Paul Ryan: From 'It boy' to calamity

UPDATED: Monday, August 20, 2012 09:37
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Monday, August 20, 2012 8:12 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Like many others, I'm tickled by the pick of Ryan. Also tickled that his choice hasn't produced the "serious discussion" it was heralded as bringing. Enjoying all the skeletons being dragged out of his closet. Hopeful of seeing a REAL debate eventually contrasting his and Romney's "all for the rich" policies and his love affair of Rand's theology. Enjoyed the fact that the pick of Ryan only bought the Romney campaign a 1% jump in the polls, which I'm guessing is already on the way to disappearing as Americans learn more and more about him.

Personally, aside from upcoming debates, I don't see "serious dicussion" being possible in this campign. There hasn't been much of one from either side--or in the primaries--thus far, and I think the tenor of this year's election has already beens set as one that focuses more on personal attacks and distractions than actual substance. The Repubs, EVERY damned time they are asked about anything, seem to have only one response: "Yes, but Obama..." They keep saying they want to bring it back to jobs and the economy, but THEY'RE quite happy to talk about silly things (like Biden's "chains" remark) rather than say anything substantive about how they'd do things BETTER (and putting out a horrendous "plan"). I view the choice of Ryan as being nothing more than doubling down on Romney's policies even harder than Romney himself has, while not doing much to inspire Americans' trust or confidence.

The American people should sue Washington's chattering class for whiplash. Just a few days ago, when Paul Ryan was selected by Mitt Romney to be his running mate, there was a burst of media euphoria. The nomination was a game changer. Ryan was an ideas guy. He would elevate what to date had been a lackluster campaign. He had killer abs.

But within 48 hours, the so-called "narrative" had changed. The narrative is not actual facts. It is how those facts look after they've been run through the political spin cycle. Thanks to modern technology, the whole process of spinning narratives that once took weeks, now happens in the blinking of an eye. Twitter, in its manic frenzy, hopped up on bite-size bits of emotion-filled social interaction, condenses months into hours, news cycles into moments, but without any of the perspective that time or thought brings.

Within a few ticks of the clock of Ryan bounding down the gangplank of the USS Wisconsin, he went from "It boy" to calamity. Comments about his hair and his missing necktie were so rapidly and extensively commented upon that they had become clichés before they could be written about in the next morning's paper. Saturday, he was a bold stroke. By Tuesday, Ryan was a potential liability. Old people were sure to hate him.

What had promised to be the beginning of a long overdue debate about "big ideas" was now seen, often by the same commentators who were upbeat days earlier, as a trigger for more hopelessly divisive bickering.

Meanwhile, seemingly cooler heads sniffed that this wasn't much of a story in the first place. After all, this was all about a vice presidential nomination. John Nance Garner's quip about the vice presidency not being worth "a bucket of warm spit" was dusted off as it is every four years, this time with a little more seeming relevance since Garner was, back in 1932, the last sitting House member to "ascend" to veepdom. Ezra Klein, writing for The Washington Post, suggested it was likely the pick didn't "much matter at all," asserting "that's usually what happens with vice presidential picks."

So, let's take a step back now that we have the Olympian perspective half a week offers. Does the pick matter? Could it? How?

First, the conventional wisdom that vice presidential picks don't matter is just wrong. For more than half a century, vice presidents and vice presidential nominees have had a huge impact. Dwight Eisenhower's vice president, Richard Nixon, became president. John F. Kennedy's vice president, Lyndon Johnson, became president. One of Nixon's vice presidents, Spiro Agnew, was at the center of a scandal. His next one, Gerald Ford, became president.

Jimmy Carter elevated the vice presidency into a real position of policy-partnership, giving Walter Mondale an unprecedented role, which led him to be the Democratic presidential nominee in 1984. Reagan's vice president, George H.W. Bush, became president. Bill Clinton's vice president, Al Gore, was a true policy partner, won the popular vote in the 2000 presidential election and later picked up a Nobel Prize.

George W. Bush's vice president, Dick Cheney, was the most powerful vice president in history. Joe Biden is both a policy partner and, as his "back in chains" gaffe showed, he is still a headline grabber. And even losing nominees for the office, from Lloyd Bentsen to Jack Kemp to Joe Lieberman to John Edwards and Sarah Palin, have had a lasting impact.

Thus, even if Ryan were not one of the leaders of perhaps the single most influential new political movement in America in the past decade, the tea party-aligned deficit hawks of "the New Right," he, as a vice presidential pick, would immediately vault to the forefront of U.S. politics.

Already his budget plan is one of the defining documents of that movement, and thrust him to the forefront of it. Naturally, this makes him a lightning rod for criticism from Democrats -- even though in the past, Democratic budget experts such as Ron Wyden and Erskine Bowles praised his command of the numbers -- but could also be the trigger for a debate that Democrats, if they believe in their principles, should welcome.

In the end, as appealing as substantive debate is, it's not enough. Because debate that is not followed by the cooperation required for action is wasted. That is why we must hope that both sides see the possibilities for turning this vice presidential pick, like him or not, into a catalyst for the change in the character of our politics that our times require.

Fat chance of THAT, if things keep going the way they are.


Monday, August 20, 2012 9:20 AM


I pine for those carefree and glorious days of yore when picking dolts who were dull, un-known, and non-controversial as Republican VP candidates was so simple.


Monday, August 20, 2012 9:37 AM


Since picking Ryan Romney has raised over ten million dollars including millions in small contributions and first time contributions. This represents the previously silent (for Romney at least) Tea Party fundraising.

Also Romney has gone from being down 5-7pts in Wisconsin to being up 5-7pts. Races have also narrowed in Michigan, Florida, and Ohio. While nationally Romney maintains his 47-48% poll, Obama during this time is now polling 44-45% instead of being dead even.


Hero...must be right on all of this. ALL of the rest of us are wrong. Chrisisall, 2012






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