Pedophile rabbis kill more babies in bloodsucking ritual

UPDATED: Saturday, May 11, 2013 12:24
VIEWED: 3408
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Saturday, May 11, 2013 12:24 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City

. Since 2000 13 known cases of herpes have been contracted from the religious practice

. Two deaths and two babies suffering brain damage have resulted

. Department of health warns there being no safe way to perform the ritual that dates back more than 5,000 years

By Nina Golgowski
London Daily Mail
6 April 2013

JOO YORK -- Two more infants have been infected with a deadly herpes virus in the last three months after undergoing a controversial religious oral circumcision in New York City.

The latest cases bring the count to 13 infants since 2000, two of which suffered brain damage and two died from the virus which can rapidly spread throughout its body.

The ultra-Orthodox Jewish practice of metzitzah b'peh requires a practitioner to orally suck the baby's penis to 'cleanse' the open wound following its circumcision, making them susceptible to the virus.

The department of health says one of the latest infants to contract the virus developed a fever and a lesion on its scrotum, seven days after the procedure. The boy later tested positive for HSV-1. That virus differs from HSV-2, the genital herpes, which is contracted during sexual intercourse.

'A herpes infection in a newborn baby has the risk of leading to severe illness and death,' Jay Varma, deputy commissioner for disease control at the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene told ABC News.

'The reason is that the baby doesn't have the same fully developed immune system as an adult. Instead of staying in the genital area, it extends throughout different organs in the body,' he explained.

He said it's too soon to tell whether the boys will suffer permanent effects.

The identify of the rabbi who performed the circumcision is being withheld by the boys' parents, preventing the health department to step in, they said.

The religious practice that dates back to more than 5,000 years defies warning by the city's department of health which says there is no safe way to perform the oral suction on an open wound.

More modern Jewish practices use a sterile aspiration device to clean the wound or a pipette opposed to the oral sucking.

But some rabbis stand grounded behind the practice, calling it a religious freedom while noting its long history.

In September the department voted to require parents to sign forms consenting to the risks of the practice after the death of two children who contracted the virus through the practice.

The parents of those newly infected boys are said to have not signed those forms.

According to Rabbi David Zwiebel, executive vice president of the Orthodox Jewish organization Agudath Israel of America, two-thirds of boys born in New York City's Hasidic communities are circumcised in the oral suction matter.

The health department claims they've had complaints in past by parents who say they weren't made aware that the oral practice would be performed on their child.


SERIOUSLY!!!! WHAT THE F.-.-.K????!?!???? How is this legal ANYWHERE?
- Mr Soap , Bathroom, 08/4/2013 12:48

This has to be one of the most DISGUSTING and warped things I have ever heard of.
- Grumpy 0ld Man , Leeds, United Kingdom, 08/4/2013 12:35

That's disgusting! It should be classed as sexual abuse and stopped.
- goldenghosty, zenon, Christmas Island, 5/4/2013 19:27

Sick, sick, sick! This is the 21st Century, not 3000 BC in the Middle East!
- Rod, London, United Kingdom, 5/4/2013 19:29

Surely this isn't right, if it was not part of a religious ceromony those men would be arrested, deeply worrying.
- stumpy50, Bristol, United Kingdom, 5/4/2013 20:14

So I can't drink a giant sugary soda in NYC but I can sexually assault an infant and claim a religious exemption? smh
- rebeca, groves texas USA, 5/4/2013 22:21

"Where's the media"... Sometimes, it truly pays to have a controlling interest in the main stream media. If you're looking for the truth you can forget about nearly all media outlets.
- JCDNPI , San Diego, United States, 08/4/2013 19:20

Nice old rabbi explains why he must suck the peter of little joo babies:

Rabbi kisses G_d's chosen peter:






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