One of the things that concerns me about the new legislators is that they seem TOO new to running the government, as in too naive as to the results of th..."/>


Debt ceiling

UPDATED: Sunday, December 12, 2010 09:05
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Sunday, December 12, 2010 8:10 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

One of the things that concerns me about the new legislators is that they seem TOO new to running the government, as in too naive as to the results of their "policies", yet determination to IMPLEMENT thse policies to the point of no compromise whatsoever. I heard Rand Paul arguing against raising the debt ceiling--something nobody wants, but most rational people realize is necessary. I think we can lower the debt over time (which of course will be harder with the tax cuts for the rich), but to say we need to live "within our means" suddenly seems particularly stupid to me.

The repercussions would be immediate, and harmful to the country in my opinion.

Paul wants us to immediately start living on "what we earn"; Currently our government is taking-in $2.4 trillion per year in revenue, he asks why can’t we simply have $2.4 trillion worth of government, instead of $4 trillion? He doesn't seem to understand the implications of doing so suddenly. At the same time, he wants the tax cuts for the rich to be made PERMANENT, which seems to fly in the face of lessening the debt...I think he's naive and determined to force his naivete on all of us. The repercussions of doing what he wants are horrendous:

– Government Shutdown: The budgetary implications of failing to increase the debt ceiling would result in “the immediate cessation of more than 40 percent of all federal government activities (excluding only interest payments on the national debt), including Social Security, military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, homeland security, Medicare, and unemployment insurance.”

– Default on the National Debt: During the previous GOP-induced debt ceiling crises in 1995-96, the Treasury Department used extraordinary measures to avoid defaulting on the national debt. Deutsche Bank analysts believe that those same measures would be less effective today and the government would “not be able to stave off a government shutdown (or possible suspension of bond payments) for long.”

– Worldwide Financial Panic: “Refusing to raise the debt ceiling would recklessly disrupt the sale and purchase of new Treasury bonds, and could potentially cause a run on outstanding Treasurys as well, as investors sought other investments. This could have catastrophic consequences for our economy as well as the economic stability of the rest of the world.”

– Economic Catastrophe: Suddenly pulling trillions of dollars in public spending out of the economy, as well as inducing a worldwide financial panic and a run on U.S. sovereign debt would “almost certainly result in a severe drop in economic growth and employment” and could potentially “take us into a Second Great Depression.”

– Actually Increase Long-Term Deficits and Debt: By undermining the credit worthiness of U.S. government, annual borrowing costs would skyrocket. A mere doubling of the current rate the government pays for a 10-year Treasury note would nearly double the cost of annual interest payments on the national debt to approximately $600 billion—increasing long-term deficits and fueling even more high-cost borrowing. If investors begin pricing a “fear premium” into U.S. debt, costs could be driven even higher.

I'm concerned that these guys...many of them unfamiliar with the ramification of legislating federally...are going to cause even more problems than the existing "Party of No", and their stated intention of NO compromise on everything (which, tho' the Repubs HAVE stalled, hasn't been universal) would/will mean a worsening of the situation, not an improvement.

It was the same reason I was against Obama from the start, thinking they would roll right over him (which they have done) because he wasn't savvy enough on federal politics.

I know shutting down the government is something the Repubs were willing to do before, but it did them no good and only harmed the American people, and will again. I realize that fact carries no weight with them, only gaining power does, but it seems to me these guys can make the situation even worse. Ergo:

...this vote would pose an early purity test for newly-elected tea party-backed members of Congress. With Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour also saying today that a government shutdown is “very likely”, given the GOP won control of the House of Representatives. It appears that the GOP is more interested in fealty to its tea party base than in seriously governing the country — even if that means risking an almost unprecedented economic calamity and needlessly inflicting untold harm on the nation’s prospects for a return to long-term prosperity.

I agree. I fear we may all be made to pay for the new legislators' "purity".

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Sunday, December 12, 2010 8:39 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Yanno, maybe people need to wake up to the consequences of their own personal stupidity. There are greedy bastards who know EXACTLY what is likely to come of such a decision, and it will benefit them. And then there are the people who are stupid enough to go along with it.

Many people who call themselves "independent" are not so much independent as they are inconsistent. Studies have shown that "independents" more often than not take internally contradictory positions depending on how a question is framed. That's why they can want government services without taxes and without debt. And they're so tired of politics as usual that they're willing to try something untested and extreme.

This is beyond idiocy, but what are you going to do?


Sunday, December 12, 2010 9:05 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


they're so tired of politics as usual that they're willing to try something untested and extreme.
Kind of why the Republicans had their "landslide" recently?

And yes, it's beyond idiocy, but there will be those even here who think it's a good idea...wait and see. Has long blown my mind how American voters will happily vote against their own interests when someone brainwashes them with buzz words and speeches that "sound good". "Personal stupidity" is right on the money.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off






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