Al Qaeda cupcakes?

UPDATED: Sunday, June 5, 2011 02:10
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Saturday, June 4, 2011 3:09 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Gawd, I loved this one when I heard about it! If nobody else has put it up:

The cyber-warfare operation was launched by MI6 and GCHQ in an attempt to disrupt efforts by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsular to recruit “lone-wolf” terrorists with a new English-language magazine, the Daily Telegraph understands.

When followers tried to download the 67-page colour magazine, instead of instructions about how to “Make a bomb in the Kitchen of your Mom” by “The AQ Chef” they were greeted with garbled computer code.

The code, which had been inserted into the original magazine by the British intelligence hackers, was actually a web page of recipes for “The Best Cupcakes in America” published by the Ellen DeGeneres chat show.

Written by Dulcy Israel and produced by Main Street Cupcakes in Hudson, Ohio, it said “the little cupcake is big again” adding: “Self-contained and satisfying, it summons memories of childhood even as it's updated for today’s sweet-toothed hipsters.”

It included a recipe for the Mojito Cupcake – “made of white rum cake and draped in vanilla buttercream”- and the Rocky Road Cupcake – “warning: sugar rush ahead!”

By contrast, the original magazine featured a recipe showing how to make a lethal pipe bomb using sugar, match heads and a miniature lightbulb, attached to a timer.

The cyber attack also removed articles by Osama bin Laden, his deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri and a piece called “What to expect in Jihad.”

British and US intelligence planned separate attacks after learning that the magazine was about to be issued in June last year.

They have both developed a variety of cyber-weapons such as computer viruses, to use against both enemy states and terrorists.

A Pentagon operation, backed by Gen Keith Alexander, the head of US Cyber Command, was blocked by the CIA which argued that it would expose sources and methods and disrupt an important source of intelligence, according to a report in America.

However the Daily Telegraph understands an operation was launched from Britain instead.

Al-Qaeda was able to reissue the magazine two weeks later and has gone on to produce four further editions but one source said British intelligence was continuing to target online outlets publishing the magazine because it is viewed as such a powerful propaganda tool.

The magazine is produced by the radical preacher Anwar al-Awlaki, one of the leaders of AQAP who has lived in Britain and the US, and his associate Samir Khan from North Carolina.

Oh, I say, well DONE! (golf clap)


Saturday, June 4, 2011 6:49 PM


And we pay billions to the alphabet boys for THIS ?

Actually I have a better pastry story, involving human nature and cookies.

See, my buddy Rev was out in Kosovo, during the peacekeeping operation there, and after an incident with KBR serving his unit such awful "food" that the Germans took pity on him and dragged him to THEIR mess hall, we had a long discussion about how the sharing of food is such a basic human thing that it tends to override politics and theology and get right down to the very roots of human-to-human contact, an irrevocable gesture of trust and compassion.

Which led to the boast that *my* chocolate chip cookies could prolly stop a firefight, and we had a laugh, and then decided to put the matter to the test - I express-shipped him several large batches of them, and he crammed some Albanian language, since he was closest in proximity to them, in order to allow the minimum of communication such an exchange would require.

The local Albanians were somewhat touched, and especially amused by at the very least his (really awful!) attempts to communicate with them in their own language, and of course the concept of "here, have a cookie" crosses ALL language barriers, much less culture, politics and ideology.

Now, part of the mission of the folks he was assigned to was finding and disposing of leftover minefields, arms caches and the like - but the Albanians didn't trust us, and many would not come forward for fear of being accused of something, even though many of THEM wanted those things gone since they were dangerous, especially if they'd been laying around for a long while, so what to do ?

Soon enough, some of them started slipping in the locations of old, dangerous caches in idle conversation with "the cookie guy" cause he was just a grunt like them and unlikely to have then dragged off somewhere and waterboarded - and then Rev passed the info discreetly to the right people, who went and secured, then disposed of, those caches, much to the relief of the local Albanians worrying about tripping over unstable ordinance.

All because of some cookies - I think in this case we mighta done better just sending Al Qaeda the damn cupcake recipes, if not the friggin cupcakes themselves, cheap at the price, and for a fact food costs less than high-explosives, which is worth a thought if you're gonna bomb someone - you might consider WHAT you're gonna bomb them with, ehe ?

Oh, and just in case one might dispute it, we CAN, and HAVE used this concept, to far better effect than torturing people, the case of Abu Jandal being a prime example.

After Waterboarding: How to Make Terrorists Talk?,9171,1901491,00.html

The most successful interrogation of an Al-Qaeda operative by U.S. officials required no sleep deprivation, no slapping or "walling" and no waterboarding. All it took to soften up Abu Jandal, who had been closer to Osama bin Laden than any other terrorist ever captured, was a handful of sugar-free cookies.

Simple human kindness trumps merciless violence - not once, not a few times, but EVERY single friggin time.
Which is why, in the end of all things, folks like me *will* win out, as inevitable as the tide coming in.

Never underestimate the power of pastry.


PS. Here's some pictures from that period of events, including the germans idea of lunch, and one of the caches as well as the crater left by its destruction.


Sunday, June 5, 2011 2:10 AM


America loves a winner!

Mmmm... cup cakes.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "






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