Twelve Years of the DMCA, Pirate News kicks DMCA a$$ in court

UPDATED: Thursday, March 11, 2010 13:55
VIEWED: 1106
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Thursday, March 11, 2010 6:27 AM


And not a whit of good of it.

The EFF has posted a rather clear, concise, yet brutal excoriation of just how useless and counterproductive the DMCA has been from it's very inception, which is quite relevant what with the powers that be trying to end run our legislative process with the even more horrific ACTA treaty.

Good stuff, and in short, clear english instead of legalese doubletalk.



Thursday, March 11, 2010 8:24 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

I won my trial today vs DMCA BS, in the CTV Board of Knox County Tennessee. Took about 2 hours, pro se, "judged" (controlled) by a copyright lawyer.

Now I'm back on TV, and the CTV Producer contracts will be re-written to comply with the constitutions and laws.

The ban for alleged violation of DMCA was a pretext for illegal political retaliation for broadcast of the parody/satire cartoon, NeoCons Gone Wild. This secret complaint was not shown to the CTV Board by the manager of CTV, until I entered it into evidence today. I just got the secret complaint 2 days ago.


"Are you aware that at 1:00am Saturday morning your station was showing a cartoon which showed animated US presidents having sex, Dick Cheney wearing a Nazi arm band, severe cursing, naked women...basically an animated porn! I am very upset with this program choice. I have contacted Comcast to make them aware. I am certain that I was on your station because I have a DVR and was in such shock I rewound it for my husband. Immediately after this obscene program, a normal shot of the sunsphere appeared! What is going on at your station!!! Please protect our community from such filth in the future!!!!"
-Jennifer Atkins, email contact to CTV of Knoxville, 31 January 2009 1:46am (first viewed 9 March 2010 at CTV office)

"After my conversation with you on Saturday about the pornographic cartoon you aired, I have reread your producers manual and the FCC's laws and know that this should not have been allowed. You mentioned that these types of programs have moved to Youtube..well, the trailer to "Neocons gone wild" is on Youtube...check it out to see what you are allowing the community of Knoxville to be exposed to...Youtube won't even allow the full video."
-Jennifer Atkins, email contact to CTV of Knoxville, 31 January 2009 3:54pm (first viewed 9 March 2010 at CTV office)

"I was shocked at the general dismissal of my complaint. So, I have decided to go ahead and send the burned DVD of your programming to the FCC along with the complaint already sent. I am also going to tell every parent I know to parent block your station...I teach so I know A LOT of parents. The minister at Central Baptist of Bearden, Central Baptist of Fountain City, Grace, Cooksbury, and Cedar Springs will also be warned to not allow children access to your station. They may not act on the information that I give them, but I feel that the community needs to know the danger your station puts our children in."
-Jennifer Atkins, email contact to CTV of Knoxville, 31 January 2009 3:54pm (first viewed 9 March 2010 at CTV office)

"I am 100% for protecting our amazing constitution and bill of rights, but my duty as a mother and teacher in this community are also important. If [Knox County district attorney] Randy Nichols is the perso nto talk to, maybe I should send hi ma copy as well. I also feel that your auction sponsors would be very interested in seeing the program. I feel certain that family businesses such as the Blount Mansion and Oak Ridge museum would find this cartoon as disturbing as I did."
-Jennifer Atkins, email contact to CTV of Knoxville, 31 January 2009 3:55pm (first viewed 9 March 2010 at CTV office)

The law is very clear that no censorship is allowed for such a cartoon. In fact. Comcast shows full-frontal human nudity during primetime on normal channels, not counting their dozens of porn channels.

But the Powers That Wanna Be threatened/extorted CTV to ban me, or risk losing its $800,000/year govt contract/grant. Not even CTV Board knew how much that grant was, and demanded copies of that CTV P&L spreadsheet. Obviously somebody is stealing/embezzling most of that money...

Pirate News TV Banned!

Obama Coronation by Pirate News TV

National radio host Jack Blood was fired for merely taking advertising from NeoCons Gone Wild.


Thursday, March 11, 2010 8:56 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

What a country!

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Thursday, March 11, 2010 9:35 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

What a country and what a shame people like PN are allowed on the air. Sorry, but "freedom of speech" SHOULD come with responsibility and restraint, two words of which he doesn't know the meaning, and while I stand up for free-speech rights, with some people like he and the KKK, it's damned tough to do so!

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Thursday, March 11, 2010 9:42 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

Ignore him! Channel your sparkling intellect elsewhere, otherwise it's just wasted!

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Thursday, March 11, 2010 9:50 AM


im actually glad PN gets on the air.

demonstrates how robust the FA is.


Thursday, March 11, 2010 1:45 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Niki2:

...with some people like he and the KKK, it's damned tough to do so!

That's how I won, by citing Title 42 Section 1983 of US Code, Deprivation of Civil Rights, otherwise known as the KKK Act.

And by threatening their embezzlement of most of the $850,000 annual grant from the taxslaves for CTV's 501c3 tax-exempt corporation.

Heck, it's Profit & Loss statement included $70,000 in "vehicle expenses". But its only got about 6 employees, and no more than one has a company car. It even downsized its TV studio to half its former size. All its new TV studio equipment cost no more than $100,000.

Funny how the unpaid CTV Board members were shocked at the cost of that grant -- where did all that money go, each year?

As for The Law and Facts, that obviously went right over their heads, in one ear and out the other, judging by their questions at the end. Only the lawyer in charge of the board meeting knew what was going on, and he's probably helping loot that loot, since his name was one on of the letters banning me, requiring billable hours at up to $450/hour.

Imagine a couple of Church Ladies having to sit through 1 hour of pure PirateNews rant on govt pedophilia and sodomite politicians, that their fav mayor was GW Bush's gay lover! The Humanity!

The Church Ladies' vote to put me back on TV was UNANIMOUS. Maybe they liked the porn?


Thursday, March 11, 2010 1:55 PM


PN, you are an evil, crazy bastard and I fear that someday you may attempt to slither through my computer and choke the kosher out of me: but thank you very much for vindicating the FA and standing up to the loathsome DMCA. you're on the side of the angels on this one.






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