Monday, September 1, 2008 8:38 AM


You know, at the DNC, they played hands-off on the protestors, and in the end had only a few easily managed issues which were quickly resolved, right ?

Now, the RNC, via combination of illegal spying and planted agents provocateur, has been launching an active assault on protestors and even potentials who initially had no intent to bother, and it's seriously pissing folk off, especially when the provocateurs plant "evidence" to retroactively "justify" bullshit warrants based on illegally obtained information in the first place.

I don't suppose they quite understand just how MUCH that damages their cause, especially raiding the gun club who's "protest" march was actually going to be in support of them, but sure as hell isn't now.

Half the problems they're sending the fucking jackboots in to solve, were created by their own agents in the first fucking place, and it really sets a precedent of identifying the party with this kind of behavior - a *substantive* detriment when they appear to be a bunch of scared little weenies seeing "terrorists" under every rock, around every corner, and willing to destroy all to ease their pathetic little fears.

Like it or not, that IS how they're coming across to moderates and centrist conservatives, and their own actions are blowing back on them far in excess of what any protest activity could cause.

Can't even blame that one on Shrub and wash their hands - the poison has infected the whole party, and likewise contaminated public opinion of it.

That being said, and as an aside...

THIS is why you use a proper screening process, and actual information security.

The days when you could trust the Gov not to plant agents, tap your phone and otherwise invade your privacy at whim and damn the law ?

They NEVER existed, and when dealing with a Gov gone so rogue that they don't even *pretend* to respect the rule of law, it's plain flat out-and-out idiotic to assume that they aren't going to violate it willy-nilly when they're already arresting people pre-emptively for suspicion that they MIGHT commit a crime.

Thanks a lot ya morons, you just stated to the whole country - "This is how it's gonna be forever if you vote Republican" - saved us ANY effort of actually trying to protest too, cause we got better things needing doin right now.

Oh yeah, just in case the blindingly fucking obvious needs to be stated outright - information security works BOTH ways, and if ya can't pin down or even FIND less than half a dozen people who have no real intentions to do much but laugh at you, how the hell would you ever catch a real terrorist ?

Did ya learn NOTHING from our tape recordings of Delta Force deliberately provoking shit at the WTO in seattle ?

A surveillence society works both ways, assholes.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Monday, September 1, 2008 10:36 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Something about jarheads says KILL KILL KILL.


Welcome Wagon raids RNC protestors

Today's Star Tribune added that the raids were specifically "aided by informants planted in protest groups." Back in May, Marcy Wheeler presciently noted that the Minneapolis Joint Terrorist Task Force -- an inter-agency group of federal, state and local law enforcement led by the FBI -- was actively recruiting Minneapolis residents to serve as plants, to infiltrate "vegan groups" and other left-wing activist groups and report back to the Task Force about what they were doing. There seems to be little doubt that it was this domestic spying by the Federal Government that led to the excessive and truly despicable home assaults by the police yesterday.

Video has also emerged from the scene over the weekend revealing that journalists were also detained.

How many cops are infiltraiting Saint Paul's rival RNC Convention in St Paul?

Join Ron Paul's GOP Convention in St Paul Minnisota today,8599,1837680,00.html?xid=rss-topsto






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