More of the Same

UPDATED: Thursday, September 18, 2008 20:57
VIEWED: 1030
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Monday, September 15, 2008 6:18 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.

Funny that the "Maverick" would select someone who acts exactly like the GWB Administration in the face of an potentially incriminating investigation....

I think McCain and his people thought that she was a good seletion. But I hope the warts and scars on this bitch (her personal imagery not mine) become apparent enough to American voters who view her as some sort of exciting new blood reformer instead of an outright idiot.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008 9:37 AM



Originally posted by Veteran:
Funny that the "Maverick" would select someone who acts exactly like the GWB Administration in the face of an potentially incriminating investigation....

Yeah, it sure would be nice if they'd say:

"I wont be defending myself against a potentially incriminating investigation."

Doesn't make much legal sense...which is exactly what folks would be saying if she did fail to defend herself.

This one goes right up there with:

"Sure, here's your public records request...unedited, and I included some other documents you didn't ask for, but which I think you'll enjoy. Have a nice day."

"...and here is the exact location and deployment of our troops as well as weakpoints in the perimiter defenses..."

"I don't see why we can't share those launch codes with everyone..."

"Change we can believe in."

"We just wanted to let you know that we've tapped your phone line as part of a national security investigation. If you wish to have a conversation without it being recorded, you'll need to..."

"Sir, as young, Middle Eastern male, with a suspicious package, one way ticket, and whose name is flagged double red on this 'do not fly' list...there is no need to search you, you can just bypass the security checkpoint."



Tuesday, September 16, 2008 10:11 AM


Don't squat with your spurs on.


I get the gist of your response though most of your examples are a little over the top.

You're the only actual Prosecuting Attorney I know. How do you respond to professionally when someone disreards your supoenas? Isn't there an obligation to appear for questioning when subpoenaed? Isn't Palin's willful failure to respond to the supoena obstruction of justice?


Tuesday, September 16, 2008 10:11 AM


Karl Rove is a genius. He is the common denominator to the White House, Press Corp, McCain Campaign, and Fox News. He is the most powerful man in politics and government today. This weekend Rove stated that the McCain/Palin campaign is just as bad as the Obama/Biden campaign as far as negative attack ads. MSNBC and CNN took the bait. The truth is Fox (under orders from Rove) started the ad wars during Obama's trip to Europe when Obama's poll numbers over thier came back way higher than thier heads of state! Rove has been squarely in control of the escalation and orchestrating a brilliant campaign of targeting the less educated, the angry, and the fearfull. So Karl has CNN and MSNBC happy about reporting McCain and Obama campaigns being as bad as each other. He's a frickken political Hannibal Lechter!

Just like last time...or...more of the same. Rove is painting his masterpiece. He won't be able to top this one, but maybe it's better if McCain wins this time. Whomever get's in office is gonna be justifying a lack of ability to heal the economy in 2012.

A little pessimism isn't out of scope the way things are these days!


Tuesday, September 16, 2008 3:20 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Veteran:

I get the gist of your response though most of your examples are a little over the top.

You're the only actual Prosecuting Attorney I know. How do you respond to professionally when someone disreards your supoenas? Isn't there an obligation to appear for questioning when subpoenaed? Isn't Palin's willful failure to respond to the supoena obstruction of justice?

I was thinking the same thing.

Tell us all, Hero - what do you, as a prosecutor, usually think when an investigation is stonewalled? Does it typically lead you to think that there must be nothing to hide?


This world is a comedy for those who think, and a tragedy for those who feel.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008 9:04 PM


Mikey, he ain't gonna tell you if he can help it, but fact of the matter is that SOP for someone who laughs off a subpeano is to file a contempt of court charge and a bench warrant, then send either a pair of two man cruisers (low threat) or the friggin tac-team (high threat) and drag their ass back in irons, more or less.

This is what has pissed me off a great deal during this administrations, the whole dual system of standards... one for us peons, and one for the lords.

Now, depending on the political status of a person, say... a member of congress, one major problem rests with who does and does not have the authority to arrest them, since by virtue of their position they have certain immunities.

Thing is, the United States Capitol Police *DO* have that authority if the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee requires and authorises it, which is the primary reason I've had my boot in Conyers ass for such a long time.

What SHOULD happen is that Conyers call the committee to order and then motion that they move to enforce the subpeano and force a vote on it - at which point anyone voting against it shows their true colors and can be referred to the ethics committee on the grounds of refusal to perform their duty for political advantage.

Once the measure has been approved, and barring any compelling reason not to do so it should be, as it is simply testimony and while under oath, everyone is entitled to their rights under the fifth amendment - you don't have to SAY a damn thing, you can just sit there and glare at them, if you like, but you DO have to show up.

Ergo there's no logical reason other than pure contempt to refuse, which is why you cite them for it during this process.

Anyhow, once approved, the chairman then so informs the US Capitol Police, who then go get them, by force if necessary, in accordance with the law and their own procedure, and they can chose to testify, remain silent, or simply chose to answer questions or not at whim, which is their right.

Once that is done, then the matter of contempt is dealt with, usually no more than a fine (for THEM, for us, it might include up to 30 days in the slammer) and possibly a referral to the ethics committee of house or senate depending on which the member of congress is from.

But if you're NOT a member of congress, under the law you're just an ordinary schmuck like the rest of us (in theory) and SOP is to simply issue a bench warrant and contempt citation if you do not appear to testify within a reasonable time, which for most judges, is within 15 minutes of the set time or less, barring extenuating circumstances and informing the judge of this fact.
(having a car accident en route, for example.)

Refusing to appear isn't a measure of something to hide or not, but it is open defiance of the law and for us "peons" is handled as such...

Every day those subpeanos go ignored and unenforced, is just one more bit of absolute proof that "and justice for all" is indeed the base and blatant fiction I have considered it to be since 1978.

Unless the law is applied equally to everyone, it has utterly no value save as a tool of oppression and discrimination, which it prettymuch is, and this is just more proof of that plain and simple fact.

And he sure as shit ain't gonna ADMIT that given that he makes his cushy living off a rigged system playing a fixed game against dimwits who swallowed all the bullshit about fair trials, and actually expect innocence to protect them, oh hell no.

Related Linkage
United States Capitol Police

About the Judiciary Committee

(And this JUST to piss him off, as the bane of his existance is a properly operating Jury)
Fully Informed Jury Association


Mayor: Evidence? That's not how our court system works.

Aang: Then how can I prove my innocence?

Mayor: Simple — I say what happened, then you say what happened, and then I decide who's right.
That's why we call it "justice," because it's just us.


Thursday, September 18, 2008 6:12 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.


Fremdfirma wrote:
Tuesday, September 16, 2008 21:04

This is what has pissed me off a great deal during this administrations, the whole dual system of standards... one for us peons, and one for the lords.

Mayor: Evidence? That's not how our court system works.

Aang: Then how can I prove my innocence?

Mayor: Simple — I say what happened, then you say what happened, and then I decide who's right.
That's why we call it "justice," because it's just us....

Pretty much sums it up.

Where's the dialouge from? aside from the names it's almost something I'd excpect from Judge Roy Bean.


Thursday, September 18, 2008 8:57 PM


Supposedly it's from something called "Avatar The Last Airbender".

Never seen it, though it sounds anime-ish just by the title.

I lifted the quote initially from this page.







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