CISPA: Worse Than SOPA

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 2, 2012 16:17
VIEWED: 1425
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Monday, April 30, 2012 4:31 AM


The military/industrial/intelligence complex tends to get a little annoyed when we deviate from their plans. They also get REALLY OBVIOUS. I guess they wanted SOPA to pass pretty badly, so they basically reworked it, souped it up, and forced CISPA through the House as fast as they could.

I don't think they're even TRYING to conceal their intentions here anymore. Certainly they're not hiding behind the flimsy excuse of online piracy this time.


The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) is a United States proposed law introduced on November 30, 2011 by U.S. Representative Michael Rogers (R-MI) and 111 co-sponsors. It was passed in the House of Representatives on April 26, 2012.

The bill would allow the voluntary sharing of attack and threat information between the U.S. government and security cleared technology and manufacturing companies in an attempt to ensure the security of networks against patterns of attack.

The bill also includes measures about protection against "theft or misappropriation of private or government information, intellectual property, or personally identifiable information." But of course it's not SOPA, oh no.

Obama's threatening to veto it, but if he does that might mean they'll just try to sneak in more SOPA/CISPA nonsense as runners in entirely unrelated bills. Or it might be yet another political build-up move to another awful destructive stupid compromise. Seems to be what our president is good at. :/

BTW, you might not want to sign any online petitions for these ones.


Monday, April 30, 2012 5:08 AM


We're watching these developments in the UK, Bytemite, and believe me, we're just as nervous. Given how apparently easy it is for the US government to extradite UK citizens, we've every right to be nervous.

And if one more person trots out that tired old saw 'nothing to hide, nothing to fear', I will bop them smartly on the head. There is everything to fear from any government that doesn't understand the difference between a desire for privacy and having something to hide.

As a purely precautionary measure (yeah, yeah, colour me paranoid, but can you blame me?), I note that I do not intend to disappear at any time in the near future.

Also: Hi, Echelon! It's me! :)

Good luck, US citizens. As far as I can see, you're gonna need it. Watch your six.


Monday, April 30, 2012 5:14 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Hi Mouse, never met you before. My sympathies on our damned government sticking it's dirty fingers in other countries ("too"!). I'm pissed; I hope it doesn't pass the Senate. Luckily a LOT of the idiocy our Republican-majority Congress dreams up gets killed in the Senate, but some of it gets through, and this might be just the kind of thing that does.



Monday, April 30, 2012 5:57 AM



We're watching these developments in the UK, Bytemite, and believe me, we're just as nervous. Given how apparently easy it is for the US government to extradite UK citizens, we've every right to be nervous.

Imperialism and international groups/business with money can pretty much bend the ear of any government on Earth. What would those governments do, not play ball? That's a death sentence (see any nation that has refused to sign regional Free Trade Agreements - instant hostility from people pushing the agreements, if not immediate declarations of war). So they sacrifice a few citizens and whistleblowers to placate the beast and keep it's attention elsewhere.

I'm not sure it's the US gov't specifically, though I know from the point of view from the outside it probably does look like the US is holding the reigns. But the US itself is being controlled, these bills hurt our own citizens as much as they threaten foreign sovereignty elsewhere.


And if one more person trots out that tired old saw 'nothing to hide, nothing to fear', I will bop them smartly on the head. There is everything to fear from any government that doesn't understand the difference between a desire for privacy and having something to hide.

You've got it. We already detain people just for having suspected involvement in crime, whether or not it pans out that they actually WERE involved. If innocent people can be arrested or even deported or extradited, how far exactly do we want civil rights to erode in general, both during imprisonment and outside? The amount of abuse perpetuated against people who are detained then subsequently released is already staggering. Who exactly are they really trying to give security to if they're willing to do all this to average citizens? Nothing to hide is no longer a safe argument. The only motion that's right is to oppose these laws with our every effort and get them struck down.


Wednesday, May 2, 2012 4:17 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Ew, this again?

I assume you're my pal until you let me know otherwise.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya.






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